EXSC 351 tophat questions

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Which of the following statements about abilities is FALSE? A. abilities are crucial for performing motor skills at a high level, whereas practice is less important. b. Natural athletes typically have many abilities that are relevant to many motor skills. c. Individuals often combine different abilities to achieve high levels of motor skill performance. d. We have limited ability to accurately measure psychological and psychomotor abilities.


Which of the following statements about factors that can cause performance plateaus is TRUE? a. Learner-based factors, such as poor motivation, can cause performance plateaus. b. Task-based factors, such as poor communication, can cause performance plateaus. c. Instructor-based factors, such as breaking old habits, can cause performance plateaus. d. Performance factors, such as or fatigue, can cause performance plateaus.


Which of the following statements about hypotheses on transfer of learning is TRUE? a. The Specificity of Learning Hypothesis emphasizes that greater transfer will occur when environmental features are highly similar. b. The Information Processing Hypothesis emphasizes that greater transfer will occur when movement features are highly similar. c. The Identical Elements Hypothesis emphasizes that greater transfer will occur when cognitive demands are highly similar. d. The Motor-Cognitive Hypothesis emphases that greater transfer will occur when tactics and strategies are highly similar.


Which of the following statements about the Inverted-U Principle is TRUE? a. Too much or too little arousal can lead to decreases in motor performance. b. High arousal helps motor performance on both simple and complex tasks. c. All motor skills require similar levels of arousal for optimal performance. d. Low arousal facilitates motor performance in both experts and novices.


Which of the following statements about the procedures for developing measures is FALSE? a. Developing standardized instructions requires trial-and-error testing. b. Establishing accuracy and reliability is important and difficult. c. Developing high-quality measures often requires trial-and-error testing. d. Establishing validity is important and difficult.


Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. Skill refers to stereotyped movements initiated by sensory stimulation. b Motor skills refer to voluntary movements used to achieve task goals. c Coordination refers to patterning of body and limb movements. d Ability refers to the general capacity to perform motor skills.


Which of the following is NOT a feature of motor learning? a. Persistent improvements following a period of no practice b. Increased variability following a period of no practice c. Increased stability in novel environments or contexts d. Increased adaptability in novel environments or contexts


Which of the following is an example of bilateral transfer? a. Exercising your uninjured leg in physical therapy to help improve the strength of your injured leg. b. Learning how to write with your non-dominant hand while your dominant arm is in a cast. c. Learning how to perform a backhand tennis swing after learning how to perform a forehand tennis swing. d. Learning how to shoot a basketball with your dominant hand after learning how to shoot with both hands.


Which of the following statements about attention is FALSE? a. Attention can involve conscious (explicit) allocation of resources. b. Attention allocates resources to information with large processing demands. c. Attention is a neural process that allocates resources to specific information. d. Attention can involve subconscious (implicit) allocation of resources.


Which of the following statements about classification of motor skills is TRUE? a. Open skills are often performed outdoors and closed skills are often performed indoors. b. Closed skills are generally performed in a stable, predictable environment. c. Open skills are generally initiated when performers decide to start moving. d. Closed skills are generally initiated when performers respond to external stimuli.


Which of the following statements about features of quality research studies is FALSE? a. Blinding is used to conceal the identity of interventions from subjects, instructors, evaluators, and statisticians. b. Inclusion criteria are used to identify subjects who might negatively influence the results of research studies. c. Randomization is used to prevent biased allocation of certain subjects to a particular intervention. d. Experimental and control interventions should be carefully matched for repetitions, duration, and intensity.


Which of the following statements about laboratory reaction time tasks is FALSE? a. In discrimination reaction time tasks, each stimulus is paired with one response. b. In choice reaction time tasks, each stimulus is paired with one response. c. Reaction times increase as the number of stimuli and responses increase. d. Simple reaction times tests result in responses with the fastest reaction times.


Which of the following statements about measures of motor skill performance is TRUE? a. Production measures assess the result of performing motor skills and are commonly used to set goals for motor learning. b. Kinematic measures of body, limb or joint movement are often used to measure production of motor skills. c. Electromyography (EMG) is often used to assess outcomes of motor skill performance by examining electrical activity of muscles. d. Kinetic measures examine outcomes of motor skill performance by quantifying relative forces and torques made by the body, limb or joints.


Which of the following statements about reaction times is FALSE? a. Reaction time is the sum of premotor time and motor time. b. Reaction time is the sum of premotor time and movement time. c. Reaction times are used to measure information processing speed. d. Response time is the sum of reaction time and movement time.


A diver wants to try competitive gymnastics. What type of transfer might be MOST expected? a. Positive transfer because her ability to perform flips in diving will help her perform flips in gymnastics. b. Negative transfer because flips are similar in gymnastics but landing is different in gymnastics. c. Both positive and negative transfer because flips are similar but landing is different in gymnastics. d. Neutral transfer because her experience diving has nothing in common with gymnastics.


Which of the following statements about error measures is TRUE? a. Constant Error measures accuracy of motor skills by quantifying the average size of performance errors regardless of direction. b. Absolute Error measures accuracy of motor skills by quantifying the average size and direction of performance errors. c. Variable Error measures consistency of motor skills by quantifying variability of performance errors. d. Constant Error, Variable Error and Absolute Error are independent measures of motor skill performance.


Which of the following statements about evidence-based practice is FALSE? a. Evidence-based practice used evidence from research studies to determine "best practices". b. Evidence from research studies on motor learning is used by practitioners in many fields. c. Quality of evidence does not depend on the type of research design that studies implement. d. Most studies of motor learning use randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to test efficacy of interventions.


Which of the following statements about laboratory reaction time tasks is FALSE? a. Laboratory reaction time tasks are poor at predicting information processing during real-world activities. b. Laboratory reaction time tasks often fail to assess the effects of anticipation on real-world activities. c. Laboratory reaction time tasks can add or remove stimuli without significantly altering reaction times. d. Laboratory reaction time tasks often fail to assess continuous processing of multiple stimuli and responses.


Which of the following statements about memory is TRUE? a. Motor skills linked to emotional events, such as the actions used to escape a dangerous situation, are permanently stored in semantic memory. b. How we perform sequences of movements, such as the movements used to play a musical instrument, are permanently stored in episodic memory. c. Information that is briefly used to perform motor tasks, such as remembering an address while typing it into a GPS, is temporarily stored in working memory. d. Facts and concepts related to motor skills, such as tactics and knowledge on teammates and opposing players, are permanently stored in procedural memory.


Which of the following statements about motor learning is FALSE? a. Motor learning is relatively permanent. b. Motor learning results from practice or experience. c. Motor learning is observable and measurable. d. Motor learning is inferred from performance.


Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. Motor control examines how the body and brain interact to plan, initiate, and execute motor skills. b. Declining motor performance with aging can seriously impact quality of life in older individuals. c. Mind-body connection assumes that body movements do not strongly influence the mind. d. Motor learning examines how the mind and brain interact to acquiring and refine motor skills


Which of the following statements about abilities is TRUE? a. Physical abilities refer to anatomical and physiological attributes that influence motor skills, such as motivation. b. Psychological abilities refer to behavioral and emotional attributes that influence motor skills, such as strength and power. c. Psychophysical abilities refer to sensory and perceptual attributes that influence motor skills, such as height and weight. d. Psychomotor abilities refer to perceptual and cognitive attributes that influence motor skills, such as decision making.


Which of the following statements about attention is FALSE? a. Deception involves manipulation of selective attention to create inattentional blindness. b. Spatial and temporal attention work together to focus attention on relevant information. c. Anticipation shifts selective attention to relevant information at the right place and time. d. Inattentional blindness is used to allocate resources to large amounts of information.


Which of the following statements about information processing is TRUE? a. When faced with an abundance of information, humans tend to process information in an increasingly parallel manner. b. When faced with an abundance of information, humans tend to process information in an increasingly continuous manner. c. When faced with an abundance of information, humans tend to process information in an increasingly rigid manner. d. When faced with an abundance of information, humans tend to process information in an increasingly serial manner.


Which of the following statements about measurement of motor skills is FALSE? a. Measurement of motor skills is often used in sports, performing arts and health care. b. Measurement of motor skills is often valuable for identifying strengths and weaknesses. c. Measurement of motor skills often provides valuable information for instructors and learners. d. Measurement of motor skills is often used to compare beginner and elite athletes.


Which of the following statements about measurement of real-world information processing is FALSE? a. Gaze tracking measures eye movements that are used to gather information during real-world tasks. b. Visual occlusion is used to measure information processing during real-world tasks. c. Reactive agility measures reaction times within a context that mimics real-world performance. d. Trail making tests are typically used to predict walking speed in real-world environments.


Which of the following statements about motor learning is FALSE? a. Persistent improvements and increased consistency are associated with motor learning. b. Stability of performance is characterized by motor skills that are resistant to disruption. c. Adaptability of performance is characterized by modifications to motor skills. d. Motor skills typically display persistent improvements before increased consistency.


Which of the following statements about performance plateaus is TRUE? a. A "logarithmic effect" occurs when a skill is learned quickly, leaving little room for further improvement. b. A "floor effect" occurs when a skill is learned quickly, leaving little room for further improvement. c. An "exponential effect" occurs when a skill is learned quickly, leaving little room for further improvement. d. A "ceiling effect" occurs when a skill is learned quickly, leaving little room for further improvement.


Which of the following statements about quality of evidence is FALSE? a. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that implement blinding provide strong evidence. b. Quasi-experimental studies (QESs) with appropriate control interventions provide fair evidence. c. Quasi-experimental studies (QESs) with nonequivalent control interventions provide weak evidence. d. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that do not include blinding provide strong evidence.


Which of the following statements regarding transfer of learning is FALSE? a. Positive transfer occurs when a previous motor skill has few differences but many similarities that facilitate learning of a new motor skill. b. Negative transfer occurs when a previous motor skill has similarities and differences that impede learning a new motor skill. c. Neutral transfer occurs when a previous motor skill has no similarities or differences that influence learning of a new motor skill. d. Bimanual transfer occurs when a motor skill that was previously performed with one hand is subsequently performed with both hands.


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