Extra Credit - GENED Assessment Test RSCH 201

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Many worldviews, both religious and philosophical, would contend that racism is wrong. The strongest reason from a biblical worldview, that opposes racist ideology would be:

All humanity was created in the "image or likeness of God" and therefore all humanity, regardless of what one might define as "race" have equal value.

Which of the following elements is not necessary in a traditional, text-driven Humanities research project?

NOT -- Giving an ethical reading of a primary source

Because the Fall has marred the image of God which was present in Adam and Eve following Creation, a person ___________________________________.

NOT -- can never experience full divinity

Which of the guidelines below are useful for cross-cultural engagement?

Personal self-awareness of cultural bias must be based upon biblical truth and guidance.

To recover the image of God that has been diminished through the Fall of mankind we should primarily _____________.

imitate Jesus

Which describes a worldview's impact on our understanding of culture, politics, economics and life in general?

A worldview consists of key presuppositions about the meaning of life which in turn influence our view of and approach to culture, politics, economics and life in general.

Which of the following is NOT a fundamental characteristic of a worldview?

A worldview will attempt to be limited in its application. Rather than attempting to address the larger questions of life, it will focus mainly upon ethics and morals.

Which of the following best expresses why becoming information literate should matter to one who aspires to participate in God's redemptive work?

Becoming information literate enables one to understand and to engage diverse viewpoints in a redemptive manner.

In order to understand how we can use Excel to bless others, all but one of the following are specific ways we can support those who are spreading the gospel through missions.

By composing a letter to encourage their mission work

Redemption is the restoration of freedom. "God so loved the world, that he gave his only son..." In this sense, in what way can science restore or redeem the present world?

Cleaner energy sources to power the world's transportation networks

Formal review of the literature/existing works on the topic includes all of the following, except:

Describing the procedures and methods for the proposed research study/creative project

Which of the following is not a consequence of science and its impact on the world in which we live?


Where cultural norms and values disagree with Scripture, we are always to use physical force and might if need be to conquer those cultures. What can we infer from Scripture about patriotism?

It is appropriate to love one's nation while at the same time critiquing its sins and crimes; in fact, to love is to critique.

A Christian's goal of the study of psychology is to help other Christians better know how to be _____ and ________in a broken, fallen world.

NOT -- curious and skeptical

John 1:29 says, "Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" This highlights Jesus' role in ___________.


Social upheavals and protests are indicative, at the very least, of which biblical truth listed below:

While the Bible seems to call us to reject radicalism and instead to live "quiet and peaceable lives," it also commands us to be aware of how individuals may be exploited due to the sinfulness of the human heart.

Your _________ is an example of a liquid asset.

checking account

The Bible recognizes that nations do attempt to wrongfully overrun others. When is a war unquestionably justifiable, and therefore, a 'Just War' (especially in the New Testament context)?

When conducted for defensive purposes

Rhetoric is the strategic use of communication (oral and written) to achieve specific goals. Which of the following best exemplifies rhetoric?

A public speaker presenting reasons to become a blood donor to an audience

The graph below shows two choices in phone plans. For which of the following average monthly call times would Company A be the better choice?

17 hours per month

According to the Oxford dictionary, logic is "reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity." When analyzing this theory through a biblical worldview, how trustworthy is this method of knowing?

It is subject to human error.

Jamaica is considering buying either a car which goes 25 miles on 1 gallon of gas, or a truck that goes 10 miles on a gallon of gas. If gasoline costs $2.50 per gallon and Jamaica drives 1000 miles per month, how much less would it cost to drive the car each month than it would to drive the truck?


In year 2000, the price of oil was $2.50 per gallon. In year 2020, the price of oil was $2.90. Assuming that the price of oil follows a linear pattern, what would be the price of oil in year 2030?

$3.10 per gallon

Biblically speaking, what is the province or jurisdiction of civil government? In other words, how far should its authority extend in people's lives?

Because civil government is under law, it is only justified to rule over men's behavior as delegated from God.

Frederick is interested in learning more about stocks, bonds and investing. He is looking for a good guide to begin doing so. Which is the most suitable option from this list?

Becket, M. (2014). How the stock market works: A beginner's guide to investment (5th; Fifth; ed.). London, England: Kogan Page Ltd. ABSTRACT: How the Stock Market Works tells investors what is being traded and how, who does what with whom, and how to evaluate a particular share or bond in light of rival claims from critics and admirers. From the practical consequences of being a shareholder to a basic coverage of the taxation regime, the book provides a wealth of information on individual product types as well as the key players themselves.

The Smiths have been approved for a $200,000 mortgage loan. They are comparing three houses to see which purchase is most economical. All the houses are rectangular with one story. The first one is priced at $199,000 with 35 feet by 45 feet dimensions. The second one is priced at $189,000 with 40 feet by 35 feet dimensions. The third one is priced at $195,000 with 30 feet by 50 feet dimensions. Which purchase is most economical when compared with the cost per square footage for each house?

First house

Ephesians 2:8-9 states, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast" (King James Version). According to the Scripture, how does a person experience the gift of salvation?

Grace through faith

Read the following passage from David Price's Love and Hate in Jamestown: "Chief Justice John Marshall, in his 1804 Life of George Washington, began with a brief history of the nation that emphasized Smith's importance at Jamestown: 'his spirits unbroken, and his judgment unclouded, amidst this general misery and dejection.'" Which of the following best describes this excerpt?

It is a quotation within a quotation.

Phyllis is seeking to better understand the idea of the business cycle and how to apply those principles to her own business. What resource below would best suit her needs?

Navarro, P., Bromiley, P., & Sottile, P. (2010). Business cycle management and firm performance. Journal of Strategy and Management, 3(1), 50-71. doi: 10.1108/17554251011019413 ABSTRACT: Business cycles strongly influence corporate sales and profits, yet strategy research largely ignores the possibility that corporate management practices related to the business cycle influence profitability. This paper aims to offer initial empirical support for the view that high peformance firms use a variety of business cycle management (BCM) practices that low performance firms do not

To a large extent, how is human behavior shaped?

Social groups

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a teleological argument relates to "the explanation of phenomena in terms of the purpose they serve rather than the cause by which they arise." What would a critical consideration of the teleological argument offer for our understanding of God's relation to the world?

That God has given purpose, meaning, and order to his creation.

As a communicator, a global witness must consider which two cultures (other than their own)?

The culture of scripture and the host culture

In Beowulf, the author claims writes "Sometimes at pagan shrines they vowed offerings to idols, swore oaths that the killer of souls might come to their aid...That was their way, their heathenish hope...Oh, cursed is he who in time of trouble has to thrust his soul in the fire's embrace...But blessed is he who after death can approach the Lord and find friendship." Which of the following statements best summarizes this excerpt?

The excerpt compares the customs of the heathen to the hopes of those who seek after the one, true God.

Read the following passage found in Daniel 4: 28-32, and then answer the question below. All this happened to Nebuchadnezzar the king. Twelve months later he was walking on the roof of the royal palace of Babylon. The king reflected and said, 'Is this not Babylon the great, which I myself have built as a royal residence by the might of my power and for the glory of my majesty?' While the word was in the king's mouth, a voice came from heaven, saying, 'King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is declared: sovereignty has been removed from you, and you will be driven away from mankind, and your dwelling place will be with the beasts of the field. You will be given grass to eat like cattle, and seven periods of time will pass over you until you recognize that the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind and bestows it on whomever He wishes. 'Immediately the word concerning Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled; and he was driven away from mankind and began eating grass like cattle, and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair had grown like eagles' feathers and his nails like birds' claws. Which of the following governmental principles can be inferred from this passage?

The governmental principle that all civil rulers are ultimately accountable to God

The illumination of the Holy Spirit as it applies to our study of the Bible refers to:

The process by which the Holy Spirit enlightens the mind to understand the Bible.

English social psychologist Graham Wallas proposed in his 1926 book, The Art of Thought, that creative thinking proceeds through four phases: Preparation, Incubation, Illumination, Verification. Wallas describes the Incubation phase as follows, "Volunary abstention from conscious thought on any problem may, itself, take two forms: the period of abstention may be spent either in conscious mental work on other problems, or in a relaxation from all conscious mental work. The first kind of Incubation economizes time and is therefore often the better." According to Wallas' explanation, which one of the following is likely to occur in the Incubation phase?

The process of unconscious thought

Why were many of the scientists during the scientific revolution believers in God?

The scientific method they adopted presumes we live in an orderly universe created by a God of order.

Lamin Sanneh, Yale Divinity School Professor of History and Professor of Missions and World Christianity, argues that one reason for Christianity's global growth is that:

The translation of the Gospel into other languages and cultures was part of Christianity from the beginning.

Evolutionists would argue that vestigial structures (such as an appendix) are proof of evolution because:

They represent ancestral traits that no longer have a function because that function is no longer useful.

Using information from properly credited expert sources is important in formal speech presentations. Which of the following statements best expresses a rhetorical rationale for this presentational rule?

Using supportive information from expert sources shows the audience that thesis is backed by credible information.

The Principle of Correlation involves discovering other passages in the Bible to which the meaning of a chosen passage can correlate. When applying this principle to the study of the Bible, which of the following questions does it answer?

Where does the passage fit into the scriptural context as a whole?

When applying a passage of Scripture, you note that the passage speaks to the kind of person you should be. This is the question of _________.


After reviewing the doctrine of the image of God in humankind as articulated in Genesis 1:26-17, it becomes clear that holding a biblical worldview has implications for virtually _________.

every aspect of life

One aspect of quantitative research is the idea that numerical data about a representative sample of the population can be used to ______________ the findings to the population at large.


When seeking to interpret Scripture, it is crucial to view a passage in the context of ________.

the biblical meta-narrative

A Christian university is planning to send a team of 25 students to Guatemala to witness to children at a summer camp. They will be there for one week. There is no fee for lodging at the camp, but each student will need to pay for his own food and travel. Estimate the amount of money each student will need to raise for the trip.


An electrician charges $50 per hour and spends $15 a day on gasoline. If she netted $1315 in 4 days, how many hours did she work?

27.5 hours

Which of the following propositions is the most empirically provable (ie., by visible or touchable evidence) of all Christian teachings?

That human depravity is real

Which answer below best describes how the biblical worldview sees the Bible as it applies to values and moral decisions.

The Bible is the inspired Word of God and is therefore authoritative in our lives

What is the biblical perspective relative to forms of civil government?

The Scriptures seem to reveal that a constitutional form of civil government, or a limited form of civil government, is best; civil government is also under Law.

Which of the following is a benefit of reading secondary sources?

They will help the reader shape his/her research question.

Identify which underlined word or phrase is used incorrectly in the following sentence. In order to do this correctly, Heather and Allen needs to research required features that would attract barn owls to the habitat and that would also keep them safe


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