FCS 340 Exam 2 Oliva

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gender norms and power

stereotypical gender norms also influence who has power in a relationship. gender-role socialization that emphasizes women's passivity, sibmissivness, etc reinforces patriacrchalpower and reduces women's authority.

psychological power

the ability to bestow or withhold affection

Barriers of communication

Grouped under 5 categories: physical and environmental, situational, psychological, cultural and gender

family of origin influence

patterns of power can be traced to experiences in ine's family of orgin. children tend to model the behavior of the parents. the family of origin serves as the first power base from which the child learns to function. certain types of power application, like violence, may bbe passed from generation to generation. even techniques of control.

psychological need for power

people who have deep seated insecuriteis nd inferiority may hide them or compenssavete by becoming autocratic and dictatorial. they can't let a partner win an argument for fear of seeming weak.

hypoactive sexual desire

persistent or recurrent absence of sexual desire. called secondary hypoactive sexual desire when person has experienced sexual interst but loses it.


persistent pain during intercourse; may be experienced by both men and women. causes are laregley physical including infection, tight foreskin, or tumors

orgasmic disorder

personal distress caused by a persistent difficulty in , delay in, or absence of experiencing orgams; casuses can be physical or psychological.

personality differences and power

personality charactersitics also influence power. an age differnce between spouses affects power. regardless of age, some people are more domineering and forceful than others, exerting more influence.

gender wage gap

the equal pay act in 1963 outlawed wage discrimination based on gender. women still consistently earn lower wages than men, many times even when doing same work. despite any contributing factors, women on average earn only 80% of what men earn. 3 reasos can be attributed to womeN: 1. they work in lower-paying industries 2. they dont work as many hours per week, 3. they don't "fight" for their own pay.

work-family spillover

the extent to which participation in one domain (ex work) impacts participation in another domain (ex. family) . for example, job stress affects the parents' marriage and their relationship w/ children and work-family conflict leads to both job and life dissatisfaction. research shows that more working mothers than fathers experience negative family-work spillover (dilworth) can also affect health. (5 year study involving 292 women suffered heart attacks) when people experience stress on the job, a partner is also likely to experience psychological distress. in fact, a partner may experience as much distress over the other person's job as it if were his/her own.

ego resilience (ER)

the generalized capacity for flexible and resourceful adaptation to stressors. it is an important personality resource that enables individuals to competently negotiate life under changing conditions such as those of the midlife transition. adults entering midlife with high levels of ER are likely to view midlife as an opportunity for change and growth, whereas individuals with lower levels of er are likely to experience it as a time of stagnation or decline. (klhonen, vanderwater and yoing)


the male menopause or midlife crisis. increased anxiety, depression, body fat, loss of bone density, shrinking and weakening of muscles, enlargement of prostate gland, decrease in testosteone and androgen levels, decrease in sexual desire, incrased erectile capabilities. testosteron replacement therapy available only for men wh have lower than normal levels.

postparental years/ empty nest years

the period between the last child leaving home and the parents' retirement ; also called the empty-nest years. in recent times, children continue living with parents longer than they used to. corresponds to later marriage years (men 27.5 women 26) high divorce rate and financial need have resulted in increasing numbers of adult children returning home to live with their parents. today's generation of young adults has been referred to as "boomerang kids" since they leave and return sometimes the adult child reverts to the role if dependent child, and the parents return to superordinate roles of earlier times. increasing evidence points to a lessening of life satisfaction for all parties involved.

cultural norms and power

the power structure in families varies among cultures. people in some cultures consider mles to be the ultimate authority and power figure in the family and believe that women should be submissive to men. culture may instruct families on appropraite and acceptable modes of conduct but the way in which families interpret and incorporate htose modes into their lives varies widely.

two = americas

the rich and everyone else. the gap between rich and poor is greater than every and continues to grow.

theory of primary interest and presumed competence

the theory that the person who is most interested in, most involved with, and best qualifie to make a particular choice will be more likely to do so

coercive power

the threat of physical force or other types of punishment to force compliance


the transitional time when fertility ends for women (with menopause) and eclines for men (as testosterone declines). both men and women may experience depression, anxiety, and loss of bone density. for women begins with menopause and lasts about 15 years. men do not have predictable cyclical changes in hormone levels. they do not losse ability to reproduce as they age. can usually continue to produce sperm into old age. however, risk of genetic abnormalities in sperm increases with age. males do not experience anything similar to menopuase they experience decrease in testosterone, sexual desiere, and erection capability. lower testosterone can be related to depression. lose 90% by 75

feminization of poverty

the trend toward increasing proportions of women, regardless of ethnicity or age, living in poverty. women have higher poverty rates than men for two reasons: 1. womens economic resources do not approach parity with those of men 2. women are more likely than men o be single custodial parents during their working lives and to be unmarried and living alone in their later years. for these reasons, pvoerty is more likley to be a chronic problem among female-householder families.

sexual response

there are differences and similarities in sexual response of men and women.


very old std. women often show no symptoms. may lead to inferitlity in men and women. treated with antibiotics.


widespread viral std ccharaterized by painful blisters during outbreaks, medications reduce otubreaks but cannot cure herpes

dual-earner family

a family in which both spouses are in the paid labor force. for many parents, working outside the home enhances their lives, especially if they love their job and have a spouse and children to who help them. some parents more relaxed at work than at home.


a liver infection caused by different viruses.

dalkin shield (iud) (1970s)

a lot of infections associated with it and even deaths. lead to infertility


oxytocin - produced in the brain during cuddling and sexual intercourse - tricks into thinking in love lot of love confusion in US. many nothe rcultures experience fa less confusion between sex and love because people confuse sex and love, many will stay in an unhappy, dysfuntional or incompatible even abusive relationship.


painful, involuntary contractions of the vagical muscle that make intercourse exceedingly difficult or impossible.

Psychological game

A pattern of interaction that appears legitimate but actually has ulterior motive. Basically dishonest and manipulative. Designed to cause the victim to feel inadequate or at fault. The use of psychological games often creates relationship problems prevents intimacy, and hinders the understanding that out of us desire in our relationships.

household labor

parents who are employed not only have less time to spend with kids, but less time for household chores like meal preparation and cleaning. study shows that since 1960s, women have cut housework hours by almost 50% while men have doubled from a few hours per week to slightly over 5 hours per week. men today responsible for almsot a third of housework.


Blaming someone else for every bad thing that happens

Anarchic power

Both partners have power and exercise it in a random manner, disregarding all rules in governing the total family. Exhibit more negative behavior

Power tactics that can help

Discussing, explaining, asking or telling. Bargaining and negotiating

Children and power

Children themselves are sources of power. Children exert considerable influence over their parents and other family members. even the cry of a baby has considerable influence.

Acceptance therapy

Christensen and Jacobson. According to their research, some conflicts simply can't be resolved. Therefore people need to learn to accept their partners and give up trying to change them, instead wrk on changing themselves. Got an reported that many fights are the same fight over and over and partners would d better stop trying to solve that problem and come to accept both it and each other.

Gas lighting

Comes from movie gaslight. the process by which one person destroys the self-confidence, perception, and sense of reality of another person. Refers to a variety of maneuvers used to make someone doubt his or her sanity.

Double-bind communication

Conflicting message sent when verbal messages and body language don't agree

Four types of marital power patterns

Egalitarian, male-dominant, female-dominant, and anarchic


Everything about us that makes us male or female, including emotions, values, ethics, social relationships and spiritual faith.

Why are psychological games playded?

Lack of trust, desire to avoid responsibility, fear of close relationship, unfamiliarity with alternatives,


Marital satisfaction is influenced greatly by communication. It is a significant factor in creating intimacy Communication - a message one person sends and another receives Not limited to words.

Power tactics that can help or harm

Persuading, being nice.

Egalitarian power pattern

Power is distributed equally between partners Associated with highest marital satisfaction

Implementation power

Power that sets decisions in motion

Power tactics that harm

Psychological games I.e. Hard to get, prove your love, jealous, corner, sweetheart

Stroking function

Refers to words that soothe; that give recognition, acceptance,and ressurance and full full emotional needs.


Response to the message another has sent and disclosure of one's own feelings and ideas


The ability to identify with the emotional state of another - to feel with him or her.

Male-dominant pattern

The man has more power than the woman

Life circumstances and power

The more limited their alternatives, the less power people have in their relationships. If a man feels his partner can't leave because she has no one to turn to or no money, he has more power Stage in family life cycle is important consideration i.e. Small children

Orchestration power

The power to make the important decisions that determine family lifestyle


The process by which two parties decide what each will give and receive in arriving at a decision

Power processes

The ways in which power is applied

Woman-dominant pattern

The woman has more power than the man High rates of dissatisfaction yet, therapy appears to be more successful

erectile disorder

a common sexual disorder involving the inability to attain or maintain an erection. can be psychological or physical (disease, medications, alcohol) most common psychological factor is obsession wiht performance.


a company policy that allows employees to choose the most convenient hours for them to work during ht day, selected from hours designated by the employer. reserach shows that job flexibility does play an important role in family life .


a deeply felt loss is instrinsically linked to the disruption of personal idenityty. the survivor often confronts emoitional, economic, and physical problems. the older the person is when a mate dies, the lower the chances of remarriage. widowhood can be seen as a dynamic process and a period of personal growth.

economic resources and power

according to resources theory, those who control valued resources (such as money and property) needed by other family members hold power over them. women who ar not earning money for the family may not have equal poer if their spouses dont allow it ir they don't demand it. Tichener examined power differnces with status reversal families where woman made more money . they did receive mor help but were srill responsible for larger part of domestic work. one common sentiment was that these women were not doing enough around the house. most women spoke in awe of husbands help around the house yet none of husbands spoke this way about wives. these findins suggest that power in families has more to do with gener than money.

acquired immune deficieny syndrom

aids. sexually transmitted caused by hiv. characterised by irreversible damage to immune an eventually death.

alcohol and drugs

alcholol a depressant can actually reduce or impair nervours system. cocaine can cause erectile dysfuction. marijuana incerases relaxation but not desire or arousal.

maternity leave

allows pregnant women to take a leave of absence from work to have babies. a short maternity leave is a risk factor for personal and marital distress. women who took loner leaves were less dissatisfied with the division of household labor. short maternity leave can be conceptualized as a risk factor that exacerbates the effects of other risk factors in creating psychological and marital distress. typically 6 to 12 weeks unpaid for birth, adoptiono or family emergency .

dual career family

also called dual professional family;; a subtype of the dual-earner family in which teere are two career-committed partners, both of whom are trying to fulfill professional roles that require continuous develoment as well as family roles. the pursuit of a career requires a high degree of commitment and continous development. individuals tend to be heaviliy invested in their professional identity. the dual-career marriage is actually a minority pattern and, from a strictly manageial standpoint, is difficult to achieve. there are real satisfactions and benefits in dual-career marriage as well as tresses. because the stress in balancing both career and fmaily responsiblities can be overwhelming, successful dual-career spouses treat each other as equal partners ad share in the responsibility of child care and household tasks.

human immunodeficiency virus (hiv(

an std caused by a virus taht attacks immune system eventually resulting in aids.


any inflammation of the vagina. may be caused by microscopic parasides, fungal infetion or bacterial infection

infertility and stds

approximately 2/3rds of all infertility is caused by stds and more than 100,000 become infertile each year.

three theoreticlal frameworks used to expllin the need for power

attachment theory, social control theory and feminsit theory. attachment theory - aggression against an attachmetn figure, at any age, is a control strategy for reganining emither emotional or physical scloseness to a person whe the bond with that person is perceived to be endangered. this explains why somse people are intensely jealous of a prtner's interactions with others and try to limit them. social control theory - using power (or violence) as a response to an upsetting behavior by others serves as three functions 1. means to manage conflict in a relationship 2. an expression of grievances 3. a form of social conrol. social control theory can help explain why a male batterers soetimes sugget that a partner deserwved to be beaten. feminist theory - the patriarchal hierarchy in families allow the use of male-female violence as a way of maintaining male power within the marriage. consistent w this theory, rates of pousls abuse are lower in societies in which women have economic power.


bacterial. women often show no symptoms. may lead to pelvic inflammatory diseases if untreated. treated with antibiotics. called the silent std. can cause blindness in babies

double bind

body language does not match verbal language


body lice.

late adulthood

can extend over 30 year period and dramatic physiological, psychological, and sociological changes. usually divided into 3 stages ages 65-74 referred to as young-old adults. 75-85 middle-old adults. 85 and over are oldest-old adults. late adulthood involves major tarnsitions: from marriage to widowhood, living with family (spouse or child) to living alone, physical independence ton physical dependence. as many as one-third of very old have no live-in family members who can respond to their needs.

physical stature and strength and power

coersive power is based on th belief that one spouse can punish the other for noncompliance

cost of raising a child

cost of rearing a child to age 18 in a middle class family is estimated about $184,300 higher-income urban families spend an average of $269,250 raising a child to 18. when college costs are added, the total is much more (2005)

sources of power

cultural norms, gender norms, economi resources, education and knowledge, personality differences, communication ability, emtional factors, physical stature and strength, and life circumstances.


decisions parents make about work and fmaily, especially how they care for their children, help shape their childre's intellectual development, social behavior and personalities. everything they do from jobs to way they allocate chores, parents provide pwoerful modesl of male and female behavior for children. parents inadvertently or intentionally prepare their children for similar future roles in the workplace and fmaily.

divorce in late adulthood

even more difficult. both men and women who divorce in later life, compared to those married or widowed, are more disadvantaged materially in terms of income, car ownership, and home ownership. later-life parental divorce lowered the relationship quality and level of contact between adult cildren and parents, especially between fathers and children. divorce disrupted parent-son support exchange more than parent-daugther. (aquilino)

parent-adult child relationships

excessive assistance received from adult children actually may do harm by eroding feelings of competence and imposing excessive demands on the older person. in the beginning, support from children is appreciated but as time passes, it begins to depress older parents and make them feel bad about their situation.

3 cycles in most marriages

falling in love, falling out of love, and falling back in lvove. last most difficult and rewarding.

marital happiness in old-adults

for many older adults, marriage continues to be a major source of life satisfaction. marital happiness and satisfaction usually increase during a second honeymoon stage after the children leave home and after retirement.

time poor

growing concern about the time demands and hectic pace of parents' jobs which are causing famailies to become time poor. can lead to children losing important opportunities to spend time with their families, and parents missing chances to connect with their offspring and each other. data from two national studies on almost 2k parents showed that nearly half of parents reported spending too little time with children largely due to hours in paid employment. americans are working more hours away from home than they did 20 years ago. one study showed across 7 days mfamilies spent only about 4 hours toether in activities.

developmental tasks

growth responsibilities that arise at various stages of life. the major developmental talks/ or adjustents facing elderly people can be grouped into 9 categories: 1 staying physically healthy and adjusting to limitations 2. maintaining adequate income and means of support 3. adjusting to revised work roles 4. finding acceptable housing and living conditions 5. maintaining identity and social status 6. finding companionship and friendship 7. learning to use leisure time pleasurably 8. establishing new roles in the family 9. achieving integrity through acceptance of one's life. about 10% of people over 65 lived below poverty level. *erikson stated that the development of ego integrity is the chief psychosocial task of the final stage of life.


in 1996 welfare system of us changed dramatically with passage of Personal Responsibility and Work Opportuunity Reconciliation act. the welfare reform plan requires work in exchange for time-limited assistance. the new Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) profram replace the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and Job Opportuities and Basic Skills Training (JOBS) programs. basic stipulations of TANF 1. recipients must work after 2 years on assistance 2. recipien who are not working must participate in community service 2 months after they start receiving assitance. 3. recipients must participate in unsubsidized or dubsizied emplyment, on the job training, community service or vocational training or they must provide child care for others 4 familes who have received assitance for 5 cumulative years are ineligible for cash aid medicaid provides basic health services. each state determins its own medicaid eligibility crieteria and the health services to be provided. the federal supplemental security income (Ssi) provides benefits to individuals who are aged, blind and disabled. welfare reform caused dramatic increase in the number of children living in extreme poverty.

education and knowledge and power

in a society where education is valued, a person who has superior education has an important source of power. * this is referred to as expert power whereby a person is acknoledged as enerally superior intelligence.*


in intimate relationships, the ability to influence one's partner to get what one wants. power may be exercised in social groups and organizations and in all kinds of interpersonal relationships. the power derived by various family members is partly derived from social power that society exerts or delegates. power within a family can be marital power, parental power, offspring power, sibling power, or kinship power. there can also be combinations of pwer units such as father-son. most people want to feel that they have control over own lives - that they have the power to change, influence or direct what happens tothem personallly. people unwilling or unable to use power oftenlead lives of frustration. even people who are not ordinarily combative find that they sosemtiems have to exert power over others to be able to fulfill themselves. w/o some personal power, it's difficult to survive as an independent individual.


intreated syphilis procees through three stages. the last may result in paralysis, insanity, or death. treated with antibiotics. can be transmitted prenatally. 3 stages - primary characterized by a painless sore call chancre. most appear 2-6 weeks. secondary stage identified by apprearance of skin rash a few weeks after chancres have disappeared. rash may disappera even if untreated and recur in a few mntsh\ third stage involves secfere complicatins such as heart problesm, lesions, and damge to nervous system. can eentually lead to paralysis, mental illness or death.


masters and johnson concluded that commitment is the single most important factor contributing to satisfation in a sexual relationship.

sandwich generation

middle-aged adults caught between caregiving for their children and for their elderly parents. most common in women. role strain. can be rewarding or an added stress depending on the dependent. (loomis and booth) drawing on national sample of married persons, researchers found that change in family responsibilities had little to no effect on caregivers' well-being. meeting additional obligations may e a source of fulfillment that offsets any negative effects.

emotional factors and power

partners have an important source of psychological power -t he ability to bestow or withhold affection. some spouses use sex as a form of power. according to social exchange theory, those with the greatest love and emotional need have the last power.

Masters and Johnson Sexual Response model

model of human sexual response cycle including the phases of excitement, plateou, orgasm, and resolution 4 phases excitement phase - caused by music, kiss,e tc. characterized by increased blood pressure and heart rate. plateau phase - (heart rate and cnogestion of genital blood vessels intesnsifis. varies consideably in duration. as reaches transition to orgasmic phase, responses are less eeasly controlled. many men cannot prevent ejaculation at this point orgasmic phase - sexual excitement reaches peak. rcontractios of pelvic muscles. females experience involuntary vaginal contractions. somtiems intense sometimes mild. resolution phase - body returns to pre-arousal state. men usually experience refractory period - a period of time following orgasm when men cannot be rearoused. stimulation of penis is unpleasant and orgsasm is not possible.

kaplan sexual response model

model of human sexual response cycle including the phases of sexual desire, vasocongestion, and reversal vasocongestion sexual desire - psychological components that proceeds physical. vasocongestion - involves an increase of blood flow in the pelvic area and building of muscle tension. increase in blood presure, breathing rat and heart rate reversal of vasocongestion - orgasm brings release of vasocongestion. main difference is kaplan's compoment of desire.

human paillomavirus (hpv

most common std, viral or bacterial in america. some strains of hpv cause genital warts. others cervical cancer.

poverty and family life

nearly 37.5 million americans, or 12.5% of population live in poverty. this is an increase of 6 million from 2000. approx. 1/3 are children. often times poor famillies are forced to make choices between buying medicine and groceries or paying rent. the childrent's defense fund estimated that the cost of just meeting basic neeeds for a family of 4 exceeds $28,000 poverty is associated with poor school performance, higher school dropout rates, depression, teen pregnancies, and greater likelihood of being poor as an adult. in addition, children growing up in poverty are exposed to more family turmoil, violence, separation from their families, instability and chaotic households. in general, poor children experience less social support from their parents, and parents are more authoritarian and less involved in children's school and daily activities.

scaling back

not many companies allow for flextime. most common response is scaling back which is most seen in mothers. women who leave the labor force have more dificulty with career advancement and salary gains if they decide to return. large numbers of marriages end in divorce; a stay at home mother may face serious financial challenge if the couple divorce.

different shifts

one study found that divorce is common among couples in which one spouse works nights. working same shift can be important in maintaining a relationship.

informational power

power acquired because of extensive knowledge of a specific area

legitimate power

power that is bestowed by society on men n women as their right according to social prescription what society prescribes may not always be fair, but still exert considerable infuence on the behavior of individuals.

expert power

power that is given because a person is considered superir in knowledge of a particular subject

premature ejaculation

reaching orgasm too quickly. can be easilyl treated forms of preventing - using a condom, desensitizing ointment

communication ability and power

some people have superior verbal and persuasive skills and are able to explain ideas clearly and to convince others through power of their words. people described as charismatic are typically eloquent speakrs. re gender - women tend to be more skilled at starting conversations but men tend to take control.

social expectations of power

some poeople exert power because that is what they feel they are suppose to do. each society has institutionalied norms that prescribe domains of authority.

marital satisfaction of employed mothers

some report a positive relationship between women's employment and marital adjustment. in many families, wive's employment has a positive affect on marital quality through increased family income. when families experience economic hardship, psychological distress and marital conflict often arise. two incomes can reduce strain. also promotes a more egalitarian ideoogy among both men and women. the effect of women's employent on marital quality also depnends partially on teh number of children in the household. as number increases, so do dedemands. when work stress increases, marital cohesiveness decreases.

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