File formats
Audio: Audio format used by UNIX servers
Audio: Format for compressing audio files that uses the MPEG-1 standard
.ogg Ogg Vorbis
Audio: Free alternative to MP3 format
Audio: High-quality audio format developed by Apple Computer
Audio: Native sound format for windows
Document: Format for files created with Open Office Writer
Document: Format that supports formatting and images that can be read on any computer regardless of operating system; requires Adobe Reader for viewing the documents
.docx .doc
Document: Formats for files created with Microsoft Word for Windows
Document: Plain (ASCII) text file; does not support formatting or images
Document: Supports images and formatting; compatible with many operating systems
Video: Royalty-free, open video and audio format designed for HTML5 video
Video: Standard format for movies on the Internet
.mov .qt
Video: Standard formats for QuickTime movies
Video: Standard video files for Windows
Video: Video format designed for HTML5 video
Graphic: Bitmap format that uses lossless compression and supports various resolutions; limited to 256 colors; most effective for drawings or illustrations
Graphic: Format designed for printing on postscript printers
.jpg .jpeg .jfif
Graphic: Format that supports 16 million colors; uses lossy compression; widely used for photographs and complex graphics
Graphic: Format used to import and export graphics files between operating systems and applications
Graphic: Free open-source file format that has become an Internet standard for graphics
.tif .tiff
Graphic: Popular customizable format that supports grayscale, 8-bit and 24-bit color, and monochrome; commonly used for medical imaging and desktop publishing