FIN 3403 Exam 3

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Which of the following are ways to make money by investing in stocks? - interest - amortization - capital gains - dividends

- capital gains - dividends

The Ibbotson-Sinquefield data show that over the long-term, __________. - small company stocks generated the highest average return - long-term corporate bonds had the lowest risk - small company stocks had the highest risk level - t-bills which had the lowest risk, generated the lowest return

- small company stocks generated the highest average return - small company stocks had the highest risk level - t-bills which had the lowest risk, generated the lowest return

Studying market history can reward us by demonstrating that: - the stock market is nothing but a casino - the greater the potential reward is, the lower the risk - the greater the potential reward is, the greater the risk - on average, investors will earn a reward for bearing risk

- the greater the potential reward is, the greater the risk - on average, investors will earn a reward for bearing risk

Which of the following are needed to describe the distribution? - life span of the stock - the mean return - variety of returns - the standard deviation of returns

- the mean return - the standard deviation of returns

Arrange the following investments from highest to lowest return based on what our study of capital market history has revealed about risk premiums - long-term corporate bonds - small-company common stock - us treasury bill

Small company, long-term, us treasury

Lowest historical risk premium to highest historical risk premium out of: - small-company sticks -long-term corporate bonds - large-company stocks - US treasury bills

US treasury bills, long-term, large, then small

When a company declares a dividend, shareholders generally receive __________. - store credit - promissory notes - cash - interest income


The standard deviation is the _________ of the variance - exponent - square root - inverse - square

square root

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