Final Exam Multiple Choice (Project Management)

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B. A poorly defined SOW

Scope creep is generally the result of: A. Having too many levels in the WBS B. A poorly defined SOW C. Too much detail in the specifications D. Having the wrong people assigned to the project

A. Cost plus percentage of cost

In which type of contract arrangement is the customer at the most risk of absorbing excessive cost overruns? A. Cost plus percentage of cost B. Firm-fixed price C. Time and material D. Fixed-price-incentive fee

C. The project sponsor

After a contract award, a customer requests that some of the senior workers in the functional areas be assigned to the project team. You priced out the project assuming the average worker would be assigned and furthermore assumed that the average worker could do the job effectively. You should discuss this first with: A. The average workers B. The senior workers C. The project sponsors D. The functional manager

D. What the project manager plans on doing but not necessarily what the customer has asked for

Baselines, once established, identify: A. What the customer and contractor agree to B. What the sponsor and the customer agree to C. What the customer wants but not necessarily what the project manager plans to do D. What the project manager plans on doing but not necessarily what the customer has asked for

D. All of the above

Companies that give part of a procurement contract to multiple suppliers do so to: A.Promote and maintain competition B. reduce reliance on just one supplier c. Minimize procurement risks D. All of the above

E. All of the above are resources

Company resources generally include all of the following except: A. Money B. People C. Equipment and facilities D. Information and technology E. All of the above are resources

B. The project sponsor

Conflicts between the project and line mangers are most often resolved by: A. The assistant project manager for conflicts B. The project sponsor C. The executive steering committee D. The Human Resources Department

A. Project manager

During project staffing, the primary role of senior management is the selection of the: A. Project manager B. Assistant project managers C. Functional team D. Executives do not get involved in staffing

D. The work package

Generally speaking, the lowest level in the WBS is referred to as: A. Level 3 B. Level 4 C. Level 5 D. The work package

A. True

Generally speaking, work packages are assigned to one functional unit A. True B. False

C. 40 hours

If a product is being manufactured on an 80% learning curve, and the time for building the 100th unit is 50 hours, then the time required to build the 200th unit should be: A. 90 hours B. 50 hours C. 40 hours D. None of the above

A. True

In line-staff project management, the ultimate authority on the project resides with the division manager. A. True B. False

A. True

It is usually easier to manage one large project on a full-time basis than to manage multiple small projects at the same time. A. True B. False

B. Ask the contractor to put forth a change request

One of your contractors sends you an email request to use high quality raw materials in your project stating that this will be value-added and improve quality. What should the project manager do first? A. Change the scope baseline B. Ask the contractor to put forth a change request C. Ask your sponsor for his/her opinion D. Change the WBS


Optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely activity times are associated with: A. PERT B. GERT C. PDM D. ADM

D. Losing them to other projects at an inopportune time

Probably the greatest risk to a project manager on a long-term project is to receive the best employees and then: A. Have them seek perfection rather than just meeting the requirements B. Finding that your costs are escalating C. Being unable to motivate them D. Losing them to other projects at an inopportune time

A. Project charter

The document that officially sanctions the project is the: A. Project charter B. Project plan C. Feasibility study D. Cost-benefit analysis

B. Early, corrective action

A benefit of project management is the _______ identification of problems so that ___________ can follow. A. Rapid, executive involvement B. Early, corrective action C. Untimely, contingency plans D. Executive, project replanning E. Rapid, customer notification

A. Definitive contract

A contract entered into after following normal procedures (ie negotiation of terms, conditions, cost, and schedule) but prior to initiation of performance is known as a : A. Definitive contract B. Completed contract C. Letter contract/ letter of intent D. Pricing arrangement

C. The customer is at fault for providing a statement of work that could be misinterpreted

A contractor accepts a project, after go-ahead, and the contractor discovers that the statement of work was ill-defined and pushed through scope changes that significantly alienate the customer. The customer pays for the scope changes and then files a law suit against the contractor to recover the cost of the scope change. Neglecting the type of contract, the court will most likely rule that: A. The contractor is at fault for accepting a contract with ill-defined requirements and not discovering this initially B. The contractor is at fault for misinterpretation of the wording in the statement of work C. The customer is at fault for providing a statement of work that could be misinterpreted D. The customer cannot recover the cost associated with the scope changes once the payment has been made

B. Nondisclosure clause

A covenant providing restrictions on certain proprietary knowledge is called a: A. Noncompete clause B. Nondisclosure clause C. Nonconformance clause D. Penalty clause

B. Inflexible

According to John Kenneth Galbraith, as technology increases, the commitment of time and money becomes: A. Easier to do B. Inflexible C. Easier to find D. More difficult to manage E. An executive responsibility

C. Wage and salary administration

According to the text, the "next generation" project manager must exhibit skills in all of the following except: A. Integration skills B. Risk management skills C. Wage and salary administration skills D. Knowledge of the business

A. Authority plus responsibility

Accountability can be defined as: A. Authority plus responsibility B. Authority without responsibility C. Responsibility without authority D. Pure responsibility

A. Back charging

Billing the cost of repairs against a financially closed out project is called ______________. A. Back charging B. Refinancing C. Order of precedence D. Arbitration

A. True

For long-term projects, such as weapon systems projects, contracted for by the Department of Defense, the type of contract can change from life cycle phase to life cycle phase. A. True B. False

B. Firm-fixed price

In which type of contract arrangement is the contractor at the most risk of absorbing all cost overruns? A. Cost plus percentage of cost B. Firm-fixed price C. Time and materials D. Cost-plus-incentive-fee

A. Cost plus percentage of cost

In which type of contract arrangement is the contractor least likely to want to control costs? A. Cost plus percentage of cost B. Firm-fixed price C. Time and materials D. Purchase order

B. Firm-fixed price

In which type of contract arrangement is the contractor the most likely to want to control costs A. Cost plus percentage of cost B. Firm-fixed price C. Time and materials D. Fixed-price-incentive-fee

A. On-the-job training

Most people believe that the best way to train someone in project management is through: A. On-the-job training B. University seminars C. Graduate degrees in project management D. Professional seminars and meetings

A. The forward pass going beyond the customer's end date and the backward pass is measured from the customer's end date

Negative slack is the result of: A. The forward pass going beyond the customer's end date and the backward pass is measured from the customer's end date B. Non-critical-path activity using up all of their slack C. The critical path can be completed before the customer's desired end date D. All of the above

B. False

Once an employee is assigned to a project, the project manager has the authority to provide team members with work assignments above their pay grade so that they can get promoted. A. True B. False

B. Poorly defined statement of work

One of the most common reasons why projects undergo scope changes is: A. Poor work breakdown structure B. Poorly defined statement of work C. Lack of resources D. Lack of funding

B. Ask the contractor to put forth a change request

One of your contractors has sent you an email requesting that they be allowed to conduct only eight tests rather than the ten tests required by the specification. What should the project manager do first? A. Change the scope baseline B. Ask the contractor to put forth a change request C. Look at the penalty clauses in the contract D. Ask your sponsor for his/her opinion

D. All of the above

Successful project management can be defined as achieving project objectives: A. Within time B. Within Cost C. At the desired performance/technology level D. All of the above E. A and B only

A. Scope baseline

The change control board, of which you are a member, approves a significant scope change. The first document that the project manager should update would be the: A. Scope baseline B. Schedule C. WBS D. Budget

C. A narrative description of the work/deliverables to be accomplished and/or the resource skills required

The contractual statement-of-work document is: A. A nonbinding legal document used to identify the responsibilities of the contractor B. A definition of the contracted work for government contracts only C. A narrative description of the work/deliverables to be accomplished and/or the resource skills required D. A form of specification

A. Do not show dependencies between activities

The major disadvantage of using bar charts to manage a project is that bar charts: A. Do not show dependencies between activities B. Are ineffective for projects under one year in length C. Are ineffective for projects under $1 million in size D. Do not identify start and end dates of a schedule

C. Finish-to-start

The most common "constraint" or relationship in a precedence network is: A. Start-to-start B. Start-to-finish C. Finish-to-start D. Finish-to-finish

B. Material specifications

Which of the following is not one of the three types of specifications discussed in the text? A. Design specifications B. Material specifications C. Performance specifications D. Functional specifications

A. Repetitive activities

Which of the following is not part of the definition of a project? A. Repetitive activities B. Constraints C. Consumption of resources D. A well-defined objective

C. Removal from the company

Which of the following is not usually an option for a PM dealing with an incompetent worker? A. On-the-spot appraisals B. Reassignment to less critical activities C. Removal from the company D. Removal from the project

B. Cost and size of the contractual documentation

Which of the following is often overlooked when planning and budgeting a project? A. Customer's milestones B. Cost and size of the contractual documentation C. Number of meetings with the customer D. Timing of the deliverables

A. On-the-job training

Which of the following is often regarded as the best way to train project managers? A. On-the-job training B. Formal education C. Seminars D. Personal readings

D. All of the above

Which of the following is part of the responsibility of a contract administrator? A. Inspections and audits B. Performance reporting (documenting seller's performance) C. Approval of waivers D. All of the above

A. Union versus nonunion personnel

Which of the following is usually not a major concern for the PM during the organizational staffing process? A. Union versus nonunion personnel B. Where the resources will come from C. Skill level of the resources D. Type of organizational structure for the project

C. The quality of the deliverables

Which of the following is usually not validated by using the WBS? A. The schedule B. The Risks C. The quality of the deliverables D. The budget

D. There should only be one WBS element covering the project manager's salary

Which of the following is usually preferred for the placement off the project manager with regard to the WBS? The project manager's salary should be: A. Divided up at each work package B. Divided up at each WBS element not lower than level 3 of the WBS C. Divided up at each level 2 WBS element D. There should only be one WBS element covering the project manager's salary


Which of the following network diagramming methods allows for branching and looping? A. PERT B. GERT C. ADM D. PDM


Which of the following network diagramming methods do not use dummy activities? A. PERT B. GERT C. ADM D. PDM

B. Descoping

Which of the following schedule compression techniques is often the lowest risk and with the added benefit of lowering the cost? A. Crashing B. Descoping C. Outsourcing D. Overtime

B. Crashing

Which of the following schedule compression techniques usually requires adding more resources to each work package that is being compressed? A. Overtime B. Crashing C. Outsourcing D. Descoping

D. Precedence charts

Which of the following scheduling techniques is most appropriate today for managing a project? A. BAR charts B. Milestone charts C. PERT charts D. Precedence charts

A. BAR charts

Which of the following scheduling techniques is most appropriate today for reporting project status to a customer during an interchange meeting? A. BAR charts B. Milestone charts C. PERT charts D. Precedence charts

D. All of the above

Which of the following would be a typical limitation to a learning curve? A. The learning curve does not continue forever B. Learning gained on one product cannot be transferred to another produce C. Cost data may not be available to construct a learning curve D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Which of the following would be included in a scoring model for evaluating bidders? A. Overall bid price B. Financial strength (ability to stay in the business) C. Intellectual property rights D. All of the above

B. Cost, schedule, and scope baselines

The performance measurement baseline is most often composed of three baselines: A. Cost, schedule, and risk baselines B. Cost, schedule, and scope baselines C. Cost, risk, and quality baselines D. Schedule, risk, and quality baselines

D. Team member and/or line manager

The person most qualified to assess the overall risk in a work package activity in a project is the: A. PM B. Sponsor C. Team member D. Team member and/or line manager

B. Project manager

The person with the ultimate responsibility to make sure that all work required by the SOW and only the work required by the SOW is performed is the: A. customer B. Project manager C. Appropriate subject matter expert for that work package D. Project sponsor

B. Critical path

The shortest time necessary to complete all of the activities in a network is called the: A. Activity duration length B. Critical path C. maximum slack path D. Compression path

E. None of the above

The stool for success in project management has three legs. These legs include the: A. Project manager, customer, and senior management B. Project manager, line managers, and functional employees C. Executive sponsor, functional employees, and the project manager D. The project manager, the project manager's sponsor, and the customer's project sponsor E. None of the above

A. Understanding the requirements

Which of the following would be the first item to b e discussed in the initial kickoff meeting for a project? A. Understanding of the requirements B. Understanding of the plan C. Understanding of the scheule D. Understanding of the budget

C. Finish-to-start

A PERT network reflects what type of precedence diagram? A. Start-to-start B. Start-to-finish C. Finish-to-start D. Finish-to-finish

B. False

All work packages in a project must be the same level of the WBS A. True B. False

A. Release all nonessential personnel so that they can be assigned to other projects

As a project begins to wind down, the project manager should: A. Release all nonessential personnel so that they can be assigned to other projects B. Wait until the project is officially completed before releasing anyone C. Wait until the line manager officially requests that the people be released D. Talk to other project managers to see who wants your people

A. Answer question about the project prior to submittal of proposals

Bidder conferences are used to: A. Answer question about the project prior to submittal of proposals B. Answer questions about the project after contract award C. Debrief the bidder on their performance after completion of the contract D. Solicit pricing information from the bidders on the proposed scope changes

C. The project manager will spend too much time planning for gate review meetings rather than managing the phases

Having too many life-cycle phases may be detrimental because: A. Executive sponsors will micromanage B. Executive sponsors will become "invisible" C. The project manager will spend too much time planning for gate review meetings rather than managing the phases D. The project manager will need to develop many different plans for each phase

A. Activities not on the critical path have additional slack

If an activity on the critical path takes longer than anticipated, then: A. Activities not on the critical path have additional slack B. Activities not on the critical path have less slack C. Additional critical path activities will appear D. None of the above

C. the customer uses his discretion in determining the meaning

If the customer's SOW contains words such as nearly or approximately, then: A. The project manager uses his discretion in determining the meaning B. The sponsor uses his discretion in determining the meaning C. The customer uses his discretion in determining the meaning D. Scope creep is unlikely

A. Individual

Line managers generally manage ___________ projects. A. Individual B. Staff C. Special D. Matrix E. Any of the above

D. Subsidiary plans

Plans such as the cost plan, schedule plan and quality plan are referred to as: A. Integration plans B. Specialization plans C. Functional plans D. Subsidiary plans

B. To work in groups with people devoted to their discipline

Professionally trained people with advanced degrees often prefer: A. To work on project tasks alone B. To work in groups with people devoted to their discipline C. To work in groups with people not devoted to their disciplines D. Never to work on project teams

D. Shared accountability between project and line managers

Project management is designed to be: A. A unity of command methodology B. A methodology with maximum authority resting with the project manager C. A methodology with maximum responsibility resting with the line managers D. Shared accountability between project and line managers E. None of the above

B. False

Project sponsors within the contractor's company have the authority to change the scope of an external customer's project as they see fit A. True B. False

A. Projectized

Project team members often feel threatened by the possibility of the cancellation of the project. In which organizational form is this threat the greatest? A. Projectized B. Strong matrix C. Balanced matrix D. Weak matrix

C. The functional manager

Projects that remain almost entirely within one functional area are best managed by the: A. Project manager B. Project sponsor C. Functional manager D. Assigned functional employees

A. Made at a lower level in the organization

Proper implementation of project management allows decisions to be: A. Made at lower levels in the organization B. Made by committees rather than individuals C. More time-consuming D. All of the above E. B and C only

B. Manpower leveling

Reducing the peaks and valleys in manpower assignments in order to obtain a relatively smooth manpower curve is called: A. Manpower allocatioin B. Manpower leveling C. Resource allocation D. Resource commitment planning

C. Senior management

Setting a project selection criteria and establishing project priorities is the responsibility of: A. The project manager B. Line managers C. Senior management D. Customers E. All of the above

C. The employee must demonstrate performance first

Some companies assign employees to a project management position as a lateral transfer move without a salary because: A. The project is short term in nature B. The project may be canceled C. The employee must demonstrate performance first D. The employee reports to a functional organization

C. use of life cycle-phases

Standardization and control are benefits usually attributed to: A. Laissez-faire management B. Project management on R&D efforts C. use of life cycle-phases D. An organization with weak executive sponsorship

A. True

Strange s it may seem, project managers should encourage conflicts to take place during recruitment and staffing. A. True B. False

A. The document that specifies the order (priority) in which project documents will be used when it becomes necessary to resolve inconsistencies between project documents

The "order of precedence" is: A. The document that specifies the order (priority) in which project documents will be used when it becomes necessary to resolve inconsistencies between project documents B. The order in which project tasks should be completed C. The relationship that project tasks have to one another D. The ordered list (by quality) of the screened vendors for a project deliverable

B. False

The critical path is the path in the network with the greatest amount of risk. A. True B. False

A. Listing of activities

The first step in the development of a schedule is a: A. Listing of activities B. Determination of dependencies C. Calculation of effort D. Calculation of duration

B. False

The measurement of lag is made within an activity whereas slack is measured between activities. A. True B. False

E. All of the above are possible

The reporting level of the project manager is often dependent upon: A. The dollar value of the project B. Who the customer is C. The risk to the company D. Whether the organization is project- or non-project-driven E. All of the above are possible

E. All of the above

The role of the executive sponsor is to help the project manager. This help includes: A. Priority setting B. Assistance in conflict resolution C. Development of the master project plan D. Setting proper project objectives E. All of the above

D. It is unlimited

What are the maximum number of inputs and outputs that can exist in a node in the precedence diagramming method? A. 3 each B. 5 each C. 10 each D. It is unlimited

D. Functional managers

Which people generally receive no visibility or credit for a job well done? A. Project sponsors B. Project managers C. Project team members D. Functional managers

B. Fixed-price-incentive-fee

Which type of contract has a point of total assumption? A. Cost-plus-incentive-feel B. Fixed-price-incentive-fee C. Firm-fixed-price D. Cost-plus-award-fee

C. Determine the impact on the project and discuss it with the functional manager

You have been awarded a contract in which you told the customer that a certain employee would be assigned full time on the project. Once the project begins, you discover that the employee is splitting his time between two projects per the instructions of his functional manger. You should: A. Do nothing B. Determine the impact on the project and discuss it with the project sponsor C. Determine the impact on the project and discuss it with the functional manager D. Determine the impact on the project and discuss it with the customer

c. how and where contract negotiations will take place

"Hygiene factors" refers to: A. How a contractor should respond to an RFP B. The type of proposal expected by the seller C. How and where contract negotiations will take place D. How many bidder conferences will be held

D. Check with the line managers first to see if cost and schedule can be reported at this level

A customer external to your company requests that a certain element of work be subdivided to lower-level work packages and that cost/schedule information be reported at the lower levels. You should: A. Grant the customer's request but bill the customer but bill the customer for the changes to the WBS. B. Simply grant the customer's request C. Deny the request since the WBS is finalized and cannot change D. Check with the line managers first to see if cost and schedule can be reported at this level

B. Perform the scope change at the customer's expense

A customer is unhappy with the performance thus far on a project. The customer states that, unless scope changes are made at the contractor's expense, the contractor would be removed from the customer's preferred bidders list for future contracts. The contractor would most likely: A. Refuse to perform the scope changes B. Perform the scope change at the contractor's expense C. Perform the scope changes and then submit an invoice for payment to the customer D. Take no action and hope that the customer will forget about the scope change request

A. The risk and consequences associated with the contracted task are large and the customer wishes to transfer the risk

A fixed-price contract is typically sought by t he project manager from the customer's organization when: A. The risk and consequences associated with the contracted task are large and the customer wishes to transfer the risk B. The project manager's company is proficient at dealing with the contracted activities C. Neither the contractor nor the project manager understand the scope of the task D. The project manager's company has excess production capacity

D. Not enough information is provided to make a determination

A network-based schedule has four paths, namely 7, 8, 9, and 10 weeks. If the 10-week path is compressed to 8 weeks, then: A. We now have two critical paths B. The 9-week path is now the critical path C. Only the 7-week path has slack D. Not enough information is provided to make a determination


A network-based technique that allows for branching and looping is: A. PERT B. GERT C. PDM D. ADM

C. Subject matter experts

A project manager desires a work breakdown structure that goes through six levels of detail. Level 3 through level 6 would most likely be prepared by the: A. Project sponsor B. Project manager C. Subject matter experts D. Customer

D. Executive management has officially appointed the project manager

A project manager is far more likely to succeed if it is obvious to everyone that: A. A project manager has a command of technology B. The project manager is a higher pay grade than everyone else on the team C. The project manager is over 45 years of age D. Executive management has officially appointed the project manager

C. Assistant project managers

A typical office (not to be confused with a project management office) responsible for the management of a large project includes the project manager and the: A. Project sponsor B. Project sponsor and assistant project managers C. Assistant project managers D. Assistant project managers and functional managers

A. A specification document

A written or pictorial document that describes, defines, or specifies the service or items to be procured is: A. A specification document B. A Gantt chart C. A blueprint D. A risk management plan

C. Letter contract/ letter of intent

A written preliminary contractual instruement prepared prior to the issuance of a definitive contract that authorizes the contractor to begin work immediately, within certain limitation, is known as a: A. Definitive contract B. Preliminary contract C. Letter contract/letter of intent D. Purchase order

A. Continue on with your existing baseline until the customer confirms that the direction must change

During an interface meeting with your customer, the two of you have different interpretations of the raw data. If the customer's interpretation is correct, then the direction of the project should change. However, the customer states that they need more time to determine if their interpretation is correct. As the PM, you should: A. Continue on with your existing baseline until the customer confirms that the direction must change B. Change the direction of the project according to the customer's interpretation of the results and continue on C. Stop working on the project until you both agree on the direction D. Cancel the project and then, after an agreement is reached, submit a new proposal and price to restart the project

A. True

During competitive bidding, a contractor can submit inclusions and exclusions to the customer's preliminary statement of work. A. True B. False

B. Get the highest quality result for the lowest price

During contract negotiations, the goal of the buyer is to: A. Get the seller to accept the greatest risk B. Get the highest quality result for the lowest price C. Get the seller to agree to scope changes at no cost to the buyer D. Try to get the least amount of work done at the lowest price

D. Negotiate a contract where the profit margin is commensurate with the risk the contractor is expected to incur

During contract negotiations, the goal of the seller is to: A. Get the buyer to accept the greatest amount of risk B. Get the largest possible profit margin regardless of risk C. Get the largest possible price for the contract D. Negotiate a contract where the profit margin is commensurate with the risk the contractor is expected to incur

D. Assigning functional resources based upon availability and the skill set needed

During project staffing, the primary role of line management is: A. Approving the selection of the project manager B. Approving the selection of assistant project managers C. Assigning functional resources based upon who is available D. Assigning functional resources based upon availability and the skill set needed

D. Let the sponsor make the decision on what to do

During the execution of a project, the customer asks you to perform additional tests, which the customer will pay for. Unfortunately, there are no resources available to perform the additional tests. The project manager should: A. Refuse to perform the tests B. Determine when the tests can be done and then inform the customer C. Tell the customer that company policy is that the additional tests must be treated as an enhancement project and funded separately after the project is over D. Let the sponsor make the decision on what to do

B. Business conceptual skills

During the past few years, which project management skill seems to have outpaced all other skills? A. Technical skills B. Business conceptual skills C. Behavioral skills D. Problem-solving skills

B. The contractor assumes responsibility for every additional dollar that is spent in fulfillment of the contract

In a fixed-price-incentive-fee contract, the "point of total assumption" refers to the point in the project cost curve where: A. The customer assumes responsibility for every additional dollar that is spent in fulfillment of the contract B. The contractor assumes responsibility for every additional dollar that is spent in fulfillment of the contract C. The price ceiling is reached after the contractor recovers the target profit D. None of the above

B. False

In a weak matrix structure, teamwork is not vital for project success because the team members are under the control of their functional manger. A. True B. False

D. Be happy! You have two workers

In staffing negotiations with the line manager, you identify a work package that requires a skill set of a grade 7 worker. The line manager informs you that he will assign a grade 6 and a grade 8 worker. You should: A. Refuse to accept the grade 6 because you are not responsible for training B. Ask for two different people C. Ask the sponsor to interfere D. Be happy! You have two workers

C. Performing series work in parallel

In which of the following schedule compression techniques is the cost of rework usually the greatest? A. Overtime B. Crashing C. Performing series work in parallel D. Outsourcing

A. Request for information (RFI)

In which of the following would the price of a possible contract not be included? A. Request for information (RFI) B. Request for quotation (RFQ) C. Request for proposal (RFP) D. Invitation for bids (IFB)

B. Fixed-price-incentive-fee contract

In which type of incentive contract is there a maximum or minimum value established on the final price of the contract? A .Cost-plus-incentive-fee contract B. Fixed-price-incentive-fee contract C. Time-and-materials-incentive-fee contract D. Split-pricing-incentive-fee contract

A. Cost-plus-incentive-fee contract

In which type of incentive contract is there a maximum or minimum value established on the profits allowed for the contract? A. Cost-plus-incentive-fee contract B. Fixed-price-incentive-fee contract C. Time-and-material-incentive-fee contract D. Split-pricing-incentive-fee contract

B. Resource allocation of resource limited planning

Laying out a network diagram when you know before-hand the size of the available resource pool is called: A. Resource leveling B. Resource allocation of resource limited planning C. Better effort planning D. Slack utilization planning

C. The rate of improvement has sufficient consistency to allow its use as a predictive method

Learning curve theory is based upon: A. The time required to perform a task increases as the task is repeated B. The amount of improvement increases as more units are produced C. The rate of improvement has sufficient consistency to allow its use as a predictive method D. All of the above

C. Internal

Which of the following is not one of the three types of dependencies? A. Mandatory B. Discretionary C. Internal D. External

E. All of the above

Project management restructuring may be detrimental if: A. Project priorities disrupt the ongoing business B. Competition for project talent disrupts the ongoing business C. Long-range planning is disrupted because of short-term projects D. Shifting people from project to project hinders their growth and development within their field of specialization E. All of the above

B. The scope statement

Project managers often rewrite the customer's SOW into a document that the project team can easily understand. This document is called: A. The redefined SOW B. The scope statement C. The deliverable statement D. The finalized SOW statement

A. Senior levels of management

Project manger selection is usually made by the: A. Senior levels of management B. Customer's selection process C. Line management based upon cooperation on past projects D. Voting by the team members

B. Cost-plus-award-fee

The type of contract where all of the seller's costs are reimbursed and the seller will also receive a percentage of the profit pool based upon how well the buyer likes the end result is a _____________ contract. A. Cost-sharing B. Cost-plus-award-fee C. Cost-plus-fixed-fee D. Cost-plus-incentive-fee

C. Cost-plus-fixed-fee

The type of cost-plus contract provides the seller wit ha guaranteed dollar-value profit rather than as a percentage? A. Cost-sharing B. Cost-plus-award-fee C. Cost-plus-fixed-fee D. Cost-plus-incentive-fee

B. Work packages

The work breakdown structure "control points" for the management of a project are the: A. Milestones B. Work packages C. Activities D. Constraints

D. All of the above

The wrong people are often selected as project managers because of: A. A belief that project management maturity comes with age B. A belief that someone who knows the customer well will make the best project manager C. A belief that entrepreneurial skills are always necessary D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Under which of the following situations can an employee be terminated from the project? A. Failure to follow rules, policies, and procedures B. Failure to accept formal authority C. When professionalism is more important than company loyalty D. All of the above

B. Creating a reasonable contractor risk with provisions for efficient and economical performance incentives for the contractor

What is the primary objective the customer's project manager focuses on when selecting a contract type? A. Transferring all risk to the contractor B. Creating a reasonable contractor risk with provisions for efficient and economical performance incentives for the contractor C. Retaining all project risk, thus reducing project contract costs D. None of the above


Which of the following activity-on-arrow network diagramming methods does not require three estimates for durations? A. PERT B. GERT C. ADM D. PDM

C. Accept the shipment on condition that the nonconforming products will be brought into conformance by the vendor at the vendor's expense

Which of the following are typical actions a customer would take if the customer received nonconforming materials or products and the customer did not have the ability to bring the goods into conformance? A. Reject the entire shipment but pay the full cost of the contract B. Accept the entire shipment, no questions asked C. Accept the shipment on condition that the nonconforming products will be brought into conformance by the vendor at the vendor's D. Accept the shipment and resell it to a competitor

D. All of the above

Which of the following can be a source of improvement to a learning curve? A. New, more efficient production processes B. Product redesigns C. Higher-quality raw materials D. All of the above

C. The effort in each activity

Which of the following cannot be determined after performing a forward pass and a backward pass on a network diagram? A. The critical path B. The end date of the project C. The effort in each activity D. The slack in each activity

D. How much overtime is scheduled

Which of the following cannot be identified after performing a forward and backward pass? A. Dummy activities B. Slack time C. Critical path activities D. How much overtime is scheduled

B. Cost-plus-incentive-fee

Which of the following contract types has the greatest risk with the buyer? A. Cost sharing B. Cost-plus-incentive-fee C. Firm-fixed-price D. Fixed-price-incentive-fee

C. Firm-fixed-price

Which of the following contract types has the greatest risk with the seller? A. Cost sharing B. Cost-plus-incentive-fee C. Firm-fixed-price D. Fixed-price-incentive-fee

C. Quality control

Which of the following generally cannot be validated using a work breakdown structure? A. Schedule control B. Cost control C. Quality control D. Risk management

D. All of the above

Which of the following is (are) the benefit(s) of developing a WBS to low levels? A. Better estimation of costs B. Better control C. Less likely that something will "fall through the cracks" D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Which of the following is a job-related characteristic that a PM should possess or may be expected to possess? A. Necessity for feasibility studies B. Project's priority and risks C. Requirement for complex technical expertise D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Which of the following is a valid source of experience for the learning curve? A. Labor efficiency B. Product redesign C. Worker incentives D. All of the above

C. It is the path that contains the greatest number of activities

Which of the following is false concerning the critical path in a network? A. It is the longest path in the network B. It is the shortest amount of time in which the project can be completed C. It is the path that contains the greatest number of activities D. It is the path where each activity has zero slack

C. Poor coping skills

Which of the following is generally not considered to be a personal attribute of a project manager? A. Honesty and integrity B. Energy and toughness C. Poor coping skills D. Decision-making skills

B. Past bidding history of qualified vendors

Which of the following is generally not included in a solicitation package? A. Listing of qualified vendors B. Past bidding history of qualified vendors C. How changes will be managed D. Supplier payment plan

A. Perform a make-or-buy analysis

Which of the following is generally not part of "Conducting the Procurements"? A. Perform a make-or-buy analysis B. Confirm qualified sourcdes C. Review past performance of sources D. Produce a solicitation package

B. Which functional unit will perform the change

Which of the following is normally not addressed in a change control board meeting to approve a scope change? A. Cost of the change B. Which functional unit will perform the change C. Impact on the schedule D. Value-added opportunity for the client

A. Lower status reporting costs

Which of the following is not a benefit of having a highly detailed work breakdown structure? A. Lower status reporting costs B. Less likely that anything will be omitted C. better estimating D. Better activity tracking

A. Resource reduction

Which of the following is not a commonly used technique for schedule compression? A. Resource reduction B. Reducing scope C. Fast-tracking activities D. Use of overtime

D. All are factors to consider

Which of the following is not a factor to consider when selecting a contract type? A. Type/complexity of project B. Urgency of the requirement C. Extent of price competition D. All are factors to consider

D. Selection of the project manager

Which of the following is not a function of the contract administration activity? A. Contract change management B. Specification interpretation C. Determination of contract breach D. Selection of the project manager

D. Network diagrams

Which of the following is not defined in the text as one of the four critical documents for preliminary planning? A. SOW B. WBS C. Specifications D. Network Diagrams


Which of the following is not one of the four network diagramming techniques? A. PERT B. GERT C. VERT D. PDM

A. Projectized

Which organizational structure generally retains team members long after they are needed? A. Projectized B. Strong matrix C. Balanced matrix D. Weak matrix

D. Firm-fixed price with economic price adjustment

Which type of contract arrangement is specifically designed to give a contractor relief for inflation or material/labor cost increases on a long-term contract? A. Cost plus percentage of cost B. Firm-fixed cost C. Time and materials D. Firm-fixed price with economic price adjustment

B. Cost-plus-incentive-fee

Which type of contract has a sharing ratio and a ceiling on the profit? A. Fixed-price B. Cost-plus-incentive-fee C. Cost-plus-fixed-fee D. Cost-sharing

C. Functional managers

Who determines grade level of the employee needed to accomplish a task? A. Project sponsor B. Project manager C. Functional manager D. A consensus vote during the project's kickoff meeting

D. See if the grade 9 can do the job in less time

You priced out a project at 1,000 hours assuming a grade 7 employee would be assigned. The line manager assigns a grade 9 employee. This will result in a significant cost overrun. The project manager should: A. Reschedule the start date of the project based upon the availability of a grade 7 B. Ask the sponsor for a higher priority for your project C. Reduce the scope of the project D. See if the grade 9 can do the job in less time

B. Sole

_______ source contracting is when there exists only one supplier in the marketplace to satisfy the requirements of the contract. A. Preferred B. Sole C. Single D. Surety

C. Single

___________-source contracting is when multiple suppliers exist but only one is selected to receive the contract. A. Preferred B. Sole C. Single D. Surety

D. Project-driven industries

Historically, project management resided only in _________: A. Computer industries B. Health care industries C. Non-project-driven industries D. Project-driven industries E. Hybrid industries

A. Traditional

In which organizational form is it highly unlikely that project management would be a career path? A. Traditional B. Projectized C. Strong matrix D. Weak matrix

A. Classical/traditional

In which organizational form is it the most difficult to integrate project activities? A. Classical/traditional B. Projectized C. Strong matrix D. Weak matrix

A. Traditional

In which organizational form is response to the customer's needs the slowest? A. Traditional B. Projectized C. Strong matrix D. Weak matrix

B. Projectized

In which organizational form is the project manager least likely to share resources with other projects? A. Classical/traditional B. Projectized C. Strong matrix D. Weak matrix

A. Strong matrix

In which type of matrix structure would a project manager most likely have a command of technology? A. Strong matrix B. Balanced matrix C. Weak matrix D. Cross-cultural matrix

B. Their line manager

Under most situations, functional employees that are assigned to a project take their technical direction from: A. The project manager B. Their line manager C. The project sponsor D. The customer's in-house representative E. All of the above

B. Line manager

Determining "who" will do the work, "where" the work will be done, and "how" the work will be done is most often the responsibility of the: A. Project manager B. Line manager C. Senior levels of management D. Customer interfafce E. All of the above

D. Driving forces

Forces that lead executives to the recognition for the need for project management are called: A. Imperative forces B. Leading indicators C. Forces of expectations D. Driving forces E. Perception factors

E. all of the above

Formal project management may be required if: A. The activities are complex B. Cross-functional integration is required C. The environment is dynamic D. The constraints are tight E. All of the above

A. Program

A grouping of projects is called a: A. Program B. Project template C. Business template D. Business plan

E. All of the Above

A project is a series of activities and tasks that: A. Have a specific objective B. Have defined start and end dates C. Have funding limits (if applicable) D. Consume Resources E. All of the above

B. The first project is a success if the termination is done early enough before additional resources are squandered

A project is terminated early because the technology cannot be developed, and the resources are applied to another project that ends up being successful. Which of the following is true concerning the first project? A. The first project is regarded as a failure B. The first project is a success if the termination is done early enough before additional resources are squandered. C. The first project is a success if the project manager gets promoted D. The first project is a failure if the project manager gets reassigned to a less important project.

D. Constraints

Absolute factors that describe conditions that alternatives must meet are called: A. Objectives B. Requirements C. Selection criteria D. Constraints E. None of the above

B. Informal

As organizations mature in project management, emphasis is placed on ______________ project management. A. Formalized B. Informal C. Communication-free D. Customer-led E. None of the above

A. Quantitative tools, organizational behavior, organizational structures

Broadly speaking, effective project management requires an understanding of which three major areas? A. Quantitative tools, organizational behavior, organizational structures B. Quantitative tools, marketing, working with people C. Customer relations, planning skills, cost control D. Managing your customer, employee relations, scheduling E. Scheduling techniques, wage and salary administration, organizational behavior

A. True

Matrix structures allow for workers to be shared on multiple projects and at a lower than usual cost. A. True B. False

A. True

Most people seem to believe that the number one behavioral issue in project management is multiple-boss reporting. A. True B. False

D. All of the above

Non-project-driven organizations are characterized by: A. A minimum number of projects B. Decision delays because of the vertical chain of command C. More approvals being required D. All of the above E. A and C only

A. class or prestige

Project management is designed to overcome the ______ gaps between the various levels of management. A. Class or prestige B. Marketing C. Marketing and engineering D. Executive E. None of the above

D. Business plan

Project management methodologies often work best if they are structured around: A. Rigid policies B. Rigid procedures C. Minimal forms and checklists D. Life-cycle phases

E. A and C only

Project management restructuring may be beneficial in that it permits companies to: A. Accomplish tasks that could not be handled effectively by the traditional structure B. Eliminate executive involvement in projects C. Accomplish one-time activities with minimal organizational disruption D. All of the above E. A and C only

E. A and B only

The boundaries of systems, programs, and projects were first defined by: A. Military organizations B. Government agencies C. Construction companies D. All of the above E. A and B only

B. Line manager

Which individual has to cope most frequently with an unplanned absence of resources, breakdown of resources, loss of resources, and turnover of personnel? A. Project manager B. Line manager C. Senior management/sponsor D. Customer interface E. All of the above

E. None of the above

Which of the following administrative promises can a project manager make to functional employees who are still attached administratively to their line managers? A. Salary increases B. Promotions in grade C. Overtime pay D. Added responsibility on the project E. None of the above

C. Complex, static or dynamic

Historically, companies that have restructured for better project management have __________ tasks and must compete in a _____________ environment. A. Complex, static B. Complex, dynamic C. Complex, static or dynamic D. Simple, dynamic E. Simple, static

A. Line manager

Successful project management is often based upon how well the ________ keeps his/her promises to the project. A. Line manager B. Functional employee C. Project sponsor D. Customer interface E. All of the above

B. False

With a line-staff organizational structure, department managers will readily accept instructions from the project manager A. True B. False

C. Project leader

With departmental project management, the person assigned to head up the project is called a: A. Project head B. Project manager C. Project leader D. Project supervisor

D. When a problem arises

With the project expeditor organizational structure, the expeditor is usually brought on board: A. at the beginning of the project B. At the end of the first life cycle phase C. When the project is 50% complete D. When a problem arises

A. project-driven

Your company does only projects. If the projects performed by your company are for customers external to your company and a profit criterion exists on the project, then your organization is most likely: A. Project-driven B. Non-project-driven C. A hybrid D. All of the above are possible based upon the size of the profit margin

A. Tiger Team projects

At remote locations, functional employees take technical direction from the project manager. This situation would also exist at the home office for: A. Tiger Team projects B. Matrix projects C. Projects in the manufacturing life-cycle phase D. All of the above E. B and C only

D. A project management methodology

A structured process for managing a multitude of projects is most commonly referred to as: A. Project management policies B. Project management guidelines C. Industry wide templates D. A project management methodology

E. dependent on the company and/or industry

A typical short-term project would be: A. Three months B. Six months C. One year D. Less than two years E. Dependent on the company and/or industry

E. All of the above

Executives are often reluctant to properly support the project management because: A. Of the authority that must be delegated downward B. Of the decision-making that must be delegated downward C. Of a fear of losing control of resources D. Of a poor understanding of project management E. All of the above

D. All of the above

Factor(s) that appear to accelerate the acceptance of project management include: A. TQM B.Concurrent engineering C. Empowerment D. All of the above E. A and C only

D. All of the above

Improper project administrative planning can create a situation that requires: A. A continuous revision and/or establishment of company and/or project policies, procedures, and directives B. A continuous shifting in organizational responsibility and possible unnecessary restructuring C. A need for additional staff to support new knowledge and new skill requirements D. All of the above E. A and B only

E. All of the above

Improper project management can result in: A. Decreased profits B. Late introduction of new products into the marketplace C. An inability to cope with new technology D. Increased labor requirements E. All of the above

D. Project division leader

In a line-staff organizational structure, the person heading up the project is called the: A. Project supervisor B. Project leader C. Project coordinator D. Project division leader

C. Both, but the project manager has greater influence

In a strong matrix structure, employees take daily direction from: A. Project manager only B. Functional manager only C. Both, but the project manager has greater influence D. Both, but the functional manager has greater influence

D. Division manager above all of the departments

In departmental project management, the person that ultimately ends up managing the project, assuming several departments are involved, is the: A. Project manager B. Project leader C. Department manager(s) D. Division manager above all of the departments

C. Dynamic, complex

In project management, the need for interpersonal skills increases when the operational environment becomes _______ and the type of tasks becomes __________. A. Dynamic, simple B. Static, simple C. Dynamic, complex D. Static, complex E. Static, multifunctional

A. Classical

In which of the following structures is budgeting and cost control easier to perform? A. Classical B. Strong matrix C. Balanced matrix D. Weak

E. All of the above

In which type of projects do organizations generally have a poor cost monitoring/control system? A. In-house R&D B. Small construction C. Management information systems D. Pure engineering E. All of the above

B. The project or program office for that project

Large projects are managed by: A. the executive sponsor B. The project or program office for that project C. The manager of project managers D. The director of marketing

C. Standard methodology

Maturity in project management is the implementation of a(n) __________ such that there exists a high likelihood of repeated success: A. Executive champion B. Executive sponsor C. Standard methodology D. Policy and procedure manual E. None of the above

A. Executive involvement

One way to validate the successful implementation of project management is by looking at the number and magnitude of the conflicts requiring: A. Executive involvement B. Customer involvement C. Line management involvement D. Project manager involvement

A. Increasing technologies

Organizational complexities are increasing because of: A. Increasing technologies B. Less money invested into R&D C. Lengthening of product life cycles D. All of the above E. B and C only

A. Projectized

Other than the traditional structure, which organizational form has strong communication channels? A. Projectized B. Strong matrix C. Balanced matrix D. Weak matrix

B. False

Project expeditors generally have authority over the functional managers A. True B. False

B. Staff

Projects accomplished by one organizational unit are ________ projects. A. Individual B. Staff C. Special D. Matrix E. Any of the above

A. Perform better planning

The best way to minimize project risk is to: A. Perform better planning B. Select a project manager who has advanced degrees C. Select a project manager who is a technical expert D. Have a senior executive assigned as the sponsor E. Implement a project management cost control system

B. Multiple boss reporting

The major behavioral issue in getting an organization to accept and use a project management methodology is: A. Lack of executive sponsorship B. Multiple boss reporting C. Inadequate policies and procedures D. Limited project management applications

C. The time frame

The major difference between a project and a program is usually: A. The role of the sponsor B. The role of the line manager C. The time frame D. The specifications

A. Template

The most common terminology for a reusable project management methodology is: A. Template B. Concurrent scheduling technique C. Concurrent planning technique D. Skeleton framework document

B. The size of the project (ie $) and duration

The most common threshold limits on when to use the project management methodology are: A. The importance of the customer and potential profitability B. The size of the project (ie $) and duration C. The reporting requirements and position of the sponsor D. The desires of management and functional boundaries crossed

D. Cancel the project

The most difficult decision for an executive sponsor to make at the end-of-phase review meeting is to: A. Allow the project to proceed to the next phase based upon the original objective B. Allow the project to proceed to the next phase based upon a revised objective C. Postpone making a decision until more information is processed D. Cancel the project

C. The line manager

The person responsible for assigning the resources to a project is most often: A. the project manager B. the Human Resources Department C. The line manager D. The executive sponsor

B. Synergistic

The primary advantage of systems is the ______ effect. A. Profitability B. Synergistic C. Extended D. Resource-reduction E. All of the above

C. Views the line managers as peers

Theoretically, project management should work best if the project manger: A. Is the highest salaried individual on the project team B. Has complete authority over all assigned resources C. Views the line managers as peers D. Views the line managers as subordinates E. Reports higher up on the chain of command than the line managers

E. Take risks, avoid risks by testing everything

There are major differences between project managers and project champions. Project managers will __________ whereas project champions will _________. A. Prefer working individually, prefer to work in groups B. Seek perfection, seek what is possible C. Manage things, manage people D. Seek to exceed objectives, seek to meet objectives E. Take risks, avoid risks by testing everything

A. Flexibility in the project's end date

Which of the following is generally not a benefit achieved from using project management? A. Flexibility in the project's end date B. Improved risk management C. Improved estimating D. Tracking of projects

B. Project manager's rank and pay grade

Which of the following is not one of the integration mechanisms considered when creating work integration positions? A. Rules and procedures B. Project manager's rank and pay grade C. Planning processes D. Direct contact

A. Span of control

Which of the following is not one of the three critical terms to consider when looking at organizational workflow? A. Span of control B. Authority C. Responsibility D. Accountability

C. Meeting at least 75 percent of specification requirements

Which of the following is usually not part of the criteria for project success? A. Customer satisfaction B. Customer acceptance C. Meeting at least 75 percent of specification requirements D. Meeting the triple-constraint requirements

A. Projectized

Which of the following organizational forms provides the least career path opportunities for project personnel? A. Projectized B. Strong matrix C. Balanced matrix D. Weak matrix`

B. The deliverables are met but OSHA and EPA laws are violated

Which of the following would not be regarded as a secondary definition of project success? A. The customer is unhappy with the deliverable, but follow-on business is awarded based on effective customer relations B. Th deliverables are met but OSHA and EPA laws are violated C. The customer is displeased with the performance, but you have developed a new technology that could generate many new products D. The project's costs were overrun by 40 percent, but the customer funds an enhancement project.

C. Aerospace/defense/construction

Which type of projects generally possesses highly detailed levels of planning? A. In-house R&D B. Management information systems C. Aerospace/defense/construction D. Pure engineering E. All of the above

B. False

According to Grinnell and Apple, organizational restructuring was needed because management was unhappy with technical skills though projects were being completed within time and cost.

B. Wage and salary administration

Before becoming a project manager within a matrix organization, training should be provided in all of the following except: A. Matrix operations B. Wage and salary administration C. Problem-solving D. Role definitions

A. Traditional

In which organizational form are the formal and informal organizations well established? A. Traditional B. Strongmatrix C. Balanced matrix D. Weak matrix

A. Classical/traditional

In which organizational form do project managers have the greatest likelihood of possessing reward power and have a wage-and-salary administration function? (The project and line manager are the same person) A. Classical/Traditional B. Projectized C. Strong matrix D. Weak matrix

D. Matrix

In which organizational form do we usually have a sharing of authority and responsibility? A. Traditional B. Projectized C. Line-staff D. Matrix

D. Matrix

In which organizational form do we usually have the best balance among the time, cost, and performance constraints on a project? A. Traditional B. Projectized C. Line-staff D. Matrix

B. Projectized

In which organizational form does the project manager have the greatest authority over the assigned resources? A. Traditional B. Projectized C. Strong matrix D. Weak matrix

D. Weak matrix

In which organizational form does the project manager often have the least amount of authority? A. Classical/traditional B. Projectized C. Strong matrix D. Weak matrix

B. Projectized

In which organizational form is the worker in greatest jeopardy of losing his/her job if the project gets canceled? A. Classical/traditional B. Projectized C. Strong matrix D. Weak matrix

A. Traditional

In which organizational form is there quite often no customer focal point? A. Traditional B. Projectized C. Strong matrix D. Weak matrix

B. Projectized

In which organizational form would the project manager possess the greatest amount of authority? A. Classical/traditional B. Projectized C. Strong matrix D. Weak matrix

C. Time, cost, and quality and/or scope

The traditional competing constraints on a project are: A. Time, cost, and profitability B. Resources required, sponsorship involvement, and funding C. Time, cost, and quality and/or scope D. Calendar dates, facilities available, and funding

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