FINAL EXAM World History

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What is happening to the Roman Empire during the AD 250s?

"barbarians" are repeatedly attacking the empire's borders

Which is the code of moral laws that Jews & Christians believe God gave to Moses on Mt. Sinai?

10 Commandments

When did the Church split?


The Edict of Milan was issued in...

313 AD

The fall of the Roman Empire happened in...

476 AD

How could a noble be both a lord and a vassal? a.) A noble could receive land from a king or lord and in turn grant land to a lower-ranking noble. B.) A noble could protect his serfs and in return the king would provide him land for his duties. C.) A noble could marry a knight's sister and inherit the land. D.) A noble could kill another lord and take his land.

A.) A noble could receive land from a king or lord and in turn grant land to a lower-ranking noble.

Who was the first holy Roman emperor? A.) Charlemagne B.) Charles Martel C.) St. Benedict d.) William the Conqueror

A.) Charlemagne

Which of the following did Charles "the Hammer" Martel accomplish? a.) He stopped the Muslims from taking over western Europe b.) He built several royal schools C.) He united all the Germanic kingdoms into a new Empire d.) He defeated the Vikings, forcing them back to Scandinavia

A.) He stopped the Muslims from taking over Western Europe

Which of the following describes Europe during the early Dark Ages? a.) Large areas of Europe (particularly in the north) were pagan b.) All of Europe was Christian C.) All of Europe was Pagan d.) Southern Europe was Muslim and Northern Europe was Christian

A.) Large areas of Europe (particularly in the north) were pagan

What event signaled the beginning of the Middle Ages in Europe? a.) The fall of the western Roman Empire B.) The Anglo-Saxons conquered Britain C.) William the Conqueror conquered England D.) The Viking Age began

A.) The fall of the western Roman Empire

Why did Vikings begin raiding Northern Europe? A.) Viking farmers could not grow enough food B.) Christians were persecuting Vikings for their pagan worship C.) to bring the wealth back to Scandinavia D.) all of the above

A.) Viking farmers could not grow enough food

What was unique about the Viking longship? A.) it could go up shallow waters b.) it was super quiet C.) it could hold a large invading force d.) none of the above

A.) it could go up shallow waters

A self-sufficient estate owned by a lord is a a.) manor b.) castle C.) county d.) all of the above

A.) manor

What was the one unifying force throughout much of Europe during the Dark Ages? a.) The Church b.) Universities C.) Kings d.) all of the above

A.) the Church

1st Hebrew.


What did Paul of Tarsus do that was instrumental for Christianity?

Actively spread Jesus' teachings

1st 12 followers of Jesus' teachings


How did Caligula die (Afterwards, this happened to many emperors)?

Assassinated by his Praetorian Guard

Who ushered in (started) Pax Romana?


Which Emperor brought the end to Pax Romana?


Who united kingdoms into the new Holy Roman Empire? a.) Charles "the Hammer" Martel B.) Charlemagne C.) Alaric d.) Leif Eriksson

B.) Charlemagne

After the fall of Rome, these people fought for control over Europe a.) Lords B.) Germanic tribes c.) Carolignians d.) Moors

B.) Germanic Tribes

What new religion quickly rose in the East that challenged Christianity? a.) Hinduism b.) Islam C.) Zoroastrianism d.) Judaism

B.) Islam

What/Who rose quickly and spread throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and into Spain? a.) Christianity b.) Islam C.) Charlemagne d.) The Holy Roman Empire

B.) Islam

Which of the following were centers of education in medieval western Europe? A.) manors b.) monasteries C.) castles D.) courts

B.) Monastaries

The education of an average child during the Middle Ages centered on basic religious knowledge. What does this imply about the values of medieval society? a.) Basic literacy skills, taught through religion, were at the core of medieval society. b.) Religion was at the core of medieval society. C.) Civic rights and duties were at the core of medieval society. d.) Science and mathematics were at the core of medieval society.

B.) Religion was at the core of medieval society.

Justinian contributed to the flourishing of the Byzantine empire after Rome's decline by A.) freeing slaves throughout the empire. B.) reforming the laws of ancient Rome. C.) reducing poverty in Constantinople. d.) reviving the traditions of ancient Greece.

B.) reforming the laws of ancient Rome.

Which statement might be an accurate description of a serf's life? a.) A serf could be bought and sold, much like a slave. b.) A serf could move to a different manor if he or she desired. C.) A serf was bound to the land upon which he or she worked. D.) A serf who did well might be awarded a manor to rule.

C.) A serf was bound to the land upon which he or she worked.

What was unique about Charlemagne for his time period? a.) He persecuted Christians b.) He was a Viking who ruled the Franks C.) He revived education throughout his realm and had several royal schools built d.) All of the above

C.) He revived education throughout his realm and had several royal schools built

Toward the end of the Dark Ages the Peace of God brought about stability. What was it and why was it needed? a.) Proclamation that Christians were protected from raiding knights b.) Proclamation that monks and nuns were protected from raiding knights C.) Proclamation that defenseless people were protected from raiding knights d.) Proclamation that knights could not raid/fight on certain days

C.) Proclamation that defenseless people were protected from raiding knights

What new weaponry made it possible to destroy the massive walls of Constantinople after standing for a thousand years? a.) bulldozers b.) catapults C.) cannons D.) none of the above

C.) cannons

Which of the following is NOT a good description of the Dark Ages? a.) diseases b.) illiteracy C.) new inventions D.) violence

C.) new inventions

In 1040 the Church forbade the barons to make any attack on each other between sunset on Wednesday and sunrise on the following Monday, or upon any ecclesiastical fast or feast day . . on pain of excommunication. THE EXCERPT ILLUSTRATES THE... a.) frequency of warfare in medieval Europe. b.) Importance of the Christian calendar. C.) power of the Church in medieval Europe. D.) influence of the Benedictine Rule.

C.) power of the Church in medieval Europe.

What is the term that means universal, or concerned w/ all people?


Europe was also known as ____________________


Most of the subjects of the Byzantine Empire considered themselves __________________ even though they refused to recognize the claims of the pope in Rome.


What was the capital of the Byzantine Empire?


What was the capital of the Eastern Orthodox Church?


Why was feudalism created? a.) Because the Franks kept attacking and the Germanic people needed protection b.) Because the Franks kept attacking and the European people needed protection C.) Because the Vikings kept attacking and the British people needed protection D.) Because the Vikings kept attacking and the Franks needed protection

D.) Because the Vikings kept attacking and the Franks needed protection

The manorial system (manorialism) is a.) the economic system of medieval western Europe b.) based on agriculture C.) based on the barter system d.) all of the above

D.) all of the above

What is a piece of land given to a knight in exchange for military service? a.) vassal b.) monastery C.) serf d.) fief

D.) fief

The "scattering of the Jews" away from their historic homeland


Which of the following is true? a.) The Byzantine Empire remains powerful in the east. b.) Anglo-Saxon culture dominates England during the early Dark Ages. C.) Viking raids terrorize Europe d.) Carolingians rise and fall in Western Europe. E.) All of the above

E.) all of the above

Which is a holy day celebrating Jesus' resurrection?


What is the sacred "meal" that includes wine/grape juice & a wafer/piece of bread?


Constantinople was a crossroads for trade between Asia and ____________ because it lay in the path of many trade routes.


Journey to lead enslaved Jews out of Egypt.


Non-Jews are known as ________________


The majority of the time, this language was used to worship in the Eastern Orthodox Church.


Emperor ______________ built the Pantheon.


Which emperor reigned during the second Jewish revolt?


Justinian had this church built. It is now a mosque

Hagia Sophia

How did Theodosius influence Christianity in the Roman Empire?

He made it the official religion of empire

The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Holy Trinity

Constantinople was renamed ________________ after the Turks conquered the city.


During the last decades of the Christian-controlled city of Constantinople, scholars/philosophers, such as Plethon saved many ancient texts & took them W.. What major effect did this have on Europeans?

It led to a reawakening of knowledge & the birth of the Renaissance.

One central belief of Christianity is that

Jesus will bring spiritual salvation & eternal life to believers

The emperor was able to finance the building of the Pantheon from the spoils (treasure taken) of these people...


Who was Jesus' mentor?

John the Baptist

What is today's Israel


Means language used to worship


The reasons for the fall of Rome include:

Military assaults, political issues, economic weakness, & social decay

Who led the Jews out of Egypt?


Which emperor was accused of setting Rome on fire & watching it burn?


Who was the first emperor of Rome?


What Germanic leader overthrew Rome & ended the western empire?

Odavacar (aka Odoacer)

This holy day commemorates the freeing of the Jews from slavery & the journey out of Egypt


What Jewish holy celebration do many historians believe was occurring right B4 Jesus' death?


In the E. Orthodox Church, who has the highest authority?

Patriarch & other bishops

1st Bishop of Rome; Jesus' most trusted companion.


Which Roman governor had Jesus crucified?


In the Roman Catholic Church, who has authority over all people in kingdoms/empire?


Who is the top/1st bishop of Rome?


Augustus created a group of personal protectors specifically to protect the emperor known as

Praetorian Guard

In what ways do you think Roman engineering skills helped to strengthen the Roman empire?

Roads & bridges helped improve trade & communication

What was the capital of Roman Catholicism?


Fearing that Hellenistic influences were weakening their religion, many Jews believed it was important to

Strictly adhere to Jewish laws & traditions

Describe the difference in the senate after Rome became an empire.

The # of members increased

The Old Testament & New Testament

The Christian Bible

Roman Catholic Church was known as this before the Church split

The Church

What was significant about Pax Romana?

The Empire's population grew Trade increased No major war & stable gov't

What is the Hebrew Bible?

The Old Testament

What was significant about 117 AD?

The Roman Empire was at its largest extent

What was the purpose of the Roman census?

To collect taxes

What was the purpose of Hadrian's Wall?

To maintain a defensive presence along the empire's N. most border To keep the soldiers too busy working on it, so they would stop provoking the Picts To make a show of Roman dominance in the area

The most sacred text of Judaism.


Which emperor brought the Roman Empire to its largest extent?


Which factor assisted the spread of Christianity?

Unity w/in the empire

Emperor who took the valuables (treasure & slaves) of the 1st Revolt to construct a massive building project (the Colosseum)


What are the Gospels?

Written stories based on oral accounts of Jesus' life

What is the holiest day for Jews; the day they ask God for forgiveness of their sins?

Yom Kippur

The Edict of Milan ___________________

allowed freedom of religion; outlawed religious persecution

What If someone is banned from the Church, they have been


What elements of Constantinople's location helped it flourish as the capital of the Byzantine Empire?

its location on a strait between seas & on key trade routes

What Roman principles of law are now part of the American legal system?

people are innocent until proven guilty; the accused are allowed to face their accusers; guilt has to be established using solid evidence

What was Jesus convicted of?

political insurrection

A significant impact that the building of Hadrian's Wall had was...

that towns grew up along both sides & many soldiers intermarried w/ the locals

The origins of Christianity are...

the Jewish faith

What immediately followed the collapse of Rome?

the Middle Ages

What was the original purpose of the Roman Roads?

to enable Roman soldiers to travel more quickly, easily, & safely throughout the empire

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