Final EXS

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What percentage of energy intake is used in the thermic effect of a meal?

10 percent

A person in the obese, class II category has a BMI in which range?

35.0 to 39.9

How many essential nutrients should your diet provide for your body


In terms of the ACSM guidelines, what is the optimal number of minutes per day that individuals should be performing moderate-to-vigorous- intensity aerobic activities that incorporate the use of large muscle groups?

60 minutes

How many calories per gram does alcohol contain?


What percentage of essential fat is needed for women?

8 to 12 percent

While water is essential, the human body has the capacity to live several months without food.


Overexposure to ultraviolet radiation over many years can cause not only skin cancer but also premature again and wrinkles, eye damage, and some types of infection.


Protein is the smallest contributor in terms of Americans' daily calories.


Some prescription drugs can become addictive even when consumed exactly as prescribed.


Testosterone, estrogen, and other hormones and factors play major roles in the differences between fat, muscle, and bone mass seen in men and women during and after puberty.


The goal of chemotherapy is to introduce powerful medications into the body that stop cancer cells from reproducing and stop tumors from growing larger, thus preventing the cancer from spreading to other sites in the body.


The longer a person is obese, the less chance he or she has of ever attaining a normal weight.


Two of the most common portable methods for assessing body composition are bioelectrical impedance analysis and skinfold measurement.


Weight management can cause significant psychological distress.


When trying to lose fat mass, it is important to include strength training in your weight-loss regimen to avoid losing muscle and bone mass as well


Women whose mother, sister, or daughters have been diagnosed with breast cancer are approximately twice as likely to develop breast cancer as are women who do not have a family history of the disease.


Which element is NOT a factor in the exact composition of weight change?


How many new cancer cases were reported in the Unites States in 2017

1.6 million

The USDA recommends that saturated fat intake make up no more than what percentage of daily calorie intake?

10 percent

In a one hour hookah smoking session, a user may inhale ___ to ___ times the amount of smoke inhaled from one cigarette.


Smoking is linked to how many types of cancer?


On average, added sugar, accounts for what percentage of calories per day in the American diet?

13 percent

A person classified as underweight with mild thinness has a BMI in which range?

17.0 and 18.4

In a long-term survey about drug use on college campuses published in 2016, students reported using Ritalin five times more often than Adderall.


Nicotine is not as addictive as heroin, cocaine, or alcohol.


Obesity only affects certain sectors of the population.


The terms food intolerance and food allergy are interchangeable.


There are nine nonessential amino acids.


Treatment options for behavioral addictions are different from those for substance abuse.


People who store extra weight in their hips and thighs have which tpe of fat pattern?


A person can have a normal BMI, but can still be at an increased risk for disease based on an elevated waist size.


Addictions can be treated, unlike many illnesses and diseases?


Which source of energy is the human body's main source?


Which prescription drug is used to treat lower and upper respiratory congestion and symptoms associated with colds and flu?

cold medicine with codeine

Which type of provider is NOT considered a primary professional in the field of weight management?

pastoral counselor

Which method of body composition measurement utilizes air displacement in a closed chamber?


Which activity uses the most kilocalories per minute relative to body mass?


How many deaths occur in the United States every year due to excessive drinking?


What percentage of both men and women gain weight ever year placing then into a higher BMI category by middle-age?


Blood alcohol is measures on a scale of ____ to _____ (death).

.01; .40

What is the error rate of the DEXA?

1 to 2 percent

According to data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. what percentage of the U.S. population sought treatment for substance abuse in 2013?

1.5 percent

How many pounds lost per week is desirable and maintainable without compromising RMR as well as muscle and bone loss?

2 lbs.

Cancer accounts for what percentage of all deaths in the United States?

22.5 percent

Men and women who smoke are how many times more likely to develop lung cancer than those who do not smoke?


As of 2014, what percentage of the U.S. population aged 12 and over used some form of tobacco product?

25.5 percent

How many grams of protein are typically found in a 3-onuce serving of grilled chicken breast?


What is the estimated number of Americans over the age of 12 who have significant problems with drugs or alcohol?

27.4 million

How many cups of coffee constitute moderate consumption of caffeine over the course of a single day?

3 to 5 cups

What percentage of essential fat is needed for men?

3 to 5 percent

In the United States, what is the average amount of caffeine consumed per person per day?

300 milligrams

Which of the following is a high-quality resource to help you adapt reliable, healthier lifestyle choices?

All of the above

____ and tobacco use are the leading causes of cancer.


What is the difference between drug misuse and drug abuse?

Drug misuse involves taking a drug for reasons other than what it is intended for, whereas drug abuse involves consistently taking a drug not as prescribed or intended over a long period of time.

Which is NOT a type of imaging used to detect cancer?


Body density equals ______ divided by _______.

Mass; volume

It is essential to incorporate both cardiorespiratory and resistance training into your weight-loss program. List two benefits of this approach.

Preventing weight gain and weight loss

At almost any weight, most people can relatively healthy.


Behavioral addictions results in the same negative outcomes or euphoric feelings as those experiences wit substance abuse.


Bioelectrical impedance analysis requires the person being tested to be properly hydrated.


Body composition is considered a social status symbol in our modern day and age.


Body composition plays an important role in functional fitness and sport performance.


Body size, especially lean mass, affects the amounts of energy used during a given session.


Chronic stress is also known as allostatic load.


Which of the following stressors had been reported to be the most traumatic or very difficult to handle amongst college students?


Most of the body fat available for stored energy purposes is located where?


Which of the following is a drug to help addicts wean off of opioids?

all of the above

Which of the following represents someone who does not eat enough to maintain a moral weight and often has a very low BMI?

anorexia nervosa

Which substance-formerly used as insulation in homes, schools, an buildings in the United States-caused many construction worker to develop lung cancer?


Which is NOT one of the risks associated with bariatric surgery?


Which of the following describes using a drug for reasons other than what it is intended for?

drug misuse

Which of the following is NOT considered one of the primary treatment options for behavioral addiction?

electroshock therapy

What is the name for a thin, flexible, illuminated tube that can be inserted into body cavities to check for cancer?


What are the five forms of biopsy?

fine-needle aspiration, core needle biopsy, incisional, excisional, ductal lavage

How many drinks must one consume on a single occasion in order for it to be considered binge drinking?


Which is NOT one of the major life events that can contribute to weight change?

going on a vacation

Which of the following is NOT a special case to BMI interpretation?

growing young children

Which of the following is often used in restaurant businesses and can be reused for deep-frying

hydrogenated oils

Which is NOT one of the five mandatory requirements for all food labels according to a rule passed by the FDA in 2016

ingredients in order of smallest to largest percentage

Of the following components, which diet is not linked to satiety?

lower energy density

Which type of cancer does NOT have significant survival rate?


Which drug can be manufactures in home laboratories with an ingredient commonly found in cold medicines?


Which disorder involves people who do NOT see themselves as fit and are obsessed with improving their physique

muscle dysmorphia

Which factor does NOT influence RMR?


Which condition is NOT part of the females athlete triad


Which of the following is FALSE in regard to fat calipers?

there is only one reliable prediction equation

Which of the following is NOT a treatment for skin cancer?

topical ointment

Fast foods that are deep-fried in partially hydrogenated oil contain which type of fat?

trans fat

How long does the process of sobering up take?

two hours

When considering the best loading for bone health, which of the following is NOT an appropriate force?

unloading of the spine

Which of the following vitamins is water-soluble?

vitamin B

Body Mass Index is the ratio of ____ to _____

weight and height

What statement about cancer disparities in the United States is false

Colorectal cancer incidences is high in whites than in blacks.

Addictions are the result of a lack of willpower.


As a person moves beyond middle age, fat mass decreases and muscle and bone mass increase.


Calcium and vitamin D are essential micronutrients for bone health.


Essential nutrients are nutrients your body can provide.


Fat calipers can measure visceral adipose tissue.


Fat requires more energy to digest and process than do other nutrients.


If a man and a woman whose body weights are identical consume the same number of drinks in an hour, the man will have a higher blood alcohol level.


If alcohol is mixed with fruit or a sugar-sweetened beverage, its caloric content stays the same.


If your weight does not change in response to your intentional manipulation of energy intake or expenditure, try alternative means before consulting with a physician.


In relation to food, the term processed has taken on a positive connotation.


It is common to find American women and men who are content with their body shape, size, and appearance.


Many products on the market are both effective and safe in terms of curbing appetite and increasing your resting metabolic rate (RMR).


Mindfulness meditation emphasizes using a mantra, which is a word or phrase that is repeated until you are no longer focusing on the distressful thought.


Most young adult women meet the recommended physical activity guidelines for strength training.


Nutritional deficiencies are more common than poor nutritional habits.


Refined carbohydrates are more nutritious than whole grains.


The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reported in 2014 that Americans who needed help with substance abuse sought out inpatient rehabilitation facilities more often than other types of treatment.


The heritability of BMI is in the range of 20 to 30 percent.


The rate of tobacco use increased between 2002 and 2013


The role of energy expenditure in preventing weight gain is well established because of well-executed study designs


The stress response is considered the stressor.


The term body composition and body fat are interchangeable


According to the CDC, the overall number of cancer cases and deaths in the United States has increases steadily over the past 20 years.


Addictions become a concern when people are unable to take care of their daily responsibilities


Alcohol affects people differently depending on how much and how often it is consumed and on the person's age, health status, and family history.


Alcohol is diuretic.


Alcohol reduces the use of fat as a fuel source.


All prescription drugs on the market have a limited effect on weight status in the long term and many have numerous side effects.


Almost all Americans consume adequate levels of protein in their diets.


Cancer develops over time and is more likely to develop if someone is repeatedly exposed to cancer-causing agents or substances


Diets that are higher in fiber, higher in protein, or lower in glycemic index are linked to satiety.


Driving can be impaired when a person's blood alcohol level reaches .05 percent.


Eustress is a good kind of stress that occurs when you are looking forward to planned event in which you anticipate a positive outcome.


Exercise can help prevent or treat mild depression.


Fat deposits are not all created equal with regard t their health risks.


Having too little muscle mass and low bone mass can cause serious conditions and diseases that often arrive later in life.


High level of resistance training can help prevent the reduction in RMR that occurs after middle age


In the Unites States, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in men and women.


Incomplete proteins primarily come from plant sources.


It i sometimes best for people to seek out high-quality professional help in order to deal with food and exercise-related issues.


Many processed foods , such as flour and breakfast cereals, contain added vitamins and minerals.


Obesity had been defined as disease by the American Medical Association


Which of the following is NOT a special case in which BMI value should be interpreted with caution?

active person

Which of the following is NOT considered a substance addiction?

binge eating disorder

Which of the following elements accounts for approximately half of a person's risk for developing an addiction?


Chronic overconsumption of alcohol increases a person's risk of developing what five diseases

breast cancer, stomach cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and fatty liver disease

___ and ___ cancer are adult inherited cancers

breast; colon

Which of the following is NOT one of the mandatory requirements for food labels as a new rule passed by the FDA in 2016

calories from fat will be enlarged

According to Robert Sapolsky, which of the following defines a high load of stress hormones that often lead to damage elsewhere in the body?

collateral damage

Which of the following is NOT a strategy for reducing energy intake?

consuming energy drinks

Which is NOT one of the three components of energy expenditure?

energy density

Which of the following is NOT a symptom of tobacco withdrawal?

excessive sweating

Which term refers to the claim that a food or ingredient helps reduce the risk of a disease or helps improve a condition?

health claim

Which of the following is NOT an example of a behavioral addiction?

none of the above

Which of the following is NOT an example of distress?

none of the above

Which of the following hormones is NOT a part of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis?


Which hormone activates the fight-or-flight response in the body?


Which of the following is NOT considered one of the primary factors for developing an addiction?


Which of the following refers to fat located right beneath the skin?

subcutaneous fat

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