Final Private Pilot Exam B

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The VOR receiver has the indications shown. What radial is the aircraft crossing? picture**

030 degrees

When the course deviation indicator (CDI) needle is centered during an omnireceiver check using a VOR test signal (VOT), the omnibearing selector (OBS) and the TO/FROM indicator should read

0° FROM or 180° TO, regardless of the pilot's position from the VOT

Unless otherwise specified, Federal Airways include that Class E airspace extending upward from

1,200 ft AGL up to and including 17,999 ft MSL

(Area 2) What minimum altitude is necessary to vertically clear the obstacle on the southeast side of Winnsboro Airport

1,403 feet MSL

TAKE OFF DISTANCE GRAPH Determine the approximate total distance required to land over a 50-foot obstacle. OAT ..........................90F Pressure Altitude......4,000feet Weight...................2,800 pounds Headwind component.......10 knts

1,775 feet

(Area 2) At coeur D'Alene, which frequency should be used as a common traffic advisory frequency (CTAF) to self-announce position and intentions?


(Area 4) The CTAF/UNICOM frequency at Jamestown Airport is MAP - easy.

123.0 MHZ

What is the valid period for the TAF and KMEM? CHART

1800z to 1800z

During operations within controlled airspace at altitudes of less than 1,200 feet AGL, the minimum horizontal distance from clouds requirement for VFR flight is

2,000 ft

When flying in the airspace underlying class b airspace, the maximum speed authorized is


What is the never-exceed speed?

208 knts (red line)

Calculate the moment of the airplane and determine which category is applicable. GRAPH... Weight(lb)/Moments(1000) empty weight - 1,350/51.5 pilot and front pass - 310/ rear pass - 96/ fuel, 38 gal -/ oil (8qt) - /0.2

80.8 utility ategory

What often leads to spatial disorientation or collision with ground/obstacles when flying under visual flight rules?

Continual flight into instrument conditions

When may an emergency locator transmitter (ELT) be tested?

During the first 5 minutes after the hour

What effect does high density altitude have on aircraft performance?

It reduces climb performance

The best method to use when looking for other traffic at night is to

Look to the side of the object and scan slowly

An ATC radar facility issues the following advisory to a pilot flying on a heading of 360 degrees: TRAFFIC 10 O'CLOCK, 2 MILES, SOUTHBOUND..." Where should the pilot look for traffic?


While cruising at 9,500 feel MSL, the fuel/air mixture is properly adjusted. What will occur if a descent for 4,500 feet MSL, is made without readjusting the mixture?

The fuel/air mixture may become excessively lean

What information should be entered in block 9 for VFR day flight? flight plan picture

The name of destination airport is no stopover for more than 1 hour is anticipated

During a night flight, you observe a steady red light and a flashing red light ahead and at the same altitude. What is the general direction of movement of the other aircraft?

The other aircraft is crossing to the left

Under what conditions may an aircraft operate from a satellite airport within class C airspace?

The pilot must contact ATC as soon as practical after takeoff

Under what condition is indicated altitude the same as true altitude?

When at sea level under standard conditions

Under which condition will pressure altitude be equal to true altitude?

When standard atmospheric conditions exist

The presence of carburetor ice in an aircraft equipped with a fixed-pitch propeller can be verified by applying carburetor heat and noting

a decrease in rpm and then a gradual increase in rpm

An on glide slope indication from a trip-color VASI is

a green light signal

In the Northern Hemisphere, a magnetic compass will normally indicate initially a turn toward the west if

a right turn is entered from a north heading

Which aileron positions should a pilot generally use when taxiing in strong quartering headwinds?

aileron up on the side from which the wind is blowing

What is the definition of a high-performance airplane?

an airplane with an engine of more than 200 horsepower

How are significant weather prognostic charts best used by a pilot?

for determining areas to avoid (freezing levels and turbulence)

In which environment is aircraft structural ice most likely to have the highest accumulation rate?

freezing rain

Every physical process of weather is accompanied by, or is the result of, a

heat exchange

On aircraft equipped with fuel pumps, when is the auxiliary electric driven pump used?

in the event engine-driven fuel pump fails

The presence of ice pellets at the surface is evidence that there

is a temp inversion with freezing rain at a higher altitude

(Area A) How should the flight controls he held while taxiing a tricycle-gear equipped airplane into a left quartering headwind?

left aileron up, elevator neutral

For aviation purposes, ceiling is defined as the height above the Earth's surface of the

lowest broken or overcast layer or vertical visibility into an obscuration

Thunderstorms reach their greatest intensity during the

mature stage

What antidotal phrase can help reverse the hazardous altitude of impulsivity?

not so fast, think first

During flight, when are the indications of a magnetic compass accurate?

only in straight-in-level unaccelerated flight

The uncontrolled firing of the fuel/air charge in advance of normal spark ignition is known as


As altitude increases, the indicated airspeed at which a given airplane stalls in a particular configuration will

remain the same regardless of altitude

Low-level turbulence can occur and icing can become hazardous in which type of fog?

steam fog

What change occurs in the fuel/air mixture when carburetor heat is applied?

the fuel/air mixture becomes richer

What determines the longitudinal stability of an airplane?

the location of the CG with respect to the center of lift

VFR approaches to land at night should be accomplished

the same as during day time

Altimeter setting is the value to which the barometric pressure scale of the altimeter is set so the altimeter indicates

true altitude and field elevation

What values are used for winds aloft Forecasts?

true direction and knots

Airspace at an airport with a part-time control tower is classified as Class D airspace only

when the associated control tower is in operation

The operator of an aircraft that has been involved in an incident is required to submit a report to the hearest field office of the NTSB.

within ten days

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