Final Questions: Genetics

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What is thought to be the origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts?

- bacteria that took up residence within a eukaryotic cell - mitochondria: gram negative non-sulfer bacteria - chloroplasts: cyanobacterium

How does DNA differ from RNA

-RNA is single stranded - Contains ribose instead of deoxyribose - Uracil instead of thymine

To make one complete twist (360 degrees) of a DNA double helix, how many base pairs are required?


Unique sequences make up approximately what percent of the human genome?


What RNA modification is important for mRNA stability?

3' polyA tailing

One strand of DNA is 5′ - TCCGGAAT - 3′. What is the opposite strand?


What are the observable characteristics of an organism?

3:1, 1:2:1

How many types of histone proteins exist?


Describe the directionality of a DNA molecule.

5' to 3'

Who discovered the first observational evidence that genes may be inherited together rather than by simple Mendelian inheritance

Bateson and Punnett

Who discovered the interaction of two genes could produce a phenotype?

Bateson and Punnett

How do researchers interrupt the process of conjugation?


Where can Inversion loops can occur?

Both paracentric inversions and pericentric inversions

What did the scientists Nirenberg and Matthaei study?

Cell -free translation system

Where are genes physically located?


This form of DNA transfer uses a sex pilus to transfer the genetic material?


What set of scientist provided visual proof that chromosomes exchange pieces of information during crossing over. Explain

Creighton and McClintock

What Nucleotides are found in DNA? RNA?


When a nucleotide is attached to a DNA strand, the cleavage of the dNTP into deoxyribonucleoside monophosphate and pyrophosphate is what type of reaction?


Activator proteins bind to silencer sequences and repressor proteins bind to enhancer sequences. T or F


A genetic linkage map indicates the precise distance between two genes of interest. True or false


A repressor protein would enhance the ability of TFIID to bind to the TATA box of the promoter. T or F


Mendel's work on inheritance had an immediate influence on the scientific community and theories of inheritance. True or false


Which virus uses reverse transcriptase in its reproductive cycle?


What are areas of the chromosome that are highly condensed and transcriptionally inactive


Explain gene interaction

If a combination of two or more genes is required to produce a specific trait

Where are the ribosomal subunits assembled?

In the nucleolus

What are the functions of both MARs and SARs?

MARs & SARs: DNA sequences interspeed in the genome.

In a Z-W system, which is considered to be the homogametic sex?


At what phase do chromosomes line up in the center of the cell?


When mapping genetic distance what unit of measurement is used?


What are the four levels of study a geneticist would evaluate? (*hint population, etc.)

Molecular level, cellular level, organism level, population level

What are individuals within a population that possess drastically different external markings, but are the same species?


Do Both parents usually imprint the same gene. Explain

No, it is usually the mother due to maternal effect

Where is the bacterial chromosome located?


Visible or measurable characteristics of an organism are called?


At what phase does the nuclear membrane starts to disassociate?


In transcription, the closed complex consists of?

RNA polymerase: Transcription factors double-stranded DNA

What researcher(s) initially used X-ray diffraction to gather information on the DNA molecule

Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins

What is the genetic material in the parvovirus?

Single standed DNA

The first person to suggest that a connection exists between the function of a gene and the production of an enzyme was Archibald Garrod. T or F


What general transcription factor is most often affected by regulatory transcription factors?


What general transcription factor is a helicase?


What is found at the end of a eukaryotic chromosome?


Explain incomplete penetrance

The environment may affect the outcome of the trait There may be modifier genes that affect the phenotype, which differ in different individuals

What is natural selection?

The process of differential survival and reproduction based on genes and traits

In transcription, the RNA has a complementary sequence to what strand?

The template strand of DNA

What is the purpose of DNA replication?

To make two daughter cells

The __________ process forms RNA.


An Alu sequence is an example of what?

Transposable Elements

Steroid hormones are an example of an effector which regulates regulatory transcription factor activity. T or F


List the known stop codons?


What causes the coat color of calico cat?

X-linked allele

If a gene is located on the X chromosome, but not the Y, it is classified as?

X-linked gene

Is sex determination in humans and Drosophila similar? If so, how?

Yes, X female Y male

What is a testcross?

a phenotypically dominant individual is mated with a recessive individual

What causes gene duplications?

abnormal events during recombination

What are the purine bases?

adenine and guanine

A variation of a gene is called a(n) ________.


At what phase do sister chromatids separate and move towards opposite poles of the cell?


Frederick Griffith discovered what?

bacteria are capable of transferring genetic information through a process known as transformation

The changes in the genetic makeup of a population over time is called? ________.

biological evolution

The C-terminus of a polypeptide always contains

carboxyl group

what statistical tests is used to determine if two genes are linked or assorting independently?

chi-square test

Heteroplasmy is associated with what organelle


Where is extranuclear DNA located in mammalian cells?


Studies of X-linked inheritance and sex chromosomes provide the evidence for what theory or principle?

chromosome theory of inheritance

Cytokinesis in animals occurs through the formation of a ________, whereas in plants a ________ forms.

cleavage furrow, cell plate

How do type A and type B blood differ?

code for different sugars

In human blood groups, the fact that an individual can have an AB blood type is an example of.


What is the backbone of the DNA

consists of the phosphate groups and the deoxyribose sugars

What did the scientists Khorana and colleagues study?

copolymers in a cell-free ove system

What are the pyrimidine bases?

cytosine, thymine, uracil

Explain penetrant percentages

described at the population level

In animals, somatic cells are ________ and gametes are ________.

diploid, haploid

Genomic imprinting is a result of what process

epigenetic regulation

Define gene linkage?

genes on the same chromosome tend to be inherited together

What is the most important result of horizontal gene transfer?

genomic variability and adaptation

In a Punnett square diagram, the outside of the box represents the ________.

haploid gametes

What process does the Holliday model explain?

homologous chromosomes

What is the correct order of meiosis?

interphase, prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, cytokinesis

explain paternal leakage

mitochondria provided through the sperm

Twin spotting provides proof of what genetic event?

mitotic recombination

The processes of transcription and translation are at what level of biological organization.

molecular level

In Incomplete penetrance will individuals who possess that dominant trait always express the trait?


Explain maternal effect

only genotype of the mother controls the offspring

The site on a plasmid that is cut, producing a single strand of DNA

origin of transfer

Sickle-cell anemia in humans is an example of?


What did the scientist Garrod study?

patients who had defects in their ability to metabolize certain compounds

What are the components of all nucleotides

phosphate group, pentose sugar, nitrogenous base

What is the name of the transcription start site?


CpG islands are associated with what process?


Explain sex-influenced inheritance provide an example

soft facial hair in females vs coarse facial hairs in males

RF1 and RF2 are active during what stage?


What do Riboswitches regulate?

transcription, translation, RNA stability, splicing

Regulation of gene expression may occur at which of the following levels?

transcription, translation, and post-translation

What is colchicine used for?

used to promote polyploidy

What features of DNA were suggested by Rosalind Franklin's X-ray diffraction data?

​​- Helical structure - Too wide for a single-stranded helix - 10 base pairs per turn of the helix

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