First Aid Health

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What is choking? (Overview)

Choking is when something gets stuck in the airway and is preventing an easy airflow.

You should replace any supplies you use from the first aid kit? (True or False)


What is the disease of the air passages?


After you assess the scene there are universal precautions you should take.Treat all ___(1)____and other ___(2)___ as if they contain germs that can cause diseases.

1 blood 2 Body fluids

Mild Airway Block If someone

Can't talk or make sounds Can cough loudly

Find the Problem - Before you give first aid, you must assess the ill or injured person to find out what the problem is. (Skills Test)

1. Check to see if the person is responsive or unresponsive. If the person is unresponsive check for breathing. 2. If the person is breathing and doesn't need immediate first aid, look for any obvious signs of injury, such as bleeding, broken bones, burns, or bites. 3. Look for any medical information jewelry. This tells you if the person has a serious medical condition. 4. Follow the actions outlined in the "Actions for Finding the Problem" section

Some examples of when you should phone 9-1-1 are if the ill or injured person

1. Doesn't respond to voice or touch 2. Has chest discomfort, signaling possible heart attack 3. Has signs of a stroke 4. Has a problem breathing 5. Has a severe injury or burn 6. Has severe bleeding 7. Has a seizure 8. Suddenly can't move a part of the body 9. Has received an electric shock 10. Has been exposed to poison

When you're on the phone with the dispatcher what should you remember? (Important)

1. Don't hang up until the dispatcher tells you to 2. Answering the dispatcher's questions won't delay arrival of help 3. Always be aware of your surroundings - know the address of your location

When giving first aid, you might wonder should you move an ill or injured person? The answer is "NO". However, there are times when the person should be moved, such as:

1. If the area is unsafe 2. If a person is unresponsive and breathing normally

ACTIONS for Finding the Problem - These are the steps to help you find out what the problem is. They should be listed in order of importance.

1. Make sure the scene is safe 2. Check to see if the person is responsive

What are the 4 ACTION steps when exposed to blood? Refer to this chart

1. Remove your gloves if you are wearing them 2. Immediately wash your hands and rinse the contact area with soap and lots of water for 20 seconds 3. Rinse your eyes, your nose, or the inside of your mouth with plenty of water if body fluids splattered in any of these areas 4. Contact a healthcare provider as soon as possible

Who should Phone for Help? Alone - (Know this list)

1. Shout for help 2. If no one answers and the person needs immediate care and you have a cell phone, phone 9-1-1 and put the phone on speaker mode 3. The dispatcher will provide further instructions, such as how to give first aid, give CPR, or use an AED

Who should Phone for Help? With Others - (Know this list)

1. Stay with the ill or injured person and be prepared to give first aid or CPR if you know how 2. Send someone else to phone 9-1-1 and get the first aid kit and AED if available 3. Have the person put the phone on speaker mode so that you can receive further instruction from the dispatcher.

What are the ACTION steps for Universal Precautions? (Know to this chart)

1. Wear PPE whenever necessary Wear protective gloves whenever you give first aid Wear eye protection if the ill or injured person is bleeding 2. Place all disposable equipment that has touched blood or body fluids containing blood in a biohazard waste bag as or as required by your workplace 3. To dispose of the biohazard waste bag, follow your company's plan for disposing hazardous waste 4. After properly removing your gloves, wash your hands well with soap and lots of water for 20 seconds

When to Phone for help - List the general rules you should follow. (Know this list)

1. Whenever someone is seriously ill or injured 2. Or you are not sure what to do in an emergency

For every emergency, follow the key steps of first aid: (Know this information)

1. Assess the scene 2. Phone for help 3. Take universal precautions 4. Find the problem 5. Protect the person's privacy

What are Medical emergencies?

1. Breathing problems 5. Fainting 2. Choking 6. Diabetes and low blood sugar 3. Allergic reactions 7. Stroke 4. Heart attack 8. Seizure

How to Help a Choking Infant with a Severe Airway Block (Skill Test - Know this chart)

1. Hold the infant facedown on your forearm. Support the infant's head and jaw with your hand 2. Give up to 5 back slaps with the heel of your other hand, between the infant's shoulder blades 3. If the object does not come out after 5 back slaps, turn the infant onto his back, supporting the head 4. Give up to 5 chest thrusts, using 2 fingers of your other hand to push on the chest in the same place you push during CPR 5. Repeat giving 5 back slaps and 5 chest thrusts until the infant can breathe, cough, or cry, or until they become unresponsive

How can you tell if someone is having trouble breathing? 4 signs from book.

1. Is breathing very fast or very slowly 2. Is having trouble with every breath 3. Has noisy breathing - you hear a sound or whistle as the air enters or leaves the lungs 4. Can only make sounds or speak no more than a few words at a time in between breaths although the person is trying to say more

Maintaining the First Aid Kit - Key information needed to know: (List 4)

1. Keep the supplies in a sturdy, watertight container that is clearly labeled 2. Know where the first aid kit is 3. Replace what you use so that the kit will be ready for the next emergency 4. Check the kit at the beginning of each work period for expired supplies and to make sure it is complete and ready for an emergency

Your role in the EMS system is:

1. Recognize that an emergency exists 2.Make sure the scene is safe 3.Phone 911 4.Provide care until someone with more advanced training arrives and takes over

How do you assess that you need to call 911? Know this facts

1. The person has no medicine 2. The person does not get better after using the medicine 3. The person's breathing gets worse 4. The person has trouble speaking 5. The person becomes unresponsive STAY WITH THE PERSON UNTIL SOMEONE WITH MORE ADVANCED TRAINING ARRIVES AND TAKES OVER.

When you come upon an ill or injured person and the person responds - it's important to do what?

1.Introduce yourself as a first aid provider 2.ask if you may help

You should wash your hands for at least

20 seconds

Severe Airway Block Then Take Action

Act quickly Follow the steps to help an adult, child, or infant with a severe airway block.

If the person is responsive

Ask what the problem is If the person only moves, moans, or groans, shout for help. Phone or send someone to phone 9-1-1 and get the first aid kit and AED. Check for breathing If the person is breathing and doesn't need immediate first aid, look for any obvious signs of injury, such as bleeding, broken bones, burns, or bites. Look for any medical information jewelry. This tells you if the person has a serious medical condition.

ACTIONS For Removing Protective Gloves (Skills Test)

Because of the risk of infection, using protective gloves and taking them off correctly are important steps when it comes to your safety and the safety of others. Always dispose of protective gloves properly so that anyone else who comes in contact with the biohazard waste bag does not get exposed to blood or body fluids.

Severe Airway Block If someone:

Cannot breathe, talk, or make sounds or Has a cough that has no sound or Makes the choking sign

After giving first aid at your workplace, you

Cannot discuss anything with coworkers; you must keep private things private

When assessing the scene, you should consider which of the following (Select all that apply)

Danger to yourself and others How many people are injured or ill Where the location is Where the nearest telephone is

As you approach the scene, consider the following - Explain what each word means.

Danger: Is there a danger for you or ill/injured person Help: Are others around Who: Who is ill or injured Where: Where are you

Protect the Person's Privacy - As a first aid rescuer, you may learn private things about the people you help, such as medical conditions. It is necessary to keep this information private, but you should give the information to who?

EMS rescuers

What law protects anyone who provides first aid -

Good Samaritan Law

Practicing Good Hand Hygiene is important - if you can't wash your hands right away, what should you use?

Hand sanitizer

What is the universal sign for choking?

Holding the neck with both hands

If you think someone is choking - Ask them are you choking? AND then you ASK

If you can help them

What is the first ACTION step in helping someone use an inhaler?

Make sure scene is

Assessing the Scene - what do you do first?

Make sure the scene is safe

What are the two parts of an inhaler?

Medicine canister Mouthpiece

A person who has received abdominal thrust for choking should -

See a medical professional

If the person is unresponsive

Shout for help and phone 9-1-1 Phone or send someone to phone 9-1-1 and get a first aid kit and AED If you are alone and have a cell phone, put it on speaker mode and phone 9-1-1. Go get the first aid kit and AED yourself. Check for breathing If the person is breathing normally, stay with him until advanced help arrives. Check for injuries and medical information jewelry. Stay with the person until advanced help arrives.

Mild Airway BlockThen Take Action

Stand by and let the person cough. If you're worried about the person's breathing, phone 9-1-1

When you phone for help, you should stay on the line with the dispatcher until -

The dispatcher tells you it's OK to hang up

If the person choking is in the late stages of pregnancy or is very large where do you given them thrusts?

They should be given chest thrusts

When you are providing first aid you should

Wear PPE

For a INFANT that has a severe airway block - what do you use to remove the object?

You use back slaps

When you phone 9-1-1, you:

you activate the network of emergency responders or EMS

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