First trimester

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The most common cause of pelvic pain with pregnancy is:

ectopic pregnancy

The secondary yolk sac:

is located in the chorionic cavity...provides nutrients to embryo, trophoblastic tissue secretes hCG

A rapid decline in serial hCG levels will most likely correlate with a

spontaneous abortion

Retained products of conception can be a contributing factor of:

trophoblastic disease

Which area of the embryo attaches to the amnion?

umbilical insertion

Initial visualization of the hyperechoic choroid plexuses is expected near the:

Tenth gestational week

The term Embryo is used to described a developing zygote through the:

Tenth week

In the first trimester, normal hCG levels will:

double every 48 hours

The mean sac diameter (MSD) measures gestational age before visualization of the:


Gestational weeks 6 through 10 constitute:

embryonic phase

ectopic pregnancies are commonly located in the:

fallopian tube

Pseudocyesis is a condition associated with

false pregnancy

The trophoblastic cells produce:


What hormone maintains the corpus luteum during pregnancy?


Subchorionic hemorrhage is common consequence:

implantation of the conceptus

Structure implants into the endometrium?


Associated with a lower than normal hCG level:

Ectopic pregnancy, blighted ovum, spontaneous abortion

The gestational sac demonstrates

Embryo and the amnion

What ectopic location is most life threatening to the patient?


The sonogram is most consistent with a:

Intrauterine pregnancy

A patient presents with a history of a therapeutic abortion 2 weeks previously. She complains of continued vaginal spotting since the procedure. She denies pelvic pain of fever. Based on this clinical history, the sonogram is most suspicious

Retained products of conception

The sonogram most likely demonstrates:

Subchorionic hemorrhage

This Lines the chorion and contains the fetus?


The 1st sonographically identifiable sign of pregnancy is the:

Decidual reaction

A corpus luteum is most likely misdiagnosed as a

Ectopic pregnancy

What location for an ectopic pregnancy would be least likely?


During a 1st trimester sonogram, you note a round, cystic structure within the fetal head. This most likely represents the:


The 1st structure noted within the gestational sac is the:

Yolk sac

What structure lies within the extraembryonic coelom?

Yolk sac

A transvaginal sonogram of the superior uterus demonstrates a:

Yolk sac in an intrauterine pregnancy

human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) peaks at the:

10th week

NT measures are typically obtained between:

11 and 14 weeks

The optimal gestational age for measuring fetal nuchal translucency is from:

11 weeks and 0 days to 13 weeks and 6 days

Normally, the chorionic cavity should no longer be visible after how many gestational weeks?


On transvaginal imaging, in normal pregnancy, cardiac activity must be identified within a gestational sac with a mean sac diameter of:


The normal gestational sac will grow:

1mm per day

fertilization typically occurs within how many hours after ovulation?

24 hours

A hyperechoic linear structure located posterior to the fetus is most likely:

A cystic hygroma

The most common location of an ectopic pregnancy is the:

Ampullary portion of the uterine tube

asymptomatic patient presents for an obstetrical ultrasound for gestational dating. She has a positive urine pregnancy test and is unsure of her menstrual period. Based on this clinical history, the sonogram is most suspicious for a

Anembryonic pregnancy

What are the structures that implants into the endometrium:


What is the stage of the concepts that implants within the decidualized endometrium?


The most accurate method of measuring gestational age:


The first system to function in the developing embryo


A malignant form of GTD is:


In the early gestation, where is the secondary yolk sac located?

Chorionic cavity

With normal pregnancy, the first structure noted within the decidualized endometrium is the:

Chorionic sac

During a 12 week sonogram, bilateral echogenic structures are noted within the lateral ventricles of the fetal cranium. The structures most likely represent:

Choroid plexus

What is the most common form of GTD?

Complete molar pregnancy

With this abnormality, the adnexa are most likely to demonstrate:

Complex adnexal masses

Sonographically, a normal appearing 7 week UIP is identified. Within the adnexa, an ovarian cystic structure with a thick, hyperechoic rim is also discovered. What does this ovarian mass most likely represent?

Corpus Luteum Cyst

Sonographic findings consistent with ectopic pregnancy:

Decidual thickening, complex free fluid within pelvis, complex adnexal mass separate from the ipsilateral ovary

The decidua capsularis and decidua parietailis produce the:

Double decidua sign

Normal human chorionic gonadotropin levels should be:

Double every 30-48 hours

A patient presents with a history of pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding, and a positive urine pregnancy test. Her last menstrual period was 4 weeks earlier.

Ectopic pregnancy

What is the most likely diagnosis of this transvaginal sonogram?

Ectopic pregnancy

An abnormal sonographic finding during the first trimester of pregnancy

Failure to demonstrate a yolk sac within a mean sac diameter of 10mm when using the transvaginal approach. Usually >8mm at this point

A patient presents with a history of rapidly increasing hCG levels. Based on this clinical history, the sonogram is most suspicious for:

Gestational Trophoblastic disease

Another name for the chorionic sac is the:

Gestational sac

What is the name of the dominance follicle prior to ovulation?


The hypoechoic areas in the anterior and posterior portions of the right adnexa are most suspicious for:


Consistent with a complete hydatidiform mole:

Heterogeneous mass within the endo, bilateral theca lutein cysts, hyperemesis gravidarum

An extrauterine & intrauterine pregnancy is termed

Heterotopic pregnancy

The most common clinical symptom associated with this abnormality is:


When measuring the mean sac diameter, the calipers should be placed from the:

Inner wall to inner wall

Formulas calculates the mean sac diameter of the gestational sac?


Compared with a normal IUP, the ectopic pregnancy will have a:

Low hCG

Most likely metastatic location for GTD?


What is often used to medically treat an ectopic pregnancy?


Subcutaneous accumulation of fluid behind the fetal neck measuring 3mm in thickness:

Normal finding in the late first trimesters

A well defined cystic area is displayed in the posterior portion of the fetal head. This is most suspicious:

Normal rhombencephalon

Which clinical presentation is most likely associated with this diagnosis?

Normal serial hCG levels

Clinical features of an ectopic pregnancy are:

Pain, vaginal bleeding, shoulder pain

The migration of the embryologic bowel into the base of the umbilical cord at 9 weeks is referred to as:

Physiologic bowel herniation

A patient presents with a positive pregnancy test and an hCG level of 750 mIU/ML. Based on this clinical history what describes this:

Possible small gestational sac on transvaginal imaging

What hormone, produced the corpus luteum, maintains the thickened endometrium?


May be sonographic findings in the presence of an ectopic pregnancy?

Pseudogestational sac, corpus luteum cyst, adnexal ring

A sonographic examination was performed on a pregnancy patient who complained of vaginal bleeding. Sonographically a crescent shaped anechoic area is noted adjacent to the gestational sac. The gestational sac contained a 6 week single live IUP. What is most likely diagnosis?

Subchorionic hemorrhage

Associated with an abnormal NT:

Trisomy 21, trisomy 18, turner syndrome

Structure that secretes human chorionic gonadotropin

Trophoblastic tissue

Clinical findings consistent with a complete molar pregnancy

Vaginal bleeding, hypertension, uterine enlargement

An abnormal finding in a first tri-mester pregnancy?

Visualization of the amnion without an embryo

What structure connects the embryo to the yolk sac?q

Vitelline duct

The structure created by the union of sperm and egg is the:


Presence of an embryo without visualization of the amnion is considered:

a normal finding

The most common site of fertilization is within the:

ampulla of the uterine tube

The most common pelvic mass associated with pregnancy is the:

corpus luteum cyst

A solid mass of cells formed by proliferation of a fertilized ovum is termed:


Chorionic villi are more prolific:

near the implantation site

Hyperemesis is a common clinical finding associated with:

trophoblastic disease

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