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bobwhite quail is a different quail from the Coturnix genus, the bobwhite is known as the __________________ and belongs to the genus _________________. So it is impossible to have a mixture of the common or Japanese quail with the bobwhite.

American quail, Colinus

Japanese Seattle - This is as an ___________ breed similar to the Japanese Taiwan; it has _______________ (rust-maroon) feathers at the base of the heads.

American, jersey

Spanish turkeys, descended from the wild birds domesticated by the ____________ and other ___________ people over the previous 2,000 years, were small but tough - highly resistant to disease and always ready to lay a good clutch of eggs.

Aztecs, Mesoamerican

were developed in the 1930s. They are similar in size as the Midget Whites. But they have wider breasts than the Midget Whites.

Beltsville small white turkeys

the bourbon red turkey breed came from their origin in ____________________. They were first bred there during the _____________.

Bourbon county, Kentucky, 1800s

The __________________ is far larger and heavier than the ________________, growing to about 10kg. Unlike the scrappy South American, bird though, the newcomer came from colder climate , resulting in disease outbreaks, higher mortalities in Filipino flocks and smaller clutches of eggs.

Broad Breasted Bronze turkey, Spanish-introduced turkey

A male ___________________(Meleagris gallopavo) in Palawan, a rural island in the western Philippines Turkeys have been cultured in the country since the ________________, having been imported and bred by both Spanish and American colonisers.

Broad Breasted Bronze turkey, mid-16th century

scientific name of turkey

Meleagris Gallopavo

scientific name of the male Broad Breasted Bronze turkey

Meleagris gallopavo

In turkey 0-4 weeks period is called as brooding period. However, in winter brooding period is extended upto 5-6 weeks. As a thumb rule the turkey young ones need double hover space as compared to chicken. Brooding day old young ones can be done using ______________ or _____________ and _______________.

infra red bulbs, gas brooder, traditional brooding systems

Although, they are suitable for meat production for family consumption purpose. Royal Palm are active turkey breed that forage extensively they can control _____________ well and are also good _____________. Royal Palm hens weight about 10 pounds and toms weight about 16 pounds.

insects, flyers

for brooder procedures, Observe the chicks - if they crowed under the bulb, there is __________________; if they move away from the bulb, there is ________________. Remedy the situation by changing the bulb, as required, using a lower watt bulb for less heat.

insufficient heat, too much heat

Turkeys in the free range system are highly susceptible for ______________ and _____________. Hence once in a month deworming and dipping is essential to improve the growth of the birds.

internal (round worms) and external parasites (fowl mite).

This is as an American breed similar to the Japanese Taiwan; it has jersey (rust-maroon) feathers at the base of the heads.

japanese seattle

Popularly known as "Chinese Quail". It has dark brown feathers mixed with white and gray. The female has a gray underside flecked with darker feathers, while the male has many reddish feathers on the underside.

japanese taiwan

what are the advantages of intensive system of rearing of turkeys?

- improved production efficiency - better management and disease control

what are the 2 methods of incubation?

- natural incubation with broody hens - artificial incubation

what are the essential requirements for raising turkeys?

- protection from predators - places to dust-bathe - roosts to fly up into at night - access to range grass - enough space: 75ft x 75ft for up to 12 turkeys

what are the advantages of free range system of rearing of turkeys?

- reduces the feed cost by 50% - low investment - cost benefit ratio is high

When it comes to choosing birds with uniform sizes, farmers should remember that a mature Japanese quail (60 days old) weighs an average of __________________, while a pullet that's only 30 to 35 days old should only weigh around __________________

120 grams, 100 grams

In turkey ________________ period is called as brooding period. However, in winter brooding period is extended up to ______________________. As a thumb rule the turkey young ones need double hover space as compared to chicken. Brooding day old young ones can be done using infra red bulbs or gas brooder and traditional brooding systems.

0-4 weeks, to 5-6 weeks

To prevent the young ones from wandering away from source of heat, a fence of at least ____________ height must be provided

1 feet

After _____________ of the season it may be better to inseminate every ____________.

12 weeks, fortnight

the bobwhite quail reach maturity at ____________

120 days.

Starting temperature is ____________followed by weekly reduction of ________ per week upt o ____________ of age

950F, 50F, 4 weeks

The floor space requirement for 0-4 weeks is _____________. per bird.

1.5 sq.ft

______________ should be cut to fit the feed trough and laid directly on the feed to prevent the birds from scratching out the feeds.

1/2-inch mash welded wire

Although, they are suitable for meat production for family consumption purpose. Royal Palm are active turkey breed that forage extensively, they can control insects well and are also good flyers. Royal Palm hens weight about ____________and toms weight about _____________

10 pounds , 16 pounds.

In force feeding, milk should be fed at the rate of 100ml per liter of water and one boiled egg have to be given at the rate of one per _____________ up to ____________ days. This will compensate the protein and energy requirements of the young ones.

10 young ones, fifteen

in natural incubation the Naturally turkeys are good brooders and the broody hen can hatch __________ numbers of eggs. Only clean eggs with good eggshell and shape should be placed for brooding to get ___________ hatchability and healthy young ones.

10-15, 60-80%

There are more than _________ different breeds of quail, but only a few are commercially used for egg or meat production.


the giant brown quail carcass reduces approximately _______________ , leaving 350 for the female and 250 for the male.

100 or 110 grams

In force feeding, milk should be fed at the rate of ______________ of water and _____________ have to be given at the rate of one per 10 young ones up to fifteen days. This will compensate the protein and energy requirements of the young ones.

100ml per liter, 1 boiled egg

For a table-type electric-operated incubator, a temperature of ______________should be maintained during the incubation period.

101o - 103o F

The Broad Breasted Bronze turkey is far larger and heavier than the Spanish-introduced turkey, growing to about __________. Unlike the scrappy South American, bird though, the newcomer came from ______________ , resulting in disease outbreaks, higher mortalities in Filipino flocks and smaller clutches of eggs.

10kg, colder climate

Candling is done on the ___________ of incubation. From setting, quail eggs will hatch on the _______________.

11th day, 18th day

the lassoto variety is considered one of the best egg-laying quail but it also weighs up to ____________. It is one of the main lines deriveterm-66d from the common quail. this is a small bird, similar to that of the Japonica quail. Its main characteristic is its high production of eggs and its plumage which is of a light brown almost yellowish tone.

125 grams

the lassoto weights a maximum of

125 grams

The eggs of the lassoto have a weight of ________________.

13 grams

They are among the beautiful heritage turkey breeds. Adult Blue Slate hen can weight about _________ and an adult tom can weight about _____________

14 pounds, 23 pounds.

The tom should be kept in isolation at least _____________ before semen collection. The tom should be handled regularly and the time required to collect the semen is ________________.

15 days, 2 minutes

If the roost is very lightweight, it may need to be staked down so it doesn't blow over. Perches should be about______________ above the ground.

15 to 30 inches

The protein, lipid carbohydrate and mineral content of turkey egg are 13.1%, 11.8%, 1.7% and 0.8% respectively. The cholesterol is _______________ of yolk.

15.67-23.97 mg/gm

the giant brown quail does not produce large numbers of eggs, generally ____________ to ____________ eggs a year, and they are not good for hatching.

150, 170

Colonised by Spain in the ___________ and the United States of America in the __________, the country has developed a culture that seamlessly blends essential ingredients of these two nations with elements of its own.

1500s, 1900s

black turkey is a domestic turkey breed. It was domesticated from Mexican wild turkeys brought back to Europe by the first Spanish explorers who visited the USA. Black turkeys have been around since the _________ and their plumage is _______. This breed is available in many European nations.

1500s, black

Columbus took specimens to Spain in 1948. Reports on turkey were there in Germany in _________ and in England by ________.

1530, 1541

texas quail - It produces approximately _____________ per year (it is not considered a laying quail).

170 eggs

On an average, mature Narragansett hens weight about _________________ and toms weight about ________________

18 pounds, 30 pounds

The male pharaoh quail weighs between _______________ in its adult stage and the female up to _______________

180 to 200 grams, 230 grams

the bobwhite quail can reach a weight of up to ___________

180 to 250 grams.

Spanish turkeys, descended from the wild birds domesticated by the Aztecs and other Mesoamerican people over the previous ____________, were small but tough - highly resistant to ____________ and always ready to lay a good clutch of eggs.

2,000 years, disease

The height of the house of turkey may vary from ______________ from the floor to roof

2.6 to 3.3 meters

The distance between two houses of turkeys should be at least ____________ and the young stock house should be at least ______________ away from the adult house.

20 meters, 50 to 100 meters

White Holland turkeys are calm in nature and good setters and mothers. But they sometimes break their eggs because the hens are so heavy. A mature White Holland hen can weight up to ____________ and a mature tom can weight up to _________

20 pounds, 30 pounds.

In the free range system, in one acre of fenced land we can rear _____________ turkeys. Shelter should be provided during __________ at the rate of 3-4 sq.ft. per bird. They should be protected from predators during scavenging. Planting of trees is desirable for providing shade and cooler environment. The range should be rotated which will help to reduce incidence of parasite infestation.

200-250 adult, night

Additionally, a mature American quail weighs an average of ________________ while a pullet only weighs ________________

220 grams, 200 grams

the bobwhite quail measures approximately ____________ long

23 cm

Keep feed in the troughs all the time, as feeding should be continuous __________every day to get higher egg production.

24 hours

texas quail - In carcass, a weight of __________ can be obtained in males and ____________ in females.

250 grams, 350 grams

the pharaoh quail can produce __________________ eggs a year.

250 to 280

for brooder preparations, On the sixth or seventh day, move the chicks to another compartment but with the short sides open (screened with wire mesh). The chicks now need more space; only _______________ will fit in a 2 feet x 4 feet x 6 inches cage.

250 to 300

Quail are easy to raise and the housing required is not as complicated as for chickens. A 4 feet x 8 feet x 1foot high cage can house _______________

250-300 layers

the incubation period is _____________ in turkey?

28 days

As with all free-range grazing schemes, the pasture must be allowed to recover so several fenced-in fields should be allotted for your turkey flock. Each bird requires _____________ of space. As a general rule, the bigger the pasture, the better. According to _________________, the ideal sex ratio would be ____________ hens for every tom, or adult male, guaranteeing continuous egg-laying.

2m to 3m square, Tekno-Tulong Greenfields, 15 to 20

Removal of the snood or dewbill (the fleshy protuberance near the base of the beak) is to prevent the head injuries from picking and fighting. At the day old the snood can be removed by finger pressure. At _______________ it can be cut off close to the head with ___________________.

3 weeks of age, sharp scissors

In the free range system, in one acre of fenced land we can rear 200-250 adult turkeys. Shelter should be provided during night at the rate of ______________ per bird. They should be protected from predators during ______________. Planting of trees is desirable for providing shade and cooler environment. The range should be rotated which will help to reduce incidence of parasite infestation.

3-4 sq.ft., scavenging

For beginners, the Japanese Seattle is recommended as it is a heavy egg producer and the male can be easily recognized by the color of its feathers as early as ______________ of age. This means a saving on feeds, as the male can be ___________________________

30 days, culled and sold as broilers

it is recommended that quail farmers start their stock with quail pullets that are ___________________.

30 to 35 days old

Provide shell grit at the rate of _______________ per day per bird to avoid the ______________

30-40 gm, leg weakness

Farmers can also check the parent stock to see if their pullets are of good quality. The birds should come from parents that lay eggs of a good size, have 65 percent average laying efficiency within ___________________, and an ideal growth rate or body weight

300 days laying period

the lassoto Produces up to ______________ a year.

300 eggs

They lay about _______________ during the first year before the number of eggs gradually decreases, starting with _________________ in the second year.

300 eggs, 150 to 175 eggs

The turkey will start lay from the ___________of age and its production period is ____________ from the point of lay. Under proper feeding and artificial lightening management turkey hens lay as much as ____________ annually.

30th week, 24 weeks, 60-100 eggs

Egg-laying for pharaoh quail begins at _____________ and reaches its maximum at ___________________

35 days, 45 or 50 days.

the weight of the texas quail male is up to __________

350 grams

the giant brown quail is one of the jumbo quail breeds that weigh ___________________ standing making them one of the heaviest quail that currently exists in the world.

350 to 450 grams

the giant brown quail carcass reduces approximately 100 or 110 grams , leaving _______________ for the female and _______________ for the male.

350, 250

Upon reaching ___________________, female pullets start laying eggs and will continuously do so daily

36 to 60 days old

Turkey eggs are large, mottled and tapered on one end. The eggs have an incubation period of 28 days and are hatched similarly to chickens'. The ideal temperature for hatching would be ____________. The poults or chicks should be raised in a warm, protected brooder area for ________________.

37.5°C, 26 to 28 weeks

Two of the biggest challenges in marketing turkeys in the Philippines are price and size. Dressed turkey meat sells for around 350 pesos or US$7 per kilogram, about three times the price of chicken. Dressed turkeys average __________, so a bird costs upwards of ____________, a hefty sum for a typical Pinoy family, which typically consumes less than a kilogram of meat per meal.

3kg, 1,000 pesos or $20

For the forced-draft incubators, the temperature should be kept at ______________.

98-100o F

Healthy hens can lay around ____________ per year. The eggs weigh about __________ and can be gathered each summer, usually from ________________. The eggs, however, are fragile and can be crushed by the weight of the hens, so farmers must quickly gather and hatch them separately in an incubator. To induce continual egg-laying, farmers can place one fake turkey egg per nest (plastic Easter eggs, cement-coated chicken eggs and even old golf balls will do). Empty nests might force hens to find new "secret nesting spots", making egg collection more difficult.

40 eggs, 90g, April through May

the texas quail reaches adulthood in ___________________

40 or 45 days

They reach their optimal weight in _________________ days They quickly adjust to cage conditions.

40 to 45

On an average ___________ young ones is expected from each adult female. Adult males are rarely used for mating after first year due to ______________. There is a tendency in adult males to develop affinity towards a particular female, so we have to change the adult males for every ____________.

40-50, reduced fertility, 15 days

female texas quail can weigh up to ____________ standing (it is famous for its meat production).

450 grams

the female giant brown quail standing weight is _________________ and ________________ in the male

450 grams, 350 grmas

the giant white quail weighs in its adult stage up to a little less than ____________ and as they are very premature birds, they reach their maximum weight and ready for slaughter in approximately ________________

450 grams, 40 days

A pasture with ____________ -high grass is ideal for grazing while clean water should be available 24/7. As an added benefit to crop farmers, turkeys act as _____________ mechanisms - hunting and picking out many of the bugs that deal damage to crops.

4in- to 6in, natural pest-control

•Inseminate the hen after _____________ O clock in the evening. •The average fertility should be _________ over a ___________ breeding season

5-6, 80-85%, 16 week

uSince turkeys are very good scavengers, it can consume earthworms, small insects, snails, kitchen waste and termites, which are rich in protein and that will reduce the feed cost by ____________. Apart from this leguminous fodder like _______________, ____________, ___________, etc., can be fed. To avoid leg weakness and lameness in free ranging birds, calcium should be supplemented at the rate of 250gm per week per bird in the form of oyster shell. Ten percent of feed can be substituted with vegetable waste to reduce the cost of feed.

50%, Lucerne, Desmanthus, Stylo

In intensive system, greens can be fed up to ____________ of the total diet on ___________________.

50%, dry mash basis

A ______________ should be placed a little away from the middle of the brooder to allow room for the chicks to stay away from the heat source in case there is over-heating in the brooder.

50-watt bulb

The brooder should be a closed compartment, 2 ft. x 4 ft. x 6 inches. The flooring, top and three of the sides should be made of lawanit or boards while the front side should be made of 1/4-inch mesh welded wire for ventilation. This is adequate for _____________ chicks. A bigger brooder may be made to fit the raiser's requirements.


the pharaoh quail consume up to _______________ of food a day.

55 grams

The average mortality rate is __________ during the first four weeks of life. Young ones by nature are reluctant to eat and drink in the first few days of life, primarily because of bad eyesight and nervousness. Hence, they have to be force fed.


The average mortality rate is __________ during the first four weeks of life. Young ones by nature are reluctant to eat and drink in the ____________ of life, primarily because of bad eyesight and nervousness. Hence, they have to be force fed.

6-10%, first few days

Nearly ___________ of the eggs will be laid in the _____________. The turkey eggs are tinted and weigh about ___________

70 percent, afternoon, 85 gms.

The usual ratio is _________ females to _______________ males. Too many males in the flock is indicated when females have bare backs with the feathers worn off, while an inadequate number of males causes fighting among the females.

70, 30

A mature Midget White hen weights about ____________ and a mature tom weights about _________

8 to 12 pounds, 13 lbs (according to google of male)

Artificial insemination in hens is done when the flock attains _____________ egg production. Inseminate the hens every _______________ with ________________ of undiluted semen.

8-10%, three weeks, 0.025-0.030ml

The width of the open house of turkey should not exceed _________________.

9 meters

The pharaoh quail have a life span of up to ___________________.

9 years

Our story begins (about turkey) in the Mexican port of _____________, which linked the markets of Europe and Asia via the ______________. In the mid-16th century, enterprising Spaniards brought pavo or Spanish turkeys aboard their cramped, leaking ships.

Acapulco, Manila galleon trade

Japanese Taiwan - Popularly known as "________________". It has dark brown feathers mixed with white and gray. The female has a gray underside flecked with darker feathers, while the male has many reddish feathers on the underside.

Chinese Quail

All the popular breeds used for eggs and meat commercial production are sub-varieties of the ______________ species, which is able to produce eggs throughout the year.


in housing turkeys, In hotter parts of the country the long axis of the house should run from _____________

East to West

______________ and ______________ can be chopped and fed turkeys to reduce the feed cost.

Desmanthus, Stylo

the pharaoh quail is not a bird that has a great weight, it is considered as a dual purpose, that is, it is used for the production of meat and eggs. This line is a genetic variation of the japonica quail (Coturnix japonica) and is raised mainly in the _________________ countries and ______________, where it stands out mainly for the exquisite flavor of its meat.

European Mediterranean , North Africa

The first president of the United States of America, __________________, issued a general proclamation in 1789 to celebrate "thanksgiving" on _____________

George Washington, November 26

Turkey occupies an important position next to chicken, duck. ____________ and ___________ in contributing the most evolving sector, which is playing a significant role in augmenting the economic and nutritional status of varied population.

Guinea fowl, quail

the white holland turkey was bred in ____________. This turkey breed migrated to the USA with early settlers to the country. And they were popular as meat bird in the ____________

Holland, 1800s.

For beginners, the ______________ is recommended as it is a heavy egg producer and the male can be easily recognized by the color of its feathers as early as 30 days of age. This means a saving on feeds, as the male can be culled and sold as broilers.

Japanese Seattle

bobwhite quail is a different quail from the Coturnix genus, the bobwhite is known as the American quail and belongs to the genus Colinus. So it is impossible to have a mixture of the common or _______________ with the __________.

Japanese quail, bobwhite

"Pabo can do well just by foraging for insects or grains. As free-range animals, they require very little input and multiply quickly," shares homesteader ____________, who keeps a gobble, or group, of turkeys alongside free-range chickens and ducks by the foothills of Mt Timolan in Mindanao. "I mainly raise sheep and chickens, so I consider these turkeys more like pets."

Jiaco Ordejan

In 1893 President _____________ proclaimed the last Thursday of _____________ a national thanksgiving holiday. Later it was changed to the fourth Thursday of November. However, turkey is synonymous with Christmas.

Lincoln, November

black turkey is a domestic turkey breed. It was domesticated from ____________ brought back to __________ by the first Spanish explorers who visited the USA. Black turkeys have been around since the 1500s and their plumage is black. This breed is available in many European nations.

Mexican wild turkeys, Europe

Beltsville small white turkeys were developed in the 1930s. They are similar in size as the _____________. But Beltsville small white turkeys have wider ___________ than the Midget Whites.

Midget Whites, breasts

Beltsvile small white turkeys make a nice table bird but are blander than __________ or some other heritage birds. They are prolific layers and mature hens are good sitters and can hatch eggs well. Although, they are not very ____________ compared to other heritage turkey breeds

Midgets, social

There are two types of Negro quails in the Philippines. The first is called _____________ because of its black to grayish-black feathers, while the other is called ___________ because it has black feathers with white spots on its breast. The latter among the two is a highly productive egg-laying quail breed that's suitable for commercial layer quail farming.

Negro, Tuxedo

Turkey (Meleagris Gallopavo) is a large gallinaceous bird of the family Meleagridae that is native of ___________________, domesticated in ____________and are now important source of food in many parts of the world.

North America, Europe

A male Broad Breasted Bronze turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) in _____________, a rural island in the western Philippines Turkeys have been cultured in the country since the mid-16th century, having been imported and bred by both _____________________ and _____________

Palawan, Spanish and American colonisers.

________________ is otherwise known as baggy or sour crop. Weakening of the crop . and supporting tissues causes ______________ so that feed and water accumulate in the organ and pass out slowly or not at all resulting in foul smelling semi liquid accumulation affecting the crop lining and treatment always useless.

Pendulous crop, dropped crop

The Japanese Taiwan breed is commonly raised in the _______________. However, its eggs are ____________ compared to those of improved breeds, and egg production is _____________. It has also been found to be susceptible to respiratory diseases

Philippines, small, lower

A market study shows that a male turkey sold at 24 weeks of age weighing 10 to 20 kg with expenditure of Rs.300 to 450 will give a profit of _______________. Likewise a female will give a profit of _____________ in a span of 24 weeks of time. Besides, the turkey can be reared in scavenging and semi-scavenging conditions also.

Rs. 500 to 600, Rs.300 to 400

Columbus took specimens to ________ in ____________. Reports on turkey were there in Germany in 1530 and in England by 1541.

Spain, 1948.

Numerous breeds are now farmed locally, with most tracing their ancestry to _____________ and _____________

Spanish and Bronze turkey

_______________ problem is one of the major factors for early mortality in young ones. So special care should be taken for supplying feed and water to turkey poults.

Starve out

The mating behavior of adult male tom is known as ____________, wherein it spreads the wings and makes a peculiar sound frequently. In natural mating, the male: female ratio is ___________ for medium type turkeys and _________ for large types.

Strut, 1:5, 1:3

bobwhite quail - Due to its large size and fattening, this subspecies began to be imported from the __________ to the countries with the longest experience, such as _____________ and _____________.

United States, Brazil and Argentina.

________________ is an ideal construction material (although electrical conduit can also be used) on top of wooden skids to keep the roost structure lightweight and easily moved.


The floor of the houses should be cheap, durable and safe preferably __________ with _______________.

concrete, moisture proof

The bread and caruncles of the hen turkey is ___________ ______________ is not practiced usually in case of turkeys

absent, vent sexing

Poultry-wise, this combination (culture of spain and america) might best be demonstrated by, of all things, the turkey - for Philippine turkeys directly trace their _____________ to these two colonisers.


Among the Standard Bronze varieties, the Broad-Breasted Bronze is the most commercially raised variety and most have been bred by ____________________ since the 1960s. But this variety was replaced by the _____________________ at that time. Because white feathers of Broad-Breasted White turkeys led to a cleaner looking and they become most commercially acceptable turkey breed. On an average, an adult hen weights about 16 pounds and a tom can reach about 25 pounds

artificial insemination, Broad-Breasted White

turkey's diets should be _________ by grains, feed pellets, chopped fruits and vegetables. Feeding should take place ___________, at around _____________.

augmented, twice daily, 9am and 4pm.

Blue back is a permanent dark discoloration of the skin on the _________ and sometimes the side and the _________ of the turkeys with dark plumage but not turkeys with ________________. It is caused by recessive factor.

back, breast, white plumage

Some 400 years passed, but turkey farming never really took off; it remained restricted mostly to ___________ and ____________. It was then that the Americans introduced ______________.

backyard farms, private flocks, new blood

Pendulous crop is otherwise known as _______________ or ______________. Weakening of the _____________ and __________ causes dropped crop so that feed and water accumulate in the organ and pass out slowly or not at all resulting in foul smelling semi liquid accumulation affecting the crop lining and treatment always useless.

baggy or sour crop, crop and supporting tissues

The usual ratio is 70 females to 30 males. Too many males in the flock is indicated when females have___________________ while an inadequate number of males causes fighting among the females.

bare backs with the feathers worn off

Toms are heavier. Matured toms have ______________ attached to the skin of the upper breast region. Pink or red fleshy protuberances on the head called as ____________ will appear in toms usually by about ______________ and is referred to as shooting the red.

black beard, caruncles, fifth week

There are two types of Negro quails in the Philippines. The first is called Negro because of its black to grayish-black feathers, while the other is called Tuxedo because it has _________________________________. The latter among the two is a highly productive egg-laying quail breed that's suitable for commercial layer quail farming.

black feathers with white spots on its breast

Farmers should check if the birds' feathers are tidy. They should also avoid buying birds with streaks of _______________ since these are signs of inbreeding.

black or white feathers

There are two types of Negro quails in the Philippines. The first is called Negro because of its _________________ feathers, while the other is called Tuxedo because it has black feathers with white spots on its breast. The latter among the two is a highly productive egg-laying quail breed that's suitable for commercial layer quail farming.

black to grayish-black

is a domestic turkey breed. It was domesticated from Mexican wild turkeys brought back to Europe by the first Spanish explorers who visited the USA. Black turkeys have been around since the 1500s and their plumage is black. This breed is available in many European nations.

black turkey

Females have a ____________ vent and a sharp, high pitched, long shrilling, melodious chirp.

blackish or grayish,

is a permanent dark discoloration of the skin on the back and sometimes the side and the breast of the turkeys with dark plumage but not turkeys with white plumage. It is caused by recessive factor.

blue back

is a domestic turkey breed. They have slate gray color plumage. They are lighter birds and are also sometimes called Lavender turkeys. Actually slate turkey breed may be any number of shades between white and pure black.

blue slate

Due to its large size and fattening, this subspecies began to be imported from the United States to the countries with the longest experience, such as Brazil and Argentina.

bobwhite quail

They are brown in color almost all over her body.

bobwhite quail

This species can be found in the wild in different regions of the United States, Cuba, Mexico, and Guatemala. It is a fairly large quail in relation to wild species, but it falls far short of those developed through genetic mixtures in the United States.

bobwhite quail

this is a different quail from the Coturnix genus, this is known as the American quail and belongs to the genus Colinus. So it is impossible to have a mixture of the common or Japanese quail with the bobwhite.

bobwhite quail

are very attractive birds for their beautiful red plumage. They are also known and popular for a full flavor, delicious meat and are considered as one of the best tasting heritage turkey breeds.

bourbon red turkeys

a tuff of hair attached to the skin of the upper chest region

bread (beard sa google)

They are much more common in toms then in hens. They are believed to be caused by continuous irritation of the skin that covers the breastbone.

breast blisters

the lassoto is a "_______________________________ in the poultry industry for the commercialization of meat and eggs" since it has good characteristics of precosity (rapid development) and high laying.

breed of great interest

The early laying birds may be segregated for use as _____________, while late layers are raised for _______________

breeders, table egg production

are modern turkey breed which are raised commercially in farms. They are available in almost every country around the globe. They have maximum conversion ratio of feed to meat in shortest possible time (like broiler chicken breeds) and very suitable for commercial turkey farming business.

broad breasted white turkeys

In turkey 0-4 weeks period is called as _____________. However, in _______________ is extended upto 5-6 weeks. As a thumb rule the turkey young ones need double hover space as compared to chicken. Brooding day old young ones can be done using infra red bulbs or gas brooder and traditional brooding systems.

brooding period, winter brooding period

A small pen or box with solid sides makes a good space for a ___________ to hatch out __________. This pen can be placed within the larger turkey house

broody hen, poults,

Both turkeys are predominantly ______________with a ______________, adorned by __________ along the wings, tail and breast.

brownish-black, coppery sheen, white bars

Since turkeys are very good scavengers, it can consume earthworms, small insects, snails, kitchen waste and termites, which are rich in protein and that will reduce the feed cost by fifty percent. Apart from this leguminous fodder like Lucerne, Desmanthus, Stylo etc., can be fed. To avoid leg weakness and lameness in free ranging birds, ______________ should be supplemented at the rate of ____________ per bird in the form of oyster shell. Ten percent of feed can be substituted with vegetable waste to reduce the cost of feed.


Since turkeys are very good scavengers, it can consume earthworms, small insects, snails, kitchen waste and termites, which are rich in protein and that will reduce the feed cost by fifty percent. Apart from this leguminous fodder like Lucerne, Desmanthus, Stylo etc., can be fed. To avoid leg weakness and lameness in free ranging birds, ______________ should be supplemented at the rate of ____________ per bird in the form of _______________. Ten percent of feed can be substituted with vegetable waste to reduce the cost of feed.

calcium, 250gm per week, oyster shell

Midget white turkeys are ____________ in nature and do well in raising poults (because the Midget White hens are small and they can become good __________________).

calm, fence-jumpers

Feather picking is a mild form of _____________ to which turkeys are addicted, especially during the growth period. It can be prevented almost completely by _____________.

cannibalism, debeaking

the fleshy protuberance on the head neck and usually pink or red in color which appear from about 5th week of age


Turkeys can be turned out onto pasture with ____________. They will improve the land by eating ______________ such as nettles, dock, and chicory.

cattle, weed seeds

Since turkeys are fond of greens, some ________________ should also be added to the feed to improve the feed intake. Also colored egg fillers can be used for the first 2 days as feeders.

chopped green leaves

The litter material should be spread in a ______________ with a diameter of ____________.

circular manner, 2 mtrs

Among the Standard Bronze varieties, the Broad-Breasted Bronze is the most commercially raised variety and most have been bred by artificial insemination since the 1960s. But this variety was replaced by the Broad-Breasted White at that time. Because white feathers of Broad-Breasted White turkeys led to a _________________ and they become most commercially acceptable turkey breed. On an average, an adult hen weights about _______________ and a tom can reach about ___________________

cleaner looking, 16 pounds, 25 pounds

Since turkeys are fond of greens, some chopped green leaves should also be added to the feed to improve the feed intake. Also _________________ can be used for the _______________as feeders.

colored egg fillers, first 2 days

feed turkeys during the ___________ of the day during summer

cooler parts

Turkeys will further improve the pasture by picking out _____________ and other digested _______________ and spreading it around the pasture.

corn, grains from manure

Another one inch mesh welded wire should be used to _____________ to prevent the birds from dusting themselves with the feeds.

cover the trough

Japanese Taiwan - Popularly known as "Chinese Quail". It has _______________ feathers mixed with _______________. The female has a gray underside flecked with darker feathers, while the male has many reddish feathers on the underside.

dark brown, white and gray

Male poults strut even at ____________ and continue throughout the life.

day old

Young ones should be debeaked to control feather picking and cannibalism. Debeaking can be done at ______________ or _______________. Remove the beak at about one half the distance from nostril to the tip of the beak.

day old or 3-5 weeks of age

Clipping or is done at ______________ by removing the tip of the toe just to the inside of the outer most toe pad including the entire toenail.

day old,

removal of beak


removal of snood or dewbill


the giant white quail meat is white, tender, soft, and juicy, with excellent quality. This allows quick-cooking and that all the nutrients that this food provides are not _____________.


removal of the tip of the toe

detoeing or toe clipping

a large flap skin seen immediately below the chin


In turkey 0-4 weeks period is called as brooding period. However, in winter brooding period is extended upto 5-6 weeks. As a thumb rule the turkey young ones need _____________ as compared to chicken. Brooding day old young ones can be done using infra red bulbs or gas brooder and traditional brooding systems.

double hover space

for brooding procedures Prepare a ______________; you can improvise with plastic glasses and plastic covers, or lids large enough to overlap 1/4 of an inch around the glass rims. Bore a hole in the top rim of the plastic glass to allow __________________ when inverted over the plastic cover. This makes a good drinking trough for the chicks. Commercial waterers for chickens with their deep, wide edges are not advisable for pugo because they might drown in them.

drinking trough, water to flow out

the pharaoh quail is not a bird that has a great weight, it is considered as a ____________________, that is, it is used for the production of meat and eggs. This line is a genetic variation of the _________________(Coturnix japonica) and is raised mainly in the European Mediterranean countries and North Africa, where it stands out mainly for the exquisite flavor of its meat.

dual purpose, japonica quail

stampeding: Turkeys are subject to fright especially ________________. Severe losses from injury, straying, smothering, bruising, broken limbs and death by predatory animals may result into _____________. Avoiding disturbances at night and providing ________________ at night may lessen it.

during night., stampedes, low intensity light

Since turkeys are very good scavengers, it can consume ______________ which are rich in protein and that will reduce the feed cost by fifty percent. Apart from this leguminous fodder like Lucerne, Desmanthus, Stylo etc., can be fed. To avoid leg weakness and lameness in free ranging birds, calcium should be supplemented at the rate of 250gm per week per bird in the form of oyster shell. Ten percent of feed can be substituted with vegetable waste to reduce the cost of feed.

earthworms, small insects, snails, kitchen waste and termites,

Since turkeys are very good scavengers, it can consume ______________, ________________, ___________, __________ and ___________which are rich in protein and that will reduce the feed cost by fifty percent. Apart from this leguminous fodder like Lucerne, Desmanthus, Stylo etc., can be fed. To avoid leg weakness and lameness in free ranging birds, calcium should be supplemented at the rate of 250gm per week per bird in the form of oyster shell. Ten percent of feed can be substituted with vegetable waste to reduce the cost of feed.

earthworms, small insects, snails, kitchen waste and termites,

Light should be provided so the birds will continue to __________ at night.


White Holland turkeys are calm in nature and good setters and mothers. But they sometimes break their ____________ because the hens are so ____________. A mature White Holland hen can weight up to 20 pounds and a mature tom can weight up to 30 pounds.

eggs, heavy

They are hardy and tolerant of many different weather conditions, so they can be kept outdoors most of the time from the age of _______________.

eight weeks onward

For temporary fencing in a range pasture setting, you can use ____________________________ . If you want to build a more permanent enclosure, use woven-wire fencing and metal T-posts or wooden posts.

electric poultry netting

Turkey farming is one of the most profitable farming businesses in the Philippines because there is a small supply but _____________ especially for Westerners.

high demand

The Royal Palm turkey is a very beautiful, striking turkey breed. Actually, they were bred for their good looks. They have white and black plumage. They were breed not for commercial purpose. Because they are smaller in size than most other heritage varieties. They are mostly raised for ________________ or ______________ of home or farm.

exhibition, enhancing beauty

Young ones should be debeaked to control _____________ and ____________. Debeaking can be done at day old or 3-5 weeks of age. Remove the beak at about one half the distance from nostril to the tip of the beak.

feather picking and cannibalism

On the 30th day, males of the Japanese seattle breed can already be recognized by their ______________, so they can be ______________ and sold as broilers.

feathers, segregated

Pendulous crop is otherwise known as baggy or sour crop. Weakening of the crop . and supporting tissues causes dropped crop so that ____________ and ____________ accumulate in the organ and pass out slowly or not at all resulting in ____________________________________________affecting the crop lining and treatment always useless.

feed and water, foul smelling semi liquid accumulation

Broad Breasted white turkeys are modern turkey breed which are raised commercially in farms. They are available in almost every country around the globe. They have maximum conversion ratio of _______________ in shortest possible time (like broiler chicken breeds) and very suitable for commercial turkey farming business.

feed to meat,

Most farmers, however, find it best to breed turkeys in a _______________ protected by a covered shed The majority of turkey breeds have well-honed free-range ___________ and can forage by day and retire to a makeshift shelter at night or when the elements start getting too rough.

fenced pasture, instincts

The advantage of artificial insemination is to maintain high ___________ from turkey flock throughout the season. The age of tom should be _______________ for semen collection.

fertility, 32-36 weeks

the native quail breed is found in the ____________ and _________; the common pugo. this quail is not suitable for commercial production

fields and forest

The usual ratio is 70 females to 30 males. Too many males in the flock is indicated when females have bare backs with the feathers worn off, while an inadequate number of males causes ___________________

fighting among the females

After the chicks reach six or eight weeks old, feed meat-type birds a "_____________" diet, or feed flight birds and those saved for egg production a "______________" diet. Feed meat birds a finisher diet until slaughter. Feed flight birds and immature breeders the developer diet until you sell them or until they are about 20 weeks old. A few weeks before you expect egg production, offer breeders a "layer" diet until they complete their egg production period.

finisher, developer

The average mortality rate is 6-10% during the _______________ of life. Young ones by nature are reluctant to ______________ in the first few days of life, primarily because of bad eyesight and nervousness. Hence, they have to be ____________.

first four weeks, eat and drink, force fed

Although, there are some problems with Broad-Breasted white turkeys. They can't ______________. They are prone to diseases like other factory farm raised poultry birds and they can't reproduce without __________________. They also don't taste too good like other turkey breeds.

fly or walk, artificial insemination

Whether your turkeys are allowed free movement over range pasture or are being confined in a pen area, the fencing material should be as high as possible, at least ______________, given that these birds can and will fly.

four feet

Deworming of the breeders is done at least every ____________________. Use the same dewormers as for chickens, but follow the direction on the package for smaller birds.

four months or three times a year

In 1893 President Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday of November a national thanksgiving holiday. Later it was changed to the _____________ of November. However, turkey is synonymous with ___________.

fourth Thursday, Christmas

Quail, unlike some other fowl, are not delicate birds. The birds do not easily contract _____________ common to poultry, especially chickens.

fowl diseases

Turkey (Meleagris Gallopavo) is a large _____________of the family ____________that is native of North America, domesticated in Europe and are now important source of food in many parts of the world.

gallinaceous bird, Meleagridae

Young ones can be attracted to the feed by _____________ of the container with the fingers. ______________or _______________ placed in feeders and waterers will also attract young ones towards them.

gentle tapping, Colored marbles or pebbles

It is one of the jumbo quail breeds that weigh 350 to 450 grams standing making them one of the heaviest quail that currently exists in the world.

giant brown quail

It is one of the varieties of the common quail (Coturnix) and as its name implies, it is one of the quail lines with white plumage, and with small dark or brown spots. It is one of the largest and heaviest in the United States.

giant white quail

the royal palm turkey is a very beautiful, striking turkey breed. Actually, they were bred for their _______________. They have ____________ and _____________ plumage. They were breed not for commercial purpose. Because they are smaller in size than most other heritage varieties. They are mostly raised for exhibition or enhancing beauty of home or farm.

good look, white and black

Japanese Taiwan - Popularly known as "Chinese Quail". It has dark brown feathers mixed with white and gray. The female has a ______________ underside flecked with ___________feathers, while the male has many reddish feathers on the underside.

gray, darker

You can let out toms for a few hours every day to ____________, then let them back in before letting the hens out to __________. Coax the birds back into the turkey house by offering them _____________. Even for breeding stock, make sure the turkeys have access to pasture each day. About half of an adult turkey's diet will be made up of grass and plants from pasture.

graze, graze, poultry feed

When the birds are 15 days old, transfer them to __________________. By this time they are fully ______________.

growing cages, feathered

Experience has shown that if female quail do not answer the throaty cry of the male they are not _______________.


Healthy hens can lay around 40 eggs per year. The eggs weigh about 90g and can be gathered each summer, usually from April through May. The eggs, however, are fragile and can be crushed by the weight of the hens, so farmers must quickly gather and ____________ them separately in an incubator. To induce continual egg-laying, farmers can place ____________ per nest (plastic Easter eggs, cement-coated chicken eggs and even old golf balls will do). Empty nests might force hens to find new "__________________", making egg collection more difficult.

hatch, one fake turkey egg, secret nesting spots

The right proportion of males in the flock is necessary for a high percentage of ______________.


Removal of the snood or dewbill (the fleshy protuberance near the base of the beak) is to prevent the ______________ from picking and fighting. At the ______________ the snood can be removed by ________________. At 3 weeks of age it can be cut off close to the head with sharp scissors.

head injuries, day old, finger pressure

For beginners, the Japanese Seattle is recommended as it is a ____________ and the male can be easily recognized by the _________________ of its feathers as early as 30 days of age. This means a saving on feeds, as the male can be culled and sold as broilers.

heavy egg producer, color

adult female turkey


the standard bronze is one of the largest _________________. They have also been the most popular turkey breeds in American history. Bronzes were originally a cross between the native wild turkeys (discovered by Europeans) in America and the turkeys brought to the colonies by Europeans. Among the Standard Bronze varieties,

heritage turkey breeds

Farmed alongside chickens in ___________ and ___________ across the Philippines, they soon became familiar as pabo and flourished as free-range fowl, foraging in the brush for seeds, worms and insects.

homesteads and barrios

in artificial incubation Egg should be turned at ______________. Eggs should be collected frequently to prevent soiling and breakage and also to get better hatchability.

hourly intervals daily

Normally, "pugo" will hatch their own eggs, but the imported breeds mentioned will not brood to ________________; an incubator must therefore be used.

incubate their eggs

In artificial incubation, eggs are hatched with the help of ______________.


Turkey eggs are ____________, ___________ and ____________ on one end. The eggs have an incubation period of _______________ and are hatched similarly to chickens'. The ideal temperature for hatching would be 37.5°C. The poults or chicks should be raised in a warm, protected brooder area for 26 to 28 weeks.

large, mottled and tapered, 28 days

the giant white quail is one of the varieties of the common quail (Coturnix) and as its name implies, it is one of the quail lines with white plumage, and with small dark or brown spots. It is one of the _____________ and ___________ in the United States.

largest and heaviest

This variety is considered one of the best egg-laying quail but it also weighs up to 125 grams. It is one of the main lines derived from the common quail. this is a small bird, similar to that of the Japonica quail. Its main characteristic is its high production of eggs and its plumage which is of a light brown almost yellowish tone.


The brooder should be a closed compartment, 2 ft. x 4 ft. x 6 inches. The flooring, top and three of the sides should be made of _____________while the front side should be made of _________________for ventilation. This is adequate for 500 chicks. A bigger brooder may be made to fit the raiser's requirements.

lawanit or boards, 1/4-inch mesh welded wire

The flooring and all sides are made of 1/2-inch mesh welded wire while the top or cover should be of ____________ to prevent the birds from _____________.

lawanit, flying

After the chicks reach six or eight weeks old, feed meat-type birds a "finisher" diet, or feed flight birds and those saved for egg production a "developer" diet. Feed meat birds a finisher diet until slaughter. Feed flight birds and immature breeders the developer diet until you sell them or until they are about 20 weeks old. A few weeks before you expect egg production, offer breeders a "_____________" diet until they complete their egg production period.


Best results were found when chicken broiler starter mash (22% protein) was fed to both __________________.

layers and broilers

After 41 days from hatching, the birds should start __________. Remove the males not intended for ______________ and the undeveloped females and sell them as broilers.

laying eggs, breeding

People prefer turkey meat because of its ________________. The protein, fat, energy value of turkey meat are ____________________ Mineral like potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium, zinc and sodium are present. It is also rich in essential amino acids and vitamins like niacin, vitamin B6 and B12. It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and essential fatty acids and low in cholesterol.

leanest nature, 24%,6.6%, 162 Calories per 100 gm of meat.

the feathers of the lassoto are _____________

light brown

the lassoto variety is considered one of the best egg-laying quail but it also weighs up to 125 grams. It is one of the main lines derived from the common quail. this is a small bird, similar to that of the Japonica quail. Its main characteristic is its high production of eggs and its plumage which is of a _____________________.

light brown almost yellowish tone

If higher, an angled ladder structure will allow the birds to climb to the perch locations. Cover the roost structure with a ______________ or ___________roof to protect the resting birds from the weather.

lightweight metal or fiberglass panel

However, females will not fight if there is no _________________, as proved when table egg layers are kept separately with no _______________.

male at all among them, males

what are the methods of feeding turkeys?

mash feeding and pellet feeding

the bobwhite quail have white plumage on their face that gives them a _________________ appearance.


The quail has a tendency to fly upwards if the top of the cage is made of ____________, and this may cause head injuries.

mesh wire

Turkeys require elevated roosting spots to spend the _______________, ideally with a _______________ to protect them from the elements.

overnight hours, sheltering roof

Turkeys in the free range system are highly susceptible for internal (round worms) and external parasites (fowl mite). Hence once in a ____________ and _____________ is essential to improve the growth of the birds.

month deworming, dipping

were the staple of the New England turkey scene before factory farmed turkeys became the norm (they are originally from Rhode Island).


Found in the fields and forests; the common "pugo". This quail is not suitable for commercial production.


what are the different Quail breeds found in the Philippines ( 5)?

native japanese taiwan japanese seattle negro tuxedo

the standard bronze is one of the largest heritage turkey breeds. They have also been the most popular turkey breeds in American history. Bronzes were originally a cross between the ________________ (discovered by Europeans) in America and the turkeys brought to the colonies by ________________.

native wild turkeys, Europeans

Naturally turkeys are good brooders and the broody hen can hatch 10-15 numbers of eggs. Only clean eggs with good eggshell and shape should be placed for brooding to get 60-80% hatchability and healthy young ones.

natural incubation with broody hens

this quail breed is Black or grayish black.


The temperament of turkeys is usually ___________; hence they get panicky at all stages. Hence entry of visitors in to the turkey's house should be ___________.


The temperament of turkeys is usually ___________; hence they get panicky at all stages. Hence entry of visitors in to the turkey's house should be ___________.

nervous, restricted

In a pen environment, topping the fence with ______________ will protect the birds and prevent escape.


Turkeys can be turned out onto pasture with cattle. They will improve the land by eating weed seeds such as ___________, __________, ____________

nettles, dock, and chicory

for brooding procedures, Spread feeds for the chicks over the _________________ and place the waterers away from the ________________. Leave the space under the bulb free for the chicks to lay down or crowd together. Do not place feeds in that area as the chicks will lay down and blind themselves while under the heat of the bulb.

newspapers, light bulb

People prefer turkey meat because of its leanest nature. The protein, fat, energy value of turkey meat are 24%,6.6%, 162 Calories per 100 gm of meat. Mineral like potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium, zinc and sodium are present. It is also rich in essential amino acids and vitamins like _______________, ___________, ___________. It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and essential fatty acids and low in cholesterol.

niacin, vitamin B6 and B12

Vaccination is _______________ and the drugs usually given to chickens do not have to be added to quail feed or drinking water. However, should any disease outbreak occur, the drugs used for chicken can be used.

not needed

Young ones should be debeaked to control feather picking and cannibalism. Debeaking can be done at day old or 3-5 weeks of age. Remove the beak at about ____________ the distance from nostril to the _____________ of the beak.

one half, tip

Use the semen within __________ of collection. Take the collection _____________ weekly or on alternative days.

one hour, three times

Quail can be fed with any available chicken feed at the rate of ____________ for every _________ per day.

one kilo, 50 quail layers

An overhang of _________________ should be provided to avoid the rainwater splash.

one meter

As the toms are sensitive to handling, the same __________ should be used to get maximum volume of semen. Average semen volume is ___________

operator, 0.15 to 0.30ml.

Farmed alongside chickens in homesteads and barrios across the Philippines, they soon became familiar as ___________ and flourished as free-range fowl, foraging in the brush for ____________, ___________ and ___________

pabo, seeds, worms and insects.

A shelter for turkey is necessary to protect against rain and can include nesting boxes on one side. The pasture perimeter can be rung by a natural ___________________ or ________ to keep out palm civets, reticulated pythons, monitor lizards, dogs and other animals who would just love to have a free turkey dinner.

palisade or wire fence

Farmers can also check the _____________ to see if their pullets are of good quality. The birds should come from parents that lay eggs of a good size, have ______________ average laying efficiency within 300 days laying period, and an ideal growth rate or body weight

parent stock, 65 percent

You can let out toms for a few hours every day to graze, then let them back in before letting the hens out to graze. Coax the birds back into the turkey house by offering them poultry feed. Even for breeding stock, make sure the turkeys have access to ____________ each day. About half of an adult turkey's diet will be made up of _______________ and ________from pasture.

pasture, grass and plants

Our story begins in the Mexican port of Acapulco, which linked the markets of Europe and Asia via the Manila galleon trade. In the mid-16th century, enterprising Spaniards brought _____________________ aboard their cramped, leaking ships.

pavo or Spanish turkeys

this is not a bird that has a great weight, it is considered as a dual purpose, that is, it is used for the production of meat and eggs. This line is a genetic variation of the japonica quail (Coturnix japonica) and is raised mainly in the European Mediterranean countries and North Africa, where it stands out mainly for the exquisite flavor of its meat.

pharaoh quail

Prospective breeders should be selected for strength, vigour and vitality. Healthy birds should display clean, glossy _____________ contrasted with a ____________ and colourful _____________.

plumage, bright red head, wattles

•Egg is noticeably ____________ at one end with strong shell. •The protein, lipid carbohydrate and mineral content of turkey egg are _____________________ respectively. The cholesterol is 15.67-23.97 mg/gm of yolk.

pointed, 13.1%, 11.8%, 1.7% and 0.8%,

young one of turkey


the lassoto is a "breed of great interest in the poultry industry for the commercialization of meat and eggs" since it has good characteristics of ______________ (rapid development) and high __________________.

precocity, laying

Two of the biggest challenges in marketing turkeys in the Philippines are ____________ and _______. Dressed turkey meat sells for around ______________ or ______________, about three times the price of chicken. Dressed turkeys average 3kg, so a bird costs upwards of 1,000 pesos or $20, a hefty sum for a typical Pinoy family, which typically consumes less than a kilogram of meat per meal.

price and size, 350 pesos or US$7 per kilogram

There are two types of Negro quails in the Philippines. The first is called Negro because of its black to grayish-black feathers, while the other is called Tuxedo because it has black feathers with white spots on its breast. The latter among the two is a highly ________________ quail breed that's suitable for commercial layer quail farming.

productive egg-laying

Feed quail chicks a "starter" diet soon after hatching. Continue feeding the starter until birds are six or eight weeks old. The starter diet has the highest level of ____________ a bird receives during its lifetime. As the chicks age, their requirements for most nutrients _______________, including dietary protein. But they need more energy.

protein, decline

Turkey meat is an excellent source of _________ and is considered by many as a ________ and more cost-effective alternative to _____________, with a similar taste and texture to lean meat. "In terms of nutrition, ground turkey and ground beef are comparable

protein, healthier, beef

Native - Found in the fields and forests; the common _________. This quail is not suitable for commercial production.


for brooding procedures, Prepare a drinking trough; you can improvise with plastic glasses and plastic covers, or lids large enough to overlap 1/4 of an inch around the glass rims. Bore a hole in the top rim of the plastic glass to allow water to flow out when inverted over the plastic cover. This makes a good drinking trough for the chicks. Commercial waterers for chickens with their deep, wide edges are not advisable for ____________ because they might drown in them.


The quail, locally known as __________, is a small game bird found in ____________ and _____________ throughout the world.

pugo, temperate and tropical regions

bourbon red turkeys are very attractive birds for their beautiful __________. They are also known and popular for a __________________, _________ and are considered as one of the best tasting heritage turkey breeds.

red plumage, full flavor, delicious meat

Japanese Taiwan - Popularly known as "Chinese Quail". It has dark brown feathers mixed with white and gray. The female has a gray underside flecked with darker feathers, while the male has many ____________ feathers on the underside.


mounting the roost or roost pen on ________________ will allow it to be easily moved. By moving the roosts around the range area, you can prevent manure from _________________ in one spot.

skids or wheels, building up

The Japanese Taiwan breed is commonly raised in the Philippines. However, its eggs are small compared to those of improved breeds, and egg production is lower. It has also been found to be susceptible to _______________

respiratory diseases

Once your birds are old enough to live outside, you'll need to provide them with a _____________ with a roof, protection from predators, and access to fresh pasture or range

roosting area

blue slate is a domestic turkey breed. They have _____________________________________. They are lighter birds and are also sometimes called _____________________ Actually slate turkey breed may be any number of shades between white and pure black.

slate gray color plumage, Lavender turkeys

In the free range system, in one acre of fenced land we can rear 200-250 adult turkeys. Shelter should be provided during night at the rate of 3-4 sq.ft. per bird. They should be protected from predators during scavenging. Planting of trees is desirable for providing shade and cooler environment. The range should be _____________ which will help to reduce incidence of ___________________.

rotated, parasite infestation

this is a very beautiful, striking turkey breed. Actually, they were bred for their good looks. They have white and black plumage. They were breed not for commercial purpose. Because they are smaller in size than most other heritage varieties. They are mostly raised for exhibition or enhancing beauty of home or farm.

royal palm turkey

The Broad Breasted Bronze turkey is far larger and heavier than the Spanish-introduced turkey, growing to about 10kg. Unlike the _______________, bird though, the newcomer came from colder climate , resulting in ________________, higher mortalities in Filipino flocks and smaller clutches of eggs.

scrappy South American, disease outbreaks

what type of waterers should be used in brooding?

shallow waterers

the development of caruncles and this is supposed to indicate the most difficult time in the life of young turkey

shooting the red

this quail is originally from the Canaan Valley in Egypt, the feathers vary in shades of gray. quails from this strain are known to be good breeders and pets


Diseases to watch for turkeys are ___________, _________, ____________ and ________.

sinusitis, fowlpox, pests and parasites

After the chicks reach six or eight weeks old, feed meat-type birds a "finisher" diet, or feed flight birds and those saved for egg production a "developer" diet. Feed meat birds a finisher diet until ___________. Feed flight birds and immature breeders the developer diet until you ________ them or until they are about ____________. A few weeks before you expect egg production, offer breeders a "layer" diet until they complete their egg production period.

slaughter, sell, 20 weeks old

the giant white quail is one of the varieties of the common quail (Coturnix) and as its name implies, it is one of the quail lines with white plumage, and with _________________ or _____________. It is one of the largest and heaviest in the United States.

small dark or brown spots

in Hen turkey - The dew bill or snood is relatively ___________, ____________, ____________ unlike the toms.

small, thin and non-elastic

Unlike other species in the bobwhite, the female is ________________


the fleshy protuberance near the base of the beck

snood or dew bill

in artificial incubation Egg should be turned at hourly intervals daily. Eggs should be collected frequently to prevent _____________ and _____________ and also to get better hatchability.

soiling and breakage

Turkeys are also excellent scavengers and are experts at finding ____________ in newly-harvested rice and corn fields, minimising crop waste.

spilled grains

one of the largest heritage turkey breeds. They have also been the most popular turkey breeds in American history. Bronzes were originally a cross between the native wild turkeys (discovered by Europeans) in America and the turkeys brought to the colonies by Europeans. Among the Standard Bronze varieties,

standard bronze

Feed quail chicks a ____________ diet soon after hatching. Continue feeding the starter until birds are _______________. The starter diet has the highest level of protein a bird receives during its lifetime. As the chicks age, their requirements for most nutrients decline, including dietary protein. But they need more energy.

starter, six or eight weeks old

Turkeys of all age group can be easily driven from one place to another with the help of a ____________. For catching turkeys a ______________ is best, wherein they can be picked up with both legs without any injury. However, mature turkeys should not be kept hanging for more than _________________.

stick, darkened room, 3-4 minutes

Add finely ground shell (limestone) to produce _________________________________.

stronger and thicker egg shells

mating behavior of male turkey


Before that point, young birds should be kept in a brooder, perhaps with access to a _______________.

sun porch

Housing protects turkeys form ____________, _____________, ___________, ___________and provides comfort.

sun, rain, wind, predators

Beltsvile small white turkeys make a nice _____________ but are _________ than Midgets or some other heritage birds. They are prolific layers and mature hens are good sitters and can hatch eggs well. Although, they are not very social compared to other heritage turkey breeds

table bird, blander

the giant brown quail adapt easily to different climates but prefer ___________ regions.


It is a Premium line of American quail raised for fattening. This variety appeared as its name implies in Texas, United States.

texas quail

Males of the other breeds can be recognized by their ______________ and the protruding upper vent with a ______________ coming out of the vent when it is pressed upwards.

throaty hoarse cry, cream-like substance

adult male turkey


Breast blisters : They are much more common in ___________ then in hens. They are believed to be caused by continuous ____________ of the skin that covers the breastbone.

toms, irritation

You can also _____________________ of rogue flyers, as most turkeys will probably stay in the pen happily unless something disturbs them.

trim the wing feathers,

They are reared for meat only and its meat is the leanest among other domestic avian species..


a quail breed where it has feathers that are black with a white spot on the breast.


The brooder house should be made ready at least ____________ before the arrival of young ones

two days

For breeding, a more solid, permanent turkey house can work well. Divide the enclosure into at least ______________ to keep toms and hens separate.

two separate spaces

Since turkeys are very good scavengers, it can consume earthworms, small insects, snails, kitchen waste and termites, which are rich in protein and that will reduce the feed cost by fifty percent. Apart from this leguminous fodder like Lucerne, Desmanthus, Stylo etc., can be fed. To avoid leg weakness and lameness in free ranging birds, calcium should be supplemented at the rate of 250gm per week per bird in the form of oyster shell. Ten percent of feed can be substituted with ______________ to reduce the cost of feed.

vegetable waste

blue slate is a domestic turkey breed. They have slate gray color plumage. They are lighter birds and are also sometimes called Lavender turkeys. Actually slate turkey breed may be any number of shades between __________________ and ______________

white and pure black.

breed in Holland. This turkey breed migrated to the USA with early settlers to the country. And they were popular as meat bird in the 1800s.

white holland turkeys

Many people are unfamiliar with the breeds of quail being raised in the Philippines Today. Some are surprised to learn that there is a ___________

white quail

There are special requirements if you are raising breeding pairs of toms and hens to lay and hatch eggs. When raising breeding birds, you will need to provide for _____________ and __________.

winter housing and nesting

For temporary fencing in a range pasture setting, you can use electric poultry netting. If you want to build a more permanent enclosure, use _______________ and _______________ or _______________

woven-wire fencing, metal T-posts , wooden posts

what are the prevention of pendulous crop?

• Selecting strains not carrying the genetic factor. • Avoid exposure of turkeys to excessive heat without shade. • Giving continuous and easy access to clean and cool drinking water. • Providing ample shade.

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