UNIT 1 TEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(THE SEASONS) TOMORROW!!!!! 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😰😰😰😱😱😭😭😭

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Depending on how far north or south of the equator you are, there are some stars that can be seen in the sky all year/only once a year.

all year

Earth also rotates around its north-south axis. What is the North axis?

an imaginary line passing through Earth from pole to pole.

The pattern of Earth's seasons depends on how much sunlight reaches different areas of Earth as the planet moves around/above the sun.


Winter in the northern hemisphere begins when?


If you look for the big dipper, you will see that it is.........

NOT always in the same position in the night sky.

How are shadows related to Seasons?

Shadows are related to the seasons because a shadow will be much shorter in the summer than winter.

What is the cause and effect of the moon?

The cause is effected by nighttime. The effect is the darkness. It is because of our Earth's rotation.

Describe the position of Earth's axis during the winter solstice. How does this affect season in the Northern Hemisphere and in the southern hemisphere?

The earth will be axis will be faced to where the line looks like this: \. It affects the seasons because if the sun is tilted toward the Earth then there will be different seasons.

An engineer must decide how to set up a field of solar panels. Which of these should the engineer consider in order to capture the maximum amount of light energy?

The engineer should design the field so the solar panels face the best direction and can be adjusted to the best angle(s) to capture the maximum amount of solar energy at the particular location of the solar field.

An image shows the orbit of Uranus around the sun. How would the seasons on Uranus compare to the seasons of Earth?

The four seasons of Uranus would be different from Earth's because the tilt of Uranus is different. Uranus would experience seasons, because its tilt remains constant as it orbits the sun. But because Uranus's tilt with respect to the sun is different from Earth's, the seasons on Uranus would be different than the seasons on Earth.

How does the path of the sun affect the energy received by Earth at any particular location on Earth

The longer the sun is in the sky, the more time Earth has to absorb energy provided by the sunlight. The higher the sun is in the sky, the more intense the energy received because the light travels through less atmosphere and the light is not as spread out.

Earth has a nearly circular orbit around the sun/moon

The sun

One of the easiest questions ever: What does light come from?

The sun

what is a waning crescent?

The visible fraction of the sunlit Moon continues to decrease.

What seasonal changes do you see where you live?

The weather is going to head into spring and the snow is starting to melt.

How do the temperatures at the Earth's equator compare with the temperatures at the poles during the year?

There is less variation in temperature at the equator.

How are shadows related to lunar phases? To eclipses?

They are related to eclipses because they are blocking out the Sun. During the lunar eclipse the sun illuminates half the moon the other half is not eliminated.

It is summer in the hemisphere tilted toward/away from the sun. It is winter in the hemisphere tilted toward/ away from the sun. The seasons are the same/reversed in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

Toward, away from,reversed

Test is on....

Tuesday, February 21

So, although daylight lasts longer at the North Pole than at the equator, the temperature is not as cold/warm.


After Spring comes summer. It is the_______ season.


If Earth were flat instead of curved, how would that affect temperatures from pole to pole? Explain how the range of temperatures at noon at different latitudes on a cube-shaped planet would compare to temperatures on our spherical Earth.

We would have the same light rays. It would all start at the same time. There would be no seasons.

The sun rises on the eastern horizon, goes nearly overhead, and then sets on the what?

Western Horizon

Which of these describes the seasons on Uranus?

When it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere of Uranus, the Southern Hemisphere has no daylight hours. The picture shows that when the Northern Hemisphere of Uranus is tilted toward the sun, its Southern Hemisphere is always in darkness.

One day is defined as an amount of time equal to 24 hours. Why do you think people say winter days are shorter than summer days?

When people talk about shorter days they actually mean the number of daylight hours.

What is true about the stars?

When viewed from the same location at the same time of night, stars visible in December may or may not be seen in March. Stars visible in December may or may not be visible in the sky in March. Some stars may have moved out of the visible sky. Some stars may have moved across the sky but can still be seen. Some stars can be seen from a location all year long. Some stars can be seen from both the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere, depending on how far away from the equator the two locations are.

Fall (also called autumn) follows, temperatures get cooler, and then what begins again?


The angle at which sunlight strikes Earth influences Earth's temperatures, making it hot in summer and cold in Summer/Winter


The data in the table provides evidence that, for the Northern Hemisphere, Earth is closer to the sun in the summer/winter than it is in the summer/winter.

Winter and summer

Explain winter,summer,fall,and spring.

Winter is generally cold and may bring snow and ice. Summer is hot and may bring tornadoes. Fall is where the leaves fall and it has a little breeze. Spring is where everything starts to bloom and feels warm.

But as you move north or south away from the equator, the sun's path in the sky changes during the month/year.


Are constellations visible in the early evening? If they are then are they different? When are they different?

Yes. Yes. They are different in the Winter,Spring,Summer, and, Fall

When the Northern Hemisphere points toward the sun, the Southern Hemisphere points.............

away from the sun

In the summer, the sun has a longer path across the sky, which means the sun is in the sky for a longer/shorter period of time.


In the Southern Hemisphere, the December solstice is the

longest day of the year

The number of daylight hours decreases as the sun's path across the sky moves lower/higher.


At the North Pole, Earth's tilt means that the sun rises above the horizon in mid-March and continues to shine until


In summer, when the sun is higher in the sky, the solar energy is less/more intense.


Because the sun is so far away, the rays that strike Earth are very nearly/exactly parallel

nearly parallel

There is less time for the sunlight to heat up Earth during the daytime and more time for Earth to cool during the longer daytime hours/nighttime hours.

nighttime hours

There are more hours of daylight to warm Earth during daytime, and fewer

nighttime hours for Earth to cool.

Because it does not shift position, the North Star became a guide by which sailors could navigate the

northern seas at night

During the year, you will be able to see all the stars visible from one specific place on Earth/many places on Earth

one specific place on Earth

On a given day, you will only be able to see the stars that are in the

opposite direction of the sun

Because of the tilt, areas pointed toward the sun have more hours of daylight than those areas

pointed away

A solar eclipse could happen when the moon is in position A/Position B

position A

Earth orbits the sun in a predictable/non predictable pattern.


One complete orbit around the sun is called a


Earth's axis is pointed in the same/different direction no matter where Earth is in its orbit around the sun.


The different/same amount of ground gets all of the light when the sun is directly overhead, but gets only a part/a whole of the light when the sun strikes at an angle.

same and a part

In winter, it may be dark when you wake up for school and dark again soon after

school ends

a division of the year that is characterized by recurring weather conditions, and determined by both Earth's tilt relative to the sun and Earth's position in its orbit around the sun


Earth's place in its orbit determines which stars can be seen during different


So, Earth's distance from the sun is not what determines the


These changes in the sun's path across the sky and the angle at which sunlight strikes Earth affect the changes in temperature that occur across the seasons/years.


But as you move farther away from the poles, these periods get shorter/longer.


The sun does not go very high in the sky so its path across the sky is shorter//longer.


Because of Earth's rotation, we see the sun appear to move across the


Days are longer because it takes more time for the sun to complete its longer path across the


Because of Earth's tilt, some parts of Earth receive more

solar energy than others

The solstices/equinoxes mark the days on which Earth's axis is tilted directly toward or away from the sun. The days get shorter/longer as you move from the June solstice to the December solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.

solstices and shorter

Because of Earth's flat/spherical shape, these straight/parallel rays strike Earth most directly at the equator.

spherical and parallel

When sunlight strikes at a lesser angle, the light

spreads out

When people above the Arctic Circle are experiencing the midnight sun, what are people at the South Pole experiencing?

stars and 24-hour nights

Just as the sun appears to move in a path across the sky,........................................

stars in the night sky also appear to move.

The rays of sunlight move in

straight lines

The height of the sun in the sky determines

the angle at which the sunlight strikes Earth

Why is the length and direction of a shadow change throughout the day?

the changes because Earth is slowly rotating into night time. The angle of the Sun causes the shadow to change.

The December solstice is the day with

the fewest number of daylight hours in the Northern Hemisphere

What is the new moon?

the new moon is between Earth and the Sun. From Earth, the Moon is completely dark because the side that reflect sunlight is facing away from Earth.

It is Earth's tilt that determines

the seasons

The what mark the two days of the year when Earth's axis is tilted directly toward or away from the sun?

the solsistists

What is the waxing gibbous?

the sunlit fraction of the Moon that is visible from Earth back continues to grow.

what's a waning gibbous?

the sunlit fraction of the Moon that is visible from Earth the creases. Winning means that the part of the Moon we see is getting smaller.

Weather conditions and daily temperatures at any location on Earth follow a predictable cycle throughout the year/the day.

the year

Earth's axis does not tilt directly

toward or away from the sun

Daytime lasts about 12 hours all year long, and the weather is nearly always


Summer sunsets in the Northern Hemisphere are north of west, while winter sunsets are south of


A group of stars that form a pattern is called a what?

A constellation

Based on these patterns, what could you infer about the pattern of daylight hours over a year and the seasonal temperature changes for a location on the equator?

A location on the equator would have almost no variation during the number of hours of daylight.

The amount of energy striking a smaller area will result in warmer temperatures than the same amount of energy striking a spread out area/a small area.

A spread out area

What is the waxing crescent?

A thin sliver of the Moon becomes visible and continues to grow. Waxing means the part of the moon was she is getting larger.

Fall in the northern hemisphere begins when?


What causes shadows?

The blocking of Light by an opaque object

On an equinox, there are equal hours of day and night at

all locations on Earth.

Earth completes one revolution around the sun every 12 hours/1 year.

1 year

If Earth had no tilt, days and nights would last about how many hours each day everywhere?

12 hours

What is the average distance of Earth from the sun in this month: December


What is the average distance of Earth from the sun in this month: March


What is the average distance of Earth from the sun in this month: September


What is the average distance of Earth from the sun in this month: June


Vanessa is studying seasons on Earth. She drew a diagram of Earth to show how it is tilted on its axis. Vanessa wants to include the label of are still on her diagram. What angle should Vanessa add?

23.5 degrees

Earth's axis is not perpendicular to the plane of Earth's orbit around the sun. Earth's axis is tilted how many degrees from perpendicular to the plane of its orbit?


Earth completes one rotation every 24/12 hours.

24 hours

The moon phases occur over how many days?

29.5 days

During a year, many places on Earth experience 2 seasons/4 seasons.

4 seasons

What is true about when the moon can be seen from any single location on Earth? Select all that apply. A. The new moon is in the sky mostly during daylight hours, but is not visible from Earth. B. The moon is visible from any location on Earth at all times, day and night, but appears in different phases during each month. C. The full moon is seen mostly during nighttime hours.

A. The new moon is in the sky mostly during daylight hours, but is not visible from Earth and C. The full moon is seen mostly during nighttime hours.

Midnight sun occurs in the summer months in places north of the Arctic Circle and south of the

Antarctic Circle

Which characteristics is associated with winter as compared to summer?

At noon the sun is lower in the sky.

In December, it is winter in Canada and summer in


Why do the stars appear to move across the sky every night?

Because Earth rotates once every 24 hours

If the sun is out all day, why is it not warm during an Arctic summer?

Because it is not hitting it at direct angle. It is so close that it does not warm up.

There is a photo with trees snow and the sun in a low place. How do you know that this photo was taken in winter?

Because of the snow and because The sun is in a low place.

Stars seem to change/stay the same locations nightly,


Earth is closest to the sun in December/June. Earth is farthest from the sun in December/June. .

December and June

How do the length of days and the path of the sun across the sky help to explain why winter is cold with shorter days?

During the course of its path or revolution around the Sun, it is either tilted toward or away from the Sun. During the summer months, in the Northern hemisphere, although Earth is further away from the sun than in winter, it is actually tilted more directly toward the sun.

Day and night at the poles are not at all like day and night on the rest of


Earth's tilt affects the temperatures at different locations on the sun/Earth.


what is a full moon?

Earth is between the Moon and the Sun. The entire sunlit fraction of the moon is visible from Earth.

There are more hours of daylight, so there is more time for

Earth to absorb the solar energy

If you are on the North or South Pole, the stars will appear to rotate around a point directly above your head because of

Earth's Rotations

What is the cause and effect of Earth?

Earth's axis causes desk. The effect is the seasons. Earth's rotation causes the season. Summer spring fall. We have 365 days a year. 24-hour cycle dark/ night cycle.

What is the cause and effect of Earth?

Earth's axis causes the season therefore Earth rotates around the sun. Earth is lit by the sun. We are warmer because of the Sun

The December solstice, also called the winter solstice, occurs when

Earth's north axis is tilted away from the sun, around December 21.

The June solstice, also called the summer solstice, occurs when........

Earth's north axis is tilted toward the sun, between June 20 and June 22.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the North Star's position remains fixed in place throughout the year because of what?

Earth's north axis points to it

Why is Earth's tilt responsible for the seasons?

Earth's tilt affects the temperature differences experienced at different locations on Earth across the seasons.

Think about a person at the equator, a person at the North Pole, and a person somewhere in between. Each person points toward the sun. Describe where in the sky they are pointing.

Equator is straight up towards the Sun. Poles are straight toward the Horizon. Someone between is pointing at an angle, but not overhead directly

There is a picture of solar panels that was taken at noon. Do you think these panels are in an area close to or far from the equator?

Far because they are on a steep angle. They are at a 45 degree angle. If they were completely flat then that would mean it's closer to the Equator.

what is the first quarter?

From Earth's northern hemisphere, the right half the moon appears fully lit.

In summer, the sun goes higher/lower in the sky.


Describe the location of each of these cities relative to the equator: Honolulu, Minneapolis, and Fairbanks.

Honolulu is closest to the equator. Fairbanks is closest to the North Pole. Minneapolis is between them.

What did you learn as your model Earth moved around the model sun?

I learned Because Earth's tilt did not change, the amount of sunlight reaching a specific area of Earth did change. As Earth orbits the sun, the area of Earth that is pointed more toward the sun changes because Earth is always tilted in the same direction. So, the reason we have seasons is because of a combination of Earth's tilt and Earth's revolution.

Describe how the tilt of Earth contributes to the seasons. Give an example.

It contributes to the season by the point of the axis. It tilts toward or away from the Sun. is it is Winter the access will be tilted like this: \. the sun will be directly toward that part of Earth

Why do you see different stars in spring's night sky than in fall's night sky? Explain.

It is Because of Earth's rotation. Because Earth changes it's position , the stars we see change as well.

When it is winter,the united states receives the least direct solar energy, as compared with the rest of the year. Why does this happen?

It is because the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun.

In fact, Earth is closest to the sun around

January 3 and farthest from the sun around July 4

Summer in the northern hemisphere begins when?


What does a model showing Earth rotating around the Sun show?

Knowing that Earth completes one rotation every 24 hours, this fictional Earth model shows that every place on the planet would get 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark daily. The model shows a nearly circular orbit, so temperature conditions would not vary as a result of distance from the sun.The poles would experience cooler temperatures than the equator, but these temperatures would not change over the course of the year.

By taking a measure of the angle of elevation of the North Star, you can determine your what

Latitude on Earth

Earth. As shown in the activity, when the sun is overhead, the energy on each square meter is more intense—the light is more/less spread out


What happens when light is not spread out? What happens when the light is more spread out? Relate this idea to the sun's energy and Earth.

Light that is not spread out forms a narrow more intense pattern. Spread out light forms a wider less intense pattern

What relationship can you identify between latitude of a location and the pattern of daylight hours throughout the year?

Location closer to the Equator there is little variation in the number of daylight hours throughout the year.

n the Northern Hemisphere, spring begins in


The land of the midnight sun describes parts of Earth where, for at least some of the year, a part of the sun is visible above the horizon for 24 hours of the day, including at


During a new moon/full moon , the moon is between Earth and the sun. During a new moon/full moon, the moon and sun are on opposite sides of Earth.

New Moon and Full Moon

Do the North and South Poles always stay in the same position relative to the sun? Explain your reasoning.

No because it is on a tilted axis. The North Pole is pointing toward the side. The South Pole is Point away from the Sun.

Does this first model explain the seasons that happen on Earth? Give at least one example to support your answer.

No because the Earth is tilted on an axis.

Could a person at the South Pole see the North Star? Explain.

No,because Earth's North Axis turns toward the north star.

People who live at the north/south pole would see the sun on this same day as very low in the sky.


The sky is photographed at regular intervals to show the slow, continuous movement of other stars around the

North Star

The day with the greatest amount of daylight time is June 20, 21, or 22 in the

Northern Hemisphere

Seasons in the Southern Hemisphere are opposite from those in the

Northern Hemisphere.

The June solstice is the day of the year with the greatest number of daylight hours in the

Northern Hemisphere.

The shortest amount of daylight time is on December 21 or 22 in the Northern hemisphere/Southern hemisphere.

Northern hemisphere

One complete revolution takes how long?

One year

The location of stars in the night sky changes as Earth moves along its what?


The sun's path changes as season/days change


How do the relative positions of Earth, the Sun, and the Moon cause Shadows appear differently at different times of the day and year?

Shadows can change in length throughout day. The day is caused by the rotation. The year is caused by Earth's Tilt.

The sky seen from the North Pole is completely different than the sky seen from the

South Pole

This longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere is at the same time as the shortest day of the year in the

Southern Hemisphere

The stars seen from the Northern Hemisphere may be different from the stars seen from the

Southern Hemisphere.

As temperatures warm, snow melts and what begins?


Early blooms announce that _____ is beginning and ______ is ending.

Spring and Winter

Earth's place in its orbit affects which stars are seen at different times of the year. For example, Cygnus is seen in the night sky of the Northern Hemisphere in what?


The number of hours of daylight increases as spring changes to


So, people who live on or near the equator feel the intense energy of the sun/moon.


The angle at which sunlight strikes a particular location on Earth changes as Earth revolves around the Sun/Moon.


What describes the differences in sunlight striking Earth at different latitudes?

Sunlight striking the equator is less spread out, so the intensity of the energy received at the equator is greater than at polar regions. Sunlight striking the equator passes through less atmosphere to reach the equator than it does to reach the poles, so more sunlight gets through. This makes locations around the equator hotter.

The constellation called what has an inner pattern known as the big dipper?

The Ursa Major

In addition to changes in the number of hours of daylight, what other factor contributes to Earth's seasons?

The angles of the sun's radiation

What can you infer about the difference of seasonal temperature changes in Honolulu, Minneapolis, and Fairbanks? Explain your reasoning

The number of daylight hours has not changed much over a year and Honolulu. Fairbanks receives more solar energy.

What is affected by Earth's tilt?

The number of daylight hours in June and changes in yearly temperatures across the seasons. The number of daylight hours and the changes in temperature across the seasons are affected by both Earth's tilt and Earth's revolution. The length of each season is determined by Earth's revolution.

Explain what is shown in a photo where the Earth's left side is covered?

The photo shows the December solstice. The Northern Hemisphere is in winter and the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing summer. The Southern Hemisphere is in summer and the Northern Hemisphere is in winter.

Why are different stars seen in the sky in different seasons?

The stars visible at night gradually shift as Earth travels in its yearly orbit around the sun and the sun blocks different stars from being seen from Earth at different times of the year. Also, Earth faces different parts of the night sky while it orbits the sun. The longer the sun is in the sky, the more time Earth has to absorb energy provided by the sunlight. The higher the sun is in the sky, the more intense the energy received because the light travels through less atmosphere and the light is not as spread out.

When you look at the night sky, what do you see?

The stars,moon,constellations,and sometimes planets.

How would you position solar panels to receive the maximum amount of light energy from the sun?

You know that when the sun's energy is less spread out, the amount of energy reaching that location on Earth is greatest. One way to get maximum light energy to the solar panels is by changing the angle of the panels to directly face the sun. The best angle at which the panels catch the sun depends on how close to the equator the panels are located.

The sun reaches its highest point in the sky at

about noon

When the South Pole is tilted toward/away from the sun, the Southern Hemisphere experiences winter. The amount of the sun's energy that strikes the area increases/decreases as compared to the sun's energy in the summer. The daylight hours are Longer/Shorter, and the area temperatures increases/decreases.

away from,decreases,shorter,decreases

It is warmer in summer than in winter. Why?

because the sun is up for a longer period of time.

The Big Dipper appears to keep/change its position from season to season. The Big Dipper seems to move in a circular pattern as the seasons/years change

change and seasons The moving Earth gives the impression that the Big Dipper is moving in a circular pattern across the seasons.

There are two reasons why we receive different amounts of the sun's energy in summer and winter. What are they?

changes in the length of the sun's path across the sky and changes in the height of the sun in the middle of the day.

Areas inside the Arctic and Antarctic Circles also experience periods during the year in which there is

darkness or daylight for more than 24 hours

Due to the shape of Earth, sunlight strikes different latitudes on Earth's surface at the same angles/different angles.

different angles

Earth's place in its orbit affects which stars can be seen during what?

different seasons

At the North Pole, the North Star is seen directly overhead/in a straight path.

directly overhead

Solar panels capture light from the sun and convert the solar energy to

electrical energy

The more sunlight that reaches your solar panels, the more

electrical energy you can generate

The word equinox means

equal night

Areas are warmer when sunlight is not as spread out, such as in those areas around the


But since the sun shines on the North Pole at a lesser angle instead of striking from directly overhead, less energy is received in a given area at the North Pole than at the


The days that begin spring and fall are marked by the


what is the third quarter?

from Earth's northern hemisphere, the left half of the moon appears fully lit.

The spherical shape of Earth explains why it gets colder as you get closer to the poles, and why the length/height of the sun appears lower in the sky as you get closer to the poles.


The sun moves higher across the sky and the number of daylight hours increase/decrease.


The sky seen by someone in Florida may have some of the same stars in the sky seen by someone in Brazil, but the whole pattern of stars seen is the same/is not the same.

is not the same

As the sun moves lower in the sky, the energy from sunlight is spread over a larger and larger/smaller area


Solar energy passes through more atmosphere when it strikes Earth at a lesser angle, making the sun's rays striking Earth more/less intense.


In winter, when the sun is lower in the sky, the sun's energy reaches Earth at a greater/lesser angle.


As you move from the equator to the poles, the rays strike at

lesser angles

Your location on Earth determines

which stars stay visible all year

As you move from the North Pole toward the South Pole, the sky will not change/will change.

will change

Locations between the Arctic Circle and the equator do not have days with

with a midnight sun

Because the sun is not up in the sky very long, there is less daylight time during this time of


For people living on the equator, the path of the sun in the sky does not change very much throughout the year/month.


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