Foodservice chapter 15

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What should a manager do if they receive a sexual harassment complaint?

Take quick action on all complains and protect victims and witnesss from retaliation

o a record of appointment is made after hiring and this becomes the nucleus of the activities and progress of the worker o contains demographic data, pay rate benefits, attendance, disciplinary actions, commendations etc. o confidential information collected about the employee

Personnel Records

What is the difference between policies and directives or rules?

Policies are adopted to provide meaning or understanding related to a course of actions while directives and rules are aimed at compliance

What are some external recruitment sources?

-newspaper -employment agencies -schools -labor unions

What are skill standards?

-these define the level of performance necessary to be successful on the job. -Employment needs are outlined in various management tools such as the organization chart, job description, and job specification.

What are the benefits of using skill standards?

1. Employers can recruit, screen, place, train & appraise employees more effectively, efficiently, and fairly 2. Workers can know what to expect on the job & be better prepared, thereby increasing their mobility and opportunity for advancement 3. Labor organizations can increase employment security through portable skills and credentials 4. Students can have clear direction to help them set goals & train for future employment 5. Educators can design quality curriculum & instruction consistent with the needs of the industry 6. Consumers can expect high-quality, efficient service from well-trained employees

What tasks or functions does staffing include?

1. Hiring 2. Placement 3. Promotion 4. Transfer 5. Job design 6. Training 7. Supervision 8. Decision making 9. Performance evaluation 10. Discipline

Explain the step-wise process used in disciplining employees?

1. Investigate by interviewing parties involved 2. Compare infraction to policies 3. Consider if infraction is the result of a lack in training or unclear instruction 4. Determine level of disciplinary action (verbal, written, suspension, termination) 5. Involve the Human Resource department depending on the severity of the situation or per facility guidelines 6. Counsel in private 7. Two managers or a manager and a supervisory should be present during all counseling sessions (possibly HR rep) 8. Don't make the counseling session personal

What are the advantages of a good training program?

1. less labor turnover and absenteeism 2. fewer accidents 3. lower production costs 4. increased employee morale, job satisfaction, and productivity

What are the different types of performance evaluations?

1. rating scales 2. critical-incident appraisal method 3. behavior anchors rating scale

Benefits generally represent what percent of wages earned?


What questions are illegal to ask on applications or during the interview? Look up the rest and know for test

Are you married? Are you pregnant? Do you have children? Where did you grow up?

What are the major issues with labor policies?

Wages and income maintenance Work hours and schedules Security in employment Employee services and benefits

Economic services and benefits

social security -unemployment, life insurance programs, pensions/retirement, sick leave/holiday pay/vacation pay

How are promotions and transfers related to performance evaluations?

-Promotion commonly implies an increase in responsibility and salary -Often a worker found unfit for one job may do well in another

What should you use to write interview questions for?

-Use the job description to write interview questions for ALL applicants

What are the different types of training?

-adult training -group triaining -on the job-training

o Designed to overcome the limitations of traditional appraisal methods. o Measureable performance goals are agreed upon by the employee and manager. o Performance is evaluated at intervals throughout the rating period.

4. Management by objective (MBO)

o Tasks learned through a day-to-day experience or through instruction from a senior level employee

One the job- training

What does an effective hiring process include?

-carefully prepared application form -an equally carefully prepared interview.

What benefits do employees receive other than wages?(three)

-health and safety -economic services and benefits -convenience and comfort

o Requires identifying behaviors that are indicators of excellent or poor performance. Records are kept through the rating period.

2. Critical-incident appraisal method

o Combines the critical incident method with a rating scale. o Performance evaluation rating scales are identified for each behavior identified for each performance level for each job category and employees are rated against these scales.

3. Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)----BEST & MOST EFFECTIVE BUT TIME CONSUMING

How do quotas relate to affirmative action?

Affirmative action does not use quotas but uses goals to increase women and minorities in specific positions.

what act- Prohibits discrimination against qualified persons with disabilities in all aspects of employment. Requires employers to make reasonable accommodations to allow an employee to perform a job. -During employment interview, you cannot ask about the disability, but can ask about the ability to perform specific job functions?

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

What is an integrated staffing model and what components does it include?

An orderly plan for moving people into, through, and eventually out of the organization.

How do we discipline an employee?

Any disciplinary action taken should be immediate, consistent, impersonal, based on known expectations, and legally defensible.

What act Prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin for participation in or being denied benefits for any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance?

Civil Rights Act of 1964- security in employment

Illegal practice that obligates an employer to hire only union members and to discharge any employee who drops union membership

Closed shop

Locker rooms, meal service, reduced cost or free meals, credit union, tuition assistance, etc.

Convenience and comfort

How do we termination an employee?

Dismissal may occur because of failure to perform assigned duties, but this should be the final step and should be the final step and should follow counseling, warning, or possibly disciplinary layoff (suspension without pay)

What should you not do to the applications?

Do not write on them -Make notes and dispose of them after you fill the position.

protection is a constitutionally guaranteed right requiring fair procedural process before employment termination when the employee has a reasonable expectation of continued employment

Due process

What is the best way to address poverty?

EITC(earned income tax credit)

What is an I-9 form?

Employers must complete this form for each employee to verify eligibility to work in the U.S

what law mandates hours and schedules of work o the 40-hour work week established under the minimum wage and hour law is generally in use throughout the United States

Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (also called the Federal Wage and Hour Law)

Occurs when an employee's ability to work, take pride in their work, or desire to stay in the position is undermined by an atmosphere infused with unwelcome sexually oriented or otherwise hostile conduct created by supervisors or coworkers

Hostile Environment

What acts makes it illegal to recruit or hire persons not legally eligible for employment in the US?

Immigration and Control Act of 1986

What is E-verify?

Internet based system that compares information from an employee's I-9 form to data from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security

What is the orientation for?

Introduce the employee to the company and to challenge the new employee's interest and elicit support for the goals and objectives of the company

an employee dismissal is not arbitrary, capricious, or illegal and is based on facts that are supported by substantial evidence and reasonably believed by the employer to be true

Just Cause

Who established the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) or 1935 (Wagner Act)

o Regulates the right of employees to join a union and provides for collective bargaining (an obligation to meet and discuss terms with an open mind but without being required to come to an agreement and provides for an impartial arbitrator to hear and decide grievances) o Major responsibilities is to determine whether employees should be represented by a union o Nonprofit hospitals are part of NLRA dietitians may be called to defend their position as management instead of as labor • Prohibits unfair management practices and prohibits management from interfering with their employees who wish to join a union and from discriminating against those who join

National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) or 1935 (Wagner Act)

About half the states now have these laws that prevent employers from excluding nonunion workers and from requiring employers to pay a fee to unions that have negotiated the labor contract under which the employees work


what act? -Federal program of insurance that protects wages earners against loss of income because of unemployment • Joint federal-state program, operated by the states with assistance of the US department of Labor • A designated percentage of the salary of each employed person must be withheld from their wages and the same amount from the business added to the fund. Employers pay a tax based on their payrolls. Benefits to unemployed workers are paid out of the fund build from these taxes. States set conditions under which workers may receive these benefits.

Social Security Act- how does it work? -Unemployment compensation

What is the most important phase of staffing?

The induction (admitting someone into the org) of the newly employed worker to the job

What act prevents unions from coercing employees to join, outlaws' union and closed shops and makes it illegal for unions to refuse to join in collective bargaining

Union shop

How is overtime defined and paid?

Unless exempt by law, employees must be paid for at least 1 ½ times the hourly rate for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a seven-day work week or 80 hours in a 14-day period.

What type of sources do the following for recruitment: o Promotions from within & referrals by present employees o Indirect internal source of labor is current employees who notifies friends or relatives of the job opening

internal sources

What are polices related to personnel called?

labor policies

o learn for immediate application or to solve a present problem o They require practical results from the learning experience o Have reduced tolerance for disrespectful treatment

adult training

What does health and safety affect?

affects social and economic life, maintaining the good physical condition of employees is economically desired and necessary and can affect the public Health insurance etc, workers compensation

how do you accomplish staffing?

effective hiring, placement, promotion, transfer, job design, training, supervision, decision making, performance evaluation, and discipline.

o This saves time for the instructor and the worker and provides the stimulus that comes from a group setting o Can be more stimulating and inspirational b/c you have a well-prepared instructor

group training

How are tips handled?

in some states tips received by an employee may be considered as part of the wages

What us the purpose of the interview?

o GET information----Obtain information about applicant's skills and qualifications o GIVE information---Provide information about the job specifics (realistic job preview) o Make a friend----treat an applicant with courtesy as you would a customer

Rating scales

o Good, average, poor etc.

What factors are considered as creating a hostile environment?

o Sexually oriented comments, photos, or graphics at the workplace o Unwanted verbal or physical contact or gender-specific abusive comments o The frequency or pervasiveness of the misconduct o The employer's failure to investigate complaints and take quick corrective action

What is it illegal to ask questions about in employment applications?

question that would be discriminatory because of race, religion, sex, age, marital status or national origin.

Occurs when a supervisor either rewards or punishes a subordinate for providing or not providing sexual favors

quid pro quo

the managerial function of matching requirements of tasks to be performed with people who have the necessary skills.


At Will

where the employment relationship is not in writing and is for an indefinite period of time. States that the employment may be terminated at any time by either the employee or employer for any or no reason at all

How are performance evaluations conducted?

• By an interview with the employee to provide information (positive & negative) and set goals. • Be clear about the rating given and if there needs to be improvement • Should conclude with a summary and documentation of the interview for the employee's file

What is the first step in developing a training program?

• Decide WHEN the training is needed • Next is to determine exactly what needs to be taught and who should receive the training program

How do we deal with grievances?

• Employee grievances must be addressed by the manager or will result in decreased morale • Managers should provide a work environment that is conducive to employees bringing issues to them • Employees should understand the chain of command and who to take problems to if they are unsatisfied with their immediate supervisors' response • Conflict/Dispute resolutions---- is a formal process to resolve disputes by reconciling opposing arguments in a manner that promotes and protects the human rights of all parties involved. May involve neutral 3rd party. Grievances are resolved with procedures and disputes require a process

What are quotas?

• Fixed, inflexible percentages or numbers of positions that an employer decides must be filled by members of a certain minority group • Considered a form of reverse discrimination and is almost always illegal

How do you plan and conduct an interview?

• Have a guided interview patter • Have an analysis of the job, a job description, and job specification at hand • Provide a private place for the interview • Put the applicant at ease • Use "we" rather than "I" • Active listening • Use "what, why, and how" • Strive to learn why the applicant feels or thinks a certain way • Mirror the applicant's expressions • Ask questions that encourage self-analysis • Be friendly and courteous • Make notes for record purposes

Worker's compensation insurance program-how does it work?

• Legislation administered by the states, & the liability insurance premiums are paid by the employer. They are based on the theory that the cost of accidents should be a part of production costs, the same as wages, taxes, insurances & raw materials. • This insurance covers the liability for the costs of any accident incurred by an employee on or in connection with the job. • The worker must show that they were injured on the job and the extent of their injuries. • Compensation laws stat the specific amount of payment allowed for each type of injury in addition to hospital, surgical, and death/funeral expense.

What types of information do employment applications ask?

• Must contain biographical data that will provide the employer with all the facts necessary to determine fitness of the applicant for the job and to compare the qualifications of all applicants

What is the current minimum hourly wage? What myths are associated with the minimum wage?

• Myth #1 Raising the minimum wage stimulates the economy. False it doesn't • Myth #2 Raising the minimum wage won't reduce jobs. False it reduces jobs • Myth #3 Raising the minimum wage will save taxpayers money. False it doesn't • Myth # 4 Most minimum wage earners are single parents with kids. False • Myth # 5 A higher minimum wage is the best way to address poverty. False, EITC is • Myth # 6 Economic research shows that a higher minimum wage is good public policy. False job losses

What are the disadvantages of employing relatives?

• Personal ties may be stronger than business loyalties, and inept unskilled workers may be highly recommended by relatives and friends. • Strongly clannish feeling among the workers may lead to an unfortunate generalized reaction against any disciplinary measure

What is a performance evaluation used for?

• Used to determine job competence, need for additional training or counseling, and to review the employees progress in the organization (evaluate for promotions, transfers, etc.) • Should be an ongoing process. Feedback should be provided thorough the year. The evaluation should not be a surprise. • Most accurately reflect performance. Disciplinary action and termination for poor performance are problematic if the appraisals were satisfactory.

What is a "realistic job preview"?

• you will tell the applicants in the interview what they can expect and what will be expected of them--such as no jewelry, no visible tattoos or piercings, hot environment, on your feet all day.

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