Genesis 2-3: Adam and Eve/The Fall

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What did Adam and Eve do when they realized what they had done?

Adam and Eve made coverings out of fig leaves to cover up their naked body.

What was their response when God questioned them about eating the fruit?

Adam said that Eve told him to eat it so he did.

Who was the first man? How does God create him? (Look specifically at the two verbs used in 2:7)

Adam was the first man. He was formed from the dust and breathed in through his nostrils the breath of life.

In Genesis 3:9, God asks, "Adam, where are you?" Why did God ask this question?

He asked this question because he knew that Adam was hiding because he was embarrassed because he was naked.

How does God create the woman?

He put Adam into a deep sleep and while he was sleeping he took one of his ribs and closed up the space with flesh, then the He made a woman from the rib.

God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden. How did God keep them from getting to the Tree of Life (Immortality)?

He put a cherubim and a flaming sword to keep them away from the tree of life.

Where does God place the man? What clues are we given as to where the place is located?

He put him in the garden he had created in the east in Eden.

Why did God put this temptation in the Garden?

He put it there to test their faith.

Who led the woman to eat the fruit? Where was Adam when she ate it?

The serpent led her to eat the fruit. Adam was in the garden.

What is the one thing in the Garden that is forbidden to them?

They are forbidden from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

What do you think they learned about God from this experience?

They learned that He is very powerful and to follow the rules of God and to never disobey.

What happened when they ate the fruit? What did they feel for the first time?

They opened their eyes and realized they were naked so they made coverings out of fig leaves.

What does it mean when the Bible says, "From dust you are, and to dust you will return"?

They were created by dust, so he can return them to dust.

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