GEO 101 Clicker Questions

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In which of the following pairs of terms does the second term represent the type of process that happens at the first term? A. mid-ocean ridge / sea-floor spreading B. convergent boundary / plates move apart C. transform boundary / plates move together D. mid-ocean ridge / subduction


According to the big-bang theory . . . A. everything that now comprises the Universe started at a single point about 13 billion years ago. B. our Sun is what remains after the explosion of a much bigger star. C. the Universe will end in a huge explosion 5 billion years from now. D. the Universe is rapidly shrinking and will ultimately collapse to become a single explosive point.


According to the geocentric model of the Universe . . . A. the Earth lies at the center of the Universe. B. the Earth orbits the center of the Universe. C. the Earth and all planets orbit the Sun. D. all objects in the Universe are fixed in position.


All else being equal, which building would more likely survive a large earthquake? A. one whose foundation is built on an exposure of granite bedrock B. one built over a reclaimed swamp, so that the foundation lies over layers of wet clay C. one built over recent deposits of wet sand, which were buried in turn by compacted clay


Analysis of rocks on the Earth and on the Moon suggests that the Moon. . . A. formed early in the history of the solar system as a result of a collision between a protoplanet and the Earth. B. was a large comet captured by Earth's gravity. C. was pulled out of the Earth, before the Earth had differentiated, by gravitational attraction of a passing large object.


Approximately how much of the Earth's surface is covered by ocean? / What is the average depth of the ocean? A. 70% / 4.5 - 5.0 km B. 30% / 30 - 45 km C. 50% / 12 - 15 km D. 90% / 100 - 150 km


Biochemical limestone can consist of . . . A. coral mounds and/or calcite shell fragments. B. quartz sand grains on a beach. C. deposits of clay. D. deposits of plankton shells composed of silica.


Coal forms from ______ that accumulates in a(n) ______ depositional environment. A. plant material / reducing B. plankton bodies / oxidizing C. plant material / oxidizing D. plankton bodies / reducing


If you find an outcrop of coarse-grained igneous rock, you are probably looking at . . . A. slowly cooled magma in a large pluton that formed deep in the crust. B. a frozen lava flow that cooled quickly at the Earth's surface. C. a rapidly cooled magma in a very thin dike. D. a layer of pyroclastic debris.


In the cross section of cross beds shown below, in which direction did the current flow at the time of deposition? A. west to east. B. east to west. C. top to bottom. . D. bottom to top


A mechanical seismograph consists of a pen attached to a suspended weight, and a rolling drum with paper attached. During an earthquake: A. the weight stays fixed in space, while the drum and paper move. B. the drum and paper stay fixed in position, while the weight bounces about. C. both the drum and the weight bounce about.


A geologist plots the lowest (first) and highest (last) occurrence of fossil specimens on a stratigraphic chart. According to the Principle of Fossil Succession . . . A. strata containing X are always younger than those containing Z. B. strata containing Y are always older than those containing Z. C. strata containing Y are always younger than those containing Z. D. fossil Z might occur in unit G. (Note: Assume that the last occurrence of a species shown on the chart represents the extinction of the species.)


A large, cone-shaped volcano consisting of alternating layers of ash and lava is a(n) ____________. A. stratovolcano or composite volcano B. shield volcano C. cinder cone D. ignimbrite


Sedimentary rocks formed through cementation of formerly loose grains of sediment derived from weathering of preexistent rock are called _______ sedimentary rocks. A very fine-grained example, which typically splits into thin sheets, is called ________ . A. clastic / shale B. biochemical / conglomerate C. chemical / coal D. clastic / sandstone


The chemicals that make up oil and natural gas are derived from . . . A. the bodies of dead plankton and algae. B. accumulations of woody plants and mosses. C. the bodies of land animals (mainly dinosaurs). D. accumulations of shells.


What defines the location of plate boundaries? A. The location of abundant earthquake epicenters. B. High-mountain belts. C. The coastlines of continents. D. Bogus question: plate boundaries are simply drawn along lines of latitude.


What does pyroclastic debris consist of? A. fragments of solidified lava erupted into the air from a volcano B. solid large masses of glass C. rivers of lava that flow down the side of a volcano D. a type of intrusive igneous rock


What is the difference between foliated and non-foliated metamorphic rocks? A. The former display preferred orientation and/or compositional banding, whereas the latter do not. B. The former have bigger grains than the latter. C. The former are heavier than the latter. D. The former have a greater variety of minerals than the latter.


What is the difference between sediment and sedimentary rock? A. Coherence: sediment consists of loose grains, sedimentary rock consists of a solid aggregate. B. Location: sediment occurs at the Earth's surface, whereas sedimentary rock only occurs underground. C. Temperature: the former is hotter than the latter. D. Grain size: the former has bigger crystals than the latter.


When Wegener compared rock units now exposed on different continents bordering the Atlantic Ocean, what did he discover? A. Fossils of identical land-dwelling species occur on continents that are now separated from one another by the ocean. B. There is no relation between mountain belts on the eastern margin and those on the western margin. C. Precambrian crustal blocks have not been truncated by oceans. D. Glossopteris fossils occur only in Africa.


When we say that a material is "crystalline" we mean that internally . . . A. atoms are distributed in an orderly arrangement. B. atoms and/or clusters of atoms are arranged randomly. C. atoms are arranged strictly in microscopic cubes. D. the material occurs only in crystals with nicely formed crystal faces.


When we say that metamorphic rock #1 is "higher grade" than metamorphic rock #2, we mean that . . . A. rock #1 was subjected to higher temperatures than rock #2. B. rock #1 was subjected to lower temperatures than rock #2. C. rock #1 has more foliation than rock #2. D. rock #1 has more dark-colored minerals than rock #2.


Where is the heat flow of oceanic crust the greatest? A. Along the axis of the mid-ocean ridges. B. At the floor of the deep-ocean trenches. C. Along the coast of an ocean basin. D Along the equator.


Which of the following is the correct sequence of eras within the Phanerozoic? ← oldest youngest → A. Paleozoic / Mesozoic / Cenozoic B. Mesozoic / Paleozoic / Cenozoic C. Cenozoic / Mesozoic / Paleozoic D. Mesozoic / Cenozoic / Paleozoic


Which of the following minerals has a metallic luster? A. pyrite, a mineral that looks like brass B. quartz, a mineral that looks like glass C. feldspar, a mineral that looks like porcelain D. halite, a mineral that looks grey or white, and glassy


Which statement about the distribution of earthquakes at convergent plate boundaries is correct? A. Hypocenters occur in the Wadati-Benioff zone, down to a depth of about 670 km below the surface. B. Hypocenters occur only in the downgoing plate. C. Epicenters occur only on the seaward side of the trench. D. Hypocenters occur only in the upper 15 km.


Why can't continental crust be subducted? A. It is too buoyant and can't sink into the asthenosphere. B. Continental crust is denser than the asthenosphere. C. Bogus question: continental crust can be subducted, just like oceanic crust.


Why isn't a typical outcrop of granite considered an ore deposit? A. It does not contain a high enough concentration of valuable metals. B. It contains only four major minerals. Ore deposits have a greater variety. C. It doesn't have a uniform color. D. Granite is an intrusive rock, so all exposures of granite are underground. Ore deposits occur only in exposed outcrops. E. Grain size: the former has bigger crystals than the latter.


According to Wegener's hypothesis of continental drift, all continents were once attached and formed a single land mass that he called ________ . He thought that this land mass survived until about the middle of the _________ Era. A. Rodinia / Paleozoic B. Pangaea / Mesozoic C. Baltica / Cenozoic D. Laurentia / Paleozoic


All ores consist of native metals distributed in a matrix of the host rock. A. true B. false


If a volcano is erupting a gassy, felsic magma, then it is more likely to be __________. A. an "effusive" eruption (i.e., lava flows dominate) B. an explosive eruption C. Can't be answered with information provided: eruptive style does not depend on composition or gas content.


In the Atlantic Ocean, where does the youngest oceanic crust occur? A. Along the coastlines of the continents. B. Adjacent to the mid-ocean ridge. C. There is no set rule -- young ocean crust has a nearly random distribution.


Is the temperature the same everywhere inside the Earth? A. Yes. The temperature of the Earth is constant throughout. B. No. The temperature increases with increasing depth. C. No. The temperature decreases with increasing depth. D. No. The temperature increases, then decreases, then increases, then decreases (etc.) in a periodic way with increasing depth.


Metamorphism of sandstone produces ________ , whereas metamorphism of limestone produces __________ . A. shale / granite B. quartzite / marble C. veins / foliation D. conglomerate / dolomite


On a _________ fault, the hanging-wall block slips down the surface of the fault, relative to the footwall. If the fault displaces the ground surface, a _________ develops. A. reverse / fault trace B. normal / fault scarp C. strike slip / fault trace D. reverse / fault scarp E. Bogus question: faults are always entirely underground and cannot offset the Earth's surface.


Physicists have concluded which of the following concerning element formation? A. All elements now in existence formed during the big bang. B. Hydrogen and helium formed during the big bang, but heavier elements formed later, through fusion reactions in stars, including supernova explosions. C. Fission reactions in stars split larger atoms to form smaller ones. D. Supernova explosions produced most of the new hydrogen that formed long after the big bang.


The Earth produces a ___________ that shields the planet from _____________ . A. radiation sphere / comets B. magnetic field / solar wind C. heat plume / asteroids


The chemical formula of quartz is SiO2. This means that if you analyze a piece of quartz, you will find that . . . A. the piece contains equal parts of sodium and chlorine. B. the piece contains one silicon atom for every two oxygen atoms. C. the piece contains a random mixture of silicon and oxygen atoms. D. the piece contains a great variety of different elements.


The complete geologic column is represented by the strata exposed in the immense walls of the Grand Canyon. (Hint: Geologists have identified several unconformities in the Grand Canyon.) A. true B. false C. possibly D. There is insufficient data to tell.


Today, ______ provides over 80% of the world's energy. A. hydroelectric power B. fossil fuels C. nuclear energy D. solar energy


Tsunamis can be caused by . . . A. earthquakes in continental rifts that occur inland. B. earthquakes at subduction zones. C. large hurricanes.


Volcanic ash consists of __________. An avalanche of hot ash flowing down the flanks of a volcano is known as a(n) ____________. A. cobbles of basalt / ash fall B. tiny shards of glass / pyroclastic flow C. marble-sized cinders / lahar D. blocks of rhyolite / debris flow


What is the difference between magma and lava? A. Composition: the former contains more magnesium and iron than the latter. B. Location: the former is molten rock underground whereas the latter is molten rock at the Earth's surface. C. Temperature: the former is hotter than the latter. D. Grain size: the former has bigger crystals than the latter.


What measurable clue(s) indicate that a particular volcano may erupt in the near future? A. The heat flow measured on the surface of the volcano decreases. B. The volcano changes shape as the magma chamber fills. C. The number of earthquakes beneath the volcano decreases. D. both A and C


When a magnetometer is towed over a positive marine magnetic anomaly, . . . A. the measured magnetic field is weaker than expected. B. the measured magnetic field is stronger than expected. C. the sea floor is shallower than expected. D. the sea floor is deeper than expected.


When we say that the Redwall Limestone, exposed in the Grand Canyon, correlates with the Monte Cristo Limestone, exposed near Las Vegas, we mean . . . A. both units have exactly the same rock type but different fossils. B. both units were deposited at approximately the same time. C. the Redwall was deposited on top of the Monte Cristo. D. the Monte Cristo was deposited on top of the Redwall.


When we say that the ruins of the Roman forum are older than the towers of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, we provide an example of . . . A. numerical age. B. relative age. C. uniform age. D. absolute age.


Which of the following processes does NOT lead to the formation of a mineral or minerals? A. Precipitation from an aqueous solution. B. Instantaneous freezing of molten rock. C. Slow cooling of molten rock. D. Precipitation from concentrated gases. E. Slow diffusion through a solid.


Which of the following statements is FALSE ? A. The mantle is composed almost entirely of solid rock. B. The crust floats on a subterranean "sea" of magma. C. The mantle is composed of rock, whereas the core is composed of metal. D. The outer core is liquid and the inner core is solid.


Which statement about the distribution of earthquakes on Earth is correct? A. Earthquakes are evenly distributed around the globe. B. Earthquakes occur in discrete belts, along plate boundaries. C. Earthquakes occur exclusively in the interiors of plates. D. Earthquakes are randomly distributed around the globe.


Why did most geologists initially oppose Wegener's hypothesis of continental drift? A. Wegner could not explain the distribution of fossils. B. Wegner could not explain how or why continents move. C. Wegner could not explain the distribution of climate belts of the past. D. Bogus question: geologists all over the world immediately accepted Wegener's hypothesis.


With existing technology, it is possible to predict earthquakes to within a few days. A. true B. false


What is the relationship between the coastlines on the east side of the Atlantic and those on the west side? A. There is no relationship. B. They are identical. C. Continents on the east side could fit snugly against those on the west. D. Their wave, current, and tidal energy are the same.


A lithospheric plate consists of: A. the crust alone. B. the lower mantle. C. the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle. D. the crust and the entire upper mantle.


According to the Principle of Uniformitarianism, . . . A. the future is the key to the present. B. a uniform layer of sediment once covered the entire Earth. C. physical processes observed today also happened in the past, at comparable rates, and are responsible for the geologic features that we see. D. all rock layers start out with roughly the same orientation.


According to the principle of cross-cutting relations, which of the following features in the above cross section is the youngest? A. the pluton B. the dike C. sedimentary layer A D. sedimentary layer F


An ore deposit that forms when hot fluids containing dissolved ore minerals circulate through rock is called . . . A. a magmatic deposit. B. a secondary enrichment deposit. C. a hydrothermal deposit. D. a residual mineral deposit.


At a __________ , continental crust is being stretched apart; as a consequence, the crust becomes _______ and volcanoes erupt. A. trench / shorter B. trench / longer C. rift / thinner D. rift / thicker


Evaporites are a type of _______ sedimentary rock. Examples can consist of ______ and/or ______ ? A. organic / coal / black shale B. biochemical / plankton shells / clay C. chemical / gypsum / halite D. clastic / quartz / feldspar


In a continental _______ , you find extensive exposures of ________ metamorphic rock. A. shelf / Cenozoic B. platform / Paleozoic C. shield / Precambrian D. all of the above


In the upper crust of a continent, the geothermal gradient is about . . . A. 350° - 400°C per km. B. 150° - 200°C per km. C. 20° - 30°C per km. D. 1° - 5°C per km.


In which of the following tectonic settings is magma formation not likely a consequence of decompression melting? A. mid-ocean ridge B. rift C. convergent plate boundary D. hot spot


Oil and natural gas rise into oil traps because . . . A. they boil, under the conditions found in the source region, and therefore are forced upwards. B. they flow in all directions once formed, and some happens to end up in the trap. C. hydrocarbons are less dense than water, so they are relatively buoyant and float above water. D. Bogus question: oil and gas stay within the source rock, so that to pump them out, drillers must penetrate the source rock.


The basic reaction that takes place in a nuclear power plant is ________ . If the fuel rods get too hot, they can cause a _________ . A. fusion / meltdown B. fission / supernova explosion C. fission / meltdown D. fusion / nuclear explosion


The boundary between stratigraphic units 'A' and 'B' is called a (an) . . . ? A. intrusive contact B. fault contact C. unconformity D. conformable contact


The dominant gas in the atmosphere is ______ . The density of the atmosphere ______ with increasing elevation. A. oxygen / decreases B. carbon dioxide / increases C. nitrogen / decreases D. oxygen / increases


The fundamental unit of the most common mineral class on Earth is . . . A. the sodium-chlorine cube. B. the sulfate (SO42-) anionic group. C. the silicon-oxygen tetrahedron. D. the carbonate (CO3) anionic group. E. the silicon-iron pyramid.


The point on the surface of the Earth that lies directly above the place where a slip on a fault occurs is the ____ . A. hypocenter B. focus C. epicenter D. all of the above


The seven principal classes of minerals are distinguished from each other based on . . . A. their color. B. their crystal form. C. their chemical composition. D. their hardness.


Using radiometric dating of _________ , geologists conclude that the Earth is about _________ years old. A. rocks in central Canada / 3.2 billion B. rocks from Australia / 542 million C. fragments of meteorites / 4.57 billion D. the Moon's surface / 4.57 million


Which is the correct sequence of seismic waves that will be recorded at a distance from the epicenter? ← first to arrive last to arrive → A. S-waves / surface waves / P-waves B. Surface waves / P-waves / S-waves C. P-waves / S-waves / surface waves D. Bogus question: all seismic waves travel at the same velocity.


Which of the following is NOT a manifestation of physical weathering? A. Roots pry a crack open. B. Rock breaks apart through the formation of joints. C. Water reacts with minerals and breaks molecules apart. D. Salt crystals grow between grains and push the grains apart.


Which of the following lists foliated metamorphic rocks in the correct sequence? ← finer coarser → A. schist / slate / phyllite B. phyllite / schist / slate C. slate / phyllite / schist D. hornfels / slate / schist


Which of the following statements about Earth's magnetic field is correct? A. The polarity stays constant through time--i.e., north is always north. B. The position of the dipole wanders around the Earth's surface and was at the equator about 1 million years ago. C. The polarity of the magnetic field reverses every now and then. D. The polarity of the magnetic field reverses periodically; reversals occur once every 700,000 years.


Which of the following statements concerning the forces that drive plate motions is correct? A. Plate movement occurs primarily because of simple convection cells in the mantle. B. Movement of oceanic currents causes the underlying plates to move. C. Ridge-push and slab-pull forces have the greatest influence on the velocity of plate motion. D. Plates move in response to centrifugal force caused by the rotation of the Earth.


Which statement represents the favored geological theory describing the formation of the Earth? The Earth... A. condensed like a giant ice crystal directly from gases formed during the big bang. Then it was captured by the gravitational pull of the Sun. B. was a moon of Jupiter, knocked into its present orbit by a collision early in the history of the solar system. C. formed by the coalescence of planetesimals that occurred in a ring orbiting the Sun.


What is the difference between a "passive continental margin" and an "active continental margin"? A. Earthquakes happen frequently at a passive margin but not at active ones. B. Wide continental shelves occur at active margins but not at passive ones. C. Crust is much thicker at a passive margin than in the interior of a continent. D. Passive margins are not plate boundaries, whereas active margins are.


A light year represents: A a year that has fewer days than a normal year. B. the time it takes light to orbit the Sun once. C. the time it takes for light to travel from the Sun to the Earth. D. the distance that light travels in one year.


A magnitude 4 earthquake results in ground motion that is ______ the ground motion that occurs during a magnitude 2 earthquake, and releases approximately _____ the amount of energy. A. 2X / 4X B. 2X / 2X C. 4X / 100X D.100X / 1000X


According to the principle of cross-cutting relations, which of the following features in the above cross section is the oldest? A. the pluton B. the dike C. sedimentary layer A D. sedimentary layer F


If sea level rises, so the shoreline migrates inland, a ______________ has occurred. A. migration B. regression C. accumulation D. transgression


In order for a rock to be a good reservoir rock, from which oil can be pumped, it must have . . . A. high porosity. B. low permeability. C. high permeability. D. both A and C


Keeping in mind the shape of magnetic field lines in space around the Earth, which of the following is true? A. Averaged over time, magnetic inclination is constant everywhere on the Earth's surface. B. Magnetic inclination is approximately 45° at the equator and 0° at the poles. C. Magnetic inclination is approximately 90° at the equator and 45° at a latitude of 45°. D. Magnetic inclination is approximately 0° at the equator and 90° at the poles.


Mafic lava erupted at a submarine volcano will produce __________ . A. an aa flow B. a cinder cone C. a pahoehoe flow D. pillow basalt


Metamorphism due to heat alone, without differential stress, is called . . . A. regional metamorphism. B. dynamic metamorphism. C. dynamothermal metamorphism. D. contact metamorphism.


Natural gas is _____ volatile than oil, and consists of _____ hydrocarbon molecules. A. less / longer B. less / shorter C. more / longer D. more / shorter


Pillow basalts form . . . A. by the intrusion of mafic magma at great depth in the crust. B. by extrusion at high elevations on large continental volcanoes. C. by intrusion of felsic magma at shallow depth in the crust. D. by extrusion under water.


Studies of sea-floor bathymetry demonstrate that . . . A. the ocean floor is a vast plain, all at the same depth. B. mid-ocean ridges, up to 15 km high, divide each ocean basin in half. C. the axis of a mid-ocean ridge can be drawn as a continuous straight line, with no interruptions or offsets. D. deep-ocean trenches, the deepest of which have a depth of about 11 km, border chains of active volcanoes.


The '49ers started by mining placer ores. They did this by . . . A. drilling wide holes. B. tunneling deep underground. C. using picks and shovels to dig out ore-bearing veins in open-pit mines. D. panning the gravel in streams.


The character of a lava flow depends on the viscosity of the lava erupted. _____ lava is less viscous than _____ lava and thus flows out as a _________. A. rhyolitic / basaltic / thin sheet B. basaltic / rhyolitic / mound or dome C. rhyolitic / basaltic / mound or dome D. basaltic / rhyolitic / thin sheet


The key evidence that the Universe is expanding is . . . A. the blue shift of light from nearby stars. B. the red shift of light from nearby stars. C. the blue shift of light from distant galaxies. D. the red shift of light from distant galaxies


The process of erosion does NOT include which of the following? A. glacial ice plowing sediment away from its original depositional setting B. gravity-driven tumbling off a cliff C. removal of debris by wind or running water D. precipitation of cement


To produce oil from kerogen, the following condition must be met: A. the rock must be saturated with salt. B. the rock must be completely dry. C. the temperature must be greater than 400°C, and at a depth of greater than 25 km. D. the temperature must be between about 90° and 150°C.


Which is the correct order of adjectives describing magma composition? ← more silica less silica → A. felsic / intermediate / ultramafic / mafic. B. ultramafic / mafic / felsic / intermediate. C. intermediate / felsic / mafic / ultramafic. D. felsic / intermediate / mafic / ultramafic


Which of the following phenomena will cause melting to produce magma? A. removal of volatiles (H2O and CO2) from the rock B. increasing pressure, while the temperature stays constant C. Bogus question: the crust floats on a layer of perpetually molten rock, so there is no need to melt rock to "produce" magma D. transfer of heat from a hot magma into surrounding wall rock


Which of the following phrases correctly completes the following sentence? During metamorphism, ________ . A. glass changes by first melting and then solidifying B. rock reacts with air and water at the Earth's surface C. sediment undergoes compaction and cementation D. a protolith undergoes change in the solid state


Which of the following processes happens at the axis of a mid-ocean ridge? A. Molten rock intrudes the crust, and lava erupts at the surface. B. Vents in the sea-floor spew out hot, mineral-saturated water. C. Stretching force (tension) causes the crust to break and slip on faults. D. All of the above. E. None of the above.


Which of the following statements about Wegener's reconstruction of late Paleozoic Pangaea is true? A. Areas glaciated during the late Paleozoic were all in the northern hemisphere. B. Areas that were deserts in late Paleozoic were all in polar regions. C. Areas that were coal swamps in late Paleozoic were all at high (polar) latitudes at that time. D. Areas glaciated during the late Paleozoic laid over the south polar region at the time.


Which of the following statements about a hot-spot track is correct? A. All of the volcanoes making up the track have erupted at roughly the same time. B. The track is perpendicular to the direction that the plate on which the volcanoes form is moving. C. Hot spot tracks are parallel to deep ocean trenches. D. The youngest volcano of the track occurs at one end of the track.


Why is the runoff water that comes from mines commonly acidic? A. Most rain is acidic, so the runoff from mines is acidic. This is no different than the runoff from other areas. B. Many ore minerals are carbonates and, when crushed to a powder during mining, produce acid. C. Ores are mostly precipitated in limestone, and limestone reacts with acid. D. Many kinds of ore minerals are sulfides, and these react with water to form dilute sulfuric acid.


Based on the geologic definition of a mineral, which of the following is a mineral, or is composed of minerals? A. a DVD B. an asphalt shingle on a roof C. sugar crystals in a sugar cube D. molten candle wax E. the ice making up a snowflake


Imagine a mountain stream whose fast-moving water has carried away all grains except for well-rounded pebbles, cobbles, and boulders. If such stream gravel were lithified, it would turn into . . . A. shale. B. siltstone. C. arkose. D. breccia. E. conglomerate.


What phenomena can cause the mineral assemblage in a protolith to change into a metamorphic mineral assemblage? A. a change in pressure B. a change in temperature C. shear stress D. infiltration by supercritical fluids E. all of the above


Which of the following processes contribute to lithification? A. compaction and consolidation (removal of water and air between the grains) B. cementation by minerals precipitated from groundwater C. formation of joints D. churning by subsurface organisms E. both A and B


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