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Pecans and peanuts are two agricultural crops traded between the United States and China. Consider the yields and acreages shown in the following table (which are fictionalized). Which country (U.S. or China) has a comparative advantage in producing PEANUTS?


The 'Green Revolution' -- largely credited to biology scientists in the 1960s and1970s such as Dr. Norman Borlaug -- is characterized by significantly improved and moreproductive varieties of green vegetables including broccoli and lettuce.


The 'Lorenz Curve' is a graphical tool with a specific focus on food distribution and human capital.


The book author, Howard Leathers, identifies "four P's" that comprise critical factors for analyzing the future of food supply and demand, one of these P's is "POLICY".


The economic supply curve is upward sloping because it depicts the generalconcept of 'diminishing marginal returns' -- i.e., how in the relationship betweenproduction and input levels, there is generally a decreasing effectiveness of eachadditional unit of input.


A doubling time of 7 years is generated by a 10% growth rate.

World Trade Organization (WTO)

Bi-lateral and multi-lateral trade agreements establish rules and guidelines for international trade between countries. Choose from the list below the institution that governs trade between the largest number of countries in the world?


Calories consumed from meat and eggs are easier to produce and require fewer land and agricultural resources to produce than calories from grains and vegetables.

protect yourself by disconnecting and disengaging from the community and the world

Each of us takes part in small -- and sometimes in more significant -- ways that affect conditions in our communities and even the world around us. Which of the following actions is LEAST likely to make a positive difference.


Falling incomes and rising unemployment will likely increase household food security.


Higher birth rates can affect the household food consumption requirement.

the effects of nutrient runoff from agricultural lands within the basin of the Mississippi River.

In the Gulf of Mexico, there is a large area near the outlet of the Mississippi River that extends for about 100 miles from the coast, where fish and other sea life is surprisingly scarce. This is caused by which of the following?


Land degradation, for example, erosion, soil salinization and soil compaction, generally leads to decreased productivity that can be represented by a downward or rightward) shift in the supply (marginal cost) curve for food.

accurate forecasts of important future events

Model building and scenario development are important tools that help organizations and institutions project and plan for the future. Which of the following is NOT the likely product or outcome of model and scenario assessment?


Population pyramids show the nutritional status of various age classes of a population.


Proteins are primary sources of energy to fuel the body's activities and movements throughout the day.

production of some crops will move to other regions as conditions change

Scientific projections of climate change affecting both global and regional temperatures and precipitation patterns suggest that food production could be widely affected in which of the following ways?


Specializing and concentrating agricultural production using just a few highly productive varieties (i.e., mono-crop or mono-culture) decreases genetic diversity.


The term 'intensive margin' generally refers to production changes based onchanging the area (i.e., number of acres or hectares) of land used in agriculture.

Between 3,266 and 3,267

The total market value of the 2004 NM chile crop was $50.3 million. The number of harvested acres was 15,400. What was the average value per acre (in dollars per acre)?


To improve food access by low-income families, market-wide programs that lower the price of food, for example through payments and subsidies to farmers, are more economically efficient in using government funds than alternatives such as direct food assistance such as food stamps.


True or false: between now and 2050 there are likely to be many important events, technology advancements, and changes in natural resource conditions that will surprise modelers and planners of outlooks and perspectives.


True or false: the food supply-chain, from farmers to processors to retailers, can generally insure that there is no cross-contamination of non-gmo and gmo crops that are produced.


When consumers and producers observe relatively high market prices for products or goods, that is generally a signal for consumers to buy less and producers to produce and sell more of the high priced good (i.e., the good is relatively scarce).


A Kenyan crop-scientist, Florence Wambugu, featured in the documentary, "Harvest of Fear", studied which of the following crops in her effort to enhance and expand food production for African nations?


A drought is likely to increase food security.

Demand shifts to the right and apple prices rise

Apples are a healthy source of fiber, minerals, and vitamins. Which of the following BEST describes what would most likely happen in the apple market if school systems throughout the U.S. began to promote and distribute apples in school lunch programs?

organic farming is fundamentally inadaquate to provide for the world's growing food needs

As featured in the documentary, "Harvest of Fear", Norman Borlaug, crop-scientist and Nobel prize winner for his work on the Green Revolution, is highlighted for which of the following viewpoints?

Methane is a potent greenhouse gas contributing to global climate change

Both rice cultivation and beef production contribute significantly to emissions of methane (CH4) to the atmosphere. Which of the following BEST describes why these emissions are an environmental concern?


Carbohydrates are a component of nutrition most commonly associated with_________?

The limited productivity of less productive varieties

Changes in technology often have a significant effect on the productivity of inputs, such as fertilizers. The line labeled 'B' in the figure below illustrates which of the following. (B slopes up and then down, but is smaller than A)

Country A

Coffee and chocolate are among the world's most valuable traded agricultural crops, consider the yields and acreages shown in the following table. Which country (A or B) has a comparative advantage in producing COCOA?

concentrate wealth and power so that innovation and acheivment can be realized by the world's best

Communities, States and national Governments all develop and implement policies that can change policies related to food, agriculture and natural resources. Of the following, which is LEAST likely to contribute to a productive and positive future?

Few laborers were available to pick the annual crop

Consider the Figure below, which illustrates a hypothetical CHANGE in the supply of green chile from New Mexico's Hatch Valley, and choose the answer that BEST describes a plausible cause for this shift in supply.

Cotton, tobacco, and seeds

Consider the following figure from the USDA - Economic Research Service describing trends in US agricultural exports. Which export category appears to have experienced the LEAST amount of growth between 2000 and 2015?


Consider the nutrition panel below for a regular-size Snickers candy bar right out of the vending machine. Estimate the number of calories this candy bar is most likely to contain, and choose the value below that is closest to your estimate.

Country B

Consider the yields and acreages shown in the following table. Which Country (A or B) has the comparative advantage in producing CORN?

Consumers enjoy low prices that result from lower market supplies of Dungeness crab

Dungeness crab is one of Oregon and California's most important commercial fishing harvests. However, in 2015, health scientists detected an algal bloom prior to the fishing season that resulted in high toxin levels in the crab fishing areas. Which of the following was NOT a likely consequence of cancelling the fishing season that year?

The Dust Bowl

During the 1930s, a large region of the American southern plains experienced severe drought. So severe that large clouds of topsoil blew across the land, enveloping many cities and towns. What is the name commonly given to this historic time and place?


Find the word in the list below that best completes the following definition for 'food security' used in our class. "For a household, food security means that there is access by all people at all times to enough food for an active, ______ life"


Food allergies and the ability of consumers to be aware of their presence is a key criticism argued against critics of gmo labeling laws. In the documentary, "Harvest of Fear", which of the following foods was described as 'the most allergenic' food that severely affects a small share of the population?


Food and agriculture together comprise a complex and dynamic system that involves an array of actors including consumers, producers, policy makers, government and non-governmental organizations, health professionals, food inspectors, food processors, agri-business, environmental quality, and many others.


If a country has a measured 'Gini coefficient' that is very close to zero, then that country has a very equal or egalitarian income distribution.


If a country has a measured 'gini coefficient' that is very close to zero, then that country has a very equal or egalitarian income distribution.


Improving education and economic opportunities are important factors leading to a decline in fertility rates and population growth rates.

Between 6.8 and 7

In 2004, New Mexico farmers harvested 15,400 acres of chile (all types) that produced a total of 106,850 tons. What was the average yield per acre (in tons per acre)?

this concept shows which country may have more power in negotiations but is less important than comparative advantage

In international trade, which of the following BEST describes the concept of ABSOLUTE ADVANTAGE.

food prices may continue to decline from current levels and average calories consumed across the globe will likely rise

In projecting food demand and supply conditions to the year 2050 which of the following statements BEST describes the 'establishment view' regarding likely conditions.


In the course textbook, the authors describe four types of malnutrition. True or False, secondary malnutrition is the condition that results from the consumption of too many calories relative to their expenditure and is the most common nutritional problem in high income countries, like the United States, and among high-income populations in lower-income countries.

such labels are 'misleading' consumers to think something is wrong

In the documentary, "Harvest of Fear", which of the following reasons BEST describes why food manufacturing organizations are generally opposed to food labels that inform consumers of the presence of GMOs?

this line illustrates the marginal costs of production and the behavior of sellers

In the following figure illustrating the market for apples, the line labeled "A" is best described by which of the following statements. (Upward slope with price (y) and quantity (x))

the supply curve for the affected crops shifts to the left resulting in higher market prices and fewer quantities available.

Land degradation and climatic factors such as drought and floods can cause agricultural crops to fail over widespread areas. Which of the following describes the likely consequences of these conditions on agricultural markets.

intellectual property and patent law

Many new and evolving bio-technologies use techniques that are 'new' and describe novel advances in science and scientific understanding. Often the use of these techniques are strictly guarded by private corporations that have legally protected rights to their exclusive use and licensing. Which of the following terms most closely refers to this area of law?


Nutrient runoff from agricultural lands such as nitrogen and phosphorus is beneficial for fish populations helping them to thrive and reproduce abundantly in rivers, lakes, and estuaries.

Wider availability of meal 'super-sizing' at fast-food restaurants Reduced emphasis on physical education in schools Food advertising on television Greater availability of 'relaxed-fit' clothing

Obesity is a rising health problem in the United States that is directly attributable to many choices we make concerning food and activities. Which of the following contribute to this problem. Select all that are correct.


Population momentum is a characteristic that implies that populations are highly responsive to changes in population growth policies.

environmental and natural resource systems are over-stressed and risk collapse

The 'anti-establishment' view on the future is BEST characterized by which of the following?


The 'body-mass index' (BMI) uses a persons height, weight, and age to estimate whether a person is relatively heavy or light compared to healthy standards.

an English economist who surmised that growing populations would suffer from food shortages.

The adjective 'Malthusian' refers to which of the following:


The example of the 'boy in the berry patch' is used to illustrate the behavioral concepts of economic demand and supply.

reach a maximum size or number, known as 'carrying capacity' along a logistic or S-shaped pattern population size rises exponentially when their are no limiting factors

The figure below illustrates the concepts that populations grow ____________.

Relatively high price elasticity

The figure below is an illustration of which of the following economic concepts?

to produce animal feed for China's increasing demand for meat and dairy

The following image developed by the Woodrow Wilson Center, shows some of the patterns of agricultural trade between the U.S. and China. According to this graphic for what general purpose does China import corn, soybeans, and brewing dregs from the U.S.?

Potato-blight fungus Over reliance on a single crop to meet nutritional needs Repressive land tenure and social class abuses of the English Deep and widespread poverty

The great Irish potato famine of the late 1840s was largely caused by which of the following:

Development of seed banks, repositories that contain samples of wild relatives to the world's crops

The world's population is highly dependent on just 30 crops for 95% of their food-energy needs, and 60% of this food-energy comes from just five crops: rice, wheat, maize, millet and sorghum. Which of the following activities is BEST suited to helping preserve genetic diversity, which could someday help avert catastrophic crop failures from pests, diseases and climatic change.


True or False, famine is one of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse?


True or false, a trade surplus results when the value of a country's imports exceeds that of the value of their exports.


True or false: In the future, maybe as soon as 2050, the importance of dietary protein will diminish because machines and robots will perform most of the human functions that require protein food sources.


Underconsumption of calories or protein is known as protein-calorie malnutrition (PCM) or protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) -- a problem that is solvable by increased food and protein intake. Which of the following terms refers to the condition that is observed and measured by low body weight relative to height, also known as wasting?


Water is an important input into agriculture and food production. Globally, which of the following ranges reflects the share of total freshwater used to support agriculture and food production?

Prosperity, Pollution, Population, and Production

What are the four P's?

Biological (or genetic) resistance

What is the name given to the condition where food and crop pests (e.g., weeds, insects, fungi) lose their sensitivity to particular chemical pesticides?

C: Graph with Price (y) and Wheat (x), C is sloped downward

Which curve best illustrates the demand curve for wheat?

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USHHS)

Which of the following U.S. federal agencies is NOT integral in insuring the health and safety of food produced in the United States?

University of New Mexico

Which of the following Universities was featured in the documentary, "Harvest of Fear" for their study on consumer opinions, knowledge and consumption of GM foods?

Production = yield * acreage

Which of the following best describes the 'basic food supply' equation?

Resolve all conflicts through peaceful negotiations

Which of the following is NOT a general principle of the World Trade Organization (WTO)?


Which of the following is NOT one of the four (or even six) P's described by text author Howard Leathers as a major factor shaping the future of food and agriculture?

Greenpeace International

Which of the following is considered an organization with an 'anti-establishment' point of view?

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Which of the following is the name given to a recently proposed agreement to govern multi-lateral trade among many nations across and near the Pacific Ocean?

Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR)

Which of the following is the name given to the new and evolving bio-technology for target gene editing?

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