geog quizzes 4-5

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The estimated urban share of the world's population today is approximately

50 %

The use of wood as fuel for space heating, cooking, and lighting is most common in which of the following


The use of incinerators to burn trash, rather than dumping household waste into landfills has become increasingly common in the US because it reduces the volume of waste by 90%. Which of the following is a negative trade off of building incinerators?

All of the above

Which of the following continents does NOT contain an industrial district?


Which of the following countries today accounts for half the coal produced and consumed


Which of the following is considered a NIC, or newly industrializing country?

South Korea

Among developing countries, one of the chief criticisms of the world trade organization and its effort to reduce trade barriers

developed countries protect their own agricultural markets with subsidies even as they oppose tariffs on manufactured goods they sell in the developing world

The largest volumes of transboundary shipments of hazardous waste are exported from

developed countries to developing countries

When excess nutrients from agriculture enter waterways, they cause a spurt in growth in organic matter in the water that is known as


A dead zone in a body of water, often indicated by the presence of dead fish, is usually an area where

excess nutrients have caused hypoxia

Activities that generate unreported earnings, represent lost tax revenues for governments, and lack formal contracts are considered part of the

informal economy

Which of the following, in terms of where industries locate, is an advantage of agglomeration


Which of the following, in terms of where industries locate, is an advantage of agglomeration?


Species such as the tiger mosquito, zebra mussel, Asian carp, gypsy moth, long-horned beetle, and emerald ash borer are species that have been released, usually by human action, into ecosystems in North America in which they did not evolve. When introduced species harm the environment, they are called


American law, especially the Clean Water Act, makes a distinction between point and nonpoint pollution for the purpose of regulation. Which of the following is an example of a point pollution source?

a sewage plant

An ore is

a solid material containing a desired mineral that is economically feasible to extract

Which of the following best describes a suburb?

a subordinate area dependent on the urban area that may be industrial, commercial, or residential

Despite composing less than 10% of the total value of world trade, trade talks have been stymied by lack of

agricultural products

Despite composing less than 10% of the total value of world trade, trade talks have been stymied by lack of agreement over trade in

agricultural products

Efforts in the US to reduce various forms of pollution are commonly considered most successful for

air pollution

In Alfred Weber's model of industrial location, which of the following variables are important in determining where businesses will locate?

all of the above - relative transport labor costs agglomeration costs

which of the following is an important factor in the development of cities

all of the above- agricultural surplus social organization defensible location

The greatly increased agricultural productivity associated with the green revolution is mainly caused by

all of the above- pesticides seed varieties irrigation

The greatest growth in recent years in the harvesting of fish for human consumption has come from


The underground region of water-laden sand and gravel that contains groundwater is called an


Which of the the following is not a factor influencing the degree of human impact on the environment

asteroid impacts

Where is most new lithosphere created?

at seafloor spreading centers under the oceans and in the rift valleys of East Africa

The depletion of the ozone layer in the stratosphere is believed to be caused by


The theory of comparative advantage holds that countries improve their living standards by

choosing industries in which to specialize and by trading with other countries

The practice of swidden agriculture involves

clearing fields by burning, planting, and then allowing field to lie fallow for many years

Which of the following energy sources was most important to early industrialization in Western Europe and the US


Which of the following resources has the fewest years remaining of proven reserves


Which of the following materials is most commonly used in the US for fuel in automobiles


The largest landfill in the United States, Fresh Kills on Staten Island that served New York City, has problems typical of most landfills in that it

leached contaminants into the groundwater

Geothermal energy is heat derived from

magma from the interior of the Earth

Goods such as soft-drinks that gain weight as they are manufactured tend to be located near their


What is petroleum

metamorphosed fats from the decay of once-living organisms

Which of the following gases is the primary component of natural gas


In the years immediately after the oil shocks of the 1970s, the fossil fuel that was hoped by the US government to limit reliance on foreign oil was

oil shale

Which of the following practices is part of the New Industrial Division of Labor

outsourcing and offshoring

Which of the following practices is part of the New Industrial Division of Labor?

outsourcing and offshoring

Semiconductor devices made of silicon that generate electricity directly from solar rays are called

photovoltaic cells

Societies in which governments set the price paid by consumers to producers are called

planned economies

Which of the following industries is LEAST likely to locate near the market for its finished products

plywood mill

Which of the following industries is LEAST likely to locate near the market for its finished products?

plywood mills

Primary commodities are the mainstay of the economies of the developing world and constitute more than 80% of the export earnings of Africa. What is the major disadvantage of relying on commodities for revenue?

price volatility of commodities

Manufacturing industries engaged in bulk or weight reduction operations are

raw material oriented

Goods that are bulky, such as lumber, tend to be located near their

raw materials

Which of the following best describes just-in-time manufacturing?

raw materials and supplies purchased as needed on a short time frame and manufacture for immediate sale

Which of the following best describes just-in-time manufacturing

raw materials and supplies purchased as needed on a short time frame, and manufacture for immediate sale

Which of the following environmental issues is more significant in countries where the primary sector dominates the economy than in countries where the secondary or tertiary sectors do

raw sewage entering the drinking water supply

The concentration of salts in the topsoil as a result of evaporation of surface waters is called


Municipal solid waste in the US is most commonly disposed of by

sanitary landfill

Practice of cutting medium and large trees either singly or in small groups and leaving younger trees is known as

selective cutting

Which of the following is considered the least destructive method of harvesting wood in forests

selective cutting

Which of the following terms refer to breaking down a mineral deposit to the desired pure material


Which of the following is considered a NIC, or newly industrializing country Which of the following continents does NOT contain an industrial district

south korea antarctica

A trench is dug, coal or phosphate excavated, and another trench is dug, with waste rock and soil from the second trench filling in the first. Which of the following is the term for this practice?

strip mining

Outsourcing is a production process which depends on

subcontracting production work

Why did the central business district decline in the second half of the 20th century

suburbanization and deindustrialization

The concentric zone model of urban form assumes that heavy manufacturing is located

surrounding the CBD

Genetically modified (GM) crops, sometimes called the second Green Revolution, are today most likely to be planted in

the developing world

Where and when does the term sustainable development originate

the earth summit, rio de janeiro, brazil 1992

The Ogallala aquifer is

the primary source of groundwater in the Great Plains

Overfishing of many major marine fisheries has led to a dramatic drop in the average per capita marine catch globally. This has been explained as (missing words) designated the opens seas as property that belongs to all nations, with no one responsible for ocean conversation. Such unlimited exploitation of resources in the absence of conventions for sharing economists call the

tragedy of the commons

The main shopping and financial heart of a city is called

central business district

What is a convection cell?

B and C- the circular, vertical movement of gas from the hot surface of the earth to the top of the cooler troposphere and back down the circular, vertical movement of liquid from the hot core of the earth to the cooler upper mantle and back down

According to the concentric zone model, land uses are arranged in which order, moving outward from the center of the city?

CBD, zone of transition, zone of industrial workers, zone of better residences, commuter zone Ctibc- Acronym (Cathy takes it by chance)

Which of the following countries has the highest per capita use of wind power?


Which term refers to large nodes of office and retail activities at the margin of an urban area?

Edge cities

The legislation in the US that prohibited hunting or commercial harvesting of animals nearing extinction is known as the

Endangered species act of 1973

Which of the following is an example of a perpetually renewable resource?

Geothermal energy

The technological innovation that was most important in allowing the Green Revolution to occur was the development of the

Haber-Bosch process

In the urban hierarchy of world cities, which three cities rank at the very top?

London, NY, Tokyo

Which of the following cities heats itself solely with geothermal energy

Reykjavik, Iceland

Many of the worlds greatest cities are subsiding because of

Sea level rise or groundwater extraction

What is a creole language?

a blend of languages, usually based in one dominant language, that has become the native tongue of a group of speakers

By definition, a global biodiversity hotspot has

a high number of endermic species and high risk of disruption by humans

When oxides of sulfur and nitrogen that are created by burning fossil fuels enter the atmosphere and precipitate back down to earth, the oxides are known as

acid rain

The basic sector of a city's economy consists of

activities that bring in money from outside the area

The production of methane gas from crop residues and animal and human refuse is called


A maquiladora is a mexican

border industry

Which of the following locations fosters the growth of large cities nearby?

break-of-bulk operations

Which of the following is an example of intensive commercial agriculture

dairy farms

A proven reserve has which of the following combination of characteristics

economically feasible to recover, has been identified

The central place theory of Christaller holds that cities of different sizes in the same region tend to be located in such a way that they are

economically interdependent

What terms refer to large nodes of office and retail activities at the margin of an urban area?

edge cities

Three categories of economic activities included in the business services sector of the economy include

finance, insurance, and real estate

In the Bakken formation in western North Dakota and other formations like it, shale can be made to produce oil by

horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing

Which of the following is an example of a capital city being relocated outside the core region of its country?


Which of the following best explains the multiplier effect?

jobs that bring in money from outside a locality create multiple local jobs

Mining companies are most likely to locate mines in area where there are

large amounts of ore, even if low-grade

Are cities of the developing world more or less likely than cities of the developed world to be primate cities?


The model of urban form that best fits the city of Los Angeles is the

multiple-nuclei model

Which of the following fossil fuels contributes least to globalization

natural gas

Before the mid 19th century, all major cities in the United States were located adjacent to

navigable waterways

In von thunen's model of agricultural location, in relation to the city center, dairy farming occurs


The type of subsistence agriculture that needs the most amount of land per person fed is

nomadic herding

When employees make goods or perform services and the profit from those goods or services stays within the community, such employees are said to work in which of the following sectors


The collection of manufacturing processes characteristic of industry in the developed world in the three decades after world war II is known as Fordism. Which of the following accurately characterizes post- Fordist manufacture?

production for niche markets; declining transport costs; heavy use of information technology; declining or stagnant wages

Which of the following statements conforms to the rank-size rule?

the 2nd largest city will be ½ the size of the largest city

In which of the following regions are the only remaining large expanses of old-growth forest found?

the Pacific Northwest

Which of the following models of urban land use fits the walking city best?

the concentric zone model

Von Thunen's model of agricultural location described how different types of farming form concentric circles around the urban core of a region. Grain farming is the outermost circle and livestock is raised closer in. What factor, according to Von Thunen, is most important in determining the varying locations of farm types

transport costs

Which sector is most dependent on the extraction of crude oil?


Within the next decade, the common use of commercial reactors that employ nuclear fusion to generate electricity is considered


What type of land use is most characteristic of areas where there are significant agglomeration economies

urban industry

What type of land use is most characteristic of areas where there are significant agglomeration economies?

urban industry

The major disadvantage to the environment of recycling household waste is the

use of energy, water, and other resources to transport and process recyclables

Cities that have compacted centers are more likely to have grown

with zoning laws in place

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