geol 1013

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68) Continental rifts ________. A) always proceed to completion begin from crustal thinning B) could produce linear seas C) cannot occur, only oceanic crust can have rifts D) cannot turn into ocean basins


13) Which of the following major discoveries was not made near or after World War II? A) the extensive ranges of mountain chains on the sea floor B) deep focus earthquakes that occur in some regions of the earth C) the apparent "fit" of the coastlines of Africa and South Africa D) the absence of rocks older than 200 million years on the sea floor


2) The study of Earth's atmosphere is known as ________. A) astronomy B) oceanography C) meteorology D) cosmology


6) Wegener thought that ________. A) there were once two big continents that were separated later by the Atlantic Ocean B) there was once one big continent that was later separated by the Atlantic Ocean C) there was once one big continent that later broke into several pieces D) there were once several continents that recombined to form the continents we have today


33) Oceanic lithosphere subducts (sinks into the asthenosphere) because ________. A) old oceanic lithosphere is more dense that the asthenosphere B) the upwelling magma at divergent boundaries pushes the lithospheric plate into the asthenosphere C) the pressure from two plates colliding forces one plate into the asthenosphere D) the convection of the mantle pulls the lithosphere into the asthenosphere


39) Liquification, where normally solid material behaves more like a fluid during an earthquake, occurs because ________. A) pore spaces between particles in unconsolidated sediments close and displace fluids B) rock particles dissolve and mix with the fluids in the subsurface to become a liquid C) friction from the vibrations melt rock and produce magmas D) cracking in the rocks allows fluids to flow into the area and increase the amount of liquids in the subsurface


51) The deepest well that has ever been drilled on the earth is ________ deep, about 1/500th of the radius of the earth. A) 12.3 km B) 20.7 km C) 31.4 km D) 40.5 km


6) Hurricanes and tornados are natural disasters. What branch of the Earth sciences studies the origin of these phenomena? A) meteorology B) geology C) oceanography D) astronomy


67) The ________ scale is an earthquake magnitude scale is based on the energy released by the earthquake. A) Mercalli B) Modified Richter C) Richter D) seismograph


In the television series "Cosmos" the astronomer Carl Sagan used to say, "We are all made of star stuff." What did he mean by that? A) All of the chemical elements were formed during the big bang when the universe began, so we are like the stars. B) We all have to potential to be stars. C) All of the chemical elements in our solar system were forged in an ancient star that went supernova. D) The earth has incorporated large amounts of chemical material from the solar wind, so our bodies carry this material.


Which of the following is not a planet? A) Europa B) Venus C) Saturn D) Neptune


1) What are the basic differences between the disciplines of physical and historical geology? A) Physical geology is the study of fossils and sequences of rock strata; historical geology is the study of how rocks and minerals were used in the past. B) Historical geology involves the study of rock strata, fossils, and geologic events, utilizing the geologic time scale as a reference; physical geology includes the study of how rocks form and of how erosion shapes the land surface. C) Physical geology involves the study of rock strata, fossils, and deposition in relation to plate movements in the geologic past; historical geology charts how and where the plates were moving in the past. D) None of the above-physical geology and historical geology are essentially the same.


1) What was the main view of how the world worked geologically prior to the 1960s? A) It was generally believed that the earth was flat. B) It was generally believed that mountains were produced by vertical forces. C) It was generally believed that continents and oceans moved. D) It was generally believed that oceans formed as a result of meteorite impacts.


21) Most deformation occurs along plate boundaries because ________. A) that is where the molten material makes it easy to deform rock B) the plates are in constant motion and as a result the boundaries are where they interact C) the plates were broken along their boundaries so that is where they are weakest D) plates are rigid in their interior but the boundaries are in the asthenosphere


24) New York and London are on two separate plates so the distance between the cities is ________. A) stationary B) increasing C) decreasing D) always changing direction


39) Why do scientists think that lithosphere has to be destroyed somewhere on or in the earth? A) There is not enough lithosphere on the earth to account for what has been produced in the last 200 million years. B) Lithosphere is created at divergent boundaries and the earth is not getting any larger. C) The moon is moving away from the earth and this would not happen if the earth had more lithosphere to increase its mass. D) The earth is getting smaller as the new oceanic crust cools and contracts.


5) Sedimentary rocks with marine fossils are exposed at the top of Mt. Everest. Which scientists would make most use of this observation in their study? A) meteorologists, because they could use the fossils as a guide to ancient climates B) geologists, because their elevation is related to physical geology and fossils are related to Earth history C) oceanographers, because the fossils can tell us about periods when Earth was covered with water to the height of Mt. Everest D) astronomers, because they can study how life came from outer space to Earth


55) Oceanic crust is composed primarily of ________. A) granite B) basalt C) sandstone D) andesite


All of the following are possible steps of scientific investigation except for ________. A) the collection of scientific facts through observation and measurement B) assumption of conclusions without prior experimentation or observation C) the development of one or more working hypotheses or models to explain facts D) development of observations and experiments to test the hypotheses


Climate change is a well-known human created problem but there remains resistance to addressing the issue despite widespread scientific agreement on the issue. Although most scientists are familiar with the issues, if you were a congressman and wanted an informed analysis of the problem, which of the following would be most likely to give you the most complete analysis? A) an astronomer B) a meteorologist with knowledge of oceanography C) a geologist with knowledge of astronomy D) a physicist


Earth is estimated to be approximately 4.6 billion years old. Life appeared early in the history of Earth, but metazoans (multicelled organisms) did not appear until about 600 million years ago. If the history of Earth were compressed into a single year, about when would metazoans appear? A) late September B) late November C) mid-December D) late January


Earthquakes are natural disasters. Which branch of the Earth sciences studies the impact of this phenomenon on coastal environments? A) meteorology B) geology C) oceanography D) astronomy


If you want to buy a house in an area and you are worried there may be an earthquake hazard, who would be the best person to ask for advice on this hazard? A) a civil engineer B) a geologist C) a physicist D) an astrologer


Light elements like hydrogen and helium form a large percentage of the outer planets and Sun is made up primarily of hydrogen. Why are these elements nearly absent from the inner planets? A) The Sun captured all of the hydrogen during its formation. B) These light elements are blown away from the inner planets by the solar wind. C) It is a mystery that has never been solved by science. D) Hydrogen and helium have all been bound up by chemical reactions on the inner planets and are held in rock.


The ________ explains how our solar system probably formed from a giant cloud of gases and dispersed solid particles. A) protogalactic theory B) nebular theory C) extrastellar solar hypothesis D) planetary compression theory


The primary goal of Earth Science is ________. A) to develop things that will benefit mankind B) to identify the patterns in nature and use that information to predict the future C) to locate resources D) to protect the environment


10) Wegener's work is a good demonstration of the scientific method because ________. A) he was right, but no one believed him B) his hypothesis passed all of the scientific testing to become a theory C) his hypothesis did not pass all of the scientific tests to become a theory D) he was wrong, and as a result, no one believed him


14) Plate tectonic boundaries were first identified by ________. A) mapping the mountain chains B) mapping subduction zone C) mapping earthquakes and volcanoes D) mapping continental margins


18) The earliest seismographs were designed by the Chinese nearly 2000 years ago to measure ________. One of these featured gold balls that dropped into the mouths of statues of gold frogs. A) the magnitude of an earthquake B) the intensity of an earthquake C) the direction to the earthquake focus D) the depth of an earthquake focus


20) A seismograph works because there is a ________. A) liquid medium in the instrument allowing only P waves to pass through B) rotating paper drum that causes mini-earthquakes C) suspended weight that moves independently of Earth D) vertical ground motion causing the pen to move


26) Which of the following is determined by measuring the amplitude of waves recorded from an earthquake? A) epicenter B) focus or hypocenter C) magnitude D) intensity


30) Which of the following is in a place where continental rifting is occurring today? A) Himalayan Mountains in India and surrounding regions B) Andes in South America C) Mt. Kilimanjaro in East Africa D) Mt. Fuji in Japan


36) When two continents converge, ________. A) the heavier continent is subducted B) the lighter continent is subducted C) the sediments trapped between them are pushed up and deformed to make a mountain range D) a volcanic arc forms on the upper plate


4) During the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, the movement of the Pacific Plate relative to the North American Plate along the San Andreas Fault was approximately ________. A) 1 cm B) 10 cm C) 1 meter D) 10 meters E) 100 meters


4) Oceanography is the study of the oceans and geology is the study of Earth, so what is meteorology? A) the study of meteors B) the study of the Sun's impact on the upper atmosphere C) the study of the atmosphere D) the study of how to be a TV newscaster


48) What is the probability that a large earthquake (M > 6.7) will occur in the San Francisco area between 2003 and 2032? A) 23% B) 44% C) 62% D) 85%


56) Mt. Rainier in Washington State is often thought to be the most hazardous volcano in the lower 48 states of the United States because ________. A) volcanoes never happen again in the same location, so it is an indicator that this area is now safe B) there may be written records buried with the bodies that could be of use C) the bodies indicate how rapidly the pyroclastic flows came, and this could be an indication of what could happen in the future D) the reason that the people did not survive was because they were lying down on the ground, so this can teach future residents to stand up when a pyroclastic flow comes


Geologists primarily would study which phenomenon? A) clouds and precipitation B) marine life and ocean currents C) rocks and minerals D) stars and galaxies


If someone says that an idea is "only a theory" and implies that this means it can be dismissed, is this a valid viewpoint? A) The viewpoint is accurate because a theory is essentially just a guess. B) The viewpoint is accurate because since science is based on interpretation it is not really trustworthy. C) The viewpoint is incorrect because for an idea to become a theory it has withstood robust testing and is currently accepted. D) The viewpoint is incorrect because once an idea becomes a theory it can never be disproven.


Which of the following is not necessary for a hypothesis to be accepted by the scientific community? A) It must be testable. B) It must predict something other than the observations it was based on. C) There must be alternative hypotheses proposed. D) It must be based on observations or facts.


17) Which of the following types of magma is normally at the lowest temperature during an eruption? A) They are mostly large pyroclastics and these cannot be supported by rising air. B) They consist mostly of gases, which can cool and descend. C) They are mostly liquid lava flows being lifted by updrafts. D) They are propelled by the eruption, as in the case of Pompeii.


25) Comets are made up primarily of ________. A) iron-nickel alloys B) silicate minerals, like rocks on Earth C) frozen hydrogen D) frozen water, carbon dioxide, and methane


25) Which of the following is determined by making direct observations in the area affected by an earthquake? A) epicenter B) focus or hypocenter C) magnitude D) intensity


54) What is the major difference between the crust and the lithosphere? A) The crust is cool and the lithosphere is hot. B) The crust is located above the lithosphere. C) The crust is located between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere. D) The crust is compositionally distinct from the mantle, but the lithosphere is the rigid part of the crust and mantle. E) The crust is the rigid part of the earth and the lithosphere will flow.


77) Which type of plate margin is characterized by volcanoes that include basalt, andesite, dacite and rhyolite? A) hot spots B) spreading ridges C) transform faults D) convergent plate margins


A ________ is a well-tested and widely accepted view that best explains certain scientific observations. A) hypothesis B) generalization C) law D) theory


Haley's Comet visits Earth's atmosphere once every 76 years. What branch of the Earth sciences is the main group that studies these phenomena? A) meteorology B) geology C) oceanography D) astronomy


In the proto-solar system nebula, gravity pulled matter together to form larger bodies. As they collided, what happened to these bodies? A) Oblique collisions caused individual bodies to spin. B) The objects broke apart to form asteroids, much like a neutron colliding with a heavy atom produces fission. C) The objects temporarily broke apart and then reformed into large objects, cooling rapidly during the breakup period. D) Immense heat was released within the colliding bodies as gravitational potential energy was converted to heat.


Which of the following would not typically be considered an Earth Science study? A) studies of volcanic eruptions B) studies of impact craters on the moon C) studies of acid mine waters and the bacteria that live in those waters D) chemical refining of petroleum


3) Which discipline is not used within the Earth sciences? A) Chemistry B) Physics C) Biology D) Mathematics E) None of the above; Earth Science makes use of all of these sciences.


Oceanography includes a study of ________. A) the ocean floor B) ocean animals C) chemistry of sea water D) the effect of oceans on climate E) all of the above


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