Geology Quizzes Final Exam

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A rock sample containing an isotope with a half-life of 28 million years has an initial mass of 184 grams. How much time has elapsed after three half-lives?

84 million years

The process by which life formed from nonliving matter is known as


Which of the following was critical for the adaptation of reptiles to terrestrial ecosystems?

Amniote egg

Organisms that do not depend on oxygen for growth are


Structures like bat and fly wins have similar functions, but they evolved in different ways. What would these types of structures be called?

Analogous structures

Conical marine organisms that lived during the Cambrian and were the earliest builders of reef-like structures known as


Which part of the upper mantle behaves plastically and flows slowly?


During the Permian Period, the Permian Basin in west Texas was distinguished by

Barrier reefs

The churning of sediments by organisms that burrow through it is


Sedimentary rocks with HIGH organic content are often


Vertebrates first appeared in the


A(n) _________ is an accumulation of detrital sediment adjacent to an uplifted area.

Clastic wedge

_________ would indicate deposition occurred in a high-energy environment


What is the development of similar characteristics in distantly related organisms called?

Convergent evolution

In a(n) ____ bond, elements share electrons


The nucleus or foundation of a continent is a(n)


Large scale cross-beds (greater than 10ft. in height) commonly indicate a _________ sedimentary environment

Desert dune

Silled basins are thought to be the site of deposition of thick _________ deposits


A worm that burrows into sediments below the sediment-water interface is part of the pelagic fauna


All of geologic time is recorded in the Grand Canyon


All tectonic plates are moving at exactly the same velocity


Animals had begun to inhabit the land before plant species evolved


Because wind has a limited capacity to transport sediment, wind deposits are poorly sorted


Calcite is an example of a silicate mineral


Continental drift and plate tectonics refer to the same geological process.


Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) are an example of a heterotrophic organism


Cyclothems are the same as sequences


Earth's magnetic poles coincide with the geographic (rotational poles)


Evolutionary change always occurs slowly over long periods of time


Formation of large continental glaciers causes sea level to increase


Glacial deposits are composed only of particles of gravel size and larger


Glaciers were rare during the Proterozoic, as temperatures were too warm


Greenstone belts are some of the youngest rocks on Earth


Invertebrates are organisms that have backbones


It was not possible to construct the geologic time scale until the invention of radiometric dating


Mud cracks indicate an environment that is constantly wet.


Oxygen levels in the atmosphere have been stable over Earth's history


Quartz sandstone is considered an immature sedimentary rock


Survival of the fittest mean that the fastest, strongest organism will survive


The Hawaiian Islands are the result a oceanic-oceanic convergent plate boundary


The eastern margin of North America has always been a passive continental margin.


The extinction event at the end of the Permian affected only land-dwelling organisms


The first vertebrates evolved on land


The universe is presently contracting.


The basic lithostratigraphic unit is a mappable unit of strata with distinctive upper and lower boundaries called a(n)____


Mechanism responsible for producing elements up to Iron on the periodic table


What is one of the minerals that caused the environmental disaster at Picher, OK?


The time necessary for one-half of the original number of radioactive atoms of an element to decay to a stable daughter product is know as a(n) ___________

Half life

Alfred Wegner's theory of continental drift was rejected because ____

He thought the moon pushed the continents around the Earth

Throughout the Late Paleozoic, Gondwana was located

In the southern hemisphere

Composition of the Earth's core

Iron and nickel

Atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons in the nuclei are known as ___________


You observe a dark colored igneous rock with fine crystals that are only visible under magnification. What can be said about this rock?

It cooled quickly on earth's surface

An organism classified as an autotroph has which of the following characteristics?

It produces its own food

Fish with muscular fins attached to the body by a fleshy shat and a series of articulating bones

Lobe finned fish

The origin of amphibians from fish is an example of


Molten rock material below the surface of the Earth is called _____


The three categories of rocks are classified by ______

Method of formation

The major barrier to both plant and animal inhabitation of land was

Methods of reproduction

New oceanic crust is formed at _________

Mid ocean ridges

Slices of ancient oceanic crust composed of mafic-ultramafic complexes, tectonically emplaced on to the continent are called


Mass extinctions occurred at the end of the

Ordovician, Devonian, and Permian

Structures constructed in the marine environment by some skeletal material of living organisms

Organic reefs

The early atmosphere of Earth probably did not contain


The increase in atmospheric oxygen during the Proterozoic was caused by

Photosynthesis by cyanobacteria

The ______ states that sediment extends laterally in all directions until it thins and pinches out, or terminates, against the edge of the depositional basin

Principle of lateral continuity

What type of metamorphic rock results from the recrystallization of quartz sandstone


Archaeocyathid, bryozoan, and stromatoporoid fossils indicate which type of environment


Placing geologic events in a chronological order from their position in the rock record is called ____.​

Relative dating

What is happening in the mantle beneath a subduction zone?

Relatively cool mantle rock is sinking, pulling down a cold ocean slab

The degree to which particles have had their sharp edges and corners smoothed off by abrasion is ______


Which of the following sequences most likely represents a transgression

Sandstone - shale - limestone

The first major Paleozoic transgression onto the North American craton was the ____ sequence


Mound-like structures that represent the remains of photosynthesizing cyanobacteria are


The Cambrian explosion refers to

Sudden appearance of fossils

The sedimentary environment from which coal most commonly is derived is ______


Marie Tharp was instrumental in our understanding of _____

The shape of the ocean floor

A conglomerate that is formed by glacial processes is called


A shell of an ancient marine bivalve is an example of a body fossil


Banded iron formation precipitated in oxygen-rich water


Black shales are especially abundant from the Late Devonian to Mississippian in North America


Continents have the best-puzzle like fit when placed together along their continental slopes


Cross bedding can form via wind or water current


Dark surfaces have low albedo


During the Cambrian, most of Earth's land mass was located in the southern hemisphere.


During the Paleozoic Era, cratons were covered with large bodies of water called epeiric seas


Erosion of the Precambrian igneous and metamorphic core of the uplifted Ancestral Rockies produced thick sequences of arkose and conglomerate


Fish are the earliest vertebrates


Fossils are remains or traces of prehistoric life that have been preserved in rocks of Earth's crust


Komatiites are common from the Archean eon, although none are produced in modern tectonic environments


Late Paleozoic limestones are used for manufacturing cement.


Lobe-finned fish are important in the fossil record because it is believed they share a common ancestry with amphibians


Microevolution results from the cumulative effects of macroevolution


Most of the organisms that have ever existed are now extinct


Part of the gill structure in jawless fish evolved into jaws


Phytoplankton are primary producers


Sedimentary structures form prior to lithification


Shields are the exposed portions of cratons that contain igneous and metamorphic rocks


The Burgess Shale is significant because it contains mostly soft-bodied fossils


The Carboniferous coal deposits of North America probably were derived from plants that grew in tropical climates


The Precambrian represents approximately 88 percent of geologic time


The majority of minerals on the planet are silicates


The moon formed after a large object collided with Earth


A break or gap in the geologic record resulting from erosion or nondeposition or both is a(n)_____


The statement that "the same facies following one another in a conformable vertical sequence will also replace one another laterally" is known as _______

Walther's law

Ediacaran faunal fossils are rare because they

Were soft bodied animals

The unique preservation of soft-bodied fauna in the Burgess Shale occurred because

animals were transported and buried in anaerobic conditions

The climate over much of Pangea was ______

arid due to a rain shadow effect caused by the position of mountain ranges

Which environments would be represented in a cyclothem?

delatic, fluvial, and continental shelf

Isotopes of the same element have _________

different numbers of neutrons, but the same number of protons

A marine transgression is a period of lower sea level


Put the following organisms in order of evolution from earliest to latest

fish, amphibians, and reptiles

Variation is always present in populations because

genes are reshuffled by reproduction and altered by mutations

Change in sea level is most affected by

glacial ice volumes and tectonic activity

Lord Kelvin calculated Earth was 20-400 million years old. Why was he wrong?

he didn't know the Earth had an internal heat source

Because heat and pressure affect the ratio of radioactive parent to stable daughter, ________ rocks generally are difficult to date accurately by radiometric dating


Uniformitarianism is the assumption that ___________

present day geological processes also occurred in the past

Which of the following contributed to the Snowball Earth glaciation events

runaway albedo effect, lower solar luminosity, weathering of silicate rocks

According to the rock cycle, a sedimentary rock can be formed from a(n)______

sediments through compaction & cementation

The theory of evolution _____

states that organisms have changed since life originated

The principle of fossil succession is based on the fact that fossils

succeed one another through time in order

What is punctuated equilibrium?

the idea that species remain stable for long periods, then evolve rapidly

After three half-lives, a radioactive element will have _____ of its original parent atoms

The oldest oceanic crust is slightly less than _____ years old

260 million years old

The age of the Earth is closest to


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