Give Me Liberty Chapter 16

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Which of these wealthy men was an immigrant who helped spark the second industrial revolution?

Andrew Carnegie

Which of the following statements about nineteenth-century Chinese immigrants to the United States is accurate?

By 1880, the majority of Chinese immigrants lived in California, where many worked on farms, but they also lived elsewhere and performed other jobs.

Which of the following statements is accurate about the West?

By 1890, the West had a higher percentage of people living in cities than other regions.

Which of the following leaders conducted an unsuccessful effort to escape to Canada and, years later, stood in front of an audience asking for freedom and equal rights for his people?

Chief Joseph

In Southern California, what became a dominant crop in the late nineteenth century?


American workers received lower pay than their European counterparts, but their working conditions were far better.


Looking Backward was the first book to popularize socialist ideas for an American audience.


Male farmers experienced the most hardship on the Great Plains, because farm women did not experience long days in the fields.


Most nineteenth-century Indians were willing to assimilate and give up their tribal identity for citizenship.


Why was William Tweed so popular with New York's immigrant poor?

He had provided food, fuel, and patronage to them in exchange for their votes.

The Haymarket Affair led to the decline of which group?

Knights of Labor

An example of what the economist and social historian Thorstein Veblen meant by "conspicuous consumption" is

Mrs. Bradley Martin's costume ball.

How did the expansion of railroads accelerate the second industrial revolution in America?

Railroads created a true national market for U.S. goods.

In Lochner v. New York (1905), the Supreme Court voided a state law that established the maximum hours bakers could work in New York. What reasoning did the Court give for this ruling?

The Court believed this law interfered with the right of contract and therefore infringed upon individual freedom.

Which of the following statements describes settlement and development of the American West most accurately?

The federal government actively acquired Indian territories, distributed land to companies, and helped to open large areas to commercial farming.

The year 1886 marked the high point of the popularity of the Knights of Labor; however, it soon began to wane. Why did the Knights of Labor lose force after that year?

The press and employers started to associate it with violence and radicalism.

According to the Census Bureau, by the turn of the twentieth century, most Americans worked for wages.


By 1900, many Indians had become American citizens by accepting land allotments under the Dawes Act.


Every Republican candidate for president from 1860 to 1900, except James Blaine, had fought in the Civil War.


John Wesley Powell warned that the western region's arid land would require large-scale irrigation projects and cooperative, communal farming to prosper.


The spread of electricity was essential to industrial and urban growth.


Voter participation during the Gilded Age was over 50 percent.


Who was Frederick Jackson Turner?


Which of the following court cases made it difficult for states to regulate railroads?

Wabash v. Illinois

In How the Other Half Lives, Jacob Riis

focused on the wretched conditions of New York City slums.

Which of the following describes the impact of corporations on the American West?

Communal landholdings in New Mexico were taken over by commercial farmers and ranchers.

Who wrote a novel that promoted socialist ideas under the term of nationalism?

Edward Bellamy

Which of the following statements accurately describes elections during the Gilded Age?

Elections were closely contested affairs characterized by intense part loyalty.

The Morrill Land-Grant Act, passed during the Civil War, prohibited mining and railroad companies from continued use of public lands.


The Social Gospel movement focused on attacking individual sins such as drinking and Sabbath-breaking.


Why did President James Buchanan replace Utah's territorial governor Brigham Young with a non-Mormon appointee in 1857?

It became known that the work of federal judges in Utah was being obstructed.

What happened to the gross national product from 1870 to 1920?

It increased roughly tenfold, to more than $90 billion.

By 1880, Chinese immigrants to the West

concentrated in California, where they made up over half of the farmworkers.

The Grange was an organization that

established cooperatives for storing and marketing farm output

The Indian victory at the Little Bighorn

only temporarily delayed the advance of white settlement.

The Social Gospel

was an effort to expand the appeal of the Protestant Church into poor neighborhoods.

How did John D. Rockefeller use horizontal expansion?

He bought out competing oil refining companies.

What was the Ghost Dance movement?

It was a traditional religious revival that brought solace to the Native Americans who participated in it but made the government fear the possibility of an uprising.

Which of the following properly assesses the significance of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877?

The railroad strike signaled the nation's shift from southern reconstruction to the question of labor and class tensions.

Which of the following statements summarizes what moral reform groups stood for during the Gilded Age?

Their main concern was to eradicate the "sinful" activities such as alcoholism, prostitution, and gambling and to "Christianize the government."

The Knights of Labor raised the question of whether meaningful freedom could exist in a situation of extreme economic inequality.


The coming of the railroad to the Far West had little to do with the rapid expansion of corporate timber production.


How did expanding agricultural production in places like Argentina and the American West lead to the migration of rural populations to cities?

Increasing output worldwide pushed down the prices of farm products, making it more difficult for farmers to make ends meet.

Which of the following statements is true about the Civil Service Act of 1883?

It created a system to prevent the appointment of federal employees based on their political influence.

Who wrote the book Sunshine and Shadow in New York, which contrasted rich and poor?

Matthew Smith

What prevented many Native Americans from becoming U.S. citizens in the nineteenth century?

Most Indians were unwilling to cede their tribal setting and assimilate into American society.

Why was the Hollywood version of the western "cowboy" based more on fantasy than reality?

Most cowboys were low-paid workers, some of whom even went on strike for higher wages.

Which of the following most accurately describes the relationship between the government and the economy in the Gilded Age?

Politicians of both major parties favored business and banks and supported a reduction in the money supply and a return to the gold standard.

Henry George offered a(n) ________ as a solution for the problem of inequality in America.

Single tax

By the 1880s, what role did the courts, including the Supreme Court, take in the debate over liberty of contract?

The courts generally sided with business enterprises and ruled against labor regulations.

What was one result of the massacre at Wounded Knee?

The government eventually awarded the soldiers the Medal of Honor.

What happened in both the 1876 and 1888 presidential elections?

The losers of the popular vote won the electoral college.

"The Significance of the Frontier in American History" lecture concluded what about the West?

The movement westward acted as a safety valve that counteracted the threat of social unrest.

What did the books of Henry George, Laurence Gronlond, and Edward Bellamy all have in common?

They all offered decidedly optimistic remedies for the unequal distribution of wealth.

What did Native Americans have in common with the Zulu of South Africa and the aboriginal people in Australia?

They found themselves pushed aside by a centralizing government trying to control large interior regions.

Economic and population growth translated into the rise of new products like Ivory Soap and Quaker Oats. What did these two items have in common?

They represented the integration of the economy due to the expansion of the railroad network.

Which of the following statements generally describes the view of middle-class reformers on social conditions during the Gilded Age?

They were concerned with the stark economic and social differences between the rich and the poor.

Elk v. Wilkins (1884) agreed with lower court rulings that the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments did not apply to Indians.


Racial and ethnic groups added their own elements to the western myth, including celebrating the Mexican-American outlaw Gregorio Cortez.


The events of 1886 suggested that labor might be on the verge of establishing itself as a permanent political force.


In 1884, the Supreme Court ruled against John Elk when he tried to claim American citizenship. What reason did the Supreme Court give for rejecting his petition?

Whether he had achieved the degree of "civilization" required of American citizens was in question.

Why is the period between 1870 and 1890 known as the "Gilded Age"?

While there was a generalized idea that America was doing well on the surface, it masked corruption, oppression, and poverty.

Part of the justification offered for the idea of the "liberty of contract" was that, as long as labor relations were based on contracts freely written by the independent individuals, the government lacked the right to interfere. Which of the following socioeconomic groups most tended to embrace this idea?

business and professional classes

The Interstate Commerce Commission was established in 1887 to

ensure that railroads charged farmers and merchants reasonable and fair rates.

The nineteenth-century labor movement argued that

extremes of wealth and poverty threatened democracy.

Crédit Mobilier and the Whiskey Ring

illustrated corruption under President Grant.

William Cody, popularly known as "Buffalo Bill,"

popularized the image of the West as being both wild and romantic with his "Wild West" shows.

What was the purpose and approach of the Dawes Act?

to attack "tribalism" by dividing the land of nearly all tribes and distributing it to Indian families

By 1880, the government used military troops regularly to do which of the following?

to put down strikes

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