Goal-setting and "SMART" Goals
Outcome goals
typically focus on a competitive result of an event
3 Types of goals
1. Outcome 2. Performance 3. Process
11 Principles of goal setting
1. Set specific goals 2. Set moderately difficult but realistic goals 3. Set long- and short-term goals 4. Set performance and process, as well as outcome, goals 5. Set practice and competition goals 6. Rdecord goals 7. Development goal achievement strategies 8. Consider the participant's personality and motivation 9. Foster an individuals's goal commitment 10. Provide goal support 11. Provide evaluation of and feedback about goals.
Ambitious and Attainable
By setting ambitious goals, you will be pulling yourself forward and "push the envelope" in exciting ways
By setting attainable goals in small steps, when they are achieved you will feel better about yourself and your progress. If you have set an attainable goal, your confidence will increase; e.g., running an extra 100 meters can be attainable if you train properly for 6 weeks.
Give an end point to your goal to keep you motivated. Training for 6 weeks sets an outside limit for this goal.
It will be attainable in theory, but will need time and practice to succeed; e.g., an extra 100 metres after 6 weeks is a realistic goal.
It will be easy to know when a goal has been achieved; e.g., running an extra 100 meters can be measured easily.
Knowing exactly what the goal is; set smaller, more specific goals with clear steps on how to get there
SMARTS goals
Specific Measurable Ambitious and Attainable Realistic Time-limited Self-determined
SMART goal
Specific, Measurable, Ambitious and Attainable, Realistic, and Time-limited
Subjective goals
are general statements of intent.
Critical, enabling, or nice-to-have
by importance
Unit vs. Individual
by organization level
dimensions of goal alignment
by organization level, by time frame, and by importance
Long vs. Short term
by time frame
Performance goals
focus on achieving standards or performance objectives independently of other competitors, usually on the basis of comparisons with one's own previous performance.
Objective goals
focus on attaining a specific standard of proficiency on a task, usually with a specified time.
Process goals
focus on the actions an individual must engage in during performance to execute or perform well.
to optimize performance and to control anxiety
importance of goal setting