Grade 7 - Columbus Reaches the Americas

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Santo Domingo

First European colony in the Western Hemisphere. It was located on the island of Hispaniola. Christopher Columbus served as a governor, but governed poorly.


crew overthrows the captain and officers. They take control of the ship. Columbus's crew threatened this because they were sailing for a long time and did not find land.

Columbian Exchange

exchange of goods and ideas between the people of Europe, Asia, and Africa and the Americas.


settlement made in another land by people who are ruled by their home country.

England, France, and the Netherland's Goals

- To discover the Northwest passage -water route across North America to Asia. - To establish colonies in the Americas. - To gain wealth through trade.


Area consisting of southern Asia and the islands off the coast of Asia.

Goods from the Old World (Europe, Africa, Asia) - Know Three

Coffee, Peach, Pear, Olive, Banana, Sugar Cane, Citrus Fruits, Honeybee, Grains, Onions, Turnip, Grape, Livestock

Columbus and Spain

Columbus asked the Spanish monarchs Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand to fund his trip west to Asia. They said yes (si).

Columbus's Plan To Reach Asia

Columbus knew the world was round. If he sailed west from Spain he believed that he could reach Asia. Columbus believed that this was the fastest and easiest route to Asia. Columbus did not know that North and South America existed.

Columbus Landing in North America

Columbus landed on one of the islands of the Bahamas. He named this land San Salvador, or Holy Savior.

Columbus and Portugal

Columbus learned sailing skills, became an expert navigator. He made several voyages to Africa and sailed as far north as Iceland. Portugal denied Columbus money for a voyage west to Asia. Portugal was trying to find a route around Africa to Asia.

Date of Columbus' Voyage

In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

San Salvador

Island in the Bahamas where Columbus first landed.

Christopher Columbus

Italian explorer who attempted to reach Asia by sailing west, but instead landed in the Bahamas and discovered the Americas.

Amerigo Vespucci

Italian explorer who the Americas were named after. A German map-maker read about his journey to this uncharted land. When he created a map of the uncharted land he named it America.

Marco Polo's Geography

Marco Polo stated: Japan was 1,500 miles off the coast of Asia. It is actually less than 500 miles off the coast of Asia. This inspired Columbus to sail West to Asia since he believed Japan was closer to Europe than it actually was.


Name given to the Native Americans (Taino) by Columbus because he thought he was in the Indies.


Native Americans of the Bahamas. They served as guides for Columbus to explore the Caribbean.

Columbus' Ships

Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria


Plant that Native Americans smoked. Columbus brought this plant back to the Europe and introduced it to the Europeans.

Goods from the New World (North America and South America) - Know Three

Tobacco, Avocado, Peppers, Peanuts, Tomatoes, Corn, Pumpkin, Turkey, Squash, Pineapple, Cacao Bean (chocolate), Vanilla,


Second island that Columbus explored.

Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand

Spanish monarchs who funded Columbus's trip west to Asia.


Spanish soldiers who attacked and conquered the Americas.

Spain's Goals

The 3 G's- God, Glory, and Gold - Spread Christianity. - Conquer people to establish colonies. - Gain wealth through gold.

How were the Spanish and French relations with Native Americans different?

The French had a good relationship with the Native Americans. They respected their culture and engaged in the fur trade. The Spanish had a bad relationship with the Native Americans. They conquered them, tried to change their ways, and enslaved Native Americans.


Third island that Columbus explored. Present-day Dominican Republic and Haiti.

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