Hardin All Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

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"Republicanism" in the eighteenth-century Anglo-American political world emphasized which of the following as the "essence of liberty"? a. active participation in public life by property-owning citizens b. protecting the natural rights of all humans c. the creation of a strong central state d. supporting royal authority as opposed to parliamentary authority


How did John Locke influence the attitudes of colonial slaveholders? a. His writings were used to defend slavery as a natural right of property. b. His writings encouraged southern slaveowners to manumit their slaves. c. His writings defended slavery as a "necessary evil." d. His writings viewed slavery as a "positive good."


The Battle of Saratoga in October 1777 is sometimes called the turning point of the Revolutionary War because it a. led to the French alliance. b. paved the way for the Declaration of Independence. c. led to the immediate surrender of all British troops. d. constituted the first time British commanders attacked the heart of New England.


The methods that Great Britain would use in undertaking colonization in North America were similar to those used in which of the following? a. Ireland b. India c. China d. Japan


The opening portion of the text of the Declaration of Independence a. presents a philosophical justification for revolution. b. directly declares that the colonies are free and independent states. c. lists grievances against the king of England. d. denies the right of Parliament to enact legislation.


What did the British do to solidify control of Virginia? a. They put the colony under the control of the crown. b. They sold land and slaves to the Indians. c. They enslaved the majority of Indians and brought back John Smith as governor in the 1640s. d. They turned Virginia into a royal colony and banned all private sales of tobacco.


What historical evidence demonstrates that blacks were being held as slaves for life by the 1640s? a. Property registers list white servants with the number of years they were to work, but blacks (with higher valuations) had no terms of service associated with their names. b. Transcripts from legislative debates in the House of Burgesses show that Virginia lawmakers were debating whether permanent slave status was a good idea. c. Records of declining tobacco prices show that it had become harder to keep labor, which would have forced planters to turn increasingly to Africans and away from white servants. d. There were no free blacks listed in any colonial census that was taken in the seventeenth century.


The proponents of the Great Awakening would have had the most in common with which of the following people? a. a scientist studying the principles of botany b. a Puritan minister in New England c. a university professor at Harvard College d. a New Light revivalist minister in Pennsylvania


What was one of the goals of Maryland's founder, Cecilius Calvert, in establishing that colony? a. He wanted Maryland to be like a feudal domain, with limited power for ordinary people. b. He supported total religious freedom for all of the colony's inhabitants. c. He gave a great deal of power to the elected assembly but not to the royal governor. d. He lost ownership of the colony and died a pauper.


What was the significance of Native American cultivation of maize? a. The ability to cultivate this crop led to extensive and often permanent settlements. b. Maize was a crop that provided complete nutrition for Native American cultures. c. Maize was not consumed by people but provided fodder for draft animals. d. The cultivation of maize was learned from Spanish explorers in the early 1500s.


Where did mound-building tribes flourish? a. in the Ohio River valley b. in present-day New Mexico c. near the Atlantic Ocean d. in the southern Florida peninsula


Which of the following best describes how the English dealt with the acquisition of land from American Indians? a. They typically bought land, though sometimes through treaties forced on the Indians. b. They simply tried to wipe out Native Americans and then took their land. c. They granted subsidies to settlers who would move onto Native American land and take it. d. They respected Native American rights and negotiated settlements to obtain the coastal lands.


Which of the following is correct about tobacco production in Virginia? a. The crop enriched an emerging class of planters and certain members of the colonial government. b. Tobacco production benefited from the immediate endorsement of King James I. c. Production declined after its original success, as Europeans learned the dangers of smoking. d. Tobacco cultivation resulted in more unified settlements.


Which of the following is true of the Puritans' dealings with Quakers? a. The officials in Massachusetts punished Quakers financially and physically, even hanging several of them. b. Having suffered persecution themselves, they welcomed the Quakers and helped them establish the colony of Pennsylvania. c. They fought Charles II's efforts to oppress and suppress Quakers. d. They deported all Quakers to the colony of Rhode Island.


Which of the following occurred during the English political upheaval between 1640 and 1660? a. New religious sects began demanding the end of public financing and special privileges for the Anglican Church. b. Groups began calling for the elimination of a written English constitution on the grounds that kings merely abused its requirements and rules. c. Writer John Milton called for an end to freedom of speech and freedom of the press because they caused too much controversy. d. The execution of King Charles II led to new debates about crime and punishment.


Which of the following was a cause of the French and Indian War? a. French settlers were encroaching on land claimed by the Ohio Company. b. French colonists felt the Indians along the frontier finally had to be subdued. c. Americans wanted to aid the English, who were fighting Napoleon in Europe. d. Colonists felt their taxes were too high, so they solicited help from both the French and the Indians.


Which of the following was true about property qualifications for holding office in colonial America? a. Landed gentry wielded considerable power in colonial legislatures because of owning extensive property. b. The requirement to own property meant that women served regularly in colonial legislatures. c. Property requirements were the same in every colony, as they were for voting. d. Property requirements existed for legislators but not for judges, who were esteemed for their legal ability.


Which one of the following statements is true of Spanish emigrants to the New World? a. Many of the early arrivals came hoping to direct and control Native American labor. b. From the beginning, Spanish settlers arrived in the colonies as families. c. Most Spanish colonists, even the leaders, came from the bottom of the social hierarchy. d. Spanish settlers quickly outnumbered Native Americans in the New World.


Why did tobacco become such a financial success as a colonial staple crop? a. Tobacco could be grown easily in all kinds of soil and all sorts of weather. b. Tobacco required little labor once the seed plants were set into the ground. c. Tobacco was addictive and once it was introduced to the market, the demand grew. d. No other parts of the world produced tobacco, so Great Britain had a monopoly.


A West African captured and sold into slavery in 1645 most likely ended up in which of the following colonial areas? a. Massachusetts b. The West Indies c. Mexico d. The Chesapeake


As a result of the American Revolution, Americans rejected a. women's obedience to the male heads of household. b. the principle of hereditary aristocracy and monarchy. c. the establishment of a republic. d. the definition of liberty as a universal entitlement.


During the American Revolution, Loyalists were a. encouraged to freely express their opposition to American independence. b. subjected to social and political repression of their right of free speech. c. discouraged from leaving the country because of their economic prominence. d. deported in large numbers and without their consent to the West Indies.


What role did the enclosure movement play in the growth of British colonies in North America? a. There was an increase in the number of jobless peasants, whom the British government aided with an early form of welfare. b. Efforts were made to persuade or even force those who had been evicted from their land to settle in the New World, thereby easing the British population crisis. c. Mass numbers of peasants converted from Protestantism to Catholicism because the Catholic Church took better care of the poor. d. Many British citizens were sold into indentured slavery in the New World.


Which colonial area was known as the "bread basket" of the British settlements? a. New England b. The Middle Colonies c. the Chesapeake d. The Carolinas


Which of the British colonial areas was considered the most diverse in terms of population and the economy? a. New England colonies b. Middle Colonies c. Chesapeake colonies d. southern colonies


Which of the following accurately describes the lifestyles of the Native Americans living in the geographic area known as the Great Basin? a. They lived as hunter-gatherers. b. Most lived in small pueblo communities. c. This group was known as the "mound builders." d. These Native Americans had large, organized city-states.


Which of the following best describes the Columbian Exchange? a. It was the agreement that documented what Christopher Columbus would give to Spanish leaders in return for their sponsorship of his travel to the New World. b. The exchange was the transatlantic flow of plants, animals, and germs that began after Christopher Columbus reached the New World. c. This term referred to John Cabot's exploration of the New World, which brought more of the goods that Columbus had found back to the Old World. d. The Columbian Exchange was the trade that first introduced corn, tomatoes, and potatoes to the Americas.


Which of the following best describes the method of colonization used by the French Empire during the 1500s and 1600s? a. They relied on soldiers and priests to subdue native populations. b. Most French explorers worked as trappers and traders and had fairly good relations with indigenous people. c. The French immediately sent family groups to establish settlements in the New World. d. The French were quick to arm Native Americans in an effort to push back aggressive Spanish colonizers.


Which of the following describes the conception of freedom known as "Christian liberty" in Europe on the eve of colonization? a. This was a set of ideas today known as "religious toleration." b. This concept says that by accepting Christian teachings one can be liberated from sin but be a servant to God. c. This concept found expression in countries dominated by Catholics but not in primarily Protestant ones. d. This belief argued that all Christians should have equal political rights.


Which of the following is true about the Virginia House of Burgesses? a. This body was dissolved by King James because he objected to all representative government. b. The House of Burgesses was created as part of the Virginia Company's effort to encourage the colony's survival. c. This body passed laws banning the importation of indentured servants. d. The House of Burgesses had more power than the governor.


Which of the following was a commonality shared between the Asians who crossed the Bering Strait and the Europeans who crossed the Atlantic Ocean thousands of years later a. the need to spread religion b. the search for more new settlements c. the desire to conquer new peoples d. the expansion of military power


Which of the following was a consequence of the conclusion of the English Civil War in 1660? a. The English believed that England had become the world's guardian of liberty. b. Royal oversight of what was happening in the colonies increased sharply. c. This conflict led to the establishment of Plymouth Colony. d. King John of England signed the Magna Carta at the end of the conflict.


Why did the New England colonies turn to small farming and shipping for the bulk of their livelihood? a. Climate and geography supported those occupations. b. Few colonists who came to New England had any experience in farming. c. They chose these professions because of the influence of their Puritan faith. d. Early New England colonists lacked rivers as sources of power.


Why did the original Jamestown colonists choose to land and settle where they did on the James River? a. The site had been chosen ahead of time by the king's government. b. They chose the site partly to avoid the possibility of attack by Spanish warships. c. The officers among them recognized the site as perfect for agriculture. d. They were welcomed to the shore by groups of the Powhatan Confederacy.


Why were Bartolomeu Dias's and Vasco da Gama's voyages important? a. Their voyages contributed to Christianity reaching Africa for the first time. b. Their voyages opened up much more direct trade with Asia. c. Their voyages led to numerous Portuguese colonies starting in sub-Saharan Africa. d. Their voyages increased the wealth of the Italian city-states.


In Pennsylvania, new leaders like Thomas Paine and Benjamin Rush wanted to see what change regarding voting rights? a. They advocated limiting suffrage to the upper classes. b. They wanted every proposed law to be voted on by all citizens c. They favored the elimination of property qualifications for voting. d. They supported granting voting rights on the basis of wealth rather than land.


Lord Dunmore's Proclamation (1775) horrified many southerners, especially those in the Tidewater, because of which of the following? a. It encouraged Indians to conduct raids against backcountry settlements in the Carolinas. b. It freed all slaves south of the Ohio River. c. It promised freedom to slaves and indentured servants willing to fight for the Crown. d. It banned the export of cotton to Great Britain.


New England had a more equitable distribution of income than the Chesapeake colonies for which of the following reasons? a. It had a more stable economy due to a wealth of cash crops. b. Vast stands of timber brought great wealth to the colony. c. More small farmers were able to own and work their own land. d. They were able to use slaves more effectively than those in the Chesapeake.


The negotiation of the Treaty of Paris of 1783 resulted in the a. United States gaining Florida and New Orleans. b. guaranteed establishment of Indian reservations in the trans-Appalachian West. c. recognition of American independence by Great Britain d. United States giving up claims to forts in the Ohio River valley.


What led to European diseases being so deadly to Native Americans at the first encounter? a. Native Americans had been struggling with basic survival, so they lacked strength to fight off diseases. b. The diet of most Native Americans lacked meat, so they had no consistent amounts of protein. c. Centuries of continental isolation meant the Native Americans had no immunity to new viruses. d. The Native Americans had no tribal doctors or healers because disease was so uncommon in the Americas.


What was a result of the Virginia House of Burgesses decree that religious conversion did not release a slave from bondage? a. Every other colonial assembly began to pass similar laws. b. Governor William Berkeley vetoed the measure, which led to Bacon's Rebellion. c. This meant that under Virginia law, Christians could own other Christians. d. Mass protests followed throughout the colonies, as many felt this violated church law.


What was one important legacy of the Declaration of Independence? a. It immediately resulted in Great Britain granting independence to its colonies. b. Spain welcomed the document, printing multiple copies for its citizens. c. It inspired future revolutions against despotic governments. d. It led to an immediate alliance with France.


What was the name given to those children who were a mixture of both Spanish and Native American ancestry? a. Mulattos b. Cajuns c. mestizos d. creoles


What was the purpose of the Mayflower Compact? a. The document guaranteed religious toleration and freedom in Massachusetts. b. It ensured the right of British subjects to emigrate to America. c. The Mayflower Compact created a company chartered to settle New England. d. It was an agreement to abide by the principle of majority rule for the Plymouth Colony.


Which of the following best characterizes slavery in the North during the revolutionary era? a. All slaves were freed by 1790. b. Slavery ended quickly due to the lack of cash crops. c. Ending slavery occurred gradually over a long period of time. d. Northern slaves were emancipated only if they promised to leave the country.


Which of the following best describes the "Black Legend" in the early colonial history of the Americas? a. This legend described the introduction of slaves to the Americas. b. This legend described the actions of English pirates along the African coast. c. This legend was a description of Spain as a uniquely brutal colonizer. d. This referred to Portugal as a vast trading empire.


Which of the following characterized both the Aztec and Inca empires? a. Both were rural and poor. b. Both were small in population but sophisticated in infrastructure. c. Both were large, wealthy, and sophisticated. d. Both were large in geographic size but sparsely populated.


Which of the following correctly describes the Spanish empire in the Americas? a. This empire included few natural resources, making the empire of little economic value. b. The Spanish empire paled in comparison with the ancient Roman empire. c. The Spanish settlement, unlike the French and British, relied on enslaving the native population. d. Spanish control was always centered in Lima, Peru.


Which of the following correctly describes the housing used by a majority of Native Americans living in the southwestern part of North America? a. long houses b. Tepees c. adobe houses d. temporary shelters of logs and branches


Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the impact of England's Protestant-Catholic conflict in Maryland? a. The conflict had no effect on far off Maryland. b. To win the favor of Protestant kings, Maryland gave all authority to Protestants. c. The English government temporarily repealed Calvert's ownership of Maryland and the colony's policies of religious toleration. d. Maryland's Catholic leaders banned Protestant worship in the colony.


Which of the following is true about New England's economy during the 1600s? a. It grew at a slow rate because few settlers moved to the region. b. It suffered because most early settlers were poor and could not gain access to land. c. It centered on family farms and also involved the export of fish and timber. d. It boasted a significant manufacturing component that employed close to one-third of all men.


Which of the following is true about the participants in South Carolina's Stono Rebellion? a. The rebel slaves surrendered without any bloodshed and agreed to pledge loyalty to the colony. b. Those leading the rebellion were mostly former indentured servants upset over the colony's Indian policy. c. The rebels believed that they could get as far as Florida, where the Spanish would free them. d. The rebels laid siege to Charleston but had to retreat when the Royal Navy brought reinforcements.


Which of the following is true of Spain's explorations of the New World? a. Individual conquistadores always traveled alone. b. Members of the Spanish exploration parties suffered greatly from disease. c. Florida was the first region in the present-day continental United States that Spain colonized. d. Spain sought to forestall Portuguese incursions into the New World.


Which of the following was a major difference between British and Spanish colonial settlement? a. Spain was interested only in finding gold. b. England used Native Americans for labor more often than the Spanish did. c. England sent more family groups to the Americas in the seventeenth century. d. Spain relied on the labor of indentured servants while the British did not.


Which of the following was true about colonial assemblies during the eighteenth century? a. Colonial assemblies lost political power to colonial governors. b. These assemblies remained purely advisory bodies to the royal governor. c. Colonial assemblies became more assertive as royal control became more problematic. d. Colonial assemblies were the first in the New World to allow women to vote.


Which of the following was true about the Pueblo Indians when they first encountered the Spanish in the sixteenth century? a. They had engaged in settled village life only briefly before the Spanish arrived. b. They had been almost completely isolated from any other people before the Spanish arrived. c. They had developed irrigation systems to aid their agricultural production. d. They were known as mound builders because of the burial mounds they created.


Which of the following was true of John Smith as leader of the Jamestown Colony? a. Smith was a failure and had to return to England. b. Smith improved relations with Native Americans by marrying Pocahontas. c. Smith used rigorous military discipline to hold the colony together. d. Smith used an elaborate reward system to persuade colonists to work.


Why did Puritans decide to emigrate from England in the late 1620s and 1630s? a. Because so many of them had become Separatists, they had to leave England to save their church. b. Charles I had started supporting them, creating conflicts with Catholic nobles. c. The Church of England was firing their ministers and censoring their writings. d. Puritan leader John Winthrop wanted a high-level position, and leaving England was the only way for him to get it.


Why was slavery less prevalent in the northern colonies? a. Northern whites were largely supportive of the efforts of abolitionist societies. b. Most businessmen found it was too expensive to transport slaves to the North. c. The small farms of the northern colonies could not make effective use of slave labor. d. The predominance of the Puritan Church made ownership of slaves unacceptable.


Why was the Proclamation of 1763 difficult to enforce? a. Most Native American tribes did not agree with the policy. b. The colonial assemblies wanted to avoid wars with Native Americans. c. Colonists were able to avoid British military because of the vast area involved. d. The French refused to leave forts in the Ohio Valley.


After exploring the Atlantic coast in the late sixteenth century, an Englishman wrote in his journal about untouched wilderness. What could this description mean to a European? a. The land was beautiful and scenic. b. It would take the expedition too much effort to build a settlement. c. The Native Americans had protected the land. d. The Native Americans never used this area, so the land now belonged to the English.


As the slave society consolidated in the Chesapeake region, what happened to free blacks? a. They retained the same rights because they were free. b. Their population grew rapidly through natural reproduction. c. The British government ordered the colonies to treat them better. d. They increasingly found themselves treated as second-class citizens.


In early seventeenth-century Massachusetts, freeman status was granted to adult males who could prove which of the following? a. They owned land, regardless of their church membership. b. They had served their terms as indentured servants. c. They were freed slaves. d. They were landowning church members.


Support for the separation of church and state resulted in which of the following? a. It curtailed the influence of Christianity on American society. b. It significantly increased Loyalist sentiment in the colonies. c. It led to the prohibition of the Anglican Church in the colonies. d. It increased support for religious toleration throughout the colonies.


The "Daughters of Liberty" was the name given to a. the female children of the founding fathers. b. New England women who won voting rights in the 1770s. c. the women who cared for wounded soldiers during the early battles of the Revolution. d. women who boycotted British goods by creating their own clothing and food.


What was a key difference between indentured servants from England and slaves from Africa? a. Indentured servants always stayed with their original owners. b. After giving birth, indentured servant women had to give up their children to the owner. c. The indentured servants could freely choose their spouses. d. Many indentured servants escaped to another colony and found permanent freedom.


What was a result of the northern colonies' lack of plantation agriculture? a. Slavery did not exist in Massachusetts and New York. b. Most farmers were able to make valuable use of slaves as craftsmen and cooks. c. Slavery was banned throughout all of the New England colonies. d. Slavery did not play as large a role in the northern colonial economy as compared to the South.


What was the MOST significant reason why Thomas Jefferson supported public education and the creation of the University of Virginia? a. It would help religion flourish in America and increase toleration. b. It would stimulate technological development. c. It would increase the size and expertise of the merchant class. d. It would develop more informed citizens and voters.


What was the MOST significant result of Ferdinand Magellan's explorations? a. He was the first European to see the Pacific Ocean and gave it its name. b. He died in the Caribbean islands, so his work was of little consequence. c. He led the conquering of the Aztec empire, setting the stage for Spanish control of that area. d. His voyages showed that the circumference of Earth was larger than what Columbus had estimated.


What was the Middle Passage? a. This was a trade route extending across the Sahara from East Africa to West Africa. b. This was the name given for the transport of sugar and molasses to Great Britain. c. This described the route taken by early pioneers who crossed the Appalachians and headed toward the Mississippi River. d. This was the name given to the second leg of the transatlantic trade in African slaves.


What was the purpose of the Half-Way Covenant passed by Massachusetts Bay in 1662? a. to assure the separation of church and state b. to grant freedom of religion to all those living in New England c. to grant limited citizenship status to Native Americans in New England d. to bolster declining church membership


What was the purpose of the Mayflower Compact? a. The document guaranteed religious toleration and freedom in Massachusetts. b. It ensured the right of British subjects to emigrate to America. c. The Mayflower Compact created a company chartered to settle New England. d. It was an agreement to abide by the principle of majority rule for the Plymouth Colony.


What was the significance of the Pequot War of 1637? a. The Pequots were forced to pay reparations for the damage they caused New England settlers. b. The Narragansetts joined the Pequots to fight the Puritans, leading to the annihilation of both tribes. c. The Pequots lost but survived to become a valuable ally of the Puritans. d. The brutality and ferocity of the colonists surprised New England tribes.


When European clergy read to Native Americans from the Bible about God creating the world in six days, what was relatable for Native Americans? a. Most Native Americans did not have any religion to compare with Christianity. b. No Native American religions believed in creation myths. c. Most Native Americans compared the Bible with their own written version of the Old Testament. d. Many Native Americans already believed in the idea of a single supreme being creating the world.


Which of the following correctly describes African enslavement of other Africans? a. Such tactics were the result of the arrival of Europeans. b. African slavery included no form of rights for the slaves. c. Slavery was the only kind of labor on the African continent. d. African slavery involved the enslavement of criminals, debtors, and war captives.


Which of the following is a correct definition of "salutary neglect"? a. Little oversight was provided for slaves engaged in the task system. b. Colonial legislatures were supposed to meet only when absolutely necessary. c. Failure to salute British officers was a punishable offense for colonists. d. The British government periodically failed to enforce mercantilist authority in the colonies.


Which of the following is true about the separation of church and state in Massachusetts during the seventeenth century? a. Such separation was strictly enforced. b. The relationship was similar to that of Virginia's colonial government. c. The relationship between church and state was established in the Mayflower Compact. d. Church officials had a much more powerful voice in government in the New England colonies.


Which of the following is true of the New Laws of 1542? a. This ruling led Protestant Europeans to create the Black Legend about Spanish rule in the Americas. b. The "New Laws" introduced the encomienda system to the Spanish colonies. c. These laws were adopted at the urging of Gonzalo Pizzaro, brother of Peru's conqueror, to force cooperation from the Indians. d. This legislation stated that Indians would no longer be enslaved in Spanish possessions.


Which of the following was NOT a major staple crop in the southern colonies during the early 1600s? a. Tobacco b. Rice c. Indigo d. Cotton


Which of the following would be true when comparing the Chesapeake colonies to the New England settlements? a. Virginia placed much greater emphasis on religion than New England did. b. New England had much more peaceful relations with the Native Americans. c. Tobacco quickly became the main staple crop in New England. d. The Chesapeake region placed greater emphasis on the use of both slave and indentured labor.


Bacon's Rebellion contributed to which of the following in Virginia? a. a large and sustained increase in the importation of indentured servants b. generous payments to Native Americans to encourage them to give up their lands to white farmers c. changes in the political style of Virginia's powerful large-scale planters, who adopted a get-tough policy with small farmers and hired their own militia to enforce their will d. the replacing of indentured servants with African slaves on Virginia's plantations


Despite many slaves being emancipated during the period of the American Revolution, why did the number of slaves increase by 200,000 from 1776 to 1790? a. To compensate slaveowners for lost property, the British sent many slaves from the Caribbean to the United States. b. During the war, states encouraged the importation of slaves to bolster local militia. c. Natural population increase more than made up for the numbers emancipated. d. The increasing demand for cotton in the booming northern textile industry increased the need for slaves in the South.


How did colonial politics compare with British politics? a. British politics were far more democratic, offering universal manhood suffrage. b. Colonists tended to agree with the British that owning property should be tied to having the right to vote. c. Most colonies allowed propertied women to vote, while British women did not have that right. d. Elections throughout the colonies were more hotly contested than British elections.


In its early years, Carolina was the "colony of a colony" because its original settlers included many settlers from which other area? a. former indentured servants from Georgia b. supporters of Anne Hutchinson seeking refuge from Massachusetts c. landless sons of wealthy planters in Barbados d. Protestants upset over Catholic rule in Maryland


In what ways was Thomas Paine's Common Sense similar to Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of independence? a. Both Jefferson and Paine bemoaned the lack of a U.S. Navy. b. Both painted the monarchy as tyrannical. c. Both Paine and Jefferson blamed Parliament for deteriorating relations between England and the colonies. d. Both strongly supported the abolition of slavery.


Pennsylvania's treatment of Native Americans was unique in what way? a. Pennsylvania was the only colony in which efforts at conversion focused on turning Native Americans into Quakers. b. The colony bought all of the land the Native Americans occupied and moved them west of the Appalachians, meaning that Indians were relocated but not decimated. c. Because Quakers were pacifists, they had to bring in militias from other colonies to take over Native American lands. d. Pennsylvania purchased Indian land that was then resold to colonists and offered refuge to tribes driven out of other colonies.


The efforts to emancipate slaves in the 1770s and 1780s a. occurred only in the New England states. b. resulted entirely from voluntary work by slaveholders. c. freed all slaves north of Virginia. d. were compromised by the importance of property rights.


The new state constitutions created during the American Revolution a. completely eliminated property qualifications for voting. b. became far more democratic in the southern states than in the northern states. c. greatly expanded the right to vote in almost every state. d. eliminated elite control of state legislatures.


Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress was able to a. establish national control over the trans-Appalachian West. b. successfully conclude major treaties with France and Spain. c. enforce its laws within the several states. d. deprive judges of the power to reject congressional acts.


What was the importance of the tobacco plantations in the Chesapeake region? a. Plantations were so profitable that by the mid-eighteenth century their owners became the wealthiest people in British North America. b. Tobacco plantations were the only staple crop enterprises that depended on slave labor. c. Cultivation of tobacco helped make the Chesapeake colonies models of mercantilism. d. The Chesapeake plantations were more extensive in terms of land and slaves than rice plantations in the Carolina colony.


What would MOST likely be the reason why there were few slave rebellions in the original English colonies? a. Slaves did not know how to use guns. b. Slaves spent most of their time chained to each other. c. Most slaves had given up any thoughts of trying to be free. d. Slaves were outnumbered in most regions and in most situations.


Which of the following is a true statement about the Atlantic slave trade's effect on West Africa? a. The trade had little effect on West Africa because more than 90 percent of enslaved people came from East Africa. b. The trade helped lead to the rise of militarized states, which preyed upon their neighbors in order to capture slaves. c. The trade encouraged the expansion of West Africa's domestic textile industry, which supplied clothing for slaves. d. The trade led to an increase in West Africa's population during the 1700s, as slave traders encouraged women to have more children who would then be sold into slavery.


Which of the following is true about the development of rice plantations in South Carolina? a. These plantations were developed only after the colony's planters unsuccessfully sought to cultivate tobacco, sugarcane, and indigo. b. Rice plantations required such large capital investments that Carolina's planters never became as wealthy as those in the Chesapeake region. c. Growing rice profitably would have proven impossible without the importation of thousands of European indentured servants to serve as a labor force. d. Rice cultivation relied on technical knowledge of slaves from specific parts of Africa and led to a black majority in that colony by the 1730s.


Which of the following is true concerning sovereignty under the Articles of Confederation? a. Ultimate sovereignty resided with the states. b. Ultimate sovereignty resided with the national government. c. Ultimate sovereignty was equally divided between the national government and the states. d. Ultimate sovereignty resided with a president elected by the Confederation Congress.


Which of the following is true of eighteenth-century slavery in South Carolina and Georgia? a. The laws in those colonies created a fixed institution with few differences among plantations, small farms, and cities. b. Plantation slaves enjoyed far more autonomy than they did in more urban colonies, allowing them to maintain more of their African culture. c. Because of the high death rates of Africans due to malaria, slave populations declined by five to ten percent per decade during the 1700s. d. Because South Carolina and Georgia strictly enforced laws preventing sexual contact between whites and blacks, a significant population of racially mixed individuals never developed.


Which of the following is true of the role of American Indians in the American Revolution? a. They universally allied themselves with the British, who promised protection against American encroachment on their land. b. False colonial promises of citizenship enticed most tribes to side with the colonists. c. Most tribes officially maintained neutrality but secretly aided both sides by providing supplies. d. They were divided in their allegiance, just as American colonists were.


Which of the following was a characteristic of the federal government under the Articles of Confederation? a. Congress was a two-chambered body composed of a House of Representatives and a Senate. b. Congress lacked the power to levy taxes or regulate interstate commerce. c. Congress could amend the Articles only by a two-thirds majority vote. d. Congress had ultimate power over the states.


Which of the following was true of slave resistance in the colonial period? a. Runaways were rare because slaves knew that attempting to escape would be futile. b. Some slaves were the offspring of white traders and knew enough English to turn to the legal system, until Virginia lawmakers stopped it. c. A number of bloody rebellions prompted a wholesale revision of slave codes. d. Resistance was limited because slaves at the time were too new to the colonies to understand the concept of freedom.


Which of the following would be MOST likely to maintain their loyalty to the British crown during the American Revolution? a. South Carolina planters angry over the Regulators' call for more representation in the colonial government b. Irish immigrants entering the country as indentured servants c. Massachusetts merchants losing business because of the British East India monopoly on tea d. Anglican ministers in New York wanting to expand their congregations


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