Harry Potter Trivia

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Around which year was Hogwarts Castle founded?


In "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," the first book, a magical creature named Fluffy guards a trapdoor. What kind of creature is Fluffy?

A Hellhound, also known as a "three-headed dog"

What is a Grindylow?

A small, horned, pale-green water demon and a dark creature.

Who is Cormac McLaggen?

A wizard from the Gryffindor house.

What is the named of Albus Dumbledore's brother?


Where was Madam Marsh traveling to via the Knight Bus in 1993?


What is Abergavenny?

Abergavenny which means mouth of river Gavenny, is a market town in Monmouthshire, Wales.The Knight Bus dropped Madam Marsh off there the first time Harry Potter rode it in 1993.

Monkshood and wolfsbane are the same plant, also known as what?


What kind of creature is Aragog?

Acromantula, whose venom is very useful in potions

What is Dumbledore's full name?

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

What is the Room of Requirement?

Also known as the Come and Go Room, is a secret room within Hogwarts Castle, that only appears when a person is in great need of it. Located on the 7th floor.

What is a bezoar?

An antidote to poison

What is the name of the gigantic, rare spider raised by Hagrid from infancy?


Who was the Hogwarts headmaster before Albus Dumbledore?

Armando Dippet

Who was the headmaster of Hogwarts when the Chamber of Secrets was opened for the first time?

Armando Dippet

What is the name of Ginny's pet Pygmy Puff?


What is the maternal name of Draco Malfoy's wife?

Astoria Greengrass

What animal represents Hufflepuff?


On the wall across from the Room of Requirement, there is a tapestry showing a wizard trying to teach trolls ballet. What's his name?

Barnabus the Barmy

Who is Barty Crouch Jr.?

Bartemius "Barty" Crouch Jr. He joined Lord Voldemort to become a Death Eater. He allegedly participated in the capture and torture of Frank and Alice Longbottom along with the Lestranges.

What is the full name of Percy Weasley's boss at the Ministry of Magic?

Bartemius Crouch

What's the name of the wizard who ends up with a buffalo on his chest when he said "s" instead of "f"?


Along with Hogwarts School and Durmstrang Institute, what other wizarding school participates in the Triwizard Cup?

Beauxbatons Academy

Why did Harry stay with the Dursleys?

Because there was magic protecting him while there.

What is the name of the witch from the Department of Magical Games and Sports who went missing whilst on holiday in Albania?

Bertha Jorkins

What are Dudley's nicknames?

Big D Popkin Diddykins Dudders

In order of birth, who are the seven Weasley siblings?

Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny

What does Harry see lurking on Magnolia Crescent that he later fears is a death omen?

Black Dog

What is Sirius' Animagus?

Black Dog

What patronus does Prof. McGonagall have?


What animals are permitted as pets at Hogwarts?

Cat Owl Toad Rat

What is Confundo?

Causes the victim to become confused and befuddled.

Who does Fenrir Greyback prefer to bite?


What is Anapneo?

Clear the target's airway should they find it blocked

Which breed of dragon does Fleur DeLacour face in the first Triwizard Tournament challenge?

Common Welsh Green

What is Avis?

Conjures a flock of birds from the tip of the wand; when used in conjunction with Oppugno, it can be used offensively.

What phrase does Mad Eye Moody keep repeating?

Constant Vigilance

Who did Hermione take to Slughorn's Christmas Party?

Cormac McLaggen

Who is waiting for Harry outside the Leaky Cauldron when he gets off the Knight Bus?

Cornelius Fudge

What was the name of Hermione Granger's pet cat?


What is Bill Weasley's job at Gringotts Wizarding Bank in Egypt?

Curse Breaker

What item did Bill Weasley's Brazilian pen-friend send him after he was unable to go on an exchange trip?

Cursed hat

Which paper does Vernon Dursley read?

Daily Mail

What wizard in a top hat bowed to Harry when he was with his Aunt Petunia?

Dedalus Diggle

What was Harry's best subject in his O.W.L. exam?

Defense Against the Dark Arts

What form did Harry's boggart take?


What is it called when a Dementor clamps its jaws upon the mouth of its victim and sucks out their soul?

Dementor's Kiss

Where in England does Nicholas Flammel and his wife Perenelle live?


What did Harry say wrong while using Floo powder trying to get to Diagon Alley?


Who is Dedalus Diggle?

Diggle? He was a member of the Order of The Phoenix who introduced himself to Harry Potter at the Leaky Cauldron. He shook his hand 5 times enthusiastically.

What class does Hermoine walk out of in anger?


Who is a famous member of S.P.E.W.?


What is Lily Potter's Patronus?


What is Severus Snape's Patronus?


Who kept coming back to shake Harry's hand at the Leaky Cauldron?

Doris Crockford

What does Vernon Dursley's company sell?

Drills Mr. Dursley is director of Grunnings, a drill-making company.

What animal represents Ravenclaw?


What was Rubeus Hagrid's profession?

Education; Professor of Care of Magical Creatures

What is the full name of the driver of the Knight Bus?

Ernie Prang

Who are the driver and conductor of the Knight Bus, respectively?

Ernie and Stanley

When Ron is splinched while apparating in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, what does Hermione use to heal his wounds?

Essence of dittany

What part of a dragon is its weakest point?


Where can the Demiguise be found (with difficulty)?

Far East

Who found Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the woods in The Deathly Hallows?

Fenrir Greyback

Who kills Ron's girlfriend, Lavender Brown?

Fenrir Greyback

Into which animal did Professor Moody transfigure Malfoy to punish him for attacking Harry?


Which Hogwarts professor was rumoured to be a duelling champion in their youth?

Filius Flitwick

Who was the part-goblin Head of Ravenclaw House?

Filius Flitwick

What piece or Peter Pettigrew's body was recovered when he was "killed" by Sirius Black?


What brands of brooms are available for Quidditch?

Firebolt Comet Nimbus Cleansweep

How did Harry, Ron, and Hermione get out of Gringotts?

Flew out on a dragon.

With what substance can wizards travel between connected fireplaces?

Floo Powder

Which Polyjuice Potion ingredient must be acquired at the full moon?


What type of car does Arthur Weasley own?

Flying Ford Anglia Light blue Ford Anglia 105E Deluxe that was enchanted to fly as well as become invisible using specially installed device called Invisibility Booster

What form did Remus Lupin's boggart take?

Full moon

What is the first name of Fleur Delacour's sister?


Who loses an ear?


How did Harry survive underwater in the Triwizard Tournament?


What is Ginny Weasley's actual first name?


Which character became a professional Quidditch player?

Ginny Ginny Weasley became a professional Quidditch player for the Holyhead Harpies for several years.

What is Aberforth Dumbledore's patronus?


What did Malfoy call Buckbeak?

Great Ugly Brute

What color are Dobby the House Elf's eyes?


What color represents Slytherin?


What dark wizard did Albus Dumbledore defeat in 1945?


What did Dobby catch that set him free from Mr. Malfoy?

Harry's dirty sock

How did Harry spend his winnings from the Triwizard Tournament?

He gave it to the Weasley twins. Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes was the dream of the Weasley twins and the two opened the store at Number 93 Diagon Alley. The seed money for the shop was Harry Potter's Triwizard Tournament winnings of 1,000 galleons which he gave to the twins.

How did Harry learn about the fate of Neville's parents?

He saw the trial of Bartemious Crouch and the Lestranges in Dumbledore's Pensieve.

What does Dumbledore do in the sixth book to equip Harry with the tools he needs to destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes?

He takes him through the Pensieve to show him his memories of Voldemort's past.

Harry witnessed Voldemort's return at the end of the fourth book. How did the Dark Lord get his body back?

He used a potion of his own invention to restore himself to his mortal form. Voldemort concocted a potion of his own invention to return himself to physical form. It contained unicorn blood, his father's bone, Harry's blood and Peter Pettigrew's flesh.

What prestigious title does Percy Weasley hold in his final year at Hogwarts?

Head Boy

Besides being Head of Hufflepuff House, what department was Pomona Sprout the head of at Hogwarts?


At the end of Deathly Hallows, what occupation does Neville take on?

Herbology Professor

Ron Weasley begins vomiting slugs after coming to whose defense in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?


Godmother of James Sirius

Hermione Granger

Which one of Harry Potter's friends eventually went on to become the Minister of Magic?

Hermione Granger

Who founded Dumbledore's Army?

Hermione Granger

What is Anteoculatia?

Hex spell that turns person's hair into antlers.

What does Harry fail in his O.W.L. exam?

History of Magic and Divination

What is the name of the train station that services Hogwarts School?

Hogsmeade Station

Voldemort stole Helga Hufflepuff's cup from an old woman named Hepzibah Smith. What was the name of her house-elf?


What wood is Harry Potter's wand made out of?


Who is the founder of the Slug Club?

Horace Slughorn

What is Ginny Weasley's Patronus?


What type of dragon did Harry face in his first Tri-Wizard Tournament task?

Hungarian Horntail

What is the full name of the Headmaster of the Durmstrang Institute?

Igor Karkaroff

What magic school did Queenie Goldstein attend?


What is the name of the North American School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?

Ilvermorny Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry stands at the highest peak of Mount Greylock, where it is concealed from non-magic gaze by a variety of powerful enchantments. Mount Greylock is the highest natural point in Massachusetts at 3,489 feet.

What incantation produces a Charm that repels water?


According to the Dursleys, how did harry's parents die?

In a car crash

Where is the Hufflepuff dormitory located at Hogwarts?

In the basement near the kitchens

Which incantation produces a fire?


What is a patronus called if it does not take a specific form?

Incorporeal Note: Does not protect against dementors.

HINT In which of these places can you find a bezoar?

Inside the stomach of a goat

What are the qualities of a Ravenclaw?

Intelligent and Creative

In which department of the Ministry of Magic does Percy Weasley now work?

International Magical Co-Operation

Who won the 1994 Quidditch World Cup?


What does Veritaserum smell like?

It smells like anything that attracts you.

In the "19" years later epilogue, which is the eldest of Harry and Ginny Potter's kids?

James Sirius

What is Dolores Umbridge's middle name?


In the sixth book, while on the school train, Draco Malfoy hints that his dark aspirations involve much more than schoolboy pranks. What has the Dark Lord asked him to do?

Join the Death Eaters & Murder Albus Dumbledore

When was Neville born?

July 30, 1980

J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter have the same birthday. What day is it?

July 31

Who says "My name was down for Eton, you know; I can't tell you how glad I am I came here instead."?

Justin Finch-Fletchley

What do you call the person who defends the goal post in Quidditch?


Who is the Hogwarts school Care of Magical Creatures teacher before Hagrid?


Who is the Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports?

Ludo Bagman

Which magic word produces a light at the end of a wand?


Which bar maid in Hogsmeade does Ron like?

Madam Rosmerta

What is the full name of the Hogwarts matron?

Madame Poppy Pomfrey

What are Fred & George Weasley's Patronuses?


What is the is name of Uncle Vernon's sister?

Marge Durlsey

What color does Ron's jumper always come in?


What is Tom Riddle's middle name?


Who was Tom Riddle's mother?

Merope Riddle

In what was Scabbers hiding in Hagrid's hut?

Milk Jug

Which of these Hogwarts professors teaches Transfiguration?

Minerva McGonagall

Which department does Arthur Weasley work for at the Ministry of Magic?

Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office

What is the name of Harry Potter's mother-in-law?

Molly Weasley

Which spell does Gilderoy Lockhart accidentally cast on himself in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?


Which team from the Ministry of Magic is responsible for modifying the memories of Muggles who have been exposed to magic?


What did Rita Skeeter call Dumbledore in her article about the International Confederation of Wizards' Conference?

Obsolete Dingbat

Which of these spells was the first that Hermione cast in the Harry Potter film series?

Oculus Reparo

What is the full name of the Headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic?

Olympe Maxime

The first Harry Potter theme park opened in 2010. Where is it?

Orlando, Florida

Hermione's Patronus


Who ended up being Harry's partner at the Yule Ball?

Parvati Patil

What are the qualities of a Hufflepuff?

Patient, Hard-working, and Loyal

What fruit must one tickle to gain access to the kitchens?


What is the name of the stone basin in which Dumbledore stores his siphoned-off thoughts?


What is Albus Dumbledore's Patronus?


What do you need to say to your wand to get it to signal which way is North?

Point me

What professional Quidditch team did Oliver Wood play on?

Puddlemere United

What is the fluffy, bestselling pet available at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes?

Pygmy Puff

Where did Quidditch originate?

Queerditch Marsh

In order they taught, who were the six Defense Against the Dark Arts professors who taught Harry at Hogwarts?

Quirrell, Lockhart, Lupin, Moody, Umbridge, Snape

After Dumbledore's death in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Harry finds a message within a counterfeit horcrux of Salazar Slytherin's locket. Which initials are signed on the note?


What is Fred Weasley's Potterwatch code name?

Rapier Jordan calls Fred "Rodent" but he insists on being called "Rapier" and the host relents

What color represents Gryffindor?


Who did Ron turn into when Harry, Ron, and Hermione snuck into The Ministry of Magic in the Deathly Hallows?

Reginald Cattermole

Who is R.A.B.?

Regulus Arcturus Black Regulus Arcturus Black was a pure-blooded wizard (and brother of Sirius) who became a Death Eater at a very young age. After discovering the lengths to which Lord Voldemort would go to in order to reach his goal, he defected, stealing one of Voldemort's horocruxes.

In the fourth book, Harry received much unwanted attention from which Daily Prophet reporter?

Rita Skeeter

Which chess piece does the Lovegood House resemble?


Who was the Grey Lady related to?

Rowena Ravenclaw

What is Kingsley Shacklebolt's Potterwatch code name?


Which founding member of Hogwarts argued the school should only cater to purebloods?

Salazar Slytherin

What did Ron ask for more of after finding out his O.W.L. results?


What colour Quidditch robes do Gryffindor wear?


Draco Malfoy & Astoria Greengrass' Child(ren)

Scorpius Hyperion

What part of the United Kingdom is Hogwarts School located in?

Scotland Hogwarts is secretly tucked away amongst the mountainous terrain of Scotland.

With whom did Lavender Brown go to the Yule Ball?

Seamus Finnigan

What is the name of the book Hermione supposes Voldemort used to learn about Horcruxes?

Secrets of the Darkest Art

In the fourth book, Harry finds himself infatuated with a girl for the first time. What Quidditch position did Cho Chang play?


What type of creature is an Ashwinder?


What form did Neville's boggart take?

Severus Snape

What is Alarte Ascendare?

Shoots the target high into the air

Who said "If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals"?

Sirius Black

Fred and George Weasley's life ambition was to open a joke shop. By Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts, they'd already invented which of these novelty items?

Skiving snackboxes, canary creams, ton-tongue toffee and extendable ears

What school does Dudley go to?


What animal represents Slytherin?


How does Hagrid react when he's around cats?


What organization did Hermione start in her 4th year?

Society For The Promotion of Elfish Welfare

What does S.P.E.W. stand for?

Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare

A non-magical person who has at least one magical parent is called what?


What school did the Dursley's say they sent Harry to?

St. Brutus' Secure Centre for Incurably Criminal Boys

What is the name of the wizarding newspaper based in London?

The Daily Prophet

What is the drink of despair?

The Emerald Potion is a mysterious potion which induces fear, delirium, and extreme thirst. According to Dumbledore, the potion cannot be penetrated by hand, vanished, parted, scooped up, siphoned away, Transfigured, Charmed, or otherwise made to change its nature in any way. It can only be drained away by drinking. Used to protect the Salazar Slytherin Horcrux.

Who is the Hufflepuff house ghost?

The Fat Friar

In the third book, Harry nearly dies several times after thinking he's caught a glimpse of which death omen?

The Grim

Dumbledore has a scar above his left knee that is a perfect map of what?

The London Underground

What is the name of the biting book that Hagrid bought Harry for his birthday?

The Monster Books of Monsters

Where is Azkaban fortress located?

The North Sea

In the fourth book, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire," Harry gets to spend part of his summer vacation with Ron because Ron's dad has managed to get them tickets to what major Wizarding event?

The Quidditch World Cup

What is the name of the room Harry uses to teach Dumbledore's Army?

The Room of Requirement

Where does the tunnel in the Whomping Willow lead to?

The Shrieking Shack

What's the name of the fairy-tale book that Dumbledore bequeaths to Hermione in "The Deathly Hallows?"

The Tales of Beedle the Bard

What is the name of the pub in Hogsmeade?

The Three Broomsticks

Which wizarding schools participated in the Triwizard Tournaments?

The Triwizard Tournament is a magical contest which is held between the three largest Wizarding schools in Europe: Durmstrang Institute, Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Each of the schools is represented by a champion who has to complete three tasks.

What happens if you use an Unforgivable Curse?

The Unforgivable Curses are curses so powerful and so malign that use of them on another human being is grounds for immediate life imprisonment in Azkaban Prison.

What's the first chapter in Chamber of Secrets?

The Worst Birthday

What is Accio?

This charm summons an object to the caster, potentially over a significant distance.

What is Arania Exumai?

This spell is used to blast away Acromantulas and, presumably, all other arachnids.

What is Aqua Eructo?

This spell is used to create, and control, a jet of clear water from the tip of the wand.

What is Aparecium?

This spell is used to reverse concealing charms, and can presumably render invisible ink visible..

Why was the Whomping Willow planted?

To protect Remus Lupin

Who took offense to the symbol that Xenophilius Lovegood wore?

Viktor Krum

When sniffing the love potion Amortentia in Potions class, which scent does Hermione not describe? -Warm Cocoa -Spearmint Toothpaste -New Parchment -Freshly Mown Grass

Warm Cocoa

By which surname does Percy Weasley's boss incorrectly refer to him?


What was Mr. Weasley's response when he found out Ron flew his car to Harry's house?

"Did you really?"

What are the 3 unforgivable curses?

1) The Killing Curse (Avada Kedavra) 2) The Cruciatus Curse (Crucio) 3) The Imperius Curse (Imperio)

What are the three Unforgivable Curses?

1. Cruciatus Curse = Torture 2. Imperio = Control 3. Avada Kedavra = Death

Harry Potter & Ginny Weasly's Child(ren)

1. James Sirius 2. Albus Severus 3. Lily Luna

Movie Release Dates: 1. Sorcerer's Stone 2. Chamber of Secrets 3. Prisoner of Azkaban 4. Goblet of Fire 5. Order of the Phoenix 6. Half-Blood Prince 7. Deathly Hallows (Part I) 8. Deathly Hallows (Part II)

1. Nov. 14, 2001 2. Nov. 14, 2002 3. June 4, 2004 4. Nov. 18, 2005 5. July 11, 2007 6. July 15, 2009 7. Nov. 19, 2010 8. July 15, 2011

Hermione Granger & Ron Weasley's Child(ren)

1. Rose 2. Hugo

How many staircases does Hogwarts have?


Approximately how many broomsticks are on the field during a game of Quidditch?

15 (2 Teams of 7 and the Referee)

If the golden snitch is caught, how many points does the house get?


What is the max speed for a Firebolt broomstick?

150 mph

What is the final score of the 42nd Quidditch World Cup Tournament final?


What year was Ollivanders founded?

382 BC

What page does Snape ask them to turn to while covering for Lupin's class?


How many founding members of Hogwarts School are there in total?

4 Rowena Ravenclaw Helga Hufflepuff Godric Gryffindor Salazar Slytherin

How many of the Harry Potter films are amongst the 50 highest-grossing movies of all time?

5 Five of the eight Harry Potters movies are amongst the 50 highest-grossing movies of all time. These are, in order, "Deathly Hallows 2", "Sorcerer's Stone", Deathly Hallows 1", "Order of the Phoenix" and "Half-Blood Prince".

The visitor's entrance to the Ministry of Magic is an abandoned red telephone booth in London. What is the five-digit code you must dial to get in?


Harry, Ron, and Hermione help save the Sorcerer's Stone from being stolen. How old was its co-creator, Nicholas Flamel, when he decided to destroy it?


What number is Harry Potter's vault at Gringotts?


According to Fred and George Weasley, how many passages are there from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade?


In the first line of the first book of the Harry Potter series, we learn that Harry's aunt and uncle, the Dursleys, were proud to say that they were____________:

"...perfectly normal, thank you very much."

To unlock the Marauder's Map, what should one say?

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

To make the Marauder's Map blank, what should one say?

"Mischief managed."

Last line in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

"The scar had not pained Harry for 19 years. All was well."

How much did Arthur Weasley bet Ludo Bagman that Ireland would win the Quidditch World Cup?

1 Galleon

What are the secret passageways out of Hogwarts?

1) Passage beneath a one-eyed witch statue by the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom leads to the cellar at Honeydukes. 2) Passage behind the mirror on the 4th floor 3) Passage beneath the Whomping Willow. 4) Passage behind the statue of Gregory the Smarmy. 5) 3 unspecified secret passages known by Argus Filch. 6) Link between two vanishing cabinets one in Hogwarts and the other in Borgin and Burkes in Knockturn Alley. 7) Passage in The Room of Requirement leading to the Hog's Head bar in Hogsmeade. Opens when a person is need of food and leads to the 2nd floor of the Hog's Head above the fireplace.

In the sixth book, we learn about Horcruxes, objects that contain a fragment of a Dark Wizard's soul. What are the seven Horcruxes that Voldemort created?

1. Tom Riddle's Diary 2. Marvolo Gaunt's Ring 3. Slytherin's Locket 4. Hufflepuff's Cup 5. Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem 6. Nagini the Snake 7. Harry Potter

How old was Harry Potter when he found out he was a wizard?


In which room did Harry stay at the Leaky Cauldron?


How many copies did "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" sell the first day of its release in the U.S. and the U.K.?

11 million

Harry first took the Knight Bus in "The Prisoner of Azkaban." How much does a ticket cost if it includes hot chocolate?

14 sickles

In which year was Harry born?


What year did Lily and James Potter die?


How many accurate prophecies does Professor Trelawney actually make in her lifetime?

2 Sybil Trelawney makes two authentic prophecies: one predicting Harry Potter's imminent birth and ability to vanquish the Dark Lord, declaring that "neither can live while the other survives." The second predicts Peter Pettigrew's return to Voldemort in Prisoner of Azkaban.

How many items are forbidden inside the castle, according to Mr Filch's list?


In "The Sorcerer's Stone," Harry and his friends are awarded last-minute House Points, putting Gryffindor ahead of Slytherin by just 10 points. What was the final tally?

482 to 472

How many departments does the Ministry of Magic have?


How many possible Quidditch fouls are there?


How much did Arthur Weasley win in the Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw?

700 Galleons

What number is Sirius Black's vault at Gringotts Bank?


What number vault was the Sorcerer's Stone in at Gringotts Bank?


In the Hall of Prophecy there are rows and rows of glowing orbs. Which row contains the prophecy about Harry and Voldemort?


What/who did Hermione turn into when she drank the Polyjuice potion in the Chamber of Secrets?

A Cat

In the seventh book, Dumbledore makes bequests to Harry and Ron. What were these?

A Deluminator, Gryffindor's sword and the first golden snitch Harry ever caught

What is the Fountain of Magical Brethren?

A fountain located in the Atrium of the Ministry of Magic.

What form did Ron's boggart take?

A giant spider

What is Veritaserum?

A powerful truth serum that forces the drinker to answer any questions asked truthfully.

Who is Hepzibah Smith?

A witch who claimed to be descended from Helga Hufflepuff. Being very rich, Hepzibah was an avid collector of magical antiquities, including objects that belonged to the founders of Hogwarts; her two most prized possessions were Helga Hufflepuff's cup and Salazar Slytherin's locket.As an older woman, she befriended the young wizard Tom Riddle during one of her visits to Borgin and Burkes. After Hepzibah revealed her two greatest treasures during one of Tom's visits to her home, Tom killed her, and used her death to make the cup into a Horcrux.

What are the qualities of a Slytherin?

Ambitious and Cunning

What is the full name of Cedric Diggory's father?

Amos Diggory

What is The Shrieking Shack?

An abandoned house in Hogsmeade rumored to be haunted on purpose and is commissioned to Remus Lupin due to his Lycanthropy.

What is a boggart?

An amortal shape-shifting non-being that takes on the form of the viewer's worst fear.

Who is Madam Marsh?

An elderly witch who seemed to suffer from motion sickness. She frequently rode on the Knight Bus, nevertheless, suggesting she travels a lot.

What store in Diagon Alley sells ingredients for potion making?


For what do you need to acquire a licence from the Department of Magical Transportation?


Fred and George Weasley, perpetual jokers, were born on what day?

April Fools' Day

What shades of blue robes does Lockhart wear in HP and the Chamber of Secrets? Select all that apply: Aquamarine Forget-me-not Blue Turquoise Peacock Blue

Aquamarine Forget-me-not Blue Turquoise

How are the Weasleys related to the Black family?

Arthur Weasley's mother was a Black.

Who says "I wouldn't touch a filthy little blood traitor like her whatever she looked like."

Blaise Zabini

What did Hagrid name the creatures he bred by cross-breeding manticores and fire crabs?

Blast-ended skrewts

What colour robes do Durmstrang students wear?

Blood red

In the third book, "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban," Harry runs away from his aunt and uncle's home after accidentally ______________.

Blowing his Aunt Marge up like a balloon.

What color represents Ravenclaw?


Which colour Quidditch robes do Ravenclaw wear?


Winged statues of which creature flank the gates at the entrance of Hogwarts?


Cedric Diggory let Harry use the prefect's bathroom in "The Goblet of Fire." What man's statue is next to the special lavatory entrance?

Boris the Bewildered

The door to the Prefects' Bathroom is to the left of a statue of whom?

Boris the Bewildered

What is it customary for wizardkind to do before dueling?


What are the qualities of a Gryffindor?

Brave and Courageous

What is the name of the store that sells broomsticks in Diagon Alley?


Against whom were Ireland playing in the Quidditch World Cup Final?


How do you get into the Hufflepuff common room?

By tapping on barrels to the rhythm of Helga Hufflepuff

What colour Quidditch robes do Hufflepuff wear?

Canary Yellow

What is Avada Kedavra?

Causes instant death to the victim wherever it hits on the body, is accompanied by a flash of green light and a rushing noise; there is no known counter-curse, although there are a number of ways to prevent death by it, such as hitting it with another spell in mid-flight, dodging it, or interrupting the caster. It is one of the three Unforgivable Curses.

What is the name of the captain and Seeker of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team?

Cedric Diggory

What is the name of Colin Creevey's younger brother?


Of which department at the Ministry of Magic is Amos Diggory a member?

Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures

What is the name of the Riddles' gardener?

Frank Bryce

Harry's best friend is Ron Weasley, who comes from a large Wizarding family. Over the years, Harry gets to know all of the Weasley kids pretty well. Which Weasley sibling dies in the Battle of Hogwarts?


Of which department at the Ministry of Magic is Cuthbert Mockridge the Head?

Goblin Liaison Office

How did Harry spend his first detention?

Going to the Forbidden Forest

For Harry's 17th birthday, what color did Hermione turn the leaves of the Weasley's crabapple tree?


What colour are unicorn foals?


What passageway do Fred and George find in their second year?

Gregory The Smarmy - statue found on the fifth floor

What was the creature in the tank the first time Harry went into Lupin's office?


What is the name of the only bank in the wizarding world?

Gringotts Wizarding Bank

This one is a two-parter. Where does Vernon Dursley work, and what does the company produce?

Grunnings, a drill manufacturer

What House at Hogwarts was Seamus Finnigan a student of?


In the second book, Harry discovers a diary that used to belong to a Hogwarts student named Tom Riddle. According to the diary, which Hogwarts employee is the heir of Slytherin?


What is the blood status of Harry Potter?


What is Luna Lovegood's Patronus?


Which Harry Potter character used to own a Firebolt?

Harry Potter

Ron Weasley's Patronus

Jack Russell Terrier

Name every ingredient contained in Polyjuice Potion. (Hint: There are seven.)

Lacewing flies, leeches, powdered Bicorn horn, knotgrass, fluxweed, shredded Boomslang skin, and a bit of the person you want to turn into.

Who was the Quidditch commentator in Harry's first year at Hogwarts?

Lee Jordan

Which ear did George Weasley lose?


What did the Irish bring to the Quidditch World Cup Final as their mascot?


What is Ascendio?

Lifts the caster high into the air.

Who does Harry conjure using the resurrection stone?

Lily Potter James Potter Sirius Black Remus Lupin

What animal represents Gryffindor?


Which are NOT passwords to get into Dumbledore's office? Sherbet Lemon Fizzing Whizzbee Cockroach Cluster Liquorice Wand

Liquorice Wand

Where was the graveyard located where Lord Voldemort made his return?

Little Hangleton

Who first shows Harry the diary of Tom Riddle?

Moaning Myrtle

What is the correct order for listing The Marauders?

Moony Wormtail Padfoot Prongs

What are Lupin, Peter, Sirius, and James' nicknames, respectively?

Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs

During their first journey to Hogwarts, which Chocolate Frog card does Ron tell Harry he has "about six of"?

Morgana (Book) Dumbledore (Movie)

Which one of Seamus Finnigan's parents was wizardkind?


What is the name of Argus Filch's pet cat?

Mrs. Norris

Who was the first to be stunned by the Basilisk?

Mrs. Norris

Which Harry Potter word is now in the Oxford English Dictionary?

Muggle In 2003, the OED added "muggle," which the dictionary defines as, "a person who possesses no magical powers ... a person who lacks a particular skill or skills, or who is regarded as inferior in some way."

Who is the resident ghost of Gryffindor Tower?

Nearly Headless Nick

Who's birthday party did Harry, Ron, and Hermione go to in The Chamber of Secrets?

Nearly Headless Nick

According to the prophecy, who was the other person besides Harry Potter who could possibly vanquish Lord Voldemort?

Neville Longbottom

Godfather of Albus Severus

Neville Longbottom

Whose name does Harry give to conceal his identity on the Knight Bus?

Neville Longbottom

Who was rewarded with the last 10 points in the Philosopher's Stone to make Gryffindor win the house cup?

Neville Longbottom In the Philosopher's Stone, Neville Longbottom received 10 points for standing up to Hermione, Ron and Harry before they petrified him while heading to search for the Philosopher's Stone. Those 10 points caused Gryffindor to win the house cup .

What is the name of a furry black creature that lives in a mine and likes sparkly objects?


What was Harry's first broomstick?

Nimbus 2000

What is Neville Longbottom's Patronus?


What is Remus Lupin's Patronus?


What did Hagrid name his baby Dragon?


Which incantation extinguishes the light at the end of a wand?


Address of the Dursley residence?

Number four, Privet Drive

What is the first name of Andromeda Tonks daughter?


Who was teasing Moaning Myrtle about her glasses before she died?

Olive Hornby

Where does Mad-Eye Moody's eye wind up?

On Dolores Umbridge's office door

Who is the first to notice Harry's scar?

One of the Weasley Twins

Where did Fred Weasley die?

Outside of the Room of Requirement

What is the usual postal service for wizards and witches?

Owl Post

Who ended up being Ron's partner at the Yule Ball?

Padma Patil

Which of these potions was invented by the Potter family?

Pepperup Potion The Pepperup Potion is a potion which cures the co​mmon cold but has side effects including steam coming out of the drinker's ears. The original version of the potion was created by Linfred of Stinchcombe (the Potterer), but was refined by Glover Hipworth a few centuries later.

What is the name of Ron's new owl?


What did Dudley throw out of the window after his parents cut off his pocket money?


What is the name of an object that transports wizards from one spot to another at a pre-arranged time?


What did the Slytherins' 'Support Cedric Diggory' badges say when you pressed them?

Potter Stinks

Pirate radio program hosted by Lee Jordan for those who rebelled against Lord Voldemort and supported Harry Potter during the height of the Second Wizarding War.


What is Anti-Jinx?

Prevents effects of a jink over a target object or animal

Which incantation reveals the last spell performed with a wand?

Prior Incantato

What is Aguamenti?

Produces a fountain or jet of water from the wand tip.

Which professor is a ghost?

Professor Binns

What was the Slughorn's Christmas Party?

Professor Horace Slughorn hosted a Christmas Party for the Slug Club and invited guests in his office.

What form did Hermione's boggart take?

Professor McGonagall telling her she's failed her exams

Who let the troll in on Halloween?

Professor Quirrel

Which of these is NOT a Potterwatch radio alter-ego in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

Racer When appearing on Lee Jordan's radio show, "Rapier," "Romulus," and "Royal" are nicknames for Fred Weasley, Remus Lupin, and Kingsley Shacklebolt, respectively.

What is Peter's Animagus?


In which Hogwarts house is Parvati Patil's twin sister?


Of which Hogwarts house is Terry Boot a member?


What house was Moaning Myrtle sorted into?


What are the three Deathly Hallows?

Resurrection stone, invisibility cloak and elder wand

What incantation produces the Charm that finishes off a Boggart?


Which body part did Pettigrew cut off and add to Voldemort's rebirthing potion?

Right hand

What is the name of Vernon's sister Marge's dog?


What is Lee Jordan's Potterwatch code name?


What is the name of the Ravenclaw Quidditch captain who went with Fleur Delacour to the Yule Ball?

Roger Davies

In which country does Charlie Weasley work with dragons?


What is Remus Lupin's Potterwatch code name?


Godfather of James Sirius

Ron Weasley

Who is Muriel?

Ron's Great Aunt

What is the name of the first Centaur Harry meets?


What is the name of the creature Harry Potter slew in the Chamber of Secrets?

Serpent of Slytherin

Which popular character grew up at Spinner's End?

Severus Snape

How does Rita Skeeter find out secrets about the Hogwarts students and staff?

She turns into a beetle.

What about Nearly Headless Nick's full name?

Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington

Who ended up giving Harry permission to go to Hogsmeade?

Sirius Black

What is the name of the wizarding hospital located in London?

St. Mungo's

What is James' Animagus?


What is the full name of the conductor of the Knight Bus?

Stan Shunpike

Third-year students at Hogwarts get to do two things they weren't allowed to do previously. What are they?

Start new elective subjects and visit Hogsmeade

What school was Harry supposed to go to before his Hogwarts letter arrived?

Stonewall High

Which of these is NOT a candy that can be purchased at Honeydukes in Hogsmeade village?

Taffy Toads You can buy Peppermint Toads and Chocolate Frogs, but Taffy Toads are not sold at Honeydukes.

How do you open the secret passage that leads to the Honeydukes cellar?

Tap the hump on the statue with a wand and speaking aloud the word Dissendium to the witch.

Remus Lupin & Nymphadora Tonks' Child(ren)

Teddy Lupin

Who is Harry's godson?

Teddy Lupin

How did Moaning Myrtle die?

The Basilisk

Where is the Slytherin common room located?

The Dungeons

Who did Sirius Black attack when trying to get into the Gryffindor common room?

The Fat Lady

Who is the Ravenclaw House ghost?

The Grey Lady

What's the only book in the Harry Potter series that doesn't feature Lord Voldemort?

The Prisoner of Azkaban

When Harry meets Luna Lovegood for the first time, which publication is she reading?

The Quibbler

What item was passed down to the eldest Potter child?

The cloak of invisibility

Who is Stan Shunpike?

The conductor and helper of the Knight Bus.

What is Sectumsepra?

The spell that Snape invented that when uttered is the equivalent of an invisible sword. It is used to slash the victim from a distance causing deep wounds.

How do you temporarily paralyze the Whomping Willow?

There is a particular knot on the trunk which can be pressed using a long branch in order to stop the attacks

Who are the 7 registered animagus?

There were only seven Animagi registered in the twentieth century, one being Minerva McGonagall and the other six unknown. However, there were at least four more that went unregistered by the Ministry: James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and Rita Skeeter.

Which creatures pull the carriages that take students from the Hogwarts Express to the Castle?


As bad as the Avada Kevadra (killing) curse is, the Cruciatus curse can be equally devastating, as Harry learns when he hears how Bellatrix Lestrange tortured Neville Longbottom's parents. What happened to the Longbottoms?

They were driven insane and now live in a locked ward at St. Mungo's.

What is Avifors?

Transforms the target into a bird

What are the two known hobbies of Professor Quirrell?

Travel & Pressing Wildflowers

Slughorn teaches his students that Amortentia smells different to each person. What food does Harry smell?

Treacle Tart

In the Quidditch World Cup, Ireland's team had three main chasers: Mullet, Troy, and Moran. Which one scored the first goal?


True or False: Aragog's wife is called Mosag?


True or false: When Harry watches the Sorting for the second time in his fourth year, he witnesses Kevin Whitby put into Hufflepuff?


Where is the Uagadou School of Magic located?


What is Aresto Momentum?

Used to decrease the velocity of a moving target; it should be noted that it can be used on multiple targets, as well as on the caster himself.

What is Alohomora?

Used to open and unlock doors

What magical object must Draco Malfoy repair in order to carry out his instructions from Voldemort?

Vanishing Cabinet

What did the Bulgarians bring to the Quidditch World Cup Final as their mascot?


Who are the muggle aunt and uncle that Harry must live with every summer?

Vernon and Petunia Dursley

Bill Weasley & Fleur Delacour's Child(ren)

Victoire Weasley

Who was the Seeker for the Bulgarian Team that played in the Quidditch World Cup against the Irish?

Viktor Krum

What type of nut is approximately the same size as a golden snitch?


What did the Weasley twins name their shop?

Weasley's Wizard Wheezes

What does Lupin turn into? Why?

Werewolf; after being bitten by Fenrir Greyback

What is Severus Snape's speciality spell?

What is Severus Snape's speciality spell?

What substance does a glass Remembrall appear to be full of?

White Smoke

Who or what broke Harry's Nimbus Two Thousand into pieces?

Whomping Willow

What is the name of the Apparition instructor who comes to Hogwarts in Harry's sixth year?

Wilkie Twycross

What spell is used to save Hermione from the troll in The Sorcerer's Stone?

Wingardium Leviosa

What is the name of the female house-elf Harry meets in the Top Box at the Quidditch World Cup?


What was the name of the female elf Dobby liked?


What creatures are depicted on the Fountain of Magical Brethren?

Witch Wizard Centaur Goblin House-Elf

What is the name of Britain's high court of law for wizarding matters?


Cedric Diggory's Wand

Wood: Ash Length: 12 1/4" Core: Unicorn Hair

Dolores Umbridge's Wand

Wood: Birch Length: 8" Core: Dragon Heartstring

Harry Potter's Wand (#2)

Wood: Blackthorn Length: 10"

Horace Slughorn's Wand

Wood: Cedar Length: 10 1/4" Core: Dragon Heartstring Flexibility: Fairly Flexible

Gilderoy Lockhart's Wand

Wood: Cherry Length: 9" Core: Dragon Heartstring Flexibility: Slightly Bendy

Albus Dumberdore's Wand

Wood: Elder Length: 15" Core: Thestral Tail Hair Elder Wand aka Deathstick & Wand of Destiny

Draco Malfoy's Wand

Wood: Hawthorn Length: 10" Core: Unicorn Hair Flexibility: Reasonably Springy

Harry Potter's Wand (#1)

Wood: Holly Length: 11" Core: Phoenix Feather Flexibility: Nice and Supple "Brother" to Voldemort's wand — the core tail feathers are both from Fawkes; broken in December 1997 while fleeing from Godric's Hollow; repaired with the Elder Wand in May 1998.

James Potter's Wand

Wood: Mahogany Length: 11" Flexibility: Pliable

Fleur Delacour's Wand

Wood: Rosewood Length: 9 1/2" Core: Veela Hair Flexibility: Inflexible

Hermione Granger's Wand

Wood: Vine Length: 10 3/4" Core: Dragon Heartstring

Bellatrix Lestrange's Wand

Wood: Walnut Length: 12 3/4" Core: Dragon Heartstring Flexibility: Unyielding

Tom Riddle's Wand

Wood: Yew Length: 13 1/2" Core: Phoenix Feather This wand is "brother" to Harry Potter's wand — the core tail feathers are both from Fawkes.

What is it called when a Quidditch Seeker deliberately fools the other team's Seeker by pretending to have seen the Snitch?

Wronski Feint

What is Luna's fathers name?

Xenophilius Lovegood

What color represents Hufflepuff?


What colour are merpeople's eyes?


What does Dumbledore will to Ron?

a deluminator

What is Dumbledore buried with?

the Elder Wand

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