HDFS 105 Section 3

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what has callie done with the information she has gained about cows?

accommodated the information about cows and created a cow scheme

chomsky believed that children are born in the world with a lanuage

acquisition device

Generally, the axon carries signals away from the cell body, and the ________ carry signals toward the cell body


_____ is the process by which information gets into memory


what type of memory refers to the conscious memory of facts and experiences

explicit memory

which of the following temperament classifications apply to Rothbart and Bates model

extraversion effortful control negative affectivity

_____ play encourages infants to prefer people over objects


order the following stimuli from most time watched to least time watched as identified in research by Fantz

faces black and white pattern high contrast color such as red low contrast color such as yellow the color white

according to research, breast feeding benefits children in which of the following ways?

fewer respiratory tract infections less likey to become overweight fewer gastrointestinal infections

which of the following is not a common way that a researcher identified whether or not an infant is experiencing habituation and dishabituation

brain wave activity

while abby is at the park with her mother, she sees a small white dog. she points at the dog and says puppy. what piagetian concept doe this example describe?


while seeking cognitive equilibrium, children are constantly engaging in which of the following processes

assimilation accommodation

looking where another person has just looked is known as _____ following


__________ refers to the match between a child's temperament and the environmental demands the child must cope with.

goodness of fit

which of the following statements are true of stranger anxiety

it appears at about 6 months it peaks at about one year

____ are built in reactions to stimuli that govern the newborn's movements in an involuntary and automatic way


what is the sensorimotor substage in which infants become more object oriented and less focused on their own body

secondary circular reactions

she continues to make the sucking movements with her mouth, which sensorimotor substage is baby erika in?

simple reflexes

which of the following types pertain to Chess and Thomas' classification system of temperament

the easy child the slow to warm up child the difficult child

the gesell test includes which four of the following categories

personal-social adaptive motor language

____ is to sounds as morphology is to _____

phonology, meaning

the two most common infant gestures are

pointing with the arm and index finger extended at some interesting object extending the arm to show the caregiver something the infant is holding

what are the purposes of reflexes

to allow infants to respond adaptively to their environment they are survival mechanisms which are genetically carried

According to the cephalocaudal pattern of growth, what feature would grow the fastest?


which of the following statements regarding the risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) are true?

Infants who co-sleep are at higher risk Infants who sleep on their stomachs are at greater risk

Which of the following are purposes of the sucking reflex?

The sucking reflex enables newborns to get nourishment before they associate a nipple with food. The sucking reflex serves as a self-soothing or self-regulation mechanism

an infant would most likely use the palmer grasp to hold which of the following

a bottle

the neuroconstructivist view states that which of the following factors influence the brain development

cognitive development biological processes and environmental conditions plasticity and context

____ are ideas about what categories represent


spells found that 4 month old infants expected objects to be

continuous solid

order the sequence of babies' sounds during the first year of life

crying cooing babbling use of holophrases use of telegraphic speech

in its final stages, marasmus may result in


according to piaget, cognitive conflict is also known as_____


according to piaget, cognitive development is guided by which of the following

experiences genetics

scientists are using which of the following technology to study infant perception

high speed computer video recording respiration and heart rate eye tracking

which of the following statements regarding the sensation of smell in infancy is true

infants cannot recognize their mothers smell at birth but develop the ability within several days of birth

____ attentino occurs when two individuals focus on the same object or event


the strategy known as ______ involves identifying the names of objects


what piagetian concepts fit with lauren's cognitive experience

lauren will need to accommodate her drinking scheme to fit the new information lauren will organzig her knowledge of drinking after experience different types of cups lauren is in a state of disequilibrium

Order the motor development milestones

lying on the stomach and lifting the head rolling over supporting some weight with legs sitting without support standing with support standing alone easily

in Piaget's theory, _____ is the grouping of isolated behaviors and thoughts into a higher-order system


what term refers to the appropriate use of language in different contexts


_____ is the term used to describe the process by which unused neural connections are replaced by other pathways or disappear


the _____ reflex occurs when the infant's cheek is stroked or the side of the mouth is touched and the infant then turns its head toward the side that was touched


_____ refers to the meaning of words and sentences


______ occurs when information interacts with sensory receptors


the recognition that an object remains the same shape even though its orientation to us changes is called

shape constancy

parent-infant synchrony refers to the temporal coordination of _____ beahvior


a key skill in learning to walk involves

stabilizing balance on one leg

terms used to describe the interactional nature of emotional communication between parents and child when all is going well

synchronous reciprocal

_____ involves the way in which words are combined to form acceptable phrases and sentences


which of the following statements is true regarding telegraphic speech?

telegraphic speech is not limited to two words

the contemporary view on ___ is that it is a biologically based but evolving aspect of behavior, involving experiences that are incorporated into a network of self-perceptions and behavioral preferences


a newborn infant can habituate to which of the following repeated sensory stimuli

touch, sights, sounds

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