HDFS 280 Exam 2:

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according to US census, were African american couples more likely to divorce in 2009? (when compared to other white, hispanic, and asian couples)

*they do not have higher rates* african american couples were the second highest predicted to get divorced. men=.35 and women=.27. White people ranked higher in both men and women for divorce in this census

US census definition of Asian:

- A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China,India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Model of marriages over time and the attitudes/reasons for marriage:

- Marriage, in other words, is becoming a less central part of family life for Americans, particularly for the less-educated and for nonwhites. As for the meaning that marriage has for husbands and wives, the literature suggests two great changes that occurred during the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. -a shift from institutional marriage--> companionate marriage and a shift from companionate marriage-->individualistic marriage

Father contact: involved fathers, somewhat involved fathers, uninvolved fathers

- Uninvolved fathers Neither saw their child nor paid any child support in the past year - Involved fathers Saw their child weekly or more often in the past year and had also paid some child support - Somewhat involved fathers Saw their child in the past year but less frequently than weekly and/or had paid some child support in the past year

Same sex marriage: obergefell vs hodges:

- was one of the most consequential changes in marriage law in American history. It ended a political and social debate that just a few years earlier had seemed destined to play out over another decade or two. -In 2001, Americans opposed the legalization of same-sex marriage by a margin of 57 percent to 35 percent. About half the states amended their constitutions to ban it. But by 2016, Americans favored legalizing same-sex marriage by a margin of 55 percent to 37 percent (Pew Research Center, 2016). Page 407And the decision of the Supreme Court overruled all of the state amendments that had banned it. -advocates for same sex marriage argued: rights and commitment -The legalization of same-sex marriage marks a historic change in family life.

New kinship ties: -impact on children -most common generational linkage of kin

-*New kinship ties*: Divorce, non-marital childbearing, cohabitation, and remarriage are altering kinship in two fundamental ways that aren't yet fully appreciated. They are breaking the correspondence between family and household -*Impact on children*: it is clear that a minority of children do experience lasting problems that appear to be caused by dissolution or repartnering. Some of these problems might have occurred even if the children's families had remained intact. Other problems, though, seem clearly linked to the disruption and its aftermath. can lead to mental health problems in adulthood for children -*generational linkage of kin*: parent to children (children living with their parents)x

Most US children in families who identify as hispanic/latino are which generation?

-2nd; parents born somewhere else but they were burn in US

Differences in gender identity, roles, and sexual orientation:

-Gender identity: personal psychological sense of being male or female -gender roles: behaviors society accepts as appropriate for males and females -sexual orientation: attraction to opposite sex partners, same-sex partners or both. genetic predisposition increases likelihood of homosexual orientation of both sexes. prenatal hormones may play a role. brain structure may also differ between gay men and heterosexual men. family life during childhood does not predict sexual orientation in adulthood.

Hispanic links and Latino links

-Hispanic emphasizes link to spanish speaking background and geography -Latino emphasizes links to ancestry

Marriage support: Healthy Marriage Initiative

-In 2006, Congress passed and President George W. Bush signed a bill extending the welfare reform legislation. This bill included a much debated program, the Healthy Marriage Initiative, provided the states with up to $100 million per year from 2006 to 2010 to promote heterosexual marriage and $50 million per year to support "responsible fatherhood" -Supporters, who were mainly conservative, had argued that the government should encourage low-income women and men to marry in order to ease the hardships of poverty for their children and themselves. Opponents, who were mainly liberal, argued that the government should not be promoting one kind of family over another and that, furthermore, the funds could be better spent on other needs such as providing more child care assistance or discouraging teenage pregnancy. -Conservatives favor government programs to support marriage whereas liberals urge support for all family forms.

Kinsey report:

-Kinsey Report: 1948 book by alfred kinsey detailing the results of thousands of interviews with men about their sexual behavior -surveys suggest that a substantial number of people have some homoerotic feelings but a smaller percentage are exclusively gay or lesbian -1948 best seller detailing the results of thousands of interviews with men about their sexual behavior. -half of all men in his sample reported erotic feelings toward other men -one third had had at least one sexual experience with another man -one out of eight had had sexual experiences predominantly with other men for at least three years -4% had had sexual experiences exclusively with other men *Kinsey's conclusions on sexual orientation: -continuum running from exclusively heterosexual behavior to a mixture of heterosexual and homosexual behavior to exclusively homosexual behavior -large number of men had had some homosexual experience or feelings

Economic support (union dissolution):

-Many fathers seem to fade from their children's lives in part because they will not or cannot contribute to their children's support. •Custodial mothers are most affected when they end a relationship with the fathers of their children - Do not receive child support - Incomes tend to drop sharply •Single-father families have been growing - Single fathers tend to have higher incomes than single mothers

queer theory: -strengths and limitations?

-Queer theory: the view that sexual life is artificially organized into categories that reflect the power of heterosexual norms -queer theorists claim that sexual identities are always unstable and arbitrary -strengths: they argue that we should reject the concept of sexual identities as meaningful, fixed categories. they urge instead that we study the ways in which conventional sexual identities are organized according to norms that privilege heterosexuals -limitation: their rejection of sexual identities, however, makes it difficult to study important social issues involving gay and lesbian individuals

Stepfamily: Cohabiting stepfamilies: Married stepfamilies:

-Stepfamily: Household in which two adults are married or cohabitating and at least one has a child present from a previous marriage or relationship - Cohabitating stepfamily: Stepfamily in which the partners are cohabitating without marrying - Married stepfamily: Stepfamily in which the partners are married

cohabitation among lesbian and gay individuals:

-Studies that have compared gay, lesbian, and heterosexual couples have found no significant differences in love or relationship satisfaction. -The California surveys show that depending on the survey, 37 to 46 percent of gay men were cohabiting with a partner, as were 51 to 62 percent of lesbians (Carpenter & Gates, 2008). By comparison, 62 percent of heterosexuals of comparable ages were either cohabiting or married. So nearly as many lesbians Page 195in California were partnered as were heterosexual women.

Why do people still marry?

-The rewards that people seek in marriages and other close relationships center on personal growth and deeper intimacy. -Marriage is still important as a symbol of status and prestige. -Marriage still provides partners with greater trust that long-term investments can be made in buying a home or in child rearing.

gender identity development

-a person's identification as a woman, a man, or some combination of the two. role of same-sex peer groups -boys--> dominance-oriented -girls--> cooperative -the media-television, video games, books--often portray boys and girls, and men and women, behaving in gender-stereotypical ways.

Marriage and health:

-being married actually causes people to feel better and live longer -mentally and physically healthier people are more likely to get married and stay married

sound relationship house includes_______?

-create shared meaning -make life dreams come true -manage conflict: accept your partner's influence. dialogue about problems. practice self-soothing -the positive perspective -turn towards instead of away -share fondness and admiration -build love maps: know one another's world

child adoption rates between domestic adoption and transnational adoption?

-domestic adoption rates: two-thirds are from racial-ethnic minority groups, more than half have special health needs, More than 25 thousand domestic infant adoptions take place each year. They are arranged by agencies, parents, attorneys and other organizations. -transnational adoption: *higher rates of transnational adoption* (race-ethnicity of adoption) peaked at about 23,000 in the mid-2000s and have since declined. about one-fourth of all adopted children had been born in other countries. there were 6,574 transnational adoptions in 2013 *there's been an increase in interracial adoption*

Family dynamics in black or african american families:

-egalitarianism--> authority is divided evenly between husbands and wives -older siblings responsible for helping in household -hierarchical and strict authority

father influences:

-fathers have both direct and indirect effects on their children's development. -They influence children *directly* by interacting with them: talking to them, playing with them, asserting authority, and so forth. For instance, toddlers whose fathers provide more supportive behavior to them (for instance, by encouraging and assisting them during play sessions) show greater vocabulary and cognitive gains, whether or not their mothers are supportive -Fathers can influence children *indirectly* in two ways. First, they can provide financially for the family, which is the traditional role of the father. Having a steady, Page 246adequate income benefits everyone in the family by ensuring that basic needs will be met. Second, they can be supportive of the mother—cooperating with her in child rearing, responding positively to the parenting she does. Children whose fathers support them in these indirect ways are better adjusted at home and at school

Nature of adoption:

-has been changing over the past few decades -half-century ago, the typical adoption used to involve an unmarried, white mother placing an infant for adoption with an unrelated married couple. after the introduction of the birth control pill, the legalization of abortion, the number of unplanned births declined sharply -other forms of adoption have become more common: domestic adoption, transnational adoption -domestic adoption: adoption through private agencies and foster care system--> children adopted from foster care tend to be more disadvantaged and have more health problems than children adopted through private agencies -transnational adoption: adoptions of children from other countries--> children adopted transnationally move largely from poorer countries to wealthier countries

homosexuality in relation to mental illness:

-homosexual persons--> distinctive individuals who were seen as suffering from a psychological illness that altered their sexual preferences. it was a supposedly unnatural conditioned -they were considered seriously ill people -in the beginning of the late 19th century

Emergence of "Homosexuality" and "Heterosexual"

-homosexuality was initially defined as a "psychological illness" whereas heterosexuality was seen as "normal" -the idea that people have a sexual identity did not arise until the late nineteenth century -homosexual: sexually attracted to people of one's own sex -heterosexual: sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex

interactionist approach and formation of gender differences

-interactionist approach: the theory that gender identification and behavior are based on the day-to-day behavior that reinforces gender distinctions -not only learned in childhood, but also reinforced day after day in adulthood -sociologists who take the interactionist approach believe that gender is not a fixed role or trait but rather a social construction that must be actively maintained throughout adulthood. -through situated conduct-interaction in concrete settings- in everyday life, women and men unthinkingly reproduce and sustain gender differences

Marriage as a capstone experience:

-marriage used to be the foundation of adult personal life; now it is sometimes the capstone—the last brick put in place when the structure is finally complete. -Today, marriage is a status young couples build up to, often by living with a partner beforehand, by gaining steady employment or starting a career, by putting away some savings, and even by having children

socialization in relation to Ethnicity, Social Class, Gender, Religion

-parents socialize their children by providing emotional support and control and by teaching them about norms and values -parents tend to socialize their daughters differently than their sons, creating or magnifying gender differences ex: buying stereotypical female toys for girls and male toys for boys. school peer groups and media further exaggerate gender differences -research must be cautious when applying Baumrind's classification scheme to racial and ethnic minority parents -middle-class parents tend to emphasize autonomy and self-direction. they seek actively to enhance their children's talents and opinions. they socialize their children to grow up and take middle-class jobs -working/lower class parents emphasize obedience and conformity. they seek to provide a safe, loving environment in which children can grow on their own. they socialize their children for the kinds of blue and pink collar jobs the parents have held -Religion: conservative protestantism leads fathers to be more authoritarian with their children. protestant fathers who frequently attend church spank their children more often which is authoritarian but they also hug and praise their children more than other fathers which is authoritative. -religious fathers from "mainline" protestant groups, such as episcopal, lutheran, presbyterian, and methodist churches are less authoritarian.

peer group interaction style between genders

-peer group: a group of people who have roughly the same age and status as one another -between the ages 2 and 3 children begin to sort themselves into same-sex peer groups -children's same-gender peer groups often reinforce gender-stereotypical behavior

Same-Sex marriage:

-same-sex marriage is now firmly a part of the American family system. -Marriage, according to the majority of the justices, is an important status that benefits parents and children and that cannot be denied on the basis of the gender of the partners. Their sexual orientation is irrelevant to their right of access to this legal institution. -used to be banned/illegal -change was completed in 2015 when the Supreme Court, in Obergefell v. Hodges (2015), ruled that restricting marriage to different-sex couples was unconstitutional

sexuality and sex acts:

-sexuality: a person's sexual orientation or preference -sexual acts: there were only two categories of sexual activities: 1. socially approved: sexual intercourse within marriage, in moderation, and undertaken mainly to have children. 2. socially disapproved: all other activities including acts between persons of the same sex, masturbation, oral sex regardless of the genders of the partners and so forth. these were considered sinful

Single parent families

-single fathers: families have been growing. single fathers tend to have higher incomes than single mothers -number of single father families increased from 690,000 to 1.9 million between 1980-2015 -16% of single parent families are headed by men -19% had incomes below poverty line in 2015 •Children from divorced or single-parent families were more likely to drop out of school but most did not -Children, especially girls, in stepparent families leave households at an earlier age than children in single-parent or two-parent households

structural approach and gendered work:

-structure approach= males and females differ because of factors external to them gendered roles/work: -stronger for boys/men -seen as a barrier for girls/women -greater change for girls/women over the past few decades

teenage pregnancy

-teenage pregnancy: Despite support from their parents and other kin, adolescents who bear children appear worse off later in life, on average, than adolescents who wait until their twenties to begin having children. Teenage mothers complete fewer years of schooling, have jobs that pay less, are more likely to be dependent on public assistance payments, and are less likely to have stable marriages. the teenage birthrate has been declining, but the proportion of teenage mothers who are unmarried has been increasing -sexual activity among teenagers is much more common than it was prior to the 1970's -both the birthrate and the marriage rate have been declining among teenagers -the proportion of teenage births that are unmarried girls and women has increased -some of the problems shown by teenage mothers reflect disadvantages they had prior to becoming pregnant

is father involvement correlated with positive development in both sons and daughters?

-the father's involvement is correlated with positive development in both sons and daughters -The amount of time fathers spend with their children is less important than how actively engaged they are

Filial Piety

-virtue of respect for one's parents, elders, and ancestors. -obligation to provide support elderly parents

marriage as an investment:

-you can invest in the partnership with less fear of abandonment. - marriage is a commitment device—a way to increase the likelihood that your partner will stay committed to you in the long term.

Authoritative parenting: Authoritarian parenting: Permissive parenting: Reject/Neglect parenting:

1. Authoritative: a parenting style in which parents combine high levels of emotional support with consistent, moderate control of their children -high in warmth/responsiveness -sets appropriate limits -allows for autonomy 2.Authoritarian: a parenting style in which parents combine low levels of emotional support with coercive attempts at control of their children -moderate in warmth/responsiveness -strict/demands obedience -does not allow for questioning of authority 3. Permissive: parenting style in which parents provide emotional support but exercise little control over their children -relationship is indulgent -low in control attempts 4. Reject/Neglect: relationship is rejecting or neglecting -parent is uninvolved

Bigender: Cisgender: Transgender:

1. Bigender: denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity encompasses two genders. a person who fluctuates between two genders 2. Cisgender: denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender corresponds with their birth sex (gender identity, gender expression, and biological sex all align.) 3. Transgender: denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex

the program of financial assistance to low-income, single parent families that has become commonly known as "welfare" is ___________. This program is modification of_____________.

1. Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) 2. previous welfare program (passage of new welfare legislation)

College educated vs moderately educated vs least educated

1. college educated: are much more likely to wait until after marriage to have their first child than less-educated young adults. do not have children while cohabitating as often as people with less education. -used as often a testing ground for marriage 2. moderately educated: those who have graduated from high school but do not have a four-year college degree-less closely tied to marriage -live together without much thought of what the relationship will be -few will remain together for long without marrying -likely to dissolve unions within a few years 3. least-educated: did not graduate from high school. low incomes, can be even further removed from considering marriage. -may live in serial cohabitation--> with two or more live-in partners with little or no thought of marriage, interspersed with romantic relationships that do not involve living together -may enter into cohabiting relationships because of pregnancy **more education that cohabitants have, the ore closely their relationships are linked to marriage

key values of ethnic minority parents:

1. importance of education 2.importance of family 3. hard work 4. (for many) respect for elders

culture and parenting includes outward manifestations of what three factors:

1. inner beliefs 2. values 3. shared identity

Institutional marriage: Companionate marriage: Individualistic marriage:

1. institutional: a marriage in which the emphasis is on male authority, duty, and conformity to social norms -wives' and husbands' behavior is governed by strong social norms, tradition, and law. men have authority -*marriage prior to the twentieth century* 2. companionate: a marriage in which the emphasis is on affection, friendship, and sexual gratification -spouses expect affection, friendship, and sexual gratification and find satisfaction in being good parents and spouses -*emerging in the 1940s* 3. individualistic: a marriage in which the emphasis is on self-development, flexible roles, and open communication -each spouse expects self-fulfillment, intimacy and continuing personal growth -*emerged after 1960*

Influence of Economic Change and marriage: -nature of work -increase in family standards of living

1. nature of work: -wage work provided young adults with some independence from their parents--> they could move away to jobs in the city. their parents had less control over whom they married. mens authority was reduced in urban marriages because of the demise of the family as production unit. (this is when families no longer needed to function as production units) -married women took paid jobs in large numbers. by doing so they gained greater independence from men and were exposed to new ideas beyond the home. this supported a more individualistic perspective on the rewards of marriage 2. increase in families' standards of living: -The rising standard of living during the twentieth century gave more people the luxury of focusing on their own feelings of satisfaction. They did so first in the context of the companionate marriage in which a higher standard of living allowed many wives to stay home rather than work for pay. -increasingly high standards of living meant that people could live alone in their marriages were not personally fulfilling and this development accelerated the transition from companionate marriage to individualistic marriage

What do parents aspire to do across all cultures:

1. secure physical safety 2. meet material needs 3. socialization 4. transmission of cultural value

Bureau of labor statistics: 1.are divorce rates higher for men or women? 2. are black or african american couples more likely to divorce today? 3. for education, what group has the lowest divorce rates?

1. women 2. yes 3. bachelors degree or higher

The way sexual preferences are currently socially organized is no more than_________ years old.

150 years old

what percentage of US population identifies as hispanic/latino?

16% in 2010

what is the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation? (with respect to immigration)

1st: foreign born 2nd: children of immigrants 3rd: grandchildren of immigrants

what percent of people will eventually marry?


What are the negative correlates of cohabitation? do these correlates apply to all types of cohabitating couples?

Compared to married couples, cohabitating couples are more likely to: • Report lower levels of relationship satisfaction • Experience infidelity • Experience relationship dissolution -• BUT when a comparison is made between married couples and cohabitors who plan to marry, there are no significant differences


Conservatives and liberals both support reducing nonmarital childbearing. Conservatives favor programs that advocate abstinence, whereas liberals prefer sex education and more access to contraception. -adolescent sexual activity did decline in the 1990s and 2000s especially among boys, while contraceptive usage went up

nonmarital childbearing: roe vs wade:

Conservatives and liberals both support reducing nonmarital childbearing. Conservatives favor programs that advocate abstinence, whereas liberals prefer sex education and more access to contraception. Who was Jane Roe? A 25-year-old single woman (aka Norma McCorvey) who challenged the criminal abortion laws in Texas that forbade abortion as unconstitutional except in cases where the mother's life was in danger. Who was Henry Wade? The Texas attorney general who defended the anti-abortion law. What did the Roe V Wade case achieve?. Legal abortion; Court justices ruled that governments lacked the power to ban abortions, due to the decision protected by the 14th Amendment, with a ruling of 7-2

socialization and socialization approach

Gender socialization is the process of learning the social expectations and attitudes associated with one's sex. Sociologists explain through gender socialization why human males and females behave in different ways: they learn different social roles. For example, girls learn to do different household chores than boys; girls learn to bake and clean, and boys learn to mow lawns and take out garbage. Gender socialization occurs through such diverse means as parental attitudes, schools, how peers interact with each other, and mass media. -social influences can counteract biological predispositions -sociologists who take the socialization approach to gender differences believe that children learn they will be rewarded for some types of behavior but not others

Legal custody: Physical custody: Joint legal custody: Joint physical custody:

Legal custody: the right to make important decisions about the children and the obligation to have legal responsibility for them Physical custody: the right of a divorced spouse to have one's children live with one Joint legal custody: the retaining by both parents of an equal right to make important decisions concerning their children Joint physical custody: an arrangement whereby the children of divorced parents spend substantial time in the household of each parent

Wedding as a status symbol:

More recently, it has been an event organized and paid for by parents, at which they *display their approval and support for their child's marriage*. In both cases, it has been the ritual that *provides legal and social approval for having children*. But in keeping with the individualistic marriage, it is now becoming an event centered on and often controlled by the couple themselves, having less to do with family approval or having children than in the past

Norms and Values

Norms: a widely accepted rule about how people should behave value: a goal or principle that is held in high esteem by a society

Marriage in religion:

People who are actively religious marry earlier and have somewhat happier marriages.

Government support: -Poverty line: racial/ethnic trends -earned income tax Credit (EITC) -temporary assistance for needy families (TANF)

Poverty line: *the estimated minimum level of income needed to secure the necessities of life* federally defined income limit defined as the cost of an "economy" diet for a family, multiplied by three ~gov calculates an official poverty line and determines how many families have incomes that fall below it ~liberals believe that gov. has a responsibility to assist all families; they favor expanding gov programs ~conservatives favor a modest role for gov in supporting families and are skeptical of new programs ~black ppl had high rates of incomes below poverty line, then hispanics showed the second highest rates of incomes below poverty lines and whites had the lowest rates of income below the poverty line -Earned Income Tax Credit: a refundable tax credit to low-income families with children in which at least one parent is employed -Temporary assistance for needy families: a federal program of financial assistance to low-income families that began in 1996, following passage of new welfare legislation

Maternal employment: Pros and Cons

Pros: 1. higher quality childcare--> w/ more education and degrees, they are more able to buy health care for child 2. higher income--> higher incomes associated positively for childrens cognitive outcomes in later years. it also provides more opportunities 3. maternal sensitivity--> mothers who are employed scored higher on the maternal sensitivity and secure attachments Cons: 1. maternal employment decreases well-baby care for infants--> more hours the mother works, the less time she has to bring the child to child care visits 2.day care hurts kids development--> kids who spend all day at daycare have more stress and aggression 3. neg. affects on child development--> lower income families had a larger effect on children than did middle/upper class and timing of when mother goes back to work can affect the child.

Divorce: pros and cons

Pros: 1.children affected by divorce are affected by living in the household prior to divorce--> parents fighting, mothers show less warm, creates a bad environment for the child 2. removing child from high-conflict home is better for them--> removing child from conflict home provides better opportunity to develop for that child 3. children can grow closer bonds with their siblings--> divorce made bonds between family closer. siblings bonds grow bigger Cons: 1.children of divorce engage in riskier behavior--> 12-18yr olds engage in binge drinking that were from divorce families 2.children of divorce have diminished parental relationships--> adult children of divorced parents have less contact between them. child feels less loved after divorce 3. children of divorce have a large range of academic issues--> lower performances of children of divorce

culturally distinct parenting: Pros and cons

Pros: 1. instills disciplined work habits and high standards--> 1st generation chinese youth from authoritative families were no better off in school than those chinese youth for authoritative families 2. prepare their children for their future--> theres a link between ethnical control and educational success. parental supervision decreases negative behavior 3. authoritarian parenting style is more effective on certain groups--> african american and asian groups did not benefit from authoritative parenting styles Cons: 1. Chinese parenting is not culturally distinct (chinese as middle-class families)t--> differences are more reliant in class rather than culture 2. education--> education achievements are a value and honor to the whole family. Chinese parents will use authoritarian style to give their children a promising future 3. religious influence--> chinese families want their children to honor their family which is ideas from confucianism. tells child that if they work hard they can do anything

Interracial Adoption: pros and cons

Pros: 1. interracial adoption helps to embrace cultural diversity--> culturally diverse children have more social skills 2. healthier identity--> they will figure out who they are (culturally) through identity/role confusion stage 3. advantages of adoptees and adoptee family--> handle stigmas better Cons: 1.Interracially adopted children will experience unique challenges when it comes to defining their identity--> children experience isolation because they don't belong to a specific group 2. african american individuals can't receive the guidance or the support from interracial adoptions--> same racial adoption is essential to african americans due to racism bc white people don't know how to deal with it as well 3. parents may be treated differently by strangers as well as their own families/friends--> observable differences between parents and child will attract stares/un-wanted attention in public

reasons for Policy Reversal and Effects of Welfare Reform:

Reasons for Policy Reversal: 1. attitudes toward women's roles 2. characteristics of the recipients. no longer are most widowed; rather, the vast majority are separated, divorced, or have never married. 3. concern about "work disincentives" the spread of the idea that welfare-receiving poor had become too dependent upon public assistance Effects of Welfare Reform: -since 1996 "welfare reform" bill, the number of families receiving benefits from the temporary assistance for needy families program has decreased greatly -the number of extremely poor families with children has increased since welfare reform -the new work-focused social welfare system has provided increased benefits to low-and moderate income families that are fortunate enough to have at least one steady wage earner. -in addition to the EITC, these families may receive a child tax credit to apply against the amount of taxes they owe and may also deduct part of the cost of day care for their children

Factors associated with Union Dissolution:

Societywide factors: -Cultural change: A greater emphasis on personal fulfillment made dissolution a more acceptable option for people who felt unfulfilled by their unions. -men's employment opportunities: As young men's economic opportunities decreased since the early 1970s, their reduced earning potential may have caused stress in marriages and a turn toward cohabiting rather than marrying. -women's employment opportunities: Women's growing employment opportunities led to a rise in the number of wives working outside the home. Under the specialization model of marriage, employment raised the risk of divorce, but under the income-pooling model, employment seems to lower it. Individual Factors: -age at entry into union: People who begin their unions at young ages have a higher rate of dissolution. They may not choose partners as well as those who marry later. -race and ethnicity: African Americans have higher rates of union dissolution than most other groups. Low income and unemployment, a lesser emphasis on marriage in African American kinship, and discrimination in job and housing markets may contribute. -parental divorce: People whose parents divorced are more likely to end their own marriages in divorce. They may model their behavior on their parents' marriages, or they may have a genetic tendency toward having problems in intimate relationships. -spouses's similarity: People who form unions with people who are similar to them in characteristics such as religion have a lower rate of dissolution. Such couples may be more compatible in their values and interests.

what is the family impact institute?

The Family Impact Institute provides policymakers and professionals with nonpartisan, solution-oriented research and a family and racial equity lens on many of the complex issues being debated in state legislatures across the country. The Institute was founded in 1999 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison/Extension and continues the family impact mission of the federal Family Impact Seminar, which operated from 1976 to 1998 in Washington DC. The Family Impact Seminars aim to: -Build greater use of and respect for evidence in policymaking, -Encourage policymakers to examine policies and programs through a family impact and a racial equity lens, and -Provide an opportunity for policymakers to build relationships across party lines

Union dissolution: Union repartnering:

Union dissolution: the legal ending of a marital union or the informal ending of a cohabiting union Union repartnering: the formation of new unions either by remarriage or a new cohabiting union

Primacy of the private family:

With the rise of the private family in the twentieth century, marriage is now primarily an instrument of individual fulfillment, a means of personal growth, an expression of romantic love

welfare state:

a capitalist government that has enacted numerous measures to protect workers and their families from the harshness of the capitalist system

family wage system:

a division of labor in which the husband earns enough money to support his family and the wife remains home to do housework and childcare

income-pooling model:

a model of the marriage market in which both spouses work for pay and pool their incomes

specialization model:

a model of the marriage market in which women specialize in housework and child care, and men specialize in paid work outside the home

Crisis period: -parenting types

a period during the first year or two after parents separate when both the custodial parent and the children experience difficulties in dealing with the situation •Results in diminished parenting - Distracted and distressed parents have difficulty providing emotional support and moderate, consistent discipline on a daily basis - Parents may seem emotionally distant and prone to ignore the child's misbehavior

US gov definition of Hispanic/Latino:

a person of cuban, mexican, puerto rican, south or central american, or other spanish culture or origin regardless of race.

Individual risk factors (union dissolution): -age at entry into union -race and ethnicity -premarital cohabitation -parental divorce -spouse similarity -religion

age at entry into union: -People who begin their unions at young ages have a higher rate of dissolution. They may not choose partners as well as those who marry later. Race and ethnicity: -African Americans have higher rates of union dissolution than most other groups. Low income and unemployment, a lesser emphasis on marriage in African American kinship, and discrimination in job and housing markets may contribute. premarital cohabitation: -increases likelihood of divorce; due to the fact that they may have had more unconventional attitudes toward marriage, they may have been less committed to marriage, or they may have had personality characteristics that make it difficult for them to have a stable marriage parental divorce: -People whose parents divorced are more likely to end their own marriages in divorce. They may model their behavior on their parents' marriages, or they may have a genetic tendency toward having problems in intimate relationships. spouse similarity: -People who form unions with people who are similar to them in characteristics such as religion have a lower rate of dissolution. Such couples may be more compatible in their values and interests. religion: -people who marry others with same religion have lower rate of dissolution

marriage market: -what are the three components of this market model?

an analogy to the labor market in which single individuals (or their parents) search for others who will marry them (or their children) three components: 1. a group of people who are actively looking for a spouse at the same place at the same time. they constitute the SUPPLY of men and women who are the marriage market 2. PREFERENCES. each person has an idea of his or her own preferred characteristics in a spouse. a person tries to find a mate on the characteristics that rank highest to him or her. preferences are what i want a partner to have 3. RESOURCES. these are the characteristics a person possesses that are attractive to others. opposite of preferences; resources are what i have that a partner might want

What negative behavioral patterns are associated with increases in divorce/union dissolution?

anger, sadness, whining, disgust, tension and fear, belligerence, contempt, and defensiveness are all examples of negative affect

at the end of WWI and WWII what happen to US marriage rates?

at the end of WWI marriage rates were at a low but began to rise, but marriage rates were at an all time high at the end of the WWII and began to decrease sharply

Parenting style in relation to Ethnicity:

authoritative style (best for white people) is thought to be most beneficial, but this conclusion may not apply to racial-ethnic minority groups. authoritarian (associated with black and hispanic groups) -authoritarian parenting is most common in racial/ethnic groups *different parenting styles leads to positive outcomes for different ethnic groups.* *not one parenting style is great for all ethnic groups*

lesbian and gay families:

children raised by two lesbian parents from birth appear to be as well-adjusted as children raised by two heterosexual parents -In the *first type*, the children were born to a married parent who later came out as lesbian or gay, obtained a divorce, and retained custody of the children. Because women retain custody of children much more often than men after a divorce, most of these families include a lesbian mother, her children, and often her new partner. This type of family is probably declining in numbers as the much more open climate leads fewer lesbian and gay individuals to enter into heterosexual marriages. -The *second type* of gay and lesbian family consists of the growing number of couples who have either adopted a child or conceived one through donor insemination—the insertion of donated semen into the uterus of an ovulating woman. -The *third type* is the emerging number of gay male fathers who have children through arrangements such as hiring a surrogate mother to carry fetuses inseminated with their (or their partner's) sperm or through adoption, often of children from the foster care system

gender binary

classification of sex and gender into two distinct, opposite and disconnected forms of masculine and feminine. its one general type of a gender system -Idea that there are only two types of people- male-bodied people who are masculine and female-bodied people who are feminine

societal risk factors (union dissolution): -culture change -men's employment -women's employment

culture change: -A greater emphasis on personal fulfillment made dissolution a more acceptable option for people who felt unfulfilled by their unions. men's employment: -As young men's economic opportunities decreased since the early 1970s, their reduced earning potential may have caused stress in marriages and a turn toward cohabiting rather than marrying. women's employment: -Women's growing employment opportunities led to a rise in the number of wives working outside the home. Under the specialization model of marriage, employment raised the risk of divorce, but under the income-pooling model, employment seems to lower it.

trend in marriage rates: has it been increasing or decreasing over time? why?

decreasing: -Increasingly, young adults are delaying marriage until they have accomplished other goals such as obtaining steady employment or buying a home.!! -cohabiting: short term alternative to marriage (moderate educated ppl) and among the least educated ppl, cohabitation is an alternative to marriage that may be long-term -emphasis on self-development, flexible roles, and open communication--> individualistic marriage -role to self -marry for love, friendship, sexual gratification, and affection---> companionate marriage

are marriage rates currently rising or falling?


The different manners in which parents treat male and female children can be attributed to __________, which have little to do with true biological differences.

gender roles

two spirit people

in native american societies, men or women who dressed like performed the duties of, and behaved like a member of the opposite sex

Trends of cohabitation in relation to class. Has there been an increase or decrease amongst individuals of all social classes?


what is machismo/marianismo? (latino families)

machismo: MALE. a latin american male whose whole life is focused on the pursuit and conquest of females -strong and aggressive masculine pride -men have control over all aspects of there lives including people and events -works outside of home (streets) -self-confident -master at home and work -independent and always successful marianismo: FEMALE. the female macho, characterized by submission, self-denial, humility, service, gentleness, kindness, love, patience, and long suffering. works in home; teaches children, cooks, and cleans, serves husband and male children -submissive to husbands

During the great depression what happened to marriage rates?

marriage rates were at an ultimate low during the great depression, but around 1940 (end of great depression) they slowly began to rise

A significant development in the twentieth century that has changed the relationship between sex-as-reproduction to sex-as-pleasure is________?

modern methods of contraception

types of couples that are more likely to divorce? least likely to divorce?

more likely: -people who begin their unions at a young age -african americans have higher rates of divorce -low income and unemployment -people whose parents divorced -less self fulfilled people/ people who felt unfulfilled by their unions -couples who cohabitate before marriage -lower education less likely: -strong personal fulfillment/people who felt fulfilled by their unions -steady income and employment -marrying in later years -people who form unions with people who are similar to them in characteristics such as religion have a lower rate of dissolution; couples may be more compatible in their values and interests -higher education

two-gender model

most common model of gender for males, females, and those who identify as transgender

Trends of divorce rate: "no fault divorce"

no fault divorce: divorce granted without either party having to prove the other party guilty of misconduct

transgender people

people who identify with a gender other than the one they were assigned at birth

Racial socialization: -what does it include?

racial socialization: protective and proactive practices that teach children about their own race and relations between ethnic groups -includes: cultural socialization, preparation for bias, egalitarianism, promotion of mistrust

are cohabitation rates on the rising or falling in the US?


sex vs. gender:

sex: the biological characteristics that distinguish men and women gender: the social and cultural characteristics that distinguish women and men in a society

state: nation: nation-state:

state: a government that claims the right to rule a given territory and its population and to have a monopoly on force in that territory nation: people with shared economic and cultural interests nation-state: a term that combines the governmental and cultural connotations of the two words it comprises


strong orientation and obligation to family; emphasis on family over individual (in latino families)

integrative perspective

the belief that human sexual identities are determined by both social and biological factors

social constructionist perspective (on sexuality): -sexual identities are socially constructed -sexual identities variances between culture

the belief that human sexual identities are entirely socially constructed -social constructionists would argue that even today sexual identities vary from culture to culture. ex: brazil and some other latin american countries, a man who always takes the active, penetrating role in sex with other men would not necessarily be thought of as a "homosexual" whereas a man who always takes a passive role would. in other words a man's sexuality depends on whether he plays the "masculine" role in sex. -social constructionist perspective states that sexual identities are entirely socially created

social security act of 1935

the federal act that created, among other provisions, Social Security, unemployment compensation, and aid to mother with dependent children (later renamed Aid to Families with Dependent Children) -federal government programs of income assistance began with this act

sexual identity

the formation in peoples minds of an identity such as heterosexual, gay, lesbian, or bisexual based on romantic and sexual attraction

asymmetry (of gender change)

the greater change in women's lives than in men's lives -ex: far more women than men have moved into occupations that were traditionally held by the opposite sex -gender change is asymmetric--> lack of equality


the nine-month development of the fetus inside the mothers uterus -the external sex organs of soon-to-be girls and boys are identical. the primitive genitals can develop into either a clitoris, vagina, and ovaries or a penis, scrotum, and testes.


the principle that inequalities related to gender are often overlaid with inequalities in other domains such as race and class


the sharing of a household by unmarried persons who have a sexual relationship -"living together" - Intimate sexual union between two unmarried, often heterosexual, partners who share the same living quarters for a sustained period of time, with or without the presence of children Who is likely to cohabitate? • 20% are under age of 25 • 56% are between the ages of 25 and 44 • Younger adults, divorcees, liberal attitudes • Race/ethnicity *Why cohabitate?* -linus blanket: insecure or dependent people -emancipation: people who want to be free from family -convenience -testing: people who intend to marry

biosocial approach (to gender differences) to human behavior

the theory that gender identification and behavior are based in part on people's natural biological differences. - The biosocial perspective does not suggest that hormones and chromosomes are destiny nor that biology always wins out over social influences.

idea of only two genders:

there are females and there are males -gender binary: the rigid systems of western culture consisting of only two gender options -most common gender model

feminist sociologist's perspective on masculinity:

they argue that the characteristics that comprise "masculinity" as we know it are socially constructed rather than natural. -fathers are capable of nurturing children but they do so somewhat differently than mothers do -masculinity: the set of personal characteristics that society defines as being typical of men.

What percentage of children adopted from within the US are from racial ethnic minority groups?

two-thirds of them are from racial ethnic minority groups (66.7%)

A fundamental premise of the original social security system was that the recipients__________?

would be primarily men

Multiple transitions: (psychosocial effects)

• Departure of a parent from home • Loss of house, neighborhood, and school •Adults move in and out of the household as parents repartner • Number of transitions may cause as many adjustment problems as living in any particular kind of family

Long-term adjustment: (psychosocial effects)

• Majority of children resume normal development - Six years after disruption, 20-25 percent of young adolescents displayed serious behavior problems - Judith Wallerstein reported widespread and lasting difficulties in personal relationships Children were more likely to make poor choices without good role models Negative effects are not as widespread as reported • Encompasses both a glass-half-full and a glasshalf-empty perspective •Children from divorced or single-parent families were more likely to drop out of school but most did not - Most children become reasonably well adjusted but may show distress and not disorder • Long-term difficulties are due to the poor quality of the parents' marriages, rather than the divorce •Children in high-conflict families were better off after divorce, while children in low-conflict families were not

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