HDS Module 1 Practice Questions

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Where should one perform a lumbar puncture to obtain CSF and determine whether a bacterial infection has occurred in the patient? a) obtain fluid from subdural space, at level of L3-L4 b) obtain fluid from subarachnoid space, at level of T12-L1 c) obtain fluid from subarachnoid space, at level of supracristal plane d) obtain fluid from dural sinus

c) obtain fluid from subarachnoid space, at level of supracristal plane

A 25-year old pianist with a known carpal tunnel syndrome experiences difficulty in finger movements. Which of the following intrinsic muscles of her hand is paralyzed? a. Palmar interossei and adductor pollicis b. Dorsal interossei and lateral two lumbricals c. Lateral two lumbricals and opponens pollicis d. Abductor pollicis brevis and palmar interossei e. Medial two and lateral two lumbricals

c. Lateral two lumbricals and opponens pollicis

Which of the following is NOT neural-crest derived? a. Pacinian corpuscles b. Merkel cells c. Langerhans cells d. Melanocytes

c. Langerhans cells

Which of the following are not monocyte derived? a. Macrophages b. Dendritic cells/Langerhans cells c. Osteoclasts d. Osteoblasts e. All of the above are monocyte-derived

d. Osteoblasts

A 37-year old male complains of a sharp, cutting back pain that radiates down the leg. You suspect that the patient has a herniated Lumbar disc, which involves bulging of the nucleus pulposus through the annulus fibrosis. The course of this protrusion will usually be in the posterolateral direction, as the ___ ligament would prevent the herniation from protruding directly posterior. a) Ligamenta flava b) Supraspinous c) Infraspinous d) Anterior longitudinal e) Posterior longitudinal

e) Posterior longitudinal

Which of the following would not be found in delta granules of a thrombocyte? a) Histamine b)ADP c) 5-HT d) ATP e) plasminogen

e) plasminogen

Which of the following receptor types is/are responsive to changes in pressure/vibration and are fast to act? a. Pacinian corpuscle b. Ruffini endings c. Merkel cells d. Meissner's corpuscle e. 2 of the above f. None of the above

e. 2 of the above a. Pacinian corpuscle d. Meissner's corpuscle

Isolated injury to the musculocutaneous nerve would lead to which of the following symptoms? a. Weakness of elbow flexion b. Weakness of elbow extension c. Weakness of pronation d. Weakness of supination e. 2 of the above f. None of the above

e. 2 of the above a. Weakness of elbow flexion c. Weakness of pronation

Epithelial cells perform all of the following functions except...? a. Contraction b. Absorption c. Protection d. Transport e. All of the above are functions. f. None of the above are functions

e. All of the above are functions.

What type of adipose tissue tends to increase as humans age? a. Brown adipose tissue b. White adipose tissue c. Unilocular adipose tissue d. Multilocular adipose tissue e. Both b and c

e. Both b and c

Which of the following nerves directly originate from the brachial plexus' roots? a. Dorsal scapular nerve b. Nerve to subclavius c. Long thoracic nerve d. Upper subscapular nerve e. A & B f. A & C g. B & C h. None of the above

f. A & C

Where might you find simple acinar glands in the human body? a. Stomach b. Lungs c. Duodenum d. Breast tissue e. Pancreas f. None of the above

f. None of the above

All of the following components can be found in mitochondria except...? a. Calcium ions b. Flavoproteins c. Cytochromes d. Heterochromatin e. Euchromatin f. Two of the above would not be found in mitochondria. g. All of the above would not be found in mitochondria.

f. Two of the above would not be found in mitochondria. d. Heterochromatin e. Euchromatin

You are preparing a sample of pancreatic tissue for the microscope. Your goal is to distinguish the cells that produce insulin. Which of the following protocol would be most ideal? a. Use a fluorescently tagged antibody specific for insulin b. Use a fluorescently tagged antigen specific to insulin c. Use radioactively labelled glucagon d. Use radioactively labelled macrophages e. Use H&E staining

a. Use a fluorescently tagged antibody specific for insulin

Nick is in cardiac failure which has resulted in distension of his axillary artery. Lately he has noticed problems with shoulder abduction, flexion, and extension. The distended artery has compressed a nerve derived from: a) C5 and C6 b) C7 c) C5- T1 d) a and b

c) C5- T1

Andy obtained an injury resulting in loss of function at the level of the axillary nerve. Which two muscles are affected? a) Teres Major and Deltoid b) Pectoralis Major and Teres Minor c) Deltoid and Teres Minor d) Pectoralis minor and Deltoid

c) Deltoid and Teres Minor

Which of the following does not occur during the second week post-fertilization? a) establishment of uteroplacental circulation (fusion of sinusoids and lacunae) b) formation of epiblast and hypoblast c) extraembryonic mesoderm formation d) human chorionic gonadotropin is depleted

c) extraembryonic mesoderm formation

If ATP were depleted in the cell, what would be the expected consequence on lysosomes? a) increased production of lysosomes b) pH within the lysosome would drop below 5 c) lysosomal enzymes such as hydrolase would be less active due to increased pH d) lysosomes would be unaffected

c) lysosomal enzymes such as hydrolase would be less active due to increased pH

John is stung by a bee for the thirteenth time this year, and within five minutes he is experiencing a drastic allergic reaction and having problems breathing. This inflammatory reaction is caused by the release of vasoactive substances like histamine and heparin from _________ cells, which upon histological examination exhibit numerous basophilic granules. a) macrophages b) plasma c) mast d) T lymphocytes

c) mast

When examining a human neuron's nucleus via TEM, one would expect to find: a) large amounts of heterochromatin b) many nucleosomes consisting of DNA and histone proteins c) mostly euchromatin d) you would only be able to examine the neuronal nucleus with SEM

c) mostly euchromatin

What phenomenon is directly responsible for formation of the primitive streak? a. Formation of the head and tail folds b. Formation of the yolk sac c. Formation of the bilaminar disc d. Migration of epiblast cells e. None of the above are tied to its formation.

d. Migration of epiblast cells

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is extensive in all of the following cells except. a. Skeletal muscle cells b. Cells of the adrenal medulla (release corticosteroids) c. Hepatocytes d. Plasma cells

d. Plasma cells

Which of the following muscles is considered as part of the back's intrinsic musculature? a. Trapezius b. Deltoid c. Latissimus dorsi d. Spinalis cervicis

d. Spinalis cervicis

.) Proteoglycans that are commonly found in the ground substance of many connective tissues are comprised of: 1. hyaluronic acid 2. chondroitin sulfate 3. laminin 4. aggrecan 5. fibronectin A. 1, 2, 3 B. 3, 4, 5 C. 1, 2 D. 2, 3 E. 4, 5

C. 1, 2

5.) In the list below identify ALL of the cell types that do not permanently reside in adult loose connective tissues. 1. Fibroblasts/Fibrocytes 2. Lymphocytes 3. Adipoblasts/Adipocytes 4. Mast cells 5. Reticuloblasts/Reticulocytes A. 1, 2, 3 B. 1, 3, 5 C. 2, 4 D. 3, 5 E. 1 only

C. 2, 4

There are a multitude of different types of epithelial tissues. In fact at least one type of epithelial tissue is derived from each of the three embryonic germ layers. From the list below, identify ALL of the epithelial tissues that are derived from the endoderm. 1. lining of the respiratory tract 2. lining of reproductive ducts and parenchyma of gonads 3. epidermis of the skin 4. parenchyma of all endocrine glands inferior to the head - except for adrenal glands 5. lining of the urinary tract A. 1, 2, 5 B. 2, 3, 5 C. 1, 3 D. 2, 5 E. 1, 4

E. 1, 4

Elastic connective tissue would be found in: 1. Walls of elastic blood vessels 2. Walls of airways - trachea and bronchi 3. Outer layers of intervertebral discs 4. External ear 5. Ligaments supporting the penis (Crus of penis) A. 1, 2, 3 B. 1, 3, 5 C. 2, 3, 4 D. 2, 4 E. 1, 5

E. 1, 5

From the list below identify ALL of the cell types that would typically be localized to dorsal root ganglia. 1. astrocytes 2. oligodendrocytes 3. pseudounipolar neurons 4. Nissl bodies 5. satellite cells A. 1 and 2 B. 2 and 3 C. 3 and 4 D. 2 and 4 E. 3 and 5

E. 3 and 5

What type of glands are found in the stomach-gastric glands? A. simple branched acinar B. simple branched tubular C. compound tubuloacinar D. compound tubular E. compound acinar

B. simple branched tubular

The region of a fingernail that is comprised of actively mitotic cells is the: A. nail bed B. nail plate C. nail matrix D. cuticle

C. nail matrix

Meissner's plexus is embedded in the: A. lamina propria of the gut wall B. submucosa of the gut wall C. muscularis layer of the gut wall D. adventitia of the gut wall

B. submucosa of the gut wall

When a bone sustains major damage/trauma, after the hematoma has formed, the next step in bone repair is: A. the formation of a bony callus B. the formation of a soft/cartilaginous callus C. the formation of a fibrous callus D. the re-shaping of the bony callus

B. the formation of a soft/cartilaginous callus

Almost 30 different types of collagen have been characterized by histologists. However, the type of collagen that is most commonly found in the dermis of the skin, the periosteum, tendons and ligaments is collagen __1__, while the type of collagen that is commonly associated with the cartilage found in the intervertebral discs, the menisci of the knee and the crus of the penis is collagen __2__. A. 1 = Type I; 2 = Type I and Type II B. 1 = Type II; 2 = Type I C. 1 = Type III; 2 = Type IV D. 1 = Type IV; 2 = Type III E. None of these is correct

A. 1 = Type I; 2 = Type I and Type II

Sensory impulses regarding pain, temperature, light or deep pressure are directed towards the spinal cord/brain as __1__ impulses, while motor impulses directed away from the spinal cord/brain and towards skeletal muscle fibers are referred to as __2__ impulses. A. 1 = afferent; 2 = efferent B. 1 = efferent; 2 = afferent C. 1 = afferent; 2 = afferent D. 1 = efferent; 2 = efferent

A. 1 = afferent; 2 = efferent

In the gut/digestive tract, the submucosa is found beneath to the lamina propria of the mucosal layer. The submucosa is comprised of __1__, however the lamina propria is __2___ connective tissue. A. 1 = dense irregular CT; 2 = areolar B. 1 = areolar CT; 2 = dense irregular C. 1 = dense irregular CT; 2 = adipose D. 1 = dense regular CT; 2 = adipose E. 1 = areolar CT; 2 = adipose

A. 1 = dense irregular CT; 2 = areolar

The medial meniscus of the knee is firmly attached to the deep surface of which ligament? A. fibular collateral B. tibial collateral C. patellar D. anterior cruciate E. posterior cruciate

B. tibial collateral

From the list below select ALL of the significant histological distinctions between spongy/cancellous bone and compact/cortical bone. 1. Spongy bone has little to no osteons/Haversian systems (depend on species). Compact bone has osteons. 2. Spongy bone is covered by an endosteum. Compact bone is covered by a periosteum. 3. Compact bone has osteoprogenitor cells and osteoclasts. Spongy bone does not contain these cell types. 4. Compact bone has channels/canaliculi that connect lacunae. Spongy bone does not have these channels. A. 1, 2 B. 2, 3 C. 3, 4 D. 1, 3 E. 1, 2, 4

A. 1, 2

The glial cells found in the CNS that provide structural support are: A. Astrocytes B. Oligodendrocytes C. Microglia D. Ependymal cells E. Schwann cells

A. Astrocytes

There are four major tissue types. Which of these is best characterized by this description? "Cells rest on a basement membrane and exhibit both a basal membrane and an apical membrane with no blood supply present." A. Epithelial tissue B. Connective tissue C. Muscle tissue D. Neural Tissue

A. Epithelial tissue

By what process do keratinocytes in the stratum granulosum experience cell death? What about Langerhans cells? A. Keratinocytes - apoptosis; Langerhans cells - apoptosis B. Keratinocytes - necrosis; Langerhans cells - necrosis C. Keratinocytes - apoptosis; Langerhans cells - necrosis D. Keratinocytes - apoptosis; Langerhans cells - necrosis

A. Keratinocytes - apoptosis; Langerhans cells - apoptosis

What mechanism of secretion is used by the sweat - producing glands of the skin - sudoriferous glands? A. Merocrine B. Apocrine C. Holocrine

A. Merocrine

Using the list below, which of these structures/cells/organs would NOT be found in rete(epidermal) pegs? 1. Transient WBC's 2. Meissner's corpuscles 3. Elastic and collagen fibers 4. Pacinian corpuscles 5. Post-capillary venules A. all of the above B. none of the above

A. all of the above

The dorsalis pedis artery is most commonly a continuation of the: A. anterior tibial artery B. lateral plantar artery C. medial plantar artery D. peroneal artery E. posterior tibial artery

A. anterior tibial artery

Eccrine sudoriferous glands use which mechanism of secretion for maintaining constant core body temperature during exertion/exercise? A. merocrine B. apocrine C. holocrine

A. merocrine

The muscles of the adductor compartment are innervated primarily by the: A. obturator nerve B. sciatic nerve C. femoral nerve D. prudential nerve E. genitofemoral nerve

A. obturator nerve

Lysosomal enzymes in each cell in the body would be synthesized: A. on attached polyribosomes of the RER B. on free-floating polyribosomes in the cytoplasm C. within the nucleolus D. a and c E. b and c

A. on attached polyribosomes of the RER

A person with paralysis of the _____ muscle often presses on the distal end of the thigh during walking to prevent flexion of the knee joint. A. quadriceps femoris B. psoas major C. iliac D. sartorius E. gracilis

A. quadriceps femoris

The stratified squamous keratinized epithelium that comprises the epidermis of the skin is derived from the: A. surface ectoderm B. paraxial mesoderm C. intermediate mesoderm D. lateral plate mesoderm E. endoderm

A. surface ectoderm

The region of a neuron where neurotransmitter receptors are most dense is usually the __1__, with the region where neurotransmitter molecules are stored in vesicles is known as __2__. A. 1 = dendrites; 2 = axon B. 1 = dendrites; 2 = terminal bouton/bulb C. 1 = terminal bulb/bouton; 2 = dendrites D. 1 = axon; 2 = cell body E. 1 = cell body; 2 = soma

B. 1 = dendrites; 2 = terminal bouton/bulb

Most bones of the embryonic skeleton form through __1__ ossification, which utilizes a cartilaginous template as the initial tissue. Most of the flat bones of the body (scapulae, pelvis, sternum some of the bones of the skull) develop at least partially by __2__ ossification, where the process begins with a fibrous membrane that is calcified over time. A. 1 = intramembranous; 2 = endochondral B. 1 = endochondral; 2 = intramembranous C. 1 = appositional; 2 = interstitial D. 1 = interstitial; 2 = appositional E. none of the above combinations are correct

B. 1 = endochondral; 2 = intramembranous

Keratinocytes found within the epidermis are derived from the embryological germ layer __1__, however melanocytes and Merkel cells which are in the deepest layers of the epidermis are derived from __2__. A. 1 = neural ectoderm (neural crest cells); 2 = surface ectoderm B. 1 = surface ectoderm; 2 = neural ectoderm (neural crest cells) C. 1 = paraxial mesoderm; 2 = lateral mesoderm D. 1 = lateral mesoderm; 2 = paraxial mesoderm

B. 1 = surface ectoderm; 2 = neural ectoderm (neural crest cells)

Superficial fascia is comprised of __1__, however deep fascia is comprised of __2__. A. 1 = unilocular adipose; 2 = multilocular adipose B. 1 = unilocular adipose; 2 = dense connective tissue C. 1 = dense irregular connective tissue; 2 = dense regular connective tissue D. 1 = areolar connective tissue; 2 = dense connective tissue E. 1= unilocular adipose; 2 = areolar connective tissue

B. 1 = unilocular adipose; 2 = dense connective tissue

Common histological characteristics of most connective tissues include: 1. Widely-spaced cells embedded in a non-living matrix. 2. Most CT's are highly vascularized tissues. 3. Lack a nerve supply and have little or no lymphatic drainage. 4. May have both a resident population of cells and a transient population of cells. 5. Lack adult stem cell populations and therefore rarely are capable of repair and/or regeneration of damaged tissue. A. 1, 3, 5 B. 2, 3, 4 C. 1, 2, 4 D. 3, 4, 5 E. 1, 2, 4, 5

C. 1, 2, 4

There are two major types of esophageal cancer: esophageal adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Which type involves the mucous-producing glands of the esophageal wall? A. Squamous cell carcinoma B. Esophageal adenocarcinoma

B. Esophageal adenocarcinoma

What happens to most of the cytoplasmic organelles, nuclear membrane, and nuclear pore complexes during mitosis? A. Nothing - they remain intact/stable. B. Everything - they disintegrate and then re-organize. C. Don't know - should I? D. Don't care - should I?

B. Everything - they disintegrate and then re-organize.

Unilocular adipose is usually referred to as brown fat. These adipocytes are known to utilize UCP-1 A. True B. False

B. False

Unlike the dermis of the skin which has mostly __1__ collagen fibers in the matrix, most types of cartilage have Type II collagen fibers in the matrix - EXCEPT __2__. A. 1 = Type I; 2 = hyaline cartilage B. 1 = Type III; 2 = elastic cartilage C. 1 = Type I; 2 = fibrocartilage D. 1 = Type III; 2 = hyaline cartilage E. none of these combinations are correct

C. 1 = Type I; 2 = fibrocartilage

The type of collagen most commonly found in organs of the immune system is collagen __1__, while the type of collagen that is associated with the basement membrane of all epithelial tissues is collagen __2__. A. 1 = Type I; 2 = Type II B. 1 = Type II; 2 = Type I C. 1 = Type III; 2 = Type IV D. 1 = Type IV; 2 = Type III E. None of these is correct

C. 1 = Type III; 2 = Type IV

If cells in the skin covering the fingers of the right hand were exposed to extreme sub-zero temperatures for a prolonged period of time the most likely result would be: A. Apoptosis B. Necrosis C. Inflammation D. Hypertrophy E. Atrophy

B. Necrosis

Cells that provide a lipid-rich insulating myelin layer around multiple axons in the CNS are: A. Astrocytes B. Oligodendrocytes C. Microglia D. Ependymal cells E. Schwann cells

B. Oligodendrocytes

Bundles of axons within a single peripheral nerve or cranial nerve are known as fascicles. Each fascicle is wrapped by a sheet of fibrous connective tissue known as: A. Endoneurium B. Perineurium C. Epineurium D. Endomysium E. Perimysium

B. Perineurium

Damaged axons are much more likely to re-grow toward their intended target in the peripheral nervous system compared to the central nervous system BECAUSE: A. Oligodendrocytes cannot undergo mitosis. B. Proliferating Schwann cells can direct the elongation of the axon stump to the target cell. C. Only neurons in the PNS have Nissl substance for the synthesis of new microtubule proteins. D. A and B E. B and C

B. Proliferating Schwann cells can direct the elongation of the axon stump to the target cell.

The most significant histological characteristic that distinguishes a zonula occludens from a zonula adherens is: A. Location - zonula occludens are further from the apical surface, zonula adherens are closer to the apical surface. B. Zonula occludens - adjacent membranes are fused, zonula adherens - adjacent membranes are separated by a narrow intercellular space. C. Zonula occludens include protein plaques for anchoring intermediate filaments, zonula adherens lack these anchoring plaques. D. Zonula occludens are comprised of adjacent connexons, zonula adherens are comprised of single connexons. E. None of the above

B. Zonula occludens - adjacent membranes are fused, zonula adherens - adjacent membranes are separated by a narrow intercellular space.

Osteoclasts function(s) include: A. continually produce new bone matrix B. continually degrade/remodel bone matrix C. continually produce new cartilaginous matrix D. continually produce new fibrous matrix for the periosteum and endosteum E. all of the above

B. continually degrade/remodel bone matrix

Cartilage that does not have a perichondrium is ONLY capable of: A. appositional growth B. interstitial growth C. endochondral growth D. intramembranous growth

B. interstitial growth

In performing a "saphenous cutdown," a cannula is inserted into the saphenous vein for prolonged administration of blood, plasma expanders, electrolytes, or drugs. Although this procedure may be difficult in infants and obsess patients, the great saphenous vein can alway be located by making an incision anterior to the: A. lateral malleolus B. medial malleolus C. lateral epicondyle D. calcareous E. greater trochanter

B. medial malleolus

Cells from this embryonic germ layer will give rise to the cells of the central nervous system and posterior pituitary gland. A. surface ectoderm B. neural ectoderm - neural tube C. neural ectoderm - neural crest D. mesoderm - paraxial E. mesoderm - intermediate

B. neural ectoderm - neural tube

In the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), the pre-ganglionic neuron is usually __1__ in length, while the pre-ganglionic neuron in the sympathetic division is usually __2__ in length. A. 1 = shorter; 2 = shorter B. 1 = shorter; 2 = longer C. 1 = longer; 2 = shorter D. 1 = longer; 2 = longer

C. 1 = longer; 2 = shorter

If the integrity of the plasma membrane is compromised for any length of time: A. lipid rafts will disassemble B. cell will undergo apoptosis C. cell viability is lost D. cell will undergo mitosis E. protein turnover will be altered

C. cell viability is lost

Vesicles targeted for late endosomes will be coated with what type of molecule at the trans-face of the Golgi complex? A. COP I B. COPII C. Clathrin-coated

C. Clathrin-coated

All connective tissues and muscle tissues are derived from the embryonic mesoderm. What region of the mesoderm gives rise to skeletal muscles of the limbs and torso? A. Lateral mesoderm B. Intermediate mesoderm C. Paraxial mesoderm

C. Paraxial Mesoderm

To rule out damage to the deep fibular (perineal) nerve, a patient should be asked to perform which of these movements? A. flex the toes B. plantar flex and evert the foot C. dorsiflex and invert the foot D. dorsiflex and evert the foot E. plantar flex and invert the foot

C. dorsiflex and invert the foot

There are four major tissue types. Which of these is best characterized by this description? "Adjacent cells are found close together with cells in some tissues having a striated appearance. Tissue has an extensive blood and nerve supply." A. Epithelial tissue B. Connective tissue C. Muscle tissue D. Neural tissue

C. Muscle Tissue

Which of the following is caused by vitamin D deficiency in adults? A. Rickets B. Acromegaly C. Osteomalacia D. Osteoporosis

C. Osteomalacia

Which of the following is *NOT* a component of normal gait? A. swing phase B. heel strike C. foot drop D. foot flat E. toe off

C. foot drop

Identify the correct sequence of intracellular proteins that orchestrates receptor-mediated endocytosis after the receptor-ligand complex has formed. A. dynamin - clathrin - adaptin B. clathrin - adaptin - dynamin C. adaptin - clathrin - dynamin D. clathrin - dynamin - adaptin E. adaptin - dynamin - clathrin

C. adaptin - clathrin - dynamin

Tissues that have a basement membrane with multiple layers of cells, with cells in the superficial layers that have a thin, flat irregular shape would most likely function to: A. Provide structural support for cells in superficial layers. B. Provide attachment for cells in deeper layers. C. Provide protection for cells in deeper layers. D. A and B E. B and C

C. Provide protection for cells in deeper layers.

What is the medical relevance of epithelial transition zones (ETZ's)? A. Regions where vascular supply is compromised. B. Locations devoid of epithelial stem cell populations/niches. C. Regions where loss of cell-cycle control frequently occurs. D. Locations of sparse aggregates of transient WBC's. E. All of the above.

C. Regions where loss of cell-cycle control frequently occurs.

Identify which of these statements is NOT a common characteristic shared by all epithelial tissues. A. a subset of cells in the tissue are capable of mitosis B. deepest cells in the tissue rest on the surface of a basement membrane C. blood vessels permeate the tissue D. nerves and lymphatics permeate the tissue E. cells have an apical and basal membrane

C. blood vessels permeate the tissue

Which of the following muscles is the primary extensor of the hip? A. semi membranous B. semitendinous C. gluteus maximus D. biceps femoris E. gluteus medius

C. gluteus maximus

In the elderly, fibroblast production of connective tissue matrix (ground substance and fibers) is diminished due to the decreasing levels of: A. oxygen/nutrients B. FGF C. TGF-β D. TNF-α E. VEGF

C. TGF-β

What cells of the integument would contribute to inducing the hypersensitivity reaction (inflammation) seen in the previous slide? What cells would contribute to the resolution of this reaction? A. Inducing cells - Langerhans cells; Resolution - Langerhans cells B. Inducing cells - migrating mast cells from dermis; Resolution - migrating macrophages from the dermis C. Inducing cells - Merkel cells; Resolution - Meissner's corpuscles D. A and B E. B and C

D. A and B

An axon in the nerve to the Latissimus dorsi muscle (Thoracodorsal nerve) would be categorized as part of the __1__nervous system, while cranial nerve XI (Spinal accessory nerve - to the Trapezius muscle) would be categorized as part of the __2__ nervous system. A. 1 = central; 2 = central B. 1 = central; 2 = peripheral C. 1 = peripheral; 2 = central D. 1 = peripheral; 2 = peripheral

D. 1 = peripheral; 2 = peripheral

All cells have a minimal smooth endoplasmic reticulum where phospholipids for the plasma membrane are synthesized. However, some cells have an extensive SER - identify those cells types from the list below. 1. adipose cells 2. skeletal muscle cells 3. cardiac muscle cells 4. cells that produce steroid hormones 5. bone-producing cells (osteocytes) A. 1, 4 B. 2, 5 C. 1, 2, 3 D. 2, 3, 4 E. 3, 4, 5

D. 2, 3, 4

12.) The knee joint is comprised of the following components: 1. Lateral/Medial collateral ligaments = dense reg. CT 2. Anterior/Posterior cruciate ligaments = dense reg. CT 3. Lateral/Medial menisci = fibrocartilage 4. Synovial joint capsule/Fibrous layer = dense irregular CT 5. Patellar ligament and Patellar tendon = dense reg. CT Which of these is/are vascularized connective tissue(s)? A. 1, 2, 5 B. 1, 2, 4, 5 C. 3, 4 D. 4 only E. they are all highly vascularized

D. 4 only

In the list below, identify which of these structures/cells/organs would NOT be found in dermal papillae? 1. Transient WBC's 2. Meissner's corpuscles 3. Elastic and collagen fibers 4. Pacinian corpuscles 5. Post-capillary venules A. 1, 2 B. 2, 4 C. 3, 5 D. 4 only E. 5 only

D. 4 only

What histological features distinguish keratinized from non-keratinized epithelium? A. SSqNKE has many more layers of cells, so is much thicker than SSqKE. B. Cells at the surface of SSqKE are viable cells, while cells at the surface of SSqNKE are not. C. Cells in the deepest layer of SSqNKE are viable cells, while cells in the deepest layer of SSqKE are not. D. Cells at the surface of SSqNKE are nucleated, while cells at the surface of SSqKE lack a nucleus. E. Keratinized epithelia are softer and more flexible than non-keratinized epithelia.

D. Cells at the surface of SSqNKE are nucleated, while cells at the surface of SSqKE lack a nucleus.

What specific region of the hair follicle would this product have to target to be effective? A. Sebaceous glands B. Medulla of the hair shaft C. Cortex of the hair shaft D. Dermal papilla - capillary E. Dermal papilla - nerve axon

D. Dermal papilla - capillary

What cell types are responsible for the production of Vitamin D3 in the skin? A. Fibroblasts in the reticular region of the dermis B. Adipocytes/adipoblasts in the hypodermis C. Melanocytes in the Stratum basale D. Keratinocytes in the Stratum basale and Stratum spinosum D. Vitamin D3 is not synthesized in the skin

D. Keratinocytes in the Stratum basale and Stratum spinosum

What is the most common transport process used to deliver synaptic vesicles from the neuronal cell body to the synaptic bouton? A. Diffusion B. Receptor-mediated exocytosis C. Bulk transport D. Microtubules/Molecular motors E. All of the above

D. Microtubules/Molecular motors

Which of the following conditions is currently treated with Anti-RANKL antibody? A. Rheumatoid arthritis B. Osteoarthritis C. Osteopetrosis D. Osteoporosis

D. Osteoporosis

Body odor is a rather unfortunate side effect of puberty. Alas, we cannot help the development of these sweat glands in our axillary regions... a. Apocrine b. Eccrine c. Holocrine d. Paracrine

a. Apocrine

Alphavbeta3 integrin is responsible for which of the following processes? A. Ruffle Boarder formation B. Osteoblast differentiation C. Osteoclast migration D. The formation of the sealing zone E. A and B

D. The formation of the sealing zone

What vitamin(s) are necessary as coenzymes in the synthesis of fibrillar collagens? A. Vitamin A B. Vitamin B6 C. Vitamin B12 D. Vitamin C E. Vitamin D3

D. Vitamin C

Mammary glands use which mechanism of secretion for releasing breast milk after parturition? A. merocrine B. apocrine C. holocrine D. a and b E. b and c

D. a and b

The perichondrium is an important fibrous sheath that surrounds most types of cartilage and is a significant vascular source for the tissue. A perichondrium is not present with: A. hyaline cartilage at the ends/epiphyses of long bones (articular cartilage) B. fibrocartilage C. hyaline cartilage that attaches the ribs to the sternum - costal cartilage D. a and b E. a and c

D. a and b

All of the following muscles are attached to the tibia *EXCEPT* the: A. sartorius B. gracilis C. semitendinosus D. adductor magnus E. popliteus

D. adductor magnus

The difference between the coat colors of two animals is based on: A. difference in number of melanocytes B. difference in rates of melanin production C. difference in rates of melanin degradation D. difference in synthesis of enzyme - tyrosinase

D. difference in synthesis of enzyme - tyrosinase

All connective tissues are derived from this embryonic germ layer: A. surface ectoderm B. neural ectoderm C. neural crest cells D. mesoderm E. endoderm

D. mesoderm

Which of the following statements concerting the foot are *FALSE*? A. eversion and inversion of the food take place mainly at the transverse tarsal joint B. the flexor hallucis longus inserts on the distal phalanx of the hallux C. the posterior tibial artery gives rise to arteries supplying the sole of the foot D. the soleus attaches to the talus E. the lumbricals of the foot are attached to the tendons of the flexor digitorum longus

D. the soleus attaches to the talus

From the list below, identify ALL of the cellular processes initiated by the cell signaling molecule - transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β). 1. inflammation 2. vasodilation and angiogenesis 3. collagen and elastic fiber synthesis 4. suppress/down-regulates immune response A. 1 and 2 B. 1 and 3 C. 2 and 3 D. 2 and 4 E. 3 and 4

E. 3 and 4

From the list below identify which cell types would have greater numbers of glycogen inclusions. 1. neurons 2. cardiac muscle cells 3. hepatic/liver cells 4. smooth muscle cells 5. red blood cells A. 1, 3, 5 B. 2, 3, 4 C. 1, 2, 4 D. 2, 4 E. 3, 5

E. 3, 5

Identify in the list below ALL of the locations in the body where fibrocartilage can be found. 1. Laryngeal cartilages (except for the epiglottis) 2. Epiglottis 3. External ear/pinna of ear 4. Intervertebral discs 5. Menisci of knee joint A. 1, 2, 3 B. 1, 3, 5 C. 2, 3, 4 D. 2, 4 E. 4, 5

E. 4, 5

Cells in the PNS that provide a lipid-rich insulating myelin layer around a single axon are: A. Astrocytes B. Oligodendrocytes C. Microglia D. Ependymal cells E. Schwann cells

E. Schwann cells

Special modified post-ganglionic neurons localized to the core/medulla of the adrenal glands when stimulated by sympathetic pre-ganglionic neurons secrete: A. catecholamines B. steroid hormones C. norepinephrine/epinephrine D. a and b E. a and c

E. a and c

The matrix of connective tissues can be best characterized as: A. comprised of ground substance and fibers B. having a wide-spectrum of densities/viscosities from solid gelliquid C. fibers may include: collagen, elastic or reticular D. two of the above E. all of the above

E. all of the above

Which of these glands produces a secretion that is moved from the excretory duct into the hair follicle? A. eccrine sudoriferous gland B. apocrine sudoriferous gland C. sebaceous gland D. a and b E. b and c

E. b and c

What type of glands are found in non-lactating breast tissue (female)? A. simple branched acinar B. simple branched tubular C. compound tubuloacinar D. compound tubular E. compound acinar

E. compound acinar

The enteric nervous system: A. is comprised of multiple plexuses embedded in the gut wall along the entire length of the digestive tract. B. includes the submucosal plexus and the myenteric plexus C. is able to function independently of either the parasympathetic or sympathetic division of the ANS. D. is responsive to changes in the internal local microenvironment of the gut to increase/decrease gut secretions and gut motility. E. is all of the above. F. is none of the above

E. is all of the above.

The greater sciatic foramen is traversed by all of the following *EXCEPT* the: A. superior gluteal nerve B. piriformis muscle C. superior gluteal artery D. inferior gluteal artery E. obturator interns muscle and its tendon

E. obturator interns muscle and its tendon

While studying in the anatomy lab, the top of the dissection table cam loose and hit a student squarely on the leg, impacting with enough force to awaken him. Noticing some swelling on the lateral compartment of the leg, the student hoped the injury was serious enough to make it impossible to attend class for the rest of the year. Muscles of the lateral compartment of the leg are innervated by the ____ and function *PRIMARILY* to _____. A. deep fibular (perineal) nerve; evert the foot B. tibial nerve; plantar flex the foot C. superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve; dorsiflex the foot D. tibial nerve; invert the foot E. superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve; evert the foot

E. superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve; evert the foot

The gluteal region is a good site for injections because the gluteal muscles are thick and large, thereby providing a large surface area for absorption of drugs. To avoid important nerves and blood vessels in the gluteal region, injections can be made safely only into the ___ part of the buttock A. superomedial B. inferolateral C. central part D. inferomedial E. superolateral

E. superolateral

8. All epithelial tissues rest on a basement membrane. Select the best description(s) of this important structural layer. 1. Acellular layer that is comprised mostly of collagen type IV. 2. Highly vascularized layer. 3. Partially synthesized by connective tissue fibroblasts. 4. Comprised of glycoproteins, proteins and water. 5. Referred to as basal lamina with magnification powers greater than 10,000X. A. 1, 2 B. 3, 5 C. 1, 3, 5 D. 1, 4, 5 E. 2, 3, 4 F. 1, 3, 4, 5 G. All of the above.

F. 1, 3, 4, 5

How would you characterize the secretion mode of unicellular exocrine glands - known as Goblet cells? A. Pinocytosis B. Phagocytosis C. Merocrine D. Apocrine E. Holocrine F. Exocytosis

F. Exocytosis

The type of neurons localized to the ventral horn of the spinal cord are characterized as: A. Sensory neurons - afferent impulses B. Interneurons - afferent impulses C. Motor neurons - afferent impulses D. Sensory neurons - efferent impulses E. Interneurons - efferent impulses F. Motor neurons - efferent impulses

F. Motor neurons - efferent impulses

Guillain-Barre Syndrome is an autoimmune disorder that leads to rapid demyelination of motor neurons. Patient symptoms may include: A. Muscle weakness B. Loss of pain sensation from skin and joints C. Respiratory distress D. Cardiac arrhythmias E. All of these F. Two of these G. Three of these

F. Two of these: A. Muscle weakness C. Respiratory distress

Within each sympathetic chain ganglion (which are found adjacent to each thoracic and lumbar vertebral body - on the right and left sides) are: A. cell bodies of pre-ganglionic sympathetic neurons B. axons of preganglionic sympathetic neurons C. cell bodies of post-ganglionic sympathetic neurons D. axons of post-ganglionic sympathetic neurons E. a and b F. b and c G. c and d

F. b and c

What important function(s) occur in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum in cells of the liver (hepatocytes)? A. Steroid hormone synthesis B. Calcium sequestration C. Lipoprotein synthesis D. Synthesis of bile salts E. Glycogen production F. Two of the above G. Three of the above H. All of the above

G. Three of the above: A. Steroid hormone synthesis C. Lipoprotein synthesis D. Synthesis of bile salts

Dense irregular connective tissue would be found in: A. outer fibrous layer surrounding bone and cartilage - periosteum/perichondrium B. outer white fibrous layer of the eye - sclera C. outer fibrous layer surrounding brain and spinal cord - dura mater D. outer fibrous sheath surrounding skeletal muscles E. a and b F. c and d G. all of the above

G. all of the above

The general function(s) ascribed to the parasympathetic division of the ANS is/are: A. afferent - visceral sensation from organs B. efferent - motor impulses to skeletal muscle fibers C. efferent - visceral motor impulses to cardiac and smooth muscle cells D. fight-or-flight response E. rest-and-digest response F. two of the above G. three of the above

G. three of the above: A. afferent - visceral sensation from organs C. efferent - visceral motor impulses to cardiac and smooth muscle cells E. rest-and-digest response

A tumor is excised from a middle age adult patient. You notice that the tumor consists of teeth, hair, and nails. The tumor is most likely from which germ layer origin? a) Ectoderm b) Mesoderm c) Endoderm

a) Ectoderm

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of epithelia? a) Epithelial cells have uniform distribution within the cell b) Epithelial cells are closely packed next to adjacent cells c) Epithelia must receive blood supply by diffusion from adjacent connective tissues d) Epithelia covers nearly every surface of the body

a) Epithelial cells have uniform distribution within the cell

Which of the following statements about mesoderm is inaccurate? a) Mesoderm is derived from the hypoblast b) the primitive streak begins caudally and continues cranially c) Somite formation in the paraxial mesoderm begins cranially and continues caudally d) the primitive streak typically disappears by the end of the fourth week

a) Mesoderm is derived from the hypoblast

Which of the following is correctly paired with its direct function? a) Mitochondria- steroid hormone synthesis b) Rough ER - detox c) Microsomes- lipid synthesis d) Nucleolus Organizing Region- mRNA formation

a) Mitochondria- steroid hormone synthesis

You have a pregnant patient who is delivering her child 33 weeks (231 days) after LMP. At this time you should advise your patient that: a) The child may have respiratory problems because she is delivering early. b) The child has a normal gestation period and is unlikely to have any complications. c) The child has a greater risk of stillbirth due to the longer length of the gestation period. d) She should use safe sex practices to avoid STDs.

a) The child may have respiratory problems because she is delivering early.

The basal lamina is formed by specific interactions between various structures. Which combination makes up the basal lamina? a) Type IV collagen and perlecan b) Entactin and lamin c) Laminin and fibronectin d) Aggrecan and type III collagen

a) Type IV collagen and perlecan

You are analyzing the activity of enzymes found in a lysosome at various pH levels. At which pH level would you expect to have the greatest rate of reaction? a. 5 b. 7 c. 9 d. 11

a. 5

Which description best fits the arrangement of microtubules in an axoneme cross section? a. 9+2 b. 9+0 c. 2+2 d. None of the above

a. 9+2

Brachial plexus cords are named according to their position relative to the _______. a. Axillary artery b. Brachial artery c. Pectorialis minor d. Scapula e. None of the above

a. Axillary artery

You observe a vesicle that appears to travel from the rough endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus. You also observe that it is coated with a certain protein. What protein would likely form this coat? a. COP II b. Dynein c. Dynamin d. COP I e. None of the above


Which is true of brown adipocytes? a. Contains a large amount of mitochondria for heat production b. Transient cell found throughout fat-storing areas of the body c. Single fat droplet d. Only a and c e. None of the above

a. Contains a large amount of mitochondria for heat production

Someone hands you a slide that has lost its label, desperate to know what type of tissue it contains. You place it under a microscope and notice that there are cells with apical projections. Upon closer inspection, you notice that they are stereocilia. What organ/region of the body might this sample have come from? a. Epididymis b. Bladder c. Respiratory tract d. Liver e. None of the above are associated with stereociliated cells.

a. Epididymis

All of the following are functions of the lysosome except...? a. Exocytosis of low density lipoprotein (LDL) b. Formation of thyroid hormone c. Responsible for bone degradation during bone remodeling d. Mitochondrial autophagy e. All of the above are functions performed by the lysosome.

a. Exocytosis of low density lipoprotein (LDL) lysosomes *endocytose* LDLs

If the gene responsible for procollagen peptidase were to be mutated, procollagen cleavage might be hindered. Where does this cleavage typically occur? a. Extracellular environment b. Nucleus c. Rough endoplasmic reticulum d. Golgi apparatus None of the above

a. Extracellular environment

Which cellular junctions form a channel between the cytoplasm of apposed cells? a. Gap junctions b. Tight junctions c. Belt desmosomes d. Spot desmosomes e. None of the above

a. Gap junctions

Basal cell carcinoma results in excessive production of which proteins? a. K5/K14 keratins b. K1/K9 keratins c. K1/K10 keratins d. K2/K10 keratins e. Actin filaments

a. K5/K14 keratins

After delivery of a newborn, the doctor finds that the baby has abnormally short arms that appear as nubs. What is a possible cause of this abnormal development? a. Lack of AER FGF signals b. Decreased diffusion of Shh from the ZPA c. Knock out of Wnt genes d. Increased expression of Hox genes in the forelimb

a. Lack of AER FGF signals

A 17 year-old boy fell from a motorcycle, and his radial nerve was severely damaged due to a fracture of the midshaft of the humerus. Which of the following conditions would most likely result from the accident? a. Loss of wrist extension leading to wrist drop b. Weakness in pronating the forearm c. Sensory loss over the ventral aspect of the base of the thumb d. Inability to oppose the thumb e. Inability to abduct the fingers

a. Loss of wrist extension leading to wrist drop

Which cell junctions are responsible for connecting neighboring keratinocytes? a. Macula adherens b. Zona adherens c. Zona occluden d. Hemidesmosomes

a. Macula adherens

To which structure do forearm flexors attach? a. Medial epicondyle b. Lateral epicondyle c. Olecranon d. Capitulum e. Coronoid fossa

a. Medial epicondyle

Which tactile receptor can you find in the dermal papillae of volar surfaces? a. Meissner's corpuscle b.Pacinian corpuscle c. Aurbach's plexuses d. None of the above

a. Meissner's corpuscle

What is actin? a. Myofilament b. Myosin c. Muscle fibers d. Myofibrils e. Myocardium

a. Myofilament

1) When the uterine endometrium fails to cover the defect in its epithelium, bleeding can occur from the sight. This bleeding might be perceived by the mother as menstrual bleeding. Would such an occurrence cause the mother to underestimate or overestimate the child's gestational age? By how many weeks would she over or underestimate it? a. Underestimate; 2 weeks b. Underestimate; 4 weeks c. Overestimate; 2 weeks d. Overestimate; 4 weeks

a. Underestimate; 2 weeks

Which of the following structures is the only remnant of the notochord in adults? a. Nucleus pulposus b. Annulus fibrosis c. Dura mater d. Pia mater

a. Nucleus pulposus

You want to use immunofluorescence to visualize the locations of tight junctions in a sample of epithelial tissue. For which protein might you design a fluorescent antibody? a. Occludin b. Plakin c. Plectin d. Cadherins e. Plakophilin

a. Occludin

You are trying to visualize the cis golgi via microscopy and are tasked with choosing the stain for doing so. What stain would you use to visualize the cis Golgi? a. Osmium b. Thiamine pyrophosphatase c. The ink from your pen d. Elastic fiber stains e. Periodic Acid-Schiff

a. Osmium

Alzheimer's disease is characterized by an alteration of which cellular structure? a. Plasma membrane b. Rough endoplasmic reticulum c. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum d. Ribosome e. Mitochondria

a. Plasma membrane

A woman gives birth to her child during the 31st week of her pregnancy. What stage of prenatal life would her child be in at this point in development? a. Premature fetus b. Embryo c. Fully developed fetus d. Blastocyst e. None of the above

a. Premature fetus

Trouble with pronation and supination of the forearm could indicate damage to which ligament? a. Radial collateral ligament b. Anterior cruciate ligament c. Medial collateral ligament d. Nuchal ligament

a. Radial collateral ligament

You prepare a slide for viewing under the microscope from a lymph node tissue sample. You apply an immunofluorescent marker for collagen III and notice that it yields a significant amount of fluorescence. What would account for this fluorescence? a. Reticular connective tissue b. Mesenchymal stem cells c. B-cell rich follicles d. Dense irregular tissue capsule surrounding the lymph node e. None of the above adequately explains the fluorescence.

a. Reticular connective tissue

Which cells are responsible for myelination throughout the peripheral nervous system? a. Schwann cells b. Oligodendrocytes c. Astrocytes d. Satellite cells e. None of the above

a. Schwann cells

The enzyme system desmolase is most closely associated with which process? a. Side chain cleavage b. ATP production c. DNA Transcription d. Desmosome formation e. Desmoplakin synthesis

a. Side chain cleavage

A patient comes to you complaining of diffuse lower back pain upon extension. You look at the radiograph, noting that spinous processes remain attached to the next inferior vertebrae and that the superior articular processes remain attached to the adjacent superior vertebra. However, you also note that there is a stress fracture of the laminae in between the articular processes. Which mode of failure best fits this description? a. Spondylolysis b. Scoliosis c. Hyperlordosis d. Hyperkyphosis

a. Spondylolysis

Francesca is a 24 year old graduate student who has spent the past 5 summers lifeguarding, and regularly going to tanning beds on the side. At her most recent visit to the dermatologist's office, the physician noticed unregulated growth in the skin layer where dominant keratin synthesis is K5/K14. Which layer of Francesca's skin might be an indication of cancer? a. Stratum basale b. Stratum spinosum c. Stratum granulosum d. Stratum lucidum e. Stratum corneum

a. Stratum basale

Which of the following junctions is directly involved with restricting paracellular transport? a. Tight junctions b. Gap junctions c. Belt desmosomes d. Spot desmosomes e. None of the above

a. Tight junctions

Which nerve would most likely be affected by a direct blow to the medial epicondyle? a. Ulnar nerve b. Radial nerve c. Sciatic nerve d. Nerve to subclavius

a. Ulnar nerve

You witness your friend fall down the stairs and see that he lands on his hand in a way that hyperextends it. Which structure might be fractured? a. Ulnar styloid b. Olecranon c. Scaphoid d. Hamate e. None of the above would be impacted by such a landing.

a. Ulnar styloid

Which of the following statements differentiates receptor-mediated endocytosis (RME) from phagocytosis or pinocytosis? a) RME is constitutive and nonspecific, allowing entry to small soluble proteins b) Adaptin concentrates specific receptor molecules at the membrane surface and is later removed, along with clathrin from the coated vesicle c) RME utilizes dynamin, an ATPase, which pinches off the coated vesicle d) RME requires binding of the Fc receptor, followed by engulfment of the molecule

b) Adaptin concentrates specific receptor molecules at the membrane surface and is later removed, along with clathrin from the coated vesicle

After 34 weeks of pregnancy, Becky, a 17 year old mother, just had her first baby. During this first pregnancy, Becky has become quite the socialite, engaging in high risk sexual practices with strangers. However, knowing the damaging effects of smoking, she has limited herself to one pack a week for the last eight months. The new baby has short palpebral fissures, a flat midface, micrognathia, and an indistinct filtrum. Which of the following is most likely the reason for the distinctive features? a) Premature delivery b) Becky's drinking- fetal alcohol syndrome c) Becky's high risk sexual practices d) Becky's smoking - smoking is a teratogen e) none of the above explain the distinctive features

b) Becky's drinking- fetal alcohol syndrome

Which of the following about vesicular traffic is accurate? a) Retrograde transport consists of movement from Rough ER to cis-Golgi b) COP II is a component of anterograde transport c) COP I is a component of anterograde transport d) Clathrin is a key component of anterograde transport

b) COP II is a component of anterograde transport

Secondary Lordotic curvatures can be seen in the ___ and ____ regions of the back. a) Cervical and thoracic b) Cervical and lumbar c) Thoracic and lumbar d) Thoracic and sacral

b) Cervical and lumbar

Jackie ate at a local Mexican restaurant in Kent for one of her friend's birthdays and got infected with a tapeworm. Which of the following granulocytes will release necessary granules to combat the infection? a) Basophil cell b) Eosinophil cell c) Neutrophil cell d) Mast cell

b) Eosinophil cell

Your patient comes into your office claiming that she has missed her period. You collect a blood sample and measure the serum hCG concentration. This hormone is secreted from which tissue? a) An hCG secreting tumor in the lung parenchyma b) Epithelial cells of the syncytiotrophoblast c) Corpus luteum d) Mother's pituitary

b) Epithelial cells of the syncytiotrophoblast

If a type II diabetic woman becomes pregnant, the developing fetus will have restricted growth due to the mother's lack of insulin production a) True b) False

b) False

Stereocilia resemble Cilia in both structure and function: a) True b) False

b) False

For a particular stimulus, which of the following skin sense receptors would exhibit a greater number of spike potentials over a longer duration? a) Merkel and Ruffini because they are fast adapting b) Merkel and Ruffini because they are slow- adapting c) Meissner and Pacinian because they are fast adapting d) Meissner and Pacinian because they are slow adapting

b) Merkel and Ruffini because they are slow- adapting

Which one of the following statements regarding neutrophil recruitment to the site of infection is incorrect? a) IL-1 and TNFalpha are cytokines released by activated macrophages b) Neutrophils possess a receptor called ICAM-1 which interacts with endothelial integrins enabling adhesion c) neutrophils bind selectins and begin "rolling" along the vessel d) neutrophil is able to move into the tissue by passing through the vessel wall in a process called diapedesis

b) Neutrophils possess a receptor called ICAM-1 which interacts with endothelial integrins enabling adhesion

Clavicular fractures have similar presentation involving superior projection of medial clavicular segment, depression of upper limb, adduction, and medial rotation . This is largely the result of the different muscles pulling on the upper limb once the stabilizing connection to the axial skeleton (through the clavicle) has been lost. Which of the following relationships is either inaccurate or does not apply to this sagging shoulder appearance? a) Sternocleidomastoid- superior projection of clavicular segment b) Pectoralis minor and Latissimus dorsi - adduction of limb c) Teres major and Subscapularis - medial rotation d) Latissimus dorsi and Pectoralis major- medial rotation

b) Pectoralis minor and Latissimus dorsi - adduction of limb

Which of the following epidermal cell layers is correctly described? a) Stratum granulosum- Five layers of flattened keratinocytes that have begun ejecting their organelles and nuclei b) Stratum basale- Layer of cuboidal cells undergoing mitosis c) Stratum spinosum- Spinous cell layer consisting of terminally differentiated keratinocytes that are anucleate and appear as horny plates d) Stratum lucidum- Deep layers are mitotic and provide a waterproof function to the skin e) Stratum corneum- Nucleated keratinocytes containing keratohyalin granules that undergo terminal differentiation

b) Stratum basale- Layer of cuboidal cells undergoing mitosis

Histological examination of an epidermal tissue sample reveals many cells containing birbeck granules. Increased numbers of these unique cells most likely indicates: a) This sample is from an individual with skin cancer, the birbeck containing cells are involved in unregulated cell growth b) The epidermal region from which the sample was taken was exposed to a foreign agent/ antigen, and the birbeck containing cells are implicated in an immune response c) The individual has had WAY too much exposure to UV rays, and the birbeck containing cells are synthesizing increased amounts of melanin to protect the individual d) Birbeck granules should not be present anywhere in the epidermis, this person is an anomaly

b) The epidermal region from which the sample was taken was exposed to a foreign agent/ antigen, and the birbeck containing cells are implicated in an immune response

A Sebaceous gland: a) contains large amounts of protein/glycoprotien b) accumulates large amounts of secretory product in cytoplasm, and the whole cell is consequently shed c) secretes sebum by pinching off plasma membrane around cytoplasm and droplet d) secretes sebum in a manner similar to the secretion of melanin into keratinocytes

b) accumulates large amounts of secretory product in cytoplasm, and the whole cell is consequently shed

Bahar has recently injured her median nerve, which of the following deep layer muscles of the arm would be least affected? a) Flexor pollicis longus b) flexor digitorum profundus c) pronator quadratus d) Supinator

b) flexor digitorum profundus *remember: the median nerve only innervates (the lateral) half of FDP while the ulnar nerve innervates the other (medial) half of FDP*

Which of the following is is true about epithelial tissue? a) not a common source of cancers b) high turnover rate c) non-secretory d) exclusively derived from mesoderm

b) high turnover rate

Which of the following would be present in a greater amount in an older cell? a) heterochromatin b) inclusion body c) centrioles d) ATP

b) inclusion body

Which of the following is not a trend seen as you move from cervical to lumbar vertebrae? a) increasing size of vertebral body b) increased range of movement c) decreasing size of central canal d) disappearance of transverse foramen

b) increased range of movement

If the thirteen year old girl from the previous question had not ruptured vessels upon fracturing her scaphoid, which of the following would be the likely result? a) necrosis of distal fragment due to decreased blood supply b) necrosis of proximal fragment due to lack of access to retrograde blood supply c) no necrosis, blood supply is uniform for each bone fragment d) necrosis of both fragments because even though no vessels were ruptured, they are likely occluded and blood flow is prevented

b) necrosis of proximal fragment due to lack of access to retrograde blood supply

The notochord totally disappears by the end of gestation a)True b)False


Imagine that you are responsible for keeping the entire gross anatomy laboratory organized. In the chaos that is pre-practical review, the students forgot to organize the vertebrae by region (who can blame them, it's a stressful time). You decide to start by separating the cervical vertebrae first. Which of the following features would help you distinguish them from the other types? a. Denticulate processes b. Bifid spinous processes c. Absence of spinous processes d. Transverse costal elements

b. Bifid spinous processes

How could histological characteristics can help you to differentiate between white and brown adipocytes? a. White adipocytes contain abundant mitochondria while brown adipocytes do not. b. Brown adipocytes contain abundant mitochondria while white adipocytes do not. c. White adipocytes contain significant amounts of smooth endoplasmic reticulum while brown adipocytes do not. d. Brown adipocytes contain three nuclei while white adipocytes contain none. e. None of the above

b. Brown adipocytes contain abundant mitochondria while white adipocytes do not

A prefixed brachial plexus is defined by a superiormost root of ____ and inferiormost root of _____. a. C5;T1 b. C4;C8 c. C4;T1 d. C5;C8 e. None of the above

b. C4;C8

When you drop your phone due to hyperactive sweat glands on your palm, which glands should you blame? a. Apocrine glands b. Eccrine glands c. Holocrine glands d. Endocrine glands e. None of the above

b. Eccrine glands

The AER secretes which protein to achieve proximal/distal growth? a. Shh b. FGF c. Wnt d. TBX4

b. FGF

Which cell is a connective tissue macrophage? a. Kupffer cells b. Histiocyte c. Dust cell d. Langerhans cell e. Microglia

b. Histiocyte

Buildup of excess glycosaminoglycans is associated with which cellular organelle disease? a. Barth syndrome b. Hunter syndrome c. Zellweger syndrome d. Alzheimers e. None of the above

b. Hunter syndrome

Which of the following could be a cause of osteoporosis? a. Decreased activation of nuclear factor kapp B b. Increased binding of RANKL c. Decreased concentration of parathyroid hormone d. Increased concentration of osteoprotegerin

b. Increased binding of RANKL

How might mutations in the TBX5 gene manifest in an individual? a. Individual has little or no development in proximal forelimb structures with fully developed distal forelimb structures. b. Individual lacks forelimbs entirely. c. Individual lacks hindlimbs entirely. d. A pinky-like digit at positions 1 and 5 on the hand. e. Polydactyly

b. Individual lacks forelimbs entirely.

Which of the following phenomena would best explain how phocomelia occurs? a. Hyperactive growth in the progress zone with excess FGF secretion from the AER b. Little mesenchymal division in the progress zone coupled with excess FGF secretion from the AER c. Hyperactive Shh release from the ZPA d. Inadequate Shh release from the ZPA e. Absence of an AER coupled with hyperactive mesenchymal growth in the progress zone

b. Little mesenchymal division in the progress zone coupled with excess FGF secretion from the AER

Which of the following can be classified as "embryonic connective tissue"? a. Cartilage b. Mucous connective tissue d. Adipose tissue d. Bone e. Blood

b. Mucous connective tissue

Which connective tissue cell type contains properties of smooth muscle cells? a. Fibroblast b. Myofibroblast c. Histiocyte d. Plasma cell e. Mast cell

b. Myofibroblast

Paronychia is an infection of skin near the cuticle. Sometimes it can lead to damage that results in hindered nail growth. For it to result in such an effect, it would most likely have to damage which structure? a. Nail bed b. Nail matrix c. Cuticle d. Nail plate e. Proximal nail fold

b. Nail matrix

Which of the following options does not pair homologous structures together? a. Metacarpals/metatarsals b. Radius/fibula c. Phalanges/phalanges d. Scapula/hip e. All of the above are correctly paired

b. Radius/fibula

A patient hyperextended his humerus during football practice. He complains of pain in the shoulder region. Upon physical examination, you observe a prominent, but intact acromioclavicular joint. He exhibits limited range of movement in the limb. What type of injury most likely occurred? a. Shoulder separation b. Shoulder dislocation c. Tear of the ulnar collateral ligament d. Tear of the radial collateral ligament e. None of the above would present with the described symptoms.

b. Shoulder dislocation

If the two vertebral arches fail to close during somite development, which condition can arise? a. Sacrococcygeal teratoma b. Spina bifida c. Winged scapula d. None of the above would result

b. Spina bifida

A 50-year old male contracts an infection and receives penicillin injections into the right buttocks. After receiving these injections, he reports a numbness, tingling, and difficulty in moving/controlling his right leg. These symptoms can result from complications of intramuscular injections into the buttocks, which should have been directed to the _____ region of the buttocks. a. Superior medial b. Superior lateral c. Center d. Inferior medial e. Inferior lateral

b. Superior lateral

All of the following statements about the fourth week of development are true except...? a. The yolk sac can be seen during the 4th week b. The primitive streak starts to form by the end of week 4. c. The developing umbilical cord can be seen during the 4th week d. The head and tail folds occur

b. The primitive streak starts to form by the end of week 4.

A 21-year-old man was picking apples with his younger siblings and accidentally fell out of the apple tree. When asked how he fell, he stated that he fell head first and landed somewhere around his shoulder. What is the most likely presentation of this injury? a. Klumpke Paralysis b. Waiter's tip hand c. Claw hand d. Wrist drop

b. Waiter's tip hand

AARRS is associated most closely with which protein? a. Shh b. Wnt7a c. BMP4 d. SOX9 e. YMCA

b. Wnt7a

Which of the following statements about human gestation is incorrect? a) Organ development occurs during the third and ninth weeks of gestation b) Weight increases predominate in the third trimester while length increases predominate in the second trimester c) Growth is isometric, but not allometric d) A baby born at 23 and a half weeks may survive with intensive care, but prognosis is not great due to lack of surfactant production (immature alveoli)

c) Growth is isometric, but not allometric

Which is true of apocrine secretion? a) The cell's secretory vesicle approaches the apical domain of the cell, fuses with the plasma membrane, and releases its contents into the extracellular space b) Mammary glands secrete milk protein casein by apocrine secretion c) Lipids are associated with apocrine secretion d) Sebaceous glands can use either apocrine or holocrine secretion

c) Lipids are associated with apocrine secretion

Which of the following is a characteristic of centrioles? a) They are a type of intermediate filament b) They can be found in microvilli, the contractile ring, and muscle cells c) Their cross section shows 9 triplets d) Their cross section forms the "Axoneme" 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules

c) Their cross section shows 9 triplets

Which type of collagen is incorrectly paired with its proper tissue location? a) Type I: skin b) Type III: spleen c) Type X: scar tissue d) Type I: walls of arteries

c) Type X: scar tissue

Johnny is unable to perform a right lateral bend. Which intrinsic muscles are unable to contract? a) multifidus b) rotatores c) erector spinae on right side d) erector spinae on left side

c) erector spinae on right side

Cindy's PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) prevents zygote implantation, six days after fertilization. Which is the most likely outcome of this situation? a) the morula will spontaneously abort and the mother will likely perceive this as unusually profuse menstrual flow b) the baby will be carried to term, but may or may not survive with congenital malformation c) the blastocyst will fail to attach to uterine epithelium and will be excreted d) the syncytiotrophoblast will persist, and the resulting fusion of lacunae and sinusoids will lead to profuse menstrual flow

c) the blastocyst will fail to attach to uterine epithelium and will be excreted

An embryo that is 30 days old would most likely have how many somites? a. 10 b. 20 c. 35 d. 15 e. 0

c. 35

Rahul, a 21-year-old medical student, used to frequently work out at the gym. Lately, he has been too busy studying to keep up with his weight-lifting schedule. What is likely happening to his arm muscles? a. Hypertrophy b. Hyperplasia c. Atrophy d. Metaplasia

c. Atrophy

You prescribe propranolol, a beta blocker, to a patient as a means of treating his increased heart rate. However, you advise him that constipation is one of its more notable side effects. Which beta receptors are targeted by the drug for treatment, and which ones might account for the constipation respectively? a. Beta 1, Beta 3 b. Beta 3, Beta 1 c. Beta 1, Beta 2 d. Beta 2, Beta 3 e. None of the above combinations are correct.

c. Beta 1, Beta 2

All of the following are examples of traumatic failures in the vertebral column except...? a. Disc herniation b. Interarticular joint failure c. Hemivertebrae d. Laminar failure e. All of the above are examples of traumatic failures.

c. Hemivertebrae

Sophia was about to eat baklava on her couch, when suddenly she realized that she was unable to "unlock" her knee joint to permit flexion of the leg. Which of the following muscles is most likely damaged? a. Rectus femoris b. Semimembranous c. Popliteus d. Gastrocnemius e. Biceps femoris

c. Popliteus

A 20-year-old medical student attends Garba and dances the night away. However, near the end of the night, she slips on her lehenga choli and lands on her elbow. Afterwards, she complains of elbow pain and cannot supinate her forearm. Which of the following nerves are most likely injured from the dancing accident? a. Axillary and radial nerves b. Median and ulnar nerves c. Radial and musculocutaneous nerves d. Musculocutaneous and median nerves e. Ulnar and axillary nerves

c. Radial and musculocutaneous nerves

You have always wanted to see an osteoclast in three dimensions. Now you have the chance to make your dream come true. However, you must tell me what type of microscopy you would use to generate a 3D image of the cell. a. Immunofluorescent microscopy b. Transmission electron microscopy c. Scanning electron microscopy d. Light microscopy e. All of the above are only capable of generating two dimensional images.

c. Scanning electron microscopy

Where would you place a needle to draw cerebrospinal fluid? a. Epidural space b. Spinal cord c. Subarachnoid space d. Transverse foramen e. None of the above

c. Subarachnoid space

A patient with a deep knife wound in the buttock walks with a waddling gait that is characterized by the pelvis falling toward one side at each step. Which of the following nerves is damaged? a. Obturator nerve b. Nerve to obturator internus c. Superior gluteal nerve d. Inferior gluteal nerve e. Femoral nerve

c. Superior gluteal nerve

A man is unable to hold typing paper between his index and middle fingers. Which of the following nerves was likely injured? a. Radial nerve b. Median nerve c. Ulnar nerve d. Musculocutaneous nerve e. Axillary nerve

c. Ulnar nerve

Which signal does the neural tube express to initiate dorsomedial development of epaxial muscles? a. Myf5 b. MyoD c. Wnt d. PAX3 e. Sonic Hedgehog

c. Wnt

Mucus secretions differ from serous secretions primarily in that: a) mucus secretions contain lots of protein b) mucus secretions are watery secretions that typically serve enzymatic function c) merocrine secretion process is used for mucus secretions, but not serous secretions d) mucous secretions are usually full of glycoprotein that serve protective/ signalling function

d) mucous secretions are usually full of glycoprotein that serve protective/ signalling function

Which disease is incorrectly associated with the defective/ deficient organelle? a) Zellweger Syndrome - Peroxisomes b) Hunter - Lysosomes c) Achondrogenesis - Golgi complex d) Alzheimer's- mitochondria

d) Alzheimer's- mitochondria

How does LDL enter the cell? a) Passive diffusion through the membrane because it's hydrophobic b) Active diffusion through a carrier protein c) Binding to an Fc receptor and endocytosed via a clathrin independent mechanism d) Binding to a LDL receptor and endocytosed via a clathrin dependent mechanism

d) Binding to a LDL receptor and endocytosed via a clathrin dependent mechanism

Which of the following is not a step in maturation of RBCs? a) Proerythroblast to Basophilic erythroblast b) Basophilic erythroblast Polychromatophilic erythroblast c) Polychromatophilic erythroblast to Orthochromatic erythroblast d) Ejection of pyknotic nucleus from Polychromatophilic erythroblast e)Reticulocyte to Red Blood Cell

d) Ejection of pyknotic nucleus from Polychromatophilic erythroblast

Which of the following is not true about mitochondria: a) Mitochondria contain Calcium b) Mitochondria contain their own mitochondrial DNA c) Mitochondrial matrix contains malate dehydrogenase (a Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle enzyme) d) Mitochondria can perform beta-oxidation reactions with proper enzymes located in the intermembrane space e) desmolase located on inner mitochondrial membrane is important for side chain cleavage of cholesterol

d) Mitochondria can perform beta-oxidation reactions with proper enzymes located in the intermembrane space

Which of the following correctly describes the hormonal regulation of lactation during pregnancy? a) Progesterone and estrogen are decreased until parturition, after which they stimulate lactation by suppressing prolactin b) Increased levels of estrogen and progesterone lead to large amounts of fat deposition in the mammary tissue and cause prolactin secretion (lactation is stimulated) c) Prolactin increases mammary gland tissue proliferation, but suppresses lactation until parturition d) Progesterone and estrogen are increased during pregnancy allowing proliferation of mammary gland tissue, but they suppress prolactin until parturition

d) Progesterone and estrogen are increased during pregnancy allowing proliferation of mammary gland tissue, but they suppress prolactin until parturition

A patient has a torn rotator cuff. Which of the following muscle tendons is intact and has normal function? a) Teres Minor b) Supraspinatous c) Infraspinatous d) Teres Major e) Subscapularis

d) Teres Major

Which of the following consists of Pia Mater? a) Denticulate ligaments b) Ligamentum flava c) Filum Terminale d) a and c

d) a and c

Which of the following types of junctions is not associated with cytoskeletal elements? a) tight junctions b) zonula adherens c) macula adherens d) gap junctions e) hemidesmosomes

d) gap junctions

Lysosomes are derived from the: a) cell membrane b) peroxisome c) mitochondria d) golgi complex e) endoplasmic reticulum

d) golgi complex

A 67-year old smoker with a history of 75 pack year presents to the Emergency Department with an intense, productive cough. A rusty- red sputum is collected and analyzed, and pneumococcus is found in culture. What kind of epithelia, found along the patients airways has been damaged, preventing mucociliary action from preventing this microbial invasion? a) stratified ciliated columnar epithelia b) pseudostratified ciliated cuboidal epithelia c) transitional epithelia d) pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelia

d) pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelia

Which of the following steps of fibrillar collagen synthesis does not occur in the ER/ Golgi? a) hydroxylation of selected prolines and lysines b) glycosylation of selected hydroxylysines c) procollagen triple helix formation d) self assembly into fibril e) c and d

d) self assembly into fibril

1) Sarin is a potent nerve agent that interferes with the mechanism by which excess neurotransmitter is degraded at the neuromuscular junction. When it is present, it inhibits the enzymes responsible for degrading the neurotransmitters, resulting in excess neurotransmitters at the junction. This excess results in symptoms such as constriction of the pupils, muscle spasms, and chest tightness. Which neurotransmitter is most likely implicated in sarin's action? a. Serotonin b. Adrenalin c. Noradrenalin d. Acetylcholine e. Prolactin

d. Acetylcholine

The obturator nerve and tibial portion of the sciatic nerve of a 15-year old boy are transected as a result of a motorcycle accident. This injury would result in complete paralysis of which of the following muscles? a. Rectus femoris b. Biceps femoris short head c. Pectineus d. Adductor magnus e. Sartorius

d. Adductor magnus

Glycosaminoglycans include all of the following molecules except...? a. Hyaluronan b. Hyaluronic acid c. Chondroitin sulfate d. Aggrecan e. Dermatan sulfate

d. Aggrecan

The papillary dermal layer consists of ______ tissue, while the reticular layer contains ______ tissue. a. Dense irregular; reticular b. Dense irregular; areolar c. Areolar; reticular d. Areolar; dense irregular e. None of the above pairs are correct.

d. Areolar; dense irregular

Which of the following can be classified as "specialized connective tissue"? a. Mesenchyme b. Mucous connective tissue c. Dense connective tissue d. Blood e. Loose connective tissue

d. Blood

What type of tissue makes up the dermis of the skin? a. Mucous connective tissue b. Mesenchyme c. Loose irregular connective tissue d. Dense irregular connective tissue e. Dense regular connective tissue

d. Dense irregular connective tissue

Goblet cells found in the respiratory tract secrete via which mechanism? a. Apocrine b. Merocrine c. Holocrine d. Exocytosis e. None of the above

d. Exocytosis

A patient comes in complaining that she cannot flex her proximal interphalangeal joints. Which of the following muscles appear(s) to be paralyzed on further examination of her finger? a. Palmar interossei b. Dorsal interossei c. Flexor digitorum profundus d. Flexor digitorum superficialis e. Lumbricals

d. Flexor digitorum superficialis

What is line that bisects the dark band in muscle? a. A band b. I band c. Z line d. H band e. M line

d. H band

What is a receptor in muscle? a. Motor unit b. Motor neuron c. Motor end plate d. Neuromuscular spindle e. Neurotransmitter

d. Neuromuscular spindle

Which of the following is NOT a fiber found in connective tissue? a. Collagen fiber b. Elastic fiber c. Reticular fiber d. Purkinje fiber e. All of the above are fibers found in connective tissue

d. Purkinje fiber

Sruti was in a tai kwon do fight when suddenly someone kicked her in the knee. She is now unable to extend her leg at the knee joint. Which of the following muscles was paralyzed as a result of this accident? a. Semitendinosus b. Sartorius c. Gracilis d. Quadriceps femoris e. Biceps femoris

d. Quadriceps femoris

A 13-year old girl falls on her outstretched hand and has a fracture of the scaphoid bone. The fracture is most likely accompanied by a rupture of which of the following arteries? a. Brachial artery b. Ulnar artery c. Deep palmar arterial arch d. Radial artery e. Princeps pollicis artery

d. Radial artery

How do mast cells mediate their immune response? a. Secretion of antibodies, neutralizing microbes b. Through a cell-mediated immune response c. Antigen presentation, leading to cytokine secretion and inflammation d. Releasing basophilic granules, leading to anaphylaxis

d. Releasing basophilic granules, leading to anaphylaxis

A famous boxer comes into the emergency room with a destructive injury of the proximal row of carpal bones. Which of the following bones is most likely damaged? a. Capitate b. Hamate c. Trapezium d. Triquetrum e. Trapezoid

d. Triquetrum

Which nerve could be impacted by an abduction type avulsion of the medial epicondyle? a. Musculocutaneous b. Dorsal scapular c. Long thoracic d. Ulnar e. Radial

d. Ulnar

A man injures his wrist on broken glass. Which of the following structures entering the palm superficial to the flexor retinaculum may be damaged? a. Ulnar nerve and median nerve b. Median nerve and flexor digitorum profundus c. Median nerve and flexor pollicis longus d. Ulnar artery and ulnar nerve e. Ulnar nerve and flexor digitorum superficialis

d. Ulnar artery and ulnar nerve

Pranavia, a 65-year-old auntie, slips and falls while singing in the shower. As a result, she has a posterior dislocation of the hip joint and fracture of the neck of the femur. The woman experiences weakness when abducting and medially rotating the thigh after this accident. Which of the following muscles is most likely damaged? a. Piriformis b. Obturator internus c. Quadratus femoris d. Gluteus maximus e. Gluteus minimus

e. Gluteus minimus

Which of the following would be best suited to differentiate collagen fibers from other fibers? a. Wright's stain b. Hematoxylin and eosin stain c. Sudan stain d. Silver impregnation e. Masson's trichrome stain

e. Masson's trichrome stain

Aconitase, an enzyme active in the citric acid cycle, where in the cell would it most likely be found? a. Glycogen inclusion b. Phagosome c. Lysosome d. Peroxisome e. Mitochondrial matrix f. Mitochondrial intermembrane space g. None of the above

e. Mitochondrial matrix

Which of the following is NOT primarily composed of connective tissue? a. Blood b. Bone c. Tendon d. Intervertebral disc e. Myometrium

e. Myometrium

What is the connective tissue covering of a muscle fascicle? a. Sarcolemma b. Endomysium c. Epimysium d. Sarcoplasm e. Perimysium

e. Perimysium

Which of the following rotator cuff muscles attach to the greater tubercle of the humerus? a. Subscapularis b. Teres major c. Infraspinatus d. Supraspinatus e. Two of the above f. Three of the above g. All of the above

e. Two of the above: c. Infraspinatus d. Supraspinatu

Which of the following is composed of smooth muscle? a. Upper esophagus b. Heart c. Tongue d. Biceps muscle e. Walls of the visceral organs

e. Walls of the visceral organs

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