Healing Options

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Unclear whether faith healing works..

1. Alleviation of symptoms 2. Relief from psychological distress 3. Acceptance of one's health or life situation. 4. Redefining ailments as less serious or less medical

5 general categories of faith healers

1. Self-treatment through prayer 2. Treatment by a layperson thought to be able to communicate with God 3. Treatment by an official church leaders as one of their duties. 4. Healing obtained from a person or group who practice healing full time without an affliction with a major religious organization. 5. Healing obtained from religious healers who practice full time & are affiliated with a major religious group.

Basic principles of naturopaths..

1. The healing power of nature (Vis Medicatrix Naturae) 2. Identify and Treat the causes (Tolle Causam) 3. First do no harm (Primum Non Nocere)

How many chiropractic colleges are in the US?

17 with no internships or residences to serve.

7 ways of CAM

Chiropractors Faith Healers Folk Healers Acupuncturists Homeopaths Naturopaths Use of dietary Supplements

What is doctor as teacher (Docere)?

Educate their patients and encourage self-responsibility for health. Also recognize and employ the therapeutic potential of the doctor-patient relationship.

What is prevention?

Emphasizes the prevention of disease by assessing risk factors, heredity, and susceptibility to disease, & by making appropriate interventions in partnership with their patients to prevent illness.

Problem with CAM?

Little sociological research has been conducted on these phenomena.

American Indian folk healers uses


How many chiropractors are in the US?

Over 67,000

What are faith healers?

People who use the power of suggestion, prayer, & faith in God to promote healing. EX: the belief in divine healing in Pentecostal churches

Conflicts within Chiropractors..

The occupation over appropriate role & little control over who may be licensed for practice.

What does treat the whole person mean?

Treat each patient by taking into account individual physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social, and other factors.

Most religious groups favor?

a combination of religions practices and professional medical care in treating health problems. EX: Penecostal churches

Those who use faith and folk healers typically come from...

a lower-class background and use these practitioners because they are inexpensive & culturally similar.

Chiropractors are licensed in..

all 50 states & are authorized to receive Medicare payments.

Indians look at illness..

as caused by soul loss, witchcraft, spirit possession, or violations of tribal taboos.

African American folk healers..

belief system does not differentiate between science and religion.

AA folk healers distinguishes

between natural illnesses (which may be divine and requires repentance) or unnatural illnesses cause by evil influences or magic.

Folk healing is still used..

by some low-income & minority populations.

Indians practices are declining because?

fewer men trained as singers, long ceremonies are increasing difficult to afford.

AA folk healers believe that life is...

generally good or bad and a cure for one problem may cure multiple problems.

Persons who use some form of alternative of "new age" medicine tend to...

have middle- or working-class social backgrounds.

Like osteopaths, the chiropractic approach to healing also...

involves manipulation of bones in the spinal column.

Osteopaths are a part of..

mainstream medicine.

Folk practices have persisted in..

modern societies largely because of dissatisfaction with professional medicine & a cultural gap between biomedical practitioners & particular patients.

Raw Food Diet heals..

most all human ailments.

Osteopaths achieved professional respectability by...

moving away from an exclusive focus on spinal manipulation techniques to treat general health problems.

Indians emphasis..

on cause on cause of illnesses, diseases classified by causes rather than symptoms.

Osteopaths work as...

physicians with the added skill of training in spinal procedures.

Religion is associated with..

positive levels of health and lower mortality 1. Influence on health risk behaviors. 2. Promotes good health through encouraging positive health lifestyles practices and discouraging harmful habits like drinking and smoking 3. Provides comfort and social support in times of stress

The power of our bodies ability to heal itself should be..

respected instead of ignored.

AA folk healers emphasizes..

the causes of problems rather than symptoms.

The medical profession has traditionally opposed..

the extension of professional status to chiropractors.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

the use of treatments that are not commonly practice by the medicine profession.

The doctrines of a few religious groups prohibit..

their members from seeking modern medical treatment. EX: christian science church CONTROVERSIAL when concerning children's rights to medical treatment against parent's religious beliefs.

Folk Healing is not used..

to any extent in the US

There are many ways..

to heal the human body.

What are navajos?

traditional rituals may last several days, lead by a singer.

Patients tend to..

use both chiropractors & physicians in a complementary manner to treat their problems.

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