Health Final Quiz

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Risk Factors

- Age - Sex - Race - Family History/Genetics - Smoking - Poor diet - High blood pressure - High blood cholesterol levels - Diabetes - Obesity - Physical inactivity - Stress - Poor hygiene - Drug use - Sun/Radiation

Prevent Non-Infectious Diseases

- Exercise - Healthy diet - Sleep - Low stress - Understanding Family history

Drug-Free Options

- Hobbies - Sports - Community activities - School organizations

Non-infectious diseases Non-Communicable Disease

- Non-infectious diseases (also called Non-communicable diseases ) are those diseases that are not caused by a pathogen and cannot be shared from one person to another. - Non-infectious diseases may be caused by either the environment, nutritional deficiencies, lifestyle choices, or genetic inheritances. Unlike infectious diseases, non-infectious diseases are not communicable or contagious, although some kinds can be passed down genetically to the children of a carrier. Non-Communicable Disease: Diseases that can't be spread

Ways drugs enter the body

- Oral Administration: substance is ingested through the mouth - Example: pills - Drug passes through the walls of the stomach, into the small intestine and then absorbed into the bloodstream - Injection: bypasses the digestive tract, injected into vein, in muscle, or under the skin - Inhalation: smoke or vapors of a substance are drawn into the lungs - Occurs when you breathe a substance into the lungs. - Absorption through membranes: absorption through mucous membranes in the nose, skin, or tongue - Snorted : Drug enters the bloodstream via blood vessels in the nasal passages

Influences on Drug Use

- Peer pressure - Family members - Role models - Media messages - Perceptions of drug behavior: may lead teens to believe that drug use is higher than it is in reality - Misleading information: can lead teens to think that certain drugs are beneficial

Prevent Infectious Diseases

- Wash hands - Limit time outside - Wear long sleeves - Bug spray - Safe food prep - Cover up - Alcohol - Drugs - Tobacco


Activities designed to protect patients or other members of the public from actual or potential health threats and their harmful consequences - Wash hands - Get vaccinated - Stay home - Practice safe sex - Don't share personal items - Travel wisely


Definition: Disease causing microorganisms Examples: Bacteria, Virus, Protozoa, Fungal, Rickettsias - Vectors: Organisms that transmit pathogens to humans or other animals - Examples: Mosquitos, ticks, fleas, flies, animals

Opiates (Narcotics)

Definition: Drugs such as those derived from the opium plant that are obtainable only by prescription and are used to relieve pain Effects: pain relief, drowsiness, nausea, liver damage, confusion


Definition: Drugs that alter moods, thoughts, and sense perceptions, including vision, hearing, smell, and touch Effects: delusions, illusions, hallucinations, flashbacks, numbness, tremors, panic, paranoia, extreme anxiety, disruption of thought


Definition: Drugs that slow the central nervous system Effects: reduced heart rate and blood pressure, depression, drowsiness, impaired judgement, seizures


Definition: Drugs that speed up the central nervous system Effects: high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, dizziness

Infectious diseases Communicable Disease

Infectious diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi; the diseases can be spread, directly or indirectly, from one person to another. Communicable Disease: Diseases that can be spread from 1 person to another

Steps to Recovery

Step 1: Admission: The person admits to having a problem and asks for help Step 2: Detoxification: The person goes though detoxification, a process in which the body adjusts to functioning without the drug Step 3: Counseling: The person receives counseling to help him or her learn to change behaviors and live without drugs Step 4: Recovery: The person takes responsibility for his or her own life


a physiological or psychological dependence on a drug

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