Hebrew History outline 82-88

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81 years old

approximately how old was daniel at this time

Prime Minister

at the end of the book of esther, what was mordecais position in persia

darius had an agonizing night, but daniel had a restful night in the power of God

contrast darius and daniel on the night that daniel was thrown into the den of lions


could belshazzar and his guests understand the handwriting on the wall


did daniel stop his prayeing because of this decree and its consequences


did nebuchadnezzar repent and humble himself


did nebuchadnezzar repent and humble himself and avoid this terrible consequence

If I perish, I perish

for what statement is queen esther famous

ahasuerus noticed his loneliness and suggested that he begin looking for another wife

how did esther have the opportunity to become the queen of persia

by giving him royal apparel and leading him down the street on the kings horse, with haman crying out, "this is the man the king delights to honor."

how did haman honor mordecai

by devising a way to kill all the jews

how did haman plan to get rid of mordecai

he was stunned

how did king ahasuerus respond to the news

he put on sackcloth with ashes and went crying in the street before the kings gate

how did mordecai respond when he heard of this decree

mordecai informed esther, who gave the information to the king in mordecais name

how did mordecai save the kings life

the Persians dug a channel to divert the Euphrates course and permit their entrance into the city through the riverbed

how did the persians enter the invasion-proof city of babylon


how many enemies of the jewish people were killed in the provinces of persia

one year

how much time transpired between nebuchadnezzars dream of the great tree and its fulfillment

by handwriting on the wall

how was belshazzar informed that his kingdom would soon end


in what city did the story of esther occur

nebuchadnezzar wrote daniel chapter 4 in the chaldean language

in what language was daniel chapter 4 originally written, and who wrote it

535 BC

in what year did the first group of people return to palestine

mene= number, God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it; tekel= weight, thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting; peres= division, plural of upharsin, thy kingdom is divided, and given to the medes and persians

mene, mene, tekel, upharsin

mordecai wrote another decree instructing the jews to organize and fight against any who tried to harm them

since the law of the medes and the persians could not be changed, how were the lives of the jewish people spared

Gentile captivity

the book of esther is a story of the jewish people in

he saw a tall, large tree that could be seen by everyone. but a watcher came down and reduced this great tree to a stump that became wet with dew. "... let his portion be with the beasts.... let his heart be changed from a mans, and let a beasts heart be given unto him; and let seven times pass over him

the dream that God sent nebuchadnezzar to warn him about the dangers of his pride

darius appointed 120 princes over the provinces and three supervisory presidents, of which daniel was first

the organization of dariuss kingdom and daniels position in the kingdom

their plan was to persuade darius to sign a decree that no one should ask a request of anyone except the king for 30 days

the plot that the other presidents and princes devised to destroy daniel


was the city of babylon destroyed by the persians

gather all the jews to fast and pray

what did esther request before she would go before ahasuerus

hamans decree

what did king ahasuerus learn at the queens second banquet

he shared it with the known world

what did king nebuchadnezzar do with his testimony after he finished writing it

he wrote a decree testifying to the power of the living God and sent it throughout his dominion

what effect did daniels deliverance have on darius

the feast of purim

what feast, still celebrated by jewish people today, is held in commemoration of this great deliverance

he was slain

what happened to belshazzar

they were thrown into the lions den

what happened to daniels accusers the next morning

he died on the gallows he prepared for mordecai

what happened to haman after the banquet

Ahasuerus dethroned Vashti and sent a royal command throughout all the empire

what happened when vashti, ahasueruss queen, refused to appear before his guests at a royal party

a personal testimony of a great world emperor, telling how the God of heaven humbled him

what is the content of the fourth chapter of daniel

she won her favor with the keeper of the women

what kind of reputation did esther earn with the person in charge of the candidates

all wives should honor their husbands and every man should bear rule in his own house

what new royal command was sent throughout the empire of the medes and the persians as a result of vashtis disobedience

daniel told him that i was the great tree and that i would be smitten down and become like an animal. nebuchadnezzar would be driven from my palace, and for seven years he would live as a live as a wild beast

what was daniels interpretation of this dream

he was very displeased with his own decree and tried to think of ways to help daniel escape the den of lions

what was dariuss response when daniels accusers told him that daniel continued to pray three times each day

for ahasuerus and haman to attend a banquet

what was esthers request when she first came before the presence of ahasuerus

do you think you will escape death because you are queen? If you dont do anything, God will still bring deliverance, but you and i will surely die. this might be the reason that you were chosen to be queen

what was mordecais reply to esther

during the third year of ahasueruss reign and continued through his twelfth year, a large group of jews returned to jerusalem

when and how many of the jewish people had returned to jerusalem when the events of esther occurred

on the night of the feast

when did the persians enter the city of babylon

go and plead for our lives

when esther inquired as to why mordecai was mourning, what was his reply

that he construct a gallows for mordecai

when haman returned home elated from the banquet with esther, but annoyed with mordecai, what was his wifes solution for ridding himself of mordecais annoyance

mordecais tip-off of the assassins plot

when king ahasuerus failed to sleep that night and he had the kings records read aloud to him, what interesting incident did he discover


when king ahasuerus wished to honor mordecai for saving his life, whom did he ask to carry out the honor


who gave the jews permission to return to their own land

one of ahasueruss administrators

who is haman


who took Esther to the palace as a possible candidate for queen, who was promoted to hamans position in the kingdom

mordecais cousin, a submissive spirit

who was esther


who was finally called to interpret the message


who was in charge of this return


who was king in persia during this time

the law of the medes and the persians could not be changed

why did darius not change his law

because mordecai told her to

why did esther keep it a secret that she was jewish

because he wouldnt bow down to him

why did haman hate mordecai

for without a hebrew people, there could be no messiah, and without a messiah, there would have been no savior

why did satan motivate this plot to have the jewish race annihilated

because there was a law that said only a person called by the king could enter his throne room

why was esthers life endangered if she would go before the king


Esther's Hebrew name

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