Helpful Psych Questions

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In order to be diagnosed as having major depression, a person must experience multiple episodes of significantly depressed mood


Nearly three-fourths of people with lifetime major depressive disorder are comorbid for A) at least one additional disorder. B) a disorder of early childhood. C) transient psychotic states. D) at least two additional disorders


"If I can't get an A in this course, I'm not going to apply to graduate school." This statement typifies which of the following common thinking errors? A) Dichotomous thinking B) Selective thinking C) Over-rationalizing D) Personalizing


A patient committed suicide. In an attempt to better understand factors leading up to this death, the therapist interviews the patient's family, co-workers, friends, and treating physicians. This approach is known as a A) psychological autopsy. B) post-mortem investigation. C) psychological inquiry. D) psychological debriefing


According to your authors, dysthymia can best be conceptualized as A) a chronic state of depression. B) a fluctuating pattern of high and low moods. C) an intermittent period of deep depression. D) a disorder caused by genetic factors


An individual with dysthymia has symptoms that are never absent for more than A) two months. B) one year. C) four days. D) 30 days


Approximately _______ of children who attempt or complete suicide suffer from psychological disorders. A) 90% B) 50% C) 15% D) 25%


Approximately what percentage of women develops depression in the first 6 months postpartum? A) 1 to 5% B) 7 to 13% C) 26 to 35% D) 40 to 52%


Both Warren and Richard lost their homes in the Katrina hurricane in Louisiana. However, while Warren developed major depression and required hospitalization, Richard, whose loss was greater, was able to cope with it. This difference in responses between the two men may be due to what is termed A) genetic control of sensitivity to the environment. B) genetic overreaction to emotional stimuli. C) genetic predisposition to anticipatory stress. D) genetic amplification of a stressor.


In the U.S., approximately ________ of people report suicidal ideation at some point in their lives. A) 3.3% B) 4.8% C) 7.2% D) 8.6%


In treating major depression, A) often more than one approach is necessary. B) medication is more effective than psychotherapy. C) psychotherapy is more effective than medication. D) electroconvulsive therapy is more effective than medication or therapy.


Interpersonal psychotherapy is a time-limited intervention that has been shown to be effective in treating A) mild to moderate depression. B) childhood depression. C) bipolar disorder. D) cyclothymia.


Manic episodes usually alternate in tandem with A) depressive episodes. B) bipolar disorder. C) dysthymia. D) cyclothymic disorder


One reason that major depressive disorder is a complex condition that causes a major disruption in a person's life is that it A) involves other psychological, emotional, social, and physical problems. B) causes the individual to be hospitalized for an extended period. C) requires the use of medications that have severe side effects. D) appears in early childhood and persists throughout life


Research using fMRI studies of bipolar-disordered patients undergoing emotional and cognitive tasks has shown abnormal brain activity in A) multiple regions. B) the occipital region. C) scarred brain regions. D) every brain region


Select the factor below that is associated with an increased risk for bipolar disorder. A) Having a close relative identified as having the disorder B) Living in the western U.S. C) Being female D) Being an unmarried mother


Seligman's learned helplessness concept has been used as a framework for explaining the contribution of negative, inescapable events/environments to __________ in some people. A) major depressive disorder B) bipolar disorder C) hypomanic disorder D) cyclothymic disorder


Suicidal contagion refers to A) copycat suicides. B) familial rates of suicide. C) empathy for the deceased. D) convincing another to join in a suicidal act


The case of Linda, a senior in high school, that introduces the chapter on mood disorders illustrates the A) onset of depression not triggered by an external cause. B) impact of an external stressor on mood. C) effect on mental health caused by the loss of a loved one. D) relationship between substance abuse and depression.


The case study of George, who behaved in a hyper way after receiving a scholarship, is an example of A) normal elation. B) hypomania. C) bipolar disorder. D) cyclothymic disorder


The difference between bipolar I and bipolar II disorders is the presence of ________ in the latter instead of a full-blown manic episode. A) hypomania B) alexithymia C) cyclothymia D) dysthymia


There are ________ major categories of mood disorders. A) two B) three C) four D) five


Toby is being seen in therapy as a suicide risk. He has said that he is enrolled in college but not attending classes, has disconnected with his family, and has stopped going to his part-time job. Psychologists would term these conditions as a risk factor called A) drifting. B) devaluing. C) isolating. D) withdrawing


What is the peak age of risk for depression? A) 18-43 years B) 45-60 years C) 18-23 years D) 61-75 years


What percentage of people over the age of 60 experience depression? A) 10.6% B) 43% C) less than 2% D) 64%


Whereas adults with mania experience a euphoric high, children with the same condition A) display tantrums. B) display the euphoria through spinning. C) do not show evidence of a mood disturbance. D) cycle more quickly through the "high."


Which of the following is NOT one of the shortcomings of light therapy? A) The therapy exposes the skin and eyes to harmful UV rays. B) The therapy has a number of side effects. C) Light boxes can be quite expensive. D) The therapy is not always covered by insurance


Which of the following statements about bipolar disorder is TRUE? A) It requires lifelong treatment and clinical management. B) It begins in early childhood but often disappears in early adulthood. C) It is more prevalent in third-world countries than in the U.S. D) It has a significant relationship to early childhood abuse


Which of the following statements about persons who attempt suicide is TRUE? A) Many people who attempt suicide fail to receive proper psychotherapeutic intervention afterward. B) Often, people who make a serious suicide attempt do not need psychotherapy to understand the seriousness of their behavior. C) Psychotherapy alone is not often effective in dissuading an individual from attempting another suicidal act. D) Most people who attempt suicide do so while in psychotherapy for substance abuse


Which statement best explains why dysthymia might be called a "paradoxical" condition? A) Although symptoms may be relatively mild from day-to-day, their persistence may have severe consequences. B) Dysthymia resembles major depressive disorder, but it is episodic. C) Dysthymia begins in early childhood, but it is rarely diagnosed by pediatricians or child psychiatrists. D) Although dysthymia involves depression, it does not lead to severe consequences


Bipolar disorder in the U.S. is found to be comorbid with A) schizophrenic disorders. B) personality disorders. C) substance abuse. D) phobic disorder


Linkage studies attempt to link psychosocial factors to the presence of a psychological disorder


Lithium is the treatment of choice for major depression


Martin Seligman's theory of learned helplessness was developed after studying women in abusive relationships.


Medications are not the primary means of treating bipolar disorders.


The "baby blues" in new mothers is relatively rare


) Tricyclic antipressants work by A) blocking the action-potential of the neuron. B) blocking the reuptake of neurotransmitters in the brain C) facilitating the reuptake of norepinephrine. D) facilitating the reuptake of serotonin


A first step in treating depression is A) administration of a battery of psychological tests. B) a comprehensive physical exam. C) a complete psychosocial history. D) an interview with spouse, parent, or teacher


A persistent sad or low mood defines A) bipolar disorder B) major depressive disorder C) hypomania D) cyclothymia


A severe disorder with a duration of several weeks and characterized by feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or feeling "down in the dumps," or loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities is termed A) bipolar disorder. B) major depressive disorder. C) dysthymia. D) cyclothymia


A treatment for depression that involves surgically implanting electrodes in brain regions to inhibit abnormal activity in targeted parts of the brain is known as A) transcranial magnetic stimulation. B) deep brain stimulation. C) electroconvulsive therapy. D) cortex inhibition therapy


Approximately what percentage of women develops depression in the first 6 months postpartum? A) 1 to 5% B) 7 to 13% C) 26 to 35% D) 40 to 52%


Based on John Bowlby's model of attachment researchers have focused on how mother-infant attachment affects A) existential issues in the elderly. B) vulnerability for depression and anxiety in adulthood. C) vulnerability for bipolar disorder and cyclothymia. D) family support in adulthood


Dr. Albornoz is a scientist researching the genetic variations of a particular gene among family members with a mood disorder. He intends to contrast these findings with a matched sample of families without the disorder. What method of study is Dr. Albornoz employing? A) Linkage study B) Association study C) Longitudinal study D) Case study


During which season would a patient be most likely to complain of symptoms of seasonal affective disorder? A) Summer B) Winter C) Spring D) Fall


Freud viewed depression as anger A) raised by the ego. B) turned against the self. C) against the mother. D) due to psychic grief


In the text's discussion of the Hemingway and van Gogh families, the focus is on the A) reinforcement of suicidal ideation. B) heritability of suicide. C) family's role modeling of suicidal behavior. D) inadvertent idealization of suicidal persons


Increased risk for suicide among older people is associated with chronic illness and A) loss of financial security. B) decreased social support. C) passive suicidal ideation. D) lack of primary health care.


Major depression is A) the leading cause of death in men between 18 and 31. B) the most common psychiatric disorder in the U.S. C) the most common disorder diagnosed in men. D) ranked first in terms of the global burden of disease


Mania is a high, excessive mood often accompanied by inappropriate or dangerous behavior, pressured or rapid speech, a false sense of well-being, and A) binge shopping. B) potentially dangerous behavior. C) substance abuse. D) risky sexual behavior.


Mr. Santiago, an 83-year old man, is admitted to a psychiatric hospital for severe depression and active suicidal ideation. His wife reports that he is mute and has remained in bed for the last four days. Which of the following treatments can potentially alter his mood the fastest? A) Administration of an SSRI. B) Administration of ECT C) Administration of an MAOI D) Administration of a TCA


One factor that distinguishes major depressive disorder from sad mood is that A) in major depression, symptoms come on gradually. B) the symptoms of major depression affect the ability to function in work or social settings. C) in major depression, suicidal thoughts are always present. D) sadness, even if extreme, always passes quickly


Passive suicidal ideation and active suicidal ideation may be discriminated from each other on the basis of A) whether psychotic thought processes were involved. B) the presence or absence of a harm plan. C) whether a person has made prior suicide attempts. D) the presence of parasuicidal acts


People suffering from dysthymia may A) go several months without seeking treatment. B) go several years without seeking treatment. C) experience many months of feeling relatively normal. D) experience years of feeling relatively normal


Select the statement that is TRUE of mood disorders. A) They are transient states that typically follow some external stressor. B) They include conditions characterized by abnormally high moods. C) They are the only DSM category of disorders that is caused by a chemical imbalance. D) They are relatively infrequent in the general population.


Shala has recently given birth to an 8-pound baby boy. The birth was celebrated by both sides of the family and little William was the pride of all involved. Six weeks after giving birth, Shala had regained her physical stamina but continued to experience the "baby blues." As time passed, she began to have upsetting thoughts about her child. As she became more and more withdrawn from those around her, she wished she had never given birth and felt profound sadness and isolation. Which of the following best captures this syndrome? A) Cyclothymic reaction B) Peripartum depression C) Postpartum dysphoria D) Transient dysphoric reaction


The genetic correlation between generalized anxiety disorder and major depression is A) 52%. B) 100%. C) 37%. D) 19%.


The major categories of mood disorders are distinguished from each other along the dimensions of mood — elated, depressed, or both — and the A) age of the individual. B) length of time the mood has persisted. C) potential for suicide. D) presence of panic attacks


The symptoms of persistent depressive disorder are similar to those of major depressive disorder except for A) poor appetite. B) severity. C) feelings of hopelessness. D) loss of interest in social life


The various types of bipolar disorder each A) follow roughly the same course of illness. B) have a different course of illness. C) begin at different points in life. D) end in early adulthood


Universally, women have ________ the rate of men for major depression. A) a rate equal to B) twice C) three times D) four times


Using neuroimaging studies, scientists have identified several contributory factors in the etiology of depression, including A) neurogenetic dysfunctions. B) dysfunctional neurotransmitter pathways. C) neurological breaks in brain pathways. D) neuroendocrine abnormalities


Which choice best expresses the proportion of women afflicted by premenstrual dysphoric disorder? A) 1% - 2% B) 5% - 10% C) 10% - 15% D) 15% - 20%.


Which of the following therapies includes the development of a comprehensive list of goals in major life areas? A) Interpersonal psychotherapy B) Behavioral activation treatment for depression C) Time-limited cognitive therapy D) Cognitive-behavioral therapy


Which of the following therapies recognizes the central influence of current relationships on mental health? A) Client-centered psychotherapy B) Interpersonal psychotherapy C) Relationship therapy D) Transpersonal therapy


"Double depression" is a term used to refer to episodes of A) suicidal thinking found in major depressive disorder. B) dysthymia that recur frequently. C) major depressive disorder in addition to dysthymia. D) dysthymia repeated in major depressive disorder


) Epidemiological research tells us that depressive symptoms are more common among women who have few financial resources, are less educated, and are A) childless. B) younger. C) unemployed. D) unmarried


) While major depression is ________, dysthymia is _________. A) more frequent in women; more frequent in men B) a long-term disorder; a short-term disorder C) an episodic disorder; a persistent disorder D) more resistant to treatment; less resistant to treatment


A client who has habitual negative thoughts of being a failure and worthless would be described as having _______ in Aaron Beck's theory. A) self-fulfilling prophecies B) depressive thoughts C) automatic thoughts D) dysphoria


About how many people in the United States experience major depressive disorder during their lifetime? A) about 5% B) just under 10% C) just over 15% D) nearly 25%


At least 7 to 18% of the U.S. population has experienced at least one episode of major depression by the age of A) 60. B) 20. C) 40. D) 10


Bipolar disorder is a long-term disorder associated with emotional mood swings between the poles of mania and depression with A) no moods characterized as normal. B) a week of normal mood between swings. C) possible normal moods. D) hypomania the most pronounced feature.


Bipolar disorder is characterized by dramatic shifts in mood, energy, and A) ability to function. B) gender identity. C) facility for recall of information. D) executive function


Bruno's father suffers from major depression. Compared with his cousin, who has no history of mental illness in her family, how much more likely is Bruno to develop major depression? A) Six times more likely B) Four times more likely C) Two to three times more likely D) Seven to eight times more likely


Campaigns such as "Real Stories for Depression," launched by the National Institute of Mental Health, target improvement in mental health literacy by helping people identify the signs of depression and explaining A) risk factors for suicide. B) ways of obtaining free health care. C) a roadmap for seeking care. D) their personal risk for suicide.


Deaths resulting from suicide are probably underreported due to A) lack of standard classification schemes. B) loss of anticipated employment-related death benefits. C) misclassification of cause of death. D) family resistance to reporting.


Enrique was recently involved in a tragic accident in which his wife was killed. Following the accident, he ate little and found himself unable to fall asleep despite the fact that he was physically and emotionally exhausted. His family became very concerned about him. Given the limited amount of information presented, what do you know about this case? A) Enrique has major depressive disorder brought on by the death of a loved one. B) Enrique is most likely suffering from dysthymia. C) Enrique would not be diagnosed as having major depression. D) Most likely, Enrique suffers from Cushing's syndrome


Evidence obtained from family, twin, and genetic studies of mood disorders tells us that A) there may be a genetic link to mood disorders, but no conclusive evidence exists. B) a genetic contribution to major depression has not been found. C) genes influence the risk for major depression. D) there is near perfect prediction in risk for suicide among family members


Farley works as a suicide hotline staffer. One evening, he received a call from a young woman who complained of suicidal ideation but felt no immediate risk of acting on her thoughts. Given this, Farley provided a referral for follow-up at the local community counseling center. Which type of suicide prevention does this scenario depict? A) Early detection B) Peer support C) Crisis intervention D) Critical incident debriefing


First episodes of major depression are often connected to stressful life events. Recurrent episodes are often A) tied to reminders of the original stressful event. B) completely unrelated to stress. C) more independent of life events. D) related to stress at certain times of year.


How does Bipolar I disorder differ from Bipolar II disorder? A) The manic episodes are "higher" in Bipolar I than in Bipolar II. B) The manic episodes are not as "high" in Bipolar I as in Bipolar II. C) The depressive episodes are "lower" in Bipolar I than in Bipolar II. D) The depressive episodes are not as "low" in Bipolar I as in Bipolar II


In children, the symptoms of mania may be close to those of A) separation anxiety disorder. B) attachment disorder. C) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. D) explosive personality disorder.


In order to be diagnosed as having a major depressive single episode, a patient would have to report experiencing depressed mood or lack of interest in daily activities for a period of two A) days. B) months. C) weeks. D) years


It has occurred to Gerald that with his bachelor's degree in psychology he is going to make a scientific discovery that will change the way the modern world views the etiology of schizophrenia. During one of his three-day periods of "extreme cognitive productivity," Gerald produced a journal article on his thesis, purchased 10 pairs of pants from the shopping channel, and operated on less than 4 hours of sleep per night. Which of the following would best describe Gerald's behavior? A) Dysthymic episode B) Depressive episode C) Manic episode D) Bipolar episode


Kari states that she is "in a bad place" in her head. She feels down, has little appetite, and has noticed some weight loss. Lately, she is not interested in any of her usual activities because they leave her feeling empty and are just "too much effort." She is indifferent to friends and family and has begun having recurrent thoughts of suicide. Kari is best described as suffering from A) dysthymic disorder. B) cyclothymic disorder. C) major depressive disorder. D) bipolar disorder


Marne is a 21-year-old male with a history of major depression and previous suicide attempts. How would you categorize his risk of a completed suicide in the future? A) Low risk B) No risk C) High risk D) Medium risk


Select the statement about cyclothymic disorder that is TRUE. A) It is less severe than bipolar disorder and causes no impairment. B) It is diagnosed if present for a three-month period. C) It features alternate moods of hypomania and depression. D) It has chronic, unremitting psychotic features.


Select the statement about major depressive disorder that is FALSE. A) It may be characterized by difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. B) Changes associated with sleep or appetite may lead to difficulties in attention and concentration. C) Patients with the disorder have low mood, but they are only rarely at risk for suicide. D) It may be an episodic disorder with intermittent periods of normal mood.


The National Comorbidity Study-Replication reported higher rates of major depression in _____________ . A) African Americans. B) Hispanic Americans. C) Whites. D) Asian Americans


The great advantage of SSRIs compared with earlier antidepressant drugs is that they A) work well with women as well as men. B) work much more quickly. C) have fewer and milder side effects. D) pose less risk to suicidal patients The great advantage of SSRIs compared with earlier antidepressant drugs is that they A) work well with women as well as men. B) work much more quickly. C) have fewer and milder side effects. D) pose less risk to suicidal patients


The tendency to be high on the personality trait of neuroticism has been shown to be related to a higher risk for __________ in female children. A) dysphoria B) mania C) major depression D) suicide


The term "recurrent," as applied to mood disorders, means that the patient A) shows a pattern of starting and stopping therapy as the mood disorder runs its course. B) reports repetitive nightmares involving a traumatic event. C) experiences several episodes, separated by periods of normal mood. D) has a history of at least five specific episodes of mood disturbances in either the depressed or manic realms.


The text presentation, Research Hot Topic on Gene x Environment Interaction, points to the importance of _______ in scientific studies. A) objectivity B) random assignment C) replication D) a matched control group


When both manic and depressive episodes are present, the person is said to suffer from A) unipolar disorder. B) mania. C) bipolar disorder. D) psychosis.


Which demographic group is at the LOWEST risk for suicide? A) Caucasian males B) Caucasian females C) African-American females D) African-American males


Which statement is FALSE concerning selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)? A) They have fewer side effects than TCAs. B) They work just as well as MAOIs and TCAs. C) They have no suicidal contraindications. D) They are tolerated well by patients


While the diagnostic criteria for depression are the same for all age categories, children may show A) a tendency to resist treatment more than adolescents. B) more social withdrawal. C) more nonspecific physical complaints such as headache and stomach aches. D) a greater likelihood to have appetite disturbances.


With respect to depression rates, the 2-to-1 female-to-male ratio is firmly established by A) middle childhood. B) early adolescence. C) late adolescence. D) young adulthood


Whether or not depressive symptoms are due to an associated medical condition, the patient is still given the diagnosis of major depressive disorder.


A patient is experiencing depression. His therapist asks him to record his thoughts, feelings, and behaviors over the next week in order to identify "triggers." What type of therapy is this therapist probably using? A) Interpersonal psychotherapy B) Behavioral activation C) Behavioral therapy D) Cognitive-behavioral therapy


According to your text, only one- ______ of people with major depression obtain professional treatment. A) tenth B) fifth C) third D) half


Beatrice has a history of bipolar disorder but has been effectively treated with medication. Which of the following medications is Beatrice most likely to receive? A) Fluoxetine B) Alamene C) Prozac D) Lithium


Bipolar disorder used to be called A) hypomania. B) dysthymic disorder. C) cyclothymia. D) manic depressive disorder.


Freud believed that depression resulted from either A) the id or superego. B) melancholia or mourning. C) a lack of ego development or punishment. D) a real or imagined loss


Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy (IPSRT) encourages patients with bipolar disorder to A) improve their social skills. B) challenge their misconceptions about social activity. C) recognize the social causes of their mood shifts. D) sleep, eat, and take part in social activity on a regular schedule


Linkage studies have narrowed the search for a genetic contribution to mood disorders by A) establishing the need for longitudinal research on monozygotic twins who have been separated at birth. B) pointing to gene combinations that appear in family members who have had symptoms of major depression. C) identifying genes for which there is no link to mood disorders. D) searching particular areas on a chromosome or several chromosomes that have a likelihood of containing risk genes


Maria has had a week of extreme "ups and downs." On Monday, after a wonderful weekend of homecoming events, she noticed herself feeling a bit blue and saddened. At first, she suspected it was just the let down after all of the activities; however, her mood darkened until Friday when she found herself "over the moon" for no apparent reason. She was happy, care-free, full of energy, and exceedingly optimistic about her career. She even managed to whip out a 25 page research paper for her Research Methods class before nightfall. She loved these periods of boundless energy as they allowed her to accomplish much work with little need for sleep or eating. Given this overview of Maria's behavior during the week, what might be a clinical descriptor for it? A) Cyclothymic disorder B) Double depression C) Dysthymic disorder D) Mixed state


Monoamine oxidase inhibitors cause an antidepressant effect by A) increasing the breakdown of transmitters within the brain. B) facilitating the breakdown of dopamine. C) facilitating the breakdown of norepinephrine. D) inhibiting the breakdown of neurotransmitters in the brain


Suicide is ranked ________ among causes of death for 10 to 24 year olds. A) first B) third C) fourth D) second


The case of Louise presented in your text is a classic example of persistent depressive disorder in that she was unable to derive pleasure from normal life events such as the marriage of her daughter. Your authors describe her as A) withdrawn to the point of isolation. B) living a binge-filled life. C) being on an emotional roller coaster. D) living under a gray cloud


The genetic component of suicide risk A) accounts for 50 percent of total risk. B) is completely dependent on the biology of depression. C) is very small and unproven. D) is entangled with environmental risk.


The notion of depression as "anger turned inward" is associated with: A) Bowlby B) Watson C) Seligman D) Freud


The signs of depression in young people include all of the following EXCEPT A) nonspecific physical complaints. B) social withdrawal. C) school absence or poor performance. D) racing thoughts.


Through their association with low levels of serotonin, behaviors such as ________ and ________ increase the risk of suicide. A) risk-taking; impulsivity B) withdrawal; pathological aggression C) acting-out; withdrawal D) pathological aggression; impulsivity


When you consider variations in normal mood fluctuations and contrast them with different forms of mood disorder, it is clear that depression A) shows less variability. B) is more chronic. C) is most likely a single disorder. D) is not a single disorder


Which suicide prevention approach is MOST controversial? A) Targeting high risk groups B) Crisis intervention C) Teacher and peer support D) Critical incident debriefing


Nearly 10% of Americans have experienced suicidal ideation


Previous suicide attempts are not considered a risk factor for later completed suicides.


"Copycat suicides" are an urban myth.


At present, the risk for depression in children, adolescents, and the elderly is on the decline


Comments about death and passive death wishes do not always have to be taken as a serious predictor of suicide


Divorce is the most devastating outcome of depression.


For a person to be diagnosed as having rapidly cycling bipolar disorder, he/she would have to experience four or more severe mood disturbances within a week.


Hypomania is not seen in Bipolar II disorder


In children with major depressive disorder, a depressed mood is always prominent


Major depressive disorder may be accompanied by overeating or undereating


Thoughts about suicide may take different forms.


Mania is a mood disorder characterized by an abnormally elevated mood state


Many efficacious treatments for major depression exist


Suicide rates are higher for men than for women.


There is no known cure for bipolar disorder at this time.


Twin studies suggest that anxiety disorders and major depression are comorbid due to sharing the same gene(s).


) Understanding depression involves understanding both environmental and genetic influences as causes


Among children and adolescents, depression often looks different from how it looks in adults


Among women, depressive symptoms are more common among those who are less educated, have few financial resources, and are unemployed


An individual characterized as "moody and difficult" over a long period of time would most likely be diagnosed as having persistent depressive disorder


Bipolar disorder is a long-term episodic disorder


If one suffers from bipolar disorder, the risk of a suicide attempt is 60 times higher than the international population rate.


In Freud's theory, melancholia is akin to major depression


In order to understand the influence of life events on depression, it is important to determine if the event is independent of, or dependent on, the mood disorder


It is possible to experience depression even after an event not typically associated with sadness, such as college graduation


Jacob frequently thinks, "I am a failure." This is an example of an automatic thought.


Major depression is the most common psychiatric disorder in the United States.


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