HIST 1301 Final

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Who founded a permanent settlement in Quebec in 1608? Samuel de Champlain What is the meaning of the term "filles du Roi"? king's daughters The Dutch Republic was _____. predominantly Protestant By 1600, which group had become the leading economic power in Europe? the Dutch Large, landed estates that were offered to wealthy Dutchmen from the West India Company in the 1630s were called _____. patroonships The Virginia Company was composed primarily of merchants from _____. London What was the House of Burgesses? the first legislative body in English America What did indentured servants receive for their labor? free passage to America Which law, passed in 1649, called for freedom of worship of all Christians? the Act for Religious Toleration Widows in the English colonies ______. controlled their deceased husbands' lands until their eldest son reached 21 Which of the following was a common disease in the Chesapeake colonies? malaria The first New England settlement, founded in 1620, was ____. Plymouth Colony The Wampanoag leader was named _____. Massasoit Freemen in the General Court in Massachusetts were those male property holders who _______. were church members The settlers in which area adopted the Fundamental Orders? Connecticut Anne Hutchinson held religious meetings in ________. Boston What happened in 1642 that slowed the number of settlers to New England? the outbreak of the English Civil War The Spanish began importing African slaves to Santa Domingo to grow sugar cane, because ______. many Indians had died from disease By 1700, more than _______ slaves had been brought to the English West Indies. 250,000 The first Europeans in the Carribbean concentrated on ______. mining for precious metals By the 1640s, the principles crop grown in Barbados went from being tobacco to _____. sugar The Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina ensured stability by linking property ownership and political rights to ______. a hierarchical social order The Dutch colony of New Netherlands split to become the two proprietary colonies of ______. New Jersey and New York Who devised the "Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina"? Anthony Ashley Cooper Which crop, introduced in the 1690s, became a staple for the Carolina economy? rice What situation interrupted France's efforts to establish a foothold in North America? religious warfare between Catholics and Protestants. The total number of French settlers in Canada ______. was less than the total number of England's North American settlers The instrument of colonial dominance for the Dutch was the ______. Dutch East India Company The settlers in New Netherlands treated the Iroquois people as ___. trading partners What was the greatest challenge facing the Maryland colony? religious conflict Which of the following was a joint-stock company that was granted a charter to establish an English colony in the New World? Plymouth Falling tobacco prices in the eighteenth century caused the colonists to ________. produce more tobacco The Puritans who founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony? wanted to reform the Anglican Church The first document to establish self-government -and the decisions of the majority- in North America was _________. the Mayflower Compact. Unlike the Virginia settlers, most New Englanders settled in America with ______. their families Compared to families in the Chesapeake region, New England families __________. had more children Relative to Virginia's economy, New England's economy was _____. more diversified. Why did Anne Hutchinson move to Rhode Island? Rhode Island had a policy of religious toleration Which of the following was one of the ways that slave managed to preserve some elements of a normal life under the brutal conditions of slavery and the slave code? They formed families Farming of which of the following caused widespread deforestation of entire Caribbean islands? Sugarcane Why was it difficult for colonists to become wealthy in the sugar trade? Production of sugar required costly investments in land and equipment. Which country turned Brazil into one of the world's major producers of sugar? Portugal The profits earned from rice persuaded Carolina planters to ______. invest more heavily in slave labor Rice farming was very similar to the farming of _____. sugar Which colonial religious group granted women spiritual quality with men? Quakers Which of the following colonies had an established practice of peaceful and respectful interactions with the native population? Pennsylvania The Quakers rejected ______ and believed that salvation was possible for anyone who sought it. predetermination. Which of the following stalled pop. growth in the Chesapeake colonies? prohibition on marriage of indentured servants Which of the following offered colonists the greatest religious freedom? Rhode Island What was the dominant religion in the English colonies during the seventeenth century? Anglican

Ch. 2

Which European settlers sought the greatest amount of direct control over Indian laborers? Spanish One of the Spaniard's most important methods of labor control was the ______ encomienda Which European group was the most successful in adapting to the Native American understanding of trade? the French During the Beaver Wars, the Dutch supplied the ____ with guns. Iroquios Property rights among the Indians were held ______. collectively Spain's religious missionaries to America represented which religion? Catholicism Franciscan missionaries insisted that Indians converts ____. abandon their former ways of life and adopt everything from Spanish culture and life. Where did King Philip's War take place? New England Where did Bacon's Rebellion occur? Virginia Pope was a leader within which Indian tribe? Pueblos The Arabic word for slave, abd, became synonymous with ___. black man Arab slave traders frequently sought slaves in _____. Sub-Saharan Africa Slaves who could not escape while still in Africa suffered through a lengthy voyage called ___. The Middle Passage Georgia was founded as a refuge for _____. English debtors The first generation of slaves in America is referred to as ____. the charter generation Which slave population lived longer than African immigrants? Creole slave population What was the rarest form of slave resistance organized rebellion What was the largest slave uprising? Stono Rebellion In 1750, indentured servitude was most common in ______ the Chesapeake region Chesapeake planters often relied upon _____ as another source of unfree laborers English convicts Which group used the redemptioner system most often? the Germans During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, nearly ______ Scots-Irish people emigrated to the American colonies. 250,000 Merchants often paid fishermen in New England on a _____. credit system In 1770, the second-largest ethnic group in the British mainland colonies was _____. African Approx. _______ of victims of modern day slavery are female. one-half By 1750, which group dominated much of North America? Native Americans. Disputes between Europeans and Indians frequently arose from misunderstandings about ______. definition of land ownership and property rights Settlers from which European country frequently imposed a mandatory draft of Indian labor for public projects? Spain Indians often demanded which of the following before they would trade with European settlers? military aid The French generally utilized what to control Indian laborers? economic pressure Which group suffered the greatest losses in the Beaver Wars of 1680s? Iroquis Which of the following countries successfully used missionaries to increase their influence in the New World? France Slavery was first abolished in _______. Northern Europe. Labor costs in America were _______. higher than in Europe In North America, slave often _____. sought to forge community ties and preserve elements of their African heritage. The last country in the New World to abolish slavery was _______. Brazil. Family ties for slavery made life more tolerable, but hindered _____. escape plans. Why were African slaves preferred over Indian slaves in the English colonies? Indian slaves could more readily escape Who could typically be found in a "maroon settlement"? runaway African slaves Which of the following was a southern response to African slave rebeliion? encouragement of more white immigration Northern farmers primarily relied upon ____ for labor. their children Emigrants flowed to places where _____. land was cheap and labor most in demand Which of the following used family farms as the predominant labor system? Rhode Island Which of the following systems required payment after passage to the New World? redemptioner Colonists who owned undeveloped land often became ____ to generate income. landlords Which of the following groups emigrated to the Americans after their religion was outlawed in their homeland? French Huguenots Why did few people immigrate to New England in the late eighteenth century? Early settlers had already taken the best land Which of the following caused increased hostilities between Indian tribes in North America? competition for European trade relationships Which of the following contributed to the sharp rise in the number of African slaves transported to North America? an abundance of cheap land Which of the following best describes most colonial laborers? oppressed.

Ch. 3

England's economic system between 1651 and 1733 could be best described as ___. mercantilist The Navigation Act of 1651 required that all ____. trade carried out in the English empire had to be conducted in English ships Which of the following was an enumerated product? indigo In eighteenth century, nearly ____ percent of colonial tobacco was reexported to continental Europe ninety Merchants brought sugar byproducts back to New England to be distilled into ___. Rum Once and apprentice completed his training, he became a ___. journeyman Courtesy books ______. contained the rules of polite behavior. Of the following, the man who made the greatest scientific contributions was ______. Benjamin Franklin Most Congregationalist ministers were trained at ______. Harvard University The Halfway Covenant allowed whom to be baptized? the children of those who had been baptized but had not experience conversion A 1691 royal charter granted "liberty of conscience" to ______. all Protestants George Whitefield belonged to the clergy of which religion? the Anglican religion Those converted in religious revivals were called ____. New Lights What was the name of the body formed in 1675 to oversee colonial affairs? Lords of Trade Maine was originally part of which colony? Massachusetts William of Orange took over the throne of England after the ____. Glorious Revolution Who did King James put into power to govern the Dominion of New England? Edmund Andros The Bill of Rights passed by the British Parliament in 1689 declared that ______. future monarchs were to be bound by the rule of law. Governors that exercised ____ power over colonial assemblies than the King did over Parliament. more During the first half of the eighteenth century, England's holdings in American _______. grew In the early eighteenth century, which group controlled California and Texas? Spanish The chapel San Antonio de Valero later came to be known as ____. the Alamo In the Grand Settlement f 1701, the Iroquois pledged neutrality with respect to England and _____. France King George's War was known in Europe as _____. the War of the Austrian Succession Which British Secretary of State directed the country's war effort from 1757 to 1761? Pitt In the 1700s, the most advanced economic power in Europe was ____. England (1) During the eighteenth century, the gap between the rich and poor in the colonies ____. widened Most manufactured gods consumed by the colonists were produced in ____. England Indians in the colonies were _____ purchasers of imported English goods. discerning Which of the following required products from Europe and Asia to be landed in England before being shipped to the colonies? the Staple Act Which of the following was instituted to address poverty among white colonists. workhouses Which of the following was a sign of wealth and gentility in the colonies during the eighteenth century? tea parties Literacy rates among eighteenth-century colonists were ______. high relative to the rest of the world. Thinkers during the Age of Enlightenment stressed ____. the power of the human reason Colonists who could read were most likely to read ___. the Bible When James II fled England for France, many citizens felt relieved that ____. the country would not continue in a Catholic line of succession Americans rejected English political customs by opting for ____ representation. actual Which of the following countries relied on Native American allies to secure their claims to North American territory? France The influence and power of the ___ empire declined substantially during the eighteenth century. Spanish Between 1730 and 1770, the region known as the ____ was settled primarily by Germans, Scots-Irish, and English settlers. backcountry Why did the Spanish move into Texas and California? To create a buffer zone around their existing colonies How was the French attitude toward Native Americans different from than the American attitude when it came to expansion? The French sought to form alliances. As English wartime debt increased, ___. taxes increased A funded debt is a debt ___. Whose interest only is paid Which of the following was a benefit of Iroquois neutrality for Europeans? land sales What was the immediate cause of King George's War? British attempts to poach Spanish trade in the Caribbean. How did the British respond to Braddock's defeat at Fort Duquesne? They installed a new commander and sent more troops Which of the following motivated British imperial trade regulations? The goal of achieving a favorable balance of trade across the Empire. Which of the following had the greatest impact on the worldview of most eighteenth century colonists? religion Which of the following best describes American society during the eighteenth century? American society closely resembled British society, but had critical differences.

Ch. 4

The Proclamation of 1763 forbade white settlement __________. west of the Appalachians The Quartering Acts required __________. colonial assemblies to provide barracks for British troops The Cherokee War took place in __________. the southern Appalachian highlands Neolin, who urged Indians to reject European goods and influence, was known as __________. the Delaware Prophet Pontiac, who led the Indians against the colonists and British troops, was a(n) __________ chief. Ottawa The Paxton Boys massacred a group of which Indians? Conestogas The American Revenue Act was commonly known as the __________. Sugar Act Violations of the Sugar Act were tried in vice-admiralty courts in __________. Halifax Republicanism finds its roots in the writings of ancient __________. Rome Colonists generally believed that __________ could participate meaningfully in self-government. all property holders Under the British Constitution which of the following had to consent to laws in order for them to go into effect? House of Lords and House of Commons The colonists generally believed that they could be taxed only by __________. colonial legislatures Which act was the first to impose an internal tax on the colonies? the Stamp Act Which group led the opposition to the Stamp Act? Sons of Liberty The Stamp Act Congress of 1765 was held in __________. New York The Stamp Act Congress adopted the __________. Declaration of Rights and Grievances The Declaration of Rights and Grievances __________. stated that Parliament had no right to tax the colonies In 1767, Parliament passed an act suspending which colonial legislature? New York Vigilante groups formed in North Carolina in the 1760s called themselves __________. Regulators The first significant attacks on slavery were generated by __________ concerns. religious Aboard what ship did the "Boston Tea Party" take place? Dartmouth The British reacted to the Boston Tea Party by passing the __________. Coercive Acts The Boston Port Act was part of the __________. Coercive Acts Colonists called the Quebec Act and the Coercive Acts collectively the __________. Intolerable Acts The First Continental Congress created the __________ to organize sanctions against the British. Continental Association At the end of the French and Indian War which of the following countries had lost the largest amount of North American territory? France After the French and Indian War, European alliances with the Indians __________. became less important In 1763 which of the following countries had the greatest North American presence?, England In the mid-eighteenth century American colonists were taxed __________ their British counterparts. far less than As Europeans gained more control in North America the relationship between different native tribes became more __________. unified Following the Proclamation Act of 1763 which of the following territories remained under military rule? Canada Which of the following was designed to address imperial financial concerns? Sugar Act The British Constitution __________. evolved informally over many centuries To eighteenth-century republicans, what was the greatest protection against tyranny? the participation of the people in government Which of the following best describes the beliefs of eighteenth-century republicans? There should be a balance of power between the government and the governed. British government was comprised of a balance of which of the following? monarchy, aristocracy, and common people What was the primary difference between the Stamp Act and the Sugar Act? The Stamp Act was a direct tax inside the colonies, while the Sugar Act was an external trade duty. When did colonists begin to protest the Stamp Act? Months before it went into effect. The delegates of the Stamp Act Congress __________. affirmed their loyalty to the king The nonimportation movement significantly reduced imports in __________. Massachusetts What was a major cause behind the Regulator movement? lack of fair political representation The first significant attacks on slavery came from __________. religion The Quebec Act __________. increased the power of the Catholic Church At the First Continental Congress __________. only a minority of delegates were willing to go to war with Britain Which of the following groups was most likely to support colonial independence? Whigs The Suffolk Resolves denounced the Coercive Acts as __________. unconstitutional In the wake of the First Continental Congress, Americans were forced to take sides for and against the __________. Continental Association Which of the following was used to justify increased taxation in the British colonies?. The colonies had benefited the most from the wars that contributed to the imperial debt. Which of the following best summarizes the colonial attitude regarding Parliament's taxation power over the colonies? Parliament lacked the power to impose any taxes on the colonies. What was the impact of the Boston Tea Party during the colonial era? The Tea Party was a relatively unknown event with little immediate significance.

Ch. 5

Who headed the Massachusetts Committee of Safety in 1774? John Hancock The Committee of Safety __________. organized a militia The Conciliatory Proposition pledged not to tax the colonists if they __________. voluntarily contributed to the defense of the empire Gage and his troops were given orders to arrest John Hancock and whom on April 18, 1775? Samuel Adams During the Revolutionary War, loyalists made up about __________ percent of the colonial population. 20 The Second Continental Congress was held in __________. Philadelphia In its early days, one of the acts of the Second Continental Congress was to __________. create the Continental Army At the start of the Revolutionary War, who commanded militia forces from Massachusetts? Benedict Arnold Fort Ticonderoga was __________. a British fort taken over by Americans What document asserted American patriots would "die freemen, rather than live as slaves"? the Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms German mercenaries were called what by the Americans? Hessians Benedict Arnold offered to surrender what to the British? West Point Early in the war, some royal officials sought to recruit black slaves into the loyalist forces with a promise of __________. freedom What kept professional soldiers in line? discipline During the late colonial period, the headquarters of the British Army in America was in __________. New York Whose nickname was "Gentleman Johnny"? John Burgoyne After what battle did General Burgoyne surrender to the Americans? the Battle of Saratoga Who received the British surrender at the Battle of Saratoga? Gates With so many men away at war, women experienced __________. increased control over financial considerations The Ladies Association of Philadelphia was established to raise money for __________ for soldiers. shirts England established which African colony for ex-slaves? Sierra Leone The peace negotiations at the end of the Revolutionary War took place in __________. Paris America's senior negotiator at the peace talks ending the Revolutionary War was __________. Franklin Who was the British Prime Minister during the Revolutionary War peace talks? Shelburne Who controlled Florida in the aftermath of the 1783 Treaty of Paris? Spain Lord North's Conciliatory Proposition seemed to be at odds with his order that __________. John Hancock and Samuel Adams be arrested The Battle of __________ was originally intended to be a show of defiance but not an actual fight. Lexington Patriots made an effort to spread the news of the Battle of Lexington and Concord so that __________. they could garner support Why was the first shot fired in Lexington called the shot "heard round the world"? It started the American Revolution. Why did a British officer remark that another victory like the Battle of Bunker Hill "would have ruined us"? The British suffered substantial casualties. John Adams of Massachusetts nominated George Washington as commander in chief of the army, because __________. Washington was from a southern state In March 1776, the British evacuated their troops from Boston and moved to Halifax, because __________. Boston did not have strategic value Why did Republican theory mistrust professional armies? They were the instrument of tyrants. Republicanism was least associated with __________. Tory philosophy Why did the British troops lack supplies, even though they had sufficient money? They got most of their supplies from the British Isles. The Newburgh affair was defused by __________. George Washington Why is the Continental Army's winter at Valley Forge famous? Thousands of soldiers died from cold, disease, and starvation. The American victory at Saratoga convinced the French __________. that America had a viable future Why did Catherine the Great suggest that the European powers form a League of Armed Neutrality? To protect trade What is the Battle of Monmouth Court House famous for? It was the last major military engagement in the North during the Revolutionary War. In northern states with small numbers of slaves, __________ helped to bring an end to slavery. the Revolutionary War Over the course of the Revolutionary War, prices in America __________. rose __________ who sided with the British suffered significantly when the war ended. Native Americans After North resigned, the new prime minister was eager to be conciliatory in order to __________. regain colonial trade What was Spain's most important goal in the Paris peace talks? to regain Gibraltar In the Paris peace agreement, __________. nothing was said about the slave trade Some historians say that, besides Washington's leadership, the most crucial reason for the American victory in the Revolutionary War was __________. the aid of the French Why was the enlistment of black soldiers controversial in the Continental Army? More soldiers were needed, but southerners didn't want to fight with slaves. How did foreign intervention turn the Revolutionary War into a virtual world war? British forces were engaged in fighting in the colonies, the West Indies, and in India. How were British economic interests hurt and helped by the Treaty of Paris? British soldiers left behind American-owned property, but Americans still had to pay their debts to the British.

Ch. 6

State constitutions tended to __________. lower property requirements for the right to vote Voting power in Congress in 1785 was __________. divided equally among the thirteen states Official state constitutional support for religions in the 1780s was strongest in __________. New England From 1776 to 1807, property-holding women had the right to vote __________. in New Jersey The number of free African Americans was highest in __________. 1800 Regarding trade between Britain and the United States between 1783 and 1789, it is true that __________. America imported more from Britain The American economy in the mid-1780s was __________. in a depression After the Revolution, British merchants __________. continued to close their markets to American goods By the end of the war, Continental money was __________. virtually worthless The leader of the economic nationalists was __________. Robert Morris The Land Ordinance of 1785 encouraged a certain type of settler by __________. requiring a minimum purchase of 640 acres Chesapeake planters refused to pay their debts to Britain because __________. Britain had freed many slaves without compensation to slaveowners After the war, Loyalists __________. still faced hostility in the new United States Spain contested American land expansion __________. along the Mississippi River John Jay's treaty with Spain was opposed by congressmen from the South, because __________. they felt Jay had sold out the interests of Southerners who had pioneered the West Delegates met at the Annapolis Convention to __________. devise a universal system of commercial regulation The Constitutional Convention took place in __________. Philadelphia The two main leaders who called for a Constitutional Convention were James Madison and __________. Alexander Hamilton The Virginia Plan was introduced by __________. James Madison The New Jersey Plan __________. was the basis for voting in the Senate The Great Compromise, created by Roger Sherman, __________. successfully split the differences between small and large states by providing two senators for every state What concession was made to southern delegates to gain their support for the federal government's power to regulate trade policies? Northern delegates agreed to drop demands for abolition of the slave trade. James Madison's political philosophy regarding the creation of the Constitution was that "Ambition must be made to counter __________." ambition The Constitution established a __________ government. federal Judicial review is the __________. Supreme Court's right to have the final say on constitutionality What would a follower of Daniel Shays most likely have said in 1786? "It is the common people who should be the strength of republicanism in our nation." Which of the following was an effect of Shays' Rebellion? Many leaders lost faith in the Articles of Confederation. Which of the following was a way in which the Revolution affected women? greater access to education As a result of the Revolution __________. the number of free blacks increased dramatically Between 1777 and 1784, __________. most northern states ended slavery Overall, state constitutions __________. strengthen the executive relative to the legislature Most state constitutions put into effect by the end of 1777 included __________. expressions of the rights of common citizens Economic nationalists wanted to __________. secure a charter for the Bank of North America One of the problems for the United States' economy in 1784 was __________. a sharp increase in wages vs. profits Efforts to offset British attempts to hurt the American economy failed due to the __________. lack of a unified national policy regarding Great Britain Why were conservatives alarmed by the actions of the debtor party in Rhode Island? Conservatives feared the creation of governments that included farmers and artisans. As social, political, and economic crises increased in the mid-1780s, __________. more American leaders became nationalists How did Spain increased pressure on the West in the summer of 1784? It closed the Mississippi River to American trade. Regarding the chief executive, the Constitution __________. allows the executive to conduct foreign affairs The Constitution does not provide __________. equal representation in a unicameral Congress Most members of the national elite at the Constitutional Convention believed that enlightened self-interest was better for the nation than the revolutionary ideal of __________. disinterested virtue Coming out of the Constitutional Convention, which unresolved issue would have the greatest impact on later American history? slavery Which statement would most likely have been said by a Federalist? "Our republic will thrive best with a balance of power between national and state governments." Most Antifederalists __________. distrusted the social and commercial elite Supporters of ratification of the Constitution included __________. urban artisans Many Antifederalists were concerned that the original draft of the Constitution did not __________. include a Bill of Rights In order to reach agreement that the enactment of trade legislation would require a simple majority, delegates had to make concession regarding __________. slavery How have American politics concerning debt come full circle since the 1780s? Record levels of both private and governmental indebtedness have led to anger and instability. The states' failure to repay Loyalists for property that was confiscated during wartime created a pretext for the British to __________. keep their forts in the West The Antifederalists couldn't hope to combat the Federalists, in part, because the Federalists __________. were better educated

Ch. 7

In 1790, the highest percentage of people of English descent lived in __________. New England There was little use of indentured servants or slaves in New England, because __________. it was an impractical place to cultivate cash crops What was different about the population of New England compared to other regions? Women outnumbered men in parts of the region. The most ethnically and religiously diverse region in early America was __________. the mid-Atlantic region The __________ Amendment discussed the need for a well-regulated militia. Second The __________ Amendment addresses the power balance between the national government and states. Ninth The first government's base of support was strengthened by __________. passing the bill of rights Sectional differences arose over the debate about __________. specific aspects of the Tariff Act of 1789 The first Secretary of Treasury was __________. Alexander Hamilton What bold plan did Hamilton create in an effort to address the Revolutionary War debt? Having the federal government fund the national debt at its full value. To gain southern support for his financial plan, Hamilton offered to __________. win northern support for moving the nation's capital to a southern location Federalists were alarmed by __________. the growing intensity of violence in the French Revolution John Jay was sent to London in 1794 to __________. avert war with England over disputes about trade Jay's Treaty was especially unpopular with __________. Southerners The Treaty of San Lorenzo (Pinckney's Treaty) __________. established the northern boundary of Spanish Florida In his Farewell Address, Washington devoted most of his time to __________. denouncing partisan politics The Treaty of Greenville was finally signed after what historical event? the Battle of Fallen Timbers The XYZ Affair almost caused __________. a declaration of war against France The Federalists targeted immigrants in the Alien Acts because __________. many immigrants voted for the Republican Party The Sedition Act can easily be seen as a violation of __________. First Amendment rights Which of the following is true of the Alien and Sedition Acts? Federalist judges were biased in enforcing the acts. Fries' Rebellion was spurred by __________. anger over the Direct Tax of 1798 John Adams __________. defied his party in negotiating the Franco-American Accord of 1800 The Franco-American Accord of 1800 __________. revealed that Hamiltonian Federalists were losing popularity and political strength A deist believes __________. in God as a creator, but not as a being who intervenes in earthly affairs What factor made the South the most populous region in the early United States? the presence of a large number of African-American slaves Which of these regions had only a minority slave population? the Piedmont region near the Appalachian Mountains Social tensions between low country and backcountry Southerners included __________. vast differences in wealth and religious practices Which geographic region best describes the American West in 1790? from the Appalachian Mountains to the Mississippi River During the 1780s, __________ in the West. the white population surpassed the Native American population Why was the post-Revolution West so isolated? The Appalachian Mountains were a formidable obstacle to contact with eastern states. Southerners were most successful in opposing what aspect of Hamilton's financial plan? his attempts to accelerate industrialization The Judiciary Act __________. represented an artful compromise that balanced legal powers There was robust debate regarding __________ in the State Department, Treasury, and War Department. the amount of presidential control over officials The framers were intentionally vague about the federal judiciary, because __________. Antifederalists and states' rights advocates did not want a federal judiciary enforcing a uniform judiciary Madison was motivated to strengthen the financial foothold of the federal government, because __________. the Articles of the Confederation had crippled the government's ability to secure revenue Why did Southerners and Northerners disagree about the Tariff Act of 1789? The tariff kept down foreign competition for northern manufacturers but made it more expensive for southerners to buy goods. Why were speculators, commercial farmers, and manufacturers supporters of Hamilton's financial plan? They were the most integrated into and in control of the market economy. Many Americans initially supported the French Revolution, because __________. France had been an ally during the Revolutionary War The creation of Democratic-Republican societies in 1793 and 1794 revealed that __________. many Americans were beginning to support grassroots democracy The Battle of Fallen Timbers resulted in __________. the decisive defeat of the Ohio Indians The Battle of Fallen Timbers led to a new treaty, __________. the Treaty of Greenville The Whiskey Rebellion was spurred by __________. opposition to Hamilton's excise tax Why did the Directory dislike the Jay Treaty? They saw it as evidence of an Anglo-American alliance against France. The Quasi-War of 1798 was so-called because __________. it was an undeclared war against the French in the Caribbean Washington's Farewell Address set the tone for American foreign policy, which was __________. anti-isolationist Why did Adams reopen negotiation with France in 1799? He was unwilling to militarize the government and take on war debt. Why did some objection to Hamilton's financial plan on republican grounds? They believed it was a plan to create permanent national debt. Why did western Pennsylvanians start brewing their grain into whiskey? The high cost of transport made it unprofitable to transport grain to the east. In what way do Deists think of God as a clockmaker? God creates universal laws by which the world operates.

Ch. 8

Jefferson believed that the __________ promoted aristocratic pretensions and courtly intrigue through such practices as weekly levees, or formal receptions, for presidential guests. Federalists The cornerstone of the Republican domestic policy was __________. retrenchment By the time Jefferson left the presidency in 1809, __________ held nearly all the appointive offices. Republicans Prior to the Louisiana Purchase, Thomas Jefferson __________. secured approval to send Lewis and Clark on an expedition through upper Louisiana France's inability to reconquer __________ helped convince Napoleon to sell Louisiana. Saint-Dominique (Haiti) President Jefferson failed in his attempt to __________. purchase West Florida from Spain Members of the Essex Junto believed that __________. the Louisiana Purchase would weaken the political power of the Northeast Relations with England worsened after President Madison __________. accepted a trade agreement with Napoleon The pan-Indian resistance movement focused its efforts on __________. uniting Indian opposition to white settlement in the West The Treaty of Vincennes added which territory to the United States? Southern Indiana Tecumseh and the prophet Tenkswatawa originally urged a policy of __________. racial solidarity and spiritual rebirth Support for the War of 1812 was strongest in __________. the South and the West Which group strongly supported the American cause in the War of 1812? Methodists During the War of 1812, most Canadians __________. fought against the Americans The American victory at New Orleans gained great national fame for __________. Andrew Jackson In the War of 1812, Andrew Jackson also defeated __________. the Creek Indians in the old Southwest Newspaper reporters used the term "era of good feelings" to describe the presidency of __________. James Monroe The Second Bank of the United States __________. was created, in part, because of the financial chaos prevalent during the War of 1812 As Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall __________. made decisions that reflected his nationalist convictions The Rush-Bagot Agreement __________. signaled a new era of cooperation between the United States and England What tribe did Andrew Jackson and his troops attack in Florida? Seminoles The Monroe Doctrine was proclaimed in response to revolutions in __________. Latin America In the Trans-Continental Treaty, the United States gained a huge amount of territory in __________. Florida The Missouri Compromise attempted to __________. calm growing differences over the issue of slavery The main architect of the Missouri Compromise was __________. Henry Clay One thing that could be said about women during Jefferson's administration is __________. they wielded a good deal of informal political power Which of the following is true about the Louisiana Purchase? It revealed President Jefferson's aggressive style in supporting national interests. One outcome of Anglo-French peace in 1800 was __________. Napoleon's renewed interest in reviving the French empire in America Aaron Burr hated Alexander Hamilton because Hamilton __________. doubted Burr's character and sabotaged his political aspirations The Embargo Act of 1807 __________. represented President Jefferson's belief in "peaceable coercion" How did Congress respond to pressure to reopen all trade routes? Congress replaced the Nonintercourse Act with Macon's Bill No. 2. Despite the Treaty of Greenville, government officials continued to __________. play one tribe against another A result of the Battle of Tippecanoe was __________. Tecumseh's alliance with Great Britain Which of the following was one of the factors that spurned the War of 1812? hatred of Native Americans One of the difficulties of the War of 1812 was that American forces lacked sufficient __________. ships The Battle of Put-in-Bay __________. opened the door for an American offensive in the West Why was the Battle of Plattsburgh significant? It represented the tide turning in favor of the American forces What historical event was a deathblow to Federalism? the Battle of New Orleans During the end of James Madison's presidency, the Republican Party __________. began to embrace economic nationalism A result of Dartmouth College v. Woodward was __________. more protections for private corporations The Supreme Court's decision in McCulloch v. Maryland __________. strengthened national power over the states The Anglo-American Accords __________. created provisions for the joint occupation of Oregon The Monroe Doctrine proclaimed __________. the establishment of American autonomy in foreign relations The Panic of 1819 was initiated by __________. a fall in cotton prices after a period of prosperity What created an explosive demand for slave-produced cotton in the early nineteenth century? the English textile industry Henry Clay's American System included __________. wider use of protective tariffs Many people called the election of 1824 "the corrupt bargain," because __________. they felt Henry Clay unduly used his influence to determine the stalemated outcome Why did northern Republicans support the War of 1812? They saw it as a defense of the American experiment in self-government. Which of the following was a defining part of Marshall's jurisprudence? the primacy of the Supreme Court in matters of constitutional interpretation One of the effects of the Missouri Compromise was that __________. the Louisiana Purchase was closed to slavery in the future

Ch. 9

Following the Civil War, most southern whites saw African Americans as __________. adversaries Which of the following was an act that white southerners interpreted as northern interference? assistance to southern blacks In the early years of Reconstruction, the Freedmen's Bureau was successful at __________. reducing black illiteracy by roughly 20 percent By the 1880s, the value of black-owned farms was __________ the value of white-owned farms. half After the Civil War, many southern blacks __________. migrated to southern cities The majority of rural southern blacks worked as __________. unskilled laborers President Johnson, like most white northerners, believes that African Americans __________. were inferior The immediate response to President Johnson's Reconstruction plan included __________. resistance by white southerners to various provisions The first United States president to be impeached in the House of Representatives was __________. Andrew Johnson Congress successfully managed to override President Johnson's veto of __________. the Civil Rights Act of 1866 Which statement about the Fourteenth Amendment is true? It guaranteed all citizens equality before the law. The winner of the 1868 presidential election was __________. Ulysses S. Grant The Fifteenth Amendment __________. guaranteed the right of American men to vote Of the following, who was/were most conciliatory to the desires of white southerners to deny rights and privileges to blacks? President Johnson White southerners used the term carpetbaggers to describe __________. powerful northerners who lived in the South The Colored Monitor Union club was __________. a strong voice in favor of universal manhood suffrage In the period 1869-1873, the state government of Mississippi succeeded in __________. their efforts to segregate all public facilities The Liberal Republicans of the early 1870s __________. splintered their party and weakened Reconstruction policies In the presidential election of 1872, Ulysses S. Grant defeated the former Republican __________. Horace Greeley To challenge the state's Republican government in Louisiana, a group of elite Democrats in New Orleans organized a military organization called __________. the White League Who were the main candidates in the presidential election of 1876? Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel Tilden In the 1876 election, Samuel J. Tilden ran strongest in the __________. South The __________ Amendment calls for equality before the law. Fourteenth The __________ Amendment protected blacks' right to vote. Fifteenth In United States v. Cruikshank, the Supreme Court __________. held that the Enforcement Act applied to states Many southerners refused to accept their defeat as divine judgment and believed that God had spared the South for a greater purpose; they came to view the war as __________. the Lost Cause Which of the following statements about the Lost Cause is true? It was a historical rationalization that enabled believers to hope for a better future. General Sherman's Field Order No. 15 gave hope to blacks because it __________. set aside plots of southern land for distribution Sharecropping __________. led many blacks into increasing debt Which of the following statements about sharecropping is true? Landlords typically owned stores where tenant farmers had to shop. The Wade-Davis Bill was rendered ineffective when __________. President Lincoln used the presidential option of a pocket veto The radical Republicans' goals for Reconstruction included __________. the securing of the freedmen's right to vote The Tenure of Office Act attempted to __________. weaken the powers of the president Some southerners were drawn to the Republican Party because __________. they were attracted to the party's emphasis on economic development In the South during the Reconstruction, African Americans were an influential voice in __________. implementing the reforms of the Republican Party Which statement about black voters in the South during Reconstruction is true? Ulysses S. Grant was elected president with great support from blacks. Which statement about the Ku Klux Klan during Reconstruction is true? Blacks and whites who supported democratic reforms were attacked by members. Southern Democrats realized they could regain their dominance of local power by __________. manipulating racial tensions The Redeemers portrayed themselves as the __________. saviors of the South from the injustices of Republican rule A long-lasting legacy of the ideas of the Redeemers was __________. the fostering of antagonistic race relations throughout the South Of the following, which one is something that worked in the Democrats' favor in the election of 1876? the scandals of the Grant administration Which statement best summarizes the outcome of the election of 1876? The South exchanged the presidency in favor of more local autonomy. The significant outcome of the presidential election of 1876 was that it __________. marked an end of the federal government's commitment to Reconstruction reforms In his book, The Facts of Reconstruction, John R. Lynch argued that __________. Reconstruction governments in the South achieved many democratic goals In the post-Reconstruction period, __________. blacks in the South were relegated to second-class citizenship Overall, regarding Reconstruction constitutional amendments and laws, the Supreme Court in the latter part of the nineteenth century __________. interpreted them in ways detrimental to blacks In the late 1870s, black economic status __________ while white economic status __________. increased; decreased How did the Freedmen's Bureau belie what lay ahead for southern blacks? It gave the impression that freed blacks would experience rapid success. Which statement would most likely have been said by a radical Republican in 1865? "The former Confederate states are to be treated as provinces conquered in war." In the two decades following reconstruction, what was the impact of the United States Supreme Court's decisions on African Americans? They essentially found that the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments did not apply to blacks.

Cg. 16

In 1492, how many people lived on the countries of North and South America? 70 million Which of the following was among the foods that sustained in the Inuit and Aleut tribes? Seals Which group dominated Mexico from 900 to 1100 C.E.? Toltecs What was the name of the Aztec capital? Tenochtitlian Which of the following is an example of the "mound-building" society? Mississipian Most African immigrants to the Americas came from ____? West Africa Which religion took rot in West Africa in the 11th century? Islam The Renaissance originated in the city-states of ___? Italy Calvin emphasized the doctrine of ___? predestination Who opened the sea route from Europe to India? da Gama Which European country funded Columbus's voyages? Spain Conquistadores came from ____? Spain Which disease devastated the Aztec population? Smallpox Where was the Inca empire primarily located? Peru _____ was an eloquent advocate for the Indians of Hispaniola. La Casas The "Black Death" killed what fraction of Europe's population? one-third Who introduced horses to America? Columbus The Treaty of Tordesillas affected which countries? Portugal and Spain Cartier explored the St. Lawrence River in order to ____. find a water route to Asia Which British monarch formed the Church of England separate from the Catholic Church? Henry VIII King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth first targeted ___ for colonization. Ireland Queen Elizabeth sent Frobisher in search of ____. the Northwest Passage Who was the first English child born in America? Virginia Dare A war between England ___ delayed the dispatch of the relief ship for the Roanoke colony for three years. Spain Who wrote the "Discourse on the Western Planting"? Hakluyt What allowed early Americans to start permanent villages? farming Which group developed Mesoamerica's most advanced writing system? Mayans In 1500, the overall state of relations among Native American groups was ____ unstable Which of the following tribes is a descendant of the ancestral Puebloan peoples? Hopi In the fifteen century, West African empires were typically found in the ____ areas. inland In the 14th century, Europeans were most familiar with the ____ part of Africa. northern The majority of African slaves lost their freedom _____. by being captured in war Which of the following contributed to frequent warfare between West African states? proliferation of skilled metalworkers Which of the following contributed to European interest in the slave trade? The decline in population caused by the Black Plague According to Luther, salvation is the result of ____. faith What was the primary aim of the Counter-Reformation? To strengthen the Catholic Church Of the following events, which one most threatened trade between Europe and Asia? The fall of Constantinople to the Turks Which of the following allowed Portugal to develop a monopoly in Far Eastern trade? the design of the Caravel Which of the following prompted Columbus to turn Indians into slaves? His frustration with the lack of gold in Hispaniola. Which of the following helped the conquistadores to defeat the Aztecs? superior weaponry Pizarro arrived when the Inca empire was weakened, because ____. the Incas just suffered through a smallpox epidemic Which of the following was a transplant from the Old World to the New World? sheep Where did the English first establish plantations Ireland Hakluyt argued that the Indian, once civilized, would be _____. purchasers of English goods. What did Hakluyt consider "sincere religion"? Protestant Christianity During the 16th century, which of the following counties was unsuccessful in its attempt to create a permanent settlement in the Americas? English Which of the following English explorers demonstrated respect for the native populations of North America? Hariot What was they key difference between the slavery in Africa and slavery in the Americas? Slavery in Africa involved less coercion and abuse Which of the following aspects of the Columbian Exchange had the greatest negative effect? The exchange of diseases Which of the following initially prevented France and England from pursuing rights to New World lands? the Protestant Reformation.

Ch. 1

By the end of the 1820s, the right to vote __________. had moved significantly toward universal manhood suffrage for whites Which group was an active participant in the Second Great Awakening? Baptists Many evangelical preachers of the Second Great Awakening __________. directly challenged slavery The first presidential candidate of the Democratic Party was __________. Andrew Jackson The Albany Regency, a tightly disciplined political machine, was run by __________. Martin Van Buren Jackson dominated his presidency with __________. the sheer force of his personality The spoils system features a strategy in which __________. government jobs are given to supporters of the victorious party Which policy was supported by Andrew Jackson? internal improvements that benefited the general public The Cherokee Indians __________. had their own newspaper and a constitution The term Trail of Tears refers to the __________. horrifying conditions experienced by Cherokees during their removal The Indian Removal Act __________. included Indians living in Florida In the case Worcester v. Georgia, the Supreme Court ruled that __________. the state of Georgia had violated the Constitution in their treatment of Indians During his second term, President Jackson __________. dismantled the Bank of the United States The first crisis that besieged the administration of Martin Van Buren was the __________. Panic of 1837 The value of federal land sales in southern states was highest around __________. 1835 Andrew Jackson issued the Specie Circular, which prevented __________ from being purchased with anything but specie. large tracts of public land William Lloyd Garrison believed that slavery __________. was immoral and should be immediately ended The Independent Treasury System __________. reduced the nation's money supply and prolonged the depression The Whig Party was __________. a supporter of government for economic development The Anti-Masons called for __________. equal rights for all freemen The first members of the Whig Party believed that __________. Jackson had exercised too much power in his years as president The first president to die in office was __________. William Henry Harrison Which statement about John Tyler is true? He was expelled from the Whig Party when he was president. In the election of 1844, __________. James Polk expressed expansionist ideas A major change in American politics by the late 1820s was __________. mass participation through wider voting rights for white males After the Salary Act of 1816 __________. many Congressmen were voted out of office in the next election Preachers of the Second Great Awakening believed which of the following? Women should be encouraged to achieve spiritual revival. An important legacy of the election of 1824 was __________. public sympathy for Jackson, who lost because of a "corrupt bargain" The election of 1828 revealed that Jackson had a formidable electoral base __________. with farmers of the South and West Which statement would most likely have been said by a supporter of nullification? "The states shall not adhere to federal law that is deemed to be unconstitutional." When Henry Clay tried to make the Bank of the United States a key campaign issue in 1832 __________. Jackson turned the tables on him by vehemently opposing rechartering of the Bank Which statement best describes Jackson's view of those who supported nullification? Jackson viewed nullification as a dangerous and treasonous affront to the union. The Force Bill was designed to deal with __________. the nullification crisis The Force Bill gave Jackson the power to __________. put down nullification with military force One of the effects of destroying the Bank of the United States was __________. the shifting of deposits to state banks Which of the following was a factor in creating the Panic of 1837? a drop-off in the price and exportation of American cotton The Whig Party believed the Panic of 1837 happened for many reasons, including __________. the predominance of "pet banks" that emerged during the 1830s In the 1830s, abolitionists achieved which of the following? printing over one million pieces of antislavery literature The gag rule __________. allowed Congress to automatically table all antislavery petitions William Henry Harrison won the election of 1840 for many reasons, including that __________. he was not tainted by loyalty to the Bank of the United States Compared to Democrats, Whigs were more likely to __________. oppose further westward expansion The Whigs made political inroads in the presidential election of 1836 when __________. Van Buren lost some of the Democrats' support in the South Anti-Jacksonians called themselves Whigs because __________. they accused Jackson of acting like a monarch Why was John Tyler at odds with the urban and commercial members of the Whig Party? He was a states-rights' advocate and farmer. How did Daniel Webster impact Tyler's foreign policy? He brokered the treaty that established the boundaries between British Canada and Maine and the Upper Midwest. Why did the Democrats focus on linking Oregon to Texas as a territorial objective in their 1844 electoral platform? To counter the charge that they were a pro-southern party. The dominant issue in the election of 1844 was __________. the annexation of Texas How did the rights of free African-Americans change during the early to mid-1800s as compared to the Revolutionary War period? Their rights did not change, as suffrage was still limited to white, property-owning men. In the 1830s, how did government and private banks influence the economy? They promoted reckless economic expansion with easy credit. Why did President Jackson refuse to annex Texas before leaving office? He was afraid of provoking a war with Mexico.

Ch. 10

Which of the following was a part of the Lower South? Georgia Before 1800, slavery was associated with which of the following cash crops? rice The plantation system spread to the __________ after the War of 1812. west What percentage of the white southern population belonged to the plantation-owning class? 5 percent The __________ system involved a division of labor in which teams of field hands worked at a regimented pace. gang What was the average rate of return on capital invested in a slave? 10 percent In 1860, __________ of white southerners lived in the Upper South. two-thirds Which of the following crops caused severe soil depletion in the Upper South? tobacco Which of the following people was a leader in the push for agricultural diversification in the Upper South? Edmund Ruffin Which of the following states experienced growth in the use of slaves during the 1850s? Arkansas Which of the following crops replaced tobacco in many parts of the Upper South? wheat __________ displaced slaves in most of the Border South. Immigrant workers By 1860, nearly __________ million slaves lived in the South. four Poor living conditions and insufficient diets caused frequent outbreaks of __________ among slaves. dysentery What was the average life expectancy of a slave at birth? 21 years Which of the following states legally recognized slave marriages? Louisiana The first large-scale slave rebellion was led by __________. Gabriel Prosser Which religious group was largely involved in beginning the Underground Railroad? Quakers Approximately __________ percent of southern black families were free in 1860. 3 What percentage of southern white families owned slaves in 1860? 25 percent Yeoman farmers of the Lower South __________. wanted to limit the authority of government Most free blacks in the South lived in __________. the Upper South In the late 1850s, several southern states sought to __________. re-enslave free blacks Which of the following groups argued that slavery was a social good? southern evangelicals Which of the following groups split along sectional lines due to disagreements over slavery? Presbyterians Why was long-staple cotton production limited to South Carolina and Georgia? These were the only states with the proper climate for growing long-staple cotton. What was the leading economic institution in the Lower South? plantations In the slave market of 1815 - 1850, which of the following was most valuable as a slave? females of childbearing age used as a means of increasing the slave population Which of the following explains a particularly cruel aspect of the internal slave trade? It separated slaves from their families. Southern planters believed that the system of slavery would be weakened by __________. urbanization and industrialization In the period 1800-1840, the Upper South experienced which of the following trends? soil exhaustion and wasteful farming techniques In the antebellum period, increasing reliance on __________ improved the economy of the Upper South. free labor Why was Marl used in the Upper South? To replenish the soil in the Upper South. Which of the following slowed the development of manufacturing in the Upper South? Most southerners lacked the cash income to create sufficient demand for consumer goods. Which of the following hastened the decline of slavery in the Upper South? increased internal slave trade Which of the following contributed to a fivefold increase in the slave population between 1790 and 1860? An excess of slave births over slave deaths. Which of the following was prohibited under the slave codes? murder of a slave by a master What was one of the biggest differences between the life conditions of slaves and poor whites? Slaves worked much longer hours under much harsher conditions. Slave owners commonly used which of the following incentives to motivate hard work? The promise of transfer from field slave to house slave. Slaves followed West African customs in which of the following ways? Keeping alive a rich folklore and oral tradition. Which of the following statements about Nat Turner is true? He was a literate field hand who had read the Bible. How did most free blacks earn a living? as tenant farmers Which statement about the wives of southern planters is true? They often assisted in the religious instruction of slaves. Which statement about southern whites without property or slaves is true? They often worked side-by-side with slaves on the plantations. Which of the following statements about the black codes is accurate? They prohibited slaves from testifying against whites in court What prompted white Southerners to create a defense of slavery in the mid-nineteenth century? Abolitionists began an open crusade against slavery. By the 1850s, which of the following was threatening the continued existence of slavery in the Lower South? free labor was spreading rapidly in the Border South Why was slavery more profitable in the Lower South than the Upper South? The cash crops grown in the Lower South required year-round labor, while the crops grown in the Upper South generally did not require year-round labor. Which of the following made slave life on large plantations more tolerable than that on a small farm? Large planters were less economically vulnerable and therefore less likely to have to sell slaves and break up families. What was the greatest source of conflict between planters and white urban workers in the South? White urban workers were the most likely nonslaveholders to support abolition because they wanted to eliminate slave competition.

Ch. 11

Who first demonstrated the practical commercial use of the steamboat? Robert Fulton Which of the following (groups) provided half of all capital for early railroads? state governments In Gibbons v. Ogden, the Supreme Court held that __________. states could not restrict trade within their jurisdictions St. Louis was ideally located for urban growth because __________. was located on both the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers Which of the following was America's first large-scale, planned city for the sole purpose of manufacturing? Lowell, Massachusetts Why did many Irish people come to America in the 1840s and 1850s? domination of Protestant landlords and starvation in Ireland The putting-out system __________. created a business relationship between merchants and household artisans Which nation pioneered most of the technological methods and advances of industrialization? Great Britain The Rhode Island system of employment was based on __________. the use of children as laborers in mills Western manufacturers improved their business conditions by __________. turning to steam power after 1840 Where was the growing middle class most likely to find jobs during the Industrial Revolution? northern cities A supporter of temperance believed __________. in the prohibition of alcoholic beverages What was the first national labor union? National Trades Union The Sabbatarian movement __________. wanted to curtail government and commercial activities on Sundays Beginning in 1830, women's reform efforts focused primarily on __________. challenging the male perogative and sexual double standard The Mormons believed strongly in __________. community centered on male authority The first political demands for free tax-supported schools originated with the __________. workingmen's movement Which state was the first to establish a state board of education? Massachusetts By 1860, how many states had established state-run mental hospitals? 28 Who was the author of Walden? Henry David Thoreau Which of the following was a popular antislavery newspaper? Liberator Women's treatment within the __________ movement was the final impetus for forming a separate women's rights movement. abolition This document, issued at the Seneca Falls Convention, called for full female equality. Declaration of Sentiments In 1817, antislavery reformers founded __________. the American Colonization Society William Lloyd Garrison believed abolitionism required both an immediate end to slavery and __________. racial equality Which of the following was an effect of the increased use of steamboats? a revolution in transportation on western rivers Which of the following transportation systems was the last to be developed? railroads During the 1840s, __________. railroads became the most dynamic booster of interregional trade The enormous growth of New York City was fueled by which of the following factors? The city's significant investment in international connections. Which of the following statements about immigration from 1840-1860 is true? Immigrants in urban areas tended to live in neighborhoods with a mixture of ethnicities. What is the best description of an artisan? a skilled craftsmen who makes things by hand Conditions in towns that used the Waltham system included which of the following? strict curfews Which statement about the American system of manufacturing is true? It emphasized low-cost production. What was the result when the Boston Associates built dams and canals? the region's ecology and farmlands were altered Which of the following was a result of the new middle class in the mid-eighteenth century? the separation of the home from work interests The "cult of domesticity" emphasized that __________. women should preserve religion and the morals of a family Working-class activists of the 1830s promoted which of the following ideas? the abolition of private property What was the response of many religious leaders to the rapid technological and economic changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution? They perceived a breakdown in moral authority and attempted to impose strict moral discipline through the law. Immigration by which of the following groups was banned completely in 1920? Chinese What was one of the primary goals of temperance rallies? To convince attendees to take the pledge of abstinence from alcohol. School reform succeeded in large part because it appealed to the __________. northern middle classes How did the Utopians seek to improve social conditions? By withdrawing from society and forming communitarian societies that rejected the competitive materialism of mainstream society. How did the American approach to dealing with social problems change in the early to mid-1800s? Reformers turned to public authorities to establish new institutions. Writers such as Herman Melville and Nathanial Hawthorne explored the existence of evil and the human need for __________ in their works. community Which of the following is an example of an immediatist? an abolitionist What was the demand of the women who attended the Seneca Falls Convention? full female equality with males The Married Women's Property Act of 1860 allowed women in New York to __________. sue their fathers and husbands if they deprived them of control of their wage income What was the relationship between the transportation revolution and the industrial revolution? The transportation revolution allowed goods to be moved efficiently and quickly, which fueled the industrial revolution by creating an incentive to increase production. Which of the following immigrant groups would be most easily accepted by a nativist? Irish What was the primary difference between the American Colonization Society and the American Anti-Slavery Society? The American Colonization Society wanted to send all freed slaves back to Africa, while the American Anti-Slavery society wanted all freed slaves to become citizens of the United States.

Ch. 12

By 1850, the population of the United States had grown to __________ million. twenty-three Local associations known as claims clubs __________. enforced extralegal property rights for squatters Which product became the Old Northwest's major cash crop for the northern market? wheat Which state was the last one to gain statehood in the Old Northwest? Wisconsin By the 1840s, over half the value of American exports was derived from __________. cotton The Southwest Ordinance allowed slavery in all territories south of the __________ River. Ohio In 1840, approximately __________ Native Americans lived in the plains and mountains of the Trans-Mississippi West. 350,000 Which two tribes were defeated by whites in Black Hawk's War? the Sauks and the Foxes What were the two products traded by branches of the Sioux tribe at the yearly trade fair? beaver pelts and buffalo robes What was the white man's most profitable trading good? whiskey A treaty signed in 1818 created joint control of the Oregon Territory by the United States and __________. Great Britain Which town was a starting point on the Oregon Trail in 1842? Independence, Missouri The greatest cause of the 5,000 deaths that occurred on the Oregon Trail was __________. disease Mestizos were usually people who had a mixture of __________ ancestry. Indian and Spanish In the early part of the nineteenth century, the largest concentration of Indians in the Southwest region was in __________. California In Arizona and New Mexico, the major farming Indians were the __________ people. Pueblo Tejano was the term for __________. Spanish-speaking Mexicans born in Texas The Mexican army annihilated defenders at __________. the Alamo and Goliad After facing great prejudice, the Mormons decided to settle in __________. Utah Prior to the Mexican-American War, President Polk attempted to purchase __________ from Mexico. California and New Mexico The actual fighting of the Mexican War began when American forces moved into __________. the borderland region at the mouth of the Rio Grande River Manifest Destiny was most closely associated with the __________ Party. Democratic Senator Thomas Benton advocated for increased trade between the United States and __________. China The Americans launched a successful amphibious assault upon __________. Vera Cruz In the Treaty of __________, Mexico surrendered its claim to Texas north of the Rio Grande to the United States. Guadalupe Hidalgo Which statement about population growth in the period of 1800-1850 is true? Through purchase and conquest, the land area of the nation more than tripled. During the years of the Jeffersonian Republicans, the government's land policies __________. attempted to aid Americans who wished to become freeholders Migration into the Old Northwest was characterized by __________. the convergence of varying regional cultures from all parts of the East How did Westerners promote industrialization in the East? By providing food for the growing workforce of the East. What pattern in the location of slavery occurred in the period of 1790-1860? A large movement of slavery from the South Atlantic to the Old Southwest. Which of the following explains the great wealth in the Old Southwest? the use of slave labor Before 1850, which of the following groups was the dominant power in the north and central Great Plains? the warrior-hunters of the Sioux tribe Why were most of the Indian tribes on the high plains nomadic hunters? The geographic conditions on the Plains were not suitable for agriculture. What drove the early fur trade? Competition between British and U.S. companies for profitable furs. What sparked American interest in migration to Oregon from the East and Midwest? Reports about the fertility of the land in Oregon. What was the reaction of the Indians to the first waves of white overland migration to the West? To largely ignore the wagon trains and engage in some occasional trading. Which of the following was a result of the Fort Laramie Treaty? Only a brief standoff between the Sioux and the U.S. government. Which of the following statements about the Hopi Indians is true? They incorporated aspects of Catholicism into their religious rituals and beliefs. Which of the following accurately describes the Comanches? They were master horsemen and among the greatest warriors of the West. 40. Why did the Mexican government invite American settlers into Texas? To serve as a buffer against the Comanches. What was Mexico's approach to early American settlers in Texas? The Mexican government required that settlers' promise to convert to Catholicism. What happened immediately after General Santa Anna was elected as president of Mexico? He overturned the liberal constitution and became a dictator. The Battle of San Jacinto __________. established the independence of Texas The Santa Fe Trail __________. opened the door to the eventual American takeover of New Mexico The cornerstone of President Polk's foreign policy was __________. the acquisition of California Manifest Destiny was premised on the __________ of white Americans. racial superiority Which of the following was a result of the Mexican War? The grant of U.S. citizenship to all Mexicans living in the newly acquired territories. In 1850, which of the following people would most likely be a resident in Northern Ohio? an anti-slavery, pro-temperance family farmer from Massachusetts Why was it difficult for both Spain and Mexico to govern Texas? Texas was too large and too remote from the center of the mexican government Which of the following beliefs is most consistent with Manifest Destiny? Westward expansion was necessary to rid eastern cities of unwanted immigrants.

Ch. 13

Which of the following was one of the proposed solutions to slavery in the territories that dominated the debate from the late 1840s until 1861? popular sovereignty The revolutions of 1848 were triggered by the downfall of the __________ government. French The revolutions of 1848 were driven by __________. the working and middle classes Ultimately, the revolutions of 1848 were __________. defeated In January of 1848, gold was discovered in __________. California The Compromise of 1850 established which of the following? the Fugitive Slave Act Reaction against the Fugitive Slave Act was strongest among __________. northern blacks The League of Freedom and the Liberty Association were created __________. to stop fugitive slaves from being captured The influential novel Uncle Tom's Cabin was written by __________. Harriet Beecher Stowe The election of 1852 __________. was won by a northern Democrat Stephen Douglas supported which of the following ideas? popular sovereignty Who was an antislavery agitator in the middle of the violent confrontation in Kansas? John Brown Anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic sentiment gave rise to which party? Know-Nothing Party The Republican Party's first candidate in a presidential election was __________. John C. Fremont In the controversial Dred Scott decision, the Supreme Court declared that __________. blacks were not citizens of the United States In the Dred Scott decision, Roger Taney argued that __________. slavery could not be banned in any territory In an intriguing race for the U.S. Senate in Illinois, Abraham Lincoln was opposed by __________. Stephen A. Douglas Abraham Lincoln was a popular politician in Illinois for many reasons, including __________. his charismatic speaking style Compared to the North in 1860, the South had __________. more people employed in agriculture Abraham Lincoln earned the Republican nomination for president by upsetting __________. William Seward In the 1860 election, who received the second highest popular vote count, yet the lowest number of electoral votes? Stephen Douglas Within three months after the election of 1860, __________. six southern states had left the Union The first state to choose secession was __________. South Carolina The declared president of the Confederate States was __________. Jefferson Davis The Confederacy fired shots at Fort Sumter when Jefferson Davis discovered that __________. President Lincoln ordered that food be sent to the fort The Wilmot Proviso proposed that __________. free labor should exist in the territory gained in the Mexican War Proponents of popular sovereignty believed that __________. residents of a territory should decide the issue of slavery Zachary Taylor's strong base of electoral support was in the __________. South Pro-slavery southerners became concerned __________. when California and New Mexico wished to be admitted as free states The greatest significance of California's desire to enter the Union was __________. the concern of Southerners that it would upset the balance of free and slave states Under the Compromise of 1850, which of the following would be able to choose whether to be a free or a slave state? Utah Territory Effects of the Compromise of 1850 included __________. sectional dissatisfaction by both sides As a novel with social power, Uncle Tom's Cabin succeeded because it __________. presented real characters and not just abstract arguments Members of Young America supported __________. extending American influence throughout Central and South America Franklin Pierce failed to __________. effectively handle the territorial problems in Kansas President Pierce tried to mute the conflicts about slavery by emphasizing __________. an aggressive foreign policy Northerners of all parties were outraged by the Kansas-Nebraska Act, because it __________. was viewed as a plot to extend slavery above the Missouri Compromise line Proslavery elements in Kansas manipulated the statutes of the Kansas-Nebraska Act by __________. encouraging and arming proslavery residents from Missouri Results of the Kansas-Nebraska Act included __________. a bloody civil conflict between proslavery and antislavery forces in Kansas Which statement would most likely have been said by creators of the Republican Party? "The extension of slavery must be stopped, for it is the largest issue facing our nation." Robert Walker showed integrity when he __________. uncovered and revealed electoral corruption in Kansas The Panic of 1857 __________. favored the Republicans in 1858 In the 1858 senatorial campaign in Illinois, __________. Lincoln gained national recognition John Brown hoped that his raid on Harper's Ferry, Virginia would __________. start a slave rebellion in the state of Virginia In the last days of his presidency, James Buchanan was __________. ineffective and powerless The Republicans became the clear favorite in the presidential election of 1860 when __________. the Democratic Party split into sectional factions President Lincoln's strategy regarding secession focused on __________. keeping states of the upper South in the Union What effect did the publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin have on many northern white people? It moved them to active participation in the debate and the end of slavery. Which of the following is one of the reasons why Stephen Douglas wanted a transcontinental railroad? He stood to profit personally from its completion. The election of 1860 revealed that __________. Americans voted very strongly along sectional lines

Ch. 14

Which state stayed in the Union when President Lincoln called for troops? Kentucky In the spring of 1862, the Confederacy __________. enacted the first general draft in American history Several counties in the western part of __________ supported the Union and eventually became the 35th state. Virginia Which of the following states initially joined the Confederacy? North Carolina During the Civil War, __________ occupied Mexico. France In the West, General Ulysses S. Grant employed the wise strategy of __________. combined land and river attacks When Joseph Johnston was badly wounded at the Battle of Seven Pines, he was replaced by __________. Robert E. Lee Robert E. Lee __________. had a famous father who fought in the Revolutionary War The Confiscation Act of 1862 __________. ordered the seizure of land from disloyal southerners The Emancipation Proclamation __________. freed the slaves of all states in rebellion The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution outlawed __________. slavery everywhere in the United States The bloodiest single day of fighting in American history occurred at __________. Antietam The result of Pickett's Charge was __________. a heavy loss of lives for the charging Confederates The Union captured Vicksburg by __________. surrounding it and laying siege with artillery fire Copperheads were __________. northern Democrats suspected of having Confederate sympathies The Homestead Act __________. required settlers to cultivate the land and build a house During the Civil War, women in the North __________. entered the workforce in large numbers Which state was formed when it seceded from the Confederacy West Virginia Members of the Order of the Heroes of America __________. were southerners who dissented against the Confederacy Who did President Lincoln name as commander of all Union forces in March, 1864? Ulysses S. Grant Early in the Atlanta campaign, William T. Sherman refused to make the mistake of __________. launching a frontal assault After the election of 1864, the Republicans __________. controlled the presidency, the Senate, and the House General Lee surrendered his army to General Grant at the courthouse in __________. Appomattox, Virginia The last army surrendered by the Confederacy was __________. the trans-Mississippi army John Wilkes Booth __________. was shot to death in a barn in northern Virginia Before the first battle of the Civil War, most people on both sides thought __________. their side would win easily This state's strategic position north of Washington, D.C. made it vital for the Union cause. Maryland The Confederate economy was especially hurt by __________. the Union's effective naval blockade on cotton exports President Lincoln earned an early political and military advantage when __________. the Union managed to keep key border states in the Union What flaw existed in the Confederacy's strategy for victory? They did not possess enough resources to stay the course of their defensive strategy. Robert E. Lee opposed secession, but __________. was unwilling to take up arms against his native Virginia Union victories in the West gave them key strategic control of __________. the Mississippi River Why did African American men volunteer to serve in the Union Army? the opportunity for freedom and redemption In what way does the Emancipation Proclamation serve as a symbol today? It symbolizes the hope of true racial equality. Which statement about the Battle of Chancellorsville is true? The South won the battle, but suffered a high cost in lives. General Meade correctly guessed that the Confederates' attack on day three at Gettysburg __________. would be a frontal assault rather than a flanking maneuver Which statement about Texas during the Civil War is true? Mexican-Americans tended to support the Union. The Battle of Glorieta Pass __________. gave the Union firm control of the Southwest President Lincoln suspended the right of habeas corpus for the purpose of __________. making it easier to arrest and hold suspected Confederate agents The New York Draft Riot __________. turned into violence based on social class and racism During the Civil War, the northern economy __________. grew and prospered A major problem in the South during the years of 1863-1865 was __________. a lack of food Early in the war, southern women __________. helped the war effort within their domestic domain Many of General Grant's victories in Virginia were characterized by __________. large loss of lives by the Union army General Grant's effective strategy for winning the war was based on __________. coordinating Union attacks on all fronts of the war Confederate defeats at the battles of Franklin and Nashville __________. removed any threat from the rear of General Sherman's army Confederate General Johnston realized that the assassination of Abraham Lincoln __________. was the worst thing that could have happened for the South's future Why did the Confederacy have a difficult time developing a national consciousness? Southerners were very similar to the people of the nation they had renounced. Why was Antietam a major turning point in the Civil War? The close victory afforded President Lincoln the opportunity to announce emancipation. What was one of the effects of the Union's takeover of Atlanta? The Union now had access to the richest farmland in Georgia.

Ch. 15

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