Hist 2753 ch. 8-9

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8. In what year was the first telegraph message transmitted?


9. Southern slave states sought to protect their national political interests by

ensuring an equal number of slave states and free states.

8. Who invented a mechanical reaper to harvest grain?

Cyrus Hall McCormick

9. In McCulloch v. Maryland, John Marshall did which of the following?

He denied that the states could tax a federal institution

9. Which of the following statements accurately describes James Monroe as president?

He established an important principle of American foreign policy.

9. In the 1816 vote on the Bank of the United States,

Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun supported it, but Daniel Webster opposed it.

9. The election of 1824 was decided when

Henry Clay supported John Quincy Adams

8. Which of the following nationalities comprised the largest immigrant groups in America in the two decades before the Civil War?

Irish and German

9. Which of the following statements accurately describes the Missouri Compromise?

It admitted Maine to the union as a free state and Missouri as a slave state.

8. Which of following accurately describes the federal government's role in regards to transportation improvements in the first half of the nineteenth century?

It bought stock in and gave land grants to some transportation companies

9. In Dartmouth College v. Woodward, the Supreme Court did which of the following?

It expanded the definition of contracts and put them beyond state control

8. The Know-Nothing Party was built on


9. John C. Calhoun believed funding internal improvements, such as a network of roads and canals in the West, would

open trading relationships between the South and West.

9. The percentage of Americans who could vote increased between 1790 and 1820 because

states abolished many property and taxpaying requirements.

8. Which of the following did the Erie Canal connect?

the Great Lakes and the Midwest to New York City

9. In 1828, the idea that a state could nullify an act of Congress was proposed by

John C. Calhoun

8. Which of the following accurately describes Norwegian immigrants in the mid-nineteenth century?

Many settled in the Upper Midwest, where they established farms and new towns

9. The Era of Good Feelings was brought to an end by the

Panic of 1819.

8. Which of the following characterizes professional work in the first half of the nineteenth century up to the Civil War?

Professional jobs were growing in number, with little formal academic training required for many positions

8, The development of California attracted many Chinese immigrants who often did heavy construction work on railroads and bridges.


8. By the start of the Civil War, Catholicism was the largest religious denomination in the United States.


8. The National Trades' Union was one of the first nationwide labor unions in the United States.


8. The national telegraph system was the most important advance in communications in America prior to the Civil War.


8. The perishability of tea leaves spurred the development of fast-sailing ships known as "clippers."


8. The steamboat played a significant role in making farming a commercial activity.


9. A collapse in cotton prices set off the Panic of 1819.


9. Andrew Jackson defeated the Seminole Indians in Spanish Florida.


9. As president, John Quincy Adams was a strong nationalist.


9. Henry Clay was a nationalist who championed the American System.


9. In the election of 1828, Andrew Jackson was more popular with ordinary people and southern planters than was the incumbent president, John Quincy Adams.


9. John Quincy Adams's administration was crippled from the beginning because of the "corrupt bargain."


9. The Monroe Doctrine developed after the monarchs of Europe seemed ready to help Spain regain her old empire in Latin America.


9. The extension of voting rights in most states to white men was a factor in Andrew Jackson's election in 1828


9. The remark, "The Republicans have out-federalized Federalism," refers to Republicans in the late 1810s who supported a national bank and protective tariffs.


8. Which of the following was NOT an agricultural invention made before 1850?

artificial fertilizer

8. Which of the following was a result of the proliferation of railroads during the second quarter of the nineteenth century?

the emergence of new western settlements

9. The United States was able to acquire Florida easily because of

the lack of Spanish control over the area

9. The Era of Good Feelings describes

the peaceful beginnings of James Monroe's administration

8. Nineteenth-century developments in transportation in the United States occurred in which order?

turnpikes, steamboats, canals, railroads

8. By 1860, where was the majority of the nation's population located?

west of the Appalachian Mountains

8. Which of the following accurately describes a difference between factory work and the work of self-employed artisans in the first half of the nineteenth century?

Factory workers did one specific task repetitively, while self-employed artisans completed all tasks involved in the creation of a product

8. "Clermonts" was the name given to the large horse-drawn wagons that helped to improve America's transportation system in the early nineteenth century.


8. "Nativism" is defined as hatred of other people on the basis of their skin color.


8. As a result of Elizabeth Blackwell excelling in her studies at Geneva Medical College, the school opened its doors to women


8. In Commonwealth v. Hunt, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled all labor unions illegal.


8. Many German immigrants left their homeland because of a potato famine in the 1840s.


8. Most German immigrants in the 1850s were Jewish.


8. The Lowell system depended on a large, urban labor force.


9. Chief Justice John Marshall proved to be a consistent supporter of states' rights over those of the federal government


9. The Monroe Doctrine was narrowly approved by Congress in 1823 and has remained international law ever since.


9. The National Road was built to connect the Midwest with the East Coast.


9. The Panic of 1819 was successfully halted by the effective actions of the Second Bank of the United States.


9. The Tariff of 1816 benefited the Northeast and the South equally.


9. There were four Federalist candidates for the presidency in the election of 1824.


8. Which of the following was a result of the invention of the cotton gin?

The concentration of slave populations shifted to cotton-growing states

8. Which of the following accurately describes Irish immigrants in the mid-nineteenth century?

They often worked in dangerous and/or low-paying jobs and were viewed with contempt by established Americans

9. Following the War of 1812, President James Madison embraced a program of economic nationalism that consisted of

a national bank, a protective tariff, and a larger army and navy.

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