Histology 111 Special senses

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23. What is the suspensory ligament of the lens? a. Zonlular fibers b. Purkinje fibers c. Elastic fibers d. Spiral ligament e. Oval ligament

Answer: a The zonular fibers are the suspensory ligament of the lens

35. Which one of the following is not found in the retina? a. Henle's layer b. Bipolar cells c. Amacrine cells d. Rods e. Ganglion cells

Answer: a Bipolar cells, amacrine cells, rods, and ganglion cells are all part of the retina. Henle's layer is a layer in the hair follicle

12. Where is the ciliary muscle located? a. Ciliary body b. Optic disc c. Fovea centralis d. Lamina vitrea e. Lamina cribrosa

Answer: a The ciliary body is a thickening in the uvea. It contains the ciliary muscle. The site where the optic nerve leaves the eyeball is the optic disc. This region is also called the anatomical blind spot. Since there are no photoreceptors at this spot, it causes a blind spot in the visual field. The fovea centralis is part of the retina. There are only cone cells in the fovea centralis. It is the site for maximal visual acuity. The inner layer of the choroid is the lamina vitrea. The lamina vitrea is also referred to as Bruch's membrane. The lamina cribrosa are small openings within the sclera where the fibers forming the optic nerve travel through

33. What is the middle layer of the eyeball? a. Uvea b. Rods c. Cones d. Bipolar cells e. Ganglion cells

Answer: a The eyeball has three layers. The innermost layer is the retina. The middle layer is the uvea. The outer layer is the sclera and cornea. The retina consists of the rods, cones, bipolar cells, ganglion cells, horizontal cells, and amacrine cells. The receptors for vision are the rods and cones. The rods are located on the periphery, and are not color sensitive. The cones are the receptors for color

8. What is the space anterior to the iris? a. Anterior chamber b. Posterior chamber c. Vitreal cavity d. Both a and b e. All of a, b, and c

Answer: a The region behind the lens is the vitreal cavity. The chambers anterior to the lens are the anterior chamber and posterior chamber. The iris separates the anterior chamber from the posterior chamber.

29. What is the vascular pigmented structure? a. Choroid b. Ciliary body c. Iris d. Ora serrata e. Lens

Answer: a The vascular pigmented structure of the uvea is the choroid. The ciliary body contains the ciliary muscle. The ciliary muscle is responsible for adjusting the lens. The most anterior portion of the uvea is the iris. The anterior pigmented portion of the retina is called the ora serrata. The sclera is the "white of the eye".

24. Which layer of the cornea is acellular? a. Bowman's membrane b. Substantia propria c. Epithelium d. Endothelium e. All of the above

Answer: a There are five layers to the cornea: epithelium, Bowman's membrane, substantia propria, Descemet's membrane, and endothelium. The surface of the cornea is covered by a non keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. Bowman's membrane and Descemet's membrane are acellular. The majority of the cornea is from the substantia propria. The endothelium is a simple epithelium

20. Which structure is avascular? a. Retina b. Cornea c. Choroid d. Sclera e. Uvea

Answer: b The cornea is avascular

26. What type of glands are the glands of Moll? a. Endocrine gland b. Apocrine sweat gland c. Oil gland d. Sebaceous glands e. Eccrine sweat gland

Answer: b The glands of Moll in the eyelid are apocrine sweat glands

58. Which cell type is the receptor cell within the organ of Corti? a. Cells of Hensen b. Hair cells c. Inner border cells d. Outer phalangeal cells e. Inner pillar cells

Answer: b The hair cells are the receptor cells. The other cells are supporting cells.

10. What is the region where the optic nerve leaves the eyeball? a. Ciliary body b. Optic disc c. Fovea centralis d. Lamina vitrea e. Lamina cribrosa

Answer: b The ciliary body is a thickening in the uvea. It contains the ciliary muscle. The site where the optic nerve leaves the eyeball is the optic disc. This region is also called the anatomical blind spot. Since there are no photoreceptors at this spot, it causes a blind spot in the visual field. The fovea centralis is part of the retina. There are only cone cells in the fovea centralis. It is the site for maximal visual acuity. The inner layer of the choroid is the lamina vitrea. The lamina vitrea is also referred to as Bruch's membrane. The lamina cribrosa are small openings within the sclera where the fibers forming the optic nerve travel through

38. Where is the blind spot? a. Ciliary body b. Optic disc c. Fovea centralis d. Lamina vitrea e. Lamina cribrosa

Answer: b The ciliary body is a thickening in the uvea. It contains the ciliary muscle. The site where the optic nerve leaves the eyeball is the optic disc. This region is also called the anatomical blind spot. Since there are no photoreceptors at this spot, it causes a blind spot in the visual field. The fovea centralis is part of the retina. There are only cone cells in the fovea centralis. It is the site for maximal visual acuity. The inner layer of the choroid is the lamina vitrea. The lamina vitrea is also referred to as Bruch's membrane. The lamina cribrosa are small openings within the sclera where the fibers forming the optic nerve travel through

41. Where on the retina are there no photoreceptors? a. Ciliary body b. Optic disc c. Fovea centralis d. Lamina vitrea e. Lamina cribrosa

Answer: b The ciliary body is a thickening in the uvea. It contains the ciliary muscle. The site where the optic nerve leaves the eyeball is the optic disc. This region is also called the anatomical blind spot. Since there are no photoreceptors at this spot, it causes a blind spot in the visual field. The fovea centralis is part of the retina. There are only cone cells in the fovea centralis. It is the site for maximal visual acuity. The inner layer of the choroid is the lamina vitrea. The lamina vitrea is also referred to as Bruch's membrane. The lamina cribrosa are small openings within the sclera where the fibers forming the optic nerve travel through.

4. Which of the following is the receptor for color? a. Rods b. Cones c. Bipolar cells d. Ganglion cells e. Horizontal cells

Answer: b The eyeball has three layers. The innermost layer is the retina. The middle layer is the uvea. The outer layer is the sclera and cornea. The retina consists of the rods, cones, bipolar cells, ganglion cells, horizontal cells, and amacrine cells. The receptors for vision are the rods and cones. The rods are located on the periphery, and are not color sensitive. The cones are the receptors for color

47. What is the space posterior to the iris? a. Anterior chamber b. Posterior chamber c. Vitreal cavity d. Both a and b e. All of a, b, and c

Answer: b The region behind the lens is the vitreal cavity. The chambers anterior to the lens are the anterior chamber and posterior chamber. The iris separates the anterior chamber from the posterior chamber

7. Which of the following is a type of neuron? a. Rods b. Ganglion cells c. Cones d. Pigmented epithelium e. Supporting cells

Answer: b The retina contains receptor cells, neurons, pigmented epithelium and supporting cells. The nervous element in the retina consists of bipolar cells and ganglion cells

30. What type of epithelium is on the surface of the cornea? a. Simple squamous b. Stratified squamous c. Simple cuboidal d. Simple columnar e. Transitional epithelium

Answer: b The surface of the cornea is covered by a non keratinized stratified squamous epithelium

46. Which structure is part the uvea? a. Sclera b. Iris c. Ora serrata d. Pigmented epithelium e. Cornea

Answer: b The uvea is the middle layer of the eyeball. It consists of the iris, choroid and ciliary body

13. Where is the ciliary muscle located? a. Choroid b. Ciliary body c. Iris d. Ora serrata e. Sclera

Answer: b The vascular pigmented structure of the uvea is the choroid. The ciliary body contains the ciliary muscle. The ciliary muscle is responsible for adjusting the lens. The most anterior portion of the uvea is the iris. The anterior pigmented portion of the retina is called the ora serrata. The sclera is the "white of the eye".

5. What is responsible for adjusting the lens? a. Choroid b. Ciliary muscle c. Iris d. Ora serrata e. Sclera

Answer: b The vascular pigmented structure of the uvea is the choroid. The ciliary body contains the ciliary muscle. The ciliary muscle is responsible for adjusting the lens. The most anterior portion of the uvea is the iris. The anterior pigmented portion of the retina is called the ora serrata. The sclera is the "white of the eye".

48. What is within the membranous labyrinth? a. Lymph b. Blood c. Endolymph d. Perilymph e. Air

Answer: c

50. Which contains endolymph? a. Scala vestibuli b. Scala tympani c. Cochlear duct d. Both a and b e. All a, b, and c

Answer: c

52. Where are the sensory receptors for hearing? a. Saccule b. Utricle c. Organ of Corti d. Semicircular canals e. Both a and b

Answer: c

57. What sensation does the crista ampullaris recognize? a. Sound b. Position c. Movement d. Vibration e. All of the above

Answer: c The crista ampullaris is the receptor for movement

14. What are the openings within the sclera which allow nerve fibers to exit? a. Os b. Optic chiasm c. Lamina cribrosa d. Optic disc e. Ora serrata

Answer: c An os is an opening or mouth. The optic chiasm is the anatomical region shaped like an "X" where the two optic nerves join. The region where the optic nerve exits the eye is the optic disc. The openings within the sclera which allow nerve fibers to exit is the lamina cribrosa. The anterior pigmented portion of the retina is called the ora serrata

45. Which one of the following is not found in the retina? a. Pigment epithelium b. Muller's cells c. Huxley's layer d. Horizontal cells e. Cones

Answer: c Pigment epithelium, Muller's cells, horizontal cells, and cones cells are all part of the retina. Huxley's layer is a layer in the hair follicle.

22. Where is the region associated with maximum visual acuity? a. Ciliary body b. Optic disc c. Fovea centralis d. Lamina vitrea e. Lamina cribrosa

Answer: c The ciliary body is a thickening in the uvea. It contains the ciliary muscle. The site where the optic nerve leaves the eyeball is the optic disc. This region is also called the anatomical blind spot. Since there are no photoreceptors at this spot, it causes a blind spot in the visual field. The fovea centralis is part of the retina. There are only cone cells in the fovea centralis. It is the site for maximal visual acuity. The inner layer of the choroid is the lamina vitrea. The lamina vitrea is also referred to as Bruch's membrane. The lamina cribrosa are small openings within the sclera where the fibers forming the optic nerve travel through

25. How many layers of tissue compose the eyeball? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5

Answer: c The eyeball has three layers. The innermost layer is the retina. The middle layer is the uvea. The outer layer is the sclera and cornea

2. What are neurons in the retina? a. Unipolar b. Pseudounipolar c. Bipolar d. Multipolar e. Both a and b

Answer: c The neurons in the retina are bipolar. Neurons can be classified based on the number of axons and dendrites stemming off of the cell body. A unipolar neuron has one process which branches off of it This process then immediately divides into two. Thus, a unipolar neuron is sometimes also called a pseudounipolar neuron. Sensory neurons are unipolar. A bipolar neuron has two process that branch from it: an axon and a dendrite. Bipolar neurons are not very common and are found in some of the organs for special senses. Bipolar neurons are found in the retina, inner ear, and the region of the nose involved with smell. Multipolar neurons have one axon and many (at least two) dendrites that branch off of it. Most neurons are multipolar. Motor neurons and interneurons are multipolar.

37. What is the space posterior to the lens? a. Anterior chamber b. Posterior chamber c. Vitreal cavity d. Both a and b e. All of a, b, and c

Answer: c The region behind the lens is the vitreal cavity. The chambers anterior to the lens are the anterior chamber and posterior chamber. The iris separates the anterior chamber from the posterior chamber

36. Which structure is part the uvea? a. Ora serrata b. Pigmented epithelium c. Choroid d. Cornea e. Sclera

Answer: c The uvea is the middle layer of the eyeball. It consists of the iris, choroid and ciliary body

44. What is the most anterior portion of the uvea? a. Choroid b. Ciliary body c. Iris d. Ora serrata e. Sclera

Answer: c The vascular pigmented structure of the uvea is the choroid. The ciliary body contains the ciliary muscle. The ciliary muscle is responsible for adjusting the lens. The most anterior portion of the uvea is the iris. The anterior pigmented portion of the retina is called the ora serrata. The sclera is the "white of the eye".

19. Which layer of the cornea is acellular? a. Epithelium b. Endothelium c. Descemet's membrane d. Substantia propria e. None of the above

Answer: c There are five layers to the cornea: epithelium, Bowman's membrane, substantia propria, Descemet's membrane, and endothelium. The surface of the cornea is covered by a non keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. Bowman's membrane and Descemet's membrane are acellular. The majority of the cornea is from the substantia propria. The endothelium is a simple epithelium

53. Where are the sensory receptors for movement? a. Saccule b. Utricle c. Organ of Corti d. Semicircular canals e. Both a and b

Answer: d

49. What is within the bony labyrinth? a. Lymph b. Blood c. Endolymph d. Perilymph e. Air

Answer: d The membranous labyrinth contains endolymph. The bony labyrinth contains perilymph

51. Which contains perilymph? a. Scala vestibuli b. Scala tympani c. Cochlear duct d. Both a and b e. All a, b, and c

Answer: d The scala vestibuli and scala tympani contain perilymph. The cochlear duct contains endolymph

6. What is the region called where the optic nerve exits the eye? a. Os b. Optic chiasm c. Lamina cribrosa d. Optic disc e. Ora serrata

Answer: d An os is an opening or mouth. The optic chiasm is the anatomical region shaped like an "X" where the two optic nerves join. The region where the optic nerve exits the eye is the optic disc. The openings within the sclera which allow nerve fibers to exit is the lamina cribrosa. The anterior pigmented portion of the retina is called the ora serrata

1. What is Bruch's membrane? a. Ciliary body b. Optic disc c. Fovea centralis d. Lamina vitrea e. Lamina cribrosa

Answer: d The ciliary body is a thickening in the uvea. It contains the ciliary muscle. The site where the optic nerve leaves the eyeball is the optic disc. This region is also called the anatomical blind spot. Since there are no photoreceptors at this spot, it causes a blind spot in the visual field. The fovea centralis is part of the retina. There are only cone cells in the fovea centralis. It is the site for maximal visual acuity. The inner layer of the choroid is the lamina vitrea. The lamina vitrea is also referred to as Bruch's membrane. The lamina cribrosa are small openings within the sclera where the fibers forming the optic nerve travel through

17. What is the inner layer of the choroid? a. Ciliary body b. Optic disc c. Fovea centralis d. Lamina vitrea e. Lamina cribrosa

Answer: d The ciliary body is a thickening in the uvea. It contains the ciliary muscle. The site where the optic nerve leaves the eyeball is the optic disc. This region is also called the anatomical blind spot. Since there are no photoreceptors at this spot, it causes a blind spot in the visual field. The fovea centralis is part of the retina. There are only cone cells in the fovea centralis. It is the site for maximal visual acuity. The inner layer of the choroid is the lamina vitrea. The lamina vitrea is also referred to as Bruch's membrane. The lamina cribrosa are small openings within the sclera where the fibers forming the optic nerve travel through.

16. What structure adjusts the shape of the lens? a. Internal oblique muscle b. Orbicularis oculi c. Tarsus d. Ciliary muscle e. Levator muscle

Answer: d The ciliary muscle is within the ciliary body. The ciliary muscle adjusts the shape of the lens

31. What structure was Crystal Gayle referring to when she sang, "Don't it make my brown eyes blue"? a. Pupil b. Lens c. Cornea d. Iris e. Retina

Answer: d The iris is the colored part of the eyes

28. What is the space anterior to the lens? a. Anterior chamber b. Posterior chamber c. Vitreal cavity d. Both a and b e. All of a, b, and c

Answer: d The region behind the lens is the vitreal cavity. The chambers anterior to the lens are the anterior chamber and posterior chamber. The iris separates the anterior chamber from the posterior chamber

15. Which of the following is NOT part of the retina? a. Receptor cells b. Neurons c. Pigmented epithelium d. Ciliary body e. Supporting cells

Answer: d The retina contains receptor cells, neurons, pigmented epithelium and supporting cells. The nervous element in the retina consists of bipolar cells and ganglion cells

34. What is the anterior pigmented portion of the retina called? a. Choroid b. Ciliary body c. Iris d. Ora serrata e. Sclera

Answer: d The vascular pigmented structure of the uvea is the choroid. The ciliary body contains the ciliary muscle. The ciliary muscle is responsible for adjusting the lens. The most anterior portion of the uvea is the iris. The anterior pigmented portion of the retina is called the ora serrata. The sclera is the "white of the eye".

9. Which layer forms the majority of the cornea? a. Epithelium b. Endothelium c. Descemet's membrane d. Substantia propria e. Bowman's membrane

Answer: d There are five layers to the cornea: epithelium, Bowman's membrane, substantia propria, Descemet's membrane, and endothelium. The surface of the cornea is covered by a non keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. Bowman's membrane and Descemet's membrane are acellular. The majority of the cornea is from the substantia propria. The endothelium is a simple epithelium

40. Which of the following is NOT a layer of the cornea? a. Bowman's membrane b. Substantia propria c. Descemet's membrane d. Lamina vitrea e. Endothelium

Answer: d There are five layers to the cornea: epithelium, Bowman's membrane, substantia propria, Descemet's membrane, and endothelium. The surface of the cornea is covered by a non keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. Bowman's membrane and Descemet's membrane are acellular. The majority of the cornea is from the substantia propria. The endothelium is a simple epithelium. The inner layer of the choroid is the lamina vitrea. The lamina vitrea is also referred to as Bruch's membrane.

55. What structure is shaped like a snail shell? a. Saccule b. Utricle c. Organ of Corti d. Semicircular canals e. Cochlea

Answer: e

56. Where is the organ of Corti? a. Saccule b. Utricle c. Crista ampullaris d. Semicircular canals e. Cochlea

Answer: e The cochlea is a spiral shaped structure. Within the cochlea is the organ of Corti

3. Which structure is transparent? a. Choroid b. Ciliary body c. Iris d. Ora serrata e. Cornea

Answer: e The cornea is transparent

54. Where are the sensory receptors for position? a. Saccule b. Utricle c. Organ of Corti d. Semicircular canals e. Both a and b

Answer: e The receptors for hearing are located within the organ of Corti. The receptors for movement are located within the semicircular canals. The receptors for position are located within the utricle and saccule

42. What makes up the bulk of the sclera? a. Purkinje fibers b. Myofibrils c. Elastic fibers d. Reticular fibers e. Collagen fibers

Answer: e The sclera is composed primarily of collagen fibers

18. Where does aqueous humor from anterior chamber collect into? a. Canaliculi b. Canal of Hering c. Canal of Muller d. Canal of Descemet e. Canal of Schlemm

Answer: e Aqueous humor collected from the anterior chamber via the canal of Schlemm

32. What makes up the bulk of the cornea? a. Purkinje fibers b. Myofibrils c. Elastic fibers d. Reticular fibers e. Collagen fibers

Answer: e The cornea is composed primarily of collagen fibers.

43. Which is NOT part of the retina? a. Rods b. Cones c. Bipolar cells d. Ganglion cells e. Uvea

Answer: e The eyeball has three layers. The innermost layer is the retina. The middle layer is the uvea. The outer layer is the sclera and cornea. The retina consists of the rods, cones, bipolar cells, ganglion cells, horizontal cells, and amacrine cells. The receptors for vision are the rods and cones. The rods are located on the periphery, and are not color sensitive. The cones are the receptors for color

11. What are the receptors for vision? a. Rods b. Cones c. Bipolar cells d. Ganglion cells e. Both a and b

Answer: e The retina consists of the rods, cones, bipolar cells, ganglion cells, horizontal cells, and amacrine cells. The receptors for vision are the rods and cones. The rods are located on the periphery, and are not color sensitive. The cones are the receptors for color

27. Which structure is part the uvea? a. Ora serrata b. Pigmented epithelium c. Cornea d. Sclera e. Ciliary body

Answer: e The uvea is the middle layer of the eyeball. It consists of the iris, choroid and ciliary body.

21. During the American Revolution, in the battle of Bunker Hill, an officer instructed his troops: "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes". What anatomical structure was he referring to? a. Choroid b. Ciliary body c. Iris d. Ora serrata e. Sclera

Answer: e The vascular pigmented structure of the uvea is the choroid. The ciliary body contains the ciliary muscle. The ciliary muscle is responsible for adjusting the lens. The most anterior portion of the uvea is the iris. The anterior pigmented portion of the retina is called the ora serrata. The sclera is the "white of the eye".

39. How many layers does the retina have? a. 1 b. 2 c. 4 d. 5 e. 10

Answer: e There are ten layers to the retina

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