History Final exam

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What were the major policy initiatives of the New Deal in the Hundred Days?

- National Industrial Recovery Act: established the National industrial recovery act, which worked with groups of business leaders to establish industry codes that set standards for output, prices, and working conditions. - the economy act: reduced federal spending in an attempt to win the confidence of the business community. - the Tennessee Valley Authority: built a series of dams to prevent floods and deforestation along the Tennessee River and to provide cheap electric power for homes and factories.

What steps lead to American participation in WWII?

- Rising tension developed between the United States and Japan because of Japanese aggression in East Asia. - On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor without warning. - The United States declared War on Japan.

How did the US mobilize economic resources and promote popular support for the war effort?



A military alliance between democratic countries that bordered the North Atlantic and eventually others.

Which act or organization barred commercial banks from becoming involved in the buying and selling of stocks?

A. the Glass-Steagall Act

How did New deal benefits apply to women and minorities?

At first it hurt - Federal Housing Agency stopped black from moving into white neighborhoods and some public works projects refused to hire blacks. 2. AAA pushed African Americans off their farms because it paid the White landowners not to grow food. When they received this money they dismissed many tenant farmers and workers. Recipients of AAA money were supposed to share with their Black workers but the reality is that this wasn't done. 3. Social Security left out blacks because it was only those who worked and paid FICA tax into the system would get out of the system. Since many African Americans either worked "off the books" or for cash they never paid in and thus never received Social Security. mexican-americans: imigration restrictions & allowed for deportation of illegal residents to reduce state welfare payment native americans: Indian reorganization act

All of the statements about Roosevelt's group of advisers known as the "Brain Trust" are true EXCEPT:

B. the "Brain Trust" believed that large corporations needed to be directed by the government.

25. Which politician remarked, "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice"?

Barry Goldwater

the Iron Curtain

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill described the democratic and communist division

Why were nationalistic movements in east Asia, the Middle East, and eastern Europe disappointed in the peace agreement at Versailles?

British who were winners didn't want to dismantle their empire, neither did the French. So, the promise of democracy was betrayed at Versailles, at least from the point of view of people like Gandhi from India, Ho Chi Minh from Vietnam, or people fighting for the independence of Egypt from British rule. So it led to a great sense of disappointment in the end

Neil Armstrong

But, in July of 1969, the U.S. landed the first person on the moon.

During the Roosevelt administration, the Democratic Party emerged into a coalition that included all of the following EXCEPT:

C. the business elite.

The Great Depression and the economic crisis that ensued discredited supporters of:

C. unregulated capitalism.

"The Big Three"

Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin

During the 1932 election:

D. FDR called for a balanced government and criticized Hoover for excessive government spending.

April 30, 1945

Hitler commits suicide

Operation Barbarossa

Hitler's Biggest Mistake, June 22, 1941 •3,000,000 German soldiers, 3,400 tanks

Battle of the Bulge

Hitlers desperate attempt to win the war

Jacob Riis

How the Other Half Lives

Elk vs. Wilkins

Indians were not American citizens

What event fored JFK to take meaningful action in support of the civil rights movement?

King's demonstrations in Birmingham

Who led a black separatist movement?

Marcus Garvey

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

National Woman Suffrage Association

How did America's involvement in World War I affect civil liberties in this country?

Now, when World War I began and then when the United States entered the war in 1917, it unleashed tremendous repressions of civil liberties, probably the most extreme in all of American history. Thousands of people were rounded up for criticizing the war, for there was tremendous opposition to American involvement in World War I.

All of the following statements about African-American participation during World War I are true EXCEPT:

President Wilson allowed African-American soldiers to march in a victory parade in Paris.

Andrew Johnson

Presidential Reconstruction

Edward Bellamy

Progress and Poverty

Thaddeus Stevens

Radical Republican congressman from Pennsylvania

the Cuban Missle Crisis

Russian leader Nikita Khrushchev secretly decided to install ballistic missiles in Cuba in 1962

Potsdam Conference

Same countries get together as the big three and they create an alliance together

the Red Scare

Senator Joseph McCarthy claimed he had a list 205 communists in the U.S. government as well as other communists in the public eye.

The Dawes Act of 1887:

Sought to break up the tribal system

Mikhail Gorbachev

Soviet leader during the end of the cold war

the Berlin Airlift

The Allies dropped supplies into West Berlin by plane everyday for 11 months until the U.S.S.R. gave in.

How did the peace settlement at Versailles continue to do harm throughout the twentieth century?

The British, the French, they wanted to punish Germany, they wanted to get reparations from Germany for all the losses, debts, and economic disasters suffered in World War I. They were not interested in political self-determination for their colonies; they wanted to absorb Germany's colonies into their own empires.


The Munich Agreement, 1938

the Berlin Wall

The Soviet response was to build it around West Berlin in 1961.

Marshell Plan

The U.S. would help to rebuild Europe after WWII if those nations would be democratic.

Yuri Gagarin

The U.S.S.R. was also first to put who in outer space?


The U.S.S.R. was first to reach outer space with the launch of it

the Warsaw Pact

The U.S.S.R.responds to the creation of NATO by forming its own military security pact. included much of the Soviet Union's communist satellite nations in Eastern Europe.

the Nuclear arms race

The United States and the U.S.S.R. raced to build up their nuclear arsenal.

the Bay of Pigs

The United States planned to overthrow Fidel Castro's communist government in Cuba by supporting exiled Cuban fighters.

the Yalta Conference

The allied powers at the end of World War II meet to discuss allied actions in conquered territories


The dominant idea was to possess many nuclear weapons to deter others from using theirs.

the Korean War

The first major conflict following World War II.

the Technology Race

The two super powers raced to outdo each other technologically.

Truman Doctrine

Truman warned Americans about the serious threat to national security posed by the U.S.S.R. and communism.


U.S. policy aimed at preventing the spread of communism to nations around the world.

55. In the 1960s, Latino rights in particular were the focus of the:

United Farm Workers and the Young Lords

V-E Day

Victory in Europe, May 8, 1945

Lend-Lease Act

When the U.S. would lend money and lease equipment to different namtions during 1941

League of Nations

Wilson established it to help keep the peace and to prevent future wars. Ineffectiveness paved the way for WWII

the European Union

With the unification of Germany (no longer east and west) and the collapse of the Soviet Union, Europe proceeded to create its own "United States of Europe,"

the Cold War

a bitter state of indirect conflict that existed between the Western Democracies and Eastern Communism. Especially between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. From the end of World War II until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.


a combination of corporations to establish a monopoly

for workers, what did the second industrial revolution not mean to them

a decrease in child labor


a policy which called for increased openness and transparency in government institutions and activities in the Soviet Union.

Pearl Harbor

a port in Hawaii that got attacked by the Japenese

The Cable Act of 1922 stated that:

a. American women who married Asian men forfeited their nationality.

Many forces predisposed Ku Klux Klan members to accept the group's exclusionary message without much analysis. These forces included all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Coolidge's economic policies.

All of the statements about Henry Ford's "Fordlandia" are true EXCEPT:

a. Fordlandia was a success.

Critics of the New Deal included all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Frances Perkins.

Why did FDR try to change the balance on the Supreme Court?

a. He feared the Supreme Court might invalidate the Wagner and Social Security acts.

Fearing the growth of the Communist Party in America, Congress passed the:

a. Smith Act.

51. Joe McCarthy announced that he had a list of 205 communists who worked for the:

a. State Department.

43. Who did the States' Rights Party nominate for president in 1948?

a. Strom Thurmond

The Agricultural Adjustment Act:

a. The Agricultural Adjustment Act:

13. How did the United States respond to Joseph Stalin's blockade around Berlin?

a. Truman ordered that supplies be brought to Berlin via an airlift.

1. The Freedom Train was:

a. a traveling exhibition of over 100 historical documents.

5. In his "Long Telegram" from Moscow, George Kennan:

a. advised Truman that the Soviets could be dealt with as a normal government.

44. In 1948, the Progressive Party:

a. advocated expanded social welfare programs.

During the 1920s:

a. an estimated 40 percent of the population remained in poverty.

President Harding's call for a return to normalcy meant:

a. bringing back the Progressive spirit of reform.

Railroads were to the late nineteenth century what ____________ were to the 1920s.

a. cars

What replaced liberty of contract as the judicial foundation of freedom by the end of the New Deal?

a. civil liberties

53. Operation Wetback:

a. deported illegal aliens found in Mexican-American neighborhoods.

Agriculture in the 1920s:

a. enjoyed its golden age.

25. The impact of the Cold War on American culture was:

a. especially evident in the movies.

The Harlem Renaissance:

a. included writers and poets such as Langston Hughes and Claude McKay.

37. The Taft-Hartley Act:

a. outlawed the closed shop.

The American Liberty League:

a. protested President Roosevelt's policies.

The Scottsboro case:

a. reflected the racism that was prevalent in the South during the 1930s.

22. Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO):

a. replaced NATO in Europe.

6. The "Iron Curtain":

a. separated the free West from the communist East.

2. After World War II, the only nation that could rival the United States was:

a. the Soviet Union.

Which New Deal program put the federal government for the first time in the business of selling electricity in competition with private companies?

a. the Tennessee Valley Authority

The New Deal concentrated power in the hands of:

a. the executive branch.

The First New Deal:

a. was a series of experiments, some of which succeeded and some of which failed.

15. NATO:

a. was an alliance between the United States and several Western European countries.

In 1928, Herbert Hoover:

a. won the presidency, primarily because of his sterling reputation and the general, apparent prosperity of the nation.

On April 2, 1917, Woodrow Wilson asked Congress for a declaration of war:

against Germany, "to make the world safe for democracy."

W. E. B. Du Bois:

agreed with Booker T. Washington that vocational education was best for African-Americans.

Elk vs. Wilkins:

agreed with lowering court rulings that the 14th and 15th amendments did not apply to indians

How did standard oil depicted in the magazine Puck, illustrating the company as a dangerous monopoly?

an octopus

Senators opposing America's participation in the League of Nations:

argued that it would threaten to deprive the country of its freedom of action.

20. Which statement about the Korean conflict is FALSE?

b. Chinese troops threatened to enter the conflict, but never did.

35. All of the following statements are true of the Fair Deal EXCEPT:

b. Congress passed Truman's Fair Deal to raise the standard of living for Americans.

23. Which long-held U.S. territory was granted independence in 1946?

b. Philippines

54. Organized labor emerged as:

b. a major supporter of the foreign policy of the Cold War.

19. Which statement best describes what NSC-68 called for?

b. a permanent military buildup and a global application of containment

What did Andre Siegfried observe Americans consider to be a "sacred acquisition"?

b. a standard of living

Which would NOT be considered a characteristic of a flapper?

b. advocated temperance

In their 1929 study, Middletown, Robert and Helen Lynd:

b. argued that leisure activities and consumption had replaced political involvement.

The Wagner Act:

b. created the National Labor Relations Board.

The Congress of Industrial Organizations:

b. created unions of skilled workers by craft.

33. When World War II ended:

b. demobilization proceeded quickly.

Cultural pluralism:

b. described a society that gloried in ethnic diversity.

41. Which civil rights measure was passed into law during Truman's administration?

b. desegregation of the armed forces

26. "Militant Liberty" was the code name for a national security agency that:

b. encouraged Hollywood to produce anticommunist movies.

The National Industrial Recovery Act:

b. established codes that set standards for production, prices, and wages in several industries

57. In "Who Is Loyal to America?" Henry Steele Commager:

b. favors the new meaning given to loyalty: conformity.

The Ku Klux Klan:

b. flourished in the early 1920s, especially in the North and West.

In the 1920s, movies, radios, and phonographs:

b. helped create and spread a new celebrity culture.

17. In 1949, Mao Zedong:

b. led a successful communist revolution in China.

42. The Dixiecrats:

b. opposed desegregation in the South.

The Scopes trial of 1925:

b. pitted creationists against evolutionists.

The Equal Rights Amendment:

b. proposed to eliminate all legal distinctions based on sex.

48. The Hollywood Ten:

b. refused to name names.

Keynesian economics:

b. relied on large-scale government spending.

Regarding public education, in 1922, Oregon became the first state to:

b. require all students to attend public school.

Which issue became the focus of the 1928 presidential race?

b. the fact that Alfred Smith was Catholic

36. Operation Dixie was:

b. the postwar union campaign in the South.

9. The Marshall Plan:

b. was a United States-Soviet program to rebuild Europe.

45. The 1948 presidential race:

b. was the last presidential race to occur before television forever changed campaigning.

19. The 1964 Civil Rights Act did not:

ban discriminatory laws that prevented suffrage

The Nineteenth Amendment:

barred states from using sex as a qualification for voting.

The anti-German crusade included all of the following measures EXCEPT:

barring German-Americans from serving in the military.

which event marked the end of the indian wars?

battle of wounded knee

social gospel

believed that equality of wealth was required for freedom

As president, Woodrow Wilson:

believed that the export of U.S. manufactured goods went hand in hand with the spread of democracy.

Howard University

black school in Washington, D.C.

"The Great Migration" refers to:

blacks moving from the South to the North.

15. The Cuban Missile Crisis:

brought the US and the Soviets to the brink of a nuclear war

what did hunters shoot while riding the railroads across the West?


horizontal integration

buying out ones competitors

49. Who did Whittaker Chambers accuse of being a soviet spy during a HUAC hearing?

c. Alger Hiss

Which city was considered the "capital" of black America?

c. Harlem

Which statement about the Indian New Deal is FALSE?

c. It continued the policy of the Dawes Act.

27. Who led the New York School of painters?

c. Jackson Pollack

Who was sentenced to death in a controversial criminal trial?

c. Nicola Sacco

All of the statements about Prohibition during the 1920s are true EXCEPT:

c. Prohibition led to widespread corruption among law officials.

38. Which piece of American legislation stated that union leaders had to swear an oath that they were not communists?

c. Taft-Hartley Act

4. According to the policy of containment, as laid out by George Kennan, the:

c. United States was committed to preventing the spread of communism.

The backbone of economic growth during the 1920s was the increased consumption of:

c. automobiles.

39. Jackie Robinson:

c. broke the color barrier in major league baseball.

18. NSC-68:

c. called for a massive increase in U.S. military forces.

56. What do the authors of NSC-68 identify as the "most contagious idea in history"?

c. freedom

28. To wage the cultural Cold War, the Central Intelligence Agency and Defense Department:

c. funded an array of artistic publications, concerts, performances, and exhibits.

24. The movements for colonial independence:

c. generally had U.S. support.

31. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

c. included freedom of speech and religion.

55. The impact of the Cold War on the civil rights movement:

c. included government action against black leaders.

The Works Progress Administration:

c. included projects in the arts.

The New Deal failed to generate

c. jobs

Meyer v. Nebraska:

c. overturned a law that stated public schools would instruct classes in English.

In the presidential election of 1936:

c. the so-called New Deal coalition reelected FDR in a landslide.

Upton Sinclair:

c. was head of the End Poverty in California movement.

50. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg:

c. were executed after a questionable trial.

11. Japan's constitution, which Americans had written, provided for the first time in Japanese history:

c. women's suffrage.

37. The New Left:

called for a democracy of citizen participation

The "Declaration of Principles" adopted by W. E. B. Du Bois's Niagara Movement:

called for complete economic and educational equality.

Dollar Diplomacy:

characterizes the foreign policy of Theodore Roosevelt.

The Roosevelt Corollary:

claimed the right of the United States to act as a police power in the Western Hemisphere.

Axis Powers

consisted of a large portion of Europe, Liberia, the Philippians, Japan, and parts of China during 1942

vertical integration

controlling every phase of a business

What became a symbol of a life of freedom on the open range?


the civil service act of 1883:

created a merit system for government workers

America's empire in the early twentieth century was all of the following EXCEPT:


47. What reason did the Hollywood Ten give for not cooperating with the HUAC hearings?

d. They felt the hearings were a violation of the First Amendment.

30. In 1948, Eleanor Roosevelt chaired a committee to draft the:

d. Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

34. President Truman's Fair Deal included:

d. a national health insurance plan.

52. The McCarran-Walter Act:

d. authorized the deportation of communists, even if they were naturalized citizens.

29. The McCarran Internal Security Act:

d. barred "totalitarians" from entering the United States.

What did Calvin Coolidge believe was the chief business of the American people?

d. business

The Scopes trial illustrated a divide between:

d. cultural diversity and nativism.

Besides work and school, the most active agents of Americanization during the 1920s were:

d. dance halls, department stores, and movie theaters.

The trial and execution of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti:

d. demonstrated how the Red Scare extended into the 1920s.

21. The Korean War:

d. ended in a stalemate.

During the 1920s, American multinational corporations:

d. extended their reach throughout the world.

By 1935, the New Deal:

d. faced mounting pressures and criticism.

The Hawley-Smoot Tariff:

d. had no effect on the economy in 1930.

32. The principle of human rights—the idea of basic rights belonging to all persons because they are human—was introduced into international relations:

d. in the late eighteenth century during the American and French Revolutions.

10. After World War II ended, Japan:

d. received economic assistance from the United States.

Federal housing policy:

d. reinforced residential segregation

40. President Truman's civil rights plan called for all of the following EXCEPT:

d. reparations.

The 1924 Immigration Act:

d. set quotas that favored immigration from southern and eastern Europe.

Labor unions lost members in the 1920s for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

d. some corporations began to provide employees with pensions and medical insurance.

16. All of the following are enactments of the policy of containment EXCEPT:

d. the Korean War

3. The first confrontation of the Cold War took place in:

d. the Middle East, when Soviet troops occupied northern Iran seeking access to oil fields.

8. What set a precedent for American assistance to anticommunist regimes throughout the world, no matter how undemocratic?

d. the Truman Doctrine

For the feminist woman in the 1920s, freedom meant:

d. the right to choose her lifestyle.

The Teapot Dome scandal involved:

d. the secretary of the interior, who received money in exchange for leasing government oil reserves to private companies.

During the 1920s, consumer goods:

d. were frequently purchased on credit.

Jeannette Rankin, the first woman elected to Congress:

did not support U.S. entry into World War I.

the impact of the second industrial rev on the trans-Mississippi West was:

dramatic as an agricultural empire grew


during the winter of 1942-43. germans attacked Russians ans were evenly matched

14. Which statement is true about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?

e. All the members pledged mutual defense against any future Soviet attack.

46. All of the following statements about the Cold War's impact on American life are true EXCEPT:

e. Cold War military spending weakened the economy.

Which statement about the New Deal is true?

e. Social Security was a Second New Deal program.

Hoover's response to the Depression included all of the following measures EXCEPT:

e. a reduction in the size of the army.

The sit-down strike was:

e. a tactic pioneered by the CIO.

7. The Truman Doctrine:

e. committed the United States to fighting communism anywhere.

12. In 1948, the Soviets began the Berlin Blockade:

e. in response to the creation of West Germany.

The Great Depression was caused by all of the following factors EXCEPT:

e. increased government regulation of banking and the stock market.

Which phrase best describes Eleanor Roosevelt's tenure as First Lady?

e. redefined the role of First Lady, championing women's rights, civil rights, and human rights

During 1934, the great wave of labor strikes included all of the following groups EXCEPT:

e. stockbrokers.

The Great Depression shaped the lives of Americans in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

e. the America suicide rate declined.

Under New Deal reform, African-Americans:

e. were mostly excluded from Social Security benefits.

Nikola Tesla

electric motor creator

27. The 1965 Voting Rights Act:

empowered federal officials to oversee voter registration

Compromise of 1877

ended Reconstruction

Versailles Treaty

ended WWI. Germans were affected poorly and 8 countries were established.

Rutherford B. Hayes

ended reconstruction

51. The gay liberation movement:

ended with the successful Stonewall riot

the grange was an organization that:

established cooperatives for storing and marketing farm output

Hiram Revels

first black US senator

What were the major initiatives of the Second New Deal, and how did they differ from the first new deal?

first focused on economic recovery, second was economic security. - The Workers Progression Administration: set hundreds of artists to work decorating public buildings with murals, it also hired writers and actors. - the Wagner Act: empowered the National Labor Relations Board - the Social Security Act: created a system of unemployment insurance, old age pensions, and aid to the disabled, the elderly poor, and families with dependent children.

47. In the Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan:

focused on emptiness of consumer culture and the discontents of middle class women

In How the Other Half Lives, Jacob Riis:

focused on the wretched conditions of NYC slums

How did the new deal recast the meaning of American Freedom?

freedom linked with economic security and identify entrenched economic inequality as its greatest enemy

one significant eco. impact of the second industrial rev was:

frequent and prolonged economic depressions

Maginot Line

gave France a false sense of security and would force Germany to either go through Belgium or Switzerland

Freedmen's Bureau

government agency that helped blacks in South

Theodore Roosevelt's taking of the Panama Canal Zone is an example of:

his belief that civilized nations had an obligation to establish order in an unruly world.

Battle of El Alamein

in Egypt, the british and the Germans are fighting to have control of Suez canal. they could make people go all the way around africa

Between 1901 and 1920, the United States intervened militarily numerous times in Caribbean countries:

in order to protect the economic interests of American banks and investors.

During World War I, the federal government:

increased corporate and individual income taxes.

Thomas Edison:

invented, among other things, a system for generating and distributing electricity


its literal meaning is "restructuring," referring to the restructuring of the Soviet political and economic system.


japanese suicide bomber pilots

Spanish Civil War

lasted from 1936 - 1939 when the Nationalists won with the leadership of Francisco Franco. Considered the dress rehearsal for WWI


lightning war

the american working class:

lived in desperate conditions

the economic developement of the American West was based on:

lumber, mining industries, tourism, and farming

the republican economic policies strongly favored:

midwest farmers

Woodrow Wilson's moral imperialism in Latin America produced:

more military interventions than any other president before or since.

What did freedom mean to Garveyites?

national self-determination

what did william g sumner believe social classes owed each other?

nothing at all

John D. Rockefeller

oil industrial giant

the Indian victory at little big horn:

only temporarily delayed the advance of white settlement

45. The antiwar movement:

openly challenged the foundations of Cold War thinking


or an easing of tensions

Special Field Order 15

origin of "40 acres and a mule"

The Zimmermann Telegram:

outlined the British plan for an attack on the United States by Mexico.

Henry george rejected the traditional equation of liberty with:

ownership of land

William M. Tweed was a:

political boss who, although corrupt, provided important services to NYers

During his presidency, Woodrow Wilson:

premiered the movie Birth of a Nation at the White House.

Ronald Reagan

president of the U.S. during the end of the cold war

The Eighteenth Amendment:

prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages.

In response to the Russian Revolution that led to the creation of the communist Soviet Union, the United States:

pursued a policy of anticommunism that would remain at the center of American foreign policy during the twentieth century.

The _________ made possible the second industrial revolution in America.



refers to the process of assimilation.

1. The sit-in at Greensboro, North Carolina, in 1960:

reflecting mounting frustration at the slow pace of racial change

The Treaty of Versailles:

required Germany to pay over $33 billion in reparations.

The Espionage Act (1917) and the Sedition Act (1918):

restricted freedom of speech.

Black Codes

restrictions on freed blacks in the South

The Fourteen Points:

sought to establish the right of national self-determination.

conspicuous consumption

spending money simply to show off

the interstate commerce commission was established to:

standardize the transport of animal feed between states

Andrew Carnegie

steel industrial giant

During World War I, most Progressives:

supported U.S. entry into the war.

Enforcement Acts

targeted Ku Klux Klan

Ku Klux Klan

terrorist organization

When Eugene Debs was sentenced under the Espionage Act, what did he tell the jury?

that Americans in the past who spoke out against colonialism, slavery, or the Mexican War were not indicted or charged with treason

Which act restricted the freedom of speech by authorizing the arrest of anyone who made "false statements" that might impede military success?

the Espionage Act

the second industrial rev. was markered by

the acceleration of factory production and increaseed activity in the mining and railroad industries

Weimar Republic

the federal republic and parliamentary representative democracy established in 1919 in Germany to replace the imperial form of government.

ira steward argued that the most pressing issue facing the nation was:

the growing gap between the rich and the poor

in 1883, _____ divided the nation into four time zones still used today.

the major railroad companies

the Vietnam War

the prolonged struggle between nationalist forces attempting to unify the country of Vietnam under a communist government and the United States (with the aid of the South Vietnamese) attempting to prevent the spread of communism.

Eugenics is:

the study of the supposed mental characteristics of different races.

Social Darwinism is not:

the theory evolved from the british scientist Charles Darwin

7. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter from Birmingham Jail" declared that:

the white moderate had to put aside his fear of disorder and commit to racial justice

9. When Birmingham police chief Bull Connor used nightsticks, high-pressure hoses, and attack dogs on young civil rights protesters:

there was a wave of revulsion globally

In 1919:

there was much unrest and many strikes.

Why did Progressive leaders not oppose government repression?

they saw the war as a way to react, as Woodrow Wilson said, "to make the world safer for democracy and also to purify American life." It expanded the power of the government. The government began regulating all sorts of economic endeavors that Progressives called upon it to regulate. So they saw civil liberties as things that were expendable or could be pushed aside in this effort to create a powerful government that was now pushing the society forward.

What was the aim of Carlisle, a boarding school for Indians?

to civilize the Indians

Island Hopping

to go from Island to Island with aircraft carriers

Bonanza farms:

typically had 3,000 acres of land or more

In the presidential election of 1916, Woodrow Wilson:

used the campaign slogan "He kept us out of war."

Henry George

utopian novelist

the supreme court in lochner vs. NY

voided a state law establishing that bakers could work a maximum of sixty hours per week

33. All of the following were part of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Chicago Freedom Movement platform EXCEPT:

voter registration of black citizens

Chief Joseph:

wanted freedom for his people, the Nez Perce

The Committee on Public Information:

was a government agency that sought to shape public opinion.

11. The 1963 March on Washington:

was a high point in cooperation between black and white Americans

the ghost dance:

was a religious revitalization campaign among Indians, feared by whites

the knights of labor:

was an inclusive organization that advocated for a vast array of reforms

the great railroad strike

was evidence of working solidarity and the close ties between industry and the Republican party

World War I:

was rooted in European contests over colonial possessions.

in the 19th century, pools, trusts, and mergers were:

ways that manufacturers sought to control the marketplace

elections during the gilded age:

were closely contested affairs

Credit Mobiler and the Whiskey ring:

were indicative of the corruption in the Grant administration

The Freedom Rides:

were launched by CORE and led the Interstate Commerce Commission to order buses and terminals desegregated

Operation Overlord

when the Big three coordinate their efforts to attack Germany from Britain over the English Channel

Yalta Conference

when the big three planned on what to do with Germany after the war

By 1890, the majority of americans:

worked for wages

2. Discuss the immigration history of the 1920's and the emergence of cultural pluralism as a characteristic of American democracy.

• Pluralism was the ability for immigrants to be accepted as Americans, but still maintain their own identity, values and religion. • There were more demands for immigration to enforce restrictions from eastern and southern Europe. (Asian's were barred from entering the United States) • Immigrants that were already in the country wanted to maintain their own cultural traditional values (pluralism) rather that become Americanized.

1. How did the protection of civil liberties become a more important component of freedom in the 1920's?

• Sharp reaction from Americans against repression of speech, therefore; o The Civil Liberties Bureau that was founded during WWI was expanded. o They campaigned to overturn repressive practices and laws that were being used to convict and jail people. o Freedom of speech was often contradicted with the rights of the individual. For example, there were people who didn't share in the beliefs of evolution or the Ku Klux Clan, but the freedom to stand up against the government was essential to an individual's freedom.

3. In the 1920's there was a "birth of a coherent concept of civil liberties and the beginnings of significant legal protection for freedom of speech against the government". How did this come about?

• The courts initially supported the suppression of free speech during World War I and immediately after the war. • Members of the Supreme Court like Oliver Wendell Holmes and Louis Brandice began questioning whether it was an appropriate to suppress speech. • Supreme Court decisions began to get overturned on convictions and jailing of individuals for just expressing their views. • The American Civil Liberties Union became a stronger component and were able to defend an individual's civil liberties. • The courts began to enforce the Bill of Rights.

Atlantic Charter

•Roosevelt and Churchill sign treaty of friendship in August 1941. •Solidifies alliance. •Fashioned after Wilson's 14 Points. •Calls for League of Nations type organization.

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