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Which of the following actions can NOT be performed by a project team member using LEED Online?

Accessing web-based reference guides

Selecting products that have been developed with a sustainable design is an example of:

Source reduction Source reduction reduces the materials brought into a building. This includes products that have reduced packaging and products developed with sustainable design principles.

Where should a project team go for updates and errata for the LEED BD+C: New Construction rating system?

usgbc.org Any updates, changes, errata to any LEED rating system are found on USGBC's website and nowhere else.

The built environment, including buildings and transportation systems, account for what percent of all greenhouse gas emissions?

2/3 About 2/3 of GHG emissions are attributed to the built environment.

Globally transportation is responsible for what percent of greenhouse gas emissions?

25% Selecting sites in dense areas where existing infrastructure exists helps reduce automobile use, as addressed in the Location and Transportation credits.

Which percentage of the Earth's water is fresh water?

3% We have limited water on the planet and a growing population, and drought conditions are stressing our limited existing water supply.

What is NOT a principle that should be followed for a successful green building project?

Budgeting the planning and design costs separately from the operations costs By separating costs stakeholders will not realize the long term savings green buildings have.

A LEED credit that supports local economies and strengthens the green building industry and supply chains supports what impact category?

Build a Greener Economy The Build a Greener Economy impact category components are: Enhance the Value Proposition of Green Building Strengthen the Green Building Industry and Supply Chain Promote Innovation and Integration of Green Building Products and Services Incentivize Long Term Growth and Investment Opportunities Support Local Economies

Which of the following are LEED impact categories?

Build a Greener Economy and Protect and Restore Water Resources These Impact Categories answer the question: 'What should a LEED project accomplish?': Reverse Contribution to Global Climate Change Enhance Individual Human Health and Well-Being Protect and Restore Water Resources Protect, Enhance and Restore Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Promote Sustainable and Regenerative Material Resources Cycles Build a Greener Economy Enhance Social Equity, Environmental Justice, and Community Quality of Life

What is USGBC's vision?

Buildings and communities that will regenerate and sustain the health and vitality of all life within a generation This is USGBC's vision.

An effective thermal comfort strategy considers the six primary factors that affect thermal comfort. A close collaboration between the owner, architect, and who else is critical to achieving thermal comfort success?


Protecting human health globally and across the entire built environment life cycle is part of what impact category?

Enhance Individual Human Health and Well-Being The components of the impact category Enhance Individual Human Health and Well-Being are: Support Occupant Comfort and Well-Being Protect Human Health from Direct Exposure to Negative Health Impacts Protect Human Health Globally and Across the Entire Built Environment Life Cycle

Which of the following does LEED use as a standard means of reporting the environmental impacts of a product, such as global warming potential and greenhouse gas emissions?

Environmental Product Declarations Typically, an EPD will include information about a product's impact on global warming, ozone depletion, water pollution, ozone creation, and greenhouse gas emissions.

What are the basic types of LEED improvements that are updated through revisions on a regular development cycle?

Errata and Addenda Next version of LEED Adaptations

For which of the following would a LEED Green Associate use the Green Building Information Gateway (GBIG)?

Exploring and comparing the green dimensions of the built environment

What type of water is rainwater?

Non-potable water In most jurisdictions rainwater is considered non-potable.

A project team is trying to maximize the number of points they can achieve for their LEED project by identifying synergies. Which elements, when combined, would best achieve this goal?

Occupant lighting controls Occupancy sensors Daylight sensors

Which of the following are strategies for conserving potable water?

Installing a dual flush toilet A dual flush toilet has two different flow rates depending on the type of waste. These toilets can use less potable water than a standard toilet.

What are the goals of the Minimum Program Requirements?

Reduce certification process challenges Protect the integrity of the LEED program Give clear guidance to customers

A demand response (DR) event is triggered by the ____.

Utility company

What is the maximum number of project administrators that can be assigned to a LEED project?


How many of the 110 possible LEED points can be earned for addressing regionally specific environmental issues?

4 LEED points are awarded on a 100-point scale, and credits are weighted to reflect their potential environmental impacts. Additionally, 10 bonus credits are available, four of which address regionally specific environmental issues. All rating systems with 100 baseline points and 10 bonus points. Of the 10 bonus points 4 are for regional priority.

A United Nations study indicates that which of the following percentages of the ecosystem services that have been assessed worldwide are currently degraded or used unsustainably?


What minimum contract length is required for an owner to purchase renewable energy certificates (RECs) for LEED credit?

5 years In LEED v4 5 years is the contract term for purchasing RECs.

What is each LEED rating system made up of?

A combination of credit categories 'Each rating system is made up of a combination of credit categories. Within each of the credit categories, there are specific prerequisites projects must satisfy and a variety of credits projects can pursue to earn points. The number of points the project earns determines its level of LEED certification.'

Which project layout would be the best for reducing demand for new materials?

A dense, mixed-use neighborhood The greater the density of a project, the more environmentally friendly it is. Putting more people into a building compared to building more buildings is better. Mixed-use projects such as putting apartments on top of retail stores reduce materials because the project isn't building separate buildings for residential and retail. Less buildings means less new materials. Finally, more dense building requires less roads and infrastructure, saving more materials.

What are local ordinances?

A law usually found in a municipal code This defines what local ordinance is. Projects should prepare and review a list of the appropriate and applicable laws, codes, local ordinances, statutes, and industry-related standards relevant to the project.

A project that reduces the amount of wastewater transported off site helps achieve which of the following?

A reduction in energy required to treat wastewater A reduction in the demand for wastewater treatment infrastructure

A construction waste management plan should address what items?

A target diversion rate and what materials should be diverted from the waste stream A construction waste management plan should address what materials will be diverted from the landfill, as well as how they will be diverted and how the plan will be policed. For example: Will we recycle cardboard? What types of bins will we need? Where will they be stored? How will we protect the material from rain? Only your actual construction and demolition debris are included - wood scraps, metal, drywall, cardboard boxes, etc. Construction waste is calculated by weight or volume.

Which of the following is an alternative compliance path to the International Green Construction Code (IgCC)?

ASHRAE 189.1 An addition to the technical content of the IgCC is the inclusion of ANSI/ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard 189.1, Standard for the Design of High Performance, Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, as an alternate path of compliance. Standard 189.1 is a set of technically rigorous requirements, which like the IgCC, covers criteria including water use efficiency, indoor environmental quality, energy efficiency, materials and resource use, and the building's impact on its site and its community.

One side of a building is oriented toward the afternoon sun. Which of the following can give occupants control over excessive brightness and glare?

Adjustable window shades Window shades that occupants can adjust manually or automatically help reduce brightness and glare.

What are the roles of USGBC?

Administering and creating the LEED rating systems and issuing LEED building certifications USGBC is responsible for administering and creating the LEED rating systems. USGBC issues LEED building certifications once they have been approved by GBCI's third-party review.

What low / no cost structural incentive can a municipality make to a developer to encourage green building?

Allowing increases in the floor area ratio

Which of the following best describes systems thinking?

An understanding of the built environment as a series of relationships in which all parts influence many other parts. This type of exam question tests an ability to accurately know the exact (or best) definition of a term - as defined by USGBC.

A project owner that chooses to use onsite renewable energy sources instead of oil, coal, and natural gas gets what economic benefit of the triple bottom line?

Avoiding escalating market prices

Which of the following is not a credit category for LEED for Neighborhood Development?

Awareness and Education In the commercial building rating systems the topics of Awareness and Education are covered under the Innovation category.

A tenant is reviewing cabinets for an office kitchen. One option is wheatboard cabinets sourced from different areas and compressed together with glue. A second option is solid oak cabinets extracted and manufactured locally. How can the environmental attributes of the products be compared?

By a life-cycle assessment Life-cycle assessment is 'an evaluation of the environmental effects of a product from cradle to grave, as defined by ISO 14040-2006 and ISO 14044-2006.' - USGBC The LCA would indicate attributes to compare between the products.

How would the distance from a building's entrance to the nearest bus stop be measured?

By calculating the walking distance along infrastructure that is safe and comfortable for pedestrians When calculating the walking distance for credits such as Diverse Uses, a walkable route is used for the measurement. LEED 2009 used a radius to calculate the distance, but this did not accurately determine pedestrian access.

A project owner is locating an office building on a greenfield near a wetland. The project team has goals of protecting sensitive ecosystems, reducing the heat-island effect, designing a healthy building, and reducing energy demand. Given these goals, where should the project team start?

By completing an early site assessment The question lists four goals: Protect sensitive ecosystems Reduce the heat island effect Design a healthy building Reduce energy demand The site assessment is the one choice that impacts all of these other goals. If a project team has the opportunity to pick where the building will be built, nearly every other LEED credit is going to tie into that single decision. Before the project team commits to a building location, they first need to know why they would want to put it there. The team can't make that decision without a site assessment, asking questions such as the following: Where on the site is the shade? Which way does the wind blow? Where does the rainwater flow? Where are there sensitive ecosystems? How far away from any roads is the building? Where are the utilities?

Which of the following is the appropriate way to document whether a bathroom sink qualifies for an indoor water use reduction?

By fixture cut sheets Part of the documentation process for water saving fixtures is to include the manufacturer's cut sheets that describe the water-saving aspects of the fixture.

The Green Label Plus certification is used for what material?

Carpets Green Label Plus certified carpets have low VOC content.

Which of the following documents establishes the terms and conditions of the LEED Certification Program to which the building owner is bound?

Certification agreement The purpose of the Agreement is to establish the terms and conditions of the LEED Certification Program (the 'Program,') to which You (and Your Agent, if any) are bound. The Program consists of the process whereby GBCI reviews documentation submitted by participants to determine if a building, interior space, or neighborhood, as described to GBCI, complies with the requirements of the LEED Green Building Rating System and has accumulated the minimum number of points necessary to achieve pre-certification or a particular level of LEED Certification (i.e., LEED Certified, LEED Silver, LEED Gold, or LEED Platinum). GBCI administers the Program and confers pre-certification and LEED Certification under license from the U.S. Green Building Council, Inc. ('USGBC').

For a project to be LEED Platinum a minimum of how many points must be earned?

Certified 40-49 points Silver 50-59 points Gold 60-79 points Platinum 80+ points

Which of the following would help increase the daylight brought into a space?

Clerestory windows, light shelves, reflective paint, and skylights

What must be considered in the project budget for a green building project that would not be part of a conventional project?

Contingencies for research of unconventional techniques or materials The manual states project teams should determine relevant design fees and construction costs. Also address: 1. Life-cycle cost analysis 2. Design and cost advice from experienced green building professionals 3. Contingencies for research of unconventional techniques or materials Life cycle costing is used to evaluate economic performance and takes into account operational and maintenance costs throughout the life of the product.

What must be considered in the project budget for a green building project that would not be part of a conventional project?

Contingencies for research of unconventional techniques or materials The manual states project teams should determine relevant design fees and construction costs. Also address: 1. Life-cycle cost analysis 2. Design and cost advice from experienced green building professionals 3. Contingencies for research of unconventional techniques or materials Life cycle costing is used to evaluate economic performance and takes into account operational and maintenance costs throughout the life of the product.

Relative to the LEED project design what has a low soft cost?

Cost of the LEED charrette The cost of the charrette and the time of each team member for the one day is pretty insignificant compared to the benefits and cost savings of the integrative process.

A material that has met which of the following standards would contribute to material ingredient optimization?

Cradle-to-Cradle Certified GreenScreen

What is considered a positive externality of LEED-certified buildings on building occupants?

Decreased absenteeism Research shows that just like increased productivity, decreased absenteeism is a by-product of healthier buildings.

Which of the following strategies should a hospital project choose to extend the life of the building and conserve building resources as the surrounding population grows?

Design rooms with modular systems Designing for flexibility is a concept that considers the future use of the building and how it may be modified while at the same time reducing waste and reducing the need for new materials. Modular room partitions, modular furniture, and zoned utility systems allow for future expansion.

What financial incentives can a municipality offer to a developer that proposes a green building?

Fee waivers Revolving loan funds Tax credits

What components are included in the impact category for Reverse Contribution to Global Climate Change?

GHG Emissions Reduction from Building Operations Energy Use and GHG Emissions Reduction from a Cleaner Energy Supply The 5 components of this impact category are: GHG Emissions Reduction from Transportation Energy Use GHG Emissions Reduction from Materials and Water Embodied Energy Use GHG Emissions Reduction by Embodied Energy of Water Reduction GHG Emissions Reduction from a Cleaner Energy Supply Global Warming Potential Reduction from Non-Energy Related Drivers

Which of the following strategies can a project team combine to mimic natural systems and manage rainwater?

Green infrastructure (GI) and low-impact development (LID) Green infrastructure is 'a soil- and vegetation-based approach to wet-weather management that is cost-effective, sustainable, and environmentally friendly. Green infrastructure management approaches and technologies infiltrate, evapotranspire, capture and reuse stormwater to maintain or restore natural hydrologies.' - USGBC Low-impact development is 'an approach to managing rainwater runoff that emphasizes on-site natural features to protect water quality by replicating the natural land cover hydrologic regime of watersheds and addressing runoff close to its source. Examples include better site design principles (e.g., minimizing land disturbance, preserving vegetation, minimizing impervious cover) and design practices (e.g., rain gardens, vegetated swales and buffers, permeable pavement, rainwater harvesting, soil amendments). These are engineered practices that may require specialized design assistance.'

Promoting the triple bottom line is a part of USGBC's:

Guiding principles USGBC has seven guiding principles outlined in the 2013-2015 strategic plan. They are: PROMOTE THE TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE - USGBC will pursue robust triple bottom line solutions (people, planet, profit) that clarify and strengthen a healthy and dynamic balance between environmental, social, and economic prosperity. ESTABLISH LEADERSHIP - USGBC will foster both revolutionary and evolutionary leadership by championing societal models that achieve a more robust triple bottom line. RECONCILE HUMANITY WITH NATURE - USGBC will endeavor to create and restore harmony between human activities and natural systems. FOSTER SOCIAL EQUITY - USGBC will continue to respect all communities and cultures and aspire to be a fully inclusive movement that embraces opportunities which broaden and expand our reach through partnerships and initiatives. MAINTAIN INTEGRITY - USGBC will be guided by the precautionary principle in utilizing technical and scientific data to protect, preserve and restore the health of the global environment, ecosystems, and species. BE INCLUSIVE - USGBC will ensure inclusive, interdisciplinary, multi-sector, and democratic decision making with the objective of building understanding and shared commitments toward a greater common good. In this spirit, USGBC will continue to seek common ground and partner with allied, influential organizations and leaders in the field to confront mutual challenges. EXHIBIT TRANSPARENCY - USGBC will continue to operate in an organizational culture that places honesty, openness, and transparency above all else.

What statement is true regarding HydroChloroFluoroCarbons (HCFCs)?

HCFCs have a low ozone depletion potential compared to CFCs

An owner is questioning the additional costs of submetering of a mixed-use project's water and energy systems. For what reason should the submeters be installed?

Identifies disparities between how a project's water-based systems are designed to operate and how they actually perform

Each LEED credit and prerequisite includes the intent of the credit/prerequisite. What is the 'intent' of a credit/prerequisite?

Identifies the main sustainability goal or benefit of the prerequisite or credit

Which of the following are strategies for conserving potable water?

Installing a dual flush toilet A dual flush toilet has two different flow rates depending on the type of waste. These toilets can use less potable water than a standard toilet.

Which of the following is effective at reducing potable water use indoors?

Installing low-consumption flush fixtures and low-flow rate faucets The intent of the Water Efficiency category is to reduce potable water demand (not increase it). Low-flow fixtures help reduce potable water consumption indoors.

A building owner and general contractor are creating a construction plan to improve the air quality during the construction process. What should the plan address?

Keep dust and dirt out of the building, protect materials from moisture damage, flush-out the building before occupancy Housekeeping during the construction process keeps dust and dirt from collecting in the building and it's installed systems. Protecting materials from moisture damage can prevent rot and mold. Protecting equipment from dust and dirt by capping cand covering intakes and openings protects the systems. A flush-out runs the mechanical systems with 100% outside air to remove contaminants. Flush-outs are usually done after construction is complete and prior occupants moving in.

If an error is found in the LEED rating system, which of the following would USGBC use to address the error?

LEED Addenda USGBC publishes clarifications (also called addenda) to address errors in the LEED rating systems and reference guides.

A building owner's project includes a major HVAC renovation, significant envelope modifications, and core plumbing renovation. An interior fit-out is not part of the project. What LEED rating system would be most appropriate for this project?

LEED BD+C: Core and Shell

Which LEED rating system has pre-certification?

LEED BD+C: Core and Shell 'Once a project is registered as a LEED BD+C: Core and Shell project, the project team may apply for precertification. LEED BD+C: Core and Shell precertification is a formal recognition by the USGBC given to a candidate project for which the developer/owner has established a goal to develop a LEED BD+C: Core and Shell building. Once precertification is granted, the developer/owner can market the building's proposed green features to potential tenants and financiers.' -USGBC

If a building has already earned LEED BD+C: New Construction certification what additional certifications could the building earn in the future?

LEED ID+C: Commercial Interiors LEED O+M: Existing Buildings

A new building tenant is leasing 2-stories in an existing 10-story building. What rating system would be appropriate for the project?

LEED Interior Design and Construction: Commercial Interiors

A new building tenant is leasing 2-stories in an existing 10-story building. What rating system would be appropriate for the project?

LEED Interior Design and Construction: Commercial Interiors LEED Interior Design and Construction: Commercial Interiors is for interior spaces that are a complete interior fit-out. (-USGBC)

A new building tenant is leasing 2-stories in an existing 10-story building. What rating system would be appropriate for the project?

LEED Interior Design and Construction: Commercial Interiors LEED Interior Design and Construction: Commercial Interiors is for interior spaces that are a complete interior fit-out.

Performance periods are part of which LEED rating system family?

LEED O+M LEED O+M projects have a performance period requirement where various building systems are measured over time.

What LEED rating system addresses exterior site maintenance programs?

LEED O+M: Existing Buildings

What LEED developments address specific space types and international requirements?

LEED Rating System adaptations

Who is responsible for ensuring the use of the consensus process to evolve LEED in accordance with the mission, guiding principles, and strategic plan of USGBC?

LEED Steering Committee

What is submitted to document that the requirements of a credit or prerequisite were met?

LEED credit form Each rating system will have its own set of forms that must be completed and submitted for documentation and verification. These credit forms accessed via LEED Online. Credits/prerequisites are assigned by the project administrator. Whoever has been assigned responsibility for the credit/prerequisite by the administrator fills out the credit form using LEED Online. Once all of the credit forms are completed for those credits being attempted, the project administrator will submit the project for review. The credit forms are also referred to as credit templates, submittal templates, or submittals.

What is one difference between LEED Interpretations and project CIRs?

LEED interpretations are precedent-setting. There are three significant ways in which LEED Interpretations are different from Project CIRs: 1. Precedent-setting LEED Interpretations are to be used by any project certifying under an applicable rating system. All project teams are required to adhere to all LEED interpretations posted before their registration date. This also applies to other addenda. Adherence to rulings posted after a project registers is optional, but strongly encouraged. A Project CIR can only be used by the project that submitted it. 2. Published Online LEED interpretations will be published in a searchable database at usgbc.org. Project CIRs are not published publically. 3. Subject to consensus-based review LEED interpretations undergo review by the US Green Building Council's (USGBC) member-selected volunteer LEED committees. Project CIRs are created by the certification review teams at the Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI).

Which of the following statements regarding LEED Interpretations is NOT true?

LEED interpretations are used to add new requirements to the LEED Rating System. LEED interpretations are not an avenue for making significant changes or new requirements to the LEED rating system. LEED interpretations are also not the intended path for fixing errors in the LEED rating systems and reference guides. USGBC publishes clarifications (also called addenda) to address those issues.

Which of the following statements regarding LEED Interpretations is NOT true?

LEED interpretations are used to add new requirements to the LEED Rating System. LEED interpretations are not an avenue for making significant changes or new requirements to the LEED rating system. LEED interpretations are also not the intended path for fixing errors in the LEED rating systems and reference guides. USGBC publishes clarifications (also called addenda) to address those issues.

Regional priority credits are specific to:

LEED project type (schools, healthcare, data centers, etc.) Each LEED project type may have different impacts so each rating system has its own RP credits. For example a warehouse may not have high priority for indoor water use if there are not a lot of occupants.

What does LEED stand for?

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

What accounting methodology is used to evaluate the economic performance of a product or system over its useful life?

Life cycle costing Life cycle costing (LCC) is the evaluation of the total cost of a building or product over its useful life, including initial, maintenance, repair and replacement costs as well as savings. LCC evaluates economic performance.

How does USGBC support achievement of its mission 'to transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible, healthy, and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life'?

Local chapters LEED green building program

If a developer is planning on building a multi-family residential project what are the most important things the project team should consider?

Local zoning Local zoning will need to be considered for any building project. Available LEED ND projects close by A nearby LEED ND project may have additional room in the development for the residential project.

What LEED credit category rewards projects within relatively dense areas, near diverse uses, with access to a variety of transportation options, or on sites with development constraints?

Location and Transportation This is correct.

What credit category rewards project teams for taking advantage of existing patterns of development and land density?

Location and Transportation LT focuses on the surrounding community of the project and what currently exists - is there public transportation, existing infrastructure, a previously developed site to build on, etc.?

REACH Optimization would be used in which of the following credit categories?

Materials and Resources REACH is the Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals. REACH requires all companies manufacturing or importing chemical substances into the European Union in quantities of one ton or more per year to register these substances. The main aims of REACH are to ensure a high level of protection of human health and the environment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals, the promotion of alternative test methods, the free circulation of substances on the internal market, and enhancing competitiveness and innovation.

Which of the following defines the types of buildings, spaces, and neighborhoods that the LEED rating system is designed to evaluate?

Minimum Program Requirements

The point values of a credit are based on the credit's ability to:

Mitigate the environmental harms of a building Promote beneficial effects

What is a benefit of increasing the quantity of open space on a project?

More habitat for vegetation and wildlife Increasing rainwater infiltration

The LEED Green Building Rating System is all of the following EXCEPT:

Privately funded 'The LEED Green Building Rating System is voluntary, consensus-based, and market-driven. Based on existing and proven technology, it evaluates environmental performance from a whole building perspective over a building's or neighborhood's life cycle, providing a definitive standard for what constitutes a green building in design, construction, and operation.' - USGBC

Which of the following is a difference between Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) and a carbon offset?

RECs are tradable commodities

What best defines the project boundary?

Platted property line of the project defining land and water within it The project boundary is the platted property line of the project defining land and water within it.

When would a project team need to consider increasing the ventilation levels to improve indoor air quality?

Pre-design Increasing ventilation may require a bigger ventilation system. It may also consume more energy to run the system. By the time the building is being constructed, these decisions can be too late.

Water that is used for dishwashing, clothes washing, and ice making is considered what type of water?

Process water Process water is 'water that is used for industrial processes and building systems, such as cooling towers, boilers, and chillers. It can also refer to water used in operational processes, such as dishwashing, clothes washing, and ice making.' - USGBC

Which of the following is aided by locating a project within a dense area?

Promoting walkability A dense area with services close by promotes walking.

A project team is shrinking the building footprint to increase the amount of open space on a project. What impact category does this design decision support?

Protect, Enhance and Restore Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services The components of the impact category Protect, Enhance and Restore Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services are: Local Biodiversity, Habitat Protection and Open Spaces Global Biodiversity, Habitat Protection and Land Preservation Sustainable Use and Management of Ecosystem Services By increasing open space the project could earn a LEED credit for increasing open space.

A project team decides to reduce the project's parking footprint. Which of the following additional areas of the project could this also aid?

Protecting sensitive land One of the synergies with parking reduction is that the land now not being used for parking is being protected from development, reducing the environmental impact from the location of a building on a site.

For which of the following are the ICC International Codes used?

Providing minimum safeguards for people at home, at school, and in the workplace

Submeters are a strategy to reduce outdoor water use by:

Providing water consumption tracking and leak identification Designing an efficient irrigation system is the first step towards outdoor water savings. Metering and monitoring allow the operations team to verify the system is working as it was designed. Overwatering is more typical than under watering but both can lead to problems. Only through metering and analysis will the real benefits be realized of the design.

The owner of a historic renovation project wants to achieve carbon neutrality. Which of the following design decision will help the project team achieve this?

Purchasing carbon offsets

What helps a project take advantage of the environmental assets of the area they live in?

Regional Priority credits Regional priority credits are bonus points projects can earn by addressing environmental concerns (water shortages) and environmental assets (abundant sunlight) in their areas.

Reduced emissions are a benefit of purchasing:

Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) RECs are a tradable commodity representing the 'greenness' of green power. They are purchased when a project does not have access to green power through their utility provider. However, this isn't a way to bypass purchasing power; when RECs are purchased the project still needs to pay the normal electricity bills. RECs represent the reduced emissions of renewable energy compared to conventional fossil fuels. RECs are sold separately allowing people to purchase the 'greenness' of the electricity. This allows anyone to purchase an REC even if the power to their building is not green power. RECs have no geographic constraints, because they are sold separately from electricity. A project in Maine can purchase RECs from any other state. RECs cannot be purchased for a project's own on-site renewable energy systems. For example if a project has a solar array, the building owner could not issue RECs to themselves.

Which of the following preventive maintenance tasks would a facility manager routinely perform to maintain indoor air quality?

Replacing air filters Replacing air filters should be done as part of a routine preventive maintenance schedule.

Which of the following exemplify strategies of reducing harm to the environment over a building's entire life?

Restoring a historic building Conducting a life-cycle assessment to help reduce a building's environmental footprint Using salvaged flooring in a new building

Which of the following impact categories is given the greatest weight in LEED?

Reverse Contribution to Global Climate Change

What environmental issue occurs from runoff?

Sedimentation Rainwater consists of rainwater and melted snow that run off streets, lawns, farms, and construction and industrial sites. runoff can lead to sedimentation. Sedimentation is where pollutants from natural or human activities add particles to water bodies. Pollutants come from soil, fertilizer, oil or gas on roadways, pesticides, etc. runoff should be controlled onsite by harvesting the water, increasing open space, and reducing impervious surfaces.

Which of the following are sources of graywater?

Showers Washing machines

Which of the following materials can be certified under the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)?

Softwood moulding Hardwood cabinets Bamboo floors

Which of the following legally binding documents describe the quality of the materials to be used on the project?

Specifications Specifications are created by architects and given to the contractor for the purposes of purchasing the right quantity and type of materials. Specifications include drawings of what is to be built. They are legally binding documents. Specifications are detailed and might include: Use #2 salvaged oak flooring in the main lobby, along with the dimensions and layout of the lobby. Purchase the oak flooring locally.

What factor impacts the cost of earning LEED-certification?

Square footage of the building The square footage of the project is the primary cost consideration for LEED-certification. Remember certification and registration fees are not the same.

A large home builder is developing a new neighborhood with 200 homes. What strategies would help the builder save on material costs and conserve materials?

Structural insulated panels Advanced framing Reducing hallways

Which of the following is NOT a component of the impact category Enhance Social Equity, Environmental Justice, Community Health and Quality of Life?

Support Occupant Comfort and Well-Being

A bioswale would be used to help earn credit in what LEED category?

Sustainable Sites Bioswales are landscape elements designed to remove silt and pollution from surface runoff water during and after construction. They consist of a swaled drainage course with gently sloped sides and filled with vegetation, compost and/or riprap. Bioswales would be used to help capture and improve the quality of runoff.

Which factors affect an occupant's thermal comfort?

Temperature, humidity, and air movement Notes: Temperature, humidity, and air movement impact a user's thermal comfort. By providing individual temperature AND ventilation controls, these factors can be controlled by occupants.

Some credits have an LPE option. What does LPE mean?

That the credit has a Licensed Professional Exemption Licensed Professional Exemption (LPE) is an optional credit documentation path in which professionals can submit license information and a declaration of compliance in lieu of a number of otherwise required submittals. Credit forms automatically recognize and link LP information from user account data when that user accesses the credit form. Licensed Professional (LP) Information must be identified from the My Account Page of the user's account, or during User Registration. This information is visible within a project on the Team Administration page, but can only be added or changed from the My Account Page. For LPE paths with multiple sign-offs, more than one team member may be assigned to the credit or prerequisite for signatures. (see 'Assign Credits') Note: It is not required that the LP be a LEED AP. Also, the LP must have a U.S. license but it does not have to be issued from the state of the project. Based on credit, LPE streamlined paths are available to: Professional Engineers (PE) Registered Architects (RA) Registered Landscape Architects (RLA) Registered Interior Designers (RID)

An architectural firm is meeting with a building owner that has never done a LEED project before. What are some of the obstacles the firm may encounter with the owner?

The additional time for the integrative process The use of new technologies

Which of the following helps reinforce the open consensus process of new LEED versions?

The balloting process with USGBC membership What is consensus in LEED? 'LEED is developed by USGBC member-based volunteer committees, subcommittees, and working groups in conjunction with staff. LEED development follows a structure that includes a balanced representation of stakeholders and management of conflict of interest, to ensure that the development of LEED is transparent and consensus-based. The LEED committee structure balances market needs and constraints with consistency and technical rigor in the development and improvement of the credits within LEED, to ensure the quality and integrity of the LEED brand. The balloting process of new versions with USGBC membership reinforces the open consensus process. The appeal procedures that are implemented by USGBC further support the consensus process and ensure the fair treatment of affected stakeholders. All of these measures are essential to protecting and enhancing the integrity, authority, and value of LEED.' - USGBC

If a building owner enrolls in a demand response program, which of the following will happen?

The building may have to decrease electricity use during peak times. 'Demand response allows utilities to call on buildings to decrease their electricity use during peak times, reducing the strain on the grid and the need to operate more power plants, thus potentially avoiding the costs of constructing new plants.' - USGBC

Which of the following project team members is responsible for verifying and documenting that a building and all of its systems and assemblies are planned, designed, installed, tested, operated, and maintained to meet the owner's project requirements?

The commissioning authority This is another way of asking who is responsible for commissioning.' Commissioning is 'the process of verifying and documenting that a building and all of its systems and assemblies are planned, designed, installed, tested, operated, and maintained to meet the owner's project requirements.' - USGBC The owner's project requirements (OPR) are 'a written document that details the ideas, concepts, and criteria determined by the owner to be important to the success of the project.' - USGBC

What statement is true regarding green building?

The construction of green buildings have no major significant cost difference to non-green buildings According to Cost of Green Revisited - The 2006 study shows essentially the same results as 2004: there is no significant difference in average costs for green buildings as compared to non-green buildings.

What does a REC represent?

The environmental, social, and other positive attributes of power generated by renewable resources A REC represents the environmental, social, and other positive attributes of power generated by renewable resources. These attributes may be sold separately from the underlying commodity electricity. RECs represent the reduced emissions of renewable energy compared to conventional fossil fuels. RECs are sold separately allowing people to purchase the 'greenness' of the electricity. This allows anyone to purchase an REC even if the power to their building is not green power. RECs have no geographic constraints, because they are sold separately from electricity. A project in Maine can purchase RECs from any other state.

When conducting a confidential occupant survey to rate the lighting, acoustics, temperature, and cleanliness of a building, who is primarily responsible for reviewing the results and taking any corrective action?

The facility manager(s) The facility manager is the primary person responsible for the survey and its follow-up corrective action. That is not to say the other choices would not be involved - just to a lesser degree.

Which of the following must occur before a project team pursues a LEED Interpretation?

The inquiry must first undergo the project CIR process. All formal inquiries first undergo the project CIR process. Project teams that want their formal inquiry to be considered for a LEED interpretation must opt in and pay for the LEED interpretation at the time they submit their inquiry.

Which of the following must occur before a project team pursues a LEED Interpretation?

The inquiry must first undergo the project CIR process. All formal inquiries first undergo the project CIR process. Project teams that want their formal inquiry to be considered for a LEED interpretation must opt in and pay for the LEED interpretation at the time they submit their inquiry.

Commissioning of a building is intended to verify the building and its systems meet which of the following:

The owner's project requirements Commissioning is 'the process of verifying and documenting that a building and all of its systems and assemblies are planned, designed, installed, tested, operated, and maintained to meet the owner's project requirements.' - USGBC The owner's project requirements (OPR) are 'a written document that details the ideas, concepts, and criteria determined by the owner to be important to the success of the project.'

What part of LEED Online can be used to obtain a real-time snapshot of the project's progress?

The project timeline The project timeline gives an overview of all the steps of the project's process via real-time snapshots.

What does ASHRAE 55 specify?

Thermal comfort ASHRAE 55 Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy help with defining what makes a comfortable indoor environment for occupants. Indoor conditions are considered acceptable if 80% or more of occupants find them acceptable.

Why would a project team use low-emitting materials?

These materials protect the health of construction personnel and building occupants. Low-emitting should bring low VOC to mind. VOCs are 'substances that vaporize at room temperature and can cause health problems. VOCs off-gas from many materials, including adhesives, sealants, paints, carpets, and particle board.' - USGBC While the smell may sometimes be good (New car smell is an example of a VOC) what is inhaled is not actually good or healthy for individuals. By eliminating/reducing VOCs and their off-gassing, the health of those working with the materials and being around the materials is improved.

What are the roles of GBCI?

Third-party technical reviews of registered LEED projects Administration of the LEED exams Overseeing LEED credential maintenance

What is the purpose of the LEED Pilot Credit Library?

To allow credits to be refined through LEED project evaluations before they complete the balloting process for introduction into LEED The LEED Pilot Credit Library facilitates the introduction of new prerequisites and credits to LEED. The process allows projects to test credits that haven't been through USGBC's complete drafting and balloting process.

Why should a building have a green cleaning policy?

To reduce the environmental effects of cleaning products A green cleaning policy is intended to reduce levels of chemical, biological, and particulate contaminants that can compromise air quality, human health, building finishes, building systems, and the environment.

What best defines the property area?

Total area within the legal property boundaries of the site; it encompasses all areas of the site, including constructed and non-constructed areas The property boundary and/or property area is the total area within the legal property boundaries of the site; it encompasses all areas of the site, including constructed and nonconstructed areas.

What is the International Green Construction Code (IgCC) intended to replace?

Traditional building codes The IgCC provides the building industry with language that both broadens and strengthens building codes in a way that will accelerate the construction of high performance green buildings.

Which of the following instances of documentation is an acceptable form when the name of the organization is appearing in a press release for the first time?

U.S. Green Building Council

Who develops ongoing improvements to LEED?

USGBC member-based volunteer committees in conjunction with USGBC staff

'To transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built, and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible, healthy, and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life' denotes which of the following:

USGBC's mission

When there are two or more rating systems that might be applicable to a project, how should the project team decide which rating system to use?

Use the 40/60 rule LEED has a 40/60 rule to help project teams decide on a rating system: If a particular rating system is appropriate for 40% or less of a LEED project building or space, then that rating system should not be used. If a particular rating system is appropriate for 60% or more of a LEED project building or space, then that rating system should be used. Project teams with buildings and spaces that do not fall into the scenarios described in a) and b) must independently assess their situation and decide which rating system is most applicable.

A hamburger franchise is planning on building thirty new restaurants across the country in the next two years. Each restaurant is based on the same prototype. How should the multiple buildings be certified?

Using the LEED Volume Program

In which of the following instances would a project team need to use the ITE Transportation Planning Handbook?

When calculating a project's parking capacity When reducing parking, project teams will use the ITE Transportation Planning Handbook to determine recommended parking.

What is FSC Certified wood?

Wood that has been procured from well managed forests Wood that has been certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is acceptable for LEED credits. FSC Certified wood comes from well managed forests that use responsible logging practices.

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