History Module 6-9

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In policy matters, Warren G. Harding promised to keep the focus on ______________________.

"America first"

The private army of revolutionaries and terrorists used by Mussolini was called the

"Black Shirts"

What was the "Nixon Doctrine" as related to the Cold War and relations with the Soviet Union?

"Détente" - live and let live

Match the following:

"Free at last, Free at last": "I Have a Dream" Sixteenth Street Baptist Church: bombed - 4 killed Eugene T. "Bull" Conner: Birmingham Police Commissioner Nation of Islam: Malcolm X Ross Barnett: Governor of Mississippi Woolworth's Department Store: student sit-in Robert F. Kennedy: Attorney General

President Johnson's overall legislative agenda was called the

"Great Society"

To inspire the Russian people, Soviet leaders called for every comrade to defend

"Holy Mother Russia"

The villages of temporary shacks that sprang up in vacant lots and public parks were known as ___________________.


"Listing" was a way to

"Listing" was a way to

The name of the 2 atomic bombs dropped on Japanese cities in 1945 were [choose two]

"Little Boy" "Fat Man"

The September 15, 1935 laws that stripped the Jews of their citizenship, making them subjects were the

"Nuremberg Laws"

Why did many industries move manufacturing jobs to the south after the 1950s?

"Right to Work" laws made labor cheaper

The Japanese convoys that brought reinforcements to the island of Guadalcanal were called

"The Tokyo Express"

What two inventions were the final pieces of the puzzle necessary to make the Internet useful to ordinary people? [choose 2]

"Uniform resource locator (URL)" "Hypertext markup language (HTML)"

In response to public concern regarding Americas "culture of poverty," President Johnson declared a

"War on Poverty"

The idea that a nation had a responsibility to bring a better way of life to other ethnic groups was popularly referred to as

"White man's burden"

The people of the Dust Bowl classified them into two groups, the more severe were called

"black blizzards"

What was the "Nixon Doctrine" as related to the Cold War and relations with the Soviet Union?

"détente" - live and let live

The people of the Dust Bowl classified them into two groups, the less severe were called

"sand blows"

In June 1987, President Reagan challenged General Secretary Gorbachev to

"tear down this wall"

In response to Black Tuesday, The New York Times called the day

"the most disastrous in Wall Street's history"

How many Republican votes did the Affordable Care Act receive in the House and Senate?


By the end of the nineteenth century, what percentage of whites in the South were not able to read?


The peace negotiated between the French and the Vietminh divided the nation along the

17th parallel

According to the lesson, approximately how many black Southerners were killed by lynch mobs between 1892 and 1903?


According to the lesson, the unemployment rate averaged around which of the following between 1893 and 1898?

20 percent

About what percentage of American cowboys were African Americans?


According to the lesson, approximately how many African Americans traveled to Northern cities between 1890 and 1910?


Approximately how many Jews were victims of Germany's "Final Solution?

6 million

According to the lesson, the average steelworker worked approximately how many hours per week during the Gilded Age?


Most movie studios stayed in business during the Great Depression by making a steady stream of movies in these popular genres: [choose all that apply]

??? detective stories westerns sci-fi films gangster films ???

While some Americans turned to tamer pastimes during the Great Depression, others turned to which of the following to escape?

??? gambling alcohol ???

Which of the following prompted the Great Railroad Strike of 1877?

A 10% pay cut among many rail company workers

The Sixteenth Amendment authorized Congress to enact which of the following measures?

A Federal income tax

Which of the following parts proposed for the Social Security Act was dropped because it would never receive Congressional approval?

A National Health Insurance Program

Which of the following best describes a holding company?

A company that holds a significant amount of stock in several other companies within the same industry

What was Martin Luther King, Jr's "dream"? (choose all that apply)

A country where race was irrelevant A country where character was the most important factor in judging a person A country where justice would be equal

The Bonus Expeditionary Force was

A group of World War I veterans who went to Washington to ask for early payment of their promised pensions

According to the lesson, which of the following was the most important ingredient to the rise of big business?

A growing population and the availability of cheap labor

Which of the following factors did Margaret Sanger believe to be the main cause of poverty?

A lack of family planning

According to the lesson, which of the following best describes the results of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877?

A massive failure

Attitudes in the 1960s regarding marriage and morality may have been influenced by

A number of studies that communicated that "everyone" was doing it

The Dust Bowl was

A period of drought, dust storms, and high winds on the Great Plains during the 1930s

What was the Open Door policy?

A policy that sought to enforce free trade and protect the self-determination of developing nations

Which of the following best describes the Social Gospel?

A religious movement emphasizing the Church's responsibility to help the poor and marginalized

Who was the labor organizer who was instrumental in getting President Roosevelt to issue Executive Order 8802 on June 25, 1941?

A. philip randolf

The Kellogg-Briand Pact was essentially an attempt by world leaders to

Abolish war

Who signed the unconditional surrender of Germany on May 7, 1945?

Admiral Karl Donitz

Who became Commander-in-Chief of the German Army in 1942?

Adolf Hitler

According to the lesson, which of the following is the most important group of Americans that by-in-large did NOT benefit from the Progressive movement?

African Americans

Who were the primary targets of the KKK in the South during Reconstruction? [Please choose all that apply.]

African-Americans White Republicans

What impact did the Election of 2000 have on the nation and on American elections? [choose all that apply]

Al Gore's supporters continued to insist that Bush had stolen the election many states turned to electronic voting machines to avoid the issues with paper ballots George W. Bush had no real mandate to govern

What famous scientist led others to express their concerns regarding German efforts to build atomic weapons?

Albert Einstein

Which of the following individuals is famous for inventing the telephone?

Alexander Graham Bell

Instead of choosing a hardline anti-Roosevelt candidate, the Republican Party chose this man as their candidate in the Election of 1936.

Alf Landon

Instead of choosing a hardline anti-Roosevelt candidate, the Republican Party chose this man as their candidate in the Election of 1936:

Alf Landon

What State Department official was accused of betraying America to the Soviets and was tried and convicted of perjury in 1949?

Alger Hiss

Why could the Tet Offensive be seen as a major victory for the United States? (choose all that apply)

All lost territory was quickly recaptured The enemy suffered very high casualties

Which of the following best describes the purpose of the Bland-Allison Act of 1878 and the Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890?

Allow the limited coinage of silver

Which of the following individuals became the Democratic nominee in the Election of 1904?

Alton B. Parker

Why was it difficult for American troops to win decisive battles against the Vietcong and NVA forces? (choose all that apply)

American forces were not suited to deal with the tactics employed by the Vietcong and NVA The Vietcong and NVA relied on guerilla tactics

Why was it difficult for American troops to win decisive battles against the Vietcong and NVA forces? [choose all that apply]

American forces were not suited to deal with the tactics employed by the Vietcong and NVA the Vietcong and NVA relied on guerilla tactics

What brought the end of the Great Depression?

American participation in World War II

Opposition to the war in Vietnam was based on (choose all that apply)

Americans didn't think it was worthwhile to spend American lives holding back the spread of Communism Some believed that peace and love were the only way to change the world Limited knowledge and understanding of the war and its goals The belief that Marxism was not really such a bad thing

Why were the Americans able to turn back the Japanese advance at the Battle of Coral Sea?

Americans were able to decode and read coded Japanese messages

Which of the following best describes most American's attitude concerning political parties during the Gilded Age?

Americans were extremely loyal to their party.

Which of the following individuals called himself a "distributor" of wealth, believing that he had a duty to give back to those who had helped him acquire his riches?

Andrew Carnegie

Which of the following individuals is most closely associated with the steel-making industry?

Andrew Carnegie

Although not precise, generally speaking the Great Plains extend from the _______River in the south into_________ in the north, and from what is not central Texas and Oklahoma and eastern Kansas in the east to the _______in the west.

Answer 1:Rio Grande Answer 2:Canada Answer 3:Rocky Mountains

Within 18 months Hitler transformed Germany from a parliamentary________ to a fascist ________.

Answer 1:democracy Answer 2:dictatorship

The ________ - ______________ ______ was one of the most vocal groups denouncing the Filipino-American War.

Anti-Imperialist League

Which two American battleships were NOT salvageable after the Pearl Harbor attacks? [choose 2]

Arizona Oklahoma

Operation "Market Garden" was a plan to take a bridge across the Rhine at


In his "fireside chat" that introduced his plan to help Great Britain combat the Nazis, President Roosevelt claimed that America must be a great

Arsenal of democracy

One of the unintended consequences of Prohibition was that it served

As a school for organized crime

How did President Wilson frame the conflict in Europe in his pre-war address to Congress?

As a struggle between democratic and autocratic principles

How long were "mortgage backed securities" valuable ?

As long as homeowners could pay their house payments

When Hitler's forces occupied this nation in March 1938 it completed the Anschluss:


The _________ looked for personal fulfillment through artistic self-expression and hedonistic pursuit of pleasure.


Once World War II began, why was North Africa important?

Because access to the Suez Canal would give control of the Mediterranean

During Franklin Delano Roosevelt's first term in office the people came to see him as a

Benevolent father figure

Which of the following are factors for the growth of organized Christianity during the 1950s? (choose all that apply)

Billy Graham helped lead a major evangelical revival during the period People were looking for a place of peace and stability in a troubled world People wanted to be sure their children received moral and religion instruction To practice some form of Christianity was to be more American

Which of the following Southern cities became the largest producer of coal and steel in the South?

Birmingham, Alabama

In October 1929, the stock market saw two days of serious losses. The first was "Black Thursday" on October 24; the second, and worse, was "____________ _____________" on October 29, 1929.

Black Tuesday

Who became the champion of a position known as the Atlanta Compromise?

Booker T. Washington

Purchasing stocks "on margin" meant that investors

Borrowed money from a stockbroker to purchase stocks

Investors who didn't want to invest in the markets directly could get involved in the stock marked by placing bets on the performance of stocks in

Bucket shops

Which of the following were part of the Central Powers? [choose all that apply]

Bulgaria Answer Austria-Hungary Germany Turkey

After breaking away from the Democrat Party because of their choice in candidate in 1924, some delegates broke away and revived the

Bull Moose Progressive Party

__________________________ was at the heart and soul of the New Deal.


United States aid to Nationalist China originally went over the "___________ _______," until it was eventually cut off and supplies had to be ferried in by air from India.

Burma Road

How did Lyndon Johnson's campaign in 1964 reinforce the image of his opponent as a warmonger who might bring nuclear disaster on the world?

By creating a television ad that created fear of nuclear holocaust

During the 1920s, how did businesses attempt to bring customers into a lifestyle of consumption?

By offering cheap and easy credit

During the 1930s, many Dust Bowl farmers gave up and moved, some to the "promised land" of


Who became President after the death of Warren G. Harding?

Calvin Coolidge

President Carter's major diplomatic triumph came with the negotiation of the

Camp David Accords

The most famous of the Hoovervilles sprang up almost overnight in _____________________.

Central Park

When the Reichstag was deeply divided, President Hindenburg made Adolf Hitler ___________, in hopes that he would be able to form a working government.


This Canadian Catholic priest used his popular radio show to challenge President Roosevelt's New Deal:

Charles E. Coughlin

The kidnapping of this famous American's child pushed Congress to pass a law making kidnapping a federal crime if the kidnapper or victim crossed state lines:

Charles Lindbergh

Why were farmers able to expand their operations in the 1910s and 1920s?

Cheap, easy credit was readily available.

The speech Richard Nixon gave on September 23, 1952 to defend himself against accusations that he misappropriated campaign funds has come to be known as the "______________" speech.


William Howard Taft became the first President to also hold which of the following positions in the Federal government?

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

Due to its massive trade market, the greatest prize of East Asia was ___________________.


When American forces reached the Yalu River in late 1950 [choose all that apply]

Chinese forces crossed the border and attacked General MacArthur announced that most American troops would be home for Christmas

When American forces reached the Yalu River in late 1950. (choose all that apply)

Chinese forces crossed the border and attacked General MacArthur announced that most American troops would be home for Christmas

Other than the Jews, what other groups were the target of Nazi extermination attempts? [choose all that apply]

Christians gypsies political prisoners the mentally ill

One of the black denominations that sprang from the Holiness Pentecostal movement was the

Church of God in Christ

African-American contributions in World War II helped lead, in time to the ___________ ____________ _________________.

Civil Rights Movement

Martin Luther King, Jr's essay Letter from Birmingham Jail argued that (choose all that apply)

Civil disobedience against segregation was consistent with Constitutional principles

Grover ______________, the nominee of the Democrat Party, won the election of 1892, though Populists gained a significant portion of the popular vote.


In the minds of many Americans during the years following World War I, labor unions were linked with


How did the federal government react to the financial crisis in 2008-2009?

Congress passed the Economic Stabilization Act to bail out the banking system

Although Samuel Tilden received the majority of the popular vote and seemed ahead in the Electoral College, what created controversy regarding the outcome of the election?

Contested Electoral votes from South Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana

Jacob ___________, a Populist businessman from Ohio, began to push for a government public-works program for the unemployed. His ideas gained a significant following in 1894.


The Spanish American War began because of a colonial revolt on the island of _____________________.


The Spanish-American War began because of a colonial revolt on the island of


Why was the possibility of nuclear weapons being placed in Cuba so troubling to the United States?

Cuba is only 90 miles south of Florida

In March 1939, the takeover of this nation, gave Germany a military advantage in the coming war:


_________________ became a major concern in the South as the timber industry grew, but a warm climate helped limit the ecological devastation the industry may have caused.


The North African campaign was also known as the "______________ _______."

Desert War

What was President Taft's foreign policy in relation to the Caribbean and Latin American nations?

Dollar diplomacy

What was the foreign policy of President Taft in relation to the Caribbean and Latin American nations?

Dollar diplomacy

In 1937, Fundamentalism found a place on the radio when "The Old-Fashioned Revival Hour" went on the radio. Who was the pastor on this program?

Dr. Charles E. Fuller

One of the best known preacers of the Social Gospel was

Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick

One of the best-known preachers of the Social Gospel was

Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick

While European nations formed colonies in Africa, the United States established stronger relationships in____________ and __________.

East Asia South America

What was the most influential motivation in promoting American imperialism?


In 1940, the Italians planned an invasion of this British holding in order to gain control of the Suez Canal?


In 1917, Congress passed the ______________ Amendment to the Constitution, the Prohibition Amendment.


Who was the Filipino rebel leader against the Spanish and later against the Americans?

Emilio Aguinaldo

Who announced the surrender to the Japanese people, marking the first time his people had heard his voice?

Emperor Hirohito

Which of the following best describes the campaign of William Jennings Bryan in the Election of 1896?

Energetic and active

In 1942, the British captured information on this German naval code that allowed them to intercept and decipher messages about U-boat operations:


Which of the following best describes the purpose of the Civil Service Commission, established in 1883?

Ensure that all federal jobs be appointed by a merit system

What German had been given command of all the defenses on the French coast before D-Day?

Erwin Rommel

Which of the following individuals became the leader of the American Socialist Party in 1897 with support from the American Railway Union?

Eugene V. Debs

During and just after World War I, farmers in the United States made a great deal of money supplying food to the world, but why did that change in the early 1920s?

European farmers were able to resume production and eliminated the need for American commodities

What did the PATRIOT Act enable the government to do? (choose all that apply)

Expand the use of electronic surveillance Permit roving wiretaps of suspected terrorists Expand permission to search personal records

The National Defense Act of 1916

Expanded the US Army and National Guard

What American novelist labeled the time in which he lived the "Jazz Age" ?

F. Scott Fitzgerald

_____________ _______________ formed in the 1870s as a direct outgrowth of the Granger Movement. These organizations allowed farmers to cooperate in order to gain better prices for their produce, better loans, and lower freight rates.

Farmers Alliances

In the Election of 1936 the Union Party formed under the leadership of

Father Charles Coughlin

What was included in President Truman's domestic program announced after the Election of 1948? (choose all that apply)

Federal funding for education Federal funding for unemployment benefits An increase in the federal minimum wage Federally provided universal health insurance

What has been the criticism of the federal educations standards set by President Bush's education reform package? (choose all that apply)

Federal funds are not enough Teachers are forced to teach to the test

What nation did Stalin and the Soviet Union attack in the fall of 1939 as a way to gain valuable territory?


Under the command of Claire Chennault, the _________________________ were a group of American pilots operating in China during World War II.

Flying Tigers

Under the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles, which nation gained control of the Rhineland and the coal mines of the Saar Basin?


What nation had a long-standing dispute with Germany and demanded harsh war reparations at the Paris Peace Conference?


Which two (2) nations gained possession of the Middle Eastern possessions of the Ottoman Empire in the aftermath of World War I? [choose 2]

France Great Britain

This semi-retired doctor formed a plan that would alleviate poverty among the elderly and stimulate the economy at the same time:

Francis E. Townsend

Which of the following is NOT true of the U2 spy plane incident?

Francis Gary Powers was able to escape to friendly territory before being captured

In the election of 1920, the Democrats chose James Cox as their nominee for President, but what future President would be his running mate?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

The movement against modernist ideas and teachings that were making their way into churches and seminaries in the 1920s was known as ________________________.


Who was the British general who forced the Germans to retreat to Libya, marking a turning point in the war?

General Bernard Montgomery

Why did the invasion at Anzio fall apart?

General Clark decided to hold and strengthen the Allied position instead of pushing to encircle the Germans on the Gustav Line

Who did President Bush appoint as the new military commander in Iraq in 2007 to oversee the troop surge there?

General David Petraeus

Japan was governed by the office of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP). Who held the role as Supreme Commander?

General Douglas MacArthur

Which American military commander liberated the Philippines, announcing "I have returned!"?

General Douglas MacArthur

Who was named overall commander of the UN coalition in Korea?

General Douglas MacArthur

Who was the American commander of the Philippines when the Japanese launched their attack in 1942?

General Douglas MacArthur

The _______________ _______________ was a deal in which the Japanese agreed to limit emigration of workers to the United States as long as the federal government agreed not to prohibit Japanese immigration.

Gentlemen's Agreement

The Democratic candidate for the Presidency in the Election of 1972 was

George Mcgovern

Who were the major Party candidates for President in the Election of 2000? [choose 2]

George W. Bush Correct! Al Gore

Who were the two main party candidates in the Presidential Election of 1976? [choose 2]

Gerald Ford Jimmy Carter

Why was German submarine warfare different than normal naval warfare? [choose all that apply]

German submarines attacked without warning. Usually an enemy would be stopped and passengers and crew made safe before a ship was destroyed.

Marxist ideals gained influence in the United States through immigrants from which of the following European countries?


Once American entered the war, Roosevelt and Churchill agreed that the Allies should pursue a "____________ first" strategy.


The scientists of which nation had made progress in the development of atomic weapons in the 1930s?


After the terms of alliances and protection agreements were put into place, declared war on on August 1, 1914.

Germany Russia

When the Russians made a separate peace with the Central Powers

Germany was able to move troops to the western front

Taft infuriated Roosevelt and Republican Progressives when he fired which of the following individuals who was serving as head of the U.S. Division of Forestry?

Gifford Pinchot

Taft infuriated Roosevelt and Republican Progressives when he fired which of the following individuals, who was serving as head of the US Division of Forestry?

Gifford Pinchot

Changes behind the Iron Curtain in the 1980s were apparent through Gorbachev's campaign of (choose all that apply)

Glasnost Perestroika

One of this movies' claims to fame is that the actress for one of the principle parts, Hattie McDaniel, became the first African-American woman to win an Oscar:

Gone with the Wind

After the Germans retreated from Rome, they fell back to a line of defensive positions known as the

Gothic Line

Which of the following best describes laissez-faire economics, which was an important government policy during the Gilded Age?

Government generally did not interfere with business.

In 1939 and 1940, President Roosevelt committed to helping what nation with military supplies and weapons?

Great Britain

President Eisenhower's decision to threaten economic sanctions against these three nations if they did not halt their attack on Egypt strained international relations in the 1950s. (choose 3)

Great Britain Israel France

The concept of the Japanese government as an imperialistic power was eventually given the title the

Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere

The first sit-in of the 1960s occurred in

Greensboro, North Carolina

Which of the following was the only Democratic Party candidate to win the Presidency between 1869 and 1914?

Grover Cleveland

This island in the Solomon chain was the focus of a six month military campaign on land and sea beginning in August 1942:


The "new evangelical" branch of fundamentalism (choose all that apply)

Had a goal to take back America Advocated engagement with the government and culture

The first African-American cultural movement that was purposefully driven and separate from the rest of American society was the ____________ ________________.

Harlem Renaissance

In the election of 1944, who did President Roosevelt choose as his running mate?

Harry S. Truman

When Franklin Roosevelt died in April 1945, who became President of the United States?

Harry S. Truman

Because of its importance as a naval base in the Pacific, President McKinley and Congress annexed what territory in July 1898?


Secretary of State James G. Blaine believed that ____________ was indispensable to American interests.


The violent _______Affair in Chicago led to the demise of the_________ of Labor, a powerful national labor union.

Haymarket Knights

How did President Grover Cleveland react to the attempt to annex the Hawaiian islands?

He apologized to the Queen and called for the provisional government to dissolve

How was Calvin Coolidge able to reduce taxes and pay down the debt at the same time?

He appointed business leaders to key positions in government.

What was President Kennedy's reaction to the violence in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963? (choose all that apply)

He called on Congress to pass new Civil Rights legislation He gave federal agencies power to fight segregation

What mistake[s] did Woodrow Wilson make when working on the treaty to officially end the Great War? [choose all that apply]

He insulted Republicans by implying that they were not interested in promoting peace. He did not select a representative but chose to attend the peace conference himself. He insulted Republicans by not choosing any Republican representatives for the peace delegation.

Why did President Kennedy decide to travel to Texas in November 1963?

He needed to campaign there because of low polling numbers

Which of the following best describes President Cleveland's response to labor strikes in his second term?

He opposed them, sometimes with force.

How did Nixon leave office?

He resigned

How did Roosevelt finally resolve the 1902 Coal Strike?

He threatened to send Federal troops to run the private mines in the workers' absence.

Why did Ford pay his employees higher salaries than usual?

He wanted his people to be able to afford the products they helped to build.

What was one important reason why John F. Kennedy was at a disadvantage in the 1960 election campaign?

He was Catholic

What happened to Saddam Hussein after the fall of his government in 2003? (choose all that apply)

He was able to hide from American forces until December He was tried and executed for his crimes by the Iraqis

Why did President Johnson not want to send more military "advisers" to Vietnam?

He was afraid they would make the situation worse in Vietnam and ruin his reelection hopes

What happened to Spiro Agnew during 1973?

He was investigated for corruption and bribery and resigned

What happened to Lee Harvey Oswald?

He was shot while being transferred to Dallas County jail

Which of the following best describes journalist T. McCants Stewart's experience as an African American visiting the South in the 1880s?

He was surprised to find relative acceptance and freedom.

Which of the following US cities was first founded as a mining boom town?

Helena, Montana

The Marine base on Guadalcanal that provided a launching point for the capture of the rest of the island was

Henderson Field

The Republican senator who argued against the League of Nations on constitutional grounds was ___________________.

Henry Cabot Lodge

Who was Roosevelt's Secretary of War, named in 1940, who built military readiness before American entry into combat?

Henry L Stimson

As editor of the Atlanta Constitution, who wrote an article detailing his vision for "The New South"?

Henry W. Grady

Which of the following switched parties, called himself a progressive conservative, and encouraged the ideas of the progressives through cooperation rather than government mandate?

Herbert Hoover

Which of the following won the Election of 1928 and would be President during the worst economic collapse in American history?

Herbert Hoover

In addition to Pearl Harbor, the December 7, 1941 attack targeted what other military installation in Hawaii?

Hickam Field

Which of the following best describes the management structure of most big businesses during the Gilded Age?


The growth of suburbs in the 1920s encouraged the government to spend money on ____________ with federal money, making it the biggest budget expenditure by the end of the decade.


The youth counterculture of the 1960s was called the "______________ Movement"


The first Japanese city to be attacked by an atomic bomb was


Of all the forms of propaganda in the United States, which was the most important according to the lesson?

Hollywood movies

This United States Senator established a plan as an alternative to the New Deal that was basically a radical redistribution of wealth , summed up with the slogan "Every Man a King":

Huey P. Long

The __________ ______________, a settlement house in Chicago founded by Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr, was one of the most famous of many such institutions, which were devoted to improving living conditions in major cities.

Hull House

The two most popular sitcoms of the 1950s were [choose two]

I Love Lucy Leave it to Beaver

Political machines in Northeastern and Midwestern cities had the most influence with which of the following?


According to the lesson, which of the following was NOT a significant source of new workers in the American economy during the Gilded Age?

Immigration from Canada and Mexico

Which of the following was NOT one of the sources of funding for the New Deal?

Increased sale of government bonds

Which of the following best describes the purpose of the Bland-Allison Act of 1878, which President Hayes attempted but failed to block with his veto?

Increased the money supply by minting more silver coins

Though he was involved in several industries, J.P. Morgan first acquired his wealth through which of the following?

Investment banking

Which of the following was NOT one of the provisions of the Enforcement Acts passed in response to the rise of the KKK?

It became a federal offense to interfere with a citizen's right to life, liberty, and property.

Which of the following is true of the S&L Crisis of the 1980s? (choose all that apply)

It began because of deregulation of savings and loans Savings and loan companies were irresponsible in investments It cost the taxpayers who funded the FDIC which insured deposits Created a drain on the US economy

What were the results of expanded American military operations into Cambodia? (choose all that apply)

It destabilized the political balance of power in Cambodia, which resulted in a change of government there Anti-war protests escalated across the country American forces were able to hamper Vietcong operations in Cambodia

Which of the following is true about the Battle of Leyte Gulf? (choose all that apply)

It destroyed the Japanese navy to a point that it could no longer be a serious threat to American operations in the Pacific It was the first American experience with Japanese kamikaze attacks

In what ways could the Italian campaign be considered a success? (choose all that apply)

It gave the Allies experience in amphibious warfare The invasion effectively knocked Italy out of the war It provided experience with German troops and their abilities to defend positions and carry out bold maneuvers

Which of the following best describes the main provision of the Nineteenth Amendment?

It guaranteed women's right to vote.

Which of the following was a result of the Allied capture of the Rhineland? (choose all that apply)

It made some German soldiers convinced that Germany had already lost the war It was a blow to German morale

For which of the following reasons was the Election of 1912 particularly significant? [Choose all that apply.]

It marked the high point of Progressivism in the United States. It was the first Presidential election to hold party primaries. The election was a sign that Democrats were again becoming competitive in national politics. The election oriented the Republican Party in a much more conservative direction.

Why was Windows so successful in the software market in the 1980s?

It ran on the hardware from multiple manufacturers

What effect did the "Jesus People Movement" have on Christianity and the church as a whole? (choose all that apply)

It reached a segment of the American population not reached by traditional denominations It brought a change in Christian music from traditional hymns to praise songs It ushered in a growth of charismatic churches and denominations

Which of the following is true of the Compromise of 1877? [Please choose all that apply.]

It signaled the end of Reconstruction as Republican governments collapsed and white Democrats gained control of the South. An agreement was made to pull military support out of the South. Rutherford B. Hayes became President.

Which of the following is NOT true of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact?

It was a completely public agreement

What was different about Kennedy's Inaugural Address? (choose all that apply)

It was meant to encourage hope and optimism in the American people It was not a wish list of objectives It was powerful because it was simple It is one of the shortest

Why was the beginning of air bombardment of Baghdad a turning point in American journalism?

It was the first time reporters broadcast a battle live from the scene

What was different about the act passed by Congress on September 14, 1940?

It was the first-ever peacetime draft in United States history

What was Theodore Roosevelt's criticism of the proposed League of Nations?

It would diminish American sovereignty

What nation had a long-standing dispute with Germany and demanded harsh war reparations at the Paris Peace Conference?


What was the first European nation to implement fascism?


The leaders of which nations dominated the Paris Peace Conference in 1919? [choose all that apply]

Italy the United States France Great Britain

What were the results of the Allied threat to the Italian mainland? [choose all that apply]

Italy switched alliances and joined the Allies Mussolini was ousted from power King Victor Emmanuel III appointed Pietro Badoglio to head a new government Germany reinforced the Italian peninsula and forced Allied troops to fight to take it

The American predisposition to expansion can be traced to

Its origins in European expansion

The "Kansas City Massacre" led this director of the FBI to ask President Roosevelt to declare a "War on Crime" making G-men heroes in the public imagination:

J. Edgar Hoover

Who led the new federal agency that imposed strict policies against all possible Bolsheviks in 1919?

J. Edgar Hoover

Charles Guiteau, a mentally deranged man disgruntled over having been refused a Federal job, assassinated which of the following US. Presidents?

James A. Garfield

Who built the American Tobacco Company, which came to control 75 percent of all tobacco manufacturing by 1904?

James B. Duke

Which of the following individuals became the People's Party nominee for President in the Election of 1892?

James B. Weaver

The establishment of the Pan American Union was the result of which Secretary of State's goal to establish free trade between the nations of North and South America?

James G. Blaine

Which of the following led the Republican "Half-Breeds" and was the Republican nominee for President in 1884?

James Gillespie Blaine

____________ music was a synthesis of black folk and big band music that was a combination of rural and urban traditions.


Who were the main Democrat Party contenders in the Election of 1988? [choose all that apply]

Jesse Jackson Michael Dukakis

Laws that discriminated against blacks in the South became known as _______ ________ laws after the name of a derogatory black character in a famous minstrel show.

Jim Crow

_______ _______ laws in the South ensured that the region would remain firmly Democrat due to restrictions on black voters.

Jim Crow

Which of the following individuals is most closely associated with the oil industry during the Gilded Age?

John D. Rockefeller

Just 70 days into his presidency, Ronald Reagan was almost assassinated by

John Hinckley, Jr.

Which of the following individuals became the Presidential nominee of the Gold Democrats?

John M. Palmer

The notorious Nazi known as the "angel of death" because of his medical experiments in the concentration camps was

Josef Mengele

Who gave the North Korean leader permission to invade South Korea in 1950?

Josef Stalin

The leaders in Yellow Journalism in the 1890s were ____________________________. [Please choose all that apply.]

Joseph Pulitzer William Randolph Hearst

On which date did D-Day for Operation "Overlord" take place?

June 6, 1944

The members of the Bolshevik Party were influenced by the work of whom?

Karl Marx

Where in North Africa did the Americans suffer the only total rout in all of World War II?

Kasserine Pass

At what Ohio university did the conflict between anti-war protesters and National Guardsmen result in the death of four people?

Kent State University

For most of the nineteenth century, oil was mainly used to produce which of the following important commodities?


Most of the elements of the New Deal were based on the economic principle of


__________________________ was at the heart and soul of the New Deal.


Who was the ultimate mastermind behind the attack on America on September 11, 2001?

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

The November 9, 1938 pogrom against the Jews that resulted in tremendous destruction of Jewish assets was


The most important and influential secret society that arose in the South to oppose Radical Reconstruction was the ______________________.

Ku Klux Klan

Why did southern African Americans move north between 1910 and 1920?

Labor shortages in the north meant more employment opportunities

The optimal taxation level at which the government can function and the economy grow is often referred to as the ______________ ____________.

Laffer curve

What famous African-American poet was the best representative of the "New Negro" movement?

Langston Hughes

Which of the following best describes William Howard Taft's career before he entered politics?


President Wilson's top priority in the Paris peace talks was the creation of a ______________ _______ ________________.

League of Nations

Which of the following investment banks failed but was not bailed out by the US government?

Lehman Brothers

When Great Britain began to run out of ready money to purchase military supplies by the end of 1940, Roosevelt devised the "_____________-_____________" program to help supply them with arms to fight the Nazis.


The siege of what Russian city saw the development of a new weapon and defense of the city by a "People's Army"?


Who was the Soviet Premier that met with President Nixon in 1972?

Leonid Brezhnev

The suburban development that was the first example of a modern suburb was called


What was President Clinton's response to the bombings of two American embassy buildings and the USS Cole?

Limited missile strikes against al Qaeda training camps

Though the People's Party dissolved in the late 1890s, their political philosophies still held influence. Which of the following became the most influential Populist goal in the Progressive era?

Limiting corruption in government

The students at the center of the federal intervention to force the desegregation of the public schools were called the _______ __________ _____________.

Little Rock Nine

In 1957, President Eisenhower finally intervened in the desegregation of schools in the city of

Little Rock, Arkansas

What does the term lebensraum mean?

Living room or room to expand

The notion that belligerent Northerners had wrecked the dream of Southern prosperity became known as the "_________ Cause" in the South.


In order to gain the support of these states' Senators, special provisions were written into the Affordable Care Act to give them additional Medicaid funding : [choose all that apply]

Louisiana Nebraska

The North American Free Trade Agreement (choose all that apply)

Lowered tariffs and trade barriers between the US and its neighbors Made North America the largest free-trade zone in the world Opened foreign markets to American goods Brought cheaper foreign goods into the American marketplace

Declaration of the North Sea and Atlantic as war zones, brought America to the brink of war over the sinking of the


What three [3] nations did Germany invade to clear a path toward France? [choose 3]

Luxembourg Belgium the Netherlands

The line of fortifications and defenses France constructed along its border with Germany was called the

Maginot Line

The efforts to take these objectives in the Gilbert Islands shocked the American public because of the high death toll? [choose all that apply]

Mankin Tarawa

What impact did the Election of 2000 have on the nation and on American elections? (choose all that apply)

Many states turned to electronic voting machines to avoid the issues with paper ballots George W. Bush had no real mandate to govern Al Gore's supporters continued to insist that Bush stole the election

World War II in Asia effectively began with the

Marco Polo Bridge Incident

__________________ is known for her role in the promotion of birth control in the late 1910s and 1920s.

Margaret Sanger

Which of the following individuals was the first to refer to the 35 years between the Civil War and the end of the 19th century as the Gilded Age?

Mark Twain

Who was the leader of Vichy France?

Marshall Henri Pétain

With the economic collapse of the Depression and the rising issues of racism in the South ____________ became an attractive alternative to Americas economic system.


The defiance of Southern states to the Supreme Court's ruling in Brown v. Board of Education was called "_______________ _________________."

Massive Resistance

Which of the following are possible reasons why Barack Obama was able to win the Election of 2008? [choose all that apply]

McCain came across as too bland on the campaign trail Obama was an energetic and charismatic campaigner Obama had a well-organized grassroots campaign McCain was too closely linked to President Bush and his policies

Which of the following are possible reasons why Barack Obama was able to win the Election of 2008? (choose all that apply)

McCain was too closely linked to President Bush and his policies McCain came across as too bland on the campaign trail Obama had a well-organized grassroots campaign Obama was an energetic and charismatic campaigner

In 1901, an anarchist named Leon Czolgosz assassinated President _____________________ at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York.


Which of President Johnson's programs was the first to provide medical care funded by the federal government?


President Wilson intervened in the politics of the nation of _______________, changing alliances and eventually bringing General John J. Pershing to the brink of war after following troops across the border.


Which of the following groups was the greatest advocate for the prohibition of alcohol in the United States?

Middle-class women

Tighter immigration laws after 1929 meant that Okies assumed the role of

Migrant farm workers

Which group of people were often the first Americans to come into contact with other cultures?


Into which state did President Grant refuse to send federal troops to restore order after race riots began in 1875, thus marking the end of the military component of Reconstruction?


What popular board game saw its rise to fame during the Great Depression?


Which of the following was one of the most powerful strongholds on the Gustav Line and also the site of a 6th century monastery with historical significance?

Monte Cassino

In what city did the resistance to the Freedom Riders become violent and end in serious injuries to at least two people?

Montgomery, Alabama

Most of Roosevelt's supporters walked out of the Republican Convention and formed the "Bull ______________" Progressive Party.


In what ways was the United States adrift in the 1970s? (choose all that apply)

Morally Culturally Economically Politically

In Franklin Delano Roosevelt's second inaugural address, he compared America to the ancient Hebrews with himself as _________________.


Which of the following is NOT true of American cities in the 1920s?

Most American cities remained constant in population as working class people moved into urban areas while the middle class moved to the suburbs

How did the legacy of the Civil War impact party politics in the Gilded Age?

Most Americans voted based on their viewpoint during the Civil War.

What conditions existed in Europe following World War II? (choose all that apply)

Most cities had been damaged by ground warfare and bombing Industry was devastated Farmland lay fallow or had been severely damaged Transportation was hampered because of the destruction brought by the war

What conditions existed in the late 1940s that led to America's first experiment with subsidized public housing? (choose all that apply)

Most racial minorities were trapped in the cities where housing was limited and substandard Racial discrimination made it almost impossible for blacks and Hispanics to obtain mortgages or insurance

Which of the following was NOT a plan for American expansionism in the early nineteenth century?

Moving rapidly into Canada and Mexico to gain full control of the North American continent

Which of the following was the name of the Republican movement of educated elites that pulled their support from James Gillespie Blaine amid charges of corruption?


To guard against the possibility of Soviet attack, Western Nations signed an agreement in 1949 establishing


What Chinese city saw its population become victims to some of the worst atrocities of World War II?


In response to the launch of the first successful satellite launch, Congress created this new agency

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Feeling that President Roosevelt had not gone far enough to radically change the country, Father Charles E. Coughlin founded the

National Union for Social Justice

The divided liberation of China set the stage for the renewed Chinese civil war that would soon break out between Chiang's ___________ and Mao's __________.

Nationalists Communists

Who was the first man to step on the surface of the moon?

Neil Armstrong

Which of the following was NOT a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President in 1968?

Nelson Rockefeller

In the United States, Woodrow Wilson was committed to the plan that America remain


Who was the British Prime Minister that pursued a policy of appeasement with Nazi Germany in the 1930s?

Neville Chamberlain

In his acceptance speech at the Chicago convention, Roosevelt pledged to the American people a

New Deal

When the original advisors fell away, many of them were replaced by a circle of consultants called the "_____________ ________________."

New Dealers

Calvin Coolidge's victory in the election of 1924 signaled a "______ ________" for conservative Republicans.

New Era

Which of the following did Wilson call his Progressive party platform in the Election of 1912?

New Freedom

Which of the following did Wilson call his progressive party platform in the Election of 1912?

New Freedom

Before serving as President, Woodrow Wilson served as the governor of which of the following states?

New Jersey

Who was the first Soviet leader to ever visit the United States?

Nikita Khrushchev

The invasion site for Operation "Overlord" were the beaches of _________________.


Match the following:

North Korea: Democratic People's Republic of Korea Chair of the North Korean Communist Party: Kim Il-sung South Korea: Republic of Korea President of the ROK: Syngman Rhee

When the Korean peninsula was divided, match who received each portion of the land:

North Korea: Soviet Union South Korea: Allies

Violence in Iraq began to decline in 2008 and 2009 as a result of the leadership of

Nouri al-Maliki

Violence in Iraq began to decline in 2008 and 2009 as a result of the leaderships of

Nouri al-Maliki

___________ was a term of derision used to describe the Dust Bowl migrants.


After taking the island of Iwo Jima, Nimitz's next target was _________________, only 350 miles from the southernmost Japanese home island.


Which of the following individuals founded the Patrons of Husbandry in 1867, which later spawned the Granger Movement?

Oliver H. Kelley

Which of the following were code names for the beaches of the Normandy invasion? (choose all that apply)

Omaha Juno Gold Sword Utah

Which of the following is true of the "Negro Nationalism" movement? [choose all that apply]

One of the leaders of the movement was Marcus. The movement contributed to the "black power" movement of the 1960s. It encouraged the segregation of society into black and white communities.

Under General Auchinleck, British troops launched this offensive, which drove Rommel back and relieved the garrison at Tobruk:

Operation "Crusader"

Which of the following were attempts to strike back at the insurgencies in Iraq? [choose all that apply]

Operation "Desert Scorpion" Operation "Vigilant Resolve"

The airstrikes launched against Afghanistan in October 2001 was codenamed

Operation "Enduring Freedom"

In March 2003, American and British forces launched this mission into Iraq

Operation "Iraqi Freedom"

The Nazi plan for a seaborne invasion of Great Britain was codenamed

Operation Sealion

What institution saw large scale growth as a result of Prohibition?

Organized crime

In the late 1990s, this individual issues two fatwas calling for jihad against the United States:

Osama bin Laden

The leader of the Islamic terror organization, al Qaeda, that America demanded Afghanistan turn over was

Osama bin Laden

In order to protect their own economic interests, white planters in Hawaii did what in 1893?

Overthrew Queen Liliuokalani and established an American protectorate

Wilson's dream of ethnic self-determination in Europe was not realized because of the following reasons: (choose all that apply)

PARTIAL: Europe was not a large enough land mass to accommodate all new groups. There was no way to organize the land that did remain that would please every group.

The Revenue Act passed by Congress in 1932 _________________________. [choose all that apply]

PARTIAL: eliminated Hoover's demand side tax cuts

In 1916, the Federal government created the National ____________ Service to maintain and preserve large areas of land throughout the United States.


According to the lesson, an oil rush began in the 1860s in which of the following states?


The two articles of impeachment passed by the House of Representatives were for? (choose 2)

Perjury Obstruction of justice

Which of the following is NOT a natural resource that helped to contribute to the industrial and economic boom of the Gilded Age?


William Howard Taft became the first Governor-General of the _______________ in 1900 and later became Secretary of War under Roosevelt.


Who led the evangelical opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment?

Phyllis Schlafly

The _______________ ________________ restricted Cuban diplomacy and made them promise not to borrow money from European nations.

Platt Amendment

Which 1886 Supreme Court case upheld segregation laws in the South, provided that all accommodations for blacks and whites were "separate, but equal"?

Plessy v. Ferguson

Aggressive actions against this nation brought Great Britain and France to the realization that appeasement had been a mistake and prompted them to state their intention to declare war in its defense:


Other than the Jews, what other groups were targeted in the Nazi extermination attempts? (choose all that apply)

Political prisoners Christians Gypsies The mentally ill

___________ taxes limited the voting rights of black Southerners by requiring citizens to pay a fee in order to vote.


Many Americans, at the time and since, have blamed whom for the Great Depression?

President Herbert Hoover

What were some of the primary revelations found in the Pentagon Papers? (choose all that apply)

President Kennedy had approved the coup that overthrew Ngo Dien Diem The Gulf of Tonkin incident didn't happen as it was portrayed to the American people Johnson misled the American people regarding plans to send in ground troops

The Treaty of Versailles failed ratification in the Senate because ______________________.

President Wilson refused to compromise with Henry Cabot Lodge over the League of Nations

Which of the following is NOT a reason for the end of the Progressive Movement?

Progressives had grown to radicalized for the majority of the American population

President Johnson's main education bills (choose all that apply)

Provided funding for local education for the first time Creating the "Head Start" preschool program Provided federal funding to colleges and universities Established a subsidized student loan program

What were Johnson's three main strategies for addressing poverty in the United States? (choose three)

Publicly funded healthcare through Medicare and Medicaid Increased federal funding for education Creating Community Action Agencies

The acquisition of ____________ ______________ was a major goal of the Spanish American War.

Puerto Rico

Within two months of North Korea's invasion of South Korea, American and South Korean forces were pushed back to an area called the "_______________ _______________."

Pusan Perimeter

_____________ mining, which was sometimes called lode or hard-rock mining, required the construction of tunnels and pumps to remove water from underground caverns.


On December 7, 1941, how did most people learn of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?


According to the lesson, which of the following industries was the first to produce modern corporations?


Though he later came to dominate other industries, Andrew Carnegie was a manager in which of the following industries before 1873?


The convoys that brought supplies from the Normandy coast to the front lines were known as the "________ _____________ ________________."

Red Ball Express

A string of race riots in America in 1919 led James Weldon Johnson to call the period the ______ ____________.

Red Summer

Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau wanted President Roosevelt to

Reduce federal spending

Which of the following best describes the main purpose of the "Granger laws," established by members of the Granger Movement after 1874?

Regulating banks and railroads

Most black Southerners who held public office in the 1880s were members of the _____________ Party.


Northeastern workers threw their support to the ______________ Party in the Election of 1896 in one of the most dramatic changes to voter alignment in the nation's history.


The Federal _____________ Act of 1913 established a central banking system in the United States for the first time since the 1830s.


Who was the Republican nominee for President in the Election of 1960?

Richard Nixon

Who was the Republican nominee for President in the Election of 1968?

Richard Nixon

Which of the following can be associated with the economic issues in America during the 1970s? (choose all that apply)

Rising inflation Decreased standard of living Economic stagnation Rising energy prices

What important Supreme Court decision legalized abortion in the United States?

Roe v. Wade

What was significant about Franklin Roosevelt and the Election of 1940?

Roosevelt chose to run for an unprecedented third term

The black woman who refused to give up her seat to a white man was ___________ ______________.

Rosa Parks

Who was the Independent candidate in the Presidential Election of 1992?

Ross Perot

Who was one of the first talk radio hosts to take his show to a national audience?

Rush Limbaugh

Which three (3) European nations used the Spanish Civil War as a place to practice methods and weapons of war?

Russia (the Soviet Union) Italy Germany

What was the reason for the Russo-Japanese War?

Russian expansion into Manchuria

Which of the following Presidents campaigned on a promise to fight corruption after Grant's scandal-filled term in office?

Rutherford B. Hayes

The personal bodyguard created by Hitler that became the primary force of intimidation of the German people were the


The three main targets in the Marianas Islands were: [choose three]

Saipan Tinian Guam

Which of the following individuals led the American Federation of Labor almost continually from 1886 to 1924?

Samuel Gompers

In 1911, Frederick W. Taylor published The Principles of _________________ Management, which suggested ways to bring greater efficiency to the specific tasks of individual workers in factories.


In September 1918, the attack on __________ marked a shift in the war as Germany began a retreat from the Western Front.


Following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the Austro-Hungarian Empire passed sanctions and threatened invasion of what nation?


Huey P. Long's radical plan for saving America resulted in an organization called the

Share Our Wealth Society

_________________ was an agricultural system whereby a farm laborer worked someone else's land in return for supplies and a portion of the crop he produced.


Hoover's campaign message was that he had worked hard and

Should be given another chance

In 1940, the new Prime Minister of Great Britain who would serve throughout the war was

Sir Winston Churchill

Who was the founder of the International Church of the Foresquare Gospel?

Sister Aimee Semple McPherson

Who was the founder of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel?

Sister Aimee Semple McPherson

The first full-length animated feature film was

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

____________ ___________, based on Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection, applied the laws of nature to society.

Social Darwinism

In one of the best showings from a radical third party in several decades, Eugene V. Debs took no less than 421,000 votes for the ________________ Party.


Which of the following is true about the New Deal in 1935?

Some New Deal programs had achieved specific objectives, but overall had not achieved its main objectives

Charity food, often consisting of simple bread or water soup, was often prepared in bulk and ladled out to individuals in storefronts or basements called __________ _____________.

Soup Kitchens

The real center of the Dust Bowl was in the

Southern Great Plains

Why was Korean Airlines Flight 007 shot down over the Sea of Japan?

Soviet military commanders thought it was an American military surveillance flight

The 1920s saw the rise of __________ _____________ as a lucrative industry and a contribution to a common American culture.

Spectator sports

The Soviet launch of the satellite _____________ caused Americans to worry about Russian ability to attack with nuclear weapons.


The tide turned in the German advance into the Soviet Union at the battle of


The _______________ Republicans chose their name for their unwavering support of President Grant and argued for the continuance of the spoils system.


The final stage of Jewish oppression before their forced removal for exploitation and extermination came in September 1941, when the Jews were ordered to wear a yellow "_______ ____ ____________" on their clothing at all times.

Star of David

Although Roosevelt and the New Dealers won the Election of 1936, the President still faced strong opposition from the _____________ _____________.

Supreme Court

What two pledges gave the allusion of resolution but in actuality were not as helpful as they had been believed to be? (choose all that apply)

Sussex Pledge Arabic Pledge

Which of the following best describes the reason why Taft won the Republican nomination over Roosevelt in 1912?

Taft had more support of mainline Republicans who controlled state conventions.

What was the name of Boss Tweed's political institution that dominated politics in New York City?

Tammany Hall

Which of the following issues became the main focus of the Election of 1888?

Tariff reform

Prior to World War II, Americans did not have a concept of _____________ as a distinct cultural group.


The meeting to discuss the plans for Operation "Overlord" were held in


The Mann-Elkins Act of 1910 extended the power of the Interstate Commerce Commission over which of the following industries? [Choose all that apply]

Telegraph Telephone Railroads

What was the name of multifamily dwellings in many American cities that were usually between four and six stories high and housed dozens of families living side by side?


One of the most famous PWA projects was the __________________ which harnessed the power of the Tennessee River and supplied electricity to the rural south.

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

Which of the following individuals became the leader of the Knights of Labor in 1879 and helped it become a national organization?

Terrence Powderly

What accusations were published in the newspaper and leaflets against President Kennedy prior to his visit to Texas in 1963? (choose all that apply)

That he was not tough enough on communists That he was guilty of treason

President Reagan's proposed system of satellites and ground stations that would destroy incoming missiles was called

The "Strategic Defense Initiative"

What foreign event in 1973 had a negative effect on the American economy?

The "Yom Kuppur War"

The employees of General Motors used a new tactic in their labor strike in 1937, known as

The "sit down strike"

Which of the following eventually became the nation's largest labor union, reaching its peak at four million members in 1920?

The American Federation of Labor

Eugene V. Debs, who played a key role in the Pullman Strike, led which of the following labor unions?

The American Railway Union

How did the Republicans gain control of Congress in the 1946 elections?

The American people were angry about the economic conditions in the nation

Which of the following incited outrage among the American people against the Spanish, eventually pushing the nation into war?

The American press

This action between the Germans and Soviets was one of the greatest and bloodiest land battles of the entire war?

The Battle of Kursk

Hitler's Operation "Autumn Fog" was the key to beginning this important World War II battle:

The Battle of the Bulge

What was the result of the meeting between President Kennedy and Premier Khrushchev in Vienna in 1961?

The Berlin Wall was constructed

The delegations of the United States, Great Britain, France and Italy at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 were called

The Big Four

Resistance to foreign powers and the Open Door policy resulted in a Chinese revolt called

The Boxer Rebellion

Resistance to foreign powers and the Open Door policy resulted in a Chinese revolt called _____________________.

The Boxer Rebellion

The siege at Waco was an attempt to raid the compound of this group

The Branch Davidians

Which of the following was NOT one of the major empires that collapsed as a result of the First World War?

The British Empire

At what conference did President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill decide that when to go ahead with the Allied invasion of mainland Europe?

The Casablanca Conference

The German offensive called "Case Blue" was an effort to capture

The Caucasus

As a part of Nixon's "War on Drugs," Congress passed

The Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act

Which of the following contributed to the rise of the modern environmental movement and expanded government action to protect the environment? (choose all that apply)

The Cuyahoga River fire in Cleveland in 1969 The "killer smog" in New York in 1965 The publication of Silent Spring by Carson

In 1935, Congress gave the President power to divide millions of dollars among several agencies how he saw fit by passing

The Emergency Relief Appropriation Act

This New Deal program was established by executive order to purchase distressed and foreclosed farm mortgages so that farmers would have the opportunity to refinance at rates they could afford:

The Farm Credit Administration

The Glass-Steagall Banking Act gave the Federal Reserve new power and established

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Because of the rise of the radio industry, Congress created what agency in 1927?

The Federal Ratio Commission

What was the main persuasive goal of the "Cross of Gold" Speech?

The Federal government should allow the unlimited coinage of silver.

Which of the following best describes most Americans' view of the Federal government during the Gilded Age?

The Federal government was insignificant in most Americans' lives.

Muckrakers were the most influential Progressive voices in which of the following industries?

The Food and Drug Industries

The German group that became an extension of Nazi Party in America was called the

The German American Bund

Why were individual German victories in the Soviet Union not successful in reversing the tide of the Soviet advance? (choose all that apply)

The German military were short on supplies Soviet industry was producing more weapons and vehicles than the Germans The Soviets could replace losses more easily than the Germans

Which of the following gave the Interstate Commerce Commission the power to set maximum freight rates, a reform long wished for among western farmers?

The Hepburn Act of 1906

What was the result of the Battle of Bloody Ridge?

The Japanese suffered over 50% casualties

Which of the following is NOT associated with the "Summer of Love" ?

The Jesus Movement

Upton Sinclair's _______ _____________, published in 1906, was originally intended to promote socialism, but instead inspired reform in the meatpacking industry.

The Jungle

Which of the following labor unions had a radical, utopian vision of an economic system based on cooperation rather than competition?

The Knights of Labor

Which of the following was NOT a government agency created to harness the American economy to the war effort in the Great War?

The National Labor Relations Board

Which of the following was the first labor union engaged on a national scale made up of representatives from several craft unions?

The National Labor Union

This New Deal agency introduced legislation on the theory that the free market had failed because it was too chaotic and not regulated enough by the government:

The National Recovery Administration

Which of the following incidents set off a nationwide panic that led to the Depression of 1893?

The Philadelphia and Reading Railroads declared bankruptcy.

Where did the Allied leaders issue a declaration demanding Japan's immediate surrender and discuss how to divide and administer conquered Axis territory?

The Potsdam Conference

This New Deal program was similar to the CCC but focused on employing all able men in urban areas

The Public Works Administration

Which of the following were two Federal laws passed on the same day that created large bureaucracies to enforce sanitation standards of food transported across state borders? [Choose 2]

The Pure Food and Drug Act The Meat Inspection Act of 1906

Which of these groups is most often associated with The Battle of San Juan Hill because of the flattering account of them written by Theodore Roosevelt?

The Rough Riders

Which of the following is NOT a reason why Hitler believed Germany could easily conquer the Soviet Union?

The Russians did not have any men left after Stalin's purges

During World War II, where was the decision made to create an international organization to succeed where the League of Nations had failed?

The San Fransisco Conference

Which of the following Second New Deal program could be called the crowning achievement of Roosevelt's Great Depression policies?

The Social Security Act

Which of the following united in 1889 to form the new National Alliance, which eventually led to the establishment of the People's Party in 1892? [Choose all that apply.]

The Southern Farmers' Alliance The Northern Farmers' Alliance

The first crack in the Iron Curtain appeared when (choose all that apply)

The Soviet Union allowed democratic elections for the first time since 1917 Several non-Communist candidates won seats in the Soviet legislature

Why did the UN resolution on the Korean War pass the Security Council?

The Soviet Union was boycotting in protest because Taiwan's seat was not given to Communist China

What worldwide pandemic killed millions of people worldwide between 1918 and 1920 and changed modern medicine and damaged the world economy?

The Spanish Flu

In response to the momentum caused by sit-ins, black and white students formed

The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee

Which of the following events inspired new city and state laws regulating working conditions in factories?

The Triangle Shirtwaist fire of 1911

According to the lesson, which of the following was NOT a possible reason why many Americans believed that it was time for the nation to expand its influence and territory further into East Asia and South America?

The United States did not possess enough land to contain its ever-growing population, and needed to find more areas to settle to prevent overcrowding in its current territories.

Why did the United States see more economic benefit from the end of the war than any other nation that had been involved?

The United States saw no combat on its home soil and exited the war relatively unharmed

Which of the following is true of the Filipino-American War? [Please choose all that apply.]

The United States sent more troops to the Philippines than to Cuba. The media's reaction to American measures in the war was mixed. The United States used some of the same measures as the Spanish had in Cuba.

Which of the following was NOT a major goal outlined by Alfred Thayer Mahan in his plan for America's naval superiority?

The United States should create new naval bases in Europe so it would be easier to aid allied countries in the event of a war.

U.S. foreign policy in Latin America in the 1890s sent the message that

The United States was an authority over Latin America

The most important government agency to the war effort during the Great War was _____________________.

The War Industries Board

In response to the creation of NATO, the Soviet Union created this organization:

The Warsaw Pact

Democrats in which of the following regions were the most aggressive advocates of the unlimited coinage of silver?

The West

Which of the following were targets hit by the 9/11 hijackers? (choose all that apply)

The World Trade Center The Pentagon

In what meeting did Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt meet to discuss the Russian involvement in the war against Japan and Allies occupation policy in Europe once Germany was defeated?

The Yalta Conference

Which of the following was NOT one of Wilson's points in his postwar plan?

The abolition of foreign treaties.

Which of the following was NOT an accomplishment of William H. Seward?

The acquisition of Cuba

What was the most transformative piece of technology to be expanded in the 1920s?

The automobile

What two industries, in particular, saw massive changes in the 1980s? (choose all that apply)

The automotive industry The computer industry

Which of the following is NOT true of the first code to be completed by the NRA (governing the cotton textile industry)?

The code was heavily enforced by the Federal Government

Components of the Great Recession include (choose all that apply)

The collapse of the housing market The collapse of global financial markets The collapse of the American auto industry

What was the major point of debate over ratification of the Treaty of Paris at the end of the Spanish American War?

The decision over what to do with the Philippines

Which of the following describes the main division between the Republican and Democratic Party platforms in the Election of 1908?

The democrats wanted a lower tariff

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the economy between the second half of 1935 and the first half of 1937?

The economy improved slightly but unemployment remained above 20%

On May 1, 1866, the Knights of Labor organized a one-day general strike of 340,000 workers that eventually led to the Haymarket Affair. What was the goal of that strike?

The establishment of an eight-hour workday

What event in February 1898 convinced most Americans that the nation should go to war with Spain?

The explosion of the USS Maine

What were the results of the American HDTV transition? (Choose all that apply)

The federal government spent millions on vouchers to help people convert their old televisions It created an environmental crisis as people got rid of their old televisions There was a boom in television manufacturing and sales

What was the primary difference between the first "Red Scare" of the 1920s and the second "Red Scare" of the 1950s?

The first "Red Scare" played out in the press while the second played out in the halls of Congress

The areas of greatest similarity between the Great Depression and the Great Recession were (choose all that apply)

The housing industry The banking industry

What were the challenges to the D-Day invasion that affected timing? (choose all that apply)

The invasion needed to take place during a full moon The invasion needed to take place at low tide The invasion needed to take place at dawn The invasion needed to take place when the English Channel was calm

One of the primary issues in the Election of 2000 was

The long-term viability of Social Security

Which of the following inventions are attributed to Thomas A. Edison? [Please choose all that apply.]

The motion picture camera The electric motor The storage battery The phonograph

The "Ho Chi Minh Trail" was

The network of trails that ran from North Vietnam through Laos and into South Vietnam

The most important pillars of President Obama's "New New Deal" were (choose all that apply)

The plan to stimulate the economy The plan to bail out the auto industry The plan for universal health care

Germans called the nine months between the declarations of war by Britain and France and the beginning of open fighting

The sitzkrieg

Which of the following would be the largest scandal in the federal government until Watergate in the 1970s and would color the legacy of Warren G. Harding?

The teapot dome scandal

What event led to Congress reopening the investigation into the assassination of John F. Kennedy?

The television broadcast of the Zapruder film

Historians have called which of the following the first "modern President?"

Theodore Roosevelt

Why is Iraq such a difficult place to create a stable government?

There are deep ethnic and religious divides in the country

In Schenk v. United States in 1919, the Supreme Court decided that free speech could be suppressed when

There was a "clear and present danger"

Why did the Americans agree to postpone "Operation Roundup" until 1944 and concentrate on invading Italy? (choose all that apply)

They believed an Italian campaign would be quick and easy They believed an invasion of Italy would provide them with a way to reach Germany more quickly

Why were the North Koreans given permission to invade South Korea in 1950? (choose all that apply)

They believed the South Korean government was on the verge of collapse They believed that the South Korean people would be happy to be under the control of the North Koreans

What was the significance of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth?

They brought into question John Kerry's record of service in Vietnam

How did the federal monetary policy affect economic growth in the 1920s?

They expanded credit, making it easier to get loans and expand business.

What purposes did advertising and commercials play in the live television broadcasts of the 1950s? (choose all that apply)

They gave television crews time to change sets, repair equipment or make adjustments during live broadcasts They provided revenue to TV stations and networks

Under what conditions could Filipinos hold office once a stable government was established? [Please choose all that apply.]

They needed to accept some parts of American culture. They needed to receive an American education.

How did Americans respond to the 9/11 terrorist attacks? (choose all that apply)

They wanted justice for the deaths of so many people There was a renewed sense of patriotism across the country They drew together in a sense of unity

Which of the following was NOT a goal of the United States in relation to Latin America?

They wanted to eliminate totalitarian regimes in the region

Why were some Hollywood writers, actors and directors blacklisted in the late 1940s? (choose all that apply)

They were mentioned in the testimony of someone who was a witness before the HUAC They refused to testify before Congress regarding their involvement in the Communist Party or having Communist sympathies They were suspected of being members of the CPUS

Who was the Republican candidate in the Election of 1948 that was such a favorite that a major newspaper printed the headline announcing his victory before the results were in?

Thomas E. Dewey

Which of the following individuals did the Populists nominate for Vice President in the Election of 1896?

Thomas E. Watson

Who was the NAACP attorney who argued that segregated facilities could never be equal because they were separate?

Thurgood Marshall

What was the Japanese goal for capturing Port Moresby in New Guinea?

To isolate Australia

What was Woodrow Wilson's goal for the United States in the Great War?

To promote a world with the peace and protection of al human rights

What was the purpose of the Doolittle Raid?

To restore American military morale and lift the spirits of the American people

What were the goals of the Wannsee Conference? (choose all that apply)

To settle a dispute regarding using the Jews as slave labor or extermination To develop a systematic approach to resolving the "Jewish Question"

Which of the following was NOT one of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's campaign promises?

To spend borrowed money to stimulate the economy

What was the primary agenda of the Harding administration?

To undo as much of the work of the progressives as possible

Which of the following remained one of the most important crops in Virginia and the upper South after the Civil War?


American involvement in Vietnam changed after an incident in the _____________ __________ involving the USS Maddox.

Tonkin Gulf

The Clayton Antitrust Act created the Federal ____________ Commission, which was a stronger version of Roosevelt's Bureau of Corporations with the power to define "unfair trade practices" in order to prosecute businesses who violated fair competition.


According to the lesson, which of the following was NOT caused by the expansion of railroad networks?

Train equipment remained unstandardized.

In his speech regarding special aid to Turkey and Greece, the President expressed an argument regarding foreign policy known as the "_____________ ______________."

Truman Doctrine

What prompted the United States to begin a naval blockade of Cuba in 1962?

US intelligence that showed missile launch sites in Cuba

Doolittle's Raid was launched from the aircraft carrier

USS Hornet

At the Battle of Okinawa, what two large American ships were damaged by kamikaze attacks? [choose 2]

USS Missouri USS Enterprise

Which of the following is NOT true of unions formed during the mining booms?

Unions ultimately proved to be ineffective at helping miners receive better treatment.

According to the lesson, which of the following best describes a stock?

Units that represent part ownership of a company sold in order to raise revenue

After the Literary Digest wrongly predicted that Alf Landon would win in the Election of 1936, it

Ushered in the age of scientific opinion

What was the name given to Mexican cowboys during the time of the cattle drives?


After the fall of France, the nation was divided into two (2) zones, what were they? [choose 2]

Vichy France the "occupied zone"

Failure of the Dieppe Raid convinced Roosevelt that the first attempt at Allied invasion of German territory should take place in

Vichy North Africa

Following the Great War, the Germans and Austrians felt

Victimized and vengeful

Who was the leader of the Bolsheviks who led a counterrevolution in Russia and established a Communist government?

Vladimir Lenin

Who helped lead the African American community during this time period?

W. E. B. Du Bois

Who became the first African American to earn a doctorate at Harvard College and later founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People?

W.E.B. Dubois

Which of the following is true of most American workers' wages between 1860 and 1890?

Wages generally rose.

Which of the following was the leader of the Bonus Expeditionary Force?

Walter Waters

One of the most important provisions of the Treaty of Versailles, more important than the division of territory, was the "_______ _________"clause, inserted at the insistence of Lloyd George and Clemenceau.

War Guilt

The ____________ _____________ _____________ in the Treaty of Versailles stated that Germany was the aggressor in the Great War and forced them to take full responsibility for what happened.

War Guilt Clause

To prevent the President from engaging in a long-term war without Congressional approval and oversight, Congress passed the _____________ ______________ Act in 1973.

War Power

The uprising in this Polish city was the largest revolt against Nazi occupation of the entire war:


Which of the following was the last Polish city to fall in 1939?


The Iran-Contra Affair (choose all that apply)

Was developed by Oliver North Involved financing and providing weapons to guerillas in Nicaragua Involved funneling money from the sale of weapons to Iran to the contras

The Montgomery Bus Boycott (choose all that apply)

Was inspired by the bravery of Rosa Parks Began in Martin Luther King, Jr's church Ended the segregation of buses in the United States

The Civil Rights Act of 1957 (choose all that apply)

Was largely ineffective Created a Civil Rights Division in the Department of Justice Created a Civil Rights Commission to protect voting rights Was passed with the leadership of Lyndon B. Johnson

In the Election of 1940, the Republican candidate was

Wendell Wilkie

According to the lesson, the Depression of 1893 brought the most harm to which of the following groups?

Western farmers

In the midterm election, the People's Party lost much of its support from which of the following groups to the influence of the Democratic Party?

White Southerners

American economic actions in Hawaii protected the rights and power of

White planters

What were some of the results of the American acquisition of Puerto Rico? [Please choose all that apply.]

Widespread poverty Improved infrastructure Improved education

The trial of this officer in relation to the My Lai Massacre brought accusations of American atrocities to the public:

William Calley

America developed the most aggressive foreign policy since the days of John Quincy Adams under which Secretary of State?

William H. Seward

Who was the first Governor General of the Philippines?

William Howard Taft

What prominent politician became one of the leading advocates for Fundamentalism?

William Jennings Bryan

___________ ____________ ___________ became the Democratic candidate for President after a famous speech at the party's convention?

William Jennings Bryan

Which of the following best describes the main difference between Wilson and Roosevelt's political principles in the Election of 1912?

Wilson wanted even stricter antitrust legislation.

Which of the following arguments did suffragists use to advocate for giving women the right to vote? [Choose all that apply.]

Women were morally superior to men and would bring greater virtue to government. Giving women the right to vote would expand the white vote and maintain white supremacy in the South. The influence of women in government would make the nation less likely to enter wars. Women were already active in political and cultural reform movements.

The two largest military programs for women during World War II were the [choose 2]

Women's Army Corps Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Services

Which of the following was the most interventionist President in history, in spite of his statements that he would not be?

Woodrow Wilson

_______________________ is the name of the journalistic technique that encourages publication of sensationalized stories with little or no research.

Yellow Journalism

Short Answer: What was the idea behind the "domino theory"?

Your Answer: If one country turned to communism, the neighboring countries would be influenced to turn to communism.

Short Answer: What was the Bush Doctrine? How did it relate foreign relations to the War on Terror?

Your Answer: The Bush Doctrine stated how any nation that was not with them were terrorists. Now, America had to view the rest of the world through the lens of War on Terror.

Short answer: In what way did the televised debates in the Election of 1960 change the dynamics of the campaign?

Your Answer: Those watching the debates on tv could see their physical differences. Those only listening though Nixon was agreeing with Kennedy on too many things. Those listening thought Nixon won, but those watching thought Kennedy won.

What two (2) new countries were created when the Austro-Hungarian empire was broken up by the Treaty of Versailles? [choose 2]

Yugoslavia Czechoslovakia

The message from the German foreign minister that urged the Mexican government to invade the United States was the

Zimmerman Letter

What was [were] the goal[s] of the Bolsheviks in the early twentieth century? [choose all that apply]

a classless society a borderless world

What was Martin Luther King, Jr's "dream" ? [choose all that apply]

a country where justice would be equal a country where character was the most important factor in judging a person a country where race was irrelevant

What was Martin Luther King, Jr's "dream" ? [choose all that apply]

a country where justice would be equal a country where character was the most important factor in judging a person a country where race was irrelevant

Which of the following is NOT a method used by the government to finance the war effort in World War II?

a national sales tax

What did President Reagan feel was the best way to revive the American economy?

a tax cut

What was President Kennedy, and later Johnson's, solution to the economic recession in the early 1960s?

a tax cut

To try to stop the financial panic on "Black Thursday" some prominent investors issued a statement that the markets were actually sound and that the crash was the result _____________________.

a technical glitch

The Kellogg-Briand Pact was essentially an attempt by world leaders to ______________________.

abolish war

The "new evangelical" branch of fundamentalism [choose all that apply]

advocated engagement with the government and culture had a goal to take back America

The "Reagan Doctrine"

advocated sponsorship of any anti-Communist force

The massive dust storm of May 1934 [choose all that apply]

affected Chicago, New York, and Buffalo affected east coast cities from Boston to Atlanta dropped Great Plains dirt on ships 300 miles off the eastern coast of the United States

What was the single biggest factor in the population shift to the "Sunbelt" was

affordable home air conditioning

After the Reichstag fire, the representatives passed the Enabling Act, which

allowed hitler to govern the decree as he saw fit

The 1926 Air Commerce Act ______________________________.

allowed the federal government to provide funds for commercial air transportation

The Warren Commission determined that both Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby acted


What contributed to the trend toward rejection of traditional morality in the 1920s? [choose all that apply]

an increase in movement through advanced transportation a loss of family and societal traditions as people were separated from their roots the glorification of consumption a backlash against the self-sacrifice of the war years

Because of its connection to the fringes of the labor movement, ____________________ caused many Americans to link labor unions with violent protest and terrorism.


What were two (2) of the key principles of Hitler's National Socialist (Nazi) ideology [choose 2]

anti- Semitism commitment to the superiority of the Aryan race

The amphibious landing at __________ was an attempt to go around the Gustav Line and encircle the Germans?


Which of the NASA space programs placed a man on the moon in 1969?


Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak started this computer company:


Before a formal treaty was negotiated, fighting in the Great War ended with a[n] _______________________.


In the beginning, the German people saw Hitler

as a benevolent father figure doing what he could to improve the lives of his people

One of the unintended consequences of Prohibition was that it served

as a school for organized crime

When the Army was called in to deal with the remaining veterans of the Bonus Expeditionary Force, who did the commander view them?

as an "incipient revolution"

Henry Ford did not invent the automobile, but popularized it through his use of the ____________ _____________ to increase efficiency.

assembly line

What authority was given to the OPA (Office of Price Administration) by Congress during World War II? [choose all that apply]

authority to establish price ceilings authority to freeze wages authority to freeze farm commodity prices

The generation of children born between 1945 and the late 1960s are known as the "________________" generation.

baby boomer

Once World War II began, why was North Africa important?

because of the Suez Canal

In 1993, Operation Rescue [choose all that apply]

began the "Cities of Refuge Campaign" used "sidewalk counseling" to try to talk women out of entering abortion clinics staged sit -ins in abortion clinics

During Franklin Delano Roosevelt's first term in office the people came to see him as a

benevolent father figure

Who was the fascist leader whose revolution took control of Italy?

benito mussolini

What German city was blockaded by the Soviet Union in an effort to force the west to change their minds about creating a unified West Germany?


At the end of the televised debate between Reagan and Carter in the Election of 1980, Reagan finished with the question: "Are you ____________ off than you were four years ago?"


The nation's economy has always been subject to " _____________ - _____________" cycles, which are characterized by periods of robust growth followed by periods of recession.


One of the primary contributions of American troops was that they ________________________.

boosted Allied morale

The "Lend-Lease" program would allow the British to _______________ weapons and other military supplies from the United States.


In 1925, President Coolidge proclaimed that the "chief business of the American people is _________________."


In response to the NRA, Henry Ford commented that he "was always under the impression that to manage a _____________ properly you ought to know something about it."


What two parts of the American economy did the lesson mention as being most dramatically impacted by the Great Depression? [choose 2]

business banking

When President Roosevelt starting asking for relief funds from Congress in 1934, large portions of the aid went to [choose all that apply]

cattlemen wheat farmers

Unemployment during the Depression was both a symptom and a _________.


Unemployment during the Depression was both a symptom and a _____________.


The most famous of the Hoovervilles sprang up almost overnight in

central park

Which American auto manufacturer asked for, and received, a bailout from the federal government in 1979?


Before the discovery of bright-leaf tobacco, most people smoked tobacco in pipes, but the new strain of tobacco was suitable for ______________, which became a boom for the tobacco industry in the upper South.


What was the primary political issue that drove the formation of the "Dixiecrats"?

civil rights

What events in 1919 fed the fears of Americans regarding a possible Bolshevik revolution in America? [choose all that apply]

civil unrest labor strikes

Nixon's plan to end the war in Vietnam meant that he had to expand operations into what 2 countries? (choose 2)

combodia laos

What company manufactured the first "personal computers" for public consumption?


In the realm of educational and welfare policy, Bush came to be known as a "__________________ conservative."


In the 1870s, Democrats in the South reorganized the party platform as a _______________ movement.


In the 1920s, American life became more about______________ rather than ___________.

consuming producing

George Kennan's article "The Sources of Soviet Conduct" called for America to follow a policy of "____________________" to keep Communism in the places where it was already established.


Mussolini's economic system was called "______________," a compromise between free market capitalism and socialism.


In 1868, a conservative resurgence known collectively as ___________ _________________ began in earnest in the South.

counter reconstruction

The most famous line from President Kennedy's Inaugural Address is: "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your ________________ can do for you - ask what you can do for your _____________. {One word fills both blanks}


Franklin Roosevelt's plan to shape the Supreme Court to his will was called the

court packing scheme

What did Wilson want the United States to gain from the Great War, aside from world peace?

cultural and political influence

Controversies regarding how to respond to the changes in American _________ sparked divisions within churches and made things worse for many Christian denominations.


In his Inaugural Address, President Kennedy dedicated America to

defending the cause of liberty no matter the cost

Because of the principles of Keynesianism, the entire New Deal was founded on the concept of _____________ ____________ to stimulate the economy and end the depression.

deficit spending

Political machines in Northeastern cities were more closely associated with the _______________ Party.


One of the most important keys to understanding the changes that took place in culture during the 1960s lies with understanding the shift in _________________ at the time.


Regulatory panels created by the NRA for each industry were to : [choose all that apply]

develop codes of rules governing prices establish acceptable working hours develop codes of rules governing wages establish acceptable working conditions

Under the "studio system" the movie studio

directly employed everyone from the lowest level crew member to the movie star

The biggest and most distinctive musical genre of the 1970s was


Once alcohol was made legal again with the repeal of Prohibition, organized crime

diversified their operations to other areas of crime

The word kamikaze means "__________ ________."

divine wind

The respiratory disease created by the dust storms was called this by doctors:

dust pneumonia

One of the most difficult factors in transitioning from wartime to peacetime was the transition to a peacetime ___________________.


As a former teacher, President Johnson believed that access to better quality ________________ was a key factor in helping Americans escape the "culture of poverty."


Who campaigned against President Carter for the Democratic nomination in the election of 1980?

edward kennedy

The "Suez Crisis" occurred when the Americans cancelled an offer to provide funds for the construction of a hydroelectric dam in this nation:


The Camp David Accords opened lines of communication between what 2 Middle East nations? (choose 2)

egypt israel

Although the early Pentecostal churches agreed with fundamentalists on many things, they departed in which of the following ways? [choose all that apply]

emphasis on the direct manifestation of the Holy Spirit their worship style was not as restrained or traditional

In separate provisions, the Emergency Immigration Act of 1921 and the Immigration Act of 1924 [choose all that apply]

encouraged immigration from Latin America severely limited immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe were meant to encourage immigration from Northern and Western Europe excluded all immigrants from East Asia

Operation Eagle Claw [choose all that apply]

ended in failure occurred in April 1980 was an attempt to rescue the American hostages held in Iran

Because of the grim reality of poverty and the hard times of the depression ____________ became more important than ever.


What was the political advantage of the Second New Deal?

even if it didn't work, the appearance of doing something would help with the President's reelection

What is meant by the term "individual mandate" in relation to the ACA?

every man, woman and child must have health insurance

The Scopes Trial began because a Tennessee teacher taught the theory of __________ in his classroom in violation of a law that prevented it.


From the early 1950s through the mid-1980s, coverage of news topics was governed by the "____________ Doctrine."


The McNary-Haugen bill was an attempt to protect American


The McNary-Haugen bill was an attempt to protect American ___________________.


The coming of what group changed the landscape and environment of the Great Plains?


Which of the following was NOT one of the main points of Truman's domestic program?

federal funding for unemployment benefits

What has been the criticism of the federal educations standards set by President Bush's education reform package? [choose all that apply]

federal funds are not enough teachers are forced to teach to the test

What were the CAFE standards?

federally mandated standards of fuel efficiency

According to the course material, who was the winner in the Cuban Missile Crisis?

fidel castro

The 1957 Cuban revolution was led by a Marxist revolutionary named

fidel castro

Which of the following was NOT one of the conditions faced by American Marines on Guadalcanal?


The seeds of the Second World War were sewn in the immediate aftermath of the ________.


The quintessential woman of the 1920s became known as the _________________.


The Election of 2000 was decided as a result of a recount in what state?


Radio's comeback as a primary source of music was fueled by the popularity of

fm radio

Which of the following auto manufacturers did not accept assistance from the federal government after the Great Recession of 2008?


Which of the following auto manufacturers did not accept assistance from the federal government after the Great Recession of 2008? (choose 2)

ford nissan

The threat of Islamic terror was a direct outgrowth of American _______________ policy in the late twentieth century.


Who did Truman say needed to be protected from outside pressures and supported by the United States?

free people who were resisting Communism

Since 1800, the Southeast Asian area we know as Vietnam was known as

french indochina

Which of the following are reasons why men enlisted in the military after the attack on Pearl Harbor? [choose all that apply]

from a sense of duty to get revenge on the Japanese from a sense of patriotism to escape poverty

What necessity was rationed according to the occupation of the individual in relation to the war effort?


Who was named Supreme Commander of Operation "Overlord" at the Tehran Conference?

general dwight eisenhower

Who developed a program in the years following the war to provide financial aid to all European countries?

general george c. marshall

For what crime was former Yugoslavian president Slobodan Milosevic tried at The Hague?


The American Independent Party was a third party option in 1968 led by

george wallace

When Richard Nixon resigned the Presidency, who became President of the United States?

gerald fold

Once American entered the war, Roosevelt and Churchill agreed that the Allies should pursue a "____________ first" strategy.


The Nazi "Secret State Police" used to uncover, intimidate and arrest political opponents were called the


One of the issues that helped trigger the Great Depression was the United States' adherence to the _____________ _____________, which meant that, in theory, every dollar was backed by gold.

gold standard

One of this movies' claims to fame is that the actress for one of the principle parts, Hattie McDaniel, became the first African-American woman to win an Oscar:

gone with the wind

Which of the following was NOT a result of American shifting to a wartime economy?

government takeover of all heavy industry

American intervention in the civil war in this island nation in 1983 resulted in the rescue of some American students and was a needed morale boost?


In January 1944, the Allied advance was stopped just 100 miles short of Rome as they ran into a set of fortifications known as the

gustav line

After the Taliban was removed from control of the Afghan government, who became the head of new interim government

hamad karzai

What action did President Bush take in 1990 that angered the American people?

he broke his promise and raised tax rates

What was President Kennedy's reaction to the violence in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963? [choose all that apply]

he gave federal agencies power to fight segregation he called on Congress to pass new Civil Rights legislation

Why was Stalin so surprised by the German invasion of the Soviet Union?

he had trusted Hitler to respect the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact

Why was the man who killed President Kennedy first arrested?

he matched the description of a man who had killed a Dallas police officer

What was President Clinton's reaction to Republican gains in the mid-term election of 1994?

he moved to the political center and cooperated with Congressional Republicans

What two decisions did Stalin make that were crucial to Soviet survival? [choose 2]

he reorganized the Russian military command system he transferred industry to the east

Why did President Johnson not want to send more military "advisors" to Vietnam?

he was afraid they would make the situation worse in Vietnam and ruin his reelection hopes

Who was the German Chancellor who announced the reunification of Germany in 1990?

helmut kohl

Who was Nixon's National Security Advisor who assisted in the mission to end the Vietnam War by achieving "peace with honor?"

henry kissinger

During World War II, how was government spending financed? [choose all that apply]

higher taxes higher government debt

The growth of suburbs in the 1920s encouraged the government to spend federal money on ______________, making it the biggest budget expenditure by the end of the decade.


The wreck of the __________________ was one important event that was broadcast on the radio.


Important aspects of Roosevelt's leadership style were [choose all that apply]

his sense of pragmatism his willingness to experiment

The men who rode the freight trains from town to town looking for work and begging or stealing food were called __________________.


The Nazi plan to systematically exterminate the Jews is known as the


In addition to poverty and starvation, many city-dwellers also faced the prospect of


What presidential hopeful destroyed his campaign with his undignified attempt to rally supporters after the Iowa caucuses?

howard dean

In the 1920s, many Americans believed that _____________ were responsible for bringing ideas of socialism, communism, and anarchy into American society.


In the 1920s, businesses did not feel the need to pay workers more because

immigration made labor plentiful

One way in which anti-Semitism manifested itself in America in the 1930s was through

immigration policy

How did the September 11 hijackers learn to fly the aircraft they planned to take over?

in commercial flight schools

Why was the PATRIOT Act passed?

in response to the charge that federal agencies did not share intelligence

Where did Modernism become most firmly established?

in the North

Where did Fundamentalism become most firmly established?

in the south

In which ways was the shift in the view of the President achieved in Franklin Roosevelt's first term [choose all that apply]

increasing federal regulatory power taxing and spending at unheard of levels increasing the size, scale and power of the federal bureaucracy

Calvin Coolidge's pro-business policies focused on ________________________.

industrial development

Though the Supreme Court had declared that black and white facilities should be "separate but equal," most of the time separate facilities were (choose all that apply)

inferior non-existent

The Committee on Public Information published propaganda primarily meant to ________________________.

influence the opinions of Americans

One of the most important factors in the economic problems during the summer of 1929 was that rising ______________ __________ made it more expensive to borrow money to invest in the stock market.

interest rates

In order to accommodate increasing automobile traffic in the 1950s, the federal government authorized the construction of the

interstate highway system

An _____________ _____________ was a company whose only "business" was to speculate in the stock market.

investment trust

The Iran-Contra Affair [choose all that apply]

involved funneling money from the sale of weapons to Iran to the contras involved financing and providing weapons to guerillas in Nicaragua was developed by Oliver North

The first cell phone that could handle email, take photographs, play music and surf the web was the


The 1979 hostage crisis can be traced back to American involvement in what nation's internal politics?


The good relationship between Iran and the United States came to an end as a result of the

iranian revolution

The ring of satellite states that surrounded Russia and lay in the Soviet sphere of influence became known by the phrase "_______ _________" especially after Winston Churchill used it in a speech in 1946.

iron curtain

Just two years after the United States withdrew from Iraq, this group threatens to take over the country?


Admiral Chester Nimitz wanted the Navy and Marines to conduct an "____________ ___________" campaign across the Pacific toward Japan.

island hopping

The policy that America adopted between 1937 and 1940 was one of _____________________.


The Camp David Accords opened lines of communication between what 2 Middle East nations? [choose 2]

israel egypt

Which of the following is true of television in the 1970s?

it began to push social and cultural boundaries

What was significant about the Battle of Midway? [choose all that apply]

it ended the string of offensive victories for the Japanese it was a morale boost for the Americans it severely damaged Japan's carrier fleet

Why did the United States allow itself to be drawn into the conflict in Vietnam?

it followed the logic of containment

What was the benefit of the African campaign for the later fighting in Europe? [choose all that apply]

it gave the American forces needed experience it drained German resources

What was the result of the Korean War?

it is not technically ended

Which of the following was a result of the Allied capture of the Rhineland? [choose all that apply]

it made some German soldiers convinced that Germany had already lost the war it was a blow to German morale

In what ways could the Italian campaign be considered a success? [choose all that apply]

it provided experience with German troops and their abilities to defend positions and carry out bold maneuvers the invasion effectively knocked Italy out of the war it gave the Allies experience in amphibious warfare

What affect did the "Jesus People Movement" have on Christianity and the church as a whole? [choose all that apply]

it ushered in a growth of charismatic churches and denominations it reached a segment of the American population not reached by traditional denominations it brought a change in Christian music from traditional hymns to praise songs

How successful was the "Freedom Summer Project" in registering black voters?

it was a failure

Which of the following is true regarding the Reagan Administration? [choose all that apply]

it was a time of economic prosperity it was successful in changing diplomatic relations between the US and the Soviet Union it resulted in renewed national confidence and optimism it ushered in the Religious Right as a powerful force in American politics

What topographical conditions made invasion of Iwo Jima more difficult than other islands?

it was a volcanic island

Which of the following is true of television in the 1950s?

it was direct competition for radio and Hollywood

What affect did the collection of payroll taxes to support the new Social Security system have on the economy?

it was negative-slowing it down

How did the public perceive the American expansion of the war into Laos?

it was seen as a crushing defeat

Which of the following is true about the Battle of Leyte Gulf? [choose all that apply]

it was the first American experience with Japanese kamikaze attacks it was the greatest naval battle in all of history it destroyed the Japanese navy to a point that it could no longer be a serious threat to American operations in the Pacific

The invasion of this island put the Americans just 600 miles from Tokyo and provided one of the most iconic photographs of World War II?

iwo jima

According to the Treaty of Versailles, what nation was allowed to keep the German colonies in China and the Pacific that it had captured during the war?


Who was the Democratic nominee for President in the Election of 1960?

john f. kennedy

What US Senator announced in 1950 that he had a list of "card-carrying" Communists in the State Department?

joseph a mccarthy

In the 1930s, what technology did record companies develop as an additional outlet for phonograph records?


Under the Roosevelt Corollary, the President ___________________________.

justified American intervention in Latin American affairs

During the 1950s, parents became concerned that some television shows contributed to

juvenile delinquency

The November 9, 1938 program against the Jews that resulted in the tremendous destruction of Jewish assets was


After his failure in the war with Iran, Saddam Hussein decided to attack what neighboring country?


The first major land battle in Vietnam took place near

la drang valley

Which of the following was NOT a project of the WPA?

large scale farming

At the end of the Great War, Americans were turned inward while the rest of the world looked to them for __________________.


The United States was now believed, after the War, to be providing ___________ on the world stage.


The capstone of the Fourteen Points was the establishment of a ______________ _____ _____________.

league of nations

The market for beef in the early nineteenth century was underwhelming, but Texans still maintained cattle ranches for ________and ________, animal fat used in the production of candles and soap.

leather tallow

Civil war in what Middle Eastern country in the early 1980s brought Syria, the PLO, and Israel into conflict and resulted in the death of 283 American Marines?


Who was the man who shot President Kennedy?

lee harvey oswald

Though the People's Party dissolved in the late 1890s, their political philosophies still held influence. Which of the following became the most influential Populist goal in the progressive era?

limiting corruption in government

The Twenty-Second Amendment

limits the president to two terms in office

The publishing companies Penguin and Pocket Books were created to provide

literary grade paperback novels

The German term lebensraum means "_______________ ______________."

living space

When it became apparent that Civil Rights Movement style tactics did not work in the abortion debate, activists focused on

lobbying for state level legislation

Beginning in 1866, Texas cowboys would move cattle north more than 1,000 miles in order to bring them to market. This annual ritual became known as the __________ __________.

long drive

The North American Free Trade Agreement [choose all that apply]

lowered tariffs and trade barriers between the US and its neighbors opened foreign markets to American goods brought cheaper foreign goods into the American marketplace made North America the largest free-trade zone in the world

As a result of the shift in public opinion sparked by the video evidence of violence against black protesters in Birmingham, Alabama [choose all that apply]

lunch counters in the city were desegregated city leaders negotiated with King and the SCLC

Which sport was particularly popular on radio broadcasts in the 1930s?

major league baseball

Believing that the Depression was ending, President decided to

make a major shift in government policy

Which Chinese region was the first area targeted by conquest by the Japanese?


What was the reaction to the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.?

many cities erupted into rioting and violence

When President Roosevelt convinced union leaders to end the East Coast Textile Workers Strike, what were the results [choose all that apply]

many of the striking workers permanently lost their jobs the strike accomplished nothing

On October 19, 1929, the first "___________ __________" went out, meaning that some investors who had borrowed money from brokers to buy shares of stock had to repay their brokers or have their stocks sold.

margin calls

Extending American influence overseas would provide new ________for American goods and new __________ .

markets jobs

When peace negotiations broke off in 1972, what brought the North Vietnamese back to the bargaining table?

massive bombing raids against northern Vietnamese cities

Perhaps the single most important factor in turning Americans against the war was

media coverage

Which of President Johnson's programs was the first to provide medical care funded by the federal government?


Bill Gates started this company to creatively borrow technology, improve it, and sell the resulting product:


Richard Nixon was able to win the 1968 Presidential election because he positioned himself as a


How many race riots occurred in America in 1919?

more than 25

When banks bundled risky mortgages together and sold them as investments, they created a new financial object called a

mortgage backed security

Why were North Korean forces able to push back the Americans in Korea so easily in the early stages of the war?

most American troops were not prepared for combat

How did eligibility requirements for subsidized public housing affect the family structure of residents? [choose all that apply]

most children grew up without fathers since residents were required to be single mothers children grew up unsupervised and undisciplined and often turned to crime

What was one reason why the German reaction to the invasion at Normandy slower than it should have been?

most of the German officers were away from their posts on D-Day

In 1933, what portion of the American people understood the problems of the dust storms on the Great Plains?

most people outside the immediate area were unaware of the problem

Thomas Edison's invention of the electric ___________________ was particularly useful in industrial settings, because if freed factories from reliance on rivers or coal to supply energy, allowing them to be located almost anywhere.


Which popular genre of music allowed African Americans to leave their mark on the music of the 1970s?


Which of the following is true of Hollywood movies of the 1950s? [choose all that apply]

movie studios produced a variety of works including historical and sci-fi movies as the decade wore on, standards began to relax popular young stars were evidence of a growing rebellious youth subculture

Investigative journalists who exposed corruption and ill treatment of the working poor were known by which of the following terms?


The "ethnic cleansing" in Kosovo was an effort to driving what group out of the province?


In the context of the Cold War MAD means: ________________ ________________ ________________.

mutually assured destruction

Fascists wanted to use an idea of radical _________________ to unite all citizens in support of a unified, single-party state.


Which of the following were reasons why the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was so successful? [choose all that apply]

naval officers failed to raise an alarm when a Japanese mini sub was found there were no torpedo nets in place to protect the ships in the harbor the radar officers dismissed the alert brought by the enlisted men there were not enough planes to patrol daily so there was none scheduled for that day

In the United States, Woodrow Wilson was committed to the plan that America remain ______________________.


Hurricane Katrina caused the worst destruction in this US city, bringing criticism on the Bush Administration for its apparent lack of response:

new orleans

For the better part of a century, from where did most Americans get some of their entertainment and most of their news?


Who was the Speaker of the House who led the program known as the "Contract with America"?

newt gingrich

President Bush's education reform package was called

no child left behind

International enthusiasm for Obama reached its peak in 2009 when he was awarded the ____________ _______________ Prize.

nobel peace

Though the Supreme Court had declared that black and white facilities should be "separate but equal," most of the time separate facilities were [choose all that apply]

non-existent inferior

As a campaign promise in the Election of 1920, Warren G. Harding promised the American people a "return to ________________."


What was President Clinton's response to the bombings of two American embassy buildings and the USS Cole?ion?

nothing beyond limited missile strikes against al Qaeda training camps

In the late 1960s and early 1970s the primary question causing tension between the United States and the Soviet Union was the _____________ arms race.


What were the trials of Nazi war criminals collectively called?

nuremberg war crime trials

On what grounds did the House of Representatives recommend that President Nixon be impeached?

obstruction of justice

Germany was divided into four _________ ______ which would be self-contained and governed separately from the others.

occupation zones

The protests that set up camp in Zuccotti Park in New York during the Fall of 2011 were given the title

occupy wall street

The protests that set up camp in Zuccotti Park in New York during the fall of 2011 were given the title

occupy wall street

The Election of 2004 hinged on the outcome of what state?


At which of the following D-Day landing sites did the Allied troops almost meet with disaster?


Where did Lyndon Johnson take the oath of office as President of the United States after the assassination of President Kennedy?

on board Air Force One

Overall, how many African-Americans served in the military in World War II?

one million

What is meant by "fractional reserve banking"?

only a portion of deposits were held by the bank and the rest loaned out

Which of the following was NOT a topic of agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union in the SALT I Treaty?

open disclosure regarding the number and types of nuclear capable weapons between the two nations

In 1986, Randall Terry started an organization called

operation rescue

In early 1942, President Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 which

ordered the relocation and internment of all people of Japanese ancestry who lived in the United States

The "Freedom Summer Project" was a CORE attempt to [choose all that apply]

organize a new political party create "freedom schools" for black children register black voters

What institution saw large-scale growth as a result of Prohibition?

organized crime

The biggest of the clashes between President Truman and the Republican Congress was over the question of

organized labor

The most controversial and troublesome part of the NIRA was the provisions it made for:

organized labor

War between what two nations brought the United States and China into closer relations? [choose 2]

pakistan india

Which of the following was NOT one of the new farming methods developed by the SCS to help with the problems in the Dust Bowl?

planting prairie grasses and shifting from farming to ranching

The National Labor Union was more focused on ____________________ change than on bargaining with big business.


In what ways was the United States adrift in the 1970s? [choose all that apply]

politically morally culturally economically

Which of the following were developments in military technology meant to overcome the logistical challenges of the Normandy invasion? [choose all that apply]

portable artificial harbors amphibious personnel carriers systems to allow tanks to swim in high water

"Listing" was a way to

prevent erosion by shaping loose dirt into ridges and furrows

The purpose of the Agricultural Adjustment Agency was to coordinate efforts to reduce oversupply of farm commodities, thereby increasing _______________.


What is true of stock prices by 1928-1929?

prices of many stocks were so high that they did not accurately reflect the performance of the company

As the American military began to build up in 1940, who was responsible for the marked increase in wartime production?

private industry

According to the lesson, which of the following best describes the main cause of the failure of Roosevelt's Progressive Party?

professional politicians distanced themselves from the radical wing of the party

The crime wave of the 1930s was largely the result of the 1920s government policy of _______________.


Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of the Great Depression?


Of President Kennedy's five proposed pieces of domestic legislation, which were the only ones to pass without change or exception? (choose all that apply)

public housing funding relief for depressed areas of the country

Frederic Clements and Paul Sears argued that the only way to fix the problems of the Great Plains was to

put the natural ecological balance back the way it was before

In 1887, during Grover Cleveland's first term, Congress passed legislation to create the Interstate Commerce Commission, which was tasked with regulating the ___________ freight prices.


In order to keep prices low and to be sure that Americans received needed items, the government instituted _______________ systems to control access to all kinds of goods.


Where was President Bush when he received word of the terrorist attacks on 9/11?

reading to school children in Florida

In late 1937 and into 1938, the American economy went into ________________ once again.


Supporters of the ruling class of lawyers, merchants, businessmen, and planters in the South called them __________ while their detractors referred to them as __________.

redeemers Bourbons

Once the first atomic bomb was successfully tested, what 3 options did the President have regarding its use to make Japan surrender? [choose 3]

refuse to use the bomb and launch a traditional invasion of Japan detonate a bomb in a remote location to demonstrate its power use the bomb to attack Japanese cities

In the Election of 1876, both the Republicans and Democrats favored _______________________________.

relaxing radical Reconstruction policies and a return of state rule in the South

Ronald Reagan's journey to the nomination was made possible by the rise of the

religious right

Most African Americans in the South identified with the ______________ Party after the Civil War.


Land speculation in the 1920s ___________________________. [choose all that apply]

resulted in inflated land values artificially increased demand

Which of the following can be associated with the economic issues in America during the 1970s? [ choose all that apply]

rising inflation decreased standard of living economic stagnation rising energy prices

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was killed while trying to gather support for his endorsement of

robert f. kennedy

Who was the champion of the Republican Party in the Election of 1980?

ronald reagan

During the investigation by the Watergate Committee, a former aide revealed the existence of what evidence that could provide the truth about Watergate and the cover-up?

secret tapes

Though much had changed in the United States following World War II, racial _______________ was still the law of the land, especially in the Deep South.


One of the most extreme democratic reforms in the Progressive Era was the popular election of US _______________, which was established by a constitutional amendment ratified in 1913.


In 1896, the Supreme Court decided in Plessy v. Ferguson that " ______, but _______" facilities for white and black Americans did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment.

separate equal

Match the following:

separate but equal: Plessy v. Ferguson Thurgood Marshall: argued segregated facilities inherently unequal Brown v. Board of Education: bundled cases challenging segregation Earl Warren: Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Harry F. Byrd, Jr.: Massive Resistance nullification: the idea that a state could reverse a federal law interposition: the idea that a state should place itself between the citizen and federal government Martin Luther King, Jr.: Dexter Avenue Baptist Church Orval Faubus: Governor of Arkansas

Hoover's campaign message was that he had worked hard and

should be given another chance

In 1893, President Cleveland convinced Congress to repeal the Sherman _____________ Purchase Act, which led to the rise of the _____________ Democrats to oppose Cleveland's actions. [One word will answer both blanks.]


In the 1960s, the primary tactic of the Civil Rights Movement was the


Massive migration to cities saw the rise of densely populated sections of those cities called _________, where disease and poverty were rampant.


The 1935 Revenue Act, which brought in additional funding for the New Deal, was popularly known as the "________-______-_________" tax.


Middle and upper class Americans in the 1890s became concerned with the rising influence of _____________, a political philosophy that advocated for government ownership of many businesses and greater social justice for the working class.


Which of the following were reasons why Americans did not become involved in the conflicts in Europe and Asia in the late 1930s? [choose all that apply]

some Americans felt they had been tricked into taking part in the Great War and did not want it to happen again the people of the United States were having a difficult time dealing with the Great Depression some Americans admired Hitler and his policies that had brought Germany out of its economic downturn

Why did the Germans not develop atomic weapons earlier than other nations?

some of the important scientists were Jewish and had fled to the United States

Which of the following is true regarding the implementation of the Affordable Care Act? [choose all that apply]

some states failed to set up the promised healthcare exchanges some health plans were cancelled because they did not fit the new regulations the healthcare.gov website was plagued by bugs and glitches

How did the people of the Great Plains react to the Dust Bowl? [choose all that apply]

some turned to religion to help cope some turned to desparate measures in despair some used humor to cope many endured

Which of the following was NOT an impact of the mortgage crisis listed in the lesson?

speculators and investors were able to purchase foreclosed homes and make a profit by flipping them

During the 1960s, some viewed the use of LSD as a way to reach

spiritual enlightenment

The name for the economic crisis that grew worse under the Carter administration was


The "New Left" began with the formation of the organization

students for a democratic society

Part of the problem with the housing market in the 2000s was that banks had been issuing risky ____________ mortgages to people with poor credit.


The first comic books were aimed at adults, but in June 1938 Action Comics introduced this genre of comic books aimed at children and young adults beginning with Superman:

superhero comics

Big band music combined the jazz style with a full orchestra, creating a new genre with a new form of dancing called ________.


Western farmers and ranchers were upset with the government in 1890 when they raised the _____________ rate, which led to a steep decline of beef and crop exports.


Which of the following issues marked Wilson's first major piece of legislation after he became President?

tariff reform

The FDIC reimbursed the depositors of failed banks with

taxpayer funds

The single most important development in American culture in the 1950s was the rise of


Which of the following was NOT part of the mass media system that spread popular culture in the 1930s?


When the Dust Bowl came to the direct attention of the majority of the American people, President Roosevelt created more programs to help, these fell into two broad categories: [chooose 2]

temproary financial relief

The Election of 1900 guaranteed what?

that American would be an imperial nation

What did the "Fairness Doctrine" require? [choose all that apply]

that a spectrum of views on an issue be presented that broadcast media states provide contrasting viewpoints on controversial issues that people who were best suited provide contrasting viewpoints

What accusations were published in the newspaper and leaflets against President Kennedy prior to his visit to Texas in 1963? [choose all that apply]

that he was not tough enough on Communists that he was guilty of treason

In response to Black Tuesday, some business leaders argued ______________________.

that the crash had not really harmed the economy in any real way

What failed CIA plot was damaging to America's reputation and relations with Cuba?

the "Bay of Pigs"

What did President Truman call his domestic program announced after the Election of 1948?

the "Fair Deal"

What religious revival movement emerged from the Hippie Movement of the 1960s?

the "Jesus People Movement"

The project created to develop and build atomic weapons was code-named:

the "Manhattan Project"

What was the name of the failed attempt by Hitler and members of the Nazi party to take over the German government in 1923?

the "beer hall putsch"

After consolidating political power, Adolf Hitler addressed the challenge the SA presented on

the "night of the long knives"

The idea that a nation had a responsibility to bring a better way of life to other ethnic groups was popularly referred to as ____________________________.

the "white man's burden"

Which Constitutional Amendment outlawed the use of poll taxes?

the 24th

Where was the dividing line between the Allied sector and the Soviet sector of the Korean peninsula?

the 38th parallel latitude

As a way to provide financial support to wheat farmers, this agency paid wheat farmers not to plant wheat:

the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)

Which of the following is true of the HUAC activities in the age of "McCarthyism"? [choose all that apply]

the American people saw the unpleasant nature of McCarthy and the hearings on television which shaped public opinion their investigations prompted a dispute between Senator McCarthy and the Secretary of the Army Hollywood drew up lists of unemployable Communists and Communist sympathizers state legislatures began requiring loyalty oaths of faculty in state colleges and schools

Why could Nixon feel he could not escalate the war in Vietnam? [choose all that apply]

the American public would not stand for it the strength of the anti-war movement made it difficult

Which of the following was one reason the American advance slowed in December 1944?

the Americans had outrun their supply lines and needed to wait for them to catch up

The delegations of the United States, Great Britain, France, and Italy at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 were called ____________________.

the Big Four

What was important about the First Battle of El Alamein? [choose all that apply]

the British victory ended a string of German wins under Rommel it prevented Rommel from attacking Egypt's major cities

Out of all the strikes and labor incidents of the 1930s, the two that stand out because of their scale and violence are the [choose 2]

the California Longshoreman's Strike the East Coast Textile Workers Strike

To counter the shame of being on "the dole" the federal government created this agency to allow individuals who qualified for FERA benefits to receive them as salary for work:

the Civil Works Administration (CWA)

Over a decade this New Deal Program would employ more than 3 million young men who lived in military style camps and provided manual labor on construction projects, forestry services and other general projects:

the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

What group challenged segregation on interstate buses and trains in 1961 with "freedom rides"?

the Congress of Racial Equality

Which of the following contributed to the rise of the modern environmental movement and expanded government action to protect the environment? [choose all that apply]

the Cuyahoga River fire in Cleveland in 1969 the publication of Silent Spring the "killer smog" in New York in 1965

The National Security Act created [choose all the apply]

the Department of Defense the Central Intelligence Agency

The Sherman Anti-Trust Act gave which of the following US Federal departments greater power to break up monopolies?

the Department of Justice

In August 1942, the Allies tested an amphibious assault on mainland Europe in

the Dieppe Raid

Why was it difficult for President Truman to get many parts of his domestic agenda passed? [choose all that apply]

the Dixiecrats were more likely to vote with the Republicans Truman lacked the political skill to convince Congress to agree with him most people didn't see the need for more social welfare as the economy improved

The _____________ _______________ ________ was a temporary patch to tide over banks during the immediate crisis .

the Emergency Banking Act

The National Environmental Policy Act established

the Environmental Protection Agency

What was the plan for a postwar world that President Wilson presented to Congress in 1918?

the Fourteen Points

What was the driving force behind the Battle of the Atlantic?

the German U-boat

What were some of the primary revelations found in the Pentagon Papers? [choose all that apply]

the Gulf of Tonkin incident didn't happen as it was portrayed to the American people Johnson misled the American people regarding plans to send in ground troops President Kennedy had approved the coup that overthrew Ngo Dien Diem

What were the Japanese goals for the attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941? [choose all that apply]

the Japanese wanted to bring American into open war the Japanese wanted to reduce America's ability to project naval power

The most notable organization for the advancement of racial equality in the United States was _____________.


The NLRA established a new agency, called the ______________________ to provide stronger protection for collective bargaining rights

the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

Which of the following programs of the First New Deal did the Supreme Court declare illegal, meaning the government had to shut them down? [choose all that apply]

the National Recovery Act (NRA) the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)

In the 1920s the two major stock markets in America were the __________________. [choose 2]

the New York Stock Exchange the New York Curb Exchange

Which Constitutional Amendment granted women the right to vote in national elections?

the Nineteenth Amendment

As part of his speech to the joint session of Congress, President Bush announced the creation of a new cabinet level department called

the Office of Homeland Security

What event in 1873 shifted the focus of the Republicans to economic matters and created a depression that lasted for six years?

the Panic of 1873

The first of Nixon's breakthroughs in relations with Communist countries came with

the People's Republic of China

The Treat of Versailles addressed the issue of dividing up disputed territory. Which of the following was NOT part of that disputed territory?

the Philippine Islands

The Treaty of Versailles addressed the issue of dividing up disputed territory. Which of the following was NOT part of that disputed territory?

the Philippine islands

Although the main battles of the Spanish American War centered on Cuba, the most decisive conflicts occurred in ________________________.

the Philippines

Many of these expansions of federal power were a display of the influence of ________________________.

the Progressive Era

This New Deal program was similar to the CCC but focused on employing all able men in urban areas

the Public Works Administration (PWA)

What event allowed Adolf Hitler to consolidate his power and eventually take control of the German government?

the Reichstag Fire

Which of the following is NOT a reason why Hitler believed Germany could easily conquer the Soviet Union?

the Russians didn't have any men left after Stalin's purges

Which act passed in 1940 was the first ever peacetime military draft in American history?

the Selective Training and Servcie Act

After one of the great dust storms of 1935 dropped Great Plains dirt on Washington, D.C., the Congress created

the Soil Conservation Service (SCS)

Who rejected the offers of the Marshall Plan?

the Soviet Union

What army was the first to liberate a major death camp in Poland?

the Soviets

Which Allied army fought for and won the final battle for Berlin?

the Soviets

Why were individual German victories in the Soviet Union not successful in reversing the tide of the Soviet advance? [choose all that apply]

the Soviets could replace losses more easily than the Germans the German military were short on supplies Soviet industry was producing more weapons and vehicles than the Germans

What worldwide pandemic killed millions of people worldwide between 1918 and 1920, changed modern medicine, and damaged the world economy?

the Spanish Flu

Why did OPEC refuse to sell oil to the United States?

the US supported Israel in the Yom Kippur Wa

US foreign policy in Latin America in the 1890s sent the message that _______________________________.

the United States viewed itself as an authority over Latin America

James Meredith sued this institution for not admitting him because of his color, in defiance of federal law?

the University of MississippiIn

Although considered one the greatest movies of all time, this audience spectacle lost over $1million dollars at the box office in 1939:

the Wizard of Oz

What was the spark that set off the Great War in 1914?

the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

The Civil Rights Act of 1965 authorized who to send federal elections supervisors to states where there were unfair voting registration tactics and had low voter turnout:

the attorney general of the unitedd states

What technological advances encouraged the growth of the suburbs in the 1920s? [choose all that apply]

the automobile public transportation

What two industries, in particular, saw massive changes in the 1980s? [choose all that apply]

the automotive industry the computer industry

Hitler's Operation "Autumn Fog" was the key to beginning this important World War II battle:

the battle of the bulge

The changes in rock music over the 1960s came largely through the influence of this British group:

the beatles

What religious organization was most vocal regarding the declining moral standards in movies over the 1920s and 1930s?

the catholic church

What did Adolf Hitler use as an excuse to launch his invasion of Poland in 1939?

the claim that Poles of German heritage were being persecuted

Components of the Great Recession include: [choose all that apply]

the collapse of global financial markets the collapse of the housing market the collapse of the American auto industry

What political condition in China provided Japan with the opportunity to expand their control of territory in mainland China?

the collapse of the central government in china

By the 1930s, this section of the newspaper, although seemingly frivolous, was an integral part of any major daily paper:

the comics or "funnies"

What happened at Altamont Motor Speedway that prompted the end of the Hippie Movement?

the death of meredith hunter by a gang member

Perhaps the greatest triumph of the Obama Administration is

the death of osama bin laden

The single most important factor shaping the growth of the new youth culture was:

the development of rock n roll music

The "recovery" of 1936 and 1937 had been supported by

the economic programs of the New Deal

When Bill Clinton entered the Presidency, what was the first priority for his administration?

the economy

Which of the following best describes the meaning of the term eugenics?

the effort to reduce the number of "unfit" people in society by reducing the number of children born to "undesirable" parents

When it was clear that a free election in Vietnam would result in a Communist victory

the election was called off

Why could the Tet Offensive be seen as a major victory for the United States? [choose all that apply]

the enemy suffered very high casualties all lost territory was quickly recaptured

The two issues that galvanized evangelicals into action were (choose 2)

the equal rights ammendment abortion

The Tet Offensive began on

the first day of the Vietnamese New Year

Ramzi Ahmed Yousef masterminded

the first world trade city attack

What Pulitzer Prize winning novel shaped American perceptions of the Dust Bowl migration to California?

the grapes of wrath

The case of Sacco and Vanzetti is evidence of

the growing fear in the United States for immigrants and their political ideas

Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why movies grew in popularity and influence?

the hayes code

The areas of greatest similarity between the Great Depression and the Great Recession were [choose all that apply]

the housing industry the banking industry

Most scholars would agree that the Great Recession of 2008-2009 began with

the housing market

What were the challenges to the D-Day invasion that affected timing? [choose all that apply]

the invasion needed to take place at dawn the invasion needed to take place when the English Channel was calm the invasion needed to take place at low tide the invasion needed to take place during a full moon

The invention of this Apple device revolutionized the music industry:

the ipod

Who was Jack Ruby?

the man who shot Lee Harvey Oswald

The first uses of computer networks was limited to

the military and large corporations

Of all the new Christian organizations in the 1980s, which probably had the strongest impact on the election

the moral majority

What feminist organization moved toward the political left and became an active proponent for the legalization of abortion in America?

the national organization of women

President Bush withdrew American forces from Iraq in 1991 because

the objective was complete

After the United States declined to send further aid to the Nationalists in China, Mao Zedong founded

the people's republican of China

The most important pillars of President Obama's "New New Deal" were [choose all that apply]

the plan to bail out the auto industry the plan to stimulate the economy the plan for universal health care

Where did the Allied leaders issue a declaration demanding Japan's immediate surrender and discuss how to divide and administer conquered Axis territory?

the potsdam conference

What two facts about the ecology of the Great Plains did farmers fail to understand? [choose 2]

the role the native grasses played in the environment that local weather patterns were subject to periodic drought

What Act established the first-ever peacetime military draft in American history.

the selective training and service act

In what ways could the Italian campaign be considered a failure? [choose all that apply]

the slow advance allowed the Soviets to take European territory that laid the groundwork for the Cold War the advance was so slow that the forces from Italy were no help in the advance toward Berlin the Allies wasted time and resources in taking strongly defended positions the Italian surrender meant that the Germans defended the territory

Which Allied army fought for and won the final battle for Berlin?

the soviets

Nixon's first major accomplishment was victory in

the space race

What event served as a trigger in the economic collapse that began in 1929?

the stock market crash

The regime that controlled Afghanistan in the early 2000s was called

the taliban

In the Election of 1936, Roosevelt's most powerful opposition came from [choose all that apply]

the ultra-wealthy industrial and business leaders

What event changed the balance of power in Europe and contributed to the Great War?

the unification of Germany

Which Allied nation was the one to liberate the city of Rome from the Germans?

the united states

Who officially declared American involvement in the Korean War?

the united states

According to the lesson material, what was the real focus of the Scopes "monkey trial"?

the validity of a literal interpretation of the Bible

Which of the following was the organization that was able to reorganize the national economy to focus on production for the war effort?

the war production board

The first special panel created to investigate the assassination of President Kennedy was

the warren commission

Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward worked for what newspaper that published stories regarding the Watergate break-in and the President's attempt to cover it up?

the washington post

Although considered one of the greatest movies of all time, this audience spectacle lost over 1 million dollars at the box office in 1939:

the wizard of oz

The fear that the turn of the new millennium would cause chaos because of an issue with computer programming was called

the y2k panic

At what meeting did Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt meet to discuss the Russian involvement in the war against Japan and the Allies' occupation policy in Europe once Germany was defeated?

the yalta conference

In Schenk v. United States (1919), the Supreme Court decided that free speech could be suppressed when __________________________.

there was a "clear and present danger"

Which of the following were reasons why the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was so successful? [choose all that apply]

there were not enough planes to patrol daily so there was none scheduled for that day there were no torpedo nets in place to protect the ships in the harbor the radar officers dismissed the alert brought by the enlisted men naval officers failed to raise an alarm when a Japanese mini sub was found

What was the reaction of the American people to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

they almost unanimously supported war in the Pacific

Which of the following is NOT true of the Tea Party?

they are an organized political party

What was the Japanese government's reaction to the destruction brought by the first atomic bomb dropped on one of their cities?

they asked the Soviet Union to try to mediate peace with the United States

Why were the North Koreans given permission to invade South Korea in 1950? [choose all that apply]

they believed that the South Korean people would be happy to be under control of the North Koreans they believed the South Korean government was on the verge of collapse

Which of the following is true about fascist governments in the 1930s? [choose all that apply]

they claimed to be concerned with the welfare of the middle class they claimed to be friendly to private property rights

What was the Allied reaction to their capture and liberation of the labor and transit camps in Germany? [choose all that apply]

they gathered evidence of the conditions and practices and documented what they they shot German guards or camp personnel on sight residents of nearby towns were forced to work burial details in the camps residents of nearby towns were brought in to tour the facilities

What purposes did advertising and commercials play in the live television broadcasts of the 1950s? [choose all that apply]

they gave television crews time to change sets, repair equipment or make adjustments during live broadcasts they provided revenue to TV stations and networks

Why did the Soviet advance halt in early 1945, although they were within 100 miles of Berlin?

they had pushed too far and needed to spend time subduing German garrisons on the Baltic

Why was it difficult for the Marines to dislodge the Japanese from the island of Iwo Jima?

they had taken refuge in fortified caves on the island

Why did American military leaders NOT want to attempt an invasion on the Japanese home islands?

they knew the Japanese would defend to the last person and casualties would be high

When German officers realized they needed to reinforce their troops at Normandy, why was there a delay?

they needed Hitler's permission and since he was asleep, they waited until he woke up

What actions can be attributed to the CRP in the Election of 1972? [choose all that apply]

they planned to wiretap and bug the offices of the Democratic National Committee they planted rumors about destroyed the candidacy of one Democrat

How did the government of Germany do to help pay their war debts and grow their economy in the 1920s?

they printed more money causing hyperinflation

The defining feature of Community Action Programs was

they used federal funds to fight local poverty

What was the Soviet response to the Warsaw Uprising?

they watched what was happening and did nothing

German preparations for war needed to be carried out in secret. Why?

they were in violation of several international treaties

In 1935, the single best news for the country was

things were not getting worse

How did the government fund Medicare?

through a payroll tax

The railroad industry created standardized__________ zones that we still use today.


What was the purpose of the Office of Censorship?

to control the american press

What was the purpose of the Taft Hartley Labor Act?

to curb the power of the labor unions

The Twenty-Second Amendment

to gather information

What was the purpose of the House Un-American Activities Committee?

to investigate domestic subversion wherever it was

What is the job of the UN Security Council?

to oversee and maintain international peace and security

What was the purpose of the March 1965 protest march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama?

to present a petition to Governor George Wallace

What was the purpose of the "GI Bill"?

to provide benefits to veterans to help ease them back into civilian life

What was the intention of the Smoot-Hawley tariff?

to raise the price of imported goods and give American companies a chance to compete

Which of the following was NOT one of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's campaign promises?

to spend borrowed money to stimulate the economy

What was the job of the "plumbers" in Nixon's administration?

to stop leaks of sensitive information to the press and public

When the government bought large numbers of cattle and had them slaughtered then processed and canned the meat, where did the canned meat go

to the poor through other religious programs

What was the goal of Operation "Mountain Thrust" ?

to try to defeat the Taliban insurgency in Southern Afghanistan

To help German farmers, Hitler [choose all that apply]

transformed farms into feudal estates that could not be bought, sold, or mortgaged eliminated the free market for commodity prices, establishing high prices by decree

What conditions existed in Europe following World War II? [choose all that apply]

transportation was hampered because of the destruction brought by the war most cities had been damaged by ground warfare and bombing farmland lay fallow or had been severely damaged industry was devastated

One unusually conservative feature of the Social Security Act was that the program was funded by a special ______________ _____________.

trust fund

For many Americans, the single most devastating aspect of the Depression was the dramatic increase in _______________.


Hitler's "economic miracle" was that he eliminated _____________________ in three years.


In January 1917, Germany decided to resume ___________________.

unrestricted submarine warfare

The documents formalizing the unconditional surrender of Japan were signed on the deck of the

uss missouri

The ideas of Marx and the goals of the Bolsheviks was to create a[n] __________________________.

utopian society in which all members were equal

When a company owns every part of a given industry from raw materials to final sale, it is practicing ______________ ________________.

vertical integration

Following the Great War, the Germans and Austrians felt ____________________.

victimized and vengeful

What famous newsman first announced the death of President Kennedy live on CBS News?

walter cronkite

What was the reason for economic issues between the United States, France, Great Britain, and Germany in the 1920s?

war debts

In response to public concern regarding America's "culture of poverty," President Johnson declared a

war on poverty

The Reconstruction Finance Corporation

was a government agency meant to deliver emergency loans to insolvent companies and banks

The Reconstruction Finance Corporation _______________________.

was a government agency meant to deliver emergency loans to insolvent companies and banks

The Civil Rights Act of 1960

was an attempt to stop southern limitations on voting rights

The Civil Rights Act of 1957 [choose all that apply]

was passed with the leadership of Lyndon B. Johnson created a Civil Rights Commission to protect voting rights was largely ineffective created a Civil Rights Division in the Department of Justice

Although President Wilson wanted the negotiations at the Paris Peace Conference to work from the Fourteen Points, members of the other delegations wanted to _______________________. [choose all that apply]

weaken Germany's economy and help France rebuild gain territory from defeated nations protect themselves weaken Germany so they were not a threat

The democratic government that took over in Germany when Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated was called the

weimar republic

On what major issue did President Clinton cooperate with Republicans?

welfare reform

The case of Wyckard v. Filburn concerned the production of what commodity?


The United States established treaties that firmly integrated the Hawaiian and American economies, and helped establish a constitution that ensured political power for ____________________________.

white plantation owners

During the 1930s, these rose up to provide reports on national and international news to local newspapers in the country:

wire services

According to the Supreme Court's decision, when were individual state and local governments required to desegregate schools?

with all deliberate speed

Allied air attacks forced German U-boats to operate in groups called


At the Battle of _____________ UN forces were able to end the retreat and stabilize their battle lines.


Which of the following best describes the predominant social make-up of most boom towns?

young, single men

The former dictator of what Eastern European nation escalated the civil war in Kosovo and conducted a campaign of "ethnic cleansing"?


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