history quiz 1

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the colosseum

("Flavian Amphitheater") 80 AD, vespasian begun its construction, christians were not necessarily killed in this one, but others

why did christianity spread

1. accepted all believers 2. gave hope to the powerless 3. appealed to those who were bothered by the lack of ethics in rome 4. offered a personal relationship w god 5. offered promise of life after death

before vespasian came into rule and after nero's suicide what short even occurred

a brief civil war

while caesar augustus is in rule he demands a census. what is a census?

a count of all the people and the revenue they make

what is a scapegoat

a person or group of people who are blamed for something they didn't do

what is a bio-anthropologist

a specialist who studies historical humans and certain details about them such as gender, diseases, etc

when and where was jesus born

about 3 or 6 BC in Bethlehem

who were the gentiles

anyone who was not a jew


apostle who played a very key role in the spread of christianity throughout the roman empire

what changes in geography occured after the eruption of 79 AD

ash came in and created a shore in herculaneum, making it more inland

when did mt vesuvius first erupt

august 24, 79 AD

why did the jews not have to make sacrifices to the tutelary gods

because they are an ancient religion

how was herculaneum destroyed

by volcanic pyroclastic flows from vesuvius that buried it

who was emperor at the time of the birth of jesus

caesar augustus

greek word for savior



close follower of jesus


emperor, puts down another jewish rebellion, slaughtered hundreds of thousands of gentiles

what kind of scientist would study organic materials preserved by pyroclastic flows

environmental archaeologist

what kind of scientists worked on herculaneum

environmental-archaeologists, bio-anthropologists, geologists, and others

mt vesuvius

erupted and destroyed the cities of pompeii and herculaneum in 79 AD, The eruption ejected a cloud of stones, ashes, volcanic gases, molten rock and pulverized pumice

pyroclastic flow

fast-moving current of hot gas and volcanic matter that moves away from a volcano


first apostle who spread christianity through syria and judea

who did paul spread the message of christianity to

first the jews and then the gentiles

after the destruction of the temple in 70, which fortress was destroyed in 73

fortress of masada

when paul makes his own "church," who is it mainly composed of


pax romana

golden age of rome, "roman peace," had the antonines (5 good emperors), peace and prosperity

tutelary gods

group of gods that take care of rome, all roman citizens (except for jews) were required to sacrifice to these gods

why was jesus put to death

he performed miracles and his fame grew, so the roman officials were scared he would begin a rebellion


head of all the churches in one area


head of the christian church

what did titus's triumphal arch represent

his complete control of judea

while vespacian was becomeing emperor, who was taking care of the jewish rebellion

his son, titus

what was the role of priests in the early roman empire

important, part of political and military decisions

where is christianity mainly located at its beginning

in judea, which is under control of roman empire

where did christians originally meet

in the jewish synagogues, but the jews kicked them out even though they are technically the same religion

what is the threat today from mt vesuvius

it is still an active volcano

who fulfilled the christians' need to sacrifice


the first christians came from what group of people


what king did rome put in charge of judea

king herod in 63 BC


mentally unstable, he started the great fire of rome and when the people started to blame him he blamed the christians and committed suicide

what happened in 1944 AD

minor eruption of vesuvius, slowly moving lava enveloped city

what kind of religion do jews have


bay of naples

most unstable volcanic region in mediterranean


neighbored pompeii, stood in shadow of mt vesivius

how did emperor worship begin

octavius saw haley's comet go by, thought it was the Julius Caesar's soul becoming a god, emperor became chief god and was worshipped after death, make annual sacrifices to dead emperors

who is the main messenger of the christians


to avoid divine punishment, priests must

perform the proper rituals


piece of roman engineering that provides water, the water would be split into different paths to lead to different places, aqueducts were important for regulating water pressure

differences between experiences in pompeii and herculaneum

pompeii was hit first and immediately incased and it was dark and smokey with lava, poisonous air. Herculaneum was hit second and hit by pyroclastic flow, preserving some organic matter.

details of daily life in herculaneum

public baths, sewers that ran underneath houses


roman emperor who ended persecution of the jews

pontius pilate

roman governor who made the decision to crucify jesus

what roman technology makes the spread of christianity easier

roman roads

because of misunderstandings, the christians become the _________ for something they didn't do


how do we prepare for future eruptions of mt vesuvius

scientists monitor every tremor


study of volcanoes

as rome expands and incorporates polytheistic nations, the only thing they require of the people is

that they make sacrifices to the tutelary gods

after the temple is destroyed, rome has complete control of judea. what was written during this time?

the gospels

significance in story of bakers and painters in herculaneum in event of eruption

the people were doing normal, everyday things when the eruption occured

why did the christians have to start making sacrifices to the tutelary gods

the roman empire recognized them as a new religion so they did not have the pass that the jews did

why was the destruction of the temple a turning point in jewish history

the temple was the only place jews could go to sacrifice, so that marked the end of animal sacrifice

when the jews want independence from the roman empire what do they do

they begin a revolt

if things are not going well in the roman empire, who do they blame and why

they blame the christians because they aren't sacrificing so the gods must be angry

what did tomb raiders do in the 1700s and 1800s in herculaneum

they bored tunnels to get to the tombs

jewish diaspora

they dispersing of the jews after they continued to rebel after being taken over by the roman empire

how did the romans punish the jews

they exiled them from their homeland, and put them to death or made them be killed by animals in the arena

once the christians are required to sacrifice to the tutelary gods, how do they continue to worship God

they meet in secret

what happened to the people who were hit by the eruption

they were enveloped in ash, making them preserved in time

why do the christians not originally have to make sacrifices to the tutelary gods

they were thought of as jews by the roman empire, and it wasn't until they were kicked out of the synagogue were they recognized as a new religion

preservation of organic material in herculaneum

things like wood and food were preserved by the pyroclastic flows which scorched everything, turning the materials (especially wood) into carbon (carbonization), preserving it

who was nero's successor after nero's suicide


what could we figure out from the sewers in herculaneum

what citizens ate

what is the jew's most holy name for their god


list the misconceptions people had about the christians

1. thought they were cannibals (communion- the eating of christ's "body" and the drinking of his "blood") 2. thought they were incestuous (would call each other brother and sister in christ before being married) 3. thought they were antisocial (they didn't take part in the big sacrifices to the tutelary gods) 4. thought they were seditious (meaning they were rebellious, they didn't sacrifice to the gods and opposed the views of the roman empire)

julio-claudian dynasty of emperors (14-68 AD)

1. tiberius - popular general, first successor to augustus 2. caligula - grandfather was tiberius, father was also popular general, caligula was raised in army camp, he was insane, cruel and didn't last long as emperor 3. claudius - began conquest of britian during reign 4. nero

how high was the eruption column of mt vesuvius

10 miles high

before the eruption of 79 AD, what event occurred that acted as an omen of the coming eruption

17 years earlier, an earthquake occured, but no one thought anything of it because they were used to more minor earthquakes

when were paul's missionary journeys

46-57 AD

compared to the 1944 eruption, how much more powerful wad the 79 AD eruption

50x more powerful

when was the jewish temple destroyed and by whom

70 AD, titus

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