History Quiz Chapter 15 and 16

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What kinds of benefits and risks for the freed people are associated with a sharecropping arrangement?

• A benefit is the laborers got to keep one half of the yearly crop. A risk is that if the laborers were responsible for maliciously maltreated stock and crop and would be docked pay for disobedience.

Why does this declaration appeal to other countries for support?

• Appeals to other countries for support because this (establishing an 8 hour work day) is an issue everywhere, especially because immigrants are coming to America to escape work conditions

Why do the petitioners place so much emphasis on their loyalty to the Union cause during the war?

• Because the Emancipation Proclamation originated from the North and freed all slaves in some of the rebellious states, as well as many in Tennessee. They want the government to go further in abolishing slavery completely.

Why does he believe that people should be allowed to move freely from one country to another?

• Believes that people's should be allowed to move freely from one country to another and that it would be best for the world if everyone spread their knowledge and cultures with one another.

What basic rights are granted to the former slaves and which are denied to them by the Black Codes?

• Black Codes granted the freedpeople legalized marriage within their race, ownership of property, to sue or be sued and limited access to courts. But they denied them the right to testify in court in cases that only involved whites, serve on juries or in state militias, or to vote.

How does Bellamy suggest that the transition to a society of harmony and equality will take place?

• By guaranteeing economic security to all. People would depend on each other for work in order to reach material abundance.

How does Staunton believe that individual freedom within the family is established?

• By involving discussion, dissension and individual judgement

What does Douglass mean by the term "composite nation"?

• Douglass called to give Asian Americans the same rights as all other Americans, including the right to vote. • Believes that there should be no person superior to another and there should be absolute equality. He says we are a nation of extreme diversity.

Why does George write that Americans have not "fully trusted" Liberty?

• He says this because there are still limitations and injustices that are repeatedly occurring.

Why does Bellamy's character Dr. Leete state that the meaning of the word "free" could not have meant the same thing in the nineteenth century as it does in 2000?

• In the 19th century people were still free even though they were dependent. Dr. Leete lives in 2000 and children are not dependent on their parents and thinks this is needed in order to achieve total freedom.

Why do you think Otto believes that the pioneer spirit is "a thing of the past"?

• People are not as brave anymore. It's a thing of the past because it is very risky. It's not always rewarding also its very hard to leave your comfortable and consistent lifestyle.

Why do you think the state of Mississippi required all black person to sign yearly labor contracts but not white citizens?

• The Black Codes declared that those who failed to sign yearly labor contracts could be arrested and hired out to white landowners. This was an effort by the white landowners to continue the system of slavery that had been in place before in an unofficial way.

How does the contract limit the freedom of the laborers?

• The contract limits the freedoms of laborers by requiring freedmen to obey their supervisors/landowners. Being a part of a binding agreement with a supervisor meant they could have their pay docked for disobedience and had to pay them back for anything they were given

What understanding of American history and the nation's future do the petitioners convey?

• The petitioners say that the color of their skin does not lessen their love for God and the place of their birth. They mention the equal rights on which our government is based which was the motive behind the Civil Rights Movement.

How does Stanton define the "social revolution" the United States underwent after the Civil War?

• The social revolution was defined as being more important than the political nor the religious revolution because it went deep down the very foundation of society

What does he see as the major threat to American freedom?

• The unjust and unequal distribution of wealth.

in what ways do ideas about freedom affect the family's decision to move to Montana?

• They would be able to claim land, have the right to move up in life and make a better life.

What benefits does the declaration claim will come from shortening the hours of work and increasing wages?

• shortening the hours of work would increase demand and allow for more leisure activities which could result in more expenditures

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