history unit 6 readings

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In 1964, Malcolm X delivered a speech in which he suggested that it might be necessary to take up arms to achieve full equality. What was the title of the speech?

"The Ballot or the Bullet"

Malcolm X declared that whites were responsible for blacks' misery. He also urged African Americans to be non-violent when attacked.


Who spoke for the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party at the 1964 Democratic National Convention?

Fannie Lou Hamer

What was the 1964 voting rights project known as?

Freedom Summer

Which of the following best describes what happened during the 1958-59 school year?

Governor Faubus signed legislation that closed the Little Rock schools completely, rather than allowing them to be integrated.

Why did Dr. King believe that non-violent protesting was the key to success in the struggle for civil rights?

He believed that the use of violence would cause them to lose the sympathy of the American people.

Which of the following evaluations best explains why Malcolm X began calling himself by that name?

He claimed that his last name, Little, had been bestowed on his family by slave owners many years before.

Which of the following best explains how Malcolm X became involved with the Nation of Islam?

He learned of the Nation of Islam which in prison, and he became a devout follower.

Which of the following is NOT true of Malcolm X?

He refused to cooperate with other Civil rights leaders throughout his entire life.

Which of the following evaluations best summarizes why James Meredith was most likely denied entry into the University of Mississippi?

He was denied because he was an African American.

Which of the following best summarizes what happened to Emmett Till?

He was taken away in the middle of the night, beaten, shot, and thrown in a river.

Which of the following correctly describes an event that might have impacted Malcolm X's views on race?

His father was killed by a streetcar, and the "accident" might have been intentional

The decision made in Brown v. Board of education set the stage for what?


Which of the following best explains why the death of Emmett Till became significant?

It became symbolic of the injustices that African Americans were regularly facing.

Which of the following best summarizes the argument made in Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka, KS (1954)?

Marshall argued that laws establishing different schools for blacks and whites were unconstitutional

Which of the following best summarizes Thurgood Marshall's early career as a lawyer?

Marshall worked closely with the NAACP and argued many segregation cases in front of the Supreme Court.

Which of the following correctly identifies what NAACP stands for?

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Which of the following best explains why the University of Mississippi should have been permitting African American students?

The US Supreme Court had determined that segregated schools were unconsitutional.

The violence which occurred because of the march from Selma to Montgomery helped lead to the passage of which law?

The Voting Rights Act of 1965

The Black Panthers party was created to fight police brutality. They urged non-violent resistance against whites. t or f?


Why did Oliver Brown sue the Topeka school board?

the district refused to allow his daughter to attend an "all-white" school.

what forced pres. eisenhower to take executive action in the civil rights movement?

the governor of arkansas refused to let nine african american students attend little rocks centrla high school

which of the following correctly summarizes how the NAACP challenged Jim Crow laws?

the group challenged segregation laws through lawsuits, many of which went all the way to the supreme court.

In the Supreme Court case mentioned in the previous question, it was ruled that de jure segregation was constitutional as long as which of the following conditions were met?

the segregated facilities were supposed to be separate but equal

plessy v. ferguson helped the solidify the legal basis for what?

the separate but equal doctrine

what did the supreme court rule in plessy v. ferguson?

the separate car act in no way violated the 14th amendment

Which of the following best describes why little rocky central high school was being integrated?

the supreme court had declared that racially segregated schools were unconstitutional

which of the following best describes why African American interests were overlooked by state legislatures?

there were no african american voters or office holders

Which of the following best summarizes the way African American students were treated by their classmates.

they were subjected to verbal and physical abuse throughout the school year.

Which of the following was NOT a stated goal of the NAACP?

to achieve separation from white America and financial independence

A Mississippi statute outlawed African American barbers from cutting a while woman's hair. t or f?


As a result of Plessy v. Ferguson, all facilities quickly became segregated and remained that way throughout the first half of the 20th Century. t or f?


At the 1964 Democratic National Convention, SNCC organized the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP). t or f?


Challenges for the civil rights movement changed, including the difficult task of changing people's attitudes and behavior. t or f?


De facto is a Latin phrase which means "in fact" or "in reality". Therefore, de facto segregation is not enforced by law, it merely exists based on where people choose (or are financially able) to live, work, and go to school. t or f?


De jure is a latin phrase which means "according to law". this means that de jure segregation is legally established and enforced by law. t or f?


Following a race-related riot in 1908, it became apparent to many people that a nationwide civil rights organization was needed. t or f?


In June 1964, three civil rights workers were murdered in Neshoba County, Mississippi, by local police and members of the Ku Klux Klan. t or f?


President Kennedy's civil rights bill outlawed discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, and gender. It also gave the government more power to push for school desegregation. t or f?


There was also a Georgia law that stated African American baseball teams could not play on a field if they were within two blocks of a playground devoted to white children. t or f?


There was an Alabama law which forbade while men and black men from playing billiards together. t or f?


in 1954 case Brown v. Board of education of Topeka, the supreme court ruled that separate school for whites and blacks were unconstitutional. t or f?


martin luther king jr. drew his ideas from henry david thoreau, a. philip randolph, and mohandas gandhi. t or f?


until 1956, in montgomery, alabama, a local law required that blacks give up their bus seats to whites. t or f?


Which of the following is not mentioned as a method for preventing African Americans from buying homes in white neighborhoods?

wealthy families would purchase the surrounding houses, so no one else could buy them

how long did the montgomery bus boycott last?

381 days

Why was Linda Brown required to attend Monroe Elementary School?

Because of the segregation laws in place at the time

Which of the following correctly identifies how SNCC came to an end?

After financial difficulties, most of SNCC's leaders moved on to other organizations.

which of the following is not mentioned as one of the founding members of the NAACP?

Booker T. Washington

Which of the following best summarizes what happened to those who perpetrated the crime against Emmett Till?

Both men were acquitted for the crime after a jury deliberated for only 67 minutes.

As he gained prominence, Malcolm X's message began resonating with large numbers of white Americans.


Which of the following best describes Dwight Eisenhower's role in the Little Rock Nine incident?

Eisenhower ordered troops form the Army and the National Guard to protect the students.

Which of the following best summarizes what happened to Medgar Evers?

Evers became a prominent Civil Rights leader and was later shot in the back in 1963.

Why did the Court rule that separate schools were unconstitutional in Brown v. Board of Education?

It was a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment

Who shot and killed MLK Jr. in 1968?

James Earl Ray

who was the air force veteran that a federal court allowed to attend the university of mississippi?

James Meredith

Who became president after JFK was assassinated?

Lyndon Johnson

Which of the following Supreme Court cases established de jure segregation as the law of the land?

Plessy v. Ferguson

what court case determined that segregation could be implemented in the USA?

Plessy v. Ferguson

which of the following Supreme Court cases established "separate but equal" as the law of the land?

Plessy v. Ferguson

Which individual below refused to give up her seat on bus in Montgomery Alabama and initiated a series of boycotts to protest discrimination in the area?

Rosa Parks

Which organization did Martin Luther King Jr. help to create in 1957?


What happened as a result of the freedom rides through the South?

Segregation was banned in interstate travel facilities.

Who introduced the notion of Black Power?

Stokely Carmichael

Which of the following correctly identifies what SNCC stands for?

Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee

Which of the following correctly identifies the position Thurgood Marshall was appointed to in 1965?

Supreme Court Justice

Which of these was the famous speech delivered by Martin Luther King Jr. at the March on Washington?

The "I Have a Dream" Speech

The famous letter that King wrote after being arrested in Birmingham is known as what?

The Letter from Birmingham Jail

Which event thrust Martin Luther King Jr. to the forefront of the Civil Rights Movement?

The Montgomery Bus Boycott

Which of the following best summarizes the decision reached by the Supreme Court in Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka, KS?

The court determined that separate but equal laws were unconstitutional in schools

Which of the following best summarizes the process that led to James Meredith's enrollment?

The governor at first refused to let Meredith enroll, but was eventually persuaded after several phone calls with the US Attorney General.

Which of the following best describes how segregation laws became known as "Jim Crow" laws?

The name was taken from a popular song and dance routine titled "Jump Jim Crow"

Which of the following was not an early accomplishment of the NAACP?

The organization helped several African Americans become US senators in the 1910s.

What was the result of the Voting Rights Act of 1965?

The percentage of registered African American voters in the South tripled

Which of the following most accurately reflects the decision made by the Supreme Court in Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka, KS?

The supreme court ruled that segregated schools were unconstitutional

What was the purpose of the March on Washington?

They hoped to bring attention to the plight of African Americans in the South.

Which of the following best summarizes how the Little Rock Nine were selected?

They were chosen because they were excellent students with good attendance records

Why did MLK Jr. and his supporters stage a march from Selma to Montgomery?

They were protesting discrimination against African Americans who were not being allowed to register to vote.

What type of laws were Dr. King and his supporters protesting in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963?

They were protesting segregation laws.

Which of the following best summarizes the "black power" philosophy?

This was a belief that African Americans could come together as a political force and end segregation by any means necessary.

What lawyer won the famous supreme court case, Brown v. board of education of Topeka?

Thurgood Marshall

which future Supreme Court justice argued for Brown in front of the court?

Thurgood Marshall

How did the government try to help the freedom riders?

all of the above

how did wwii help set the stage for the civil rights movement

all of the above

Malcolm X strongly disagreed with Civil Rights leaders who believed in non-violence. Instead, he advocated that African Americans should achieve equal rights by any means available to them. t or f?


Which of the following best explains why many large cities were left with an almost exclusively black population in their inner-city areas?

Whites abandoned the inner-cities in favor of homes in the suburbs.

Which of the following best summarizes the message that Malcolm X preached through most of his career?

he promoted black nationalism and encouraged African Americans to separate themselves from white America

why was Homer Plessy arrested?

he refused to leave the "whites only" car of the train.

how did governer orval faubus respond to the desegregation and crisis in little rock?

he refused to let nine african american students attend little rocks central high school

Which of the following best describes Emmett Till?

he was a fourteen year old boy from Chicago who was visiting relatives.

Which of the following statements about Thurgood Marrshall is NOT true?

he was born in Annapolis, Maryland

Why was Thurgood Marshall's appointment to the US supreme court significant?

he was the first African American Supreme Court Justice

Which of the following best explains why ten of the former Confederate states rewrote or amended their state constitutions?

it was an effort to disenfranchise black voters and restrict their rights and freedoms

what were the effects of the sit-ins that occurred throughout the country?

lunch counters were desegregated in 11 states

how were the tactics to achieve civil rights by MLK jr. different from the initial tactics of malcolm X?

malcolm x did not support a nonviolent approach

what was a method used to prevent African Americans from voting?

poll taxes

Which of the following most accurately summarizes a sit-in?

protesters would take seats in a restaurant and refuse to leave.

what did the separate car act state?

railroads had to provide separate accommodations for white and african american passengers.

What did the Kerner Commission conclude in its report to President Johnson?

that more diversity was needed in the suburban areas of the country.

plessy argued that the separate car act violated what?

the 14th amendment

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