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86) Which of the following terms refers to the willful disregard or disobedience of a supervisor's authority? A) insubordination B) infraction C) harassment D) mutiny

Answer: A Explanation: A) Insubordination is a form of misconduct, and basically refers to willful disobedience and/or rebelliousness. Acts of insubordination involve willfully disobeying authority, such as purposely defying rules, disregarding the chain of command, and publicly criticizing supervisors.

26) Which term refers to advising, counseling, and guiding an employee? A) coaching B) mentoring C) appraising D) training

Answer: B Explanation: B) Mentoring means advising, counseling, and guiding. Coaching focuses on teaching shorter-term job-related skills.

18) Which term refers to barriers to women's progress in the work environment? A) withdrawal B) glass ceiling C) networking D) prejudice

Answer: B Explanation: B) One study concluded that three corporate career development activities—fast-track programs, individual career counseling, and career planning workshops—were less available to women than to men. Many call this combination of barriers to women's progress the glass ceiling.

62) In most private firms, what is the typical measure of competence when determining promotions? A) performance potential B) cognitive skills tests C) past performance D) assessment centers

Answer: C Explanation: C) Most employers use prior performance as a guide, and assume that (based on exemplary past performance) the person will do well on the new job. Many others wisely use tests or assessment centers to evaluate promotable employees and to identify those with executive potential.

4) Which of the following is most likely an example of a career development activity? A) selection interview B) performance appraisal C) employee coaching D) training workshop

Answer: D Explanation: D) Career development is the lifelong series of activities (such as workshops) that contribute to a person's career exploration, establishment, success, and fulfillment. Selection interviews, appraisals, and coaching benefit an employee's career but are not development activities.

93) The plant closing law requires that employers ________. A) provide employees with training for different jobs B) offer employees comparable jobs in other facilities C) provide severance pay for at least 3 months D) notify employees 60 days in advance of the plant closing

Answer: D Explanation: D) The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (popularly known as the plant closing law) requires employers of 100 or more employees to give 60 days' notice before closing a facility or starting a layoff of 50 or more people. The law gives employees time to seek other work or retraining by giving them advance notice.

T/F: An employee caught stealing from a cash register would most likely be dismissed on grounds of unsatisfactory performance.

Answer: FALSE Explanation: Misconduct is deliberate and willful violation of the employer's rules and may include stealing, rowdy behavior, and insubordination. Unsatisfactory performance may be defined as a persistent failure to perform assigned duties or to meet prescribed standards on the job.

T/F: In a constructive discharge claim, plaintiffs argue that they quit because their employer made the work situation intolerable.

Answer: TRUE Explanation: In a constructive discharge claim, the plaintiff argues that he or she quit, but had no choice because the employer made the situation so intolerable at work

T/F: 21) The Self-Directed Search test helps people evaluate their occupational orientations and preferences.

Answer: TRUE Explanation: Individuals can use the Self-Directed Search (SDS) test to assess their occupational orientations and preferred occupations.

T/F: Outplacement counseling is a systematic process by which a former employee is trained and counseled in the techniques of securing a new job appropriate to his or her needs and talents

Answer: TRUE Explanation: With outplacement counseling the employer arranges for an outside firm to provide terminated employees with career planning and job search skills. Outplacement firms usually provide the actual outplacement services.

43) Turnover is best defined as the rate at which ________. A) employees leave a firm B) employers hire workers C) employees are promoted D) employers downsize operations

Answer: A Explanation: A) Turnover is the rate that employees leave a firm. Turnover may include both voluntary and involuntary separations.

79) All of the following are reasonable bases for dismissal EXCEPT ________. A) unsatisfactory performance B) whistle blowing C) misconduct D) lack of job qualifications

Answer: B Explanation: B) There are four bases for dismissal: unsatisfactory performance, misconduct, lack of qualifications for the job, and changed requirements of (or elimination of) the job. Whistleblowing is not grounds for dismissal.

T/F: 42) According to research, less than 25% of the global workforce is engaged.

Answer: TRUE Explanation: Studies conclude that only about 21% of the global workforce is engaged; almost 40% is disengaged.

T/F: Promotions are always upward.

Answer: FALSE Explanation: Promotions may be upward or horizontal. Promotions are possible even when leaving the person in the same job. For example, you can usually enrich the job and enhance the opportunity for assuming more responsibility

91) Which of the following terms refers to permanently dismissing a relatively large proportion of employees in an attempt to improve productivity and competitiveness? A) downsizing B) offshoring C) outsourcing D) bumping

Answer: A Explanation: A) Downsizing refers to permanently dismissing a relatively large proportion of employees in an attempt to improve productivity and competitiveness.

47) Wilson Manufacturing has experienced a significant increase in employee turnover over the last year. Managers at Wilson want to identify and correct problems before losing valuable employees. Which of the following would most likely accomplish this goal? A) administering attitude surveys to employees B) initiating regular exit interviews for workers C) providing additional training opportunities D) offering a flexible benefits plan

Answer: A Explanation: A) Many employers administer attitude surveys to monitor employees' feelings about matters such as supervision and pay. Surveys would help managers identify potential problems. Although exit interviews would provide information about turnover causes, they are given to departing employees.

68) What is the most common reason that employers transfer employees? A) rewarding a high-performing employee B) finding a better job fit for the employee C) giving the employee more challenging work D) allowing the employee to work part-time

Answer: B Explanation: B) Employers may transfer a worker to vacate a position where he or she is no longer needed, to fill one where he or she is needed, or more generally to find a better fit for the employee. Transfers are less likely given for high-performing workers or those who want more challenging work.

65) Which of the following would most likely encourage working mothers to remain with a firm? A) job coaching B) flexible scheduling C) appraisal interviews D) performance monitoring

Answer: B Explanation: B) Flexible employment policies and reduced schedules enable many working mothers who might otherwise leave a firm to stay. Reduced work schedules and flexibility enable working mothers to balance family and career.

77) Which of the following exceptions is NOT responsible for eroding the strength of the "termination at will" doctrine? A) EEO laws B) public relations campaigns C) public policies D) common law exceptions

Answer: B Explanation: B) PR campaigns have had no impact on the erosion of the "termination at will" doctrine. Equal employment laws, OSHA, the concept of implied contracts, public policies, and common law exceptions have decreased the power of termination at will.

88) During which of the following is an employee informed of the fact that he or she has been dismissed? A) outplacement interview B) termination interview C) appraisal interview D) exit interview

Answer: B Explanation: B) Telling an employee about his or her dismissal occurs in the termination interview. Exit interviews are conducted with employees who are leaving a firm for any reason for the purpose of gathering the employee's insight about the firm.

45) According to research, what is the primary reason that top-performing employees leave an organization? A) stress B) compensation C) work-life balance D) promotion opportunities

Answer: B Explanation: B) The five top reasons high-commitment/top-performing employees gave for leaving (ranked from high to low) were pay, promotional opportunities, work-life balance, career development, and health care benefits. Other reasons employees voluntarily leave include unfairness, not having their voices heard, and a lack of recognition.

82) Which of the bases for dismissal is defined as the persistent failure to complete assigned duties or to meet prescribed standards on the job? A) misconduct B) unsatisfactory performance C) lack of qualifications for job D) changed requirements of job

Answer: B Explanation: B) Unsatisfactory performance means persistent failure to perform assigned duties or to meet prescribed job standards. Specific grounds include excessive absenteeism, tardiness, a persistent failure to meet normal job requirements, or an adverse attitude toward the company, supervisor, or fellow employees.

7) The psychological contract between employers and employees identifies the ________ of each party. A) long-term goals B) expectations C) ethical morals D) opportunities

Answer: B Explanation: B) What the employer and employee expect of each other is part of what psychologists call a psychological contract. This is "an unwritten agreement that exists between employers and employees." The psychological contract identifies each party's mutual expectations.

30) According to research, effective mentors have the ability to ________. A) maintain control of the relationship B) establish basic standards of performance C) steer employees into important projects D) teach employees how to complete tasks

Answer: C Explanation: C) Effective mentors set high standards and actively steer protégés into important projects, teams, and jobs. Effective mentoring requires trust and a readiness to share control. Mentors focus on long-term career goals while coaches teach shorter-term skills and tasks.

13) All of the following are career management opportunities offered by many employers EXCEPT ________. A) providing realistic job interviews B) offering periodic job rotation C) distributing interest surveys D) giving performance feedback

Answer: C Explanation: C) It is the employee's responsibility to identify interests and values. However, the employer can help with career management by giving realistic job interviews prior to employment, offering job rotation opportunities, and conducting performance appraisals.

83) Which of the bases for dismissal is defined as the deliberate and willful violation of the employer's rules and may include stealing and insubordination? A) unsatisfactory performance B) whistle blowing C) misconduct D) disregard

Answer: C Explanation: C) Misconduct is deliberate and willful violation of the employer's rules and may include stealing, rowdy behavior, and insubordination. Sometimes the misconduct is more serious, as when it causes someone else harm

48) Which of the following would most likely increase turnover rates at an organization? A) training and development B) flexible work arrangements C) intense performance monitoring D) high-involvement work practices

Answer: C Explanation: C) Performance pressures (such as intensive performance monitoring) relate to significantly higher turnover rates. However, high-involvement work practices, training, and flexible work arrangements seem to improve retention.

32) Quinn, a new employee at Madison Enterprises, thinks that a mentor would benefit his career at Madison. In order to have a successful mentor-protégé relationship, Quinn should most likely ________. A) keep expectations vague for flexibility B) ask his manager to be his mentor C) focus on specific work issues D) discuss his personal problems

Answer: C Explanation: C) Quinn should be selective about the work-related issues discussed. The mentoring relationship generally should not involve personal problems or issues, and mentors are more objective when one or two levels above a current manager.

8) Which factor most likely increases the importance of career management for workers? A) global expansion B) cost of health benefits C) unpredictable labor market D) lack of training opportunities

Answer: C Explanation: C) With today's tumultuous labor markets, neither the employer nor the employee can count on long-term commitments. That fact undercuts the traditional psychological contract, and makes career management even more critical for the employee.

29) Westin Manufacturing is a large firm with offices across the U.S. Many career opportunities exist at Westin in areas such as IT, sales, marketing, and product development. Westin managers are currently considering the idea of assigning a coach to every new employee at the firm. Which of the following, if true, best supports this idea? A) Organizational development at Westin has improved employee engagement. B) As a high-performance work system, Westin relies on multi-skilled teams. C) Westin employees participate in training and development programs twice a year. D) The turnover rate of hourly employees at Westin is higher than the industry average.

Answer: D Explanation: D) High turnover rates suggest that employees either dislike their jobs or do not know how to perform them. Coaching would improve the ability of new workers to perform their duties by providing necessary instruction and training

64) Which of the following is most likely important in a firm that has informal promotion processes? A) employee qualification data banks B) nine-box assessments C) job posting policies D) networking skills

Answer: D Explanation: D) Many firms have informal promotion processes and may or may not post open positions. Key managers may use their own "unpublished" criteria to make decisions, which means that networking and "who you know" are more important than performance. Firms with formal promotion processes use employee qualification databanks and job posting procedures

38) Diminished employee engagement is most likely shown by all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) poor attendance B) voluntary turnover C) mental withdrawal D) inadequate supervision

Answer: D Explanation: D) Poor attendance, voluntary turnover, and psychological withdrawal often reflect diminished employee engagement. Poor supervision is often the cause of job withdrawal but not necessarily indicative of low engagement.

T/F: 34) Research indicates that traditional mentoring is more effective for women than for men.

Answer: FALSE Explanation: Studies suggest that traditional mentoring is less effective for women then it is for men. For example, in one survey of employees who had mentoring relationships in one recent year, 72% of the men received one or more promotions in the ensuing 2 years, compared with 65% of the women.

67) Which of the following most likely ensures the legality of a firm's promotion process? A) objective evidence B) informal procedures C) union agreements D) salary increases

Answer: A Explanation: A) A firm should have consistent, systematic promotion processes that comply with employment laws. Objective evidence should support any subjective assessment for promotion.

17) Allison, a new employee at Dixon Enterprises, has been assigned a career coach. Allison should most likely expect the coach to help her with all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) negotiating for a lifelong learning account B) obtaining development opportunities C) identifying development needs D) creating a five-year career plan

Answer: A Explanation: A) Career coaches generally help employees create 5-year plans showing where their careers with the firm may lead. Coaches help individual employees identify their development needs and obtain the development required to satisfy those needs. Although a coach might encourage an employee to establish a lifelong learning account, negotiation would probably not be necessary

3) Career management is best defined as the ________. A) process for helping employees to develop and use their skills and interests both within the company and after they leave the firm. B) lifelong series of activities that contribute to a person's career exploration, establishment, success, and fulfillment. C) process through which someone becomes aware of personal skills, interests, knowledge, motivations, and other characteristics. D) series of occupational positions that a person holds over many years.

Answer: A Explanation: A) Career management is a process for enabling employees to better understand and develop their career skills and interests and to use these skills and interests most effectively both within the company and after they leave the firm. Career development is the lifelong series of activities (such as workshops) that contribute to a person's career exploration, establishment, success, and fulfillment. Career planning is the deliberate process through which someone becomes aware of personal skills, interests, knowledge, motivations, and other characteristics.

70) Managers at M&M Enterprises want to retain a greater number of the firm's older workers. Which of the following would most likely help the firm accomplish this goal? A) offering flexible work arrangements B) providing more full-time positions C) establishing a coaching program D) setting achievable career goals

Answer: A Explanation: A) Employers have various options for retaining older workers. These include offering them part-time positions, hiring them as consultants or temporary workers, and offering them flexible work arrangements. Older workers would not likely need or want coaching or career planning.

40) Which of the following managerial actions would most likely improve employee engagement? A) highlighting how employee efforts help accomplish company goals B) providing annual performance appraisals and bonuses C) assigning employees to high-performing work teams D) encouraging lifelong learning through training

Answer: A Explanation: A) Engagement-supporting actions include making sure employees (1) understand how their departments contribute to the company's success, (2) see how their own efforts contribute to achieving the company's goals, and (3) get a sense of accomplishment from working at the firm. Although performance appraisals, bonuses, work teams, and training are beneficial and may reduce turnover, engagement requires that a connection be made between the employee's work and the company's goals.

31) Unlike a traditional mentor, a mentor/sponsor is able to ________. A) advocate for an employee's promotion B) guide employees into projects C) offer professional advice D) teach job skills

Answer: A Explanation: A) Mentor/sponsors have more organizational clout. They are in a position to advocate for an employee's promotion. Traditional mentors steer employees into projects or jobs and offer advice. Coaches teach job skills

84) Misconduct, one of the bases for dismissal, is defined as ________. A) the deliberate and willful violation of the employer's rules and may include stealing and insubordination B) an employee's inability to do the assigned work despite his or her diligence C) the persistent failure to perform assigned duties or to meet prescribed standards on the job D) an employee's inability to do the work assigned because the nature of the job has changed

Answer: A Explanation: A) Misconduct is deliberate and willful violation of the employer's rules and may include stealing, rowdy behavior, and insubordination. Sometimes the misconduct is more serious, as when it causes someone else harm

28) Jason, a sales manager, has been given the task of coaching a new employee. Jason has already observed the employee on the job and reviewed the employee's productivity levels. What should Jason do next? A) develop a change plan with the employee B) offer the employee ideas and advice C) observe the employee again D) create a task assignment

Answer: A Explanation: A) Planning the solution is next. Perhaps the most powerful way to get someone to change is to obtain his or her enthusiastic agreement on what change is required. This requires reaching agreement on the problem and on what to change. Later, Jason will offer advice and re-observe the worker.

11) Which of the following would LEAST likely prevent an employee from experiencing reality shock? A) being given simple tasks B) being assigned a mentor C) receiving realistic job expectations D) having challenging work assignments

Answer: A Explanation: A) Providing challenging first jobs (rather than relegating new employees to "jobs where they can't do any harm") and having an experienced mentor who can help a new employee learn the ropes are important to reducing reality shock. Realistic job expectations are also beneficial.

51) A talent management approach to employee retention focuses primarily on ________, A) retaining key employees B) reducing turnover costs C) minimizing coaching needs D) retaining executive managers

Answer: A Explanation: A) Taking a talent management approach to retaining employees suggests focusing augmented retention efforts on the company's most important employees. Key employees may or may not be top managers.

61) Which of the following best summarizes the Peter Principle? A) Firms often promote competent employees to levels beyond their abilities. B) Promotion decisions should stem from talent management activities. C) Firms should promote employees exclusively on past accomplishments. D) Women are more likely to be promoted if they have mentor/sponsors.

Answer: A Explanation: A) The Peter Principle says that companies often promote competent employees up to their "level of incompetence," where they then sit, sometimes underperforming for years. Promotions require a valid procedure for predicting the candidate's future performance, but promotions are typically based on past performance.

78) Under the public policy exception to the termination at will doctrine, courts have held that ________. A) discharge is wrongful when it is against an explicit, well-established law B) even in the absence of a written document, an implied contract existed based on representations in the employee handbook C) employers should not fire employees without good cause D) persistent failure to perform assigned duties or to meet prescribed standards on the job is reason for dismissal

Answer: A Explanation: A) Under the public policy exception, courts have held a discharge to be wrongful when it was against an explicit, well-established public policy. For example, the employer fired the employee for refusing to break the law. Statutory exceptions and common law exceptions also diminish the termination-at-will doctrine.

81) Dismissal based on unsatisfactory performance is most appropriate if an employee ________. A) shows an adverse attitude towards co-workers B) fails to accomplish tasks despite diligence C) acts in an insubordinate manner D) steals the employer's property

Answer: A Explanation: A) Unsatisfactory performance means persistent failure to perform assigned duties or to meet prescribed job standards. Specific grounds include excessive absenteeism, tardiness, a persistent failure to meet normal job requirements, or an adverse attitude toward the company, supervisor, or fellow employees.

12) Career management, planning, and development are primarily the responsibility of the ________. A) mentor B) employee C) employer D) manager

Answer: B Explanation: B) Although the employer and manager have roles in guiding employees' careers, no employee should ever abandon this task to others.

2) Which term refers to the lifelong series of activities that contribute to a person's career exploration, establishment, success, and fulfillment? A) career management B) career development C) career planning D) career

Answer: B Explanation: B) Career development is the lifelong series of activities (such as workshops) that contribute to a person's career exploration, establishment, success, and fulfillment. Career planning is the deliberate process through which someone becomes aware of personal skills, interests, knowledge, motivations, and other characteristics.

5) Kirk, a marketing specialist, is working with a mentor to identify his personal skills and interests. Kirk will then identify career-related goals and establish an action plan to attain those goals. Kirk is most likely involved with ________. A) job training B) career planning C) career development D) organizational management

Answer: B Explanation: B) Career planning is the deliberate process through which someone becomes aware of personal skills, interests, knowledge, motivations, and other characteristics. Career development is the lifelong series of activities (such as workshops) that contribute to a person's career exploration, establishment, success, and fulfillment

Which term refers to being psychologically involved in, connected to, and committed to getting one's jobs done? A) retention B) engagement C) ethical D) enrichment

Answer: B Explanation: B) Engagement refers to being psychologically involved in, connected to, and committed to getting one's jobs done. Engaged employees "experience a high level of connectivity with their work tasks," and therefore work hard to accomplish their task-related goals.

85) Which of the following is NOT an example of employee insubordination? A) deliberately defying company rules B) repeatedly failing to perform tasks C) disregarding the chain of command D) publicly criticizing a supervisor

Answer: B Explanation: B) Failing to perform tasks is a type of unsatisfactory performance. Acts of insubordination involve willfully disobeying authority, such as purposely defying rules, disregarding the chain of command, and publicly criticizing supervisors.

59) Which of the following is the LEAST relevant question to ask when establishing an organization-wide promotion process? A) How should competence be measured? B) How much time should the process take? C) Should the process be a formal or informal one? D) Should promotion be based on seniority or competence?

Answer: B Explanation: B) Firms need to decide if the promotion process should be based on seniority or competence and how competence should be measured. Firms also need to consider whether the process will be formal or informal. Time is a less relevant factor to consider.

14) First USA Bank has established a ________ to help employees solidify career goals through the use of career assessment and planning tools. A) recruitment office B) career center C) career mentor D) work cycle

Answer: B Explanation: B) First USA Bank has a career center for employees. Its aim is to help employees crystallize their career goals and achieve them within the company. The center contains materials such as career assessment and planning tools

49) What is the purpose of IBM's on-demand staffing strategy? A) monitor career development of high-performers B) train employees for future workforce needs C) identify causes of high turnover rates D) meet needs of temporary workers

Answer: B Explanation: B) IBM put in place an on-demand staffing strategy to ensure that its current employees get the training and coaching they need to play roles in IBM's future. The strategy is intended to improve retention but not necessarily identify turnover causes

52) Which term refers to actions intended to place physical or psychological distance between employees and their work environments? A) absenteeism B) job withdrawal C) employee retention D) voluntary turnover

Answer: B Explanation: B) Job withdrawal refers to "actions intended to place physical or psychological distance between employees and their work environments." Poor attendance and voluntary turnover are two ways employees withdraw.

89) Which of the following terms refers to a systematic process by which a terminated employee is trained and counseled in how to perform a self-appraisal and secure a new position? A) exit interview B) outplacement counseling C) job counseling fair D) discharge interview

Answer: B Explanation: B) Outplacement counseling is a formal process by which a specialist trains and counsels a terminated person in the techniques of self-appraisal and securing a new position. Outplacement counseling is part of the terminated employee's support or severance package and is done by specialized outside firms

10) Which term refers to a phenomenon that occurs when a new employee's high expectations are met with a dull job? A) engagement B) reality shock C) job withdrawal D) employee turnover

Answer: B Explanation: B) Reality shock may occur at the initial career entry when the new employee's high job expectations confront the reality of a boring or otherwise unattractive work situation. Reality shock may lead to withdrawal or quitting.

41) Which of the following would LEAST likely measure employee engagement? A) profitability B) recruitment C) absenteeism D) customer satisfaction

Answer: B Explanation: B) Relevant outcome measures of engagement efforts might include customer satisfaction, financial results, absenteeism, safety, sales, turnover, and profitability. Recruitment is less relevant to engagement.

94) During a merger and acquisition, it is especially important for managers to be sensitive to employees who are dismissed so that ________. A) lawsuits stemming from ADA and OSHA violations can be avoided B) remaining employees will remain productive and committed C) exit interviews will reveal positive details about the firm D) bumped employees can continue being promoted

Answer: B Explanation: B) The degree to which an organization treats the acquired group with care and dignity will affect the confidence, productivity, and commitment of those who remain. Managers should reduce the remaining employees' uncertainty and to address their concerns. This typically involves a post-downsizing announcement and program, including meetings where senior managers field questions from the remaining employees. Lawsuits, exit interviews, and promotions are less relevant.

16) Which term refers to a planned learning event in which participants evaluate occupational trends, perform self-assessment exercises, set goals, and develop action plans? A) employee orientation B) team building retreat C) career planning workshop D) competency-based peer review

Answer: C Explanation: C) A career planning workshop is "a planned learning event in which participants are expected to be actively involved, completing career planning exercises and inventories and participating in career skills practice sessions." A typical workshop includes self-assessment exercises (skills, interests, values, and so on), an assessment of important occupational trends, and goal-setting and action-planning segments.

39) Which of the following statements about employee engagement is most likely true? A) Most of the global workforce is engaged. B) Long-term employees are considered engaged. C) An engaged workforce improves company revenue. D) Companies improve engagement by raising salaries

Answer: C Explanation: C) A survey by consultants Watson Wyatt Worldwide concluded that companies with highly engaged employees have 26% higher revenue per employee. Yet studies conclude that only about 21% of the global workforce is engaged; almost 40% is disengaged. Firms may reduce turnover with better pay, but engagement is fostered by linking an employee's work with the success of the company.

27) Jason, a sales manager, has been given the task of coaching a new employee. What should Jason do first? A) ask the employee to complete a job-related questionnaire B) give the employee suggestions about work practices C) observe the employee working and interacting D) reach agreement with the employee on a plan

Answer: C Explanation: C) Preparation is the first step in coaching, and it means understanding the problem, the employee, and the employee's skills. Jason's aim is to formulate a hypothesis about what the problem is. He'll watch the employee to see what he or she is doing, observing the workflow and how co-workers interact with the employee

69) What is the most likely reason that retirement planning is increasingly important to firms? A) rising number of acquisitions B) changes in federal employment laws C) concerns about future labor shortages D) rising need for cost containment strategies

Answer: C Explanation: C) Retirement planning is a significant long-term issue for employers because a severe shortage of talented workers is expected. In the United States, the number of 25- to 34-year-olds is growing slowly, and the number of 35- to 44-year-olds is declining.

44) Which of the following is an example of an intangible cost of turnover? A) interviewing costs B) recruiting costs C) coaching costs D) testing costs

Answer: C Explanation: C) Tangible costs of an employee leaving include the costs of recruiting, screening, interviewing, and testing applicants. Intangible costs included the cost of lost productivity for the new agent (who is less productive at first than his or her predecessor), the cost of rework for errors the new agent makes, and the supervisory cost for coaching the new agent.

92) Which of the following requires that employers of 100 or more employees give 60 days' notice before closing a facility or starting a layoff of 50 or more people? A) COBRA B) ERISA C) Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act D) Electronic Communications Privacy Act

Answer: C Explanation: C) The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (popularly known as the plant closing law) requires employers of 100 or more employees to give 60 days' notice before closing a facility or starting a layoff of 50 or more people. The law gives employees time to seek other work or retraining by giving them advance notice

60) Which of the following organizations would most likely base promotions on seniority? A) small business B) private corporation C) government agency D) multinational enterprise

Answer: C Explanation: C) Today's focus on competitiveness favors competence, especially in private firms and corporations. Civil service regulations that stress seniority rather than competence often govern promotions in many public sector organizations, such as government agencies.

80) Tracy is frequently absent from work and almost always late, so her manager has decided to fire her. Which of the following grounds for dismissal will her manager most likely use? A) misconduct B) insubordination C) unsatisfactory performance D) lack of qualifications for the job

Answer: C Explanation: C) Unsatisfactory performance means persistent failure to perform assigned duties or to meet prescribed job standards. Specific grounds include excessive absenteeism, tardiness, a persistent failure to meet normal job requirements, or an adverse attitude toward the company, supervisor, or fellow employees.

50) Ray, an IT specialist, often daydreams at work, fails to focus on tasks, and arrives late. Ray's actions are most likely an example of ________. A) voluntary turnover B) disengagement C) withdrawal D) retention

Answer: C Explanation: C) Voluntary turnover is just one way that employees withdraw. Withdrawal in general means separating oneself from one's current situation, and at work may manifest itself in daydreaming, lack of attention to one's job, or other counterproductive behaviors.

19) According to research, which of the following statements about women in the workforce is most likely true? A) Overseas assignments are offered to more women than men. B) Women typically receive lower overall performance ratings than men. C) Women have more difficulty getting developmental assignments than men do. D) Fast-track programs are more available to women than men because of EEO laws.

Answer: C Explanation: C) Women report more difficulty getting developmental assignments and geographic mobility opportunities. Promoted women had to receive higher performance ratings than promoted men to get promoted. Fast-track programs are less available to women than men.

87) When an employee's dismissal does not comply with the law or with the contractual agreement stated or implied by the firm via its employment application forms, employee manuals, or other promises, ________ has occurred. A) mutiny B) insubordination C) wrongful discharge D) emotional hardship

Answer: C Explanation: C) Wrongful discharge refers to a dismissal that violates the law or that fails to comply with contractual arrangements stated or implied by the employer, for instance, in employee manuals.

76) Which of the following best defines "termination at will"? A) Employers can end business relationships with clients even if a contract exists. B) Employees can refuse to collaborate with specific co-workers for personal reasons. C) Customers can end relationships with service providers for any reason at any time. D) Either the employer or the employee can end the employment relationship at any time.

Answer: D Explanation: D) "Termination at will" means that without a contract, either the employer or the employee could terminate at will the employment relationship. The employee can resign for any reason, at will, and the employer can dismiss an employee for any reason, at will.

1) Which term refers to the occupational positions a person has had over many years? A) engagement B) experience C) promotion D) career

Answer: D Explanation: D) A career is the occupational positions a person holds over the years. Engagement refers to being psychologically involved in, connected to, and committed to getting one's jobs done.

66) Which term refers to moving from one job in a firm to another with no change in salary or grade? A) promotion B) turnover C) retention D) transfer

Answer: D Explanation: D) A transfer is a move from one job to another, usually with no change in salary or grade. Promotions usually involve receiving a salary increase

Which term refers to educating, instructing, and training subordinates to perform job-related tasks? A) outsourcing B) networking C) mentoring D) coaching

Answer: D Explanation: D) Coaching means educating, instructing, and training subordinates. Mentoring means advising, counseling, and guiding. Coaching focuses on teaching shorter-term job-related skills. Mentoring focuses on helping employees navigate longer-term career-type hazards.

Which of the following terms refers to the involuntary termination of an employee's employment with a firm? A) leave of absence B) insubordination C) sabbatical D) dismissal

Answer: D Explanation: D) Dismissal is the involuntary termination of an employee's employment with a firm. Insubordination is the willful disregard of authority.

46) ABC Enterprises has a high rate of employee turnovers. Which of the following would most likely help ABC managers identify turnover causes? A) background checks B) appraisal interviews C) aptitude testing D) exit interviews

Answer: D Explanation: D) Exit interviews given to departing employees provide useful information about potential turnover problems. Although appraisal interviews can affect turnover, they are less likely to provide insight about turnover causes.

9) Kareem, a college student, has just completed the Self-Directed Search test. By taking the test, Kareem is most likely trying to ________. A) apply for a job B) determine labor trends C) assess cognitive strengths D) identify suitable occupations

Answer: D Explanation: D) Individuals can use the Self-Directed Search (SDS) test to assess their occupational orientations and preferred occupations. The SDS test focuses on different career choice determinants, such as personality.

15) Which of the following is the role of a manager in an employee's career development? A) providing positive employee references B) identifying the main interests of employees C) providing monetary assistance for higher education D) linking performance appraisals to development plans

Answer: D Explanation: D) Managers who use the performance review only to tell the employee how he or she is doing miss an opportunity to support the employee's career development needs. The performance appraisal should also provide an opportunity to link the employee's performance, career interests, and developmental needs into one coherent career plan. Positive references, interest inventories, and financial help are not managerial responsibilities.

90) Which of the following is conducted with employees who are leaving a firm for the purpose of eliciting information about what is right or wrong with the job and the firm? A) outsourcing interview B) termination interview C) screening interview D) exit interview

Answer: D Explanation: D) Many employers conduct exit interviews with employees who are leaving the firm for any reason. These are interviews, usually conducted by a human resource professional just prior to the employee leaving; they elicit information about the job or employer with the aim of giving employers insights into what is right—or wrong—about the firm

63) The 9-box matrix is used by firms to assess an employee's ________. A) past performance B) job skills knowledge C) communication skills D) promotional potential

Answer: D Explanation: D) The 9-box matrix approach assesses current employees' promotional prospects. In assessing candidates for promotions, it's not just current performance, but performance potential, that's important. The 9-box matrix displays three levels of current job performance and three levels of likely potential.

20) What is the primary method for management to support the career development of employees? A) assigning career planning coaches B) establishing corporate career centers C) offering individual career counseling D) providing realistic performance reviews

Answer: D Explanation: D) With little or no additional effort than realistic performance reviews and candid skills assessments, a competent supervisor can help the employee get on and stay on the right career track. Coaches, career centers, and individual career counseling are additional ways to help, but performance reviews are the main tool for managers.

T/F: According to the Fair Labor Standards Act, managers can be held personally liable for their supervisory actions in some situations

Answer: TRUE Explanation: Courts sometimes hold managers personally liable for their supervisory actions, particularly those actions covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act and the Family and Medical Leave Act. The Fair Labor Standards Act defines employer to include "any person acting directly or indirectly in the interest of an employer in relation to any employee." This can mean the individual supervisor.

T/F: Flexible work arrangements and part-time positions are offered by firms that seek to retain older workers.

Answer: TRUE Explanation: Employers have various options for retaining older workers. These include offering them part-time positions, hiring them as consultants or temporary workers, and offering them flexible work arrangements.

T/F: Employers today are finding that they do not have the blanket right to fire employees.

Answer: TRUE Explanation: For more than 100 years, the prevailing rule in the United States has been that without an employment contract, either the employer or the employee can terminate at will the employment relationship. Today, however, dismissed employees increasingly take their cases to court, and in many cases, employers are finding that they no longer have a blanket right to fire employees.

T/F: Frequent absences, daydreaming, and undeserved work breaks are examples of job withdrawal.

Answer: TRUE Explanation: Poor attendance and voluntary turnover are two ways employees withdraw. Other types of job withdrawal include taking undeserved work breaks, spending time in idle conversation and neglecting aspects of the job one is obligated to perform

T/F: The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act requires employers of 100 or more employees to give 60 days' notice before closing a facility.

Answer: TRUE Explanation: The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (popularly known as the plant closing law) requires employers of 100 or more employees to give 60 days' notice before closing a facility or starting a layoff of 50 or more people. It simply gives employees time to seek other work or retraining by giving them advance notice

T/F: Promotions at most private firms are based on competence rather than seniority, but public sector job promotions emphasize seniority over competence

Answer: TRUE Explanation: Today's focus on competitiveness favors competence in promotion decisions. However, union agreements sometimes contain clauses that emphasize seniority. Civil service regulations that stress seniority rather than competence often govern promotions in many public sector organizations

T/F: A signed employment application that contains a statement regarding the employer's right to terminate at will serves as a procedural step in avoiding wrongful discharge suits.

Answer: TRUE Explanation: Wrongful discharge lawsuits can be avoided if applicants sign employment applications that clearly state the employer's right to terminate at will. Wrongful discharge occurs when an employee's dismissal does not comply with the law.

T/F: 33) Coaching involves helping employees make long-term career plans, and mentoring focuses on teaching shorter-term job-related skills.

Answer: FALSE Explanation: Coaching means educating, instructing, and training subordinates. Mentoring means advising, counseling, and guiding. Coaching focuses on teaching shorter-term job-related skills. Mentoring focuses on helping employees navigate longer-term career-type hazards.

T/F: High unemployment increases the voluntary turnover rate.

Answer: FALSE Explanation: High unemployment reduces voluntary turnover. If unemployment is high, employed people want to stay in the jobs they currently hold.

T/F: Jeff works diligently at his job as a data analyst and is well-liked among co-workers and managers. However, Jeff is unable to perform tasks satisfactorily. Jeff's dismissal from the firm would most likely be on the grounds of unsatisfactory performance.

Answer: FALSE Explanation: Lack of qualifications for the job is an employee's inability to do the assigned work, although he or she is diligent. Unsatisfactory performance relates to excessive absenteeism or a poor attitude towards supervisors

T/F: Exit interviews are scheduled when an employee has been dismissed from the firm for misconduct.

Answer: FALSE Explanation: Termination interviews are used to dismiss employees. Exit interviews are for employees who are leaving the firm on their own accord. These are interviews, usually conducted by a human resource professional just prior to the employee leaving, that elicit information about the job or related matters with the aim of giving employers insights into their companies.

T/F: The lack of promotion opportunities is the primary reason that top-performing employees leave an organization.

Answer: FALSE Explanation: The five top reasons high-commitment/top-performing employees gave for leaving (ranked from high to low) were pay, promotional opportunities, work-life balance, career development, and health care benefits.

T/F: Wrongful discharge occurs when an employee's dismissal does not comply with the law or with the contractual agreement stated or implied by the firm via its employment application forms, employee manuals, or other promises.

Answer: TRUE Explanation: Wrongful discharge refers to a dismissal that violates the law or that fails to comply with contractual arrangements stated or implied by the employer, for instance, in employee manuals. Three main protections against wrongful discharge have eroded the termination-at-will doctrine—statutory exceptions, common law exceptions, and public policy exceptions.

6) According to the text, what is important to young people entering the job market today? A) work-life balance B) career development C) international opportunities D) strong organizational culture

Answer: A Explanation: A) People entering the job market now often value more opportunities for balanced work-family lives. Workers nearing retirement tend to be job- and employer-focused.

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