Chapter 3 Science Trimester 1 Review

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How far apart were Alexandria and Syene?

10 degrees

When did Copernicus live from?


When did Tycho Brahe live?


When did Johannes Kepler live?


How many books did Copernicus make to fix the calendar?


How long before 1492 did we know the Earth was wrong?

2,000 years

How long did it take Kepler to go through Brahe's 20 volumes?

20 years

When did Eratosthenes live from?

276 to 194 BC

What did Kepler come up with from Brahe's 20 volumes?

3 laws of planetary motion

When did Aristotle live from?

384-322 BC

What is Earth's circumference?

40,000 km

How many planets are "wanderers"?


When did Ptolemy live from?

90-168 AD

Who was Tycho Brahe?

A Danish Nobleman who enjoyed partying

What was Kepler?

A German mathematician and astronomer (Astronomia Motra)

What are characteristics of an epideferent?

A big, perfect circle

What are 1s in eccentricity?

A line

What are characteristics of an epicycle?

A small, perfect circle

What was used to figure out the problem of retrograde?

A spirograph

What cities did Eratosthenes use to measure the Earth's circumference?

Alexandria and Syene

Who gathered knowledge that is now the world's knowledge?


What do wanderers seem as?

As if they were wandering around the sky

Was Jesus before or after Ptolemy?


Who lied in an observatory and kept 20 volumes of meticulous data that were written from observing the sky?


Who owned a reindeer who liked beer?


When did most educated people know the Earth was round?

By 1492

How did the Greeks view the Earth in Aristotle's time?

Celestial spheres

What were all the people knew in Aristotle's time in?

Celestial spheres

What is perihelion?

Closest to the Sun

What type of orbit is close to 1?

Comet orbits

Which system is Heliocentric?

Copernican System

Who changed the world's view about the Sun being in the center?


Who did the Pope turn to to fix the calendar and drop ten days?


Who wrote "On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres"?


What came between Ptolemy and Copernicus?

Dark ages

What did Ptolemy come up with?

Deferent and epicycles

Which book by Copernicus was given to the Pope while he was still alive?

Earth at the center

Explain the retrograde motion of Mars.

Earth catches up to and passes Mars because Earth is faster.. the planet closest to the Sun is faster than the planet farther from the Sun

What is geocentric?

Earth centered

Which direction did most planets move in?


How did we know the Earth was round?

Eclipses had a curve

What was the best explanation for the motions of Mars discovered by Kepler?


What are the 3 laws of planetary motion?

Elliptical orbits, equal area law, and harmonic law

Who was known for being the very first to measure the Earth's circumference?


If you were on Mercury, who has retrograde?

Every planet

Which planets are retrograde from our perspective?

Every planet except Venus and Mercury

What does it mean to go retrograde?

Everything goes to the East while we go West

What is Aphelion?

Farthest from the Sun

How fast would you go at perihelion?


Was the Ptolemaic system hello or geocentric?


What did Kepler not know about?


Why could Copernicus get in trouble?

He believed that the Sun was in the center, while the Church still believed in geocentric

What was Sir Isaac Newton's flaw?

He couldn't tolerate anyone dumber than him

What happened to Brahe over a girl?

His nose was sliced off and later replaced with a gold one

What did the Greeks think the stars were in Aristotle's time?

Holes punched in a shell

Where did Brahe live?

In his castle, Uraniborg, on his island, Hven

What does eccentricity do?

Indicates how flat (stretched out) an ellipse is

What did the Greeks believe about the last celestial sphere in Aristotle's time?

It was black

What was the problem with the book about Earth being at the center?

It was not as accurate due to the harder math that did not make sense

Who received Brahe's volumes of data?


Who were the two people by Brahe's death bed?

Kepler and another party animal

Which planets were we not able to see?

Neptune and Uranus

Does Mars go backwards?


Does eccentricity have a unit?


Is any planetary orbit very eccentric?


Is retrograde perfect?


What are 0s in eccentricity?

Perfect circles

What is the Greek word for wanderer?


What type of orbit is close to 0?

Planetary orbits

What was Copernicus' occupation?

Polish Priest

Who came up with the explanation of retrograde?


Who wrote "Almagest"?


How did some planets move?


What does the Copernican System accurately explain?

Retrograde motion

Which planet did the Greeks believe was the farthest with celestial spheres in Aristotle's time?


Who said "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants"?

Sir Isaac Newton

How fast would you go at aphelion?


What did the Greeks believe about celestial spheres in Aristotle's time?

That everything was in its own sphere and they all revolve around Earth

What does retrograde ruin the idea of?

That the universe is perfect

Who said "Heavens are perfect, imperfection only lies on Earth"?

The Greeks

Who was "On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres" dedicated to?

The Pope

What was included in Almagest?

The Ptolemaic system

What did Brahe need to find?

The best explanations for the motions of Mars

When was "On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres" published?

The day Copernicus died, it was kept under his mattress and he told a friend to publish it then so that he would not get into trouble

How is eccentricity figured out?

The focus point

Which direction do Venus and Uranus spin in?

The opposite of normal

What is the easiest way to state the first law?

The orbit of a planet follows an ellipse with the Sun at one focus, everything in the orbit follows this law, and the thing you orbit is always at one point of the focus, while there is nothing at the other one

What are constellations used for?

The seasons

Why aren't Venus and Mercury retrograde to us?

They are faster than us

How did the "wanderers" differ from other stars?

They don't have the same pattern as every other star

How long do people believe in geocentric?

Thousands of years

How did Brahe die?

Urinary infection

How did Eratosthenes measure the Earth's circumference?

Using shadows 36 times and the measurement of a stadium

What does "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants" mean?

We have gotten where we are only because we have built on what the others who have gone before us have done.

What is the equal area law?

When a planet sweeps out an equal area of its orbit in equal time (the areas swept out whenever you compare an equal amount of time).

Is retrograde a broad term?


Elliptical orbit=

changing velocity

The equal area law is equal area in...

equal time

The further away a planet,

the less gravity and pull will be on it

Further from the focus the Sun is...

the slower you go

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