HTML 5 Structure

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Regarding HTML tags, a "start tag" and an "end tag" are summarily referred to as a what?

"a pair"

Regarding HTML syntax, Keywords/Tag Names are always always surrounded by these

Angle Brackets (<>)

Regarding HTML syntax, these are always written into a start tag and must follow the tag name separated by a space


Regarding HTML syntax, these provide additional information about elements


Each HTML tag describes a different aspect of the HTML document's ...?


Regarding HTML syntax, these make up HTML documents and are written with a "start tag" and "end tag" with "content" in between


The W3C refers to an element with no content as what kind of element?


What is an attribute that can be used with any element referred to as by the W3C?

Global Attribute

HTML documents are described by ...?


Regarding HTML syntax, these are sometimes referred to as "Tag Names"


A "Markup Language" is made up of a set of ...?

Markup Tags

What term refers to the act of placing one element inside another


Can any attribute be used with any element?


Does HTML 5 require that empty elements be closed?


What type of elements clearly describe their contents to the developer and web browser? (ex. table, form, img)

Symantic Elements

Regarding HTML syntax, these are sometimes referred to as "Keywords."

Tag Names

True or False ... Elements with no content exist.


True or False ... The W3C suggests that it is a best practice to always close empty elements because doing so ensures readability by XML parsers.


Regarding text content, if three spaces are placed between two words in the HTML document, how many will appear on the web page?


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