Hum Fiero Ch. 10

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Select the features found in Baroque sacred music that reflected similar changes in the visual arts. (Made from click/drag)

-A cappella style -Calm sublimity -Clarity of text -Regular rhythms

The performance of an oratorio typically involves which of the following?

-A chorus -Vocal soloists -An orchestra

What actions came about from the Council of Trent?

-A list of banned books -A revived Inquisition -Reconfirmation of all seven sacraments

What are features of the painting Las Meninas by Velázquez?

-A reflection in a mirror -The inclusion of the painter

What are some of the features that make the Taj Mahal a glorious monument that draws worldwide admiration?

-An idealized garden complex -Exquisitely ornamented walls -An elegant pool that mirrors the structure's silhouette.

Determine which musical terms apply to Baroque music. (Made from click/drag)

-Aria -Concertato -Overture -Pizzicato -Recitative

Match the style of aristocratic portraiture with its correct label.

-Aristocratic Baroque portraitures = Concerned primarily with outward appearance -Portraiture of Rembrandt = Investigated the personalities of the sitters

The French playwrights Pierre Corneille and Jean Racine were especially known for what type of play?

-Ballet -Comedy -Tragedy

Which items are associated with Bach? (Made from click/drag)

-Cantata -Passion according to Saint Matthew -Organ virtuoso -Used Protestant chorales as inspiration

Which positions did Claudio Monteverdi hold?

-Chapel master of Saint Mark's in Venice -Composer for the court of Mantua in Italy

Which of the following were standards for academic art of the Grand Style?

-Create harmonious compositions. -Treat only elevated subjects.

Which of the following marked the canvases of El Greco?

-Dissonant colors -Distortions of form

In the church of Sant'Ignazio in Rome, the architect Adrea Pozzo proved himself to be a master of which two Baroque forms?

-Dramatic foreshortening -Linear perspective

Which Baroque characteristics are from the Protestant North? (Made from click/drag)

-Emphasized personal piety and private devotion -Musical scores of epic proportions and theatrical effect -Poetry that featured the metaphysical -Simple and restrained compositions in art

Which of the following are features of the Baroque style? Select all that apply.

-Extravagant ornamentation -Spatial grandeur -Theatrical flamboyance

What features does Beijing's Forbidden City share with Louis XIV's Versailles? (Made from click/drag)

-Gardens -Imperial power -Regularity -Symmetry

Which facts are related to John Donne?

-He gave sermons at St. Paul's Cathedral. -He was a member of Parliament. -He was a poet.

Which of the following statements about Bernini are correct? Select all that apply.

-He was an architect. -He was a sculptor.

What are facts about John Milton?

-He was secretary to the English Council of State. -He was a devout Puritan. -He became a poet while at Cambridge University.

Which statements about Antonio Vivaldi are true?

-He wrote many concertos. -He spent much of his career as the director of a school for orphaned girls.

Which descriptions apply to Jean-Baptiste Lully?

-Headed the French Academy of Music -Directed the orchestra of Louis XIV

Which were features of Italian theaters and opera houses in the seventeenth century?

-Horseshoe shaped auditorium -Picture-frame stage

What are some important qualities that characterize the King James Bible?

-Influenced subsequent English literature -Majestic and compelling language

Match each phase of the Baroque with its corresponding description.

-Italian Baroque = Closely linked to reformation of the Catholic Church. -Northern Baroque = Embedded with Protestant sentiment and secular ambitions of commercial middle class. -Aristocratic Baroque = Sponsored by monarch Louis XIV.

What elements were cornerstones of the Jesuit faith and practice?

-Militant religious zeal -Mysticism

What artistic mediums reached new heights during the Tokugawa period in Japan?

-Multipaneled screens -Hand painted scrolls -Ceramics

Which Baroque characteristics are from the Catholic South? (Made from click/drag)

-Musical score embodied the conservative and contemplative of the religious practices -Ornate religious displays -Painting style characterized by dramatic, expressive religious subject matter -Saw the earliest phases of Baroque style

Which items are associated with Handel? (Made from click/drag)

-Oratorio -Messiah -Born in Germany; became famous in England -Early career marked by Italian opera

What characteristics are associated with the Mannerist style in art?

-Psychological intensity -A reflection of the deep insecurities of the era -Spacial complexity

Which of the following are among the soloists used in the six instrumental works by John Sebastian Bach known as the Brandenburg Concertos?

-Recorder -Harpsichord -Violin

Which were features of Giovanni di Palestrina's music?

-Skillful counterpoint -Clarity of text

Which features describe Bernini's piazza of Saint Peter's, Rome?

-The courtyard is bounded by a colonnade. -It is a trapezoidal space that opens out to an oval.

In addition to being a diplomat and an art dealer, Peter Paul Rubens painted some ______ paintings in his lifetime.


Determine the proper chronological order of the following events to understand how absolute power and the aristocratic style have evolved during this time period. (Made from click/drag)

1. Jahangir rules Mogul Empire 2. Taj Mahal completed 3. Louis XIV in Ballet de la Nuit 4. Moliere's The Misanthrope 5. French court established in Versailles

How long is the splendid Hall of Mirrors at Versailles?

240 feet

As a way of dictating the standards for all forms of artistic production, Louis XIV established the _________ of Dance, as well as other similar organizations that oversaw painting and sculpture, the sciences, music, and architecture.


Which is at the center of the painting the Madonna of the Long Neck?

An oversized Christ child

Which architect designed the illusionistic ceiling in the church of Sant'Ignazio in Rome?

Andrea Pozzo

Johann Sebastian Bach stated that studying the work of which composer taught him to "think musically," and to endow the creative process with "order, coherence, and proportion?"

Antonio Vivaldi

Who was a Roman Catholic priest and the leading Italian composer of Baroque instrumental music?

Antonio Vivaldi

Anthony van Dyck is known as a master of which genre?

Aristocratic portrait

How did Louis XIV see himself as a ruler?

As the representative of God on earth

Johann Sebastian Bach wrote six concertos named after which German state?


In his painting The Crucifixion of Saint Peter, what was one way that Caravaggio thrusts the figures into the viewer's space?

Brightly lighting the figures against a dark background

The complex composition of Las Meninas by Velázquez is noted for its ability to do what?

Bring the viewer into the picture space

The accuracy and directness of Vermeer's artwork suggests that he may have been aided by what optical device?

Camera obscura

What type of multi-movement musical work, that has a verse text sung by a chorus and soloists and accompanied by a musical instrument or instruments, was a regular part of Bach's musical work for Sunday services?


The painting Judith and Holofernes by Gentileschi recalls the dramatic painting techniques of ______ in bringing the viewer very close to the action.


What is the program of internal reform and reorganization that the Roman Catholic Church undertook in the sixteenth century in response to many of its members being drawn away by Protestant sects?

Catholic Reformation

What is the term for the space in a church surrounding the altar where the clergy and the choir stand?


Who was the first master of Baroque opera?

Claudio Monteverdi

Which characteristic DOES NOT describe the Baroque style?

Complex abstraction

What technique, used by Gabriell in his motet "In ecclesiis," features the use of multiple choirs to create opposing or contrasting sonorities?


What was the name for the campaign, launched by the Church, that sought to win back those who had strayed from the Catholic faith?

Counter Reformation

What quality is Vermeer best known for in his paintings?

Depicting light

Which was a noteworthy accomplishment of the Jesuits?

Doing missionary work

Considered one of the most eloquent voices of religious devotionalism in the Protestant North, John ___________ was both a poet and a priest of the Church of England.


Which features characterize the painting style of Caravaggio?

Dramatic depictions of historical events in local settings

In Bernini's sculpture of Saint Teresa, the look on the saint's face is meant to express what?

Ecstatic surrender

Anthony van Dyck was court painter for the king of which country?


True or false: George Frideric Handel's father recognized and supported the musical talents of his son.


True or false: Oratorio is another word for opera.


What musical feature consists of a line of music with numbers beneath it, typically used in Handel's oratorios and in other baroque music?

Figured bass

How can the coloring in the paintings of Peter Paul Rubens be described?


What took place during the reign of Louis XIV?

French culture came to dominate European tastes.

Johann Sebastian Bach's The Art of the ____________ consists of polyphonic compositions in which a single musical theme is re-stated in sequential phrases.


Which composer, who wrote the motet "In ecclesiis," was known for his polychoral music?


Opera was born in Italy from Renaissance efforts to revive the music-dramas of ancient ____________ theater.


During the joyous " ______________ Chorus" of Handel's Messiah, audiences often rise from their seats.


Which of the following makes Rembrandt's art notable?

He was a careful observer of human character.

Which statement about the Italian painter Caravaggio is true?

He was arrested for violent acts that included murder.

How was Artemisia Gentileschi unlike other women artists of her era?

Her paintings portrayed biblical themes.

In what way does the Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus, by Peter Paul Rubens, a baroque artist, show influence of the Classical style?

Heroic subject matter

What was a major source of inspiration in Johann Sebastian Bach's musical career?

His Protestant roots

What is Christopher Wren famous for?

His design efforts to reconstruct London

Who was the Spaniard who formed a new monastic order and called for a militant return to fundamental Catholic dogma?

Ignatius Loyola

In Italy, what did Baroque artists aim to achieve?

Increase dramatic expressiveness of religious subject matter.

What is a feature of Vermeer's painting The Milkmaid?

It is depicts a scene from everyday life.

What was a feature of the aristocratic portraiture of the French baroque?

It was concerned with outward appearance.

Under Loyola's leadership, the ________ order became the most influential missionary society of early modern times.


Who was the devout Puritan who became a political activist and defender of religious, political, and intellectual freedom and authored Paradise Lost?

John Milton

What instruments most reflected the adoption of equal temperament, a tuning system that divided the octave into twelve equal pitches?


The overall design for Saint Paul's Cathedral in London is based on which shape?

Latin cross

Although the scene portrayed in Gentileschi's Judith Slaying Holofernes is horrifying, it was a favorite Renaissance allegory for what condition?


What was Versailles a symbol of?

Louis XIV's supremacy

What is the subtext of the painting Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus by Peter Paul Rubens?

Male power over female privilege

What style of art flourished under the Catholic Reformation, emphasizing artificiality and affectation?


What is the painting style represented in the Madonna of the Long Neck?


Poussin's Arcadian Shepherds shows that death reigns even in this most perfect of places. This moral allegory, which instructs us that death is universal, functions as what?

Memento mori

Who was a well-known producer of comedie-ballets in the court of Louis XIV?


Japanese art in the Tokugawa period had an affinity for bold shapes in what setting?

Negative space

Which of the following describes France's Aristocratic Baroque style developed by the various academies established by Louis XIV?


What is included in the King James Bible, which became the official Bible of the Church of England and of most English-speaking Protestant sects?

Old and New Testaments

George Frideric Handel achieved fame in England for his development of which genre?


On which instrument did Johann Sebastian Bach demonstrate his virtuosity?


What was Diego Velázquez known for?


Diego Velázquez was the most prestigious painter in the court of which ruler?

Philip IV

The standards for art established by Nicolas Poussin were heavily influenced by the works of the painter ______ and the High Renaissance.


The real power of Poussin's painting Arcadian Shepherds lies in what feature?

Rigorous composition

In the seventeenth-century, Bernini was the chief architect of the city of___________


With its large dome and massive scale, Wren's new design for Saint Paul's Cathedral in London was reminiscent of which other structure?

Saint Peters

What was the function of music for Giovanni di Palestrina, who strictly followed the guidelines set by the Council of Trent?

Serve the sacred text

What description of the painter Artemisia Gentileschi is accurate?

She challenged tradition.

The musical technique of pizzicato is used with which instrument?


As an indication of how he saw his authority, Louis XIV took as his insignia the image of the god Apollo, referring to himself as le roi soleil, or the _________ King. [ONE word]


What is the name of Bernini's famous multimedia altarpiece, installed in the Cornaro Chapel of Santa Maria della Vittoria?

The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa

What was the name of the monastic order formed by Ignatius Loyola?

The Jesuits

The paintings of El Greco seem to derive from what source?

The inward eye of a mystic

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the government of France under Louis XIV?

The king of France held absolute power over the country and its subjects.

What is the recurring theme in Jean Racine's plays?

The relationship between unbridled emotion and high-minded ideals

Why did Shah Jahan commission the Taj Mahal?

To serve as a royal tomb for his beloved wife

Over a period of eight years, the Council of _________ met to make doctrinal, ecclesiastical, and spiritual reforms in the Roman Catholic Church.


True or false: Faces that appeared in Rembrandt's religious paintings came from sketches he made in Amsterdam's streets and ghettos.


True or false: Impasto is a technique in which the painter builds up thick layers of pigment.


How can Rembrandt's treatment of sacred subject matter be described?


In what city was the first opera house built in 1637?


What is the magnificent palace that Louis XIV constructed as a renovation of his father's hunting lodge called?


What is a defining element of the cantata?

Vocal music

Which statement does NOT pertain to the production of musical instruments in the seventeenth century?

Widely published manufacturing techniques led to mass production of instruments.

Christopher Wren was a(n) ______.


The Royal Academy of Dance established the rules for the five positions that became the basis for what art?


In Rembrandt's prints, he achieved the dramatic contrasts of dark and light by using a steel cutting tool called a ______.


Handel's Messiah is one of the best-loved ______ works in the English language, often performed during the Christmas and Easter seasons.


Tonality is built on a central note, or tonic, which in turn can be built on any of the twelve tones of the ______ scale, which is the seven white and five black keys on the piano keyboard.


Some of Moliere's plays were written as ______, a dramatic form that includes interludes of song and dance.


The composer Giovanni Gabrieli featured instrumental ensembles that included trombones and _________, a type of early trumpet.


Gabrieli was a musical innovator in many ways, including his specifying the ______, or degree of loudness or softness, in his works.


Rembrandt produced prints of devotional images by using a process called ______, a kind of engraving on a metal plate.


In his painting The Crucifixion of Saint Peter, Caravaggio uses the perspective technique of _____________ to make it look as though action was taking place in the viewer's space.


Handel's oratorios are essentially ______, meaning that its musical organization relies on the use of a dominant melody supported by chordal accompaniment.


The technique in which Rembrandt built up layers of paint to add texture is called _________.


The Dutch of the seventeenth century enjoyed material prosperity based on a primarily ______ economy.


The interior spaces of Versailles contained lavish artistic treasures, including tapestries, carpets, and inlaid wood, or the art of ______.


The two elements of the Jesuit order were _________ and militant religious zeal, which together, were meant to engage the body in perfecting the soul.


Jean-Baptiste Lully headed the French Academy of Music and was also called the "father of French _____________."


The quintessential musical genre of the Baroque was ___________, a form of theater that combined music, drama, dance, and the visual arts.


Handel's Messiah is a(n) , which is the musical setting of a long sacred or epic text performed by a narrator, soloists, chorus, and orchestra.


To provide entertainment for the many events held at Versailles, Louis the XIV established Europe's first permanent ______.


Because Gabrieli was the first composer to specify an instrument for each part of a musical composition, he was often called "the father of _________________."


Bernini was commissioned to complete the __________, the broad open public space in front of Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome.


The term pizzicato refers to the technique of _____________ rather than bowing a stringed instrument.


Giovanni Gabrieli introduced a new dramatic style of religious music, called ______________, which meant that two or more choruses sang in turn and together.


Rembrandt van Rijn gained fame in Amsterdam as a(n) ______.


The tastes and preferences of the Dutch of the 17th century tended to be ______.


Versailles had many sumptuous drawing rooms, called ___________ in French, full of crafted silver, clocks, lace, brocade, and porcelain.


In Baroque music, ______, or the arrangement of a composition around a central note, brought dramatic focus to the music.


In Versailles' Hall of Mirrors, seventeen ______ faced an equal number of mirrors to create a complex interplay of image and reflection.


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