Human Growth and Development Final

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In which culture/ religion is the grieving process divided into graduated time periods?


Lana is a working mother who worries about the effects of her employment on her children. What does research indicate on this topic?

Maternal employment may actually have a positive effect on her children if it results in personal satisfaction for the mother.

Which of the following statements regarding male and female adolescent sexual behavior is accurate?

Nearly the same percentage of girls and boys participate in oral sex from the age of 15 to the age of 19.

Which of the following statements is an accurate criticism of Kübler-Ross's stages of dying?

She failed to validate the existence of the five-stage sequence.

Arlene is not sure how to handle her son's questions about his grandfather's death. How would a psychologist advise Arlene?

She should discuss the topic honestly and at an age-appropriate level.

What is the most common cause of infant death in the United States?


Should parents stay married for the sake of the children?

Sometimes. Parents must weigh the negative effects of divorce and the unhappy marriage

Which of the following statements regarding the male role in society is accurate?

The traditional male role puts men at higher risk for health problems.

Which of the following statements is true regarding marriage in the United States?

The vast majority of adults will marry at some time in their lifetime.

What is the best way to grieve?

There is no one best way to grieve.

Which of the following is the BEST way to deal with impending death?

There is no single "best" way; adaptive coping differs according to personal circumstances and personality.

According to the gender-intensification hypothesis, what is a likely result of adolescent boys attempting to be viewed as more masculine?

They engage in risk-taking and rebellious behavior.

Which of the following is an advantage of an individual knowing that he or she is dying?

They have time to reflect on their lives and make decisions about dying.

Sixty-year-old Wanda has moved in with her 62-year-old friend, Mike. Which of the following is MOST likely true regarding their decision to cohabit?

They more than likely moved in together for companionship rather than for love.

Baby Natalie is generally in a positive mood. She follows a regular daily routine and is calm during new situations. According to Chess and Thomas, Natalie is:

an easy child

According to Sternberg, students with which of the following abilities tend to be favored in conventional schools?


Tanisha scores high on traditional intelligence tests due to her strong memory, decision-making skills, and problem-solving abilities. Which Sternberg area is a strength for her?


Which of the following types of intelligence are included in Sternberg's theory? -verbal and non-verbal -analytical, creative, and practical -verbal, mathematical, spatial, musical, intrapersonal, and interpersonal -emotional, natural, and linguistic

analytical, creative, and practical

Hanna stares out the hospital window and wonders why she has to die. She snaps at a worker who arrives to gather her food tray. Which of Kübler-Ross's stages of grief does this illustrate?


Middle-aged, Paul and Abby do not have sex as often as they did when they were younger. This is MOST likely because they:

are focused on their careers and family.

Most patients nearing death want to die:

at home

What primary function does vocalization (crying, cooing, babbling, and gestures) accomplish for infants?

attracts attention from their caregivers and others

The restrictive, punitive parenting style in which parents exhort the child to follow directions and be respectful is termed by Baumrind as:


Matt and Tamela reward good behavior and ignore bad behavior when possible. When punishment is required, they calmly employ techniques like time-out and verbal reasoning. Which of Baumrind's parenting styles do Matt and Tamela employ?


The parenting style that encourages a child to be independent but still places limits and controls on their actions is termed by Baumrind as:


Older adults are MOST likely to die from:

chronic diseases

Not all friendships are healthy or positive. Which of the following friend characteristics is NOT developmentally advantageous?


Which of the following lists Kübler-Ross's stages of dying in the correct order?

denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

Teen-parent conflict in early adolescence is likely to center around:

everyday events of family life

Janey is a difficult and inhibited child. As an adult, she is likely to:

experience marital conflict

Daniel Berlyn believes that play helps children:

explore new things as a way to satisfy their natural curiosity about the world.

Although very few aids are necessary for learning language, what can greatly facilitate a child's lang devel (Beatty &Pratt)?

interaction with caregivers

Critics of emotional intelligence argue that:

it broadens the concept of intelligence too widely

Most psychologists believe that it is best for dying individuals to

know that they are dying

The LAD refers to:

language acquisition device

Vocabulary continues to incresase until:

late adulthood

When does the "tip of the tongue phenomenon" become readily apparent?

late adulthood

Marilyn suffers a severe stroke and irreversible brain damage. Her husband decides to remove all life support and subsequently, Marilyn dies. This is an example of:

passive euthanasia

Cecilia begins teaching children to read by having them learn to make sounds that go with each letter of the alphabet. Which language approach is Cecilia taking?


Marquessa is teaching her son to read by sounding out words and having him repeat them in story books she reads to him. What approach is she using?


Arnold has signed an advanced directive. This means that his:

physician can disconnect him from life-sustaining equipment.

Although she is upset, Olivia controls her emotions during a heated discussion with a coworker. Olivia has a high level of emotional:


Telegraphic speech is characterized by:

shorty, precise words without grammatical marker

In childhood, friendships are usually based on:


Kylie loves to watch her older sister playing computer games. She giggles every time the alphabet monster eats a letter. In which type of play (Sumaroka & Bornstein, 2008) is Kylie engaged?


Three-month-old Elizabeth looks at her mother and smiles. Researchers call this a(n) _____ smile.


Which type of play dramatically increases during the preschool years and involves turn taking, conversations, social games and routines, and physical play?


Anthony holds up his glass and says Milk gone. What type of speech pattern is this?


Which of the following STIs is caused by bacteria rather than a virus?


At what age do children gain an understanding of the universality and finality of death?

9 years

Which of the following is a finding of Robert Michael's extensive interview study regarding Americans' sex lives?

American's sexual lives are more conservative than portrayed in the media

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding gay or lesbian relationships?

Areas of conflict in a homosexual relationship are very like those of heterosexual partners.

Beth has late-stage terminal cancer. She understands which procedures she is willing to endure and which ones she does not want to undergo. How can Beth best communicate her desires to her physician and family?

Beth should prepare a living will or advanced directive and share it with her family and doctor.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding remarriage and blended families?

Children in remarried families have similar adjustment problems to those in divorced families.

Which of the following is true of the nature/nurture argument regarding temperament?

Experience and environment both influence temperament across the life span.

_____ are more likely to attempt suicide; _____ are more likely to commit suicide.

Females; males

Hal is a great dad. Which of the following likely characterizes a typical interaction with his children?

Hal likes to tickle and wrestle with his children

Researchers have found links between hormone levels and certain behaviors. Which of the following is a documented correlation?

High levels of testosterone are linked with aggressive and sexual behavior.

Which of the following religions believes in reincarnation?


Which of the following is TRUE of marital satisfaction?

Individuals in happy marriages tend to live longer than those in unhappy relationships.

What is the main problem with labeling children as "difficult"?

It can be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Which of the following is an advantage of having children later (in their 30s)?

Parents are likely to be more mature

Who proposed that practical knowledge should be considered part of intelligence?

Robert Sternberg

Why is it possible for a couple to remain happy together after their romantic type of love fades?

Romantic love is often replaced by affectionate love.

Spencer loves to sail and plays chess for fun. According to Gardner, he is most likely strong in ___ intelligence. a. spatial b. mathematical c. verbal d. interpersonal


Which part of the brain is MOST linked with high intelligence? a. prefrontal cortex b. temporal lobe c. occipital lobe d. hippocampus


A person's IQ, as measure on the Wechsler scales is: -a combination of verbal and nonverbal IQ scores -primarily a measure of one's mathematical ability -a good measure of one's ability to adapt to one's environment -likely to change a great deal

a combination of verbal and nonverbal IQ scores

Who is the MOST likely to abuse a child?

a parent

Jorge retires next month. He has promised to return to train new employees when needed and is looking forward to being more politically involved in the community and devoting more time to his hobbies. This is an example of which aging theory?


During which life stage is the rate of suicide the highest?


Although adolescent contraceptive use is increasing, the United States continues to have one of the highest _____ rates in the industrialized world.

adolescent pregnancy

Females are most likely to be stereotyped as expressing more warmth and sensitivity, whereas males are most likely to be stereotyped as expressing more

aggression and independence

Alex is an older adult who frequently attends community meetings, participates in church activities, exercises, and travels with his wife. Alex is:

aging successfully

Sexual harassment includes which of the following?

all of these

Which statement is true of child-directed speech?

all of these

According to Baltes, expert knowledge about the practical aspects of life that permits excellent judgment about important matters is called: a. enlightenment b. wisdom c. proficiency d. competence


In the nature versus nurture debate regarding intelligence, it is safe to say that intelligence: a. is 50 percent biological and 50 percent environmental b. has a strong genetic influence but may be significantly influenced by environmental conditions c. is solely influenced by environment d. is randomly acquired


Baby Jonah is hungry. He will alert his mother with a(n):

basic cry

Secure attachment to parents during adolescence is positively linked to which of the following?

being in an exclusive relationship

Which of the following is a known benefit of vacation/leisure time?

better health and lower mortality rate

Adolescents are more likely than adults to report feeling:

both very happy and very sad

Research indicates that stereotyped gender roles are more psychologically constrictive for:


John Horn believes that __ intelligence continues to increase throughout the life span, whereas ___ intelligence begins to decline in middle adulthood. a. analytical; practical b. specific; general c. crystalized; fluid d. fluid; crystalized


Terman found that gifted children: a. have more frequent physical problems b. think and act impulsively c. are well adjusted and emotionally mature d. are well adjusted but physically frail


The effectiveness of a psychological test primarily depends on the: a. age of the examinee b. testing conditions c. knowlege, skill, and integrity of the examiner d. anxiety level of the examiner

c. knowledege, skill, and integrity of the examiner

Which of the following is the main cause for divorce among middle-aged and older adult men?


Jack is often sad, as he just experienced the loss of his favorite pet. His friend Jason frequently makes Jack laugh, and offers to take him to movies, etc. This is an example of which friendship function?


Romantic love emphasizes passion while affectionate love emphasizes


Wade's divorced mother is the custodial parent and she married a man with three children of his own. What type of family does Wade live in?

complex stepfamily

Todd is playing in his room making creations with building blocks. In which type of play is he engaged?


What is an important factor in attachment as demonstrated by Harry Harlow's experiment with monkeys?

contact comfort

In a baby's first year of life, what language development stage comes after crying?


Eman's test scores are not high, but he solves problems in unique, insightful ways. Which Sterberg area is a strength for him?


An intellectual disability in which no evidence of brain damage or genetic disorder can be found is called __ intellectual disability.


Which of the following accounts for our diversity of emotional experiences?


To be considered gifted, one needs an IQ of at least: a. 100 b. 110 c. 120 d.130


Coercive sexual activity directed at someone with whom the victim is at least casually acquainted is:

date rape

When Gehrig is left at preschool, he cries and will not play with the other children for some time. According to Chess and Thomas, what type of temperament does Gehrig exhibit?


Which of the following factors is the MOST common negative result of being an unmarried adolescent mother?

disruption in education

Thinking that produces many answers to the same question is labeled:


Ron and Sheri lived together for 2 years, became engaged, and then married. Compared to those who do not cohabit, Ron and Sheri are more likely to:


Language development is not a simple matter of imitation and reinforcement. Therefore, what should be avoided?

drill and practice

Anne encourages George-Michael to run for class president, assuring him that he is well-liked and capable. This is an example of which friendship function?

ego support

Which of the following is increasingly reducing children's time for play?

electronic media

John does not recognize when or understand why his wife gets frustrated when he leaves his dirty socks and other laundry on the bathroom floor. John is lacking:

emotional competence

Goodness of fit occurs when a child's temperament matches:

environmental demands

Older adulthood emotional experience is characterized by _____ emotions.

fewer negative

The crux of the controversy surrounding the funeral industry centers on whether or not:

funeral directors are simply ou to benefit financially

Which play type is characterized by having rules?


_____ is one's sense of being male or female.

gender identity

A person's sexual orientation MOST likely is determined by a combination of:

genetic, hormonal, cognitive, and environmental factors.

Which of the following STIs is caused by a virus rather than bacteria?

genital herpes

The primary factor that determines whether a woman will have an active sex life during middle age is:

having a spouse

One of the best predictors of getting an STI is

having sex with multiple partners

Which of the following strategies can serve to decrease depressive symptoms after the loss of a loved one?

helping behaviors and volunteerism

One benefit of everyday adolescent-parent conflict is that it:

helps adolescents become more autonomous

Condoms are least effective against the spread of:


Chromsky's Lang acquisition devide suggest that:

humans are biological prewirded to learn language at a certain time in a certain way

A child's first words mainly consist of:

important people, animals, vehicles, food, body parts, greeting terms

Infant Jay is crying loudly. There is a sudden long, initial loud cry, followed by a long period in which Jay holds his breath until the next crying sound comes out. This type of cry indicates that Jay is:

in pain

Sternberg's and Gardner's theories of intelligence are alike in that both

include one or more categories related to social intelligence

Which of the following is shown to reduce the level of grief after the loss of a spouse?

increase in spiritual and religious beliefs

Christie allows her children many freedoms with very few limits and believes their creativity will be enhanced this way. Her children lack self-control and are domineering with peers. Which of Baumrind's parenting styles does Christie employ?


Brocca's and Wernicke's areas are predisposed for language functioning and are located in which part of the brain?

left hemisphere

Language development during the adult years varies greatly among individuals depending on:

level of education and social and occupational roles

Fifteen-year-old Ash doesn't have a close friend. What is a likely outcome of this circumstance?

loneliness and reduced sense of self-worth

What do members of the Gond culture of India believe causes death?

magic and demons

In order to help children deal effectively with divorce, it is important for parents to:

maintain as much of what is familiar to the child as possible.

Hospice is a program designed to:

make the end of life as free from pain and anxiety as possible.

Report talk involves sharing information, while rapport talk involves:

making a personal connection

Freud and Erikson believe that play helps children:

master anxieties and conflicts

Fifty-year-old Denise complains of nausea and fatigue, and her doctor notes a sharp decrease in estrogen levels. What is MOST likely happening to Denise?


Terminally ill patients experience different feelings. Younger adults are likely to grieve what they _____; older adults grieve losing what they _____.

might achieve; have

Jeff's parents are getting a divorce. What kinds of problems will he most likely suffer?

minor problems—the majority of children in divorced families do not have significant adjustment difficulties

Compared to adult men, adult women tend to have _____ close friends and friendships that are more _____.


Which of the following is by far the MOST common form of child maltreatment?


Ted is a U.S. adult looking back on his life. He most likely regrets which of the following?

not engaging in more leisure activities

The notion that very old adults have no sex life is:

not true because sexual ability may decline but is possible throughout the life span

What percentage of U.S. adults 60 years and older spend no time in leisure activities?

over 50 percent

To whom are children most likely to turn in times of stress?


The fact that changes in word order can change the meaning of a sentence is an example of:


Mr. Martin is 84 years old and has no major health problems. Sexual function in someone as old as Mr. Martin is:

possible, although it may be more difficult for Mr. Martin to gain an erection and have an orgasm.

Whereas girls' friendships in adolescence often focus on intimacy, boys' friendships tend to emphasize:

power and excietement

Russell's test scores are low, but he quickly grasps real-life problems and could be called "street smart." Which Sternberg area is a strength for him>?


Two-year-old Mac is playing with his cars. His mother stands at the bedroom door for some time before Mac notices her. In which play type is Mac engaged?


Running, jumping, sliding, and throwing balls are examples of:

practice play

Nan holds the remote control to her ear and pretends to speak on the phone. In which of Bergen's play types is she engaged?


What type of emotions are surprise, interest, joy, anger, sadness, and fear?


Which type of emotions develops in the first 6 months of life and is also present in animals?


For a child with a difficult temperament, parents should be sure to:

provide access to experiences that foster coping and self-regulatory skills

The traditional Amish and Jewish cultures are similar in how they cope with death in that they both:

provide community support for the family over several months.

Mary Ainsworth and John Bowlby stress that:

quick attention to crying is important in development of a strong bond between parent and child.

The phenomenon in which children and parents learn from each other is termed

reciprocal socialization

What is the goal of palliavitive care?

reduce pain and suffering and help individuals dies with dignight

Many intelligence tests are biased bc they:

reflect the cultures of some test takers more than others

Charlie disputes Helen's complaint that they never talk. "What do you mean? I just gave you my work schedule and evening plans for the week." Charlie engages in _____, whereas Helen desires _____.

report talk; rapport talk

What are two major forms of love?

romantic and affectionate

IQ scores should be considered with caution because:

scores can lead to false expectations and generalizations

What type of emotions are empathy, jealousy, and embarrassment?


Being single offers the potential advantage of _____, but the potential disadvantage of _____.

self-reliance; lack of intimacy;

Lori and Spencer have a loving and supportive marriage. What is a likely indirect result of their satisfied relationship?

sensitive, responsive parenting

Fifteen-month-old Teri cries when her mother drops her off at day care. Baby Teri is experiencing:

seperation protest

Which of the following accurately describes the sexual activity of most individuals during emerging adulthood?

sexually active and unmarried

Beth has fewer friends than she did when she was younger, but each relationship is deeply satisfying and enjoyable to her. This is an example of Laura Carstensen's theory of:

socioemotional selectivity

When a child struggles with speech and language development, the professional who provides therapeutic intervention is a(n):

speech/language therapist

Xavier's divorced mother married a man with no children. What type of family does Xavier live in?

stepfather family

Jacene is never bored with her friends. They seem to attract adventure. This is an example of which friendship function?


Jake feels secure knowing that his friend Steve is available whether the activity is golfing or studying for an exam. This is an example of which friendship function?


Which of the following is NOT a component of the definition of intellectual disability?

support category scores below 80

Language is a form of communicagtion- spoken, written, or signed- that is based on a system of:


Best friends, Gina and Miranda, have infants close to the same age. Gina's daughter is generally cheerful and happy, whereas Miranda's son seems to be upset and crying much of the time. These children have different:


In which country do adolescents have the most leisure time?

the United STates

There are many definitions of intelligence. Which of the following is the designation used in the textbook?

the ability to solve problems and adapt and learn from experiences

Knowing that letters represent sounds in language refers to

the alphabet principle

Jose's basic academic subjects are taught in his native language of Spanish. English is gradually taught as a companion subject. This is an example of:

the dual-lang approach

Research comparing the approaches of whole-language and phonics has shown that:

the phonics approach should be used in teaching children to read but students also benefit from whole-language instruction

65 yr old Ruth is talking on the phone. She stops speaking to search her memory for the right word to use. This is an ex of:

the tipof the tongue phenomenon

Kyle and Angie have decided to wait until they are married to have sex. They hold to:

traditional religious sexual script

Research on the ability of infants to understand words indicates that infants:

understand words well before they can produce them.

When is the easiest time to learn a second language?

variable across diff language systems

Gemmy is a journalist and is trying to finish writing her first novel. According to Gardner, she most likely has good _____ intelligence.


Which of the following is the main cause for divorce among middle-aged and older adult women?

verbal,physical, or emotional abuse

Which of the following is positively correlated with increased sexual behavior in adolescents?

viewing sexually explicit TV shows

A rapid increase in an infant's vocabulary tha usually takes place between 18 and 24 months is known as:

vocabulary spurt

Which language approach stresses that reading instruction should paralledl a child's natural language learning?


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