Human Interactions class

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Barry is leaving a voice mail message for a vendor. Which of this statements would not be considered necessary to avoid phone tag?

"Your firm is the only vendor who can supply the item we need in the color we want."

What guidelines should you follow when using e-mail in organizational communication?

(1) Know and adhere to your company's e-mail policies, being mindful that your e-mails are probably monitored and retained indefinitely. (2) Use a professional-sounding e-mail address. (3) Create a descriptive subject line that the recipient can scan in order to determine the urgency and importance of your message. (4) Compose clear, concise messages that are simply written, effective in conveying the right information, necessary (not trivial), and task focused. (5) Recognize e-mail's limitations and ensure your message can be correctly interpreted without rapport or nonverbal cues.

What is communication-style bias?

Communication-style bias is the preference one has for a particular communication style over another. It is a state ofmind that exists at the unconscious level and that may make it difficult to develop rapport with others whose stylesdiffer from your own.

Explain the communication behaviors that demonstrate an emotive style.

Displays spontaneous, uninhibited behavior; is extroverted, and dramatically expresses his or her point of view with a natural persuasiveness.

Character education in public schools has always been a cornerstone of developing values within schoolchildren.​


People are consciously aware of all their value priorities.​


​The acting dimension of the five-part valuing process primarily involves being an active listener.


____________________ helps a communicator determine whether or not the information has been understood in the way they intended.


Briefly describe the formal and informal channels that communication travels within an organization

Formal: Horizontal (between people on the same level of authority) and vertical (information travels up and down thelevels of authority) channels. Informal: The grapevine (information passes unofficially in many directions through aweb-like pathway)

Differentiate between impersonal and interpersonal communication.

Impersonal Communication is the treatment of another person like an object or a role they are playing. Interpersonal communication is when two people who simultaneously attempt to mutually influence each other, usually for the purpose of a relationship.

Describe briefly the fundamental premises that support communication styles.

People have important individual differences from one another. Differences between people tend to be stable over time. There are a limited number of communication styles. Communication style is a preferred way of thinking and behaving—not an ability. To create effective relationships, it is important to get in sync with the behavior patterns of others.

Name the behaviors displayed in the excess zone of a person with a reflective communication style.

Tends to procrastinate on making decisions. In their perfectionism they are very cautious and overly interested in detail. Very stiff and formal with others.

Clarifying and developing our personal values involves a number of steps including critical thinking, trusting your gut feeling, interacting with others, etc.​


Individual character is based on internal values, personal standards of behavior, and the resulting judgments one makes.​


Long-lasting friendships, good relationships with co-workers, and job satisfaction are a reflection of a good character.​


U.S. culture puts a lot of emphasis on self-gratification, which can make it more difficult to establish clear moral boundaries.


____________________ can be defined as acting in ways that earn a social endorsement.


Explain the difference between versatility and style flexing.

Versatility is acting in ways that earn social endorsement or approval. Style flexing is the deliberate attempt to change your style in order to meet the needs of another

The zone in which communication style characteristics are displayed with the most intensity is

Zone 2- wrong its another zone without a number

Author Maggie Jackson's thinks that today's distracting high-tech culture has significantly diminished our ability to focus. It's difficult to think when there are/is

all the above many disruptions, small jobs to do at one time, continuous information streaming

One of the fundamental concepts underlying communication styles theory is that

an individual's communication style tends to be stable throughout his/her life.

B.F.E., Inc. is changing its employee benefits plan. Some of the changes will be positive and some will take current benefits away. As vice president of human resources, Cynthia is concerned that the communication to the employees be as accurate as possible. When the changes are communicated from management to the employees, a small group of employees reacts negatively. The employees don't like the changes and feel the company once again is taking advantage of them, even though the positive changes outweigh the negative ones. This group sends a representative to Cynthia to express their concerns. Cynthia is anxious to understand this group's concerns. Refer to Case 2.1. By listening to a representative of the group, Cynthia is

being proactive in trying to build trust.

One of the most effective ways to improve organizational communication is to

create a nonthreatening climate to encourage upward communication.

B.F.E., Inc. is changing its employee benefits plan. Some of the changes will be positive and some will take currentbenefits away. As vice president of human resources, Cynthia is concerned that the communication to the employees beas accurate as possible. When the changes are communicated from management to the employees, a small group ofemployees reacts negatively. The employees don't like the changes and feel the company once again is takingadvantage of them, even though the positive changes outweigh the negative ones. This group sends a representative toCynthia to express their concerns. Cynthia is anxious to understand this group's concerns. Communication-style bias is the preference one has for a particular communication style over another. It is a state ofmind that exists at the unconscious level and that may make it difficult to develop rapport with others whose stylesdiffer from your own. Formal: Horizontal (between people on the same level of authority) and vertical (information travels up and down thelevels of authority) channels. Informal: The grapevine (information passes unofficially in many directions through aweb-like pathway). Refer to Case 2.1. As vice president of human resources, Cynthia wants to communicate the changes in benefits to the employees clearly with an opportunity for response. Her best communication tool for this would be

e-mail with a way for employees to ask questions.

Tien is a middle-level manager. An employee is complaining about a company policy. Tien is being patient, acknowledging what the employee is saying without being judgmental. Tien is using

empathic listening

An emotive communication style operating in the excess zone is characterized by the

expression of highly emotional opinions and seeming unwillingness to listen to others.

A person is most likely to move into the excess zone when he is feeling secure and confident.


According to Carl Jung, individuals choose their communication style.


David is interviewing with Karen and notices that she often gestures when she speaks. In response, David mirrors Karen's tendency and also employs gesturing. Karen is likely to feel mocked by David.


Dominance can be defined as an ability to control or express feelings.


Employees rather than organizations benefit from a commitment to total person development.


Gestures are a transnational means of communicating, in that they have the same or universal meaning across cultures.


Hearing and listening are both innate abilities.


Impersonal communication allows the person receiving the information to clarify vague or confusing information.


In a typical organization, employees are eager to share ideas and point out problems. Hence, it is relatively easy for managers to build a climate that supports upward communication


In the communication style model, the excess zone is also known as the flexibility zone because people in this zone are able to dramatically change to mirror the style of others they interact with.


Individuals who are laid off during a round of downsizing are very unlikely to pursue nonstandard job opportunities


Lester listens intently, avoids the use of power at work, and makes thoughtful, deliberate decisions. He most likely has a directive communication style.


Managers are more effective if they are higher on the dominance continuum than on the sociability continuum.


Men typically use communication to establish and maintain relationships.


On average, people are more likely to have a supportive communication style than a directive communication style.


People make judgments about us and our communication styles based on our innermost thoughts and feelings and on our observable patterns of behavior.


People with directive communication styles are more likely to make good leaders.


Successful people in the business world tend to be higher on the sociability continuum.


Terms like added value or job satisfaction are examples of clear, concise language, not subject to semantics.


The best clues for identifying a person's communication style are his/her verbal communication and work choice.


The concept of communication style bias supports the theory that "opposites attract."


The family has little influence on individuals' behavior at work.


The human relations movement did not affect the perceived role of either the worker or the organization.


The sender is 100 percent responsible for clear and effective communication.


The study of interpersonal relations is more interested in the "why" of human behavior and less on how the knowledge can be applied to address problems in our work and personal lives.


Unethical behavior mostly happens in the top levels of management of an organization.​


Using an informal e-mail address such as [email protected] is appropriate in the business setting because it seems unintimidating.


When a speaker's verbal and nonverbal messages conflict, others tend to believe the verbal message.


When flexing to a reflective style, one should be specific, brief and to the point, and maintain a fast and decisive pace.


When level of trust in an organization is low, it is best to communicate messages through the grapevine.


When managers demonstrate the desire to listen to their employees, employees still tend to keep ideas and complaints to themselves.


With the popularity of all the types of cell phones, smart phones, and tablet devices, we can ignore many of the basics of communication etiquette.


The directive communication style is characterized by

frankness, assertiveness, and determination.

The use of e-mail

has accelerated the pace of exchanging information.

Jim, Anna, and Hung are three first-line supervisors. They are discussing a resource problem that affects all three of their respective areas of responsibility. Their conversation is an example of ____________________ channels of communication in their company.


When verbal and nonverbal messages match,

it gives the impression that you can be trusted.

Barbara wants to be a more empathic listener. To do that, she needs to

practice patience and be nonjudgmental when listening.

Hung is usually quiet, enjoys spending time alone, and does not make quick decisions. He expresses opinions in a formal and deliberate manner. Hung's behavior displays a(n) ____________________ communication style.


Maria was recently promoted to management and discovers that some of her coworkers don't take her suggestions seriously. Her communication may be filtered by ____________________.

role expectations

Rana has been promoted to Director. Many of her colleagues that worked with her when she was an assistant director may encounter challenges in working with her now due to which filter?

role expectations

Gabriella is cautious, formal, and methodical, making her low on the ____________________.

social continuum

Miguel has a big sales presentation tomorrow. He's planning how to adapt his presentation to meet the needs of his customer. Miguel would describe himself as highly competitive, outgoing, and talkative, and also disciplined, serious, and formal. His customer, Regina, listens to him attentively, expresses herself thoughtfully and deliberately, and would describe herself as easygoing, friendly, and casual.


Versatility is acting in ways that earn social endorsement or approval. Style flexing is the deliberate attempt to change your style in order to meet the needs of another


A major function of group membership is that it satisfies social needs.


An emotive style is no more or less likely to be versatile than a directive style.


Benefits of active listening can include stronger relationships, more and new information, and fewer misunderstandings.


Career success is often a reflection of the strength of one's interpersonal skills.


Each country has a dominant language but most countries are multicultural.


Effective use of social media requires us to be better spellers, write our ideas clearly, and continue to use communication etiquette


Elton Mayo discovered in the Hawthorne studies that employees create their own informal networks


Every organization has its own distinct organizational culture that makes it unique.


Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn combine personal interaction and technology.


For true communication to take place, the message must be understood by the person receiving it in the same way the sender intended it to be understood.


Impersonal communication is the one-way transmission of facts, instruction, and the like.


It is possible to strengthen one's ability in a particular communication style in order to get along better with others.


Leslie projects a serious attitude, expresses strong opinions, and sometimes projects an air of indifference. Leslie most likely has a directive communication style.


Low organizational trust can result in low productivity, poor communication, and slow decision making.


Managers relying too much on the strengths of their communication style can create problems in their relationships with others.


Managers spend a great deal of their time involved in conflict resolution in the normal course of their work.


Managing healthy, effective interpersonal relationships requires that we also manage the relationship with ourselves.


Many employees need training to become a team member.


Mergers and downsizing have increased the value of having good interpersonal skills.


One of the best ways for management to cope with the grapevine is to identify the organization's information leaders and use them to promptly and honestly clarify information heard via the grapevine.


Organizational culture is the collection of shared beliefs, values, rituals, stories, and myths that foster a feeling of community among organizational members.


Personality is based on the thoughts, feelings, and actions that characterize someone, whereas communication style is just one dimension of personality based on observable behaviors.


Scientific management worked in theory, but in some cases it dehumanized the workplace


The psychologist who developed the often-used "hierarchy of needs" was Abraham Maslow.


The quality of one's work is related to one's ability to cope with family problems.


The use of repetition, careful selection of words, and consideration of the timing of a message are all effective ways to improve personal communication


Trust is a building block of all successful relationships with coworkers, customers, family members, and friends.


When trying to improve relations with someone who has a supportive communication style, you should show a sincere interest in the person.


Worker behavior on the job is frequently a reflection of how well the work environment accommodates each worker's unique characteristics.


When you determine your communication style, you should also keep in mind that

you share traits of other styles.

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