Humanitarian Assistance Response Training (HART)

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Which of the following motives for attacks on aid workers do humanitarian actors try to mitigate by striving to be perceived as impartial and neutral? (Attacks on Civilian Aid Workers, page 6)


An example of a key indicator is: (Using the Handbook in HA/DR Operations, page 6)

provide at least 15 liters of water per person per day

n the response to disasters, most countries have their own National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) or a part of government that serves a similar function. (The Affected State, page 6)


How is planning for HA/DR operations different than planning for combat operations? (Military Planning in HA/DR Operations, pages 4, 5, 6, 7)

when situational planning for HA/DR operations, the process for evaluating the environment is the same as in combat training, but emphasis is placed on keeping the information unclassified so it can be shared with civilian and military responders

What is the appropriate involvement of military in assessments? (Select all that apply.) (The Types of Assessments, page 7)

-Conducts assessments to determine its operational needs to execute HA/DR mission- -Upon request, assists Affected State and humanitarian organizations by providing transportation and logistics support nal needs to execute HA/DR mission

The military brings many advantages to disaster response including which of the following? (Select all that apply.) (Assisting States' Militaries, page 5)

-Has capabilities that lend themselves to HA/DR operations -Has rapidly deployable operational capabilities in austere environments

Which of the following are examples of negative effects of aid on local populations? (Select all that apply.) (The Principle of "Do No Harm", page 2)

-The affected state is using their armed military to secure aid resources -local bandits have captured the humanitarian aid food supplies and are selling them at an enormous price -the local population has become dependent upon aid over the last several years, so they are no longer growing their own crops

The Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System (GDACS) provides: (Information Requirements, page 4)

-aggregated and analyzed information from many sources -real-time updates worldwide on natural disasters -updates information through response phase of disasters (2 to 3 weeks)

Culture can be described by which of the following characteristics? (Cultural Awareness, page 3)

-behavior or a set of values that guide one's daily interactions -a shared experience with others of the same belief or practice -a product of one's upbringing or experience

"Cultural carriers" have which of the following characteristics? (Select all that apply.) (Cultural Carriers and Influences, page 1)

-can convey symbolic messages within and across social contexts -can be names, places, streets, people, music, and art -can be objects as well as abstract ideas

In the cultural continuum, "high context culture" has which of the following characteristics? (Select all that apply.) (Why is Culture Important? page 1)

-group harmony over individualism -non-verbal communication

According to international guidelines, Military and Civil Defense Assets (MCDA) capabilities add the most value when providing: (Select all that apply.) (Guidelines for Coordination, page 3)

-infrastructure support -indirect assistance

Which of the following is true about UN-CMCoord? (Select all that apply.) (Characteristics of the UN-CMCoord Framework, page 7)

-is defined as the essential dialogue and interaction between civilian and military actors in humanitarian emergencies -no one commands UN-CMCoord because humanitarian agencies are independent

Which of the following avoids distribution pitfalls? (Select all that apply.) (Distribution Pitfalls, page 6)

-provide visible labeling appropriately identifying details or containers -ensure adequate storage facilities with appropriate security, equipment and personnel -provide signed agreements regarding waiving of customs, service fees, or handling charges -work with government officials to expedite handling and clearance of personnel visas

In the Sphere Project Handbook, key indicators: (Select all that apply.) (What is the Sphere Project, page 2)

-show to what extent a minimum standard has been met -serve as signals that show whether a standard has been attained

In most humanitarian response situations, the Joint Task Force would interface with _____. (Select all that apply.) (Global Cluster Lead Agencies at Work, page 5)

-the UN CMCoord Officers -the USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) -the Affected State

Which of the following is NOT true about needs assessments? (Information Requirements, page 2)

Assessments conducted by the military are long-term analyses and constitute the majority of need assessment efforts

During an HA/DR effort, the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) can deploy this group to coordinate the U.S. Government response on the ground at the disaster location: (Disaster Declaration and Response Process, page 8)

Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART)

Which of the following have brought about increased security risks to aid workers and organizations? (Security Strategies, page 3)

Due to military and humanitarian actors working in the same space, there is a blurred line of distinction between the two, which endangers the perception of aid agencies as impartial, neutral, and independent Terrorists are intentionally targeting aid workers as soft targets Aid workers are increasingly working in areas of conflict

One of the key problems with the traditional route of donor support is that: (Donors, page 2)

Each layer between the donor and the ultimate beneficiary increases administrative costs and reduces the funding amount

Which of the following statements is NOT true about NGOs? (International Humanitarian Community, page 18)

Humanitarian NGOs align themselves with the side of "good" in human conflicts

Which of the following are generally signs of recovery in a community following a disaster? (Select all that apply.) (The Disaster Risk Management Cycle, page 4)

Infrastructure is being rebuilt Markets are re-opening Families are being resettled

The central goal of the 2005 Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) is to _____. (Hyogo Framework for Action, page 1)

Substantially reduce disaster losses by increasing the resilience of nations and communities to disasters

When military actors respond to a humanitarian crisis, they should _____. (Practical Considerations for Response, pages 3, 5)

build consensus and demonstrate their willingness to collaborate on response efforts

The U.S. Government first began providing humanitarian support to the international community in 1961 with the Foreign Assistance Act. (Role of USAID OFDA in Foreign Disaster Response, page 4)


IDPs are people who _____. (Internally Displaced Persons, page 2)

have been forced to flee their homes but have not crossed international borders

Vulnerable persons in the affected population are defined as people who_____. (Who is the Affected Population? page 3)

have special needs due to age, gender, infirmity, or unique situation

Which of the following statements is NOT true about information sharing? (The Challenges of Information Sharing, page 4 )

information should be kept classified as much as possiblecan sometimes carry very different meanings and connotations can sometimes carry very different meanings and connotations

OFDA responds to an average of 70 disasters per year. What percentage of these is supported by the U.S. military? (DoD Support to USAID OFDA, page 7)

less than 9 percent

One way to enhance relationships with a foreign culture is to _____. (Cultural Influences, Polite Fictions, and Compromises, page 1)

make cultural compromises that demonstrate your willingness to respect the other's culture

Which of the following is NOT considered a durable solution for IDPs? (Returnees, page 2)

resettle into a new country

For military members working an HA/DR mission, relief aid strives to meet basic needs in ways that also reduce future vulnerabilities and create sustainable benefits that link into longer-term local recovery efforts. (The Code of Conduct in Disaster Relief, page 2)


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