Imperialism Chapter 18

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John Hay's Open Door Notes & the "Open Door Policy"

Definition: American statement that the government did not want colonies in China, but favored free trade there Impact: trade was more open

Spanish American War (1898)

Definition: Cubans (US Supported) versus Spain Impact: US got involved in the war

Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

Definition: U.S. felit it was its duty to watch out for the interests of other ocuntries in the Western hemisphere Impact: justification for invasions of Latin America

Captain Mahan

Definition: United States Navy admiral, geostrategist, and historian, who has been called "the most important American strategist of the nineteenth century." Impact: wrote Influence of Sea Power Upon History

USS Maine

Definition: a battle ship that explodes off the coast of Cuba in Havana Harbor Impact: helps contribute to the start of the Spanish-American War

Treaty of Paris (1898)

Definition: a. permanent settlement b. cuban independence c. gave Puerto Rico and Guam to U.S. d. 20 million for Philipeans Impact: many in the U.S. were aggainst annexing the new territories


Definition: avoiding involvement in world afffairs Impact: the U.S. is able to stay out of wars and stay safer... doesnt really work

"Great White Fleet"

Definition: battleships sent by Roosevelt in 1907 on a "good will cruise" around the world Impact: put pressure on Japan

Panama Canal

Definition: human-made waterway linking the Atlantic to the Pacific across the Isthmus of Panama Impact: allowed trade to become easier


Definition: opposed the expansion because they believed imperialism violated the credo of republicanism, especially the need for "consent of the governed." Impact: it slowed Americas expansion in world power

Yellow Journalism

Definition: over exgeration of an event published in newspapers Impact: exagerated the events of the USS Maine blowing up

Roosevelt's "Big Stick Policy"

Definition: policy of creating and using, when necessary, a strong military to achieve America's goals Impact: America was able to make there presence known

Taft's "Dollar Diplomacy"

Definition: policy of expanding Americna investments aboard Impact: provide financial aid to struggleing countries


Definition: political, military, and economic domination of strong nations over weaker territories Impact: helped lead to expansion

Platt Amendment

Definition: set of conditions under which Cuba was granted independence in 1902, including restrictions on rights of Cubans and granting to the U.S. the "right to intervene" to preserve order in Cuba Impact: gave the US rights to intervene with Cuba if they were in danger

Wilson's "Moral Diplomacy"

Definition: statement that hte U.S. would not use force to assert influence in the world Impact: would instead work to promote human rights

Social Darwinism

Definition: the belief held by some in the late nineteenth century that certain nations and races were superior to others and therefore destined to rule over them Impact: "Survival of the fittest"

Cultural Superiority

Definition: the belief that one cultural beliefs are superior than all others Impact: causes conflict in war


Definition: the favor of expanding the territory or influence of a country Impact: during war the united states wanteded to expand their property to be more known world wide

Boxer Rebellion

Definition: violence started by members of a secret society in China, which prompted the governments of Europe and America to send troops to squash the rebellion Impact: rebellion ended by British troops

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